I don't know about being crucified but I'd die for my family and friends.
God may have compassion but that doesn't mean he shows it.
are you sure you'd die for your friends? you're saying that now because it's not real to you. put in the situation, you might run like the apostle peter and deny Jesus three times.
God doesn't show compassion? i believe you're breathing and enjoying Pearl Jam.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
He did redeem, and did ONE BETTER. He sent Jesus to die for you. that's not casting ANYONE aside.
hmmm, i thought sending a child to hell b/c they called God Allah or Buddha or Eric Clapton even though they were good ppl would be casting aside
compassion isn't making someone get on their knees and beg for forgiveness for every little thing
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
the INDIVIDUAL is accountable for their OWN actions. we're not robots. once again, the human being trying to blame something else.
We are essentially robots..
it's obvious you can't turn into a dog, so stop barking. you know as well as i that being gay isn't natural. your talk is nonsense.
Actually it is, it happens in lab mice too.
kind of like sleeping, huh. then what stops you from putting a gun to your head like kurt cobain? what's that i hear????? OH, because you WANT to live. if you're SO SURE about death being like sleep, then what stops you? just like the wind, you don't know where it comes from or where it goes. you ALSO don't know where you came from and where you go. don't act like you know death is like sleeping. you may be smart in other areas, but in this one you're misled.
If you get rid of your preconceived notions about death, it's actually really obvious.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
kind of like sleeping, huh. then what stops you from putting a gun to your head like kurt cobain? what's that i hear????? OH, because you WANT to live. if you're SO SURE about death being like sleep, then what stops you? just like the wind, you don't know where it comes from or where it goes. you ALSO don't know where you came from and where you go. don't act like you know death is like sleeping. you may be smart in other areas, but in this one you're misled.
This makes no sense, whatsoever. Not to me anyway.
1) you WANT to live.
2) if you're SO SURE about death being like sleep,
3) then what stops you? => see 1
are you sure you'd die for your friends? you're saying that now because it's not real to you. put in the situation, you might run like the apostle peter and deny Jesus three times.
Yes, I'm sure.
God doesn't show compassion? i believe you're breathing and enjoying Pearl Jam.
You've got God confused with Mike, no worries it's a common mistake.
compassion isn't making someone get on their knees and beg for forgiveness for every little thing
nope but compassion could be letting someone ask for forgiveness which is a big difference than making someone ask for forgiveness. God hasn't made anyone ask for forgiveness but he allows everyone to.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
it's obvious you can't turn into a dog, so stop barking. you know as well as i that being gay isn't natural. your talk is nonsense.
YOUR talk is nonsense. People do not exist outside of nature. Homosexuals exist, it is therefore natural. And before you even start on the silliness about how we're corrupted by sin, homosexuals exist in most species ... more nature.
kind of like sleeping, huh. then what stops you from putting a gun to your head like kurt cobain? what's that i hear????? OH, because you WANT to live. if you're SO SURE about death being like sleep, then what stops you? just like the wind, you don't know where it comes from or where it goes. you ALSO don't know where you came from and where you go. don't act like you know death is like sleeping. you may be smart in other areas, but in this one you're misled.
Wtf? Because someone has things they want to do here, that means they're afraid of death? What the hell kind of logic is that? I imagine Ahnimus doesn't blow his head off because he's having a reasonably good time here and there are experiences he wants to have in this life. He doesn't want to go to sleep yet ... so what?
I want to live, but I'm not the slightest bit afraid to die, and I don't believe in anything remotely close to the biblical heaven.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
what if you are wrong and you end up being the fool?
i know your response will go something like this: "i am confident that i have chosen the correct path because the word of God and what He says" or something like that. Such devotion on your part.
i sure don't feel like a fool. was i born a sinner? yes. does the world around me reflect God's Word? yes. did someone need to show us the way to live? yes. by doing the commandments of Jesus does that keep me on the straight and narrow? yes. even as YOU say, what if i'm wrong and i'm the fool? even if i was a gambler, i'd take those chances. i'd rather bet my life on Jesus and eternal life than spending the rest of my time in hell. so you say there's no Jesus, so i lived my life in an honorable way and i didn't sway in the wind like someone who makes no choice. at least i had some guts. that being said, i'm 100% confident i won't be the fool. besides, God gives you blessings that you know you're on the right path. i'm not going to list them because i'll only be mocked.
However, what if someone has as strong of a devotion to another belief and they believe that YOU will be proven a fool? Essentially you are saying that YOUR view is correct because you believe in it more and your belief (God) says that you will be saved and everyone else is a fool. Thats pretty harsh and not very open minded...
that's their right. i'm not saying that i believe in mine more than they believe in theirs. all i'm saying is there is ONE TRUTH. there's not two. someone is right and someone is wrong. i believe i'm right. well, you'll say, they believe THEY'RE right. well, we'll see now, won't we.
