Why is it that people are forcing American boys to be so sensitive. So "understanding." So...feminine.
What's wrong with men being men? I notice that boys are given ADD medicine if they start acting up in class, and then they become little asexual zombies. Boys are doing worse in school because of it.
Boys should be encouraged, within limits, to be honest about their masculinity. They shouldn't be medicated to the point of lunacy. They should be encouraged to fall within a male role, as opposed to a female role.
I see this being translated into all aspects of American life. Even the war in Iraq. Americans get disgusted by 3,000 dead soldiers. That's no small number, but past wars have been significantly higher! We need to assess wars on their principles and not troop death counts. Worrying about troop deaths is inconsequential if the cause is just. If the cause is unjust, troops deaths are just as inconsequential. They are doing what they signed up to do either way, and we elect presidents to make decisions.
who knew 'sensitivity' equates femininity?
i would think simply, ity's encouraging all genders to be able to feel free to fully express all their emotions. and i have yet to see anyone 'force' a boy, a man, agirl or a woman to be sensitive.
as to the rest, are you a teacher? do you have some firsthand knowledge to back this all up? i was a teacher for a decade, and i will say the students who were medicated for ADHD in my former school were few and far between, VERY few...and they certainly did not behave as 'asexual zombies'. also, 'acting up' in and of itself, has NEVER been used, alone as cause for medication. there are tests, and then more tests, and further consultation with student, parents, student's doctors...before such assessments for meds are made. there is sooo much more involved than simply being disruptive in class. male or female, ALL should be encouraged to be themselves.
in regards to the war/troop losses...i won't even touch that one. as to your last comment...when our president makes a decision on his own, do let us know.
Being a man doesn't simply mean that you're a tough guy who likes to fight and change his oil.
It means that you see the world through an assertive viewpoint that contributes to you and your family's well-being. Men are providers. They have made and continue to make society what it is. They are the leaders. They fight in wars. They run businesses. Men have singular tenacity that women simply do not have. It is driven in large part by their testosterone.
Take one male baby and one female baby and isolate them in the wild: the man will become dominant. It is in men's nature to desire dominance, whether it be primal or modern.
When you take away these urges from men and tell them that it is WRONG to want to be powerful, dominant, or be the leader, you take away their manhood.
I am not saying that women cannot be these things. But, men have always been this way and it hasn't been an accident: men naturally gravitate towards dominance.
This is seen in the animal kingdom as well. I'm not saying that makes it "morally correct," I'm just saying that this is what men want.
Women can want leadership and dominance as well. But, they do not have the innate tenacity and fire that men have, which is contributed by their hormones.
um, do you ever watch PBS? seriously. there are SO many different species where the male provides next to nothing, beyond sperm and protection to a degree...to the 'family' unit. just the other night we were watching a documentary on big cats in africa. lions for example, the female does ALL the hunting...and the rearing of cubs. the males of the pride provide sperm for reproduction, and yes, their size and being part of the group protection from other males who may want to come in and kill the cubs and then impregnate the females again. the females do offer protection to their cubs all on their own as well when the males are not around, and hunt/kill prey for themselves, for their cubs....so yea......seems pretty strong to me. plenty of other animals have similar stories...i'll leave it to tybird and his vast knowledge of the animal kingdom to flesh it out further.
bottomline...it's just plain silly to be so rigid about gender roles when it serves no real purpose in society. it's evolution baby.
Being a man doesn't simply mean that you're a tough guy who likes to fight and change his oil.
It means that you see the world through an assertive viewpoint that contributes to you and your family's well-being. Men are providers. They have made and continue to make society what it is. They are the leaders. They fight in wars. They run businesses. Men have singular tenacity that women simply do not have. It is driven in large part by their testosterone.
Take one male baby and one female baby and isolate them in the wild: the man will become dominant. It is in men's nature to desire dominance, whether it be primal or modern.
When you take away these urges from men and tell them that it is WRONG to want to be powerful, dominant, or be the leader, you take away their manhood.
I am not saying that women cannot be these things. But, men have always been this way and it hasn't been an accident: men naturally gravitate towards dominance.
This is seen in the animal kingdom as well. I'm not saying that makes it "morally correct," I'm just saying that this is what men want.
Women can want leadership and dominance as well. But, they do not have the innate tenacity and fire that men have, which is contributed by their hormones.
so according to you, a male's role is dominant because for one thing it is 'seen in the animal kingdom'. well, homosexuality exists in many species of the animal kingdom. so then that must be a natural role too, eh?
