China can put this country under with out firing a shot. If China decided to sell of US treasuries in a quick fashion. It would send the world markets into a panic.
Or they could start buying the worlds gold supplies opps doing that.
Or they could lower the pegged value of the Yuan thus lower the value of the USD opps looks like they have done that too:
I do find it interesting that Senator McCain did not put his wifes income up for scrutany. But then Senators Obama and Clinton show us there first and only spouses incomes along with thiers. A glaring double standard that the media has not brought up, outside of KO of course.
I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
China can put this country under with out firing a shot. Its the first line I wrote. The links provide the information on what it means. And its not a good thing for the US.
BTW Are you going to fix that link from yesterday on Ayers?
I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
I do find it interesting that Senator McCain did not put his wifes income up for scrutany. But then Senators Obama and Clinton show us there first and only spouses incomes along with thiers. A glaring double standard that the media has not brought up, outside of KO of course.
Before marrying 27 years ago, the McCains signed a prenuptial agreement to keep their finances separate and they file their taxes separately.
China can put this country under with out firing a shot. Its the first line I wrote. The links provide the information on what it means. And its not a good thing for the US.
but I still don't see your point. should be not call out china for its human rights violations just because they can "put us under" as you claim?
these Obama (and anti obama abook + kabong) threads are getting tiresome. lets talk about the candidate that is actually going to win. what do you think he brings to the office? what do you like/dislike about his policies?
easy on the 100 years of war. he meant that in regards to how we are still in korea, germany, and japan 60+ years later.
even for those who hate him, I think you better start giving him a closer look. at this rate, there is no way obama can beat mccain.
at what rate? and why couldn't obama beat the old fart's ass, because he's black? :rolleyes: i think you're underestimating the wisdom of most americans. prolly b/c they voted for the chimp twice, but i think they're finally awakening from their 7 year slumber. let's fucking hope so, since mccain is just a cheney in soldier's clothing.
And finally, New Rule: Old soldiers never die. They get young soldiers killed. This week, John McCain said for the third time in two days that Iran, a Shiite stronghold, was training Al Qaeda, a militant Sunni organization. That the Hatfields of the Muslim world would be working with the McCoys, is so not true even Dick Cheney hasn't said it.
Now, the press, which loves McCain because he feeds them barbecue--dismissed this as just one of those senior moments --not to worry, he's only going to have his finger on the nuclear trigger.
But, it's not just a gaffe. It's what McCain really thinks. And therein lies the paradox of this campaign. McCain's strength is really his weakness. He's a warrior who's dumb about war.
Now, if you ever read The Art of War, chapter three of The Art of War says, "Know thy enemy." And John McCain plainly doesn't. He thinks the solution is our presence in the Middle East. No, the problem is our presence in the Middle East. That's why I don't care if John McCain is better than Bush on global warming or torture or campaign finance, because he's exactly the same as Bush on the war. They both don't get the same thing.
That, as long as we're setting up shop in the heart of the Arab world, we're not keeping America safer. Bin Laden goes ballistic over cartoons in Danish newspapers. And "Goober" and "Grandpa" want to put up a Hooters in Fallujah.
They don't hate us for our freedom. They hate us for our fiefdom. Winning the war on terror comes down to this: what will make us safer from pissed-off Arab teenagers who are willing to die? There are a number of good answers to that question, but occupying their land for the next hundred years is not one of them.
Some people look at McCain and see a tough guy who's going to protect us from the Islamofascists. I look at him and see a walking Tom Clancy action figure who's going to get us all killed.
And yet a new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe John McCain is the candidate best qualified to answer when that red phone rings at three a.m. Because he'd be up anyway trying to pee.
Yes, 55% of Americans think it's McCain who should answer that phone, because they know John McCain is a warrior. He will not waver or hesitate. He will answer that phone and give the order that sends men to die. And it will turn out to be a recording asking him if he's happy with his mortgage.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
at what rate? and why couldn't obama beat the old fart's ass, because he's black? :rolleyes:
lol you must be kidding right? I have been following the democratic fight for the ticket? its been nasty. and at this rate the 2 sides will have formed enough hate towards one around they will refuse to vote for the other. and independents might lean right.
i think you're underestimating the wisdom of most americans. prolly b/c they voted for the chimp twice, but i think they're finally awakening from their 7 year slumber. let's fucking hope so, since mccain is just a cheney in soldier's clothing.
oooooo them be fightin words. you are correct, americans are wise. they are wising up to the fraud that is obama and hilary. the democratic party is dead.
