All spiritual disciplines through the ages have shown that to find our Truth and the Way, we must follow our own path. And ultimate REALization of Truth is dependent on a very slim range of behaviours, from Christianity to Buddhism to you name it.
This is why there have been secret spiritual sects for so long, with those who practice such at-one-ment. The majority, overrun by the human ego and the idea of separation wants to uphold separation, and like a child discovering independence, we want to deny the Truth. We want to learn our own way, through experience. And that is perfectly aligned with God's will. Afterall, there really is no separation. We are God, closing our minds to ourselves and having experiences. And we pay for our less than optimal choices in each moment. There is a slim group who uncover the Light and Truth in actuality and in REALization and experience, and who live it.
And if these "secret spiritual sects" have found perfection, wouldn't they be compelled to change the world with it?
As for being God....I am not God....such a comment is blasphemy in my eyes.
As a parent, would you accept your child saying they were as knowledgeable as you? Would you understand them if they said "we are one and the same"? No you are two individual beings. Separate from one another. But living in harmony. You are and always will be greater in the sense that you gave them life.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
No where in Jesus teaching did he say wrong did not exist. So while God may be in all things, he is not in all people if they push him out.
We cannot assert what Jesus did not teach. It did not exist. You cannot use something non-existent to prove something.
God remains omnipresent and eternal. When one understands "eternal" and that there is no space where it is not, one knows that which is eternal is always everywhere. It is outside of time.
Again, it is in the human mind that PERCEIVES that God is not in them when they choose to separate. It's an illusion. The separation does not exist. God ALWAYS, unconditionally Loves and embraces us. God knows we are him, and that all is whole and Perfect. This is where the level or perception of the "channel" can distort such truths, thereby creating more human error which sullies the real and true encompassing Glory of God. Again, Jesus tried to bridge that gap. Humans can only perceive what they are ready for and it's just now that the majority is evolving into such awareness.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
so maybe if people like you stopped trying to dehumanize homos, these kids would have no issues and families would not disown their loved ones. maybe the answer is acceptance rather than expulsion.
straight couples are doing a damn fine job of fucking up their kids and families and that was happening long before homosexuals were allowed to admit to it without being lynched for it by closet-case homophobes like you. "boo hoo, my neighbor's gay, what if it is contagious and my kid catches the fag bug?" did your neighbor's divorce fuck your kid up? don't think so. grow up and join reality.
Your hostility and vile language choice is really helping to drive your point home.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
We cannot assert what Jesus did not teach. It did not exist. You cannot use something non-existent to prove something.
God remains omnipresent and eternal. When one understands "eternal" and that there is no space where it is not, one knows that which is eternal is always everywhere. It is outside of time.
Again, it is in the human mind that PERCEIVES that God is not in them when they choose to separate. It's an illusion. The separation does not exist. God ALWAYS, unconditionally Loves and embraces us. God knows we are him, and that all is whole and Perfect. This is where the level or perception of the "channel" can distort such truths, thereby creating more human error which sullies the real and true encompassing Glory of God. Again, Jesus tried to bridge that gap. Humans can only perceive what they are ready for and it's just now that the majority is evolving into such awareness.
Do you have tinfoil on your windows?
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Your hostility and vile language choice is really helping to drive your point home.
did i offend your virgin ears with my dirty talk? my apologies. ill leave you to your bible. i hear there are some great passages about the right way to rape slave women you might enjoy for their spiritual messages. they're right around the place the bible condemns homosexuality. but, of course, we know only SOME of the bible is outdated and you get to pick and choose for yourself which pieces are still relevant. pretty handy.
did i offend your virgin ears with my dirty talk? my apologies. ill leave you to your bible. i hear there are some great passages about the right way to rape slave women you might enjoy for their spiritual messages. they're right around the place the bible condemns homosexuality. but, of course, we know only SOME of the bible is outdated and you get to pick and choose for yourself which pieces are still relevant. pretty handy.
I back everything this motherfucker has said in the last page or so (at least).
And if these "secret spiritual sects" have found perfection, wouldn't they be compelled to change the world with it?
As for being God....I am not God....such a comment is blasphemy in my eyes.
As a parent, would you accept your child saying they were as knowledgeable as you? Would you understand them if they said "we are one and the same"? No you are two individual beings. Separate from one another. But living in harmony. You are and always will be greater in the sense that you gave them life.