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
so according to you, a male's role is dominant because for one thing it is 'seen in the animal kingdom'. well, homosexuality exists in many species of the animal kingdom. so then that must be a natural role too, eh?
so according to you, a male's role is dominant because for one thing it is 'seen in the animal kingdom'. well, homosexuality exists in many species of the animal kingdom. so then that must be a natural role too, eh?
Yes, homosexuality occurs in nature....but not metrosexuality!
Why is it that people are forcing American boys to be so sensitive. So "understanding." So...feminine.
What's wrong with men being men? I notice that boys are given ADD medicine if they start acting up in class, and then they become little asexual zombies. Boys are doing worse in school because of it.
Boys should be encouraged, within limits, to be honest about their masculinity. They shouldn't be medicated to the point of lunacy. They should be encouraged to fall within a male role, as opposed to a female role.
I see this being translated into all aspects of American life. Even the war in Iraq. Americans get disgusted by 3,000 dead soldiers. That's no small number, but past wars have been significantly higher! We need to assess wars on their principles and not troop death counts. Worrying about troop deaths is inconsequential if the cause is just. If the cause is unjust, troops deaths are just as inconsequential. They are doing what they signed up to do either way, and we elect presidents to make decisions.
Im reading a book right now that was recommended to me called "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters". It deals alot with men not embracing their masculinity, and how its not only affecting how boys/men behave, but how "weak" men also strongly affect their daughters, and the men they will seek out later in life. A very good read. I recommend it to anyone with a young daughter. Or any girl with a father, for that matter.
Im reading a book right now that was recommended to me called "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters". It deals alot with men not embracing their masculinity, and how its not only affecting how boys/men behave, but how "weak" men also strongly affect their daughters, and the men they will seek out later in life. A very good read. I recommend it to anyone with a young daughter. Or any girl with a father, for that matter.
so, what did daddy do wrong if daughter seeks out girls?
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
Why is it that people are forcing American boys to be so sensitive. So "understanding." So...feminine.
What's wrong with men being men? I notice that boys are given ADD medicine if they start acting up in class, and then they become little asexual zombies. Boys are doing worse in school because of it.
Boys should be encouraged, within limits, to be honest about their masculinity. They shouldn't be medicated to the point of lunacy. They should be encouraged to fall within a male role, as opposed to a female role.
I see this being translated into all aspects of American life. Even the war in Iraq. Americans get disgusted by 3,000 dead soldiers. That's no small number, but past wars have been significantly higher! We need to assess wars on their principles and not troop death counts. Worrying about troop deaths is inconsequential if the cause is just. If the cause is unjust, troops deaths are just as inconsequential. They are doing what they signed up to do either way, and we elect presidents to make decisions.
Why is it that people are forcing American boys to be so sensitive. So "understanding." So...feminine.
What's wrong with men being men? I notice that boys are given ADD medicine if they start acting up in class, and then they become little asexual zombies. Boys are doing worse in school because of it.
Boys should be encouraged, within limits, to be honest about their masculinity. They shouldn't be medicated to the point of lunacy. They should be encouraged to fall within a male role, as opposed to a female role.
I see this being translated into all aspects of American life. Even the war in Iraq. Americans get disgusted by 3,000 dead soldiers. That's no small number, but past wars have been significantly higher! We need to assess wars on their principles and not troop death counts. Worrying about troop deaths is inconsequential if the cause is just. If the cause is unjust, troops deaths are just as inconsequential. They are doing what they signed up to do either way, and we elect presidents to make decisions.
This is a HUGE topic that would have to be broken down to be addressed in any relevant way I think.
In your short post for example, there are assumptions you are making that would need to be proved or disproved. One could say the details are not the important bits of the argument, that instead the important part is the main thrust towards the idea that men should lean farther into their manly traits and not try to "civilize" themselves by trying to incorporate positive female traits. Yet, of course, so many people will be distracted by your examples and try to disprove them that they may miss the general gist which is that perhaps trying to femanize men too much is creating new problems.
I, as a mother of two lovely energetic boys, lean towards letting boys be themselves as much as possible and yet I still try to teach them to be emotionally intelligent too because it's helpful to them in many situations.
Im reading a book right now that was recommended to me called "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters". It deals alot with men not embracing their masculinity, and how its not only affecting how boys/men behave, but how "weak" men also strongly affect their daughters, and the men they will seek out later in life. A very good read. I recommend it to anyone with a young daughter. Or any girl with a father, for that matter.
kinda like how, i imagine, traditionally machismo men affect their sons/daughters.....and how boys behave, and girls choose partners. having 'too strong'...or 'too weak'...is never wise. balance, balance, balance. like goldilocks...it's mportant to find what's 'just right'.......grat for fathers, and mothers, to be excelletn role models for their children of both genders. so they may grow up with healthy modeling, and know rigidity in roles is unhealthy, just to be who they want to be, encourage them to grow and develop, push/challenge themselves...and also model desired behavior so sons/daughters will have healthy guides for choosing future mates.
