ok so the choices are vote for someone who will keep it the similar in size/slightly less or someone who will dramatically increase it. yes its the lesser or 2 evils thing in play here, but it is was it is. why risk having a dem go in office who will greatly INCREASE size and control of government? I know your answer but I'm just sayin....
Over the last 16 years there have been two Presidents. One has paid down the National Debt (not much but some) and one President created the largest debt in the history of the world.
And you think Senator McCain is the lesser of two evils because as a Republican he will not expand Government debt as much as the others?
Looking at the past 16 years how could anyone come to the conclusion that the Republican Party is more responsible with our tax dollars is mind boggling. It is almost as if the live in a parallel universe or something.
I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
ok Mr. Independent. I humbly apologize. instead of focusing on the part of my reply that meant the least, how bout thake a shot at this...
Well, you called me a liar, and to me that is more important to clear up than trying to tell you why I think Obama i a better candidate.
Obama wants troops out of Iraq quicker than McCain.
Obama is a fresh face and might gain us some respect internationally from radical groups who are used to seeing stodgy old white men in office
Obama actually wants to try and *gasp* help Africa
Obama is actually interested in helping keep jobs in the US and keep the economy strong
Obama's education plan is much stronger and mkes more sense
Say what you wil about it, but his health care ideas are much more robust and easily digestible than McCain's simple "Hey, lets import prescription drugs to lower costs....that's all I got"
Obama supports civil unions. It's a step in the right direction.
Obama is pro-choice.
Shall I go on?
Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Say what you wil about it, but his health care ideas are much more robust and easily digestible than McCain's simple "Hey, lets import prescription drugs to lower costs....that's all I got"
I'm not for higer taxes. which is exactly what obama will do to make his health care plan happen. he wants more government control of health care, mccain doesnt.
Over the last 16 years there have been two Presidents. One has paid down the National Debt (not much but some) and one President created the largest debt in the history of the world.
And you think Senator McCain is the lesser of two evils because as a Republican he will not expand Government debt as much as the others?
Looking at the past 16 years how could anyone come to the conclusion that the Republican Party is more responsible with our tax dollars is mind boggling. It is almost as if the live in a parallel universe or something.
bush has been anything but responsible with our taxes. take away the 2 wars and spending would have been dramatically different, obviously. and clinton had the largest stock market boom in history (thus record high government revenue) and no wars to spend money on.
the difference is the dems want to raise taxes, republicans want to cut them. I don't think either will spend our money "responsibly"
then try to add to the discussion instead of trolling.
I said it like I see it; 3 shades of the same old shite. I'm on the side of Abook et al in believing that the system is designed to keep those who could/would change it for the better at bay. Basically, you're picking at straws here. The edifice won't alter in any meaningful way at all. Business as usual e.t.c, e.t.c.
I'm not american or a registered voter as i've just arrived in the USA. Like thousands or maybe millions of my ancestors before I've come to this country from Ireland.........................however to get to my point.....
It appears from what I have observed in the media that the are so consumed with the Democratic Party nominations that John Mc Cain could say just about anything and the media won't pay that much attention because the newspapers and television - politically commentary is so focused on Hilary and Obama that Mccain is being left alone - I have yet to see anyone scrutinize his policies or ideas maybe once the dems. nomination is complete there'll be real debate between the two parties.
Maybe the nedia should be pushing everyone to come out and vote and concentrate on that rather than spouting the same boring crap. To my knowledge that's how Bush managed to get into power second time around.... it is my personal opinion that his daddy did rig the first election like he spent his career doing in S.America.
McCain seems to get too much kudos just because he happened to be of age to be in a war in Vietnam (yet another needless conflict manufactured to suit those in power). How many other young men where killed and tortured and now live in poverty with shit medical resources to deal with the legacy of conflict.
" You cannot throw a rope around the neck of an idea" .....Bobby Sands.
ok so the choices are vote for someone who will keep it the similar in size/slightly less or someone who will dramatically increase it. yes its the lesser or 2 evils thing in play here, but it is was it is. why risk having a dem go in office who will greatly INCREASE size and control of government? I know your answer but I'm just sayin....
8 years ago people voted in a Republican and his administration increased the size and scope of government more than any other President in our lifetime. McCain will not reduce the size of our government he will only increase it like every other President before him.
Lastly I am tired of simply voting for the lesser of two evils. It is this mentality that has produced some of the shittiest presidents and presidential candidates in modern times. I am voting my conscience so I will not offer up my vote to the candidate who is going to fuck me over the least but for the candidate who I truly believe in. So come election day I will probably just be writing in Ron Paul.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I'm not american or a registered voter as i've just arrived in the USA. Like thousands or maybe millions of my ancestors before I've come to this country from Ireland.........................however to get to my point.....