And finally, New Rule: Old soldiers never die. They get young soldiers killed. This week, John McCain said for the third time in two days that Iran, a Shiite stronghold, was training Al Qaeda, a militant Sunni organization. That the Hatfields of the Muslim world would be working with the McCoys, is so not true even Dick Cheney hasn't said it.
Now, the press, which loves McCain because he feeds them barbecue--dismissed this as just one of those senior moments --not to worry, he's only going to have his finger on the nuclear trigger.
But, it's not just a gaffe. It's what McCain really thinks. And therein lies the paradox of this campaign. McCain's strength is really his weakness. He's a warrior who's dumb about war.
Now, if you ever read The Art of War, chapter three of The Art of War says, "Know thy enemy." And John McCain plainly doesn't. He thinks the solution is our presence in the Middle East. No, the problem is our presence in the Middle East. That's why I don't care if John McCain is better than Bush on global warming or torture or campaign finance, because he's exactly the same as Bush on the war. They both don't get the same thing.
That, as long as we're setting up shop in the heart of the Arab world, we're not keeping America safer. Bin Laden goes ballistic over cartoons in Danish newspapers. And "Goober" and "Grandpa" want to put up a Hooters in Fallujah.
They don't hate us for our freedom. They hate us for our fiefdom. Winning the war on terror comes down to this: what will make us safer from pissed-off Arab teenagers who are willing to die? There are a number of good answers to that question, but occupying their land for the next hundred years is not one of them.
Some people look at McCain and see a tough guy who's going to protect us from the Islamofascists. I look at him and see a walking Tom Clancy action figure who's going to get us all killed.
And yet a new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe John McCain is the candidate best qualified to answer when that red phone rings at three a.m. Because he'd be up anyway trying to pee.
Yes, 55% of Americans think it's McCain who should answer that phone, because they know John McCain is a warrior. He will not waver or hesitate. He will answer that phone and give the order that sends men to die. And it will turn out to be a recording asking him if he's happy with his mortgage.
this rant has extra special meaning because of the Italics. nice touch.
Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran? Stay in Iraq for 100 years . There will be many more wars. John McCain seems to really like war way too much. I and most Americans are not interested in a 3rd or 4th term of George Bush. John M. will not win in November.
If you think a few questionable people in Obamas past will keep him from winning, you're crazy. Ask John M. about John Hagee. John Hagee says that the Gays are responsible for Hurricane Katrina plus a whole bunch of other stuff( John Mccain sought out this guys endorsement. This guy makes Reverend Wright look like a boy scout.
If the republicans want to bring up people in Obamas past, Obama just has to bring up John Hagee, Jerry Falwell, or Pat Robertson.
I'll tell ya what I don't like about him. He is absolutely certain we need to stay in Iraq. However, he does not share what we hope to gain, or how.
If he doesn't know what or how, then he can not be absolutely sure. He is playing politics with war. He knows that supporting the war guarantees a certain number of votes.
I'll tell ya what I don't like about him. He is absolutely certain we need to stay in Iraq. However, he does not share what we hope to gain,
from the link below.
"withdrawal would condemn Iraq to civil war and intervention by its neighbors and energize al Qaeda and other jihadists across the globe. This would gravely jeopardize American security"
If he doesn't know what or how, then he can not be absolutely sure. He is playing politics with war. He knows that supporting the war guarantees a certain number of votes.
at what rate? and why couldn't obama beat the old fart's ass, because he's black? :rolleyes: i think you're underestimating the wisdom of most americans. prolly b/c they voted for the chimp twice, but i think they're finally awakening from their 7 year slumber. let's fucking hope so, since mccain is just a cheney in soldier's clothing.
And finally, New Rule: Old soldiers never die. They get young soldiers killed. This week, John McCain said for the third time in two days that Iran, a Shiite stronghold, was training Al Qaeda, a militant Sunni organization. That the Hatfields of the Muslim world would be working with the McCoys, is so not true even Dick Cheney hasn't said it.
Now, the press, which loves McCain because he feeds them barbecue--dismissed this as just one of those senior moments --not to worry, he's only going to have his finger on the nuclear trigger.
But, it's not just a gaffe. It's what McCain really thinks. And therein lies the paradox of this campaign. McCain's strength is really his weakness. He's a warrior who's dumb about war.