I didn't say I am as knowledgable as God. I said I am one with God. I am God manifest as a fallible human being. And when I bridge that gap through love and discipline, and when I am attuned with God and the Way, I am at-one. I've had numerous spiritual experiences where the Glory of God is so mindboggling and humbling that I am in tears and on my knees. This LOVE--this Presence has made it very clear that I am ALWAYS eternally embraced and Loved by It, far more than I can fathom at this time. And that we all are.
A cell is an individual part of me and it is also embraced (loved) by the whole that I am. Just as I am and individual part of God and am Loved and embraced by the whole of the I AM Presence. Being God.
As for spiritual sects, their are spiritual hierarchies in each religion and system of thought. Including in Christian ministers/preachers, etc. They are well-studied individuals. That is why people go to them for expertise. What the masses are willing to accept at any given time does not dictate what exists or what the experts in the field know.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I didn't say I am as knowledgable as God. I said I am one with God. I am God manifest as a fallible human being. And when I bridge that gap through love and discipline, and when I am attuned with God and the Way, I am at-one. I've had numerous spiritual experiences where the Glory of God is so mindboggling and humbling that I am in tears and on my knees. This LOVE--this Presence has made it very clear that I am ALWAYS eternally embraced and Loved by It, far more than I can fathom at this time. And that we all are.
A cell is an individual part of me and it is also embraced (loved) by the whole that I am. Just as I am and individual part of God and am Loved and embraced by the whole of the I AM Presence. Being God.
As for spiritual sects, their are spiritual hierarchies in each religion and system of thought. Including in Christian ministers/preachers, etc. They are well-studied individuals. That is why people go to them for expertise. What the masses are willing to accept at any given time does not dictate what exists or what the experts in the field know.
You do realize that you sound like you were raised in a cult don't you?
I didn't say I am as knowledgable as God. I said I am one with God. I am God manifest as a fallible human being. And when I bridge that gap through love and discipline, and when I am attuned with God and the Way, I am at-one. I've had numerous spiritual experiences where the Glory of God is so mindboggling and humbling that I am in tears and on my knees. This LOVE--this Presence has made it very clear that I am ALWAYS eternally embraced and Loved by It, far more than I can fathom at this time. And that we all are.
A cell is an individual part of me and it is also embraced (loved) by the whole that I am. Just as I am and individual part of God and am Loved and embraced by the whole of the I AM Presence. Being God.
As for spiritual sects, their are spiritual hierarchies in each religion and system of thought. Including in Christian ministers/preachers, etc. They are well-studied individuals. That is why people go to them for expertise. What the masses are willing to accept at any given time does not dictate what exists or what the experts in the field know.
Back to the hidden mystical traditions in each religion. Psychologically speaking, cognitive dissonance causes humans to not be able to handle new information that challenges their beliefs. The brain and ego shuts in on itself. Logical discernment and debate goes out the windows. In other times and places, this cognitive dissonance, lack of understanding and ignorance has turned away from itself. The person experiencing the dissonance tries to "give it away", and using emotionally changed words such as "blashemy" as a potent tool, dire consequences like death for the speaker of such non-understood words were called for. In this specific example of such a principle that you have offered, it's the stigma and implicit social ostracization of degrading what one does not understand or cannot accept, to the level of something to be shamed and/or mocked. In the end, your dissonance with what I say is independent of the truth of what I say.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Back to the hidden mystical traditions in each religion.
Psychologically speaking, cognitive dissonance causes humans to not be able to handle new information that challenges their beliefs. The brain and ego shuts in on itself. Logical discernment and debate goes out the windows.
Gay bashing conservatives...
In other times and places, this cognitive dissonance, lack of understanding and ignorance has turned away from itself. The person experiencing the dissonance tries to "give it away", and using emotionally changed words such as "blashemy" as a potent tool, dire consequences like death for the speaker of such non-understood words were called for.
In this specific example of such a principle that you have offered, it's the stigma and implicit social ostracization of degrading what one does not understand or cannot accept, to the level of something to be shamed and/or mocked. In the end, your dissonance with what I say is independent of the truth of what I say.
