Get in touch with your potentia and you'll see it's a choice. You'll see power and empowerment and the sacredness of BEing.
Get in touch with the vast majority of who you are which is unconscious for most, and integrate that part into conscious awareness as potential, and then you'll see how you direct fate at all times.
I don't think people think choice is the ultimate cause. They just recognize that they have choice, even amongst causes.
It's a "choice as a result of causes" not a "choice amongst causes". It seems you are implying that choice is not caused or is only semi-caused and in reality it is totally caused.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
It's a "choice as a result of causes" not a "choice amongst causes". It seems you are implying that choice is not caused or is only semi-caused and in reality it is totally caused.
Actually, I'm seeing that its self-evident that a choice is a choice. There is no qualifier necessary at base. Qualifying gets into logic, which gets removed from what is.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Actually, I'm seeing that its self-evident that a choice is a choice. There is no qualifier necessary at base. Qualifying gets into logic, which gets removed from what is.
I disagree. Everything can be logically explained. It seems like you don't like the logical conclusion. That's your problem.
Every thing has a cause
Choice is a thing
Choice has a cause
Just like when a computer chess program queen-side castles.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
You are aware of yourself, except for the parts you are projecting on me, apparently.
That's the whole point about our unconscious. When things "outside us" bother us and "get to" us, it indicates our inner rejected self. Anything that holds any power over us shows our unempowerment. It seems my bringing up these subjects sure triggers the inner unconscious psyches of certain people on this board. When people blame me for their own anger/frustration, etc. that shows they are not conscious of their own issues.
When we heal our inner conflicts, who we are emerges peaceful. Who we Truly are is never about the chaos. The weapon parts, the chaos, anger and frustration we see is about what has happened to us and what needs healing. It's what keeps us from who we are.
OMFG!!! you are so full of it. you want to know what i did today? you want to know how i heal my inner conflict angelica?
i know who the fuck i am. thank you. just cause i don't live in fairy land doesn't mean who i am isn't my real self. i am not projecting onto you angelica. i am totally conscious of my own issues. that is why i'm saying what i'm saying. i'm just far too tired psyche-wise at the moment and faking being civil is beyond me right now. you make it sound as if everything and anything is possible purely though the power of the mind and that just isn't true. if that works for you, then that's great. but we are all individuals. it ain't gonna work for all of us.
and no i do not blame you for my own anger and frustration. i am well aware that everything i feel comes from within me. that's what's so difficult for me to deal with at times. and damn straight i need healing. but what i don't need is your well meaning psycho babble pointing out what you think the problem is. it's not relevant to me and probably not relevant to other people either. though admittedly you are entitled to share your opinion, just as i am sharing mine.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
OMFG!!! you are so full of it. you want to know what i did today? you want to know how i heal my inner conflict angelica?
i know who the fuck i am. thank you. just cause i don't live in fairy land doesn't mean who i am isn't my real self. i am not projecting onto you angelica. i am totally conscious of my own issues. that is why i'm saying what i'm saying. i'm just far too tired psyche-wise at the moment and faking being civil is beyond me right now. you make it sound as if everything and anything is possible purely though the power of the mind and that just isn't true. if that works for you, then that's great. but we are all individuals. it ain't gonna work for all of us.
and no i do not blame you for my own anger and frustration. i am well aware that everything i feel comes from within me. that's what's so difficult for me to deal with at times. and damn straight i need healing. but what i don't need is your well meaning psycho babble pointing out what you think the problem is. it's not relevant to me and probably not relevant to other people either. though admittedly you are entitled to share your opinion, just as i am sharing mine.
You can choose to ignore my posts any time you like.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
For the record, I personally don't believe "bad" is in us even remotely. I believe we've been taught to think that. And then we give life to this idea of "bad" and lose touch with our truth, that is about just being neutral, like animals.
I believe that everything we do that seems bad is about how we were raised, or about our genetics and when we understand, we recognize there were perfectly understandable reasons for why we did absolutely everything.
