::::jeanie, I think that is called our destiny::::
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny!
Does make sense to me too moondancer. And something to strive for. Although I'm not so sure that we can necessarily always change how we are. We can attempt it, but sometimes I wonder if it would be easier to just try to harness the ocean!
What is destiny anway? I wonder if it's like destination, like a prescribed route or something as fate is like fatal as in the ultimate end?
This is such a difficult subject to understand. I'm too practical for the smoke and mirrors that can accompany some of this stuff but I'm not scientific enough to truly believe we are all just ants either.
i believe that at the present moment... the way we all see things, the way they are and what it has lead us to are things beyond us. like a hurricane that drives you out of your home, in that same sense there is like others would call "the laws of the universe" that lead us to the circumstances in which we are in, whatever it may be. but ultimately not everything is "fated" cause what the "universe" puts before our hands is ultimately up to us to decide what we can, should or will to do.
i understand that there are things that surpass our very own will.... but in the end it rests in our hands to do what is best in our interest, or for our benefit.
Ok well I believe that some of those things are beyond us, for instance the Boxing Day Tsunami, was beyond us, it was a force of nature. But there was another last week in Java and I have to wonder at the timing of it given that it was only a day or so after the Russians "testing" their new bomb. I often wonder at what is beyond us and what will actually have a cause that perhaps we are unaware of. For those people that were there for the Boxing Day Tsunami, yes, I think it was probably fate that led them to be there at the time and well beyond their control, however those that survived do have choices, to some degree, about how they live now. But I also agree with my interpretation of something that Ahnimus said, I'm not sure if it was on this thread or not, but the general gist of it, by my understanding, is that people do what they know at the time. So if you don't know, aren't privy to the mental acumen or the financial backing, you can only do what you know. Just as there are only so many responses and choices that a person can make about disease. So ultimately, yes we can make choices but sometimes they are not really choices. Only a choice about which of several bad options to take.
Does make sense to me too moondancer.
What is destiny anway? I wonder if it's like destination, like a prescribed route or something as fate is like fatal as in the ultimate end?
This is such a difficult subject to understand. I'm too practical for the smoke and mirrors that can accompany some of this stuff but I'm not scientific enough to truly believe we are all just ants either.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Ok well I believe that some of those things are beyond us, for instance the Boxing Day Tsunami, was beyond us, it was a force of nature. But there was another last week in Java and I have to wonder at the timing of it given that it was only a day or so after the Russians "testing" their new bomb. I often wonder at what is beyond us and what will actually have a cause that perhaps we are unaware of. For those people that were there for the Boxing Day Tsunami, yes, I think it was probably fate that led them to be there at the time and well beyond their control, however those that survived do have choices, to some degree, about how they live now. But I also agree with my interpretation of something that Ahnimus said, I'm not sure if it was on this thread or not, but the general gist of it, by my understanding, is that people do what they know at the time. So if you don't know, aren't privy to the mental acumen or the financial backing, you can only do what you know. Just as there are only so many responses and choices that a person can make about disease. So ultimately, yes we can make choices but sometimes they are not really choices. Only a choice about which of several bad options to take.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift