ive seen you say some pretty odd things around here man, but this one takes the cake. it is the single most asinine and ridiculous comment i have ever read in my entire life. gay men would jump at the chance to have sex with a beautiful woman? do you even know a single gay man? cos i know several, and most of them HAVE passed on the chance to have sex with beautiful women, i watched them say no. what could POSSIBLY be the rational basis for this assertion? the fact that you think gay is some myth? let me get this straight... you are saying that a guy who has the chance to sleep with beautiful women, will decide to forgo that, and pretend to be gay, thereby suffering abuse, humiliation, discrimination, and degradation everywhere he goes, force himself to have sex with men instead even though he wants to have sex with women, for the purpose of... what? why would this "decision" be made? im serious, i want to know.
First of all i don't it's "odd" or "asinine". Regardless of what you claim to have seen, i have known men who profess to be "gay" and all of them either have or would jump at the chance to have sex with very attractive women. And as far as women are concerned, it is also true that the vast majority of "gay" ones, have at least a dresser drawer full of fake cocks. WTF!? And i've said before the "face humiliation, discrimination, and degradation" argument simply doesn't hold water. "Gay" is fucking cool now. Its hip and popular. Beautiful women flock to be around gay men. i've heard them called "fag hags". Watch MTV for 5 freaking seconds. MTV is a fucking mirror of how pathetic pop culture really is. I firmly believe "gay" to be nothing more than a social construct.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Thank you I wasn't trying to start a pity party for myself, I just wanted to try and clarify the difference between being afraid of burning to death or being beaten to death, and being afraid of death itself. Death can look mighty appealing at times.
oh, i know you weren't. i just felt for you when i read your words. it makes me sad to think that you went through that, and that other people also suffer such things. i'm just happy you're ok and here to have these discussions. haha, death may look mightly appealing at times, but i want to stay far away from that appeal. too many pearl jam shows to attend.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
OLS, you have no idea what it's like to be dead. You are alive!
To say that you died and then came back to life is complete nonsense. You did not died, you were unconscious and hallucinating. It happens. When you are dead permanently then you will be dead.
It's so obvious that consciousness does not continue after death. It would be nice if it did, but there is evidence against it. For example, brain damage or a lobotomy can remove portions of your conscious experience, yet you do not exist in life and after-life at the same time, those experiences are simply gone, permanently.
You guys aren't going to learn how humans work from a 4,000 year old stone tablet. I mean this is hardly a debate, you have one point of reference that is totally archaic, and you ignore the other ancient texts. You vision is narrowly fixed on this one book and you deny everything else.
So, why don't we just conclude that you are living 4,000 in the past and you are prejudice against a large portion of society. God is mocked because the whole idea is childish and it's the subject of much study, why do people believe that nonsense?
I may sound a bit annoyed, but really, God is a joke, a mythical deity, there is no evidence for it, evidence against it. Homosexuals do exist and are real people. I'd much rather make peace with humanity than live my life by some ancient fucking code that isn't true anyway. With the exception of some vague historical accounts.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
so you say there's no Jesus, so i lived my life in an honorable way and i didn't sway in the wind like someone who makes no choice. at least i had some guts. that being said, i'm 100% confident i won't be the fool. besides, God gives you blessings that you know you're on the right path. i'm not going to list them because i'll only be mocked.
wow. you lived your life in a good way. great. every person on Earth should live life that way, helping others, being nice etc. etc... you don't need to be Catholic or believe in God to be nice. and these "blessings"... in my opinion they can just be you rationalizing things to fit your beliefs. for instance, what if i believe touching a red carpet keeps my family healthy... they aren't sick... so its working? we both know thats not the case, i'm just putting things together so it works around my beliefs. I suspect that may be what you mean by "blessings"... you have something happen, whatever it may be and justify it as a blessing. saying it was Gods work or Gods will...
that's their right. i'm not saying that i believe in mine more than they believe in theirs. all i'm saying is there is ONE TRUTH. there's not two. someone is right and someone is wrong. i believe i'm right. well, you'll say, they believe THEY'RE right. well, we'll see now, won't we.
for some reason when you keep talking like this its somewhat of a competition or something... "oooh, i betting i'm right... WE SHALL SEE, won't we!!!" thats just the way it comes off. and what if every religions "truth" is wrong? what if we do just rot in the ground and eventually become fertilizer for a plant? Again, just because you believe very strongly in Gods word doesn't mean its the ONE TRUTH...
what if you don't believe in jail? it still exists, doesn't it. you can't negate the truth.
