You're right about one thing. I didn't read any of this thread, just the first post. So let me ask you, what is the point of this then? I think you are going after Christianity if you are telling me "reconcile the similarities of Christianity" within these religions. And just like I said before, there's always two sides to every argument, and while you use science to not find proof of religion, I can use it to find proof. Albert Einstein stated that through all of his research that there must be a God since everything is in a complete perfect balance. It comes down to one question, do you believe in chance (and this universe surviving more than a single nanosecond is extremely remarkbly) or do you believe in God? We're going to be going around in circles here, as clearly neither one of us will be budged. I just think if you wish to show us how Christianity is the same as every other "mythical religion" actually use facts and show respect for the largest followed religion in the world today.
Einstein did not believe in the Christian God though. You are taking his words out of context. Einstein believed in Spinoza's God and said: "Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper."
That is Einstein/Spinoza's God and it is not anywhere close to the Christian God. Their God is not a personal God and does not judge people, but rather predetermines what people are and what they do. Their God is the God of DESTINY, quite contrary to the Christian God of Moral Responsibility!
While I don't share Einstein's faith in Spinoza's God. I do know for an absolute and undeniable fact that all of our actions are predestined, that is all that you will find in science. Science is the study of causality, you cannot find causlessness with science, it just doesn't work that way. Therefor Science can never prove the existence of God, because God is not causal by definition.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
And still no-one cares about Kevcin Bloody Wilson and teh Pissed up Testicostocals. I gave you guys a chance to have a laugh and chill this into perspective and you all ignored it, prefering instead to wage your own version of the eternal bloody war between religious factions on this planert that has been ragin in one form or another since teh bolldy dawn of time !!!!!!!!!!
And still no-one cares about Kevcin Bloody Wilson and teh Pissed up Testicostocals. I gave you guys a chance to have a laugh and chill this into perspective and you all ignored it, prefering instead to wage your own version of the eternal bloody war between religious factions on this planert that has been ragin in one form or another since teh bolldy dawn of time !!!!!!!!!!
Einstein did not believe in the Christian God though. You are taking his words out of context. Einstein believed in Spinoza's God and said: "Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper."
That is Einstein/Spinoza's God and it is not anywhere close to the Christian God. Their God is not a personal God and does not judge people, but rather predetermines what people are and what they do. Their God is the God of DESTINY, quite contrary to the Christian God of Moral Responsibility!
While I don't share Einstein's faith in Spinoza's God. I do know for an absolute and undeniable fact that all of our actions are predestined, that is all that you will find in science. Science is the study of causality, you cannot find causlessness with science, it just doesn't work that way. Therefor Science can never prove the existence of God, because God is not causal by definition.
I never said he believed in the Christian/Judeo God so you are taking my words of context, not vice versa. I was countering your argument that through science, one cannot find God, yet arguably the most influential scientist of all-time was able to. And secondly, I'd looove for you to share your knowledge how there is an "absolute and undeniable fact that all of our actions are predestined." What do you know that 5,000+++ years of human life was not able to figure out? Your dealing with absolutes also shows the kind of person/debater you are, so I really don't see the point in arguing with you. I'm still waiting for your point in this thread if you are not trying to "disprove"/void/invalidate Christianity.
I never said he believed in the Christian/Judeo God so you are taking my words of context, not vice versa. I was countering your argument that through science, one cannot find God, yet arguably the most influential scientist of all-time was able to. And secondly, I'd looove for you to share your knowledge how there is an "absolute and undeniable fact that all of our actions are predestined." What do you know that 5,000+++ years of human life was not able to figure out? Your dealing with absolutes also shows the kind of person/debater you are, so I really don't see the point in arguing with you. I'm still waiting for your point in this thread if you are not trying to "disprove"/void/invalidate Christianity.
Determinism is all we know. And Einstein or Spinoza's Gods weren't old men with long beards playing mischeivous tricks on humanity. Their God was a set of physical laws. Determinism/Destiny is evident in absolutely everything. There is not one thing in existence that is not evidence of determinism. Only through confabulation and wishful thinking can you produce concepts that try to go against nature, but they don't work, they are fundamentally flawed.
By the way, Determinism can be dated back to Leucippus and Democritus at approx. 600 B.C.E., before the advent of Christianity.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
So here we are, based on an incorrect first assumption.
This one, right?
I'm pretty sure I told you about this months ago and you laughed at me.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Hello darlin', yeah i know you saw it, I'm not that senile yet, but I was referring to everybody else.
For you it was just a refresher, for everyone else it was a chance to be "welcomed to a whole new fucking world" !!