It took a few reads but I think I know what you're trying to say, and here's my reponse to it:
No, all your dogmatized bullshit just makes you sound like you were raised in a cult - and by my definition of a cult, any fundamentalist, homophobic, sexist, racist (etc) church that raises it's young ones to believe in hatred and how others are inferior to you IS a cult. And my disagreeing with you doesn't mean that your statement is true. I'll show you.
You: 2+2=5.
Me: No.
You: Your dissonance with what I say is independent of the truth of what I say.
Who's right? You can't just ignore people who challenge what you say. That act in itself is basically an admission that you're wrong.
The other part of this entire post that bugs me is that you're trying to tell me that I'm being closed minded when the basis of this thread is a horrible stereotype created by closed minded christians. If I understand at all what you're trying to say, you told me I was closed minded about your beliefs which is fucking backwards as hell. Your dissonance with what I say is indicative of your own hypocracy.
It took a few reads but I think I know what you're trying to say, and here's my reponse to it:
No, all your dogmatized bullshit just makes you sound like you were raised in a cult - and by my definition of a cult, any fundamentalist, homophobic, sexist, racist (etc) church that raises it's young ones to believe in hatred and how others are inferior to you IS a cult. And my disagreeing with you doesn't mean that your statement is true. I'll show you.
You: 2+2=5.
Me: No.
You: Your dissonance with what I say is independent of the truth of what I say.
Who's right? You can't just ignore people who challenge what you say. That act in itself is basically an admission that you're wrong.
The other part of this entire post that bugs me is that you're trying to tell me that I'm being closed minded when the basis of this thread is a horrible stereotype created by closed minded christians. If I understand at all what you're trying to say, you told me I was closed minded about your beliefs which is fucking backwards as hell. Your dissonance with what I say is indicative of your own hypocracy.
She's something of a social anthropoligist. I mean, I guess that's her aptitude, her contribution. She represents herself horribley, but her mindset-view is as muddled with the clarity that is the "world" it is disheartening.
accepting the differences/methods/customs/non-harmful actions of others, even if they go against your beliefs/preferences.
i agree.
i have a lesbian friend at work and we also talk about the girls we date and what our type is.... even though i don't agree with her lifestyle. i just don't judge it, it's all.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
The gay movement is forthright about seeking to legitimize child-adult homosexual sex. In 1987, The Journal of Homosexuality – the scholarly organ of the gay rights movement – published "Pedophilia and the Gay Movement." (29) Author Theo Sandfort detailed homosexual efforts to end "oppression towards pedophilia."
Gay adoption yay! What a great idea!
the family research institiute is where you get your info... they are not a biased source :rolleyes:
The Family Research Institute has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[7]
accepting the differences/methods/customs/non-harmful actions of others, even if they go against your beliefs/preferences.
And I have a non-harmful belief that homosexuality is repugnant and perverted. Should homosexuals be tolerant of that belief, or should they continue pressing indoctrination in elementary school classrooms that suggests homosexuality is acceptable?
The problem with liberal tolerance is that it is only tolerant of liberal ideas. At least conservatives admit that they will not tolerate certain ideas - libs claim they are tolerant. That is, until you oppose them.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
It took a few reads but I think I know what you're trying to say, and here's my reponse to it:
No, all your dogmatized bullshit just makes you sound like you were raised in a cult - and by my definition of a cult, any fundamentalist, homophobic, sexist, racist (etc) church that raises it's young ones to believe in hatred and how others are inferior to you IS a cult. And my disagreeing with you doesn't mean that your statement is true. I'll show you.
It sounds like there is a misunderstanding. I am for inclusion, love and embracing life as it is, which includes all humans as they are, not as others wish they were. Therefore, words such as "cult", "fundamentalist", "homophobic", "sexist", and "racist" are not a part of what I am saying, in words or in practice. Furthermore, I see all humans as a part of me and therefore fully equal to me, whether there are a Saint, or Charles Manson. As a matter of fact, I spread the concept quite reqularly on this board. (ie: check post #11 here... I am for understanding, not judgment.
You: 2+2=5.
Me: No.
You: Your dissonance with what I say is independent of the truth of what I say.
Who's right? You can't just ignore people who challenge what you say. That act in itself is basically an admission that you're wrong.
The other part of this entire post that bugs me is that you're trying to tell me that I'm being closed minded when the basis of this thread is a horrible stereotype created by closed minded christians. If I understand at all what you're trying to say, you told me I was closed minded about your beliefs which is fucking backwards as hell. Your dissonance with what I say is indicative of your own hypocracy.