For example, when we reach for the dirt in the plant when we are babies. Our parents scold us and call us bad. And really, we're just exploring--we're only bad based on their judgments. If they understood how natural it was for us to want to dig in the dirt, they'd have recognized our maturity level, and responded age-appropriately and directed us elsewhere without making us wrong.
When we heal our ideas of "bad", and come to forgive ourselves and understand our mistakes and errors, we come into the freedom of self-acceptance, wholeness and self-Love or Self-esteem. In otherwords, we achieve unity with ourselves.
Haha, I've got this great image of being Angelica's teenage son. Call me Eric. I steal momma's car, and her credit cards, and get some ho's, and drive on down to Mexico, and then she gets this call from a Mexican jail that I crashed the car into a fire hydrant while DUI and surrounded by jiggly titties, and I'm in the cells, and I need bail but I've spent everything on her credit card. Oh, and there's that small matter of hijacking that plane. Momma says, "It's okay officer, of course I'll come right down and pay! Eric darling is just exploring his inner child on a path of self-actualization!"
Haha, I've got this great image of being Angelica's teenage son. Call me Eric. I steal momma's car, and her credit cards, and get some ho's, and drive on down to Mexico, and then she gets this call from a Mexican jail that I crashed the car into a fire hydrant while DUI and surrounded by jiggly titties, and I'm in the cells, and I need bail but I've spent everything on her credit card. Oh, and there's that small matter of hijacking that plane. Momma says, "It's okay officer, of course I'll come right down and pay! Eric darling is just exploring his inner child on a path of self-actualization!"
Actually my 18 year old son doesn't get caught up in blame and right/wrong because I don't make him wrong for his choices. He's an idealist and a pacifist. He looks to understand situations. He's in high school, and holds a job in technical support. He and his friends get together and do computer gaming and stuff and are free of vices. He plans to do computer animation, and isn't exactly sure, yet. They definitely have their issues, and they deal with them when they are able. My son was born to a mom suffering numerous severe mental health issues triggered by the post-partum depression of his birth, so things have not been simple or easy by any stretch of the imagination. What we accomplished was absolutely possible. And it's a possibility that exists in this reality system.
(Oh, and his name is Dorian....which you might recognize in regards to Oscar Wilde....His name is very telling name considering what I was going through with my hidden torments at his birth...I'd always hoped he'd epitomize the anti-Dorian Gray--a healthy alternative, and he does.)
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
You well know I always agree choice has a cause. Because there is a cause doesn't detract me from the fact that a choice is a choice.
Of course there is a cause...and given the vast, many variables of the entire situation, we choose. It's amazing.
Again, granted, for many people, their choices are unconscious and appear around them as fate or because other people "made them do it".
Choice is caused, this you agree to.
But you say "their choices are unconscious and appear around them as fate"
It doesn't really matter if the choice is conscious or unconscious, it's still fate. That is the point of fate, it encompasses all matter and nothing is outside of it.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
But you say "their choices are unconscious and appear around them as fate"
It doesn't really matter if the choice is conscious or unconscious, it's still fate. That is the point of fate, it encompasses all matter and nothing is outside of it.
I fully realize their are causes. And choice stems from a cause. farfromglorified and I both agreed on this, and the difference with you is that you minimize the "choice" aspect. You want to slip that out of there and make things a big undifferentiated blur, when actually, we have individuality for a reason.
Do you notice how the fate is projected from within? And how it's intimately connected to our subjectivity? I agree that everything that is projected from within stems from the universal forces that have molded and shaped us. I agree 100%.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
And if you can see what I'm saying so far, Ahnimus, can you then understand that when I see that it's my unconscious that projects fate all around me, that I can align with that? I can then say "everything I see is a creation of my very own psyche, and my filters." Therefore, in order to be aligned with mySelf, and to be whole, I must own and take responsibility for everything that happens in my world. And that means everything. Absolutely nothing in one's vision is exempt, when one is aligned with the unconscious. As a matter of fact, the minute we start to think ANY part of it is about the "other guy", we slip back into unconsciousness, and separation from the Truth. It's all a projection of my psyche, that which I see. Therefore I watch, learn and listen and allow the projections that happen around me to teach me when I'm wide awake and willing to learn.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I fully realize their are causes. And choice stems from a cause. farfromglorified and I both agreed on this, and the difference with you is that you minimize the "choice" aspect. You want to slip that out of there and make things a big undifferentiated blur, when actually, we have individuality for a reason.
