The bible explains how God chooses not to use his omnipresence in that way. When the initial dischord took place with Satan's challange against God, He allowed Satan to try and make his point...(that humans only serve God because he gives them perfection)....according to scripture, this will soon come to an end. Then God will destroy Satan and his minions making an example of them. Peace and perfection will be restored never to be tampered with again.
The test to us humans is to see how many of us will remain faithful to God despite being imperfect and suffering.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
OK, so then these other faiths are ok, but faith in a biblical God is ignorance?
When did I say that? Hell, the only other "faith" I mentioned is Deism, which is hardly a religion.
But, yeah, just so you don't have to push me for an answer, I believe that Biblical literalism is pretty ignorant. Now, I don't mean ignorant in a pejorative sense, just unaware. And I don't mean to single out Christian literalism; but all religious literalism.
Written by humans who were directed by God. They were merely the scribes.
I am directed by God, too, in what I write. I am a channel.
What comes through is going to be as clear as the channel, itself. There is much room for humanness to distort what is said, within this context. I will say that when people read the bible with integrated intelligence--with synthesized emotional, intuitive and logical intelligence (when people read with heart/mind/soul), the truth is loud and clear. When people take issue with the truths of the bible, the conflict is in the person seeing conflict. And also when people use the bible to justify contracting, separation, etc. etc. --that which is opposite of God, evolution and life, that is also human distortion of said truths, and there is a price to pay as well.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I am directed by God, too, in what I write. I am a channel.
What comes through is going to be as clear as the channel, itself. There is much room for humanness to distort what is said, within this context. I will say that when people read the bible with integrated intelligence--with synthesized emotional, intuitive and logical intelligence (when people read with heart/mind/soul), the truth is loud and clear. When people take issue with the truths of the bible, the conflict is in the person seeing conflict. And also when people use the bible to justify contracting, separation, etc. etc. --that which is opposite of God, evolution and life, that is also human distortion of said truths, and there is a price to pay as well.
If you believe that of yourself, then so be it. But why would God use you to talk against Him?
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Basic human condition hasn't changed. Even in biblical times there was homosexuality (Sodom and Gomorrah is only one example).
Okay, I didn't say human condition has changed, I said our understanding of the human condition has changed. The point I'm making is that women have gained rights that were traditionally denied to them. The civil rights movement granted black people rights that were traditionally denied to them. I see no reason to assume the same won't happen for homosexuals.
Do not engage in homosexuality. Why should this be any different? It goes against the laws of nature. It serves no God intended purpose. It spreads disease.
Um... unprotected heterosexual sex can spread disease too. And using contraception is some kind of sin too, right?
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Um... unprotected heterosexual sex can spread disease too. And using contraception is some kind of sin too, right?
True heterosexual sex can spread disease, which one reason why fornication is condemned. Furthermore, contraception is not listed as a sin. The law on that was in the old testament. Christ did away with that when he established his ministry. Contraception was not mentioned.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
He created free will. Certain aspects of creation used that privilege to work against God.
I agree. And the certain aspects of creation that use that priviledge to work against God--including aspects of each one of us when we choose to err in day to day life--are still 100% one with and fully loved and embraced by God in each moment. We are fully forgiven by God as well--because the idea that we need forgiveness in the first place is an illusion. Granted, it's one we would do well to REALize, in order to recognize our at-ONE-ment with God, in order to experience peace and harmony. Until we recognize our self-imposed split, we continue to perpetuate loss, separation and illusion. The separation is not with, nor ever has been with God. The separation is in the current level of human evolution and the fallacy of the human mind. Jesus endeavored to bridge this gap.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
what people do in their bedroom doesn't affect society either.
if you believe that homosexual lifestyles do not affect society, then you must live in a cave
on a very basic level, what about any children they may have? Does what goes on in their household not affect them? What about extended family? Do these choices not affect the harmony of that? Sure some people embrace it....but as a whole, society tends not to accept it. Which leads to dischord.
The butterfly effect is realistic. Everything we do affects someone or something somewhere sometime somehow.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
True heterosexual sex can spread disease, which one reason why fornication is condemned. Furthermore, contraception is not listed as a sin. The law on that was in the old testament. Christ did away with that when he established his ministry. Contraception was not mentioned.
Okay, so contraception is okay. But without it, both heterosexual sex and homosexual sex can spread disease. So...? What's the difference?
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Q: Really? God?
A: I accept God as a language construct, so sometimes God makes sense.
Q: Do you anthromorphize the computer? the couch? the cigarette you're smoking?
A: Maybe, I don't know. God is about what you don't know, I think, sometimes.