What if I don't believe in Hell... if I truly don't believe in it and am devoted then my belief system should negate your belief system in God and prevent me from going to a place you call "Hell".(since in my mind it doesnt exist, just like in yours it DOES exist)
what if you don't believe in jail? it still exists, doesn't it. you can't negate the truth.
Many of the Christians (more Catholics) that I have encountered in my life are "open minded", as long as you believe in the same thing as them...
i don't care if you believe in the same thing as me. all i care about is getting along with people. it's YOUR choice what you believe.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
YOUR talk is nonsense. People do not exist outside of nature. Homosexuals exist, it is therefore natural.
yeah, sure it is. lets see a baby born between two men.
Wtf? Because someone has things they want to do here, that means they're afraid of death? What the hell kind of logic is that? I imagine Ahnimus doesn't blow his head off because he's having a reasonably good time here and there are experiences he wants to have in this life. He doesn't want to go to sleep yet ... so what?
I want to live, but I'm not the slightest bit afraid to die, and I don't believe in anything remotely close to the biblical heaven.
yeah, it would be interesting to hear how you WANT to die. also, you don't believe in a biblical heaven. that's fine. i'm not here to shove my beliefs on anyone. people can research it for themselves if they want.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
he did. did you not hear about david koresh? he said he was the second coming of jesus, just like jesus used to say he was the son of god. why do you doubt him?
you know the answer to this question. it's about as easy as 1+1.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
yeah, sure it is. lets see a baby born between two men.
Are we talking about reproduction or homosexuality? All I said that was homosexuality occurs throughout nature, and is therefore natural. I didn't say it made babies.
yeah, it would be interesting to hear how you WANT to die. also, you don't believe in a biblical heaven. that's fine. i'm not here to shove my beliefs on anyone. people can research it for themselves if they want.
I want to die in my sleep, but I don't see what that has to do with anything.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
you choose your religion. it is a belief, external to you as a person. homosexuality is not. it is who you are, as a person. just like you can mock democrats, but it's wrong to mock black people. one is jut a chosen social group, the other is your dignity as a person.
i somewhat disagree. i don't believe in gay. When i say i don't believe in it, i don't mean it as an expression of wrongfulness. i mean i LITERALLY don't believe in it. There is no such thing. There are of course there are guys who have no qualms with sticking another guy in the chicken eye, or playing the skin flute, but i really don't think there is a "gay" man alive who wouldn't jump at the chance to have sex with a beautiful woman. Not one. The same goes for women. "i don't like men. i only like other girls... blah, blah, blah".
Yet, you have a closet fiull of prosthetic man parts. Tell it to someone else. TRULY "gay" does not exist.
Understand, i don't say this in mockery. Because i don't believe in "gay" doesn't mean i mock those who claim to be such. i personally don't think ANYONE deserves to be mocked. Except, of course married people in "open relationships". (see post in other thread)
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Why is it okay for people to mock God and religion, but it's not okay to mock homosexuals?
I just wondered because I see religion mocked constantly, yet somebody says something about a gay person, and people flip out.
because people are ignorant. they fear God and therefore mock those who believe. some people are born jewish. jewish law says if the mother is jewish; the child is jewish.
so those with superiority complexes feel the need to push their beliefs on others and mock believers in the same manner a homophobe mocks the gay.
it's no different.
the difference is that gays will cry about it while believers feel sorry for those who mock and pray for them.
Are we talking about reproduction or homosexuality? All I said that was homosexuality occurs throughout nature, and is therefore natural. I didn't say it made babies.
if it was so natural, the human race would've been started with two of the same sex. i politely disagree. i just want to add just because i don't agree with the lifestyle doesn't mean that i don't treat homosexuals in a polite way. it's THEIR choice how they live their life.
I want to die in my sleep, but I don't see what that has to do with anything.
i knew that answer was coming. so you wouldn't be afraid of death if you knew you were going to be burned alive in a building like it happened to some people during 9-11?
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
if it was so natural, the human race would've been started with two of the same sex. i politely disagree. i just want to add just because i don't agree with the lifestyle doesn't mean that i don't treat homosexuals in a polite way. it's THEIR choice how they live their life.
I just find your apparent definition of "natural" to be a bit odd. If something occurs in nature, how is it not natural? Perhaps not optimal, but certainly natural.
i knew that answer was coming. so you wouldn't be afraid of death if you knew you were going to be burned alive in a building like it happened to some people during 9-11?