Do you notice how the fate is projected from within? And how it's intimately connected to our subjectivity? I agree that everything that is projected from within stems from the universal forces that have molded and shaped us. I agree 100%.
I don't understand your language, but fate is very simple.
All things in nature are caused
Humans are part of nature
Choice depends on information
Humans always do all that they can
A computer chess simulator predicts a few moves ahead what it's opponent could do and makes the best choice based on it's predictions. This requires information and operates basically the same as a human chess player. In any situation where the program's available information is null or even, that is, there are two (or more) best choices, the program gets a number from a pseudo-random number generator, on which it decides it's move. In this case, the move is determined by a pseudo-indeterministic system (which is really a mathematical forumla and is not indeterministic at all, it's entirely deterministic). Much like a human tossing a coin to make a choice when all available information produces a cognitively dissonant situation of choice, that is, there are more than one perceived best choices based on the knowledge of the individual. Much like chess playing software, humans have access to an internal random generator, unfortunately it's not as nicely packaged as the computers. All humans are faced with multiple options of equally predictable pros and cons and must decide without the use of a coin-toss. Yet, the outcome of that process of deliberation is indistinguishable from a coin-toss or pseudo-random number generator. The mind simply thinks "Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, STOP!". What causes the STOP? Something which the conscious mind has no access to, and that makes it hard to quantify without further investigation by computational neuroscience. But rest assured, I'm not taking anything away from choice by quantifying it in this manner, this is the experience of choice and it necessarily relies on causes.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I'd like to know, Ahnimus, can you see what I'm saying? Do you understand this perspective? Do you agree?
No, I don't talk like that, it's a different language all-together. It's indicative of where you get your information from though. Newage.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Well, I don't believe in the invisible friend. But I believe in my own power.
So I see it as belief in myself vs. taking the easy way out and making "determinism" my excuse for failure. "It's not my fault! It is the way it was supposed to be!"
EXACTLY. thank you.
why does it seem to only be 2 choices? is that really it?
while i don't fully subscibe to the notion of 'fate'...the way some are applying ok...i can concede to a certain extent perhaps somethings are fated, although i still really believe it's not truly 'fate'...but whateva. thing is though, i still would not attribute ALL of living to fate...i still see a LOT of CHOICE...and mere CHANCE. comon now...scientists have debated and continue to debate order vs. chaos in the universe well...forever.....and perhaps it's a bit of a combination of both. like most things in life...doesn't have to be all or nothing.
You can choose to ignore my posts any time you like.
in all EXCELLENT point, and perhaps once where i agree. we ALL can, and sometimes it's silly we forget that. we can also choose to put people on ignore if it's really bothersome...but i think simply disregarding annoying posts is a great idea. thank you for the reminder.
if you hate something don't you do it too. gotta love ed.
point being, if a post truly annoys you, by responding to it you merely perpetuate it, and encourage further posts just like it. basic psych101. ignore it, and perhaps someone else will still engage...but maybe not...but either way, you avoided yourself the aggravation of furthering a discussion you deem pointless/fruitless. without encouraging dialogue...more than likely, annoying posts may cease....or at the very least....a lot less of em, unless someone enjoys posting to themselves with no interaction/discussion. i needed that reminder just thought, hey...worth some agreement there.
