no. there IS no reason. cause if you're suggesting that i don't know the reason, than that would mean that you would know the reason... and if you don't know the reason how would you ever know for a fact that there is a reason in the first place?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
Do human beings have conscious decision over the production and release of hormones? If so I would like to see some evidence of it, because that is what moves us all in our general directions.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Do human beings have conscious decision over the production and release of hormones? If so I would like to see some evidence of it, because that is what moves us all in our general directions.
I can't say it's a conscious decision Roland, because it is not, but I can say that there have been times when I am aware of the production and release of hormones in my body in response to particular incidents. Not scientific evidence I realize but with certainty I can say that there have been incidents in my life when I have been fully aware of the production and release of hormones coursing through my body, (it was like the sensation of having a drug course through my cells) , and I have also been aware of what the ramifications of this are going to be and have had the outcome that I predicted. I think that this has also been the case for other people, as I have heard people explain "rage" and how they "just lost it" and whether or not they were aware of it, does sound an awful lot like testosterone at play to me. Whether they were also aware of what the physical outcome of that hormonal response is I do not know. But what I'd like to know now, believing what I believe about hormone response, is how to stop the hormone response before it continues and reeks it's havoc. It's an interesting subject and one that I would like to understand better.
Is every motor vehicle collision caused? Or do some just happen?
Is every instance of a 9mm bullet puncturing the cranium of an individual and causing terminal damage to their brain caused? Or does it just sometimes happen?
Think about it. There is always a cause.
You wouldn't accept causlessness when you know someone is to blame. You will only accept causlessness when think that person is the ultimate cause, the first cause, and only so that you can have pride, envy and blame.
Ok, so I'm trying to understand here. How can we say that absolutely always there is cause? Does that not fly in the face of science by not accounting for the unexplainable? I thought that one of the premises of science was to allow for grey? That there isn't always all or nothing? Otherwise why would scientists hypothesize and then research and test and quantify in the first place?
As to the "blame game" to me there are things that don't appear to have a cause in which case blame has no place. (Not that I think blame has much of a place in most things. It's so counterproductive.) For instance a very dear family friend contracted CJD and died from it. A one in a million chance. Now I'm not saying that we don't know what the "cause" of CJD is in that we know what it is and what happens (cause and effect), however in terms of this individual they were unable to ascertain the actual "cause" of that specific manifestation of the disease in that person. Whatever the cause was we just don't know it and will probably never know it in this case. So this then, (in terms of being the people that loved and cared for the patient)really only leaves us with looking at it as fate. And given the statistics wouldn't one then have to wonder, given that I don't believe that the person conciously or unconciously manifested it in themselves, and the scientists and doctors were unable to give a definitive cause for that particular case, wouldn't one then have to wonder at the randomness of the universe and fate? Just curious about your thoughts Ryan.
I have no interest to interact with angry, cranky people who entitle themselve to unload that on others. When cate responded to my post, she responded to something I said in response to callen, when he and I were both smiling and having fun with it. If she wants to construe it to her purposes and get upset, she can live with that. I certainly don't.
twas just a choice i made to join in the conversation angelica. and i take full responsibility for it.
cranky angry people? LMFAO!!! you think that was me being cranky and angry? you don't know me at all. you sprout your airy fairy bs as if it were some kind of definitive truth. it's like a religion. that's how whole heartedly you believe what you say.
and oh yes i can indeed live with it.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
twas just a choice i made to join in the conversation angelica. and i take full responsibility for it.
cranky angry people? LMFAO!!! you think that was me being cranky and angry? you don't know me at all. you sprout your airy fairy bs as if it were some kind of definitive truth. it's like a religion. that's how whole heartedly you believe what you say.
and oh yes i can indeed live with it.
You are cranky, cate. You're an aussie. Live with it, woman.. *V-sign*
You are cranky, cate. You're an aussie. Live with it, woman.. *V-sign*
i didn't say i wasn't cranky fins. i was saying that if angelica thought my posts were the result of me being cranky and angry then she didn't know me at all. those posts were the result of me being me. when i am cranky and angry, really cranky and angry, you'll know about it.
and yeah i live with it every day.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i didn't say i wasn't cranky fins. i was saying that if angelica thought my posts were the result of me being cranky and angry then she didn't know me at all. those posts were the result of me being me. when i am cranky and angry, really cranky and angry, you'll know about it.
and yeah i live with it every day.
what can you say? just a bunch of girls....
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
i didn't say i wasn't cranky fins. i was saying that if angelica thought my posts were the result of me being cranky and angry then she didn't know me at all. those posts were the result of me being me. when i am cranky and angry, really cranky and angry, you'll know about it.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Ok, so I'm trying to understand here. How can we say that absolutely always there is cause? Does that not fly in the face of science by not accounting for the unexplainable? I thought that one of the premises of science was to allow for grey? That there isn't always all or nothing? Otherwise why would scientists hypothesize and then research and test and quantify in the first place?
As to the "blame game" to me there are things that don't appear to have a cause in which case blame has no place. (Not that I think blame has much of a place in most things. It's so counterproductive.) For instance a very dear family friend contracted CJD and died from it. A one in a million chance. Now I'm not saying that we don't know what the "cause" of CJD is in that we know what it is and what happens (cause and effect), however in terms of this individual they were unable to ascertain the actual "cause" of that specific manifestation of the disease in that person. Whatever the cause was we just don't know it and will probably never know it in this case. So this then, (in terms of being the people that loved and cared for the patient)really only leaves us with looking at it as fate. And given the statistics wouldn't one then have to wonder, given that I don't believe that the person conciously or unconciously manifested it in themselves, and the scientists and doctors were unable to give a definitive cause for that particular case, wouldn't one then have to wonder at the randomness of the universe and fate? Just curious about your thoughts Ryan.
Well, wether the universe is random or orderly and wether there is an identifiable cause is kind of besides the point. The individual afflicted was afflicted by a cause, regardless of people identifying it. We first have to learn the causes, and be able to identify them to be able to say what the cause is, and also to determine if it is truly causless, which is somewhat of a paradox, since something with a cause could not be causeless. Either way, it's fate anyway you slice it.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
no. there IS no reason. cause if you're suggesting that i don't know the reason, than that would mean that you would know the reason... and if you don't know the reason how would you ever know for a fact that there is a reason in the first place?
How would you know for a fact that there is no reason?
If you can identify a cause, then it's caused, otherwise, you don't know. Based on the assumption that everything which we've identified as a cause, causes something and everything which is known to be caused has a cause and everything else is unknown. It's more reasonable to assume that everything has a cause, than to assume some things are causeless.
You can't prove anything is causeless, but you can prove causes.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Australia was lucky for not experiencing the album, "The Plan".
i know who the osmonds are fins. i know little jimmy and merrill and how marie's a little bit country and donny's a little bit rock'n'roll. and the teeth!! those big shiny white perfect teeth.
looks like that tyranny of distance worked out for us for once.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well, wether the universe is random or orderly and wether there is an identifiable cause is kind of besides the point.
The individual afflicted was afflicted by a cause, regardless of people identifying it. We first have to learn the causes, and be able to identify them to be able to say what the cause is, and also to determine if it is truly causless, which is somewhat of a paradox, since something with a cause could not be causeless. Either way, it's fate anyway you slice it.
Well I guess that when something happens we look for cause yes?
In order to explain and understand something we look at the reasons why something happens? I mean I do. And when things appear to be random, first I would be looking to see if it was something that just appears to be random to me when in fact it may be statistically quite common or orderly and not as random as I first considered. So then if, as in this case, it appears that something fairly random has occured, then I would look to science for explanation as to why this is the case. I understand that just because science is unable to explain the cause doesn't mean that there isn't a cause just that it is not part of our known causes at this point. I mean it happened so it exists and would therefore follow that there would be a causation. So I get all that you're saying up to that point. But I am struggling with how if we do get past the paradox of whether something is caused or causeless that we then move on to fate. I mean I would consider what happened to be fate but then I do not have a scientific mind so fate is what I would go with in the absence of science or fact to establish cause but what would you consider fate ryan? The reason I ask is that I looked up the definition of fate and I'm not so sure that I believe in fate as it was described and I'm just wondering how you view it.
How would you know for a fact that there is no reason?
I don't. But I also don't have a reason to think, or much less conclude, otherwise.
If you can identify a cause, then it's caused, otherwise, you don't know.