It appears from what I have observed in the media that the are so consumed with the Democratic Party nominations that John Mc Cain could say just about anything and the media won't pay that much attention because the newspapers and television - politically commentary is so focused on Hilary and Obama that Mccain is being left alone - I have yet to see anyone scrutinize his policies or ideas maybe once the dems. nomination is complete there'll be real debate between the two parties.
Maybe the nedia should be pushing everyone to come out and vote and concentrate on that rather than spouting the same boring crap. To my knowledge that's how Bush managed to get into power second time around.... it is my personal opinion that his daddy did rig the first election like he spent his career doing in S.America.
McCain seems to get too much kudos just because he happened to be of age to be in a war in Vietnam (yet another needless conflict manufactured to suit those in power). How many other young men where killed and tortured and now live in poverty with shit medical resources to deal with the legacy of conflict.
welcome to america. as for your comments. mccain will get his turn being ripped by the media and the dems as soon as they can figure out a candidate.
I absolutely agree those are important issues. I think its obvious, however, that of the 3, mccain will decrease the size of government. the dems want to increase it 10 fold.
welcome to america. as for your comments. mccain will get his turn being ripped by the media and the dems as soon as they can figure out a candidate.
Frstly thank you.......
I hope you're right in that respect - otherwise it makes a mockery out of the whole idea of democracy.
I was brought up in a era in N.Ireland where politics was merely violence and people who voted did so based solely upon tribal politics and not on policy but it does appear from observation that it is the same in this country ...............maybe i'm wrong ........ i'd like to be proved as such
" You cannot throw a rope around the neck of an idea" .....Bobby Sands.
I heard them both say they plan on lowering taxes for the middle class...
and this "expand government" you speak of...where do you get this information...? to be honest, you sound like you're spitting out talking points...
no, obama wants to do a “Making Work Pay” tax credit of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. tax rates will stay the same for the middle class and go UP for higher tax brackets and capital gains and dividends.
and you going to tell me UHC isn't an expansion of government?
I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
I'm voting for Ron Paul if he is on the ballot. If he isn't I'm voting for McCain because the other two scare me way too much, plus I don't believe in their policies. I don't agree with many of McCain's either but I think he will do the least amount of damage.
I love when people say that a candidate will lower taxes. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to fork over anymore of my money than the next person but how do we expect to pay for this war. Our government is spending BILLIONS of dollars that they don't have. Maybe if the rest of us had to sacrifice for this war, instead of just those families that have a loved who has or is serving over there, we wouldn't just sit back and allow our government to use our troops for self-serving interests. People complain that they don't want to pay more taxes to fund programs like universal healthcare or a better education system, but they will gladly see upwards of 35% of our taxes go to military spending. I agree with having a strong military but do we really need to account for 49% of the worlds military spending.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I love when people say that a candidate will lower taxes. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to fork over anymore of my money than the next person but how do we expect to pay for this war. Our government is spending BILLIONS of dollars that they don't have. Maybe if the rest of us had to sacrifice for this war, instead of just those families that have a loved who has or is serving over there, we wouldn't just sit back and allow our government to use our troops for self-serving interests. People complain that they don't want to pay more taxes to fund programs like universal healthcare or a better education system, but they will gladly see upwards of 35% of our taxes go to military spending. I agree with having a strong military but do we really need to account for 49% of the worlds military spending.
gladly?? are you kidding? who said anything about gladly seeing our money fund war? I dont want my taxes raised so I can provide UNC, education, or a ridiculously large military.. I do feel that some money should be allocated to such programs, but not at the rate its going and I certainly don't more my taxes raised so we can INCREASE spending in those areas.
I'm not going to pretend like I read the whole thread but I have a question for those saying McCain will definitely win...
It seems to me that a) George W has the lowest approval rating in history and that b) McCain has aligned himself very closely with the current administration and their policies. Now, I may be giving a lot of our country (read: the areas between the coasts) too much credit, but can't people connect the dots?
Also, and I'm probably entering a world of shit here, but if we can keep it on McCain that'd be great. I used to be a McCain fan, when he was the rebel repub not supporting his party (didn't he become a dem or indy for a short time???). He's turned his back on a lot of major platforms in last 6 years. How can anyone know what he really believes in at this point?