I have no interest to interact with angry, cranky people who entitle themselve to unload that on others. When cate responded to my post, she responded to something I said in response to callen, when he and I were both smiling and having fun with it. If she wants to construe it to her purposes and get upset, she can live with that. I certainly don't.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I have no interest to interact with angry, cranky people who entitle themselve to unload that on others. When cate responded to my post, she responded to something I said in response to callen, when he and I were both smiling and having fun with it. If she wants to construe it to her purposes and get upset, she can live with that. I certainly don't.
i said...for once...i was AGREEING with you. i was merely using your continue the point further. we ALL can do that....and just following your own advice, you could've easily disregarded her comments as well, ignored her. it IS always a choice we all can make.
btw - ANYone can comment on ANy post on this board...there is NO 'well i was responding to so and so.' that may well be, but if you ONLY want your points addressed by ONE person...then it's best keep in PMs. the board is dialogue for all as far as i understand...and all fair game, we can comment, build upon any post...whether directed to someone else or the whole board. made a very valid point. it IS all a CHOICE who we engage, or not, in conversation/debate. as i said, i truly needed the reminder i thank you and have a nice day.
dream, you might notice that I didn't quote nor address you my last message.
I was expressing myself. Not challenging you.
I fully own all of my interactions with others. I don't ever engage with someone and then blame them for it or for the consequences of my actions.
As for the issue regarding callen and I talking, I fully agree anyone can respond. What I point to is that when someone joins in, they make that choice. There is one person accountable for the choice of reading the post, or of joining in.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
As for predestination, Calvinists get it mainly from Paul, such as in Romans 8 (as I think someone mentioned earlier in post), and even from some OT passages. If you are really interested, Lorraine Boettner has a book called "The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination". It has good information, whether or not you agree with what he says... Anyway, hope this helped. (I'm sure a quick Google search we help you more...)
ok, thanks.... i'll look for the book and get more insight on it.
just so you know, the church i used to go to taught this idea of predestination.... don't get me wrong.... i believe in predestination.... just not the way my former church and calvinists teach.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
haha, no no, i mean... just because... you know, as in no particular reason.
not every decision is necessarily caused by something....
like choosing which movie to watch first... the action film? or the drama film? there's no reason.... just pick whichever.
There is no reason? Or you don't know the reason?
You don't know the reason.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Well, I don't believe in the invisible friend. But I believe in my own power.
So I see it as belief in myself vs. taking the easy way out and making "determinism" my excuse for failure. "It's not my fault! It is the way it was supposed to be!"
It's a double-edged sword for determinists. We aren't ultimately the cause of our failures or our successes. We accept this when we realize the reality of determinism. I suspect that those who reject determinism are not so much concerned with wether they are the cause of their failures, as wether they are the cause of their successes. It's called Egoism.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Is every motor vehicle collision caused? Or do some just happen?
Is every instance of a 9mm bullet puncturing the cranium of an individual and causing terminal damage to their brain caused? Or does it just sometimes happen?
Think about it. There is always a cause.
You wouldn't accept causlessness when you know someone is to blame. You will only accept causlessness when think that person is the ultimate cause, the first cause, and only so that you can have pride, envy and blame.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
It doesn't really matter if the choice is conscious or unconscious, it's still fate. That is the point of fate, it encompasses all matter and nothing is outside of it.
This is what I see as well. We cannot escape outside of matter itself in this universe and the physical rules it all abides by. Only our "perception" of it can....and even then not entirely by any means. Virtual perception so to speak, or perception by proxy is how I look at it.
I feel it is absolutely fundamental look at the facts and absolutes of (the) matter...haha no pun intended.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I fully realize their are causes. And choice stems from a cause. farfromglorified and I both agreed on this, and the difference with you is that you minimize the "choice" aspect. You want to slip that out of there and make things a big undifferentiated blur, when actually, we have individuality for a reason.
Do you notice how the fate is projected from within? And how it's intimately connected to our subjectivity? I agree that everything that is projected from within stems from the universal forces that have molded and shaped us. I agree 100%.
There are causes....and the choice is predetermined on those causes...or past experiences. We have no individuality....only the sum of our experiences. We want to make ourselves believe we're individuals....but in the end we're just products or our environment...and react based on our perceptions of the past. No choice. If any of us were born in a Muslim country...we would make choices as a Muslim growing up in that environment....not as we do now....we would wear what we were trained to wear..act as we were trained to act, enjoy what we were trained to enjoy and on and hence no choices...just reactions.
you rock
........more psychobabble please.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It's a "choice as a result of causes" not a "choice amongst causes". It seems you are implying that choice is not caused or is only semi-caused and in reality it is totally caused.
