as a recovering alcoholic, yes, those things can be overcome. my point is, why bother? if YOU think being gay is wrong, fine, dont be gay. but i don't see why that means you feel compelled to lecture people or mock them becos you think they are going to hell. im glad you are not one of those people who does. if someone is gay and it bothers them, they can come to you for advice on changing if they want. but browbeating them into it is sick. alcoholics change becos the alcohol ruins their lives... jail, unable to perform jobs, abusing friends and loved ones. homosexuality causes none of these problems, the problems it causes is abuse from the christians you describe at the end. the evil of homosexuality is in the eye of the beholder, whereas the evil of alcoholism takes its toll on the lives of others and society in general. your personal belief is one thing and you are entitled to it, but such personal beliefs have no business regulating the private conduct of others. nor should it entitle anyone to mock, abuse, or insult other people as human beings.
but taking this back to the original question, religion is of another stripe. it sounds like you are saying homosexuality is an affliction like alcoholism. do you mock alcoholics for their illness or do you show them compassion? they are sick people and i would think your views on homosexuality would spark similar compassion.
religion is different. it is a set of beliefs, but beliefs that are chosen. you choose to be christian instead of muslim, or democract instead of republican. thus poking fun at those is ok. yes, some take it too far and move into abuse and hatred, but that's something you just have to live with. for every atheist going too far in his ridicule of christianity, a christian is going too far in his ridicule of heathens. there's just too many assholes in this world
I agree with most of what you said. My parents were alcoholics a while back, so are a bunch of my relations. I don't hate alcoholics, I feel bad for them. Do I hate what it causes them to do? Yes. I think I said before, I'm not quite certain I did, but I do feel bad for homosexuals.
You're VERY right about all of the a-holes in the world.
I'm not like 98 percent of Christians, and I suppose I get sick and tired of it all and rant once in a while. I am sorry if I have offended anybody, and I wasn't trying to convert anybody, just defending what I believe.
When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
you know i've been on your side in religious debates before. i may not be christian, but i will defend to the death your right to be one. i also think it is an utterly reasonable belief. furthermore, being an american most of my friends and family are christian and i have no trouble with them. you came on pretty quick dismissing the idea that people were born gay and claimed it was only a social thing and people did it to be popular. it sounded like it was disgust. like i said, if i was wrong, i apologize.
let's do a simple game:
you say- nobody is born gay, they would all choose sex with a beautiful woman in a heartbeat
he says- i was born gay, i tried very hard to like women and simply could not
there is absolutely no way those can BOTH be true. they explicitly contradict each other. so... you are saying one of two things, and id like to know which one, without your wishy-washy maybes. you're so staunch in your christian beliefs... take a stand buddy. is it:
1) he is a liar and didn't try to be straight, he just pretends to be gay cos it's popular and he really wants to sleep with women and you know what gay people think better than a gay man himself does.
2) you actually don't know shit about why people are gay and only pretend to becos your beliefs would have a harder time condemning people for behaviors they were born with and cannot control.
They can both be true. You misunderstand. A person can THINK they are doing everything possible, when if fact they aren't, because they just are ignorant. Not in a "I know more then you, ha!" from me, but a "Man, I wish somebody had an open ear" way. People just don't want to hear it, so I'm going to just shut up on the matter because there is no point. I absolutely hate arguing with people, and I hate even more when people push their beliefs on others in an attempt to change them.
When life gives you lemons, throw them at somebody.
Why is it okay for people to mock God and religion, but it's not okay to mock homosexuals?
I just wondered because I see religion mocked constantly, yet somebody says something about a gay person, and people flip out.
IMO nothing and nobody is above mocking, its discrimination and hate that people should have a problem with.
Which came first,
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
They can both be true. You misunderstand. A person can THINK they are doing everything possible, when if fact they aren't, because they just are ignorant. Not in a "I know more then you, ha!" from me, but a "Man, I wish somebody had an open ear" way. People just don't want to hear it, so I'm going to just shut up on the matter because there is no point. I absolutely hate arguing with people, and I hate even more when people push their beliefs on others in an attempt to change them.
im not entirely sure i understand what you're saying here. but if you'd rather not go into, ill let it go. i think we all know cornnifer got made to look a fool
There's nothing I care about more than my kids being close to me. I would be devastated if they weren't. They are by far the most important thing in the world to me. I am very happy that they love and respect me. But if they didn't, I would have to live with that ... there is NO WAY I could ever cause any kind of harm to come to them. My love for them is unconditional. God's love for us clearly is not.