I'd be afraid of the burning, not the dying. Burning hurts.
About 25 years ago, I was beaten within an inch of my life. It took quite a while, so I had plenty of time to contemplate what I was certain was my impending death. WAY before it was over, I was fervently wishing with every fiber of my being that I would die in the next instant. There are plenty of things worse than death ... being fried to a crisp while you're still alive is one of them, I imagine.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
There certainly is a need for procreation. My point is, you said homosexuality isn't natural, so I was trying to ascertain what you mean by "natural". That's why I asked if "natural" == "procreation". Is masturbation natural? That doesn't lead to babies. When an infertile heterosexual couple copulates is that natural? That doesn't lead to babies.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
There certainly is a need for procreation. My point is, you said homosexuality isn't natural, so I was trying to ascertain what you mean by "natural". That's why I asked if "natural" == "procreation". Is masturbation natural? That doesn't lead to babies. When an infertile heterosexual couple copulates is that natural? That doesn't lead to babies.
The whole argument is ridiculous. Scratching your back doesn't lead to babies. A cat lying in the sun doesn't lead to kittens. We could go on and on like this, it's crazy. I can only assume that PJammin' doesn't know the definition of the word "natural." There's nothing unnatural about scratching your back or lying in the sun. It's a great big old synthetic world if everything that doesn't lead to procreation is "unnatural."
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
you know the answer to this question. it's about as easy as 1+1.
ummm, no i dont. why should we take the hearsay of what jesus' followers wrote down 40 years after his death as more legit than the hearsay of what david's followers said while he was still alive?
This makes no sense, whatsoever. Not to me anyway.
1) you WANT to live.
2) if you're SO SURE about death being like sleep,
3) then what stops you? => see 1
the point is...
you WANT to live meant: NOBODY wants to die in the first place. it's our natural instinct to want to live.
he's never been dead yet he knows it's like sleep. ok. i was just being facetious about him testing his theory. the main point is we ALL want to stay alive.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
i somewhat disagree. i don't believe in gay. When i say i don't believe in it, i don't mean it as an expression of wrongfulness. i mean i LITERALLY don't believe in it. There is no such thing. There are of course there are guys who have no qualms with sticking another guy in the chicken eye, or playing the skin flute, but i really don't think there is a "gay" man alive who wouldn't jump at the chance to have sex with a beautiful woman. Not one. The same goes for women. "i don't like men. i only like other girls... blah, blah, blah".
Yet, you have a closet fiull of prosthetic man parts. Tell it to someone else. TRULY "gay" does not exist.
Understand, i don't say this in mockery. Because i don't believe in "gay" doesn't mean i mock those who claim to be such. i personally don't think ANYONE deserves to be mocked. Except, of course married people in "open relationships". (see post in other thread)
ive seen you say some pretty odd things around here man, but this one takes the cake. it is the single most asinine and ridiculous comment i have ever read in my entire life. gay men would jump at the chance to have sex with a beautiful woman? do you even know a single gay man? cos i know several, and most of them HAVE passed on the chance to have sex with beautiful women, i watched them say no. what could POSSIBLY be the rational basis for this assertion? the fact that you think gay is some myth? let me get this straight... you are saying that a guy who has the chance to sleep with beautiful women, will decide to forgo that, and pretend to be gay, thereby suffering abuse, humiliation, discrimination, and degradation everywhere he goes, force himself to have sex with men instead even though he wants to have sex with women, for the purpose of... what? why would this "decision" be made? im serious, i want to know.
I just find your apparent definition of "natural" to be a bit odd. If something occurs in nature, how is it not natural? Perhaps not optimal, but certainly natural.
because this is an imperfect world. anyway, i can see we have different point of views and that is fine.
I'd be afraid of the burning, not the dying. Burning hurts.
About 25 years ago, I was beaten within an inch of my life. It took quite a while, so I had plenty of time to contemplate what I was certain was my impending death. WAY before it was over, I was fervently wishing with every fiber of my being that I would die in the next instant. There are plenty of things worse than death ... being fried to a crisp while you're still alive is one of them, I imagine.
i'm very sorry to hear that. that made me sad reading it. i'm VERY GLAD that you're alive and here to still enjoy this board and pearl jam...AND MANY MORE THINGS I'M SURE. *hug*
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
if it was so natural, the human race would've been started with two of the same sex. i politely disagree. i just want to add just because i don't agree with the lifestyle doesn't mean that i don't treat homosexuals in a polite way. it's THEIR choice how they live their life.
people still make fun of gays; just not as publicly as before.