Again, you are debating a phantom in your own mind. I am accepting and inclusive of all people. The 2+2=5 you perceive is a straw man in your own mind.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
And I have a non-harmful belief that homosexuality is repugnant and perverted. Should homosexuals be tolerant of that belief, or should they continue pressing indoctrination in elementary school classrooms that suggests homosexuality is acceptable?
The problem with liberal tolerance is that it is only tolerant of liberal ideas. At least conservatives admit that they will not tolerate certain ideas - libs claim they are tolerant. That is, until you oppose them.
calling it repugnant or perverted is already putting you on the spot and creates all sorts of hostilities between you and others.
i don't think it's our place to judge those things.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
And I have a non-harmful belief that homosexuality is repugnant and perverted. Should homosexuals be tolerant of that belief, or should they continue pressing indoctrination in elementary school classrooms that suggests homosexuality is acceptable?
Where the fuck are you getting this 'homosexuals are taking over America' crap?
This is a ruse of yours. And it's idiotic.
Go back to the poetry forum and find your 'precious'.
If anyone is willing to step ouside their own cognitive dissonance and look at what I am saying, I am saying that the idea that homosexuality is wrong is an illusion. I am also saying there is no necessity for homosexuals to repent for wrongdoing, considering the idea that it is wrong is a false idea to begin with.
The problem is that humanity has many such judgments and false ideas, and therefore, if there is inner conflict within the individual, and the felt need to repent or "forgive" one's self for one's sexuality in order to become clear and realistic, that is actually an act that restores one to the clarity of reality, wherein the false understanding of one's wrongness is erased. And IN ONE's perception, one can be peaceful and at-one with their truth.
I very clearly point to that the judgments and accusations of others--in other words the conflicts people hold regarding the ideas, beliefs or lifestyle about another--are about the person who holds the conflict and is doing the judging and is entirely independent of the person judged.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
And I have a non-harmful belief that homosexuality is repugnant and perverted. Should homosexuals be tolerant of that belief, or should they continue pressing indoctrination in elementary school classrooms that suggests homosexuality is acceptable?
The problem with liberal tolerance is that it is only tolerant of liberal ideas. At least conservatives admit that they will not tolerate certain ideas - libs claim they are tolerant. That is, until you oppose them.
But your "non-harmful" belief would keep homosexuals from marrying, adopting, etc. And I think that's harming the rights of homosexuals. Would two gay men marrying harm your rights in any way?
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
And I have a non-harmful belief that homosexuality is repugnant and perverted. Should homosexuals be tolerant of that belief, or should they continue pressing indoctrination in elementary school classrooms that suggests homosexuality is acceptable?
The problem with liberal tolerance is that it is only tolerant of liberal ideas. At least conservatives admit that they will not tolerate certain ideas - libs claim they are tolerant. That is, until you oppose them.
Having the belief that homosexuality is repugnant and perverted is harmful to society as its a naturally occurring trait among humans. As mentioned earlier in this post it is no different than someone being born with green eyes.....thus discriminating against homosexuality is simply being prejudiced, ignorant and demonstrating a low level of consciousness.
Pressing acceptance in elementary school is a good step in getting scared folk to understand its okay.
I tolerate your insecurities but when you deny or limit the rights of a fellow citizen purely on a physical characteristic and your insecurity........that's a problem.
And if these "secret spiritual sects" have found perfection, wouldn't they be compelled to change the world with it?
As for being God....I am not God....such a comment is blasphemy in my eyes.
As a parent, would you accept your child saying they were as knowledgeable as you? Would you understand them if they said "we are one and the same"? No you are two individual beings. Separate from one another. But living in harmony. You are and always will be greater in the sense that you gave them life.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
God remains omnipresent and eternal. When one understands "eternal" and that there is no space where it is not, one knows that which is eternal is always everywhere. It is outside of time.