let me get this straight. from reading your words, you're putting YOUR love above God's. that is amusing to me since GOD IS LOVE:
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God...(Romans 4:7)
...for God is love.(Romans 4,8)
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.(Romans 4:9,10)
God has done more than YOU could ever do for your kids. Jesus came in the flesh to be spat on, mocked, scourged, and crucified for His kids and they STILL turn their backs on Him. let me see the day you do that for your kids then we'll talk. if your kids didn't love and respect you, you'd have to live with it, right? that's what you said. you'd JUST have to live with it. let them do what they want and feel how they want, but God went further even though the love and respect wasn't there, and as i can witness it's still not there. His own went against Him and delivered His Son to death. for what? for loving and trying to teach them the way of life, and a glorious life with HIM. God IS devastated that His children aren't close to Him, but even though He is devastated, He's STILL merciful, gracious, longsuffering. He STILL abounds in goodness and truth. He forgives more done to Him as a parent than you'll ever know. when your own children don't listen to you, don't they have to learn the hard way????? well, it's the same with God. you don't listen to God, you learn the hard way. when you go your own way, you're open to mistakes that cause yourself harm. ONCE AGAIN, THE HUMAN BEING PUTTING THE BLAME ON SOMEONE ELSE(GOD)WHEN THEY NEED TO LOOK AT THEMSELF FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM, AND ALSO THE HARM THAT COMES UPON THEM. God has PERFECT unconditional love(not a human's love), more people should take a hint and imitate the word which defines God. i was going to keep this to myself, but i decided i'd put it out in the open because it's important and God's no joke. He can require your life from you in an instant. say what you want, but i'd be easy with your words on badmouthing Him and His love. if you keep bad mouthing God and something tragic happens in your life, in some kind of bizarre way, you'll remember my words. don't say i didn't warn you.
peace. i'm done for the night. quite frankly, i don't know how much longer i'll stay in this thread. i'm sure all of you will be happy.
I died. I died and you just stood there. I died and you watched. I died and you walked by and said no. I'm dead.
peace. i'm done for the night. quite frankly, i don't know how much longer i'll stay in this thread. i'm sure all of you will be happy.
I will say that I disagree with everything you believe.
And actually when I did believe in God was the most tragic period of my life. Since I told God off and went my own way I've found greater happiness.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Shit, I wonder what your reaction would be if someone said that Christians were disillusioned. Oh right, I already know, you'd start a thread and ask why it's ok to mock Christians and god.
what of those who were gay and then changed to being straight? i've always wondered that. i mean, cause if they are gay that's because they were born gay. right? so if they are born gay then that's what they are. gay. so how could they ever change sexual preferences and choose to liking the oppossitte sex? i know of many people who have changed sexual preferences. no, they are not bi... they are now strictly hetero.
anyways... i was raised in church... live life for God and live by love and faith. my parents never spoke about homosexuals. never in a bad or in a good way. as a kid, i never heard of what gay meant. it was irrelevant. not until i was about 9 that i was watching a sally jesse raphael show that a gay person came on the show. i asked my mom what gay was and she told me that the guy liked the same sex. as a child, i thought it was odd. nobody ever told me what was "odd" or not "odd". it just came natural for me to think that being gay is "odd". just like i thought it was odd when i saw a transexual the first time with boobs. i was confused. so i don't think that religion is to be blamed for in my regards to homosexuality.
now that i'm older and still live for God and live by faith and by love I don't consider homosexuals any less. i actually work with a lesbian and she's real cool. it's no big deal. like my cousin said, why is it a big deal when someone is gay? if a girl has a girlfriend it's like a guy going out with a girl. no difference and no big deal.
do i think homosexuals are going to hell? by default, as a christian, everyone will label me as the person who thinks everybody that doesn't believe in what he does is going to hell. but that's because of their lack of understanding what i really believe. so what difference does it make?