I can visit jail. How many times have you visited Hell... or Heaven for that matter? Soooo, you're taking a books word for it. So just like you can "believe" that Heaven and Hell are really there... I can "believe" that they AREN'T there...
i don't care if you believe in the same thing as me. all i care about is getting along with people. it's YOUR choice what you believe.
wait wait wait
You don't care what other people believe but then you keep saying things like "well, you're going to hell then". That seems like a pretty dick thing to say. Because you believe "Hell" is the worst place to ever be.. so utterly terrible... but then you make statements to people you "want to get along with" like: "wow man... you don't think the same thing as me... you be going to Hell man"
you're essentially wishing all those who aren't thinking like you (i.e. Believing in "God's word") all the worst.
You cant be nice etc. while in the same breath telling someone they are going to (in your opinion) the most terrible place ever. (Hell)
The Sentence Below Is True
The Sentence Above Is False
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
wow. you lived your life in a good way. great. every person on Earth should live life that way, helping others, being nice etc. etc... you don't need to be Catholic or believe in God to be nice. and these "blessings"... in my opinion they can just be you rationalizing things to fit your beliefs. for instance, what if i believe touching a red carpet keeps my family healthy... they aren't sick... so its working? we both know thats not the case, i'm just putting things together so it works around my beliefs. I suspect that may be what you mean by "blessings"... you have something happen, whatever it may be and justify it as a blessing. saying it was Gods work or Gods will...
no, you're right. you DON'T need to believe in God to be nice. i don't need to rationalize anything. i base my facts on what has happened to me. i'm not putting ANYTHING together. i don't need to prove God's works to someone who doesn't believe. however, if you feel touching a red carpet does it for you, touch the red carpet.
for some reason when you keep talking like this its somewhat of a competition or something... "oooh, i betting i'm right... WE SHALL SEE, won't we!!!" thats just the way it comes off. and what if every religions "truth" is wrong? what if we do just rot in the ground and eventually become fertilizer for a plant? Again, just because you believe very strongly in Gods word doesn't mean its the ONE TRUTH...
if you look back on my statements, i don't think i bet anyone. i did say we shall see because, well, we will. for all you know i could be wrong, so why does it bother you so much? i'm not forcing anything upon anyone. also, i don't look at it as a competition. those are your feelings. i'm sorry you feel that way. if you want to think that you rot in the ground and become fertilizer, by all means, think that way.
I can visit jail. How many times have you visited Hell... or Heaven for that matter? Soooo, you're taking a books word for it. So just like you can "believe" that Heaven and Hell are really there... I can "believe" that they AREN'T there...
i haven't visited hell and i don't think i want to. the kingdom of heaven is from within, so i can visit as much as i want. you look at the Bible as a book, i look at it as God's Word. once again, you can believe anything you want, but i hope you believe in something that makes you want to do even more good.
wait wait wait
You don't care what other people believe but then you keep saying things like "well, you're going to hell then". That seems like a pretty dick thing to say. Because you believe "Hell" is the worst place to ever be.. so utterly terrible... but then you make statements to people you "want to get along with" like: "wow man... you don't think the same thing as me... you be going to Hell man"
you're essentially wishing all those who aren't thinking like you (i.e. Believing in "God's word") all the worst.
You cant be nice etc. while in the same breath telling someone they are going to (in your opinion) the most terrible place ever. (Hell)
i never said, "well, you're going to hell then." look back on my words and "I" didn't say that. i never said that i was the judge. if you believe there isn't a God, a heaven and a hell then you have nothing to worry about, right. i came here to add to this particular thread and you want to make me out to be a hater. that's not what i'm about. i don't wish the worst on people, and i don't care if you think that i'm that way or not. if you can't handle my posts just ignore them. you don't have to search God out, but there might be some people on this board that want to. some people here don't believe in God, i'm presenting the other side to the discussion.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
Interesting, I thought facts had to be objectifiable and falsifiable for them to be facts.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
you WANT to live meant: NOBODY wants to die in the first place. it's our natural instinct to want to live.
he's never been dead yet he knows it's like sleep. ok. i was just being facetious about him testing his theory. the main point is we ALL want to stay alive.
So what's the point. Because people want to live there's a heaven? I fail to see the connection.