Not until you can prove to me that my choice is a cause, rather than a choice, then i'll start agreeing. Cause the way I'm seeing things, neither one of us knows for sure.
Based on the assumption that everything which we've identified as a cause, causes something and everything which is known to be caused has a cause and everything else is unknown.
But my choices haven't been identified as a cause yet. At least, not for me.
It's more reasonable to assume that everything has a cause, than to assume some things are causeless.
Did you ever poke someone on the ear, or shoulder, and they say, "hey, what did you do that for?" And you respond, "no reason." Well, if you really thought harder, will you actually find a reason for it? Ok... maybe you had a crush on the person? I dunnoo... but that's not always the case.
Everything inbetween our reality, or perception, and the realities of the universe are just speculations, theories, and sometimes faith/religion. Or tell me, what was the reason that I picked the drama film over the action film?
You can't prove anything is causeless, but you can prove causes.
Ok... prove that my choice is a cause.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
But I do want to understand a little better. I mean what kinda shit?
Did it "hit the fan"? Who's gonna clean it up? How do we even know it's shit? (You know apart from the smell!) That kinda thing!
But I do want to understand a little better. I mean what kinda shit?
Did it "hit the fan"? Who's gonna clean it up? How do we even know it's shit? (You know apart from the smell!) That kinda thing!
in one-by-one dissections, and carefully and painstakingly remind you that what I say comes to me through enlightenment....
What kinda shit? The shit that occurs every day, when we don't want it to. I mean, maybe we are really asking for it to, but we don't really want it to, but it occurs because we smoked too much weed last night, or had too many beers, or didn't eat a vegan turkey hamburger with the right salsa/ketchup alternative on top.
Did it hit the fan? I don't know. It all depends on whether you use a fan or an air conditioner. And if you can afford either one, you're doing better than a lot of friends of mine, who still rely on palm leaves to cool themselves. And they all really want to invade your apartment -- oh, sorry, your SPACE -- because you at least have a cool place to hang out in, while the rest of humanity cools itself with palm leaves.
How do we even know it's shit? We know it because of it's smell. If you need me to help you clarify this, you either need a new nose or at least a new outlook on life, which will help you understand that the disgusting stench underneath your nostrils that permeates strongly and looks a rather icky shade of brown, is indeed, without question, shit.
Most people are in a constant state of struggle with themselves. Tremendously burdened by the past and in constant anticipation of the future, most human beings are rarely able to be fully present for more than very brief moments. The tremendous openness and intimacy that is required to be fully present is beyond most people's ability to sustain for more than a few moments before they habitually contract back into the familiar condition of separateness and struggle that so characterizes the human condition. This constant state of struggle manifests as a compulsive and addictive relationship to the movement of thought, emotion, and time.
There is great reluctance to stop struggling because in the absence of struggle you suddenly begin to lose your boundaries and definitions of who you are. For many people this causes fear to arise as they experience the loss of their familiar sense of self. Struggling is how the ego-personality maintains its existence. When you cease to struggle, identification with the personality begins to break down and you become aware of your emptiness and lack of boundaries....
As long as you remain identified with the personality, you will always be seeking security to the exclusion of the Truth, and will remain in a constant state of struggle. It is only when your love and desire for Truth outweigh the personality' s compulsive need for security that you can begin to stop struggling and be swept up into the arms of an ever-unfolding revelation of the Truth and Freedom of Being.
- Adyashanti
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Most people are in a constant state of struggle with themselves. Tremendously burdened by the past and in constant anticipation of the future, most human beings are rarely able to be fully present for more than very brief moments. The tremendous openness and intimacy that is required to be fully present is beyond most people's ability to sustain for more than a few moments before they habitually contract back into the familiar condition of separateness and struggle that so characterizes the human condition. This constant state of struggle manifests as a compulsive and addictive relationship to the movement of thought, emotion, and time.
There is great reluctance to stop struggling because in the absence of struggle you suddenly begin to lose your boundaries and definitions of who you are. For many people this causes fear to arise as they experience the loss of their familiar sense of self. Struggling is how the ego-personality maintains its existence. When you cease to struggle, identification with the personality begins to break down and you become aware of your emptiness and lack of boundaries....
As long as you remain identified with the personality, you will always be seeking security to the exclusion of the Truth, and will remain in a constant state of struggle. It is only when your love and desire for Truth outweigh the personality' s compulsive need for security that you can begin to stop struggling and be swept up into the arms of an ever-unfolding revelation of the Truth and Freedom of Being.
- Adyashanti
I think most people can take something from that. I can.
I have a question, though. What does that have to do with fate?
****races off to another topic as fast as possible****
in one-by-one dissections, and carefully and painstakingly remind you that what I say comes to me through enlightenment....
What kinda shit? The shit that occurs every day, when we don't want it to. I mean, maybe we are really asking for it to, but we don't really want it to, but it occurs because we smoked too much weed last night, or had too many beers, or didn't eat a vegan turkey hamburger with the right salsa/ketchup alternative on top.
Did it hit the fan? I don't know. It all depends on whether you use a fan or an air conditioner. And if you can afford either one, you're doing better than a lot of friends of mine, who still rely on palm leaves to cool themselves. And they all really want to invade your apartment -- oh, sorry, your SPACE -- because you at least have a cool place to hang out in, while the rest of humanity cools itself with palm leaves.
How do we even know it's shit? We know it because of it's smell. If you need me to help you clarify this, you either need a new nose or at least a new outlook on life, which will help you understand that the disgusting stench underneath your nostrils that permeates strongly and looks a rather icky shade of brown, is indeed, without question, shit.
"I'm always in the shit, it's only the depth that varies"
I don't. But I also don't have a reason to think, or much less conclude, otherwise.
Not until you can prove to me that my choice is a cause, rather than a choice, then i'll start agreeing. Cause the way I'm seeing things, neither one of us knows for sure.But my choices haven't been identified as a cause yet. At least, not for me. Did you ever poke someone on the ear, or shoulder, and they say, "hey, what did you do that for?" And you respond, "no reason." Well, if you really thought harder, will you actually find a reason for it? Ok... maybe you had a crush on the person? I dunnoo... but that's not always the case.
Everything inbetween our reality, or perception, and the realities of the universe are just speculations, theories, and sometimes faith/religion. Or tell me, what was the reason that I picked the drama film over the action film?
Ok... prove that my choice is a cause.
There isn't much to gain from studying the reasons why we choose action films over drama or any such thing. But I can postulate that it's relative to the stimulus. Men and Women differ neurologically, such that, women like emotionally stimulating entertainment more than men. I'm sure there are many reasons why you choose the films that you do. I'm certain you would find causes for your decisions if you looked. But I'm willing to bet you don't care too much about science. Therefor you wouldn't know a thing that affects your decisions.
A girl I know (12) was diagnosed with ADHD at age 6 and perscribed Rispirital/Rispirtone. Which is an anti-psychotic with some serious permanent side-effects. Six years later she's uncontrollable and hallucinating. I think it is a result of the perscription. But maybe you'd like her auditory hallucinations to be a matter of choice.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
If someone could tell me where their thoughts actually come from...then I'll believe everything is an ultimate choice.
However...nobody can do that.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
If someone could tell me where their thoughts actually come from...then I'll believe everything is an ultimate choice.
However...nobody can do that.
I hate to spoil it, but if they could tell you where their thoughts actually come from, they would be proving that their thoughts are causal in nature.
You know Roland, I know you've had an epiphany that has clarified this for you. I'd be interested to see if you ever turn 180 on this, you'd make an excellent debate partner having seen things my way. I'm frustrated with some debaters because they don't seem to grasp the concepts.
Actually, I'm interested in debating some of the finer points with you. Such as indeterminism, and the plausibility of freedom emerging from complexity as Dan Dennett suggests. Just to get your thoughts on the topic.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I can't say it's a conscious decision Roland, because it is not, but I can say that there have been times when I am aware of the production and release of hormones in my body in response to particular incidents. Not scientific evidence I realize but with certainty I can say that there have been incidents in my life when I have been fully aware of the production and release of hormones coursing through my body, (it was like the sensation of having a drug course through my cells) , and I have also been aware of what the ramifications of this are going to be and have had the outcome that I predicted. I think that this has also been the case for other people, as I have heard people explain "rage" and how they "just lost it" and whether or not they were aware of it, does sound an awful lot like testosterone at play to me. Whether they were also aware of what the physical outcome of that hormonal response is I do not know. But what I'd like to know now, believing what I believe about hormone response, is how to stop the hormone response before it continues and reeks it's havoc. It's an interesting subject and one that I would like to understand better.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Ok, so I'm trying to understand here. How can we say that absolutely always there is cause? Does that not fly in the face of science by not accounting for the unexplainable? I thought that one of the premises of science was to allow for grey? That there isn't always all or nothing? Otherwise why would scientists hypothesize and then research and test and quantify in the first place?