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
And actually when I did believe in God was the most tragic period of my life...
that's because you never really had faith... but of course this wouldn't matter to you seeing now that you are a fervent atheist.
that's the biggest mistake most people do in their spiritual lives. they think too much to the point that they blame God. but then figure that there isn't a God, so they blame religion.
what i'm saying is, if you truly believed in God, tragedy would've been of no avail to you.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
let me get this straight. from reading your words, you're putting YOUR love above God's. that is amusing to me since GOD IS LOVE:
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God...(Romans 4:7)
...for God is love.(Romans 4,8)
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.(Romans 4:9,10)
God has done more than YOU could ever do for your kids. Jesus came in the flesh to be spat on, mocked, scourged, and crucified for His kids and they STILL turn their backs on Him. let me see the day you do that for your kids then we'll talk. if your kids didn't love and respect you, you'd have to live with it, right? that's what you said. you'd JUST have to live with it. let them do what they want and feel how they want, but God went further even though the love and respect wasn't there, and as i can witness it's still not there. His own went against Him and delivered His Son to death. for what? for loving and trying to teach them the way of life, and a glorious life with HIM. God IS devastated that His children aren't close to Him, but even though He is devastated, He's STILL merciful, gracious, longsuffering. He STILL abounds in goodness and truth. He forgives more done to Him as a parent than you'll ever know. when your own children don't listen to you, don't they have to learn the hard way????? well, it's the same with God. you don't listen to God, you learn the hard way. when you go your own way, you're open to mistakes that cause yourself harm. ONCE AGAIN, THE HUMAN BEING PUTTING THE BLAME ON SOMEONE ELSE(GOD)WHEN THEY NEED TO LOOK AT THEMSELF FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM, AND ALSO THE HARM THAT COMES UPON THEM. God has PERFECT unconditional love(not a human's love), more people should take a hint and imitate the word which defines God. i was going to keep this to myself, but i decided i'd put it out in the open because it's important and God's no joke. He can require your life from you in an instant. say what you want, but i'd be easy with your words on badmouthing Him and His love. if you keep bad mouthing God and something tragic happens in your life, in some kind of bizarre way, you'll remember my words. don't say i didn't warn you.
peace. i'm done for the night. quite frankly, i don't know how much longer i'll stay in this thread. i'm sure all of you will be happy.
oh no please, let's talk now.
I WOULD DIE FOR MY CHILDREN. i wouldn't send my only begotten son to do it. I would do it. my love for MY children is greater than any love i have ever felt. and greater than any love i will ever feel. NO ONE loves my children more than ME. NO ONE. is that arrogance? No, it is truth. and NO ONE would be prepared to sacrifice more for MY children than ME. and that includes any God any religious person chooses to believe in. your choice is to believe in a God. my choice is to believe in myself. I know exactly what i am capable of and what i am prepared to do. every day i am reminded of how strong i am and how strong i continue to be despite the overwhelming urge i have not to be here. if MY children choose not to respect me or choose not to listen to me, that is their choice. I will not disown them, i will love them. I have unconditional love for my children regardless of their actions. every good and bad choice i have ever made or will make is MY responsibility. I do not put it onto someone else, deity or human. don't sit there and tell me how hard done by God is. i don't care. he is intangible to me. and always will be.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I WOULD DIE FOR MY CHILDREN. i wouldn't send my only begotten son to do it. I would do it. my love for MY children is greater than any love i have ever felt. and greater than any love i will ever feel. NO ONE loves my children more than ME. NO ONE. is that arrogance? No, it is truth. and NO ONE would be prepared to sacrifice more for MY children than ME. and that includes any God any religious person chooses to believe in. your choice is to believe in a God. my choice is to believe in myself. I know exactly what i am capable of and what i am prepared to do. every day i am reminded of how strong i am and how strong i continue to be despite the overwhelming urge i have not to be here. if MY children choose not to respect me or choose not to listen to me, that is their choice. I will not disown them, i will love them. I have unconditional love for my children regardless of their actions. every good and bad choice i have ever made or will make is MY responsibility. I do not put it onto someone else, deity or human. don't sit there and tell me how hard done by God is. i don't care. he is intangible to me. and always will be.
ahh... the greatest cliche of humanity... to be bigger than God.