I think there's nothing, death and that's it, no more. Does my will to be alive negate that in some way?
OLS, you have no idea what it's like to be dead. You are alive!
To say that you died and then came back to life is complete nonsense. You did not died, you were unconscious and hallucinating. It happens. When you are dead permanently then you will be dead.
It's so obvious that consciousness does not continue after death. It would be nice if it did, but there is evidence against it. For example, brain damage or a lobotomy can remove portions of your conscious experience, yet you do not exist in life and after-life at the same time, those experiences are simply gone, permanently.
You guys aren't going to learn how humans work from a 4,000 year old stone tablet. I mean this is hardly a debate, you have one point of reference that is totally archaic, and you ignore the other ancient texts. You vision is narrowly fixed on this one book and you deny everything else.
So, why don't we just conclude that you are living 4,000 in the past and you are prejudice against a large portion of society. God is mocked because the whole idea is childish and it's the subject of much study, why do people believe that nonsense?
I may sound a bit annoyed, but really, God is a joke, a mythical deity, there is no evidence for it, evidence against it. Homosexuals do exist and are real people. I'd much rather make peace with humanity than live my life by some ancient fucking code that isn't true anyway. With the exception of some vague historical accounts.
first; everyone here knows i don't put much trust in the bible. i am nostic. the bible was written by men. men who sought power to be exact. if you know your history; it was the pope that ordered galleleo assassinated in 1635.
next; i was legally brain dead for about 20 minutes when an artery popped in my head. i've lost a large portion of my brain and my doctors are baffled because i should not be alive. yet i am alive with an IQ 2 points short of genius. the brain does not continue after death; but the "being" or soul does. i was questioned extensively and was able to tell what people were doing to the point of what magazine my mother was reading while i was dead. if i was hallucinating; it was a hullicination that was accurate of all facts.
if the idea of God is childish; then 87% of the population is childish. you're ideas are shared by only a small minority. why should anyone believe a small percentage of madmen who say God doesn't exist? you are a small minority brushed under the carpet and ignored. we know you're full of shit. period. you yourself just said religious beliefs have been a part of man for over 4000 years. it seems awful arrogant that now you have arrived with the truth.
go sell your snake oils somewhere else. 87% of the population isn't buying your crap.
science has proven biblical accounts more now than ever. the discoveries of scrolls and ancient cities happens almost daily. you are free to believe what you want but so is everyone else. let people believe what they want.
why should anyone believe a small percentage of madmen who say God doesn't exist? you are a small minority brushed under the carpet and ignored. we know you're full of shit. period.
I can't wait to read the responses to this, something this ignorant is bound to create a few tensions.
. i was questioned extensively and was able to tell what people were doing to the point of what magazine my mother was reading while i was dead. if i was hallucinating; it was a hullicination that was accurate of all facts.
You were lying there dying and you mom was busy browsing a magazine?
whoa...that kinda sucks..
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i was legally brain dead for about 20 minutes when an artery popped in my head. i've lost a large portion of my brain and my doctors are baffled because i should not be alive. yet i am alive with an IQ 2 points short of genius.
the brain does not continue after death; but the "being" or soul does.
yes, i believe that. thanks for sharing your story.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
Why is it okay for people to mock God and religion, but it's not okay to mock homosexuals?
I just wondered because I see religion mocked constantly, yet somebody says something about a gay person, and people flip out.
but it's true. 12% is nothing. not even worth consideration.
I bet way less than 12% of the people initially believed that the earth was round, or that it revolved around the sun. I could sit here all day listing things that were formerly accepted by fewer than 12% of the people, and are now common knowledge.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
yes, i believe that. thanks for sharing your story.
i've converted a few doctors without opening my mouth. i moved last year and got a new batch of doctors. they call me a miracle here. my neurologist uses my case in her lectures. she's considered one of the top neurologists in the country.
the ironic thing is that everything is confirmed by science. ie: CT scans; EEGs; etc. yet these clowns that preach science won't believe what science proves unless it agrees with their opinion.
first; everyone here knows i don't put much trust in the bible. i am nostic. the bible was written by men. men who sought power to be exact. if you know your history; it was the pope that ordered galleleo assassinated in 1635.
next; i was legally brain dead for about 20 minutes when an artery popped in my head. i've lost a large portion of my brain and my doctors are baffled because i should not be alive. yet i am alive with an IQ 2 points short of genius. the brain does not continue after death; but the "being" or soul does. i was questioned extensively and was able to tell what people were doing to the point of what magazine my mother was reading while i was dead. if i was hallucinating; it was a hullicination that was accurate of all facts.
