Gay People Love Kids (More than you might think!!1)



  • ScubascottScubascott Posts: 815
    i agree.

    i have a lesbian friend at work and we also talk about the girls we date and what our type is.... even though i don't agree with her lifestyle. i just don't judge it, it's all.

    What!?! You get to share hot sex stories with a lesbian? And you have a problem with that? Mate, you should be asking her for tips, not thinking about how much you disagree with her lifestyle.
    It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!

    -C Addison
  • Scubascott wrote:
    What!?! You get to share hot sex stories with a lesbian? And you have a problem with that? Mate, you should be asking her for tips, not thinking about how much you disagree with her lifestyle.
    why do you think i discuss with her about her love life? ;)
    This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
  • angelicaangelica Posts: 6,038
    Ahnimus wrote:
    I've seen dogs willingly have sex with human females. They really enjoy it. I don't enjoy seeing it that much.....
    And, children exposed to sex early enough may grow a liking for it. Some cultures encourage it. It's wrong in N. America because we believe it's wrong and no other reason.
    Having been orally sodomized at the age of 5 and then having spent many years in mental illness nightmare world, AND then, having resolved the root problems is the deal.

    The reason the sexual violation of children is considered wrong in our culture is because we have a sense of individuality and rights that we instill in our children and our humans in general.. When we violate the boundaries of humans, particularly as children, we damage the healthy ego of children. They are damaged in understanding where they begin and end. For example, I believed I was a sexual extension of men for years. All of my intelligence went into this "role". Thank heavens mental illness crippled me and turned me into a recluse who could not leave the house. I thought the sexual satisfaction of men was my purpose and worth. Huge problems result from this lack of boundary. So it is "wrong" in the sense that assault on boundaries infringes on the health of the individuals involved, for the pleasure of one. *graphic nature alert--turn away if weak stomached in regards to childhood sexual abuse* So, when neighbourhood teenage boys were telling me to perform oral sex on them when I was 5, I did not like it. I was incapable of liking it. As a matter of fact, I was crying, because I was afraid they were going to urinate into my mouth... I was concerned however with being a "good girl" and doing what they wanted me to do, because they were seemingly adults to me. They were big authority figures in my mind.

    These boys clearly preyed on the innocence of a child, and took advantage for their own concerns at the expense of another. That is not acceptable, due to the boundary concerns, and infringement. Such an act wreaked havoc on my whole life from that point forward, for about 30 years, influencing everything from my single parenthood, promiscuity, broken relationships, suicide attempts, self-mutilation, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders (what I tend to grapple with still, when my resources are lowered and I cannot cope--eating disorders are known to be directly connected to boundary problems and trauma of the basic self) etc. I almost became a prostitute at one time. I was dramatically sexually oriented, to the point that a few of my boyfriends suggested we try celibacy, because my imbalanced approach to sex was clearly imbalanced to others (ie: my having sex with women, "swinging", etc, and using sex for control purposes for power over men). I hung out at strip clubs, and even the stippers thought I was a stripper. I continued to draw revictimization over and over through many "date-rapes" etc. until I resolved the underlying issues, and I'm lucky that I have. Many do not. Also, I'm still in a celibate relationship after 9 years. I have NOT had a remotely normal sex life, ever. I'm only now resolving my intimacy issues. It is not acceptable to violate people's boundaries and cause them fallout.

    The reason children are not able to give consent is because when people are older ie: teens/adults there is a huge power imbalance against a child. Children are easily manipulated, preyed upon, seduced, programmed etc. And children are taught to please, and listen to what they are told.

    Just today, at the crisis center I had a sex caller using the lines inappropriately. When people are willing to violate and abuse the goodwill of others for their selfish gain, they can become dangerous predators using power and manipulation that is difficult for me to deal with as a very savvy-been-around-the-block 40-something-year old woman--it makes me cringe to imagine the same "evil" used against children, which, by the way happens all the time, to the imbalance of our society. Violating dynamics towards children are hugely unhealthy besides the issue of right and wrong. That makes it pretty "inherent" to me. But then again, I may be biased..........
    "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr

    Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    I don't understand why people still debate the biblical god. It's pretty obvious man made it all up.

    I think it's just what unhappy lovers love to do.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Juberoo wrote:
    Homosexual sex does nothing for the procreation of the human species. If everyone "evolved" into a same sex relationship, humankind would cease to exist. So therefore, it serves no pupose and can be argued to be against nature.

    If it is observable IN NATURE it is not unnatural. You may have the opinion that it is abnormal, but you can in no way claim that it is unnatural.
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Juberoo wrote:
    Let's clarify...I never said homosexuality was "evil" I said it was wrong to act upon those desires in the eyes of God. There are many mental and physical illnesses that may cause one to behave inappropriately. These are treated and conrolled. Homosexuality in the sense of being a genetic defect, miswireing of the brain, etc. can also be controlled.