Again, it is in the human mind that PERCEIVES that God is not in them when they choose to separate. It's an illusion. The separation does not exist. God ALWAYS, unconditionally Loves and embraces us. God knows we are him, and that all is whole and Perfect. This is where the level or perception of the "channel" can distort such truths, thereby creating more human error which sullies the real and true encompassing Glory of God. Again, Jesus tried to bridge that gap. Humans can only perceive what they are ready for and it's just now that the majority is evolving into such awareness.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
did i offend your virgin ears with my dirty talk? my apologies. ill leave you to your bible. i hear there are some great passages about the right way to rape slave women you might enjoy for their spiritual messages. they're right around the place the bible condemns homosexuality. but, of course, we know only SOME of the bible is outdated and you get to pick and choose for yourself which pieces are still relevant. pretty handy.
"Creation" is language based. By humans, for humans.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
A cell is an individual part of me and it is also embraced (loved) by the whole that I am. Just as I am and individual part of God and am Loved and embraced by the whole of the I AM Presence. Being God.
As for spiritual sects, their are spiritual hierarchies in each religion and system of thought. Including in Christian ministers/preachers, etc. They are well-studied individuals. That is why people go to them for expertise. What the masses are willing to accept at any given time does not dictate what exists or what the experts in the field know.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
No. You're not the Sun. Get over it.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
He must have been one hell of a lover.
That's all I have to say anymore to you.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Gay bashing conservatives...
It took a few reads but I think I know what you're trying to say, and here's my reponse to it:
No, all your dogmatized bullshit just makes you sound like you were raised in a cult - and by my definition of a cult, any fundamentalist, homophobic, sexist, racist (etc) church that raises it's young ones to believe in hatred and how others are inferior to you IS a cult. And my disagreeing with you doesn't mean that your statement is true. I'll show you.
You: 2+2=5.
Me: No.
You: Your dissonance with what I say is independent of the truth of what I say.
Who's right? You can't just ignore people who challenge what you say. That act in itself is basically an admission that you're wrong.
The other part of this entire post that bugs me is that you're trying to tell me that I'm being closed minded when the basis of this thread is a horrible stereotype created by closed minded christians. If I understand at all what you're trying to say, you told me I was closed minded about your beliefs which is fucking backwards as hell. Your dissonance with what I say is indicative of your own hypocracy.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
She's something of a social anthropoligist. I mean, I guess that's her aptitude, her contribution. She represents herself horribley, but her mindset-view is as muddled with the clarity that is the "world" it is disheartening.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Vile language that advocates tolerance is much better then intolerant polite language.
Define tolerance.
-Enoch Powell
accepting the differences/methods/customs/non-harmful actions of others, even if they go against your beliefs/preferences.
i have a lesbian friend at work and we also talk about the girls we date and what our type is.... even though i don't agree with her lifestyle. i just don't judge it, it's all.
the family research institiute is where you get your info... they are not a biased source :rolleyes:
The Family Research Institute has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[7]
And I have a non-harmful belief that homosexuality is repugnant and perverted. Should homosexuals be tolerant of that belief, or should they continue pressing indoctrination in elementary school classrooms that suggests homosexuality is acceptable?
The problem with liberal tolerance is that it is only tolerant of liberal ideas. At least conservatives admit that they will not tolerate certain ideas - libs claim they are tolerant. That is, until you oppose them.
-Enoch Powell
Again, you are debating a phantom in your own mind. I am accepting and inclusive of all people. The 2+2=5 you perceive is a straw man in your own mind.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i don't think it's our place to judge those things.
This is a ruse of yours. And it's idiotic.
Go back to the poetry forum and find your 'precious'.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
The problem is that humanity has many such judgments and false ideas, and therefore, if there is inner conflict within the individual, and the felt need to repent or "forgive" one's self for one's sexuality in order to become clear and realistic, that is actually an act that restores one to the clarity of reality, wherein the false understanding of one's wrongness is erased. And IN ONE's perception, one can be peaceful and at-one with their truth.
I very clearly point to that the judgments and accusations of others--in other words the conflicts people hold regarding the ideas, beliefs or lifestyle about another--are about the person who holds the conflict and is doing the judging and is entirely independent of the person judged.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
But your "non-harmful" belief would keep homosexuals from marrying, adopting, etc. And I think that's harming the rights of homosexuals. Would two gay men marrying harm your rights in any way?
Pressing acceptance in elementary school is a good step in getting scared folk to understand its okay.
I tolerate your insecurities but when you deny or limit the rights of a fellow citizen purely on a physical characteristic and your insecurity........that's a problem.