if the idea of God is childish; then 87% of the population is childish. you're ideas are shared by only a small minority. why should anyone believe a small percentage of madmen who say God doesn't exist? you are a small minority brushed under the carpet and ignored. we know you're full of shit. period. you yourself just said religious beliefs have been a part of man for over 4000 years. it seems awful arrogant that now you have arrived with the truth.
go sell your snake oils somewhere else. 87% of the population isn't buying your crap.
science has proven biblical accounts more now than ever. the discoveries of scrolls and ancient cities happens almost daily. you are free to believe what you want but so is everyone else. let people believe what they want.
I believe that's a statistical error. If asked "Do you believe in God?" that's open to interpretation, Spinoza's God? What God? 87% might believe in some form of a God, but is it the biblical God? not likely in all 87%.
Actually religious beliefs date back at least 10,000 years or more, I was strictly referring to the Abrahamic faiths with 4,000 years. So why are the Abrahamic faiths true and the 6,000 other's false?
There is much mystery of what happens when a person is legally brain dead, but some activity still occurs, delayed from reality by longer than Libet's 500 milliseconds. You may have been aware of some of these details prior to loss of conscious awareness. I'd say it's pretty inconclusive. I had a premonition once, saw the immediate future flash before me, yet, that does not serve as evidence for God to me.
Define soul. What does the soul experience and how does it differ from brain experiences?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
oh sorry. i further base my beliefs on God from what has happened to me.
Interesting. I prefer not to base my beliefs on subjective experience.
If I put my hand in a boiling pot of hot water, is that evidence that water in general is hot?
See, the things that we do know. The way we are able to communicate over the internet through series of copper circuits, logical state machines, fibre optics, logical rules like CSMA/CD and OSPF, the mechanics of the keyboard. All of this is made possible by the scientific method of understanding. Faith in Christ alone would not allow us to have this communication. If not for science most, if not all of us here would be dead, or never have existed due to infections diseases, like plagues. Darwin's theory of evolution opened the door for biology to investigate genetics and realize the variations lead to different physical phenomenology that either hinders or compliments these infections diseases, and that empirical understanding is why most of us are alive today.
Being that science has saved billions of lives and granted us abilities and understanding. Religion has granted us basically nothing. I see the flaw in the religious method of determining absolutes from nothing but ancient text.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I bet way less than 12% of the people initially believed that the earth was round, or that it revolved around the sun. I could sit here all day listing things that were formerly accepted by fewer than 12% of the people, and are now common knowledge.
i agree; but try to come up with something that 12% has believed for 4000 plus years that was later proven false. you then have to explain the miracles witnessed by many and explain them. how does a man with cancer and given a month to live go to loardes and walk down free of cancer? you're welcome to close your eyes to the signs but why must you attack (for lack of a better word) those who believe?
you've never seen an anti-athiest thread here. believers don't attack athiests. we pray for them. so why then do athiests feel the need to attack the beliefs of others?
i agree; but try to come up with something that 12% has believed for 4000 plus years that was later proven false. you then have to explain the miracles witnessed by many and explain them. how does a man with cancer and given a month to live go to loardes and walk down free of cancer? you're welcome to close your eyes to the signs but why must you attack (for lack of a better word) those who believe?
you've never seen an anti-athiest thread here. believers don't attack athiests. we pray for them. so why then do athiests feel the need to attack the beliefs of others?
I'm not attacking anyone. I'm saying that whether 1% or 12% or 99% of people believe something is irrelevant to the question of whether or not it is true.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
First of all i don't it's "odd" or "asinine". Regardless of what you claim to have seen, i have known men who profess to be "gay" and all of them either have or would jump at the chance to have sex with very attractive women. And as far as women are concerned, it is also true that the vast majority of "gay" ones, have at least a dresser drawer full of fake cocks. WTF!? And i've said before the "face humiliation, discrimination, and degradation" argument simply doesn't hold water. "Gay" is fucking cool now. Its hip and popular. Beautiful women flock to be around gay men. i've heard them called "fag hags". Watch MTV for 5 freaking seconds. MTV is a fucking mirror of how pathetic pop culture really is. I firmly believe "gay" to be nothing more than a social construct.
oh, i know you weren't. i just felt for you when i read your words. it makes me sad to think that you went through that, and that other people also suffer such things. i'm just happy you're ok and here to have these discussions. haha, death may look mightly appealing at times, but i want to stay far away from that appeal. too many pearl jam shows to attend.