Yes, every decision is caused by something.
"haven't you made decisions just because?"
Yea, because of something.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I disagree. Everything can be logically explained. It seems like you don't like the logical conclusion. That's your problem.
Every thing has a cause
Choice is a thing
Choice has a cause
Just like when a computer chess program queen-side castles.
OMFG!!! you are so full of it. you want to know what i did today? you want to know how i heal my inner conflict angelica?
i know who the fuck i am. thank you. just cause i don't live in fairy land doesn't mean who i am isn't my real self. i am not projecting onto you angelica. i am totally conscious of my own issues. that is why i'm saying what i'm saying. i'm just far too tired psyche-wise at the moment and faking being civil is beyond me right now. you make it sound as if everything and anything is possible purely though the power of the mind and that just isn't true. if that works for you, then that's great. but we are all individuals. it ain't gonna work for all of us.
and no i do not blame you for my own anger and frustration. i am well aware that everything i feel comes from within me. that's what's so difficult for me to deal with at times. and damn straight i need healing. but what i don't need is your well meaning psycho babble pointing out what you think the problem is. it's not relevant to me and probably not relevant to other people either. though admittedly you are entitled to share your opinion, just as i am sharing mine.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Of course there is a cause...and given the vast, many variables of the entire situation, we choose. It's amazing.
Again, granted, for many people, their choices are unconscious and appear around them as fate or because other people "made them do it".
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Haha, I've got this great image of being Angelica's teenage son. Call me Eric. I steal momma's car, and her credit cards, and get some ho's, and drive on down to Mexico, and then she gets this call from a Mexican jail that I crashed the car into a fire hydrant while DUI and surrounded by jiggly titties, and I'm in the cells, and I need bail but I've spent everything on her credit card. Oh, and there's that small matter of hijacking that plane. Momma says, "It's okay officer, of course I'll come right down and pay! Eric darling is just exploring his inner child on a path of self-actualization!"
Actually my 18 year old son doesn't get caught up in blame and right/wrong because I don't make him wrong for his choices. He's an idealist and a pacifist. He looks to understand situations. He's in high school, and holds a job in technical support. He and his friends get together and do computer gaming and stuff and are free of vices. He plans to do computer animation, and isn't exactly sure, yet. They definitely have their issues, and they deal with them when they are able. My son was born to a mom suffering numerous severe mental health issues triggered by the post-partum depression of his birth, so things have not been simple or easy by any stretch of the imagination. What we accomplished was absolutely possible. And it's a possibility that exists in this reality system.
(Oh, and his name is Dorian....which you might recognize in regards to Oscar Wilde....His name is very telling name considering what I was going through with my hidden torments at his birth...I'd always hoped he'd epitomize the anti-Dorian Gray--a healthy alternative, and he does.)
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Choice is caused, this you agree to.
But you say "their choices are unconscious and appear around them as fate"
It doesn't really matter if the choice is conscious or unconscious, it's still fate. That is the point of fate, it encompasses all matter and nothing is outside of it.
Do you notice how the fate is projected from within? And how it's intimately connected to our subjectivity? I agree that everything that is projected from within stems from the universal forces that have molded and shaped us. I agree 100%.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I don't understand your language, but fate is very simple.
All things in nature are caused
Humans are part of nature
Choice depends on information
Humans always do all that they can
A computer chess simulator predicts a few moves ahead what it's opponent could do and makes the best choice based on it's predictions. This requires information and operates basically the same as a human chess player. In any situation where the program's available information is null or even, that is, there are two (or more) best choices, the program gets a number from a pseudo-random number generator, on which it decides it's move. In this case, the move is determined by a pseudo-indeterministic system (which is really a mathematical forumla and is not indeterministic at all, it's entirely deterministic). Much like a human tossing a coin to make a choice when all available information produces a cognitively dissonant situation of choice, that is, there are more than one perceived best choices based on the knowledge of the individual. Much like chess playing software, humans have access to an internal random generator, unfortunately it's not as nicely packaged as the computers. All humans are faced with multiple options of equally predictable pros and cons and must decide without the use of a coin-toss. Yet, the outcome of that process of deliberation is indistinguishable from a coin-toss or pseudo-random number generator. The mind simply thinks "Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, STOP!". What causes the STOP? Something which the conscious mind has no access to, and that makes it hard to quantify without further investigation by computational neuroscience. But rest assured, I'm not taking anything away from choice by quantifying it in this manner, this is the experience of choice and it necessarily relies on causes.
