the film maker involved with 40 yr old virgin, knocked up, superbad.......he created the tv show "Freaks and Geeks" in the 90s, and most of the cast members are regulars in his films.
I'm not assuming a thing. I know children and animals aren't consenting participants.
There is a legal age of consent. You may not agree with it, but at what age are humans able to give their consent in your opinion? And are you really trying to convince us that a horse or dog can consent to sex with a human?
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I'm not assuming a thing. I know children and animals aren't consenting participants.
There is a legal age of consent. You may not agree with it, but at what age are humans able to give their consent in your opinion? And are you really trying to convince us that a horse or dog can consent to sex with a human?
If Mr. Anihmus can prove that a horse can give consent, I will nominate him for a Nobel prize!...and I don't mean saying to the horse "stomp your hoof twice if you wanna go all the way!"
I'm not assuming a thing. I know children and animals aren't consenting participants.
There is a legal age of consent. You may not agree with it, but at what age are humans able to give their consent in your opinion? And are you really trying to convince us that a horse or dog can consent to sex with a human?
I've seen dogs willingly have sex with human females. They really enjoy it. I don't enjoy seeing it that much, but there is plenty of footage on the internet.
And, children exposed to sex early enough may grow a liking for it. Some cultures encourage it. It's wrong in N. America because we believe it's wrong and no other reason.
If we look at pedophelia objectively we can see that it is as much of a choice as any other sexual orientation and in that regard it is not wrong. However, the human orbital-frontal cortex is not fully developed until approx. 20+ years of age, so if we want to use brain development to gauge consent, then the age of consent should be around 25.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Seems those that are the most against homosexuality are the ones that have homosexual tendencies....they use religion as a crutch to try and fight it. Course in the end they either fail and give in...or live a miserable existence. Those that are comfortable with their sexuality understand its not something that can be "changed" and hence are okay with people boinking whomever they want.....
Regardless of religion...I think what you say is true. Not "homosexual tendencies" so much as "insecurity" in their heterosexuality.
One summer, I became obsesssed with the intense fear that I was gay. I think it started with recognizing a guy as good looking, and I just could not shake the fear that I was gay. Eventually, thanks to finally bringing it up with my parents, I logically came to realize that my sexual attraction was 100% toward females. I was cleary not gay. I did not want to have sex with men. And the amazing thing was that I stopped using terms like "fag" all the time. Why? Because I was no longer having to prove to myself and everyone else that I was macho and striaght. I was (and remain) very secure in my heterosexuality.
I think that most people, deep down inside know that homosexuality is not a choice, so they have it deep in the back of their mind "what if I'm gay?" but they never really deal with it except to spend their lives proving to themselves and everyone else that they are not gay. The best medicine is to stop repressing it and deal with it logically. If you can come to grips with the fact that your physical attraction is to the opposite sex, suddenly there is much less to be afraid of and no reason to be a hater.
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
Regardless of religion...I think what you say is true. Not "homosexual tendencies" so much as "insecurity" in their heterosexuality.
One summer, I became obsesssed with the intense fear that I was gay. I think it started with recognizing a guy as good looking, and I just could not shake the fear that I was gay. Eventually, thanks to finally bringing it up with my parents, I logically came to realize that my sexual attraction was 100% toward females. I was cleary not gay. I did not want to have sex with men. And the amazing thing was that I stopped using terms like "fag" all the time. Why? Because I was no longer having to prove to myself and everyone else that I was macho and striaght. I was (and remain) very secure in my heterosexuality.
I think that most people, deep down inside know that homosexuality is not a choice, so they have it deep in the back of their mind "what if I'm gay?" but they never really deal with it except to spend their lives proving to themselves and everyone else that they are not gay. The best medicine is to stop repressing it and deal with it logically. If you can come to grips with the fact that your physical attraction is to the opposite sex, suddenly there is much less to be afraid of and no reason to be a hater.
Its very cool that you could bring it up with your parents!
It does not go against the laws of nature and anybody who has ever lived on a farm knows that.
Homosexual sex does nothing for the procreation of the human species. If everyone "evolved" into a same sex relationship, humankind would cease to exist. So therefore, it serves no pupose and can be argued to be against nature.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
You are the one talking about genetics here. Saying yes you can be gay and that be genetic but being gay is evil is just as stupid as saying having green eyes is evil.
I hated to have to spell that out for you... seems self explanatory to me.
And I believe in God but not the Bible-- or at least not the Bible as the sole source of wisdom in the universe. Belief in God and in the Bible are two completely separate things.
Let's clarify...I never said homosexuality was "evil" I said it was wrong to act upon those desires in the eyes of God. There are many mental and physical illnesses that may cause one to behave inappropriately. These are treated and conrolled. Homosexuality in the sense of being a genetic defect, miswireing of the brain, etc. can also be controlled.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
So now you're saying that people who get sick it is because they were wicked?
The BIBLE says that only God can be perfect! Humans will never achieve perfection! We can strive for it, but it is unattainable for us! Perfection is NOT a gift!
Maybe you should study the Bible a little harder, dude.