Now, if you ever read The Art of War, chapter three of The Art of War says, "Know thy enemy." And John McCain plainly doesn't. He thinks the solution is our presence in the Middle East. No, the problem is our presence in the Middle East. That's why I don't care if John McCain is better than Bush on global warming or torture or campaign finance, because he's exactly the same as Bush on the war. They both don't get the same thing.
That, as long as we're setting up shop in the heart of the Arab world, we're not keeping America safer. Bin Laden goes ballistic over cartoons in Danish newspapers. And "Goober" and "Grandpa" want to put up a Hooters in Fallujah.
They don't hate us for our freedom. They hate us for our fiefdom. Winning the war on terror comes down to this: what will make us safer from pissed-off Arab teenagers who are willing to die? There are a number of good answers to that question, but occupying their land for the next hundred years is not one of them.
Some people look at McCain and see a tough guy who's going to protect us from the Islamofascists. I look at him and see a walking Tom Clancy action figure who's going to get us all killed.
And yet a new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe John McCain is the candidate best qualified to answer when that red phone rings at three a.m. Because he'd be up anyway trying to pee.
Yes, 55% of Americans think it's McCain who should answer that phone, because they know John McCain is a warrior. He will not waver or hesitate. He will answer that phone and give the order that sends men to die. And it will turn out to be a recording asking him if he's happy with his mortgage.
my question to all here is do you believe that McCain with his 2 sons in Iraq wants them die. you might not agree that america should stay in the country that they destroyed but i do. america should be there until the Iraq leader say get out because AMERICA DESTROYED THAT LAND. DON'T FORGET THAT.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
I'll tell ya what I don't like about him. He is absolutely certain we need to stay in Iraq. However, he does not share what we hope to gain, or how.
If he doesn't know what or how, then he can not be absolutely sure. He is playing politics with war. He knows that supporting the war guarantees a certain number of votes.
trading lives for votes...
doesn't sit well with me at all.
I don't know if you've seen the latest poll numbers, but the American people are, ahem, slightly down on the Iraq War.
So, McCain if really doesn't believe in the war, but he is just pandering to win an election ... well, he's picked a pretty stupid issue to do it with. Maybe it guarantees him a certain number of votes, but it also guarantees he WON'T win a much larger number. Takes them right off the table. It's an unpopular stance.
My only conclusion is that, for better or worse, he actually believes what he says vis a vis Iraq. You can say he's wrong, but you can't say he's pandering. At least not on this issue.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
My only conclusion is that, for better or worse, he actually believes what he says vis a vis Iraq.
Well not necessarily. His stance on Iraq makes him look like a tough guy and gives him more credibility on national defense than his opponents. Having said that I think he does believe what he's saying. But though this stance may look unpopular I'm sure it gives him a lot of points in the security part.
Well candidates like McCain will not raise your taxes but he will definitely increase the defense budget and continue this war. Where is all this money going to come from if we keep cutting taxes.
Answer: Devaluation of the dollar. Print more and more....value less and less.
I find it ironic folks that support the war also want lower taxes......not realizing they're moneys value is tanking. Course they're also the ones complaining how much its costing them to fill up they're trucks and SUV's.
Funny and sad all at the same time.
the American people are, ahem, slightly down on the Iraq War.
yea but all the repub's have to do is play "God Bless the USA" , talk about pride, winning the war, not let the evil terrorists win and the members of the herd will vote for him.
Along the same lines...another thread topic was 28% of Hilliary supporters won't vote for Obama....think allot of these voters will indeed vote for McCain...lots of white folk that would never vote for a black muslim. Everytime I hear folks from Pennsylvania talk of why they're backing Hilliary I get chills......"I'm still not comfortable on the religion thing"
"withdrawal would condemn Iraq to civil war and intervention by its neighbors and energize al Qaeda and other jihadists across the globe. This would gravely jeopardize American security"
Yes the whole we are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here rational. Or the if we leave they will follow us here logic as well. It's all bullshit. We continue to pursue a military solution, McCain believes in this as well, to a political/religious problem. The majority of the influence being exerted in iraq is not coming from jihadist organizations like Al Qaida, but from Iran and Saudi Arabia for political reasons.
I also find it funny that we constantly hear about Iran supporting Shi'ite militias in Iraq but we never hear anything about Saudi meddling, considering that a report by our intelligence agencies stated that 41% of all foreign fighters and aid is coming from Saudi Arabia.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Yes the whole we are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here rational. Or the if we leave they will follow us here logic as well. It's all bullshit. We continue to pursue a military solution, McCain believes in this as well, to a political/religious problem. The majority of the influence being exerted in iraq is not coming from jihadist organizations like Al Qaida, but from Iran and Saudi Arabia for political reasons.