How are ya anyway ?? Will; we hijack this thread and chat here, or be good little vegemites and do the PM thing. I'm inclined to do it here to further annoy the feuding factions !!
Hello darlin', yeah i know you saw it, I'm not that senile yet, but I was referring to everybody else.
For you it was just a refresher, for everyone else it was a chance to be "welcomed to a whole new fucking world" !!
How are ya anyway ?? Will; we hijack this thread and chat here, or be good little vegemites and do the PM thing. I'm inclined to do it here to further annoy the feuding factions !!
I would prefer you utiliize PMs, but you've already displayed contempt for this thread and forum conduct with this post.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Hello darlin', yeah i know you saw it, I'm not that senile yet, but I was referring to everybody else.
For you it was just a refresher, for everyone else it was a chance to be "welcomed to a whole new fucking world" !!
How are ya anyway ?? Will; we hijack this thread and chat here, or be good little vegemites and do the PM thing. I'm inclined to do it here to further annoy the feuding factions !!
Pfft! Could you really be bothered lucy? :rolleyes: It's all about the feuding and the factions here. Seen nothing yet to sway me from my long held and probably incorrect beliefs! Besides, we're just ignorant Aussies, what the hell could we possibly impart to the GREAT MINDS around here?
Pfft! Could you really be bothered lucy? :rolleyes: It's all about the feuding and the factions here. Seen nothing yet to sway me from my long held and probably incorrect beliefs! Besides, we're just ignorant Aussies, what the hell could we possibly impart to the GREAT MINDS around here?
I'm doing ok.
Me, I'm really great this week. Weather is magic, had some BBQ action at Byron on teh weekend, new toy to play with, bought a mini 4 track recorder, just letting you know cos I'm gonna lay down some PJ, then send it to you for the vox. Body is strong, mind is even doing OK this week, haven't had a disaster YET !! I have been giving guitar lessons and invoicing them through my sefice company, so I'm officially in teh music business as far as the tax dept is concered so the co can buy music gear now. LOL !!!!!
Too much aggro generally this week around here, have been lurking but not posting too much. Les PAul forum is worse, man I'm in love with the pretty guitars, but totally over teh screw-counting freaks there.
Why are you discussing your personal lives here? Is that what this thread is for? Obviously you know it isn't as you expressed before you began this charade. Use your PM button and leave this thread to it's intended topic. You always do this with threads!
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Me, I'm really great this week. Weather is magic, had some BBQ action at Byron on teh weekend, new toy to play with, bought a mini 4 track recorder, just letting you know cos I'm gonna lay down some PJ, then send it to you for the vox. Body is strong, mind is even doing OK this week, haven't had a disaster YET !! I have been giving guitar lessons and invoicing them through my sefice company, so I'm officially in teh music business as far as the tax dept is concered so the co can buy music gear now. LOL !!!!!
Too much aggro generally this week around here, have been lurking but not posting too much. Les PAul forum is worse, man I'm in love with the pretty guitars, but totally over teh screw-counting freaks there.
Even work has not been pissing me off this week.
Glad to hear it luce.
It has been feral around here lately.
Shame really, because there's a lot of topics that start out being discussed reasonably enough, shame that I just start to glaze over when all the rubbish starts.
Did you watch Denton's God On My Side on Monday night? On the ABC?
It was REALLY interesting.
And they also had The God Delusion, by that bloke that wrote that book? Can't remember his name. It'll come to me. I know the book is here somewhere. I'm in the queue to read it. The first part was on on Sunday nght I think. I taped it anyway.
I think the second part of The God Delusion is on tonite after Catalyst if you're interested.
Perhaps I might gain some more insight through the ABC than I'll ever manage here. :rolleyes:
Oh and anything you want to record and send is fine by me.
Why are you discussing your personal lives here? Is that what this thread is for? Obviously you know it isn't as you expressed before you began this charade. Use your PM button and leave this thread to it's intended topic. You always do this with threads!
Perhaps that's because it becomes frustrating trying to gain insight and discuss topics with people who only want to argue.
Why are you discussing your personal lives here? Is that what this thread is for? Obviously you know it isn't as you expressed before you began this charade. Use your PM button and leave this thread to it's intended topic. You always do this with threads!
Sooooooooooooooooooory !!
This thread is clearly for personal feuds !!
Trying to bring some positive energy to you mate !!!!! Not sure where your headspace is at the mo, but the anger boiling of this thread is weird !!
Trying to bring some positive energy to you mate !!!!! Not sure where your headspace is at the mo, but the anger boiling of this thread is weird !!
So lucy, back to God. Coz I'm quite sure I'll get a reasoned response from you.
