No, I'm a heterosexual. I don't apologize for being straight and not wanting to identify at all with homosexual behavior.
there is nothing wrong with not wanting to identify with homosexual behavior but you go far beyond that. You have this deep seeded animosity towards homosexuals.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
It's a penis size thing. Just like the guy driving the $150,000 sports car is over compensating for something. The guy walking around like Tony Tough Nuts is doing the same.
LMFAO! Tony Tough Nuts!!!
I don't think it's the fact that he's driving the $150,000 sports car, just that he has to TELL you that's how much it cost. I guess some women just really like a nice, expensive car...
"It's an intense time in, uh, United States history. People need to be active n' not distracted n', uh, that's just how I feel." - Eddie Vedder
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.", "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa
The only one who gets to know that is Mrs. Whore. But that's only when she's put a good dinner on the table and given me a good round or two of pillow tag!
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
I second this. I asked before and didn't get an answer: what is being manly, exactly? What do you have to do, or how do you have to act, to be a "real man?"
furthermore, i'd like to hear what a female 'role' is.
these are arbitrary roles that have been imposed upon us by a patriarchal society. women have been supressed into a role of servitude that has absolutely nothing to do with what makes us women (our reproductive organs, just in case you were wondering). so i'd like to hear what exactly these 'roles' are.
and DOSW, and the rest of you along this train of thought, i'm burning to write down my definition of what exactly it is to be a man, but i believe that you already have a good idea and want to hear it from the CorporateWhore
No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein
The only one who gets to know that is Mrs. Whore. But that's only when she's put a good dinner on the table and given me a good round or two of pillow tag!
furthermore, i'd like to hear what a female 'role' is.
these are arbitrary roles that have been imposed upon us by a patriarchal society. women have been supressed into a role of servitude that has absolutely nothing to do with what makes us women (our reproductive organs, just in case you were wondering). so i'd like to hear what exactly these 'roles' are.
and DOSW, and the rest of you along this train of thought, i'm burning to write down my definition of what exactly it is to be a man, but i believe that you already have a good idea and want to hear it from the CorporateWhore
I'll allow you to define what "being a woman" is all about. I'll leave that up to women, since only women understand their natural role in society.
And men understand their natural role in society, as established by their traditions.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
furthermore, i'd like to hear what a female 'role' is.
these are arbitrary roles that have been imposed upon us by a patriarchal society. women have been supressed into a role of servitude that has absolutely nothing to do with what makes us women (our reproductive organs, just in case you were wondering). so i'd like to hear what exactly these 'roles' are.
and DOSW, and the rest of you along this train of thought, i'm burning to write down my definition of what exactly it is to be a man, but i believe that you already have a good idea and want to hear it from the CorporateWhore
You have posed some great questions....the anticipation is killing me.....just joking...would be interesting to hear his thoughts.....
I have never had to do manual labor, nor have I ever gotten into a bar brawl.
Some people would consider this a good thing!
I earn a living with my brain, and again, some people may think this is a good thing!
The brawls into which I have almost gotten involved some pushing, but then some talking, which averted possible injuries, arrests and lawsuits.
I have the emotional abilities to express my feelings.
Seems as if the less-educated and more-wanting are the one's that define themselves by their machismo.
Dude.. I hear you.
Even though I have had working blisters and gotten my face bloodied in street fights. But, I know better now. I'd rather have the free time to do things I want, rather than do things I have to. Paying the dude to change the oil is one of them.
That has nothing to do with manhood. Human understanding goes a long way. I consider myself to have pretty good street sense and can recognize a dangerous situation... I will walk away from a fight, now... because I know that I don't know what I am dealing with and there's no fucking way I'm getting my ass shot for the sake of machismo.
And I don't mind the macho shitheads I see out there. I steer clear of them. I yeah... I listen to what women say... if gives me insights that macho shitheads will never be privy to.
Your character... who you are... honest, trustworthy, reliable... traits of manhood, but not restricted to men... that's the validity test.
and the bottom line... chicks dig me.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I do not believe in either men or women's role in society.
Personally I believe by instituing roles on people cause people to essentially not be themselves...and something that really bugs me with people is fakes......seriously I rather live in a society where people can be free to be themselves and not be ridiculed for who they are......but maybe I just like a more interesting world than just handy-men and house-wifes.....
I'll allow you to define what "being a woman" is all about. I'll leave that up to women, since only women understand their natural role in society.
And men understand their natural role in society, as established by their traditions.
understand their natural role in society?!?!!!! wtf? it's people like you that have been keeping women down for centuries. i am consistently suprised and shocked when i hear views like this, i didn't know that people like you still existed
i just asked you what you thought of womens roles because you refer to them in your opening statement
No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein
Dude.. I hear you.