in regards to your post. now i can figure by now that you don't believe in the Bible so let me give my disclaimer. i'm not gonna try to impose this on you as truth. so take this as a fairy-tale, if you will. this imaginary God that the Bible speaks of is too powerful and too potent to even crawl out of his spiritual domain and cross into the physical realm. if He would've, the entire world would've been consumed completely. just think of the gases in space and the energies that would consume us. God is much more potent than those things. so in this fairy-tale storybook we call the Bible God had to figure a way to redeem humanity because he loved it dearly. now what he did send was His word... this word was the very same thing that created the universe and made light out of darkness. This word was the very same word that became a human form to redeem humanity. God knew exactly what he was going to do and he knew that His son would overcome life for us becuase we had failed so many, many, many times. and even to this point we still fail. So His son Christ came and accomplished a pure life for us so and in resurrecting we would not be held bondage to death anymore. Yes, if this is love... this is the greatest love ever. too bad it's just a fairytale.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
ahh... the greatest cliche of humanity... to be bigger than God.
in regards to your post. now i can figure by now that you don't believe in the Bible so let me give my disclaimer. i'm not gonna try to impose this on you as truth. so take this as a fairy-tale, if you will. this imaginary God that the Bible speaks of is too powerful and too potent to even crawl out of his spiritual domain and cross into the physical realm. if He would've, the entire world would've been consumed completely. just think of the gases in space and the energies that would consume us. God is much more potent than those things. so in this fairy-tale storybook we call the Bible God had to figure a way to redeem humanity because he loved it dearly. now what he did send was His word... this word was the very same thing that created the universe and made light out of darkness. This word was the very same word that became a human form to redeem humanity. God knew exactly what he was going to do and he knew that His son would overcome life for us becuase we had failed so many, many, many times. and even to this point we still fail. So His son Christ came and accomplished a pure life for us so and in resurrecting we would not be held bondage to death anymore. Yes, if this is love... this is the greatest love ever. too bad it's just a fairytale.
Really? Thats love. Then what about the centuries unpon centuries before Jesus came along and gave us a chance to redeem ourselves? If we slipped up was that our spiritual card up for enternity?
~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
ahh... the greatest cliche of humanity... to be bigger than God.
in regards to your post. now i can figure by now that you don't believe in the Bible so let me give my disclaimer. i'm not gonna try to impose this on you as truth. so take this as a fairy-tale, if you will. this imaginary God that the Bible speaks of is too powerful and too potent to even crawl out of his spiritual domain and cross into the physical realm. if He would've, the entire world would've been consumed completely. just think of the gases in space and the energies that would consume us. God is much more potent than those things. so in this fairy-tale storybook we call the Bible God had to figure a way to redeem humanity because he loved it dearly. now what he did send was His word... this word was the very same thing that created the universe and made light out of darkness. This word was the very same word that became a human form to redeem humanity. God knew exactly what he was going to do and he knew that His son would overcome life for us becuase we had failed so many, many, many times. and even to this point we still fail. So His son Christ came and accomplished a pure life for us so and in resurrecting we would not be held bondage to death anymore. Yes, if this is love... this is the greatest love ever. too bad it's just a fairytale.
you misunderstand me. i didn't say i was bigger than God. i can not compare my size either 'physically' or 'spiritually' to something that is nonexistent in life. that plays no part in my life.
but to me, the bible isn't even a fairytale. it is just another book to me. it is a story. a fantastic story i admit. but a story nonetheless.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Really? Thats love. Then what about the centuries unpon centuries before Jesus came along and gave us a chance to redeem ourselves? If we slipped up was that our spiritual card up for enternity?
i'm not quite sure what you're talking about but i'll take a stab at it... i think you're referring to the law. right? the days of moses? the days of sulfur and acid? of fire and brim? that all had to do with the law. a law which was given to the israelites because they didn't want to deal with God on a personal level so they chose the hardway. it has nothing to do with us.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
i'm not quite sure what you're talking about but i'll take a stab at it... i think you're referring to the law. right? the days of moses? the days of sulfur and acid? of fire and brim? that all had to do with the law. a law which was given to the israelites because they didn't want to deal with God on a personal level so they chose the hardway. it has nothing to do with us.
No, I meant what Jesus died for. He died "so our sins may be forgiven", what is this meant to mean? The sins of humanity or of the individual?
~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
you misunderstand me. i didn't say i was bigger than God. i can not compare my size either 'physically' or 'spiritually' to something that is nonexistent in life. that plays no part in my life.
but to me, the bible isn't even a fairytale. it is just another book to me. it is a story. a fantastic story i admit. but a story nonetheless.
i know... but you did say your love was greater than His.
fairy-tale, story, myth... whatever.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
i know... but you did say your love was greater than His.
fairy-tale, story, myth... whatever.