As to the "blame game" to me there are things that don't appear to have a cause in which case blame has no place. (Not that I think blame has much of a place in most things. It's so counterproductive.) For instance a very dear family friend contracted CJD and died from it. A one in a million chance. Now I'm not saying that we don't know what the "cause" of CJD is in that we know what it is and what happens (cause and effect), however in terms of this individual they were unable to ascertain the actual "cause" of that specific manifestation of the disease in that person. Whatever the cause was we just don't know it and will probably never know it in this case. So this then, (in terms of being the people that loved and cared for the patient)really only leaves us with looking at it as fate. And given the statistics wouldn't one then have to wonder, given that I don't believe that the person conciously or unconciously manifested it in themselves, and the scientists and doctors were unable to give a definitive cause for that particular case, wouldn't one then have to wonder at the randomness of the universe and fate? Just curious about your thoughts Ryan.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
twas just a choice i made to join in the conversation angelica. and i take full responsibility for it.
cranky angry people? LMFAO!!! you think that was me being cranky and angry? you don't know me at all. you sprout your airy fairy bs as if it were some kind of definitive truth. it's like a religion. that's how whole heartedly you believe what you say.
and oh yes i can indeed live with it.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You are cranky, cate. You're an aussie. Live with it, woman.. *V-sign*
i didn't say i wasn't cranky fins. i was saying that if angelica thought my posts were the result of me being cranky and angry then she didn't know me at all. those posts were the result of me being me. when i am cranky and angry, really cranky and angry, you'll know about it.
and yeah i live with it every day.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Listen, cate. Can we settle this whole thing?
i can't youtube. :(
but whatever, i'm over it. tis settled.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Jesus did that even happen?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Well, wether the universe is random or orderly and wether there is an identifiable cause is kind of besides the point. The individual afflicted was afflicted by a cause, regardless of people identifying it. We first have to learn the causes, and be able to identify them to be able to say what the cause is, and also to determine if it is truly causless, which is somewhat of a paradox, since something with a cause could not be causeless. Either way, it's fate anyway you slice it.
How would you know for a fact that there is no reason?
If you can identify a cause, then it's caused, otherwise, you don't know. Based on the assumption that everything which we've identified as a cause, causes something and everything which is known to be caused has a cause and everything else is unknown. It's more reasonable to assume that everything has a cause, than to assume some things are causeless.
You can't prove anything is causeless, but you can prove causes.
i hope that's not love in the catholic priest sense of the word.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
They were Mormons.
Australia was lucky for not experiencing the album, "The Plan".
i know who the osmonds are fins. i know little jimmy and merrill and how marie's a little bit country and donny's a little bit rock'n'roll. and the teeth!! those big shiny white perfect teeth.
looks like that tyranny of distance worked out for us for once.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well I guess that when something happens we look for cause yes?
In order to explain and understand something we look at the reasons why something happens? I mean I do. And when things appear to be random, first I would be looking to see if it was something that just appears to be random to me when in fact it may be statistically quite common or orderly and not as random as I first considered. So then if, as in this case, it appears that something fairly random has occured, then I would look to science for explanation as to why this is the case. I understand that just because science is unable to explain the cause doesn't mean that there isn't a cause just that it is not part of our known causes at this point. I mean it happened so it exists and would therefore follow that there would be a causation. So I get all that you're saying up to that point. But I am struggling with how if we do get past the paradox of whether something is caused or causeless that we then move on to fate. I mean I would consider what happened to be fate but then I do not have a scientific mind so fate is what I would go with in the absence of science or fact to establish cause but what would you consider fate ryan? The reason I ask is that I looked up the definition of fate and I'm not so sure that I believe in fate as it was described and I'm just wondering how you view it.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Not until you can prove to me that my choice is a cause, rather than a choice, then i'll start agreeing. Cause the way I'm seeing things, neither one of us knows for sure. But my choices haven't been identified as a cause yet. At least, not for me. Did you ever poke someone on the ear, or shoulder, and they say, "hey, what did you do that for?" And you respond, "no reason." Well, if you really thought harder, will you actually find a reason for it? Ok... maybe you had a crush on the person? I dunnoo... but that's not always the case.