Even though I have had working blisters and gotten my face bloodied in street fights. But, I know better now. I'd rather have the free time to do things I want, rather than do things I have to. Paying the dude to change the oil is one of them.
That has nothing to do with manhood. Human understanding goes a long way. I consider myself to have pretty good street sense and can recognize a dangerous situation... I will walk away from a fight, now... because I know that I don't know what I am dealing with and there's no fucking way I'm getting my ass shot for the sake of machismo.
And I don't mind the macho shitheads I see out there. I steer clear of them. I yeah... I listen to what women say... if gives me insights that macho shitheads will never be privy to.
Your character... who you are... honest, trustworthy, reliable... traits of manhood, but not restricted to men... that's the validity test.
and the bottom line... chicks dig me.
it's evolution baby
No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein
Being a man doesn't simply mean that you're a tough guy who likes to fight and change his oil.
It means that you see the world through an assertive viewpoint that contributes to you and your family's well-being. Men are providers. They have made and continue to make society what it is. They are the leaders. They fight in wars. They run businesses. Men have singular tenacity that women simply do not have. It is driven in large part by their testosterone.
Take one male baby and one female baby and isolate them in the wild: the man will become dominant. It is in men's nature to desire dominance, whether it be primal or modern.
When you take away these urges from men and tell them that it is WRONG to want to be powerful, dominant, or be the leader, you take away their manhood.
I am not saying that women cannot be these things. But, men have always been this way and it hasn't been an accident: men naturally gravitate towards dominance.
This is seen in the animal kingdom as well. I'm not saying that makes it "morally correct," I'm just saying that this is what men want.
Women can want leadership and dominance as well. But, they do not have the innate tenacity and fire that men have, which is contributed by their hormones.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
The only one who gets to know that is Mrs. Whore. But that's only when she's put a good dinner on the table and given me a good round or two of pillow tag!
Fair enough, so, we don't get to know what you're thinking, okay. I wish Mrs. Whore much luck.
I can see it now...
"There'd best be dinner on the table as I walk into my castle, and it best be fresh from the oven, woman, or else!"
Mrs. Whore:
"Yes dear, I love you dear, anything you want dear."
Finishes dinner, belches and retires to his throne, without clearing his plate from the table and sits down to watch the football. "Woman, get me a beer, dammit!"
Mrs. Whore:
"Oh yes, of course, dear, shall I open it for you too, dear?"
"Just get the damn thing in here before the commercials end and your fat ass gets in the way of the game!"
Mrs. Whore:
Runs right in, with open beer (not Coors light because then, we'd know he's a closet homosexual), and sets it on the coaster beside him.
CorporateWhore watches the game while ordering wifey around. When the game's done, he watches CNN to get up to speed on real life, and now, he has a nice glow on, he slaps Mrs. Whore's ass and tells her he wants to play pillow tag and then blames his erectile disfunction on the fact that "she ain't what she was when they was married"
Being a man doesn't simply mean that you're a tough guy who likes to fight and change his oil.
It means that you see the world through an assertive viewpoint that contributes to you and your family's well-being. Men are providers. They have made and continue to make society what it is. They are the leaders. They fight in wars. They run businesses. Men have singular tenacity that women simply do not have. It is driven in large part by their testosterone.
Take one male baby and one female baby and isolate them in the wild: the man will become dominant. It is in men's nature to desire dominance, whether it be primal or modern.
When you take away these urges from men and tell them that it is WRONG to want to be powerful, dominant, or be the leader, you take away their manhood.
I am not saying that women cannot be these things. But, men have always been this way and it hasn't been an accident: men naturally gravitate towards dominance.
This is seen in the animal kingdom as well. I'm not saying that makes it "morally correct," I'm just saying that this is what men want.
Women can want leadership and dominance as well. But, they do not have the innate tenacity and fire that men have, which is contributed by their hormones.
So men should be slaves to their hormones? That's going to make adolescence a real bitch.:D
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Being a man doesn't simply mean that you're a tough guy who likes to fight and change his oil.
It means that you see the world through an assertive viewpoint that contributes to you and your family's well-being. Men are providers. They have made and continue to make society what it is. They are the leaders. They fight in wars. They run businesses. Men have singular tenacity that women simply do not have. It is driven in large part by their testosterone.
Take one male baby and one female baby and isolate them in the wild: the man will become dominant. It is in men's nature to desire dominance, whether it be primal or modern.
When you take away these urges from men and tell them that it is WRONG to want to be powerful, dominant, or be the leader, you take away their manhood.
I am not saying that women cannot be these things. But, men have always been this way and it hasn't been an accident: men naturally gravitate towards dominance.
This is seen in the animal kingdom as well. I'm not saying that makes it "morally correct," I'm just saying that this is what men want.
Women can want leadership and dominance as well. But, they do not have the innate tenacity and fire that men have, which is contributed by their hormones.
Ok and how does being more in touch with your feelings strip any of these traits away from men. Even better how does being homosexual strip any of these traits away from men.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I pin it more on knowledge. I know to avoid going over to watch a fight in a parking lot that has nothing to do with me because I know there is a possibility of some asshole breaking out a fucking gun. That isn't cowardice... it's fucking street smarts.
And yeah... corner me and leave me no alternative... after I try to reason with you and I'll tear your head off... and don't expect me to 'Fight Fair'... I fight dirty. I find the best policy is to steer clear of those situations altogether.
I'd rather spend time talking to women than acting like a damn fool in front of them with other stereotypical Neanderthals. Something else I pin to knowledge... it's easier to talk a gal out of her pants.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Just look at the term metrosexual and what it stands for.
And look to how few it applies. Beckham perhaps. Anyone else? Metrosexual is a fashion thing, dreamed up by people in that business. Or as my friend would have it "In order for make-up companies to earn money selling make-up to men". But that aside, it is defined as such:
Metrosexuality is, according to British journalist Mark Simpson, the trait of an urban man of any sexual orientation (usually heterosexual)[citation needed] who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great amount of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. Simpson coined the term in 1994 in an article in the The Independent [1] after writing his book about contemporary masculine identity Male Impersonators: Men Performing Masculinity. Simpson described the effect of consumerism and media proliferation, particularly the men’s style press, on traditional masculinity. Metrosexuals often can be seen sporting the latest in men's fashion. Hetero metrosexuals, though known to be heterosexual have what's known as a "camp" factor about them; in general slang terms, they are "camp but straight."
Being metrosexual is about style, fashion and commercialism. Now why then can't a man have a "strong aesthetic sense" and still be a man?
I think you both are on a nostalgia trip, and you dont know exactly what you're nostalgic about. I can't see why more machismo would do any good.
Anyway. Carry on.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
i think it's possible that it has nothing to do with conditioning and everything to do with how much testosterone each man is born with. some men are born with too much and are almost incapable of emotion. some men are similar to women. it's all genetics.
that's not a scientific statement. just an observation. i could be wrong.
I think I have an average amount of testosterone for a man.
Take one male baby and one female baby and isolate them in the wild: the man will become dominant. It is in men's nature to desire dominance, whether it be primal or modern.
In Paleolithic times, women and men were believed to be equal as evidenced by prehistoric artifacts.
"Scientists and archaeologists have determined that the Paleolithic area was at its height during the Ice Age when frozen tundra covered the land in some places a mile thick. Exotic herds of bison, mammoth, ibex, reindeer, and horses outnumbered the hunter-gatherer tribes sharing the land. Although weather conditions could be fierce, food was prevalent and hunting successful. Men and women coexisted equally as their roles remained in balance and both were considered an important part of the communal life of the tribe. Here, in these conditions, Neanderthals began symbolically expressing themselves and demonstrating a desire to understand the rhythmic cycles of life, death, and rebirth." - from, Prehistoric Art Offers Mythologists Clues About the Evolution of Dissonance Between Men and Women by Paula Vaughan
Check it out. It's kind of an interesting read and it condenses findings on the subject pretty well. Even if you think it's a load of crap, it makes you think about how life might have been waaaaaaaay back then.
And I don't mean to knock you CorporateWhore, I was having a little fun back there, but, I just don't see it your way. I think women and men can be equal and that men do not have to play out these supposed gender specific roles in order to feel like men. I just don't feel that you can sum up all this macho-type behavior to be natural for men and a result of testosterone. I think it was learned behavior that re-shaped society and led us down the path we follow. I don't want to be stuck in the roles set out for me by a patriarchal society. I want to love my fellow men and women equally and I want us all to feel equal to one another. Being understanding and caring is not a homosexual or feminine trait, it's the trait of a good human being.
"It's an intense time in, uh, United States history. People need to be active n' not distracted n', uh, that's just how I feel." - Eddie Vedder
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.", "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa
I pin it more on knowledge. I know to avoid going over to watch a fight in a parking lot that has nothing to do with me because I know there is a possibility of some asshole breaking out a fucking gun. That isn't cowardice... it's fucking street smarts.