God does not exist in my children's lives. i do. God does not exist in my life. there really is no comparison to be made.
interestingly enough this evening coming home from an outing, my 7 year old did bring up God. there was a lightning flash in the sky and she started to say something about God's involvement in that. i asked her where this God lived. she told me he lived in the clouds. i asked what does he do up there. zoe said he watches us. i asked, does he watch all of us. she said no he watches christians. i said what about the rest of us, she said he watches us too. i asked her what else does he do. she told me she didn't know. she told me she wasn't a christian.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
No really. How is that love in any sense of the word?
well it is 6:20am and i was gonna go to sleep that's why i gave a short answer. but i'll elaborate.
firstly, the israelites had complete access to salvation but they later started having a rocky relationship with God. they started blaming God for their mishaps. for instance, when they were delivered from Egypt to the land of "Milk and honey" they began to complain to God for the bread that was falling from the sky. and started saying that they were better off with the Egyptians as slaves rather than being in the desert for 40 years... when it was their fault all along why they'd been wandering in the desert becuase of their unbelief in God. God had greater plans for them but they chose not to follow them. than they asked for a governor, or a king. When all that time God wanted to have a personal relationship with them but they refused it. so you get the picture... ultimately they requested that moses should be their mediator, or the messenger, between them and God. so they lied to Moses and told him, "tell God that we will serve him and follow him and that he will be our God." MOses goes to mt sinai and tells God what the israelites had said. God said, "fine. I will take their word for it Moses. oh, by the way Moses here are these two tablets. on them are written 10 commandments. have them try and follow these sets of rules if they truly believe in me." Moses takes the tablets and as he heads down he finds that the Israelites were worshipping another God, the god's name was Baal. Moses was infuriated so he broke the stones on them. but God knew what their intentions were and so God gave them the 10 commandments again so they could see what life was without God. So that's how they lived, life in the law, and not in the salvations and promises that God wanted for them to live in. So the law was cruel and very dictating and very harsh. so harsh that if anybody were to disobey it they'd be immensely punished by it. it wasn't God who meant for it to be that way, it was their own laws and rules that they established for themselves by their minds and unbeliefs.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
well it is 6:20am and i was gonna go to sleep that's why i gave a short answer. but i'll elaborate.
firstly, the israelites had complete access to salvation but they later started having a rocky relationship with God. they started blaming God for their mishaps. for instance, when they were delivered from Egypt to the land of "Milk and honey" they began to complain to God for the bread that was falling from the sky. and started saying that they were better off with the Egyptians as slaves rather than being in the desert for 40 years... when it was their fault all along why they'd been wandering in the desert becuase of their unbelief in God. God had greater plans for them but they chose not to follow them. than they asked for a governor, or a king. When all that time God wanted to have a personal relationship with them but they refused it. so you get the picture... ultimately they requested that moses should be their mediator, or the messenger, between them and God. so they lied to Moses and told him, "tell God that we will serve him and follow him and that he will be our God." MOses goes to mt sinai and tells God what the israelites had said. God said, "fine. I will take their word for it Moses. oh, by the way Moses here are these two tablets. on them are written 10 commandments. have them try and follow these sets of rules if they truly believe in me." Moses takes the tablets and as he heads down he finds that the Israelites were worshipping another God, the god's name was Baal. Moses was infuriated so he broke the stones on them. but God knew what their intentions were and so God gave them the 10 commandments again so they could see what life was without God. So that's how they lived, life in the law, and not in the salvations and promises that God wanted for them to live in. So the law was cruel and very dictating and very harsh. so harsh that if anybody were to disobey it they'd be immensely punished by it. it wasn't God who meant for it to be that way, it was their own laws and rules that they established for themselves by their minds and unbeliefs.
As you said you were going to sleep Ill understand if you don't reply to this right now.
But come on, what of the REST OF THE WORLD?! Either the Bible is a fictional tale and the author/s didn't know of all the other communities around the world and so left them out or else god is an asshole that let let the actions of a few Isrealites fuck the planets chance of forgiveness for a few thousand years. Not seeing much love in those actions.
~*~*~*~*PROUD EVENFLOW PSYCHO #0026~*~*~*~*
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
I think Im out of the loop here, I know it's a movie but I have no idea what it is about
it's about a former missionary who having lost her faith now investigates apparent biblical phenomena. a town is under seige from biblical plagues and the ex-missionary is on the case.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You're VERY right about all of the a-holes in the world.