I also find it funny that we constantly hear about Iran supporting Shi'ite militias in Iraq but we never hear anything about Saudi meddling, considering that a report by our intelligence agencies stated that 41% of all foreign fighters and aid is coming from Saudi Arabia.
yea, I'm not completely on board with mccain's thinking when it comes to Iraq. my hope is that conditions will change enough for him to change his ideas in the coming future.
yea, I'm not completely on board with mccain's thinking when it comes to Iraq. my hope is that conditions will change enough for him to change his ideas in the coming future.
Wow. You hope conditions change so that your candidate will change. Impressive.
well what would you like me to comment on exactly?
gee, if i have to do all the heavy lifting for you, i'm not surprised you have the word "lazy" in your screen name. maybe more appropos would be "lazythinking", hmm? and isn't that what got us into this fucking bush-mess to begin with? lazy thinkers voting for the guy they'd like to have a beer with, as opposed to the guys who might have a few original thoughts going on upstairs.
maher made some good points, cloaked in humor but true nonetheless. if you care to reread it, here ya go (i've bolded the points, so your brain won't be too taxed lookin' for 'em...):
And finally, New Rule: Old soldiers never die. They get young soldiers killed. This week, John McCain said for the third time in two days that Iran, a Shiite stronghold, was training Al Qaeda, a militant Sunni organization. That the Hatfields of the Muslim world would be working with the McCoys, is so not true even Dick Cheney hasn't said it.
Now, the press, which loves McCain because he feeds them barbecue--dismissed this as just one of those senior moments --not to worry, he's only going to have his finger on the nuclear trigger.
But, it's not just a gaffe. It's what McCain really thinks. And therein lies the paradox of this campaign. McCain's strength is really his weakness. He's a warrior who's dumb about war.
Now, if you ever read The Art of War, chapter three of The Art of War says, "Know thy enemy." And John McCain plainly doesn't. He thinks the solution is our presence in the Middle East. No, the problem is our presence in the Middle East. That's why I don't care if John McCain is better than Bush on global warming or torture or campaign finance, because he's exactly the same as Bush on the war. They both don't get the same thing.
That, as long as we're setting up shop in the heart of the Arab world, we're not keeping America safer. Bin Laden goes ballistic over cartoons in Danish newspapers. And "Goober" and "Grandpa" want to put up a Hooters in Fallujah.
They don't hate us for our freedom. They hate us for our fiefdom. Winning the war on terror comes down to this: what will make us safer from pissed-off Arab teenagers who are willing to die? There are a number of good answers to that question, but occupying their land for the next hundred years is not one of them.
Some people look at McCain and see a tough guy who's going to protect us from the Islamofascists. I look at him and see a walking Tom Clancy action figure who's going to get us all killed.
And yet a new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe John McCain is the candidate best qualified to answer when that red phone rings at three a.m. Because he'd be up anyway trying to pee.
Yes, 55% of Americans think it's McCain who should answer that phone, because they know John McCain is a warrior. He will not waver or hesitate. He will answer that phone and give the order that sends men to die. And it will turn out to be a recording asking him if he's happy with his mortgage.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
um, actually i put it into italics b/c it's not mine, but bill mahr's. new rules. perhaps you've seen it? :rolleyes:
interesting that you have nothing to say about the CONTENT of what was in italics, just that the type slants to the right.
it is a shame that Bill Mahr said that. he usually thinks what i consider clear headed. can any one please answer this question. you destroyed the country and now because you can handle it you just say get out. that's fair.
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
gee, if i have to do all the heavy lifting for you, i'm not surprised you have the word "lazy" in your screen name. maybe more appropos would be "lazythinking", hmm? and isn't that what got us into this fucking bush-mess to begin with? lazy thinkers voting for the guy they'd like to have a beer with, as opposed to the guys who might have a few original thoughts going on upstairs.
I'd be much more inclined to debate with you if you didn't decide to use insults. mammasan is right, its people like you who ruin this board.
Wow. You hope conditions change so that your candidate will change. Impressive.
yes, I hope conditions in Iraq improve to the point that Mccain wouldn't have to promise to send more american troops to Iraq. what don't you understand about that?
and your point?
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
China can put this country under with out firing a shot. Its the first line I wrote. The links provide the information on what it means. And its not a good thing for the US.
BTW Are you going to fix that link from yesterday on Ayers?