Have you heard anything about Eckanakar?
I was at one of those contemplate your navel, new agey fairs about a month ago and this nice lady gave me a "showbag" all about it.
Wondered if you'd heard anything of it?
So lucy, back to God. Coz I'm quite sure I'll get a reasoned response from you.
Have you heard anything about Eckanakar?
I was at one of those contemplate your navel, new agey fairs about a month ago and this nice lady gave me a "showbag" all about it.
Wondered if you'd heard anything of it?
I went to an Eckankar meeting once, about ten years ago. We meditated on the sound "HU". The guy I was dating and myself wanted to have out of body experiences, which we heard they do there.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I went to an Eckankar meeting once, about ten years ago. We meditated on the sound "HU". The guy I was dating and myself wanted to have out of body experiences, which we heard they do there.
And did you angel?
I started reading some of the literature they gave me, and it seems very interesting and not so sinister. Which of course to a sceptic like me, instantly makes me suspicious!!
I was wondering how it compared, in terms of participants?
Actually I've been meaning to ask around here for a while now if anyone had heard of it.
Coz I hadn't before the fair.
I did find the principles in the book to be quite soothing and benign so far.
So lucy, back to God. Coz I'm quite sure I'll get a reasoned response from you.
Have you heard anything about Eckanakar?
I was at one of those contemplate your navel, new agey fairs about a month ago and this nice lady gave me a "showbag" all about it.
Wondered if you'd heard anything of it?
Nah, who is he ??
Is he a multi-headed animal god with mad priest followers ??
Was reading Pratchett last night and Truckle the Uncivil was in trouble for going aafter a Fiev Headed Vampire Goat God, cos it was an endangered species.
I really stay away from the candles and sandals brigade. I have a fwiend at Montville who used to bombard me with shit advertising everything from DNA repatterning and activation to re-incarnation therapy. Talk about a load of self-deluding bollocks. Comparing it to religion ( to stay on topic) it smells peculiarly the same, without the war though !!
Eckanakar sounds like a funny word spelt backwards to disguise it's true meaning, like "rake in the lucre" for example.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I was curious because I haven't heard of it I was discussing actual religions though.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I suspect it is more a New Age movement of some sort, rather than thinkig of itself as a religion. Iwas suggesting there is lttel actiual difference of course, except for teh war.
I haven't heard of it either, but seriously, I am just so disinterested in that stuff. If I want fantasy, I read Tolkein or Pratchett or Terry Goodkind etc.
On the subject of which, you would really enjoy "Small Gods" by Pratchet and probbaly "Interesting Times" as well, in fact any of them pretty much contain some pretty irreverent takes on religion much along teh lines of this thread. Common themes of blood rites and bossy bloody priests etc etc etc ...........................................and nutters lost in teh desert hallucinating on hunger and muhrooms !!!
I started reading some of the literature they gave me, and it seems very interesting and not so sinister. Which of course to a sceptic like me, instantly makes me suspicious!!
I was wondering how it compared, in terms of participants?
Actually I've been meaning to ask around here for a while now if anyone had heard of it.
Coz I hadn't before the fair.
I did find the principles in the book to be quite soothing and benign so far.
What I found was that the people at the meeting were very peaceful and warm. I read numerous books on Eckankar at the time, as well, and it all sounded on the up and up to me. It's geared to the individual, and void of rules and dogma. I have not had anything to do with them since then, because I tend to try out and borrow things here and there that work, and let go of the "religion". That is about me, and not about any fault I found with Eckankar. One thing that I learned through Eckankar, which is a base tenet, and that I still rely on a LOT to this day is meditating back to the "Source". How I interpret this is that I'm detaching from my thoughts and emotions that are on the surface--which come and go. I meditate in order to focus my awareness on a deeper calm, still, unchanging aspect of my nature. I found this part of an article about a month or so ago that explained this. I meditate to more base levels of awareness wherethe mind is in neutral, or pre-thought. Pre-thought is a state of "Being" and existing in the moment. this stage comes BEFORE cause and effect, so by meditating on this state, one learns to stay detached of all kinds of things that the average person is consumed by:
"Firstness is a general state of mind in which there is awareness of the environment, a prevailing emotion, and a sense of the possibilities. This is the mind in neutral, waiting to formulate thought. Secondness moves from possibility to greater certainty shown by action, reaction, causality, or reality. Here the mind identifies what message is to be communicated. Thirdness is the mode of signs shown in representation, continuity, order, and unity. "
This is what Fins and myself were talking about the other night, when your brain exploded. When we start formulating thoughts and words, we take them to be real, but really they are not--they only represent something. When we learn to get centered deep within, we can begin to see through the symbols/words people take to be so real. So, it's important in order to be realistic, to get out of the loop of thinking, and out of the loop of our emotions that cause us so many ups and downs. Then we can train ourselves gently to relate to our inner peace beyond the ups and downs and problems we have. This way we learn to be peaceful, and have our thoughts and emotions stem from that peace. This is much more optimal than having our thoughts and emotions running us, without our control. It took me a long time to learn this stuff but it's been sooo worth it. The fact is that what they were teaching me in meditation at Eckankar is something that I've had personally very good results with--to a great degree. It's my peace, my ground and my centeredness. Because I've learned to do this, it is also why I say I can walk beyond "determinism". I believe determinism is very real, but I know there is a loophole to access awareness that allows us to go beyond what is determined or beyond "fate".