I'm not like 98 percent of Christians, and I suppose I get sick and tired of it all and rant once in a while. I am sorry if I have offended anybody, and I wasn't trying to convert anybody, just defending what I believe.
IMO nothing and nobody is above mocking, its discrimination and hate that people should have a problem with.
the bad idea or me befallen by it?
im not entirely sure i understand what you're saying here. but if you'd rather not go into, ill let it go. i think we all know cornnifer got made to look a fool
let me get this straight. from reading your words, you're putting YOUR love above God's. that is amusing to me since GOD IS LOVE:
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God...(Romans 4:7)
...for God is love.(Romans 4,8)
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.(Romans 4:9,10)
God has done more than YOU could ever do for your kids. Jesus came in the flesh to be spat on, mocked, scourged, and crucified for His kids and they STILL turn their backs on Him. let me see the day you do that for your kids then we'll talk. if your kids didn't love and respect you, you'd have to live with it, right? that's what you said. you'd JUST have to live with it. let them do what they want and feel how they want, but God went further even though the love and respect wasn't there, and as i can witness it's still not there. His own went against Him and delivered His Son to death. for what? for loving and trying to teach them the way of life, and a glorious life with HIM. God IS devastated that His children aren't close to Him, but even though He is devastated, He's STILL merciful, gracious, longsuffering. He STILL abounds in goodness and truth. He forgives more done to Him as a parent than you'll ever know. when your own children don't listen to you, don't they have to learn the hard way????? well, it's the same with God. you don't listen to God, you learn the hard way. when you go your own way, you're open to mistakes that cause yourself harm. ONCE AGAIN, THE HUMAN BEING PUTTING THE BLAME ON SOMEONE ELSE(GOD)WHEN THEY NEED TO LOOK AT THEMSELF FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO THEM, AND ALSO THE HARM THAT COMES UPON THEM. God has PERFECT unconditional love(not a human's love), more people should take a hint and imitate the word which defines God. i was going to keep this to myself, but i decided i'd put it out in the open because it's important and God's no joke. He can require your life from you in an instant. say what you want, but i'd be easy with your words on badmouthing Him and His love. if you keep bad mouthing God and something tragic happens in your life, in some kind of bizarre way, you'll remember my words. don't say i didn't warn you.
peace. i'm done for the night.
I will say that I disagree with everything you believe.
And actually when I did believe in God was the most tragic period of my life. Since I told God off and went my own way I've found greater happiness.
Shit, I wonder what your reaction would be if someone said that Christians were disillusioned. Oh right, I already know, you'd start a thread and ask why it's ok to mock Christians and god.
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anyways... i was raised in church... live life for God and live by love and faith. my parents never spoke about homosexuals. never in a bad or in a good way. as a kid, i never heard of what gay meant. it was irrelevant. not until i was about 9 that i was watching a sally jesse raphael show that a gay person came on the show. i asked my mom what gay was and she told me that the guy liked the same sex. as a child, i thought it was odd. nobody ever told me what was "odd" or not "odd". it just came natural for me to think that being gay is "odd". just like i thought it was odd when i saw a transexual the first time with boobs. i was confused. so i don't think that religion is to be blamed for in my regards to homosexuality.
now that i'm older and still live for God and live by faith and by love I don't consider homosexuals any less. i actually work with a lesbian and she's real cool. it's no big deal. like my cousin said, why is it a big deal when someone is gay? if a girl has a girlfriend it's like a guy going out with a girl. no difference and no big deal.
do i think homosexuals are going to hell? by default, as a christian, everyone will label me as the person who thinks everybody that doesn't believe in what he does is going to hell. but that's because of their lack of understanding what i really believe. so what difference does it make?
that's the biggest mistake most people do in their spiritual lives. they think too much to the point that they blame God. but then figure that there isn't a God, so they blame religion.
what i'm saying is, if you truly believed in God, tragedy would've been of no avail to you.
oh no please, let's talk now.