I can show you verse to point otherwise, but I doubt you would read it.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
How convenient! Yet all the other books of wisdom were somehow NOT directed by God. Just the one you like!
Show me other books written with divine direction from the God of heaven, and I will consider reading it. I have read several other "books of wisdom" and while good reading, applicable direction towards life circumstances, none reference the God of heaven who is my chosen entity.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
So God--this all powerful being that is supposed to love us like a parent loves his children-- is allowing us to suffer so that we can be tested, and then he wonders why we turn against him? I'd turn against anybody who stood by and watched as I suffered!
In that description, you make God sound kinda... evil.
Do your parents not let you make your own decisions? Do they not let you go through the rights of passage regarding trial and error? Are they then not there to pick up the pieces when need be? God is no different.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
I don't think that Angelica sounds like she was raised in a cult. I think she sounds like she had a fluid understanding of Eastern belief systems, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism... etc. etc.
She's speaking from a knowledge of her beliefs in the same way that Juberoo is... only she's making a whole lot more sense.
That's how I'm reading it anyway.
So then Eastern beliefs are sensible but Western beliefs are not? Do you have proof of this? Is there any factual evidence? Or is this merely YOUR perception and opinion? If so, what makes you right and us wrong?
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
People on here should just get over there homophobia and stop using fairy tales as justification. lets look at it from a scientific aspect rather than a religious one.
Homosexuals have been studied pretty deeply in the last 2 decades. It is known that scientifically, they are genetically different from their heterosexual gender counterparts. Evolutionary speaking, if this is a mutation in the life span of mankind, what purpose does it serve? It cannot procreate thus eliminating the evolutionary progression theory. So from a scientific ideology, homosexuality is nothing more than a genetic defect.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
I've seen dogs willingly have sex with human females. They really enjoy it. I don't enjoy seeing it that much, but there is plenty of footage on the internet.
And, children exposed to sex early enough may grow a liking for it. Some cultures encourage it. It's wrong in N. America because we believe it's wrong and no other reason.
If we look at pedophelia objectively we can see that it is as much of a choice as any other sexual orientation and in that regard it is not wrong. However, the human orbital-frontal cortex is not fully developed until approx. 20+ years of age, so if we want to use brain development to gauge consent, then the age of consent should be around 25.
You are seriously disturbed.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary. lets look at it from a scientific aspect rather than a religious one.
Homosexuals have been studied pretty deeply in the last 2 decades. It is known that scientifically, they are genetically different from their heterosexual gender counterparts. Evolutionary speaking, if this is a mutation in the life span of mankind, what purpose does it serve? It cannot procreate thus eliminating the evolutionary progression theory. So from a scientific ideology, homosexuality is nothing more than a genetic defect.
While I disagree with you in many ways on this, I'll take your argument and call you on it: What the hell does that have to do with denying them rights? Are you going to start telling people with Down's syndrome how to live their lives?
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Homosexual sex does nothing for the procreation of the human species. If everyone "evolved" into a same sex relationship, humankind would cease to exist. So therefore, it serves no pupose and can be argued to be against nature.
From a medical standpoint, there are two types of homosexuals. A genetic and an environmental.
There is plenty of building medical research that proves a definitive genetic and physical makeup in true homosexuals. There are also a small percentage of XXY males who have a tendency to lean towards homosexuality although their genetic makeup is not the same as a genetic homosexual. The extra gene gives them a more feminine makeup which can be confusing to some.
Others are homosexual or moreso bisexual by choice for social reasons.
(case in teenage daughter has a male friend who has decided he is gay because he is uber feminine in behavior. He relates to girls on such a deeper level than his male counterparts. He would rather go clothes shopping at the mall than ever engage in a sport activity. He is fascinated by makeup and adores dressing and making up his "girl" friends. Because of this he assumes he is gay, although he has no interest in males from a sexual standpoint. I believe he is XXY although he has never been tested because of family ignorance of the issue. Hopefully as he gets older he will get the help he desperately needs to sort all of this out. My fear is that he will "experiment" with men eventually because it is what he believes is expected of him rather than what he "feels". This could lead to serious mental issues later on in life if he decides he is not truly gay. The guilt and shame he will suffer will be tumultuous. )
Right, firstly, the "condition" you give as an example is entirely untrue. A trisomy of XXY is known as Kleinfelter's Syndrome, it's a genetic variation that affects 1 in 17,000 births, and presents clearly visible symptoms. It does not affect a persons sexuality and the syndrome itself can be treated with testosterone injections.
It has no proven or remotely linked affect to the person's sexuality.
Also, all that other stuff you've said about homosexuality being linked to genetics is bull shit. I've studied it, I read journals, I keep up to date with the science news. You're lying. You're bullshitting. And you're disgracing an entire group of people at the same time.
If the god you say exists is there, it probably hates you. Like everyone else.
:eek: you mean homosexuals are not born gay? that's the first time i've heard someone say that... especially for one who supports homosexuality
i personally think that being gay is just a sexual preference.... that's all. whatever gets you wet
true... it's genetic.... everything's genetic... even someone who is likely to get diabetes.... it's all genetic. everything is.
I didn't say they weren'y born gay. I said the genetics end of it is a load of bull shit.