OLS, you have no idea what it's like to be dead. You are alive!
To say that you died and then came back to life is complete nonsense. You did not died, you were unconscious and hallucinating. It happens. When you are dead permanently then you will be dead.
It's so obvious that consciousness does not continue after death. It would be nice if it did, but there is evidence against it. For example, brain damage or a lobotomy can remove portions of your conscious experience, yet you do not exist in life and after-life at the same time, those experiences are simply gone, permanently.
You guys aren't going to learn how humans work from a 4,000 year old stone tablet. I mean this is hardly a debate, you have one point of reference that is totally archaic, and you ignore the other ancient texts. You vision is narrowly fixed on this one book and you deny everything else.
So, why don't we just conclude that you are living 4,000 in the past and you are prejudice against a large portion of society. God is mocked because the whole idea is childish and it's the subject of much study, why do people believe that nonsense?
I may sound a bit annoyed, but really, God is a joke, a mythical deity, there is no evidence for it, evidence against it. Homosexuals do exist and are real people. I'd much rather make peace with humanity than live my life by some ancient fucking code that isn't true anyway. With the exception of some vague historical accounts.
wow. you lived your life in a good way. great. every person on Earth should live life that way, helping others, being nice etc. etc... you don't need to be Catholic or believe in God to be nice. and these "blessings"... in my opinion they can just be you rationalizing things to fit your beliefs. for instance, what if i believe touching a red carpet keeps my family healthy... they aren't sick... so its working? we both know thats not the case, i'm just putting things together so it works around my beliefs. I suspect that may be what you mean by "blessings"... you have something happen, whatever it may be and justify it as a blessing. saying it was Gods work or Gods will...
for some reason when you keep talking like this its somewhat of a competition or something... "oooh, i betting i'm right... WE SHALL SEE, won't we!!!" thats just the way it comes off. and what if every religions "truth" is wrong? what if we do just rot in the ground and eventually become fertilizer for a plant? Again, just because you believe very strongly in Gods word doesn't mean its the ONE TRUTH...
I can visit jail. How many times have you visited Hell... or Heaven for that matter? Soooo, you're taking a books word for it. So just like you can "believe" that Heaven and Hell are really there... I can "believe" that they AREN'T there...
wait wait wait
You don't care what other people believe but then you keep saying things like "well, you're going to hell then". That seems like a pretty dick thing to say. Because you believe "Hell" is the worst place to ever be.. so utterly terrible... but then you make statements to people you "want to get along with" like: "wow man... you don't think the same thing as me... you be going to Hell man"
you're essentially wishing all those who aren't thinking like you (i.e. Believing in "God's word") all the worst.
You cant be nice etc. while in the same breath telling someone they are going to (in your opinion) the most terrible place ever. (Hell)
The Sentence Above Is False
no, you're right. you DON'T need to believe in God to be nice.
if you look back on my statements, i don't think i bet anyone. i did say we shall see because, well, we will. for all you know i could be wrong, so why does it bother you so much? i'm not forcing anything upon anyone. also, i don't look at it as a competition. those are your feelings. i'm sorry you feel that way. if you want to think that you rot in the ground and become fertilizer, by all means, think that way.
i haven't visited hell and i don't think i want to.
i never said, "well, you're going to hell then." look back on my words and "I" didn't say that. i never said that i was the judge. if you believe there isn't a God, a heaven and a hell then you have nothing to worry about, right. i came here to add to this particular thread and you want to make me out to be a hater. that's not what i'm about. i don't wish the worst on people, and i don't care if you think that i'm that way or not. if you can't handle my posts just ignore them. you don't have to search God out, but there might be some people on this board that want to. some people here don't believe in God, i'm presenting the other side to the discussion.
Interesting, I thought facts had to be objectifiable and falsifiable for them to be facts.
So what's the point. Because people want to live there's a heaven? I fail to see the connection.