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
Before marrying 27 years ago, the McCains signed a prenuptial agreement to keep their finances separate and they file their taxes separately.
do you really not know about the organization ayers was a part of?
at what rate?
And finally, New Rule: Old soldiers never die. They get young soldiers killed. This week, John McCain said for the third time in two days that Iran, a Shiite stronghold, was training Al Qaeda, a militant Sunni organization. That the Hatfields of the Muslim world would be working with the McCoys, is so not true even Dick Cheney hasn't said it.
Now, the press, which loves McCain because he feeds them barbecue--dismissed this as just one of those senior moments --not to worry, he's only going to have his finger on the nuclear trigger.
But, it's not just a gaffe. It's what McCain really thinks. And therein lies the paradox of this campaign. McCain's strength is really his weakness. He's a warrior who's dumb about war.
Now, if you ever read The Art of War, chapter three of The Art of War says, "Know thy enemy." And John McCain plainly doesn't. He thinks the solution is our presence in the Middle East. No, the problem is our presence in the Middle East. That's why I don't care if John McCain is better than Bush on global warming or torture or campaign finance, because he's exactly the same as Bush on the war. They both don't get the same thing.
That, as long as we're setting up shop in the heart of the Arab world, we're not keeping America safer. Bin Laden goes ballistic over cartoons in Danish newspapers. And "Goober" and "Grandpa" want to put up a Hooters in Fallujah.
They don't hate us for our freedom. They hate us for our fiefdom. Winning the war on terror comes down to this: what will make us safer from pissed-off Arab teenagers who are willing to die? There are a number of good answers to that question, but occupying their land for the next hundred years is not one of them.
Some people look at McCain and see a tough guy who's going to protect us from the Islamofascists. I look at him and see a walking Tom Clancy action figure who's going to get us all killed.
And yet a new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe John McCain is the candidate best qualified to answer when that red phone rings at three a.m. Because he'd be up anyway trying to pee.
Yes, 55% of Americans think it's McCain who should answer that phone, because they know John McCain is a warrior. He will not waver or hesitate. He will answer that phone and give the order that sends men to die. And it will turn out to be a recording asking him if he's happy with his mortgage.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
oooooo them be fightin words. you are correct, americans are wise. they are wising up to the fraud that is obama and hilary. the democratic party is dead.
this rant has extra special meaning because of the Italics. nice touch.
No answers, eh?
naděje umírá poslední
what was the question?
If you think a few questionable people in Obamas past will keep him from winning, you're crazy. Ask John M. about John Hagee. John Hagee says that the Gays are responsible for Hurricane Katrina plus a whole bunch of other stuff( John Mccain sought out this guys endorsement. This guy makes Reverend Wright look like a boy scout.
If the republicans want to bring up people in Obamas past, Obama just has to bring up John Hagee, Jerry Falwell, or Pat Robertson.
This is true no matter who you elect.
for the least they could possibly do
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
If he doesn't know what or how, then he can not be absolutely sure. He is playing politics with war. He knows that supporting the war guarantees a certain number of votes.
trading lives for votes...
doesn't sit well with me at all.
from the link below.
"withdrawal would condemn Iraq to civil war and intervention by its neighbors and energize al Qaeda and other jihadists across the globe. This would gravely jeopardize American security"
but he's not.
my question to all here is do you believe that McCain with his 2 sons in Iraq wants them die. you might not agree that america should stay in the country that they destroyed but i do. america should be there until the Iraq leader say get out because AMERICA DESTROYED THAT LAND. DON'T FORGET THAT.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
I don't know if you've seen the latest poll numbers, but the American people are, ahem, slightly down on the Iraq War.
So, McCain if really doesn't believe in the war, but he is just pandering to win an election ... well, he's picked a pretty stupid issue to do it with. Maybe it guarantees him a certain number of votes, but it also guarantees he WON'T win a much larger number. Takes them right off the table. It's an unpopular stance.
My only conclusion is that, for better or worse, he actually believes what he says vis a vis Iraq. You can say he's wrong, but you can't say he's pandering. At least not on this issue.
for the least they could possibly do
Well not necessarily. His stance on Iraq makes him look like a tough guy and gives him more credibility on national defense than his opponents. Having said that I think he does believe what he's saying. But though this stance may look unpopular I'm sure it gives him a lot of points in the security part.
Answer: Devaluation of the dollar. Print more and more....value less and less.
I find it ironic folks that support the war also want lower taxes......not realizing they're moneys value is tanking. Course they're also the ones complaining how much its costing them to fill up they're trucks and SUV's.