I agree. And the certain aspects of creation that use that priviledge to work against God--including aspects of each one of us when we choose to err in day to day life--are still 100% one with and fully loved and embraced by God in each moment. We are fully forgiven by God as well--because the idea that we need forgiveness in the first place is an illusion. Granted, it's one we would do well to REALize, in order to recognize our at-ONE-ment with God, in order to experience peace and harmony. Until we recognize our self-imposed split, we continue to perpetuate loss, separation and illusion. The separation is not with, nor ever has been with God. The separation is in the current level of human evolution and the fallacy of the human mind. Jesus endeavored to bridge this gap.
Really? So then Jesus teachings to do things God's way and according to his "thinking" is incorrect? From what Jesus taught, we are to "follow" his example. That being, living by God's laws. He also taught that we must do these things in order to be forgiven for our sinful nature. He taught that there are conditions to being saved. How can a human be "one" with God who is superior?
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
When the initial dischord took place with Satan's challange against God, He allowed Satan to try and make his point...(that humans only serve God because he gives them perfection)....according to scripture, this will soon come to an end. Then God will destroy Satan and his minions making an example of them. Peace and perfection will be restored never to be tampered with again.
The test to us humans is to see how many of us will remain faithful to God despite being imperfect and suffering.
What you're saying is, in effect, that God was all knowing and all powerful, but chose to forget how the universe would unfold in order to prove a point to Satan? Proof to a challenge he already knew Satan would make - one he already knew he'd proved anyway? You're asking me to believe that God is bound by the human, earthly standards of time. Physics has shown that time is relative to your place in the universe and that the way it passes on Earth isn't necessarily the way it passes elsewhere. Is God bound by time at all?
Q: Really? God?
A: I accept God as a language construct, so sometimes God makes sense.
Q: Do you anthromorphize the computer? the couch? the cigarette you're smoking?
A: Maybe, I don't know. God is about what you don't know, I think, sometimes.
lol talking to yourself? I think we pushed Gue too far.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Really? So then Jesus teachings to do things God's way and according to his "thinking" is incorrect? From what Jesus taught, we are to "follow" his example. That being, living by God's laws. He also taught that we must do these things in order to be forgiven for our sinful nature. He taught that there are conditions to being saved. How can a human be "one" with God who is superior?
There is a very slim "way" to be in order to be aligned with God. And most people miss out on this way many times in many ways in each day. We are to follow Jesus' example--the template of the fully actualized Being. And when we do not, in each moment, we pay the price. And when we do act in alignment with what Jesus showed us, we are at peace, in Love and at-One with our very Creator. We choose.
Maybe you forgot the teaching that God is in all things. God is everywhere--onipresent. What is eternal IS. There is no time or space between what is eternal. What is eternal is always there, everywhere. That doesn't mean God exists in and around all people--it means there is nowhere that is independent of God. Maybe you were not taught about the Spirit being in each of us. Maybe you aren't familiar with Jesus saying we are all Gods. It also seems you continue to forget Jesus' teaching of not judging the speck in the other person's eye, through the sinning/distorting plank in one's own eye. It is the human ego that makes the "other" guy bad and wrong, as a way of falsely ignoring our own faults. Hence, that being an illusion that we require atonement and forgiveness for, in order to return to the understanding and forgiving truth of Jesus.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
All the Bible really wants to teach you is that you should be a good person. In fact, you don't even need to read it to know what it's message is. Don't steal, don't murder, etc etc.. That's all it should be..
What it's not is a bunch of slander about gays and fucked up dogma that people take far too seriously. What difference does it make?
There is a very slim "way" to be in order to be aligned with God. And most people miss out on this way many times in many ways in each day. We are to follow Jesus' example--the template of the fully actualized Being. And when we do not, in each moment, we pay the price. And when we do act in alignment with what Jesus showed us, we are at peace, in Love and at-One with our very Creator. We choose.
Maybe you forgot the teaching that God is in all things. God is everywhere--onipresent. What is eternal IS. There is no time or space between what is eternal. What is eternal is always there, everywhere. That doesn't mean God exists in and around all people--it means there is nowhere that is independent of God. Maybe you were not taught about the Spirit being in each of us. Maybe you aren't familiar with Jesus saying we are all Gods. It also seems you continue to forget Jesus' teaching of not judging the speck in the other person's eye, through the sinning/distorting plank in one's own eye. It is the human ego that makes the "other" guy bad and wrong, as a way of falsely ignoring our own faults. Hence, that being an illusion that we require atonement and forgiveness for, in order to return to the understanding and forgiving truth of Jesus.
Bullshit. See, this is the kind of god-language that just reeks of dishonesty. Or, more politely, ignorance.
Have you got a passage for that?