No, I don't talk like that, it's a different language all-together. It's indicative of where you get your information from though. Newage.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
EXACTLY. thank you.
why does it seem to only be 2 choices? is that really it?
while i don't fully subscibe to the notion of 'fate'...the way some are applying ok...i can concede to a certain extent perhaps somethings are fated, although i still really believe it's not truly 'fate'...but whateva.
in all EXCELLENT point, and perhaps once where i agree.
if you hate something don't you do it too. gotta love ed.
point being, if a post truly annoys you, by responding to it you merely perpetuate it, and encourage further posts just like it. basic psych101. ignore it, and perhaps someone else will still engage...but maybe not...but either way, you avoided yourself the aggravation of furthering a discussion you deem pointless/fruitless. without encouraging dialogue...more than likely, annoying posts may cease....or at the very least....a lot less of em, unless someone enjoys posting to themselves with no interaction/discussion. i needed that reminder just thought, hey...worth some agreement there.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i said...for once...i was AGREEING with you. i was merely using your continue the point further. we ALL can do that....and just following your own advice, you could've easily disregarded her comments as well, ignored her. it IS always a choice we all can make.
btw - ANYone can comment on ANy post on this board...there is NO 'well i was responding to so and so.' that may well be, but if you ONLY want your points addressed by ONE person...then it's best keep in PMs. the board is dialogue for all as far as i understand...and all fair game, we can comment, build upon any post...whether directed to someone else or the whole board. made a very valid point.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I was expressing myself. Not challenging you.
I fully own all of my interactions with others. I don't ever engage with someone and then blame them for it or for the consequences of my actions.
As for the issue regarding callen and I talking, I fully agree anyone can respond. What I point to is that when someone joins in, they make that choice. There is one person accountable for the choice of reading the post, or of joining in.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
not every decision is necessarily caused by something....
like choosing which movie to watch first... the action film? or the drama film? there's no reason.... just pick whichever.
just so you know, the church i used to go to taught this idea of predestination.... don't get me wrong.... i believe in predestination.... just not the way my former church and calvinists teach.
There is no reason? Or you don't know the reason?
You don't know the reason.
It's a double-edged sword for determinists. We aren't ultimately the cause of our failures or our successes. We accept this when we realize the reality of determinism. I suspect that those who reject determinism are not so much concerned with wether they are the cause of their failures, as wether they are the cause of their successes. It's called Egoism.
Is every instance of a 9mm bullet puncturing the cranium of an individual and causing terminal damage to their brain caused? Or does it just sometimes happen?
Think about it. There is always a cause.
You wouldn't accept causlessness when you know someone is to blame. You will only accept causlessness when think that person is the ultimate cause, the first cause, and only so that you can have pride, envy and blame.
This is what I see as well. We cannot escape outside of matter itself in this universe and the physical rules it all abides by. Only our "perception" of it can....and even then not entirely by any means. Virtual perception so to speak, or perception by proxy is how I look at it.
I feel it is absolutely fundamental look at the facts and absolutes of (the) matter...haha no pun intended.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
There are causes....and the choice is predetermined on those causes...or past experiences. We have no individuality....only the sum of our experiences. We want to make ourselves believe we're individuals....but in the end we're just products or our environment...and react based on our perceptions of the past. No choice. If any of us were born in a Muslim country...we would make choices as a Muslim growing up in that environment....not as we do now....we would wear what we were trained to wear..act as we were trained to act, enjoy what we were trained to enjoy and on and hence no choices...just reactions.
Fates artificial and simply a coping mechanism.