I think there's nothing, death and that's it, no more. Does my will to be alive negate that in some way?
naděje umírá poslední
Reincarnation. Maybe he came to tell the people God changed his laws. How would you ever know?
naděje umírá poslední
first; everyone here knows i don't put much trust in the bible. i am nostic. the bible was written by men. men who sought power to be exact. if you know your history; it was the pope that ordered galleleo assassinated in 1635.
next; i was legally brain dead for about 20 minutes when an artery popped in my head. i've lost a large portion of my brain and my doctors are baffled because i should not be alive. yet i am alive with an IQ 2 points short of genius. the brain does not continue after death; but the "being" or soul does. i was questioned extensively and was able to tell what people were doing to the point of what magazine my mother was reading while i was dead. if i was hallucinating; it was a hullicination that was accurate of all facts.
if the idea of God is childish; then 87% of the population is childish. you're ideas are shared by only a small minority. why should anyone believe a small percentage of madmen who say God doesn't exist? you are a small minority brushed under the carpet and ignored. we know you're full of shit. period. you yourself just said religious beliefs have been a part of man for over 4000 years. it seems awful arrogant that now you have arrived with the truth.
go sell your snake oils somewhere else. 87% of the population isn't buying your crap.
science has proven biblical accounts more now than ever. the discoveries of scrolls and ancient cities happens almost daily. you are free to believe what you want but so is everyone else. let people believe what they want.
oh sorry. i further base my beliefs on God from what has happened to me.
Hebrews 13:8
then as far as you're concerned, you're right. live it up.
I can't wait to read the responses to this, something this ignorant is bound to create a few tensions.
naděje umírá poslední
Did Jesus or god write that? Or some random dude?
naděje umírá poslední
You were lying there dying and you mom was busy browsing a magazine?
whoa...that kinda sucks..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
yes, i believe that. thanks for sharing your story.
mock religion in front of a religious person...
but it's true. 12% is nothing. not even worth consideration.
me mum didn't know i was dead at the time.
the dude whose teachings they are is the same dude who made your mouth for YOU to mock Him.
My dad is Jesus?
no, Jesus doesn't prefer the swamp land of new jersey.
How would you know? It's definetly a lot better than some arid desert out in the Middle East.
i've converted a few doctors without opening my mouth. i moved last year and got a new batch of doctors. they call me a miracle here. my neurologist uses my case in her lectures. she's considered one of the top neurologists in the country.
the ironic thing is that everything is confirmed by science. ie: CT scans; EEGs; etc. yet these clowns that preach science won't believe what science proves unless it agrees with their opinion.
I believe that's a statistical error. If asked "Do you believe in God?" that's open to interpretation, Spinoza's God? What God? 87% might believe in some form of a God, but is it the biblical God? not likely in all 87%.
Actually religious beliefs date back at least 10,000 years or more, I was strictly referring to the Abrahamic faiths with 4,000 years. So why are the Abrahamic faiths true and the 6,000 other's false?
There is much mystery of what happens when a person is legally brain dead, but some activity still occurs, delayed from reality by longer than Libet's 500 milliseconds. You may have been aware of some of these details prior to loss of conscious awareness. I'd say it's pretty inconclusive. I had a premonition once, saw the immediate future flash before me, yet, that does not serve as evidence for God to me.
Define soul. What does the soul experience and how does it differ from brain experiences?
Interesting. I prefer not to base my beliefs on subjective experience.
If I put my hand in a boiling pot of hot water, is that evidence that water in general is hot?
See, the things that we do know. The way we are able to communicate over the internet through series of copper circuits, logical state machines, fibre optics, logical rules like CSMA/CD and OSPF, the mechanics of the keyboard. All of this is made possible by the scientific method of understanding. Faith in Christ alone would not allow us to have this communication. If not for science most, if not all of us here would be dead, or never have existed due to infections diseases, like plagues. Darwin's theory of evolution opened the door for biology to investigate genetics and realize the variations lead to different physical phenomenology that either hinders or compliments these infections diseases, and that empirical understanding is why most of us are alive today.
Being that science has saved billions of lives and granted us abilities and understanding. Religion has granted us basically nothing. I see the flaw in the religious method of determining absolutes from nothing but ancient text.
i agree; but try to come up with something that 12% has believed for 4000 plus years that was later proven false. you then have to explain the miracles witnessed by many and explain them. how does a man with cancer and given a month to live go to loardes and walk down free of cancer? you're welcome to close your eyes to the signs but why must you attack (for lack of a better word) those who believe?
you've never seen an anti-athiest thread here. believers don't attack athiests. we pray for them. so why then do athiests feel the need to attack the beliefs of others?