I'm sure you will follow your own intuition and find what feels right for you, jeanie.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Wait, I think I completely glossed over this. I've not ever had an out of body experience. I haven't put in serious discipline with that either, since it would probably freak me out to do so. Any of my efforts were half-hearted.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Didn't have time to read all of that, but sounds like it means, stay grounded, don't let your life get too complicated, make some space in every day for peace and enjoyment and be nice !!
Oh, all this for just $150 !!
The word "hu" is a bit amusing to me. Sufers often refer loosely to "huey" who may be like a god of surf/swell/ocean. Huey sends swell or not, he is not worphipped, he is just an anthropomorphization of an idea, an expression of our basic tendency to think that stuff is contoleed by someone or someting like "they who run the Universe". I'm suspicious that Twitchley picked up that word and turned it to his own use.
BTW Anjelica, you have clearly found your own peace and worked out how to sstay snae in this insane world, don't let anyone else take credit for that !!
Einstein did not believe in the Christian God though. You are taking his words out of context. Einstein believed in Spinoza's God and said: "Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper."
That is Einstein/Spinoza's God and it is not anywhere close to the Christian God. Their God is not a personal God and does not judge people, but rather predetermines what people are and what they do. Their God is the God of DESTINY, quite contrary to the Christian God of Moral Responsibility!
While I don't share Einstein's faith in Spinoza's God. I do know for an absolute and undeniable fact that all of our actions are predestined, that is all that you will find in science. Science is the study of causality, you cannot find causlessness with science, it just doesn't work that way. Therefor Science can never prove the existence of God, because God is not causal by definition.
So here we are, based on an incorrect first assumption.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
**Jeanie's hand goes up**
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I never said he believed in the Christian/Judeo God so you are taking my words of context, not vice versa. I was countering your argument that through science, one cannot find God, yet arguably the most influential scientist of all-time was able to. And secondly, I'd looove for you to share your knowledge how there is an "absolute and undeniable fact that all of our actions are predestined." What do you know that 5,000+++ years of human life was not able to figure out? Your dealing with absolutes also shows the kind of person/debater you are, so I really don't see the point in arguing with you. I'm still waiting for your point in this thread if you are not trying to "disprove"/void/invalidate Christianity.
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
Determinism is all we know. And Einstein or Spinoza's Gods weren't old men with long beards playing mischeivous tricks on humanity. Their God was a set of physical laws. Determinism/Destiny is evident in absolutely everything. There is not one thing in existence that is not evidence of determinism. Only through confabulation and wishful thinking can you produce concepts that try to go against nature, but they don't work, they are fundamentally flawed.
By the way, Determinism can be dated back to Leucippus and Democritus at approx. 600 B.C.E., before the advent of Christianity.
This one, right?
Hello darlin', yeah i know you saw it, I'm not that senile yet, but I was referring to everybody else.
For you it was just a refresher, for everyone else it was a chance to be "welcomed to a whole new fucking world" !!
How are ya anyway ?? Will; we hijack this thread and chat here, or be good little vegemites and do the PM thing. I'm inclined to do it here to further annoy the feuding factions !!
I would prefer you utiliize PMs, but you've already displayed contempt for this thread and forum conduct with this post.
Yup. That'd be it.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
We are good then.
Pfft! Could you really be bothered lucy? :rolleyes: It's all about the feuding and the factions here. Seen nothing yet to sway me from my long held and probably incorrect beliefs!
I'm doing ok.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
We are?
Damn fella!! Even simple stuff is hard with you!
But if you say we are good then I guess I am too then. :rolleyes:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Me, I'm really great this week. Weather is magic, had some BBQ action at Byron on teh weekend, new toy to play with, bought a mini 4 track recorder, just letting you know cos I'm gonna lay down some PJ, then send it to you for the vox. Body is strong, mind is even doing OK this week, haven't had a disaster YET !! I have been giving guitar lessons and invoicing them through my sefice company, so I'm officially in teh music business as far as the tax dept is concered so the co can buy music gear now. LOL !!!!!