And yeah... corner me and leave me no alternative... after I try to reason with you and I'll tear your head off... and don't expect me to 'Fight Fair'... I fight dirty. I find the best policy is to steer clear of those situations altogether.
I'd rather spend time talking to women than acting like a damn fool in front of them with other stereotypical Neanderthals. Something else I pin to knowledge... it's easier to talk a gal out of her pants.
no, i get it, i meant that you've evolved as a person, and i just wanted to quote some pj
No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein
We are told today that fighting is wrong and that we should talk out our feelings; bullshit. Nothing gets your feelings across better than a right-cross to the kisser.
I guess you're not into all that "turn the other cheek" stuff? Jesus was such a sissy boy.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
Some people would consider this a good thing!
I earn a living with my brain, and again, some people may think this is a good thing!
The brawls into which I have almost gotten involved some pushing, but then some talking, which averted possible injuries, arrests and lawsuits.
I have the emotional abilities to express my feelings.
Seems as if the less-educated and more-wanting are the one's that define themselves by their machismo.
there is nothing wrong with not wanting to identify with homosexual behavior but you go far beyond that. You have this deep seeded animosity towards homosexuals.
I don't think it's the fact that he's driving the $150,000 sports car, just that he has to TELL you that's how much it cost. I guess some women just really like a nice, expensive car...
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.", "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa
The only one who gets to know that is Mrs. Whore. But that's only when she's put a good dinner on the table and given me a good round or two of pillow tag!
-Enoch Powell
furthermore, i'd like to hear what a female 'role' is.
these are arbitrary roles that have been imposed upon us by a patriarchal society. women have been supressed into a role of servitude that has absolutely nothing to do with what makes us women (our reproductive organs, just in case you were wondering). so i'd like to hear what exactly these 'roles' are.
and DOSW, and the rest of you along this train of thought, i'm burning to write down my definition of what exactly it is to be a man, but i believe that you already have a good idea and want to hear it from the CorporateWhore
Albert Einstein
So you make your sister cook for you?
I'll allow you to define what "being a woman" is all about. I'll leave that up to women, since only women understand their natural role in society.
And men understand their natural role in society, as established by their traditions.
-Enoch Powell
You have posed some great questions....the anticipation is killing me.....just joking...would be interesting to hear his thoughts.....
What are those roles as you see them?
Dude.. I hear you.
Even though I have had working blisters and gotten my face bloodied in street fights. But, I know better now. I'd rather have the free time to do things I want, rather than do things I have to. Paying the dude to change the oil is one of them.
That has nothing to do with manhood. Human understanding goes a long way. I consider myself to have pretty good street sense and can recognize a dangerous situation... I will walk away from a fight, now... because I know that I don't know what I am dealing with and there's no fucking way I'm getting my ass shot for the sake of machismo.
And I don't mind the macho shitheads I see out there. I steer clear of them. I yeah... I listen to what women say... if gives me insights that macho shitheads will never be privy to.
Your character... who you are... honest, trustworthy, reliable... traits of manhood, but not restricted to men... that's the validity test.
and the bottom line... chicks dig me.
Hail, Hail!!!
Personally I believe by instituing roles on people cause people to essentially not be themselves...and something that really bugs me with people is fakes......seriously I rather live in a society where people can be free to be themselves and not be ridiculed for who they are......but maybe I just like a more interesting world than just handy-men and house-wifes.....
understand their natural role in society?!?!!!! wtf? it's people like you that have been keeping women down for centuries. i am consistently suprised and shocked when i hear views like this, i didn't know that people like you still existed
i just asked you what you thought of womens roles because you refer to them in your opening statement
Albert Einstein
it's evolution baby
Albert Einstein
Being a man doesn't simply mean that you're a tough guy who likes to fight and change his oil.
It means that you see the world through an assertive viewpoint that contributes to you and your family's well-being. Men are providers. They have made and continue to make society what it is. They are the leaders. They fight in wars. They run businesses. Men have singular tenacity that women simply do not have. It is driven in large part by their testosterone.
Take one male baby and one female baby and isolate them in the wild: the man will become dominant. It is in men's nature to desire dominance, whether it be primal or modern.
When you take away these urges from men and tell them that it is WRONG to want to be powerful, dominant, or be the leader, you take away their manhood.
I am not saying that women cannot be these things. But, men have always been this way and it hasn't been an accident: men naturally gravitate towards dominance.
This is seen in the animal kingdom as well. I'm not saying that makes it "morally correct," I'm just saying that this is what men want.