I WOULD DIE FOR MY CHILDREN. i wouldn't send my only begotten son to do it. I would do it. my love for MY children is greater than any love i have ever felt. and greater than any love i will ever feel. NO ONE loves my children more than ME. NO ONE. is that arrogance? No, it is truth. and NO ONE would be prepared to sacrifice more for MY children than ME. and that includes any God any religious person chooses to believe in. your choice is to believe in a God. my choice is to believe in myself. I know exactly what i am capable of and what i am prepared to do. every day i am reminded of how strong i am and how strong i continue to be despite the overwhelming urge i have not to be here. if MY children choose not to respect me or choose not to listen to me, that is their choice. I will not disown them, i will love them. I have unconditional love for my children regardless of their actions. every good and bad choice i have ever made or will make is MY responsibility. I do not put it onto someone else, deity or human. don't sit there and tell me how hard done by God is. i don't care. he is intangible to me. and always will be.
take a good look
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lie beside me
i just need to say
in regards to your post. now i can figure by now that you don't believe in the Bible so let me give my disclaimer. i'm not gonna try to impose this on you as truth. so take this as a fairy-tale, if you will. this imaginary God that the Bible speaks of is too powerful and too potent to even crawl out of his spiritual domain and cross into the physical realm. if He would've, the entire world would've been consumed completely. just think of the gases in space and the energies that would consume us. God is much more potent than those things. so in this fairy-tale storybook we call the Bible God had to figure a way to redeem humanity because he loved it dearly. now what he did send was His word... this word was the very same thing that created the universe and made light out of darkness. This word was the very same word that became a human form to redeem humanity. God knew exactly what he was going to do and he knew that His son would overcome life for us becuase we had failed so many, many, many times. and even to this point we still fail. So His son Christ came and accomplished a pure life for us so and in resurrecting we would not be held bondage to death anymore. Yes, if this is love... this is the greatest love ever. too bad it's just a fairytale.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
you misunderstand me. i didn't say i was bigger than God. i can not compare my size either 'physically' or 'spiritually' to something that is nonexistent in life. that plays no part in my life.
but to me, the bible isn't even a fairytale. it is just another book to me. it is a story. a fantastic story i admit. but a story nonetheless.
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lie beside me
i just need to say
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
fairy-tale, story, myth... whatever.
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Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
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Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
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Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
God does not exist in my children's lives. i do. God does not exist in my life. there really is no comparison to be made.
interestingly enough this evening coming home from an outing, my 7 year old did bring up God. there was a lightning flash in the sky and she started to say something about God's involvement in that. i asked her where this God lived. she told me he lived in the clouds. i asked what does he do up there. zoe said he watches us. i asked, does he watch all of us. she said no he watches christians. i said what about the rest of us, she said he watches us too. i asked her what else does he do. she told me she didn't know. she told me she wasn't a christian.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say
firstly, the israelites had complete access to salvation but they later started having a rocky relationship with God. they started blaming God for their mishaps. for instance, when they were delivered from Egypt to the land of "Milk and honey" they began to complain to God for the bread that was falling from the sky. and started saying that they were better off with the Egyptians as slaves rather than being in the desert for 40 years... when it was their fault all along why they'd been wandering in the desert becuase of their unbelief in God. God had greater plans for them but they chose not to follow them. than they asked for a governor, or a king. When all that time God wanted to have a personal relationship with them but they refused it. so you get the picture... ultimately they requested that moses should be their mediator, or the messenger, between them and God. so they lied to Moses and told him, "tell God that we will serve him and follow him and that he will be our God." MOses goes to mt sinai and tells God what the israelites had said. God said, "fine. I will take their word for it Moses. oh, by the way Moses here are these two tablets. on them are written 10 commandments. have them try and follow these sets of rules if they truly believe in me." Moses takes the tablets and as he heads down he finds that the Israelites were worshipping another God, the god's name was Baal. Moses was infuriated so he broke the stones on them. but God knew what their intentions were and so God gave them the 10 commandments again so they could see what life was without God. So that's how they lived, life in the law, and not in the salvations and promises that God wanted for them to live in. So the law was cruel and very dictating and very harsh. so harsh that if anybody were to disobey it they'd be immensely punished by it. it wasn't God who meant for it to be that way, it was their own laws and rules that they established for themselves by their minds and unbeliefs.
i'm a girl.
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i just need to say
But come on, what of the REST OF THE WORLD?! Either the Bible is a fictional tale and the author/s didn't know of all the other communities around the world and so left them out or else god is an asshole that let let the actions of a few Isrealites fuck the planets chance of forgiveness for a few thousand years. Not seeing much love in those actions.
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
it's about a former missionary who having lost her faith now investigates apparent biblical phenomena. a town is under seige from biblical plagues and the ex-missionary is on the case.
take a good look
this could be the day
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lie beside me
i just need to say