Funny and sad all at the same time.
yea but all the repub's have to do is play "God Bless the USA" , talk about pride, winning the war, not let the evil terrorists win and the members of the herd will vote for him.
Along the same lines...another thread topic was 28% of Hilliary supporters won't vote for Obama....think allot of these voters will indeed vote for McCain...lots of white folk that would never vote for a black muslim. Everytime I hear folks from Pennsylvania talk of why they're backing Hilliary I get chills......"I'm still not comfortable on the religion thing"
Yes the whole we are fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here rational. Or the if we leave they will follow us here logic as well. It's all bullshit. We continue to pursue a military solution, McCain believes in this as well, to a political/religious problem. The majority of the influence being exerted in iraq is not coming from jihadist organizations like Al Qaida, but from Iran and Saudi Arabia for political reasons.
I also find it funny that we constantly hear about Iran supporting Shi'ite militias in Iraq but we never hear anything about Saudi meddling, considering that a report by our intelligence agencies stated that 41% of all foreign fighters and aid is coming from Saudi Arabia.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
um, actually i put it into italics b/c it's not mine, but bill mahr's. new rules. perhaps you've seen it? :rolleyes:
interesting that you have nothing to say about the CONTENT of what was in italics, just that the type slants to the right.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
yea, I'm not completely on board with mccain's thinking when it comes to Iraq. my hope is that conditions will change enough for him to change his ideas in the coming future.
well what would you like me to comment on exactly?
Wow. You hope conditions change so that your candidate will change. Impressive.
gee, if i have to do all the heavy lifting for you, i'm not surprised you have the word "lazy" in your screen name. maybe more appropos would be "lazythinking", hmm? and isn't that what got us into this fucking bush-mess to begin with? lazy thinkers voting for the guy they'd like to have a beer with, as opposed to the guys who might have a few original thoughts going on upstairs.
maher made some good points, cloaked in humor but true nonetheless. if you care to reread it, here ya go (i've bolded the points, so your brain won't be too taxed lookin' for 'em...):
And finally, New Rule: Old soldiers never die. They get young soldiers killed. This week, John McCain said for the third time in two days that Iran, a Shiite stronghold, was training Al Qaeda, a militant Sunni organization. That the Hatfields of the Muslim world would be working with the McCoys, is so not true even Dick Cheney hasn't said it.
Now, the press, which loves McCain because he feeds them barbecue--dismissed this as just one of those senior moments --not to worry, he's only going to have his finger on the nuclear trigger.
But, it's not just a gaffe. It's what McCain really thinks. And therein lies the paradox of this campaign. McCain's strength is really his weakness. He's a warrior who's dumb about war.
Now, if you ever read The Art of War, chapter three of The Art of War says, "Know thy enemy." And John McCain plainly doesn't. He thinks the solution is our presence in the Middle East. No, the problem is our presence in the Middle East. That's why I don't care if John McCain is better than Bush on global warming or torture or campaign finance, because he's exactly the same as Bush on the war. They both don't get the same thing.
That, as long as we're setting up shop in the heart of the Arab world, we're not keeping America safer. Bin Laden goes ballistic over cartoons in Danish newspapers. And "Goober" and "Grandpa" want to put up a Hooters in Fallujah.
They don't hate us for our freedom. They hate us for our fiefdom. Winning the war on terror comes down to this: what will make us safer from pissed-off Arab teenagers who are willing to die? There are a number of good answers to that question, but occupying their land for the next hundred years is not one of them.
Some people look at McCain and see a tough guy who's going to protect us from the Islamofascists. I look at him and see a walking Tom Clancy action figure who's going to get us all killed.
And yet a new poll shows that a majority of Americans believe John McCain is the candidate best qualified to answer when that red phone rings at three a.m. Because he'd be up anyway trying to pee.
Yes, 55% of Americans think it's McCain who should answer that phone, because they know John McCain is a warrior. He will not waver or hesitate. He will answer that phone and give the order that sends men to die. And it will turn out to be a recording asking him if he's happy with his mortgage.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
it is a shame that Bill Mahr said that. he usually thinks what i consider clear headed. can any one please answer this question. you destroyed the country and now because you can handle it you just say get out. that's fair.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
I'd be much more inclined to debate with you if you didn't decide to use insults. mammasan is right, its people like you who ruin this board.
yes, I hope conditions in Iraq improve to the point that Mccain wouldn't have to promise to send more american troops to Iraq. what don't you understand about that?