i knew that answer was coming. so you wouldn't be afraid of death if you knew you were going to be burned alive in a building like it happened to some people during 9-11?
i'm not afraid to die. i welcome death. i've been dead and know what's next.
life is an obsticle to be overcome.
ummm, no i dont. why should we take the hearsay of what jesus' followers wrote down 40 years after his death as more legit than the hearsay of what david's followers said while he was still alive?
because david karesh was teaching his own laws that went against the word of God. please, don't even compare Jesus and david karesh. it's a joke.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
ive seen you say some pretty odd things around here man, but this one takes the cake. it is the single most asinine and ridiculous comment i have ever read in my entire life. gay men would jump at the chance to have sex with a beautiful woman? do you even know a single gay man? cos i know several, and most of them HAVE passed on the chance to have sex with beautiful women, i watched them say no. what could POSSIBLY be the rational basis for this assertion? the fact that you think gay is some myth? let me get this straight... you are saying that a guy who has the chance to sleep with beautiful women, will decide to forgo that, and pretend to be gay, thereby suffering abuse, humiliation, discrimination, and degradation everywhere he goes, force himself to have sex with men instead even though he wants to have sex with women, for the purpose of... what? why would this "decision" be made? im serious, i want to know.
Well said. For all of the reasons you mentioned, I don't know why anyone would choose to be gay. That's why there are closeted homosexuals. They want to appear hetero so they don't have to be faced with the shit that gets thrown at gays.
And I've never met a gay man who would jump at the chance to have sex with a hot woman. Most gay men I know have plenty of female friends toward whom they have no sexual attraction.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
i'm very sorry to hear that. that made me sad reading it. i'm VERY GLAD that you're alive and here to still enjoy this board and pearl jam...AND MANY MORE THINGS I'M SURE. *hug*
Thank you I wasn't trying to start a pity party for myself, I just wanted to try and clarify the difference between being afraid of burning to death or being beaten to death, and being afraid of death itself. Death can look mighty appealing at times.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
He did redeem, and did ONE BETTER. He sent Jesus to die for you. that's not casting ANYONE aside.
are you sure you'd die for your friends? you're saying that now because it's not real to you. put in the situation, you might run like the apostle peter and deny Jesus three times.
God doesn't show compassion? i believe you're breathing and enjoying Pearl Jam.
hmmm, i thought sending a child to hell b/c they called God Allah or Buddha or Eric Clapton even though they were good ppl would be casting aside
compassion isn't making someone get on their knees and beg for forgiveness for every little thing
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
We are essentially robots..
Actually it is, it happens in lab mice too.
If you get rid of your preconceived notions about death, it's actually really obvious.
This makes no sense, whatsoever. Not to me anyway.
1) you WANT to live.
2) if you're SO SURE about death being like sleep,
3) then what stops you? => see 1
naděje umírá poslední
Yes, I'm sure.
You've got God confused with Mike, no worries it's a common mistake.
naděje umírá poslední
nope but compassion could be letting someone ask for forgiveness which is a big difference than making someone ask for forgiveness. God hasn't made anyone ask for forgiveness but he allows everyone to.
Wtf? Because someone has things they want to do here, that means they're afraid of death? What the hell kind of logic is that? I imagine Ahnimus doesn't blow his head off because he's having a reasonably good time here and there are experiences he wants to have in this life. He doesn't want to go to sleep yet ... so what?
I want to live, but I'm not the slightest bit afraid to die, and I don't believe in anything remotely close to the biblical heaven.
i sure don't feel like a fool. was i born a sinner? yes. does the world around me reflect God's Word? yes. did someone need to show us the way to live? yes. by doing the commandments of Jesus does that keep me on the straight and narrow? yes. even as YOU say, what if i'm wrong and i'm the fool? even if i was a gambler, i'd take those chances. i'd rather bet my life on Jesus and eternal life than spending the rest of my time in hell. so you say there's no Jesus, so i lived my life in an honorable way and i didn't sway in the wind like someone who makes no choice. at least i had some guts. that being said, i'm 100% confident i won't be the fool. besides, God gives you blessings that you know you're on the right path. i'm not going to list them because i'll only be mocked.
that's their right. i'm not saying that i believe in mine more than they believe in theirs. all i'm saying is there is ONE TRUTH. there's not two. someone is right and someone is wrong. i believe i'm right. well, you'll say, they believe THEY'RE right. well, we'll see now, won't we.
what if you don't believe in jail? it still exists, doesn't it. you can't negate the truth.
i don't care if you believe in the same thing as me. all i care about is getting along with people. it's YOUR choice what you believe.
either you have a lot of guilt or you're serving some other God.
yeah, sure it is. lets see a baby born between two men.
yeah, it would be interesting to hear how you WANT to die. also, you don't believe in a biblical heaven. that's fine. i'm not here to shove my beliefs on anyone. people can research it for themselves if they want.
you know the answer to this question. it's about as easy as 1+1.