Women can want leadership and dominance as well. But, they do not have the innate tenacity and fire that men have, which is contributed by their hormones.
-Enoch Powell
Fair enough, so, we don't get to know what you're thinking, okay. I wish Mrs. Whore much luck.
I can see it now...
"There'd best be dinner on the table as I walk into my castle, and it best be fresh from the oven, woman, or else!"
Mrs. Whore:
"Yes dear, I love you dear, anything you want dear."
Finishes dinner, belches and retires to his throne, without clearing his plate from the table and sits down to watch the football. "Woman, get me a beer, dammit!"
Mrs. Whore:
"Oh yes, of course, dear, shall I open it for you too, dear?"
"Just get the damn thing in here before the commercials end and your fat ass gets in the way of the game!"
Mrs. Whore:
Runs right in, with open beer (not Coors light because then, we'd know he's a closet homosexual), and sets it on the coaster beside him.
CorporateWhore watches the game while ordering wifey around. When the game's done, he watches CNN to get up to speed on real life, and now, he has a nice glow on, he slaps Mrs. Whore's ass and tells her he wants to play pillow tag and then blames his erectile disfunction on the fact that "she ain't what she was when they was married"
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.", "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa
So men should be slaves to their hormones? That's going to make adolescence a real bitch.:D
Women are slaves to their hormones. Disagree? Ask pantex.
-Enoch Powell
Ok and how does being more in touch with your feelings strip any of these traits away from men. Even better how does being homosexual strip any of these traits away from men.
I pin it more on knowledge. I know to avoid going over to watch a fight in a parking lot that has nothing to do with me because I know there is a possibility of some asshole breaking out a fucking gun. That isn't cowardice... it's fucking street smarts.
And yeah... corner me and leave me no alternative... after I try to reason with you and I'll tear your head off... and don't expect me to 'Fight Fair'... I fight dirty. I find the best policy is to steer clear of those situations altogether.
I'd rather spend time talking to women than acting like a damn fool in front of them with other stereotypical Neanderthals. Something else I pin to knowledge... it's easier to talk a gal out of her pants.
Hail, Hail!!!
"Those were the days."
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.", "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa
And look to how few it applies. Beckham perhaps. Anyone else? Metrosexual is a fashion thing, dreamed up by people in that business. Or as my friend would have it "In order for make-up companies to earn money selling make-up to men". But that aside, it is defined as such:
Being metrosexual is about style, fashion and commercialism. Now why then can't a man have a "strong aesthetic sense" and still be a man?
I think you both are on a nostalgia trip, and you dont know exactly what you're nostalgic about. I can't see why more machismo would do any good.
Anyway. Carry on.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
that's not a scientific statement. just an observation. i could be wrong.
I think I have an average amount of testosterone for a man.
In Paleolithic times, women and men were believed to be equal as evidenced by prehistoric artifacts.
"Scientists and archaeologists have determined that the Paleolithic area was at its height during the Ice Age when frozen tundra covered the land in some places a mile thick. Exotic herds of bison, mammoth, ibex, reindeer, and horses outnumbered the hunter-gatherer tribes sharing the land. Although weather conditions could be fierce, food was prevalent and hunting successful. Men and women coexisted equally as their roles remained in balance and both were considered an important part of the communal life of the tribe. Here, in these conditions, Neanderthals began symbolically expressing themselves and demonstrating a desire to understand the rhythmic cycles of life, death, and rebirth." - from, Prehistoric Art Offers Mythologists Clues About the Evolution of Dissonance Between Men and Women by Paula Vaughan
Check it out. It's kind of an interesting read and it condenses findings on the subject pretty well. Even if you think it's a load of crap, it makes you think about how life might have been waaaaaaaay back then.
And I don't mean to knock you CorporateWhore, I was having a little fun back there, but, I just don't see it your way. I think women and men can be equal and that men do not have to play out these supposed gender specific roles in order to feel like men. I just don't feel that you can sum up all this macho-type behavior to be natural for men and a result of testosterone. I think it was learned behavior that re-shaped society and led us down the path we follow. I don't want to be stuck in the roles set out for me by a patriarchal society. I want to love my fellow men and women equally and I want us all to feel equal to one another. Being understanding and caring is not a homosexual or feminine trait, it's the trait of a good human being.
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.", "Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Teresa
I was certain I had a funny feeling about you.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
i'm just thinking fast and loose now... sorry.
no, i get it, i meant that you've evolved as a person, and i just wanted to quote some pj
Albert Einstein
Well your feelings would be wrong, sorry to disappoint you.
That's true, but he did have a beard and whittle wood...that's so grizzled.