    I do see what you are saying here. I just vehemently disagree with you when it comes to your opinion that homosexuality is somehow a disease that needs to be treated. I do not see it as a mental illness. I see it as just part of the way a person is made--like having green eyes as I've already said. I don't think there is anything wrong with it--or any type of sexuality between consenting adult humans, and I never will so...

    I think we are going to have to agree to disagree.
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Juberoo wrote:
    I can show you verse to point otherwise, but I doubt you would read it.

    Why do you doubt that I would read it? I've read the Bible many times. I have one right next to me if you want to tell me the book/chapter/verse I will look it up. I don't have a problem with that. But I think you will find (if you read a little further up the thread) I have already accepted that I was wrong on this point anyway. ;)
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Juberoo wrote:
    Show me other books written with divine direction from the God of heaven, and I will consider reading it. I have read several other "books of wisdom" and while good reading, applicable direction towards life circumstances, none reference the God of heaven who is my chosen entity.

    The Torah. The Quaran. The books of Apostle. The Apocrypha. The Books of Ascension. The Hindu Kamas....

    the list is endless.

    My point is that you pick the one book that you think YOUR GOD had some hand in. And all I'm saying is that if you broadened your mind you might realize that your God MIGHT have had some hand in writing all the books!

    Nothing bothers me more than the "my way is the only way" people. Not only are they the most bigoted they are often the least educated.
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Juberoo wrote:
    Do your parents not let you make your own decisions? Do they not let you go through the rights of passage regarding trial and error? Are they then not there to pick up the pieces when need be? God is no different.

    Since when is that "suffering?" My mother to THIS DAY would not let me truly suffer, and I'm nearing 34 years old.

    The way you talk, your God not only allows us to suffer but is the direct CAUSE of our suffering. Basically I get from everything that you've said is God is the step-dad and we are just red-headed children.
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Juberoo wrote:
    So then Eastern beliefs are sensible but Western beliefs are not? Do you have proof of this? Is there any factual evidence? Or is this merely YOUR perception and opinion? If so, what makes you right and us wrong?

    All I said was that Angelica was making sense to me and that you weren't. I didn't mean to imply that her beliefs make sense and yours don't in general.

    Yes it is just my perception and opinion.
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Juberoo wrote: lets look at it from a scientific aspect rather than a religious one.

    Homosexuals have been studied pretty deeply in the last 2 decades. It is known that scientifically, they are genetically different from their heterosexual gender counterparts. Evolutionary speaking, if this is a mutation in the life span of mankind, what purpose does it serve? It cannot procreate thus eliminating the evolutionary progression theory. So from a scientific ideology, homosexuality is nothing more than a genetic defect.

    And as stated before... so is green eyes. And if you knew anything about genetics you would know that the gay gene isn't passed from gay person to gay person. The majority of gay people have heterosexual parents. So it does NOT effect evolution especially considering it only effects 7-10 percent of the overall population.
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233

    It's hard to tell if anyone is gay before they hit puberty and their hormones kick in. Whether or not you're born gay is irrelevent anyway, they deserve equal rights.

    OH! That's why a majority of gay people say they new it when they were children?

    um... wait... nevermind. lol
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    hey well i try my best to live out the message that Jesus taught...

    *hugs to deadnothingbetter*
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    angelica wrote:

    Having been orally sodomized at the age of 5 and then having spent many years in mental illness nightmare world, AND then, having resolved the root problems is the deal.

    *hugs for Angelica too*

    That was a beautiful post, and I'd like to say that it was also inspirational. You turned it around and are now helping others. I think that is amazing. :)
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • Deni wrote:
    OH! That's why a majority of gay people say they new it when they were children?

    um... wait... nevermind. lol

    Yeah, they could do, research would suggest that it has to do with variable levels of chemicals and hormones exposed to in the womb that helps create our sexual preference, hetero and homosexual alike. Genetic predisposition may exist, but it's not in any way proven.

    Genetics itself only really determines if we're male or female, not the preferences that come with it.

    Saying you're genetically homosexual is like saying you're genetically determined to wear boxers instead of y-fronts. It doesn't make sense.

    Juberoo is just bull shitting.

    So here's my final thought:

    You may or may not be born gay. But it is NOT a choice, you either are or are not. If you are, don't ignore it. Homosexuals and Heterosexuals alike are still both humans beings. They have the same feelings, there's nothing wrong, or evil about that that warrents any sort of social stigma.
    -Defender of the faithless-

    "Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446

    So here's my final thought:

    You may or may not be born gay. But it is NOT a choice, you either are or are not. If you are, don't ignore it. Homosexuals and Heterosexuals alike are still both humans beings. They have the same feelings, there's nothing wrong, or evil about that that warrents any sort of social stigma.