I, as a mother of two lovely energetic boys, lean towards letting boys be themselves as much as possible and yet I still try to teach them to be emotionally intelligent too because it's helpful to them in many situations.
I'm on the fench in other words.
I think you're right to teach them some of your womanly things because you're their mother. Kids need both fathers and mothers.
I think dads should also offer their point of view too. Especially when the boys become teenagers.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Why is it that people are forcing American boys to be so sensitive. So "understanding." So...feminine.
What's wrong with men being men? . . . .
You should move to Australia.
Here we come home from a hard day of wrestling crocodiles and shooting communists, have a game of rubgy league using a beer keg instead of a ball, eat a buffalo for dinner, then glance in the general direction of our wench, which causes her to orgasm instantly, before throwing her over our shoulders and carrying her off to the bedroom.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
Here we come home from a hard day of wrestling crocodiles and shooting communists, have a game of rubgy league using a beer keg instead of a ball, eat a buffalo for dinner, then glance in the general direction of our wench, which causes her to orgasm instantly, before throwing her over our shoulders and carrying her off to the bedroom.
Corporate Whore, I really can't work out if you are just trying to boost your post count or not! It's really difficult to engage in intelligent discourse with you when you insist on sweeping generalizations and inflammatory comments. I suspect that the opinions you profess to hold are simply a way for you to rattle peoples cages. AND if it is the case that you do hold the narrow view that you do, then I suggest you grow up a bit. And get back to us when you have. Your opinions will change over time as you mature hopefully, and I would much prefer to hear them and discuss them with you then.
Take one male baby and one female baby and isolate them in the wild: the man will become dominant. It is in men's nature to desire dominance, whether it be primal or modern.
The male baby won't be dominant, he will die, so will the female baby.
But anyway this has turned out to be a pretty funny thread.
If you are a believer of the maternal immune hypothesis, then you'll believe that some of the classic male behavioral problems are a result of the male fetus being attacked by female antibodies while in the womb. The female body recognizes the male hormones in the male fetus as "foreign" and sends antibodies to attack it, causing behavioral and learning problems during childhood and throughout life.
Corporate Whore, I really can't work out if you are just trying to boost your post count or not! It's really difficult to engage in intelligent discourse with you when you insist on sweeping generalizations and inflammatory comments. I suspect that the opinions you profess to hold are simply a way for you to rattle peoples cages. AND if it is the case that you do hold the narrow view that you do, then I suggest you grow up a bit. And get back to us when you have. Your opinions will change over time as you mature hopefully, and I would much prefer to hear them and discuss them with you then.
You got it. It seems as though CorporateWhore likes to put forth his two dimensional and sensational characterisations. It looks clear that he's trying to rattle cages. My guess is that its to keep his threads popular.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I agree with what your saying corporate. Men today are being feminized; just compare how we act to how our grandfathers act. Most men today cant even say they've ever held a manual labor job, let alone the fact that they probaly cant do any other manly stuff like change their own oil.
This is p*ss funny. I'm actually just leaving work to go to a funeral. So cheers for (inadvertently) making me laugh Miller.
ok, didn't bother reading all of your posts, cause to me it felt like all of you were going around in a circle....
My opinion on this is that men should act the way they want to, same as women. If an individual ( man ) wants to act masculine ( whatever that is in your definition ) then he should be able to without being called an insensitive idiot, if he wants to act feminine then he should be able to do that without being called a wimp. Same goes to individual ( woman ) if she want's act masculine or feminine then let her be.
WE LIVE THIS LIFE ONCE. We should not constrict ourselfs into what society or nature wants. An individual should be what he/she wants to be. The end
who knew 'sensitivity' equates femininity?
i would think simply, ity's encouraging all genders to be able to feel free to fully express all their emotions. and i have yet to see anyone 'force' a boy, a man, agirl or a woman to be sensitive.
as to the rest, are you a teacher? do you have some firsthand knowledge to back this all up? i was a teacher for a decade, and i will say the students who were medicated for ADHD in my former school were few and far between, VERY few...and they certainly did not behave as 'asexual zombies'. also, 'acting up' in and of itself, has NEVER been used, alone as cause for medication. there are tests, and then more tests, and further consultation with student, parents, student's doctors...before such assessments for meds are made. there is sooo much more involved than simply being disruptive in class. male or female, ALL should be encouraged to be themselves.