What you're saying is, in effect, that God was all knowing and all powerful, but chose to forget how the universe would unfold in order to prove a point to Satan? Proof to a challenge he already knew Satan would make - one he already knew he'd proved anyway? You're asking me to believe that God is bound by the human, earthly standards of time. Physics has shown that time is relative to your place in the universe and that the way it passes on Earth isn't necessarily the way it passes elsewhere. Is God bound by time at all?
He is allowing it so that the question will be put to rest. God knew that with free will some might become haughty and want to be equal to God. So he allowed this wickedness to be known so that when he establishes the "new heaven and new earth" no creature will contradict God again.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
There is a very slim "way" to be in order to be aligned with God. And most people miss out on this way many times in many ways in each day. We are to follow Jesus' example--the template of the fully actualized Being. And when we do not, in each moment, we pay the price. And when we do act in alignment with what Jesus showed us, we are at peace, in Love and at-One with our very Creator. We choose.
Maybe you forgot the teaching that God is in all things. God is everywhere--onipresent. What is eternal IS. There is no time or space between what is eternal. What is eternal is always there, everywhere. That doesn't mean God exists in and around all people--it means there is nowhere that is independent of God. Maybe you were not taught about the Spirit being in each of us. Maybe you aren't familiar with Jesus saying we are all Gods. It also seems you continue to forget Jesus' teaching of not judging the speck in the other person's eye, through the sinning/distorting plank in one's own eye. It is the human ego that makes the "other" guy bad and wrong, as a way of falsely ignoring our own faults. Hence, that being an illusion that we require atonement and forgiveness for, in order to return to the understanding and forgiving truth of Jesus.
No where in Jesus teaching did he say wrong did not exist. So while God may be in all things, he is not in all people if they push him out.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
He is allowing it so that the question will be put to rest. God knew that with free will some might become haughty and want to be equal to God. So he allowed this wickedness to be known so that when he establishes the "new heaven and new earth" no creature will contradict God again.
Humans recognized, long ago, that the Sun was a life-giving all encompassing sort of power. They knew, without it, life as they knew it would cease to exist. That truth holds true...forever. That is God. God is the sun.
That's all there is to it.
All this other shit you fucks are talking about is...
Bullshit. See, this is the kind of god-language that just reeks of dishonesty. Or, more politely, ignorance.
All spiritual disciplines through the ages have shown that to find our Truth and the Way, we must follow our own path. And ultimate REALization of Truth is dependent on a very slim range of behaviours, from Christianity to Buddhism to you name it.
This is why there have been secret spiritual sects for so long, with those who practice such at-one-ment. The majority, overrun by the human ego and the idea of separation wants to uphold separation, and like a child discovering independence, we want to deny the Truth. We want to learn our own way, through experience. And that is perfectly aligned with God's will. Afterall, there really is no separation. We are God, closing our minds to ourselves and having experiences. And we pay for our less than optimal choices in each moment. There is a slim group who uncover the Light and Truth in actuality and in REALization and experience, and who live it.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
By clarifying the illusions, and clearing out one's perception--in other words, by finding and living the Way.
How can the drop of water be individual and yet still be the ocean? The idea of separation is an idea whose time has come, my friend.
I like the water droplet analogy. However, as much as the drop is individual and becomes part of the ocean, the ocean as an entity is much greater. Without the ocean, the drop is nothing.
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Humans recognized that the Sun was a life-giving all encompassing sort of power. They knew, without it, life as they knew it would cease to exist. That truth holds true...forever. That is God. God is the sun.
That's all there is to it.
All this other shit you fucks are talking about is...
fucking ridiculous.
So you think the sun created the earth and the universe and all of life?
Makes much more sense, to live in the present tense.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
if you believe that homosexual lifestyles do not affect society, then you must live in a cave
on a very basic level, what about any children they may have? Does what goes on in their household not affect them? What about extended family? Do these choices not affect the harmony of that? Sure some people embrace it....but as a whole, society tends not to accept it. Which leads to dischord.
The butterfly effect is realistic. Everything we do affects someone or something somewhere sometime somehow.
so maybe if people like you stopped trying to dehumanize homos, these kids would have no issues and families would not disown their loved ones. maybe the answer is acceptance rather than expulsion.
straight couples are doing a damn fine job of fucking up their kids and families and that was happening long before homosexuals were allowed to admit to it without being lynched for it by closet-case homophobes like you. "boo hoo, my neighbor's gay, what if it is contagious and my kid catches the fag bug?" did your neighbor's divorce fuck your kid up? don't think so. grow up and join reality.
The test to us humans is to see how many of us will remain faithful to God despite being imperfect and suffering.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
But, yeah, just so you don't have to push me for an answer, I believe that Biblical literalism is pretty ignorant. Now, I don't mean ignorant in a pejorative sense, just unaware. And I don't mean to single out Christian literalism; but all religious literalism.