    :) I completely agree. I've never understood what all the bloody fuss is about anyway. Who people sleep with and who they love is none of my business, just as who I love and who I sleep with is nobody elses business but my own and that of the object of my affection. Why anybody should be hounded or discriminated against because of who and how they LOVE just doesn't make sense to me at all. If people want to get all up in arms about something then hound and discriminate against those who HATE. Sheesh! Even I know it's all about LOVE and I'm not even bloody religious! :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • Jeanie wrote:
    Sheesh! Even I know it's all about LOVE and I'm not even bloody religious! :)

    You and me both! And maybe deadandnothing better and Rhinocerous Surprise....

    I was gonna make a list... :D
    PS: Thank you!
    -Defender of the faithless-

    "Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    You and me both! And maybe deadandnothing better and Rhinocerous Surprise....I was gonna make a list... : D

    Happy to be included in that list. :)

    PS: Thank you!

    You're welcome. :) I just get tired of all the crap that's levelled at people for being "different" or not "normal" whatever the f**k normal is anyway.
    I have gay friends, I have straight friends, I have friends that are transgender, I have friends that are transexual, transvestites, lesbians, gay, and friends that abstain all together. I have friends that are parents, friends that want to be parents, friends that have no desire to be parents. Hell I've even got friends that are grandparents! Friends that are foster parents, friends that are Big Brothers and Big Sisters. I have good friends, people that I would have no problem being around my children (if I had them) because I know they're good people. :) They're all just people that love and are loved. And I know that many of them would make excellent parents, regardless of their sexual orientation. Just as I know that being in a heterosexual relationship and having children is no guarantee that you are capable or should. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • Jeanie wrote:
    I have good friends, people that I would have no problem being around my children (if I had them) because I know they're good people. :) They're all just people that love and are loved. And I know that many of them would make excellent parents, regardless of their sexual orientation. Just as I know that being in a heterosexual relationship and having children is no guarantee that you are capable or should. :)

    And that's the key to humanity right there. There is only one choice in life, it's not anything to do with race, sex, preference and all that jazz.
    You can only choose whether you are a good person or not.
    It's nice to see someone who gets it. :)
    -Defender of the faithless-

    "Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Yeah, they could do, research would suggest that it has to do with variable levels of chemicals and hormones exposed to in the womb that helps create our sexual preference, hetero and homosexual alike. Genetic predisposition may exist, but it's not in any way proven.

    Genetics itself only really determines if we're male or female, not the preferences that come with it.

    Saying you're genetically homosexual is like saying you're genetically determined to wear boxers instead of y-fronts. It doesn't make sense.

    Juberoo is just bull shitting.

    So here's my final thought:

    You may or may not be born gay. But it is NOT a choice, you either are or are not. If you are, don't ignore it. Homosexuals and Heterosexuals alike are still both humans beings. They have the same feelings, there's nothing wrong, or evil about that that warrents any sort of social stigma.

    I was just messing with yah LoveRock! *hugs*
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    And that's the key to humanity right there. There is only one choice in life, it's not anything to do with race, sex, preference and all that jazz.
    You can only choose whether you are a good person or not.
    It's nice to see someone who gets it. :)

    I couldn't agree more! :)
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • angelicaangelica Posts: 6,038
    Deni wrote:
    *hugs for Angelica too*

    That was a beautiful post, and I'd like to say that it was also inspirational. You turned it around and are now helping others. I think that is amazing. :)
    *big hugs back* Thanks for your support, Deni, I very much appreciate it. :)
    "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr

    Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    And that's the key to humanity right there. There is only one choice in life, it's not anything to do with race, sex, preference and all that jazz.
    You can only choose whether you are a good person or not.
    It's nice to see someone who gets it. :)

    Thanks. :) Seems I'm not the only one! ;)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • And that's the key to humanity right there. There is only one choice in life, it's not anything to do with race, sex, preference and all that jazz.
    You can only choose whether you are a good person or not.
    It's nice to see someone who gets it. :)

    Wow! You should write a short story about that!;)
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • Deni wrote:
    *hugs to deadnothingbetter*
    r u a hot girl?
    This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    r u a hot girl?

    not really. :(
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
  • Wow! You should write a short story about that!;)

    It's been done... Y'know. Star Trek. ;)
    -Defender of the faithless-

    "Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
  • Deni wrote:
    I couldn't agree more! :)

    Deni, you're going on my list of excellent people! :D
    -Defender of the faithless-

    "Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
  • It's been done... Y'know. Star Trek. ;)

    Speaking of which... get on those boards. I'm telling some guy not to collect guns.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • DeniDeni Posts: 233
    Deni, you're going on my list of excellent people! :D

    awesome! thank you! :D
    "Ideas are bulletproof." --V

    Peace and Love
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