in regards to the war/troop losses...i won't even touch that one. as to your last comment...when our president makes a decision on his own, do let us know.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
um, do you ever watch PBS? seriously. there are SO many different species where the male provides next to nothing, beyond sperm and protection to a degree...to the 'family' unit. just the other night we were watching a documentary on big cats in africa. lions for example, the female does ALL the hunting...and the rearing of cubs. the males of the pride provide sperm for reproduction, and yes, their size and being part of the group protection from other males who may want to come in and kill the cubs and then impregnate the females again. the females do offer protection to their cubs all on their own as well when the males are not around, and hunt/kill prey for themselves, for their cubs....so yea......seems pretty strong to me. plenty of other animals have similar stories...i'll leave it to tybird and his vast knowledge of the animal kingdom to flesh it out further.
bottomline...it's just plain silly to be so rigid about gender roles when it serves no real purpose in society. it's evolution baby.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
so according to you, a male's role is dominant because for one thing it is 'seen in the animal kingdom'. well, homosexuality exists in many species of the animal kingdom. so then that must be a natural role too, eh?
cross the river to the eastside
Remember who you are dealing with here.
Yes, homosexuality occurs in nature....but not metrosexuality!
well that's b/c leopards, for example, are already naturally fashionable....whereas we poor humans have to work for it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Im reading a book right now that was recommended to me called "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters". It deals alot with men not embracing their masculinity, and how its not only affecting how boys/men behave, but how "weak" men also strongly affect their daughters, and the men they will seek out later in life. A very good read. I recommend it to anyone with a young daughter. Or any girl with a father, for that matter.
you know, maybe it's the ever-changing name that makes me forget sometimes.
well i do hear those cats keep themselves well-groomed.
cross the river to the eastside
I was thinking of just calling him GutYouLikeBarroomWhore.
so, what did daddy do wrong if daughter seeks out girls?
cross the river to the eastside
oooh, i like it! i wonder if it is taken already.
cross the river to the eastside
listening to adam carolla this morning were we?
This is a HUGE topic that would have to be broken down to be addressed in any relevant way I think.
In your short post for example, there are assumptions you are making that would need to be proved or disproved. One could say the details are not the important bits of the argument, that instead the important part is the main thrust towards the idea that men should lean farther into their manly traits and not try to "civilize" themselves by trying to incorporate positive female traits. Yet, of course, so many people will be distracted by your examples and try to disprove them that they may miss the general gist which is that perhaps trying to femanize men too much is creating new problems.
I, as a mother of two lovely energetic boys, lean towards letting boys be themselves as much as possible and yet I still try to teach them to be emotionally intelligent too because it's helpful to them in many situations.
I'm on the fench in other words.
that sense of familiarity...and yet, can't always place it. thanks for that.
justam....excellent points, as always. balance in all things is key, even in gender roles/relations/development.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Thanks dreamy gal.
kinda like how, i imagine, traditionally machismo men affect their sons/daughters.....and how boys behave, and girls choose partners. having 'too strong'...or 'too weak'...is never wise. balance, balance, balance. like goldilocks...it's mportant to find what's 'just right'.......grat for fathers, and mothers, to be excelletn role models for their children of both genders. so they may grow up with healthy modeling, and know rigidity in roles is unhealthy, just to be who they want to be, encourage them to grow and develop, push/challenge themselves...and also model desired behavior so sons/daughters will have healthy guides for choosing future mates.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I think you're right to teach them some of your womanly things because you're their mother. Kids need both fathers and mothers.
I think dads should also offer their point of view too. Especially when the boys become teenagers.
-Enoch Powell
I like that !
-Enoch Powell
You should move to Australia.
Here we come home from a hard day of wrestling crocodiles and shooting communists, have a game of rubgy league using a beer keg instead of a ball, eat a buffalo for dinner, then glance in the general direction of our wench, which causes her to orgasm instantly, before throwing her over our shoulders and carrying her off to the bedroom.
-C Addison
ooooh!! Scuba Scott!!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
The male baby won't be dominant, he will die, so will the female baby.
But anyway this has turned out to be a pretty funny thread.
naděje umírá poslední
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
This is p*ss funny. I'm actually just leaving work to go to a funeral. So cheers for (inadvertently) making me laugh Miller.
My opinion on this is that men should act the way they want to, same as women. If an individual ( man ) wants to act masculine ( whatever that is in your definition ) then he should be able to without being called an insensitive idiot, if he wants to act feminine then he should be able to do that without being called a wimp. Same goes to individual ( woman ) if she want's act masculine or feminine then let her be.
WE LIVE THIS LIFE ONCE. We should not constrict ourselfs into what society or nature wants. An individual should be what he/she wants to be. The end
this should help you out a little bit. Time to put the hair gel down and keep the woman in the passenger seat ( where she belongs).