Everything inbetween our reality, or perception, and the realities of the universe are just speculations, theories, and sometimes faith/religion. Or tell me, what was the reason that I picked the drama film over the action film?
Ok... prove that my choice is a cause.
But I do want to understand a little better.
Did it "hit the fan"?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
in one-by-one dissections, and carefully and painstakingly remind you that what I say comes to me through enlightenment....
What kinda shit? The shit that occurs every day, when we don't want it to. I mean, maybe we are really asking for it to, but we don't really want it to, but it occurs because we smoked too much weed last night, or had too many beers, or didn't eat a vegan turkey hamburger with the right salsa/ketchup alternative on top.
Did it hit the fan? I don't know. It all depends on whether you use a fan or an air conditioner. And if you can afford either one, you're doing better than a lot of friends of mine, who still rely on palm leaves to cool themselves. And they all really want to invade your apartment -- oh, sorry, your SPACE -- because you at least have a cool place to hang out in, while the rest of humanity cools itself with palm leaves.
How do we even know it's shit? We know it because of it's smell. If you need me to help you clarify this, you either need a new nose or at least a new outlook on life, which will help you understand that the disgusting stench underneath your nostrils that permeates strongly and looks a rather icky shade of brown, is indeed, without question, shit.
Most people are in a constant state of struggle with themselves. Tremendously burdened by the past and in constant anticipation of the future, most human beings are rarely able to be fully present for more than very brief moments. The tremendous openness and intimacy that is required to be fully present is beyond most people's ability to sustain for more than a few moments before they habitually contract back into the familiar condition of separateness and struggle that so characterizes the human condition. This constant state of struggle manifests as a compulsive and addictive relationship to the movement of thought, emotion, and time.
There is great reluctance to stop struggling because in the absence of struggle you suddenly begin to lose your boundaries and definitions of who you are. For many people this causes fear to arise as they experience the loss of their familiar sense of self. Struggling is how the ego-personality maintains its existence. When you cease to struggle, identification with the personality begins to break down and you become aware of your emptiness and lack of boundaries....
As long as you remain identified with the personality, you will always be seeking security to the exclusion of the Truth, and will remain in a constant state of struggle. It is only when your love and desire for Truth outweigh the personality' s compulsive need for security that you can begin to stop struggling and be swept up into the arms of an ever-unfolding revelation of the Truth and Freedom of Being.
- Adyashanti
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I think most people can take something from that. I can.
I have a question, though. What does that have to do with fate?
****races off to another topic as fast as possible****
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
if i believe in fate for nothing else...i do believe you were *fated* to make that post.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
can't touch the bottom. in too deep.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
There isn't much to gain from studying the reasons why we choose action films over drama or any such thing. But I can postulate that it's relative to the stimulus. Men and Women differ neurologically, such that, women like emotionally stimulating entertainment more than men. I'm sure there are many reasons why you choose the films that you do. I'm certain you would find causes for your decisions if you looked. But I'm willing to bet you don't care too much about science. Therefor you wouldn't know a thing that affects your decisions.
A girl I know (12) was diagnosed with ADHD at age 6 and perscribed Rispirital/Rispirtone. Which is an anti-psychotic with some serious permanent side-effects. Six years later she's uncontrollable and hallucinating. I think it is a result of the perscription. But maybe you'd like her auditory hallucinations to be a matter of choice.
However...nobody can do that.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I hate to spoil it, but if they could tell you where their thoughts actually come from, they would be proving that their thoughts are causal in nature.
You know Roland, I know you've had an epiphany that has clarified this for you. I'd be interested to see if you ever turn 180 on this, you'd make an excellent debate partner having seen things my way. I'm frustrated with some debaters because they don't seem to grasp the concepts.
Actually, I'm interested in debating some of the finer points with you. Such as indeterminism, and the plausibility of freedom emerging from complexity as Dan Dennett suggests. Just to get your thoughts on the topic.