I want to die in my sleep, but I don't see what that has to do with anything.
Your definition of natural is "if it leads to procreation."?
i somewhat disagree. i don't believe in gay. When i say i don't believe in it, i don't mean it as an expression of wrongfulness. i mean i LITERALLY don't believe in it. There is no such thing. There are of course there are guys who have no qualms with sticking another guy in the chicken eye, or playing the skin flute, but i really don't think there is a "gay" man alive who wouldn't jump at the chance to have sex with a beautiful woman. Not one. The same goes for women. "i don't like men. i only like other girls... blah, blah, blah".
Yet, you have a closet fiull of prosthetic man parts. Tell it to someone else. TRULY "gay" does not exist.
Understand, i don't say this in mockery. Because i don't believe in "gay" doesn't mean i mock those who claim to be such. i personally don't think ANYONE deserves to be mocked. Except, of course married people in "open relationships".
because people are ignorant. they fear God and therefore mock those who believe. some people are born jewish. jewish law says if the mother is jewish; the child is jewish.
so those with superiority complexes feel the need to push their beliefs on others and mock believers in the same manner a homophobe mocks the gay.
it's no different.
the difference is that gays will cry about it while believers feel sorry for those who mock and pray for them.
if it was so natural, the human race would've been started with two of the same sex. i politely disagree. i just want to add just because i don't agree with the lifestyle doesn't mean that i don't treat homosexuals in a polite way. it's THEIR choice how they live their life.
i knew that answer was coming. so you wouldn't be afraid of death if you knew you were going to be burned alive in a building like it happened to some people during 9-11?
so then there is no need for male and female.
I'd be afraid of the burning, not the dying. Burning hurts.
About 25 years ago, I was beaten within an inch of my life. It took quite a while, so I had plenty of time to contemplate what I was certain was my impending death. WAY before it was over, I was fervently wishing with every fiber of my being that I would die in the next instant. There are plenty of things worse than death ... being fried to a crisp while you're still alive is one of them, I imagine.
There certainly is a need for procreation. My point is, you said homosexuality isn't natural, so I was trying to ascertain what you mean by "natural". That's why I asked if "natural" == "procreation". Is masturbation natural? That doesn't lead to babies. When an infertile heterosexual couple copulates is that natural? That doesn't lead to babies.
ummm, no i dont. why should we take the hearsay of what jesus' followers wrote down 40 years after his death as more legit than the hearsay of what david's followers said while he was still alive?
the point is...
you WANT to live meant: NOBODY wants to die in the first place. it's our natural instinct to want to live.
he's never been dead yet he knows it's like sleep. ok. i was just being facetious about him testing his theory. the main point is we ALL want to stay alive.
ive seen you say some pretty odd things around here man, but this one takes the cake. it is the single most asinine and ridiculous comment i have ever read in my entire life. gay men would jump at the chance to have sex with a beautiful woman? do you even know a single gay man? cos i know several, and most of them HAVE passed on the chance to have sex with beautiful women, i watched them say no. what could POSSIBLY be the rational basis for this assertion? the fact that you think gay is some myth? let me get this straight... you are saying that a guy who has the chance to sleep with beautiful women, will decide to forgo that, and pretend to be gay, thereby suffering abuse, humiliation, discrimination, and degradation everywhere he goes, force himself to have sex with men instead even though he wants to have sex with women, for the purpose of... what? why would this "decision" be made? im serious, i want to know.
because this is an imperfect world. anyway, i can see we have different point of views and that is fine.
i'm very sorry to hear that. that made me sad reading it. i'm VERY GLAD that you're alive and here to still enjoy this board and pearl jam...AND MANY MORE THINGS I'M SURE. *hug*
i was using the word natural as far as human beings are concerned. anyway, it will go back and forth so i bow out.
people still make fun of gays; just not as publicly as before.
i'm not afraid to die. i welcome death. i've been dead and know what's next.
life is an obsticle to be overcome.
because david karesh was teaching his own laws that went against the word of God. please, don't even compare Jesus and david karesh. it's a joke.
Well said. For all of the reasons you mentioned, I don't know why anyone would choose to be gay. That's why there are closeted homosexuals. They want to appear hetero so they don't have to be faced with the shit that gets thrown at gays.
And I've never met a gay man who would jump at the chance to have sex with a hot woman. Most gay men I know have plenty of female friends toward whom they have no sexual attraction.
Thank you