Too much aggro generally this week around here, have been lurking but not posting too much. Les PAul forum is worse, man I'm in love with the pretty guitars, but totally over teh screw-counting freaks there.
Even work has not been pissing me off this week.
Glad to hear it luce.
It has been feral around here lately.
Shame really, because there's a lot of topics that start out being discussed reasonably enough, shame that I just start to glaze over when all the rubbish starts.
Did you watch Denton's God On My Side on Monday night? On the ABC?
It was REALLY interesting.
And they also had The God Delusion, by that bloke that wrote that book? Can't remember his name. It'll come to me. I know the book is here somewhere. I'm in the queue to read it.
I think the second part of The God Delusion is on tonite after Catalyst if you're interested.
Perhaps I might gain some more insight through the ABC than I'll ever manage here. :rolleyes:
Oh and anything you want to record and send is fine by me.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Perhaps that's because it becomes frustrating trying to gain insight and discuss topics with people who only want to argue.
Anyway, point taken.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Sooooooooooooooooooory !!
This thread is clearly for personal feuds !!
Trying to bring some positive energy to you mate !!!!! Not sure where your headspace is at the mo, but the anger boiling of this thread is weird !!
So lucy, back to God. Coz I'm quite sure I'll get a reasoned response from you.
Have you heard anything about Eckanakar?
I was at one of those contemplate your navel, new agey fairs about a month ago and this nice lady gave me a "showbag" all about it.
Wondered if you'd heard anything of it?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
And did you angel?
I started reading some of the literature they gave me, and it seems very interesting and not so sinister. Which of course to a sceptic like me, instantly makes me suspicious!!
I was wondering how it compared, in terms of participants?
Actually I've been meaning to ask around here for a while now if anyone had heard of it.
Coz I hadn't before the fair.
I did find the principles in the book to be quite soothing and benign so far.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Nah, who is he ??
Is he a multi-headed animal god with mad priest followers ??
Was reading Pratchett last night and Truckle the Uncivil was in trouble for going aafter a Fiev Headed Vampire Goat God, cos it was an endangered species.
I really stay away from the candles and sandals brigade. I have a fwiend at Montville who used to bombard me with shit advertising everything from DNA repatterning and activation to re-incarnation therapy. Talk about a load of self-deluding bollocks. Comparing it to religion ( to stay on topic) it smells peculiarly the same, without the war though !!
Eckanakar sounds like a funny word spelt backwards to disguise it's true meaning, like "rake in the lucre" for example.
NO particular one, but then, neither were you. You were just talking about comparing religions generally.
I think Jeanie was asking about a religion called anakanre or something , I know nothing about it.
Or, we could just be old women gossiping !! TOLRDMF !!!!!
I haven't heard of it either, but seriously, I am just so disinterested in that stuff. If I want fantasy, I read Tolkein or Pratchett or Terry Goodkind etc.
On the subject of which, you would really enjoy "Small Gods" by Pratchet and probbaly "Interesting Times" as well, in fact any of them pretty much contain some pretty irreverent takes on religion much along teh lines of this thread. Common themes of blood rites and bossy bloody priests etc etc etc ...........................................and nutters lost in teh desert hallucinating on hunger and muhrooms !!!
"Firstness is a general state of mind in which there is awareness of the environment, a prevailing emotion, and a sense of the possibilities. This is the mind in neutral, waiting to formulate thought. Secondness moves from possibility to greater certainty shown by action, reaction, causality, or reality. Here the mind identifies what message is to be communicated. Thirdness is the mode of signs shown in representation, continuity, order, and unity. "
This is what Fins and myself were talking about the other night, when your brain exploded.
I'm sure you will follow your own intuition and find what feels right for you, jeanie.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Didn't have time to read all of that, but sounds like it means, stay grounded, don't let your life get too complicated, make some space in every day for peace and enjoyment and be nice !!
Oh, all this for just $150 !!
The word "hu" is a bit amusing to me. Sufers often refer loosely to "huey" who may be like a god of surf/swell/ocean. Huey sends swell or not, he is not worphipped, he is just an anthropomorphization of an idea, an expression of our basic tendency to think that stuff is contoleed by someone or someting like "they who run the Universe". I'm suspicious that Twitchley picked up that word and turned it to his own use.
BTW Anjelica, you have clearly found your own peace and worked out how to sstay snae in this insane world, don't let anyone else take credit for that !!