What comes through is going to be as clear as the channel, itself. There is much room for humanness to distort what is said, within this context. I will say that when people read the bible with integrated intelligence--with synthesized emotional, intuitive and logical intelligence (when people read with heart/mind/soul), the truth is loud and clear. When people take issue with the truths of the bible, the conflict is in the person seeing conflict. And also when people use the bible to justify contracting, separation, etc. etc. --that which is opposite of God, evolution and life, that is also human distortion of said truths, and there is a price to pay as well.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I can dig it.
With a shovel.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Okay, I didn't say human condition has changed, I said our understanding of the human condition has changed. The point I'm making is that women have gained rights that were traditionally denied to them. The civil rights movement granted black people rights that were traditionally denied to them. I see no reason to assume the same won't happen for homosexuals.
Um... unprotected heterosexual sex can spread disease too. And using contraception is some kind of sin too, right?
what people do in their bedroom doesn't affect society either.
True heterosexual sex can spread disease, which one reason why fornication is condemned. Furthermore, contraception is not listed as a sin. The law on that was in the old testament. Christ did away with that when he established his ministry. Contraception was not mentioned.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
on a very basic level, what about any children they may have? Does what goes on in their household not affect them? What about extended family? Do these choices not affect the harmony of that? Sure some people embrace it....but as a whole, society tends not to accept it. Which leads to dischord.
The butterfly effect is realistic. Everything we do affects someone or something somewhere sometime somehow.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Okay, so contraception is okay. But without it, both heterosexual sex and homosexual sex can spread disease. So...? What's the difference?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Most people that put as much faith in the bible do. So obviously, it's a book open to interpretation.
Q: Really? God?
A: I accept God as a language construct, so sometimes God makes sense.
Q: Do you anthromorphize the computer? the couch? the cigarette you're smoking?
A: Maybe, I don't know. God is about what you don't know, I think, sometimes.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Really? So then Jesus teachings to do things God's way and according to his "thinking" is incorrect? From what Jesus taught, we are to "follow" his example. That being, living by God's laws. He also taught that we must do these things in order to be forgiven for our sinful nature. He taught that there are conditions to being saved. How can a human be "one" with God who is superior?
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
I don't feel pushed at all.
This is my conscience and me, when I do the Q and A.
AKA the alter ego.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Maybe you forgot the teaching that God is in all things. God is everywhere--onipresent. What is eternal IS. There is no time or space between what is eternal. What is eternal is always there, everywhere. That doesn't mean God exists in and around all people--it means there is nowhere that is independent of God. Maybe you were not taught about the Spirit being in each of us. Maybe you aren't familiar with Jesus saying we are all Gods. It also seems you continue to forget Jesus' teaching of not judging the speck in the other person's eye, through the sinning/distorting plank in one's own eye. It is the human ego that makes the "other" guy bad and wrong, as a way of falsely ignoring our own faults. Hence, that being an illusion that we require atonement and forgiveness for, in order to return to the understanding and forgiving truth of Jesus.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
How can the drop of water be individual and yet still be the ocean? The idea of separation is an idea whose time has come, my friend.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
All the Bible really wants to teach you is that you should be a good person. In fact, you don't even need to read it to know what it's message is. Don't steal, don't murder, etc etc.. That's all it should be..
What it's not is a bunch of slander about gays and fucked up dogma that people take far too seriously. What difference does it make?
Fucking Christ.. :rolleyes:
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Bullshit. See, this is the kind of god-language that just reeks of dishonesty. Or, more politely, ignorance.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
Humans recognized, long ago, that the Sun was a life-giving all encompassing sort of power. They knew, without it, life as they knew it would cease to exist. That truth holds true...forever. That is God. God is the sun.
That's all there is to it.
All this other shit you fucks are talking about is...
fucking ridiculous.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
This is why there have been secret spiritual sects for so long, with those who practice such at-one-ment. The majority, overrun by the human ego and the idea of separation wants to uphold separation, and like a child discovering independence, we want to deny the Truth. We want to learn our own way, through experience. And that is perfectly aligned with God's will. Afterall, there really is no separation. We are God, closing our minds to ourselves and having experiences. And we pay for our less than optimal choices in each moment. There is a slim group who uncover the Light and Truth in actuality and in REALization and experience, and who live it.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
A truly liberal person is conservative when necessary.
Pro-life by choice.
so maybe if people like you stopped trying to dehumanize homos, these kids would have no issues and families would not disown their loved ones. maybe the answer is acceptance rather than expulsion.
straight couples are doing a damn fine job of fucking up their kids and families and that was happening long before homosexuals were allowed to admit to it without being lynched for it by closet-case homophobes like you. "boo hoo, my neighbor's gay, what if it is contagious and my kid catches the fag bug?" did your neighbor's divorce fuck your kid up? don't think so. grow up and join reality.