Genetics can predispose you for a certain condition, like a heart disease, but you may never get it because you were exposed to different environmental factors. How it happens is unknown, anyway.
It's hard to tell if anyone is gay before they hit puberty and their hormones kick in. Whether or not you're born gay is irrelevent anyway, they deserve equal rights.
It's hard to tell if anyone is gay before they hit puberty and their hormones kick in. Whether or not you're born gay is irrelevent anyway, they deserve equal rights.
wow... that's the first time i've ever heard that. people defending homosexuality usually say stuff like, "they were born gay"
but yeah... let them have their rights.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
the film maker involved with 40 yr old virgin, knocked up, superbad.......he created the tv show "Freaks and Geeks" in the 90s, and most of the cast members are regulars in his films.
I'm not assuming a thing. I know children and animals aren't consenting participants.
There is a legal age of consent. You may not agree with it, but at what age are humans able to give their consent in your opinion? And are you really trying to convince us that a horse or dog can consent to sex with a human?
If Mr. Anihmus can prove that a horse can give consent, I will nominate him for a Nobel prize!...and I don't mean saying to the horse "stomp your hoof twice if you wanna go all the way!"
I've seen dogs willingly have sex with human females. They really enjoy it. I don't enjoy seeing it that much, but there is plenty of footage on the internet.
And, children exposed to sex early enough may grow a liking for it. Some cultures encourage it. It's wrong in N. America because we believe it's wrong and no other reason.
If we look at pedophelia objectively we can see that it is as much of a choice as any other sexual orientation and in that regard it is not wrong. However, the human orbital-frontal cortex is not fully developed until approx. 20+ years of age, so if we want to use brain development to gauge consent, then the age of consent should be around 25.
Regardless of religion...I think what you say is true. Not "homosexual tendencies" so much as "insecurity" in their heterosexuality.
One summer, I became obsesssed with the intense fear that I was gay. I think it started with recognizing a guy as good looking, and I just could not shake the fear that I was gay. Eventually, thanks to finally bringing it up with my parents, I logically came to realize that my sexual attraction was 100% toward females. I was cleary not gay. I did not want to have sex with men. And the amazing thing was that I stopped using terms like "fag" all the time. Why? Because I was no longer having to prove to myself and everyone else that I was macho and striaght. I was (and remain) very secure in my heterosexuality.
I think that most people, deep down inside know that homosexuality is not a choice, so they have it deep in the back of their mind "what if I'm gay?" but they never really deal with it except to spend their lives proving to themselves and everyone else that they are not gay. The best medicine is to stop repressing it and deal with it logically. If you can come to grips with the fact that your physical attraction is to the opposite sex, suddenly there is much less to be afraid of and no reason to be a hater.
Its very cool that you could bring it up with your parents!
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Homosexuals have been studied pretty deeply in the last 2 decades. It is known that scientifically, they are genetically different from their heterosexual gender counterparts. Evolutionary speaking, if this is a mutation in the life span of mankind, what purpose does it serve? It cannot procreate thus eliminating the evolutionary progression theory. So from a scientific ideology, homosexuality is nothing more than a genetic defect.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
While I disagree with you in many ways on this, I'll take your argument and call you on it: What the hell does that have to do with denying them rights? Are you going to start telling people with Down's syndrome how to live their lives?
Some may say creationism is against nature.
Right, firstly, the "condition" you give as an example is entirely untrue. A trisomy of XXY is known as Kleinfelter's Syndrome, it's a genetic variation that affects 1 in 17,000 births, and presents clearly visible symptoms. It does not affect a persons sexuality and the syndrome itself can be treated with testosterone injections.
It has no proven or remotely linked affect to the person's sexuality.
Also, all that other stuff you've said about homosexuality being linked to genetics is bull shit. I've studied it, I read journals, I keep up to date with the science news. You're lying. You're bullshitting. And you're disgracing an entire group of people at the same time.
If the god you say exists is there, it probably hates you. Like everyone else.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
i personally think that being gay is just a sexual preference.... that's all. whatever gets you wet
true... it's genetic.... everything's genetic... even someone who is likely to get diabetes.... it's all genetic. everything is.
I didn't say they weren'y born gay. I said the genetics end of it is a load of bull shit.
Genetics can predispose you for a certain condition, like a heart disease, but you may never get it because you were exposed to different environmental factors. How it happens is unknown, anyway.
It's hard to tell if anyone is gay before they hit puberty and their hormones kick in. Whether or not you're born gay is irrelevent anyway, they deserve equal rights.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
End of topic.
When religion is used to oppress people, that's when religion has overstepped its boundaries.
but yeah... let them have their rights.
Deadnothingbetter, you're constantly the one person who keeps me from believing that all Christians are mentally deficient.:p
It's about time someone did. You're alright in my book, son. Take it easy.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
It's quarter to 5 in the morning here... I don't have time to find cookies! Oh wait, here they are.
No go forth and destroy! Or whatever. I'm really too tired to make sense now.
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!
So what's your excuse the rest of the time, guy?:D
Drugs, guy!
"Hallowed are the Ori" - it ain't shabby!