I think just looking at his Daily Show appearances would give you a good history. He and Jon used to get along swimmingly, and now Jon tears him a new one each time. (I'm not saying I use the Daily Show as my political compass, I simply believe this example would demonstrate well to people how much McCain has changed his rhetoric).
So I guess my question is, why do you think he's hands down, no question, going to be president? I know this will fly all over the place with "Well Hillary this, Obama that" but I'm curious as to what, on his own, makes him apparently unbeatable.
When Jesus said "Love your enemies" he probably didn't mean kill them...
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
gladly?? are you kidding? who said anything about gladly seeing our money fund war? I dont want my taxes raised so I can provide UNC, education, or a ridiculously large military.. I do feel that some money should be allocated to such programs, but not at the rate its going and I certainly don't more my taxes raised so we can INCREASE spending in those areas.
Well candidates like McCain will not raise your taxes but he will definitely increase the defense budget and continue this war. Where is all this money going to come from if we keep cutting taxes.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Well candidates like McCain will not raise your taxes but he will definitely increase the defense budget and continue this war. Where is all this money going to come from if we keep cutting taxes.
according to him, cut spending. and also, there is a bill being drafted that would force the Iraqi oil revenue to pay for some of the rebuilding. (thus lowering our cost overall) http://www.kxmb.com/t/iraq/228548.asp
Wasteful spending in Washington has gone from irresponsible to indefensible. Right now, even the government reports that one-fifth of programs are receiving failing marks. John McCain will restore the trust that Americans have lost in their government spending their hard earned money wisely.
Eliminating Wasteful Spending:
John McCain Will Stop Earmarks, Pork-Barrel Spending, And Waste. He will veto every pork-laden spending bill and make their authors famous. As President, he will seek the line-item veto to reduce waste and eliminate earmarks that have led to corruption. Unlike Senators Clinton and Obama who have sought a nearly combined $3 billion in earmarks, John McCain has a clear record of not asking for earmarks. Earmarks restrict America's ability to address genuine national priorities and interfere with fair, competitive markets.
John McCain Proposes A One-Year Spending Pause To Evaluate Programs. He believes that outside of essential military and veterans programs there should be a one-year pause in discretionary spending growth that should be used for a top-to-bottom review of the effectiveness of federal programs.
John McCain Has The Leadership And Courage To Make The Right Spending Choices. Reduced spending means making choices. John McCain will not leave office without balancing the federal budget. He will not do it with smoke and mirrors. When he leaves office, he wants to leave a budget that stays balanced after he is gone, and can weather the occasional downturn and unexpected contingency. John McCain will provide the courageous leadership necessary to control spending, including:
* Eliminate Broken Government Programs. The federal government itself admits that one in five programs do not perform.
* Reform Our Civil Service System To Promote Accountability And Good Performance In Our Federal Workforce.
* Eliminating Earmarks, Wasteful Subsidies And Pork-Barrel Spending.
* Reform Procurement Programs And Cut Wasteful Spending In Defense And Non-Defense Programs.
Budgetary Reform To Give Tax Cuts A Fair Chance:
John McCain Will Reform Budgeting To Treat Equally Spending And Taxes And To Stop Damaging Tax Hikes. Congress has unfairly stacked the deck to spend more and raise taxes. If a spending program is on the books, budgets assume that it is on the books forever – and continues to grow – even if the law says it expires. If low taxes are on the books, budgets don't assume that they last forever. When they expire, those taxes are automatically raised.
Yeah, McCain will "misspeak" or stick his foot in his mouth a lot between now and november. But luckily for him, he has a cozy relationship with the press, so often times they let go. His accessibility with the press is one thing that I really like about him though... Bush has had what, like 10 press conferences in his 7 years?
I do think his age is going to be a big factor, and there is some real importance to who is running mate is.
I like McCain, and I think he has been a good senator, but there are times like in 2000 when he sucked up to Bush after being screwed, and even recently when he voted to kill the anti-torture bill, I lose a lot of respect for him when he panders. With most politicians you accept the pandering, but it goes against McCain's principles.
This is funny; the press adore Obama, who quite possibly is the worst canidate I have ever seen. I don't love McCain, but Obama is satan.
SLC 11/2/95, Park City 6/21/98, Boise 11/3/00, Seattle 12/9/02, Vancouver 5/30/03, Gorge 9/1/05, Vancouver 9/2/05, Gorge 7/22/06, Gorge 7/23/06, Camden I 6/19/08, MSG I 6/24/08, MSG II 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield II 6/30/08; Eddie Albany 6/8/09, 6/9/09; Philly 10/30/09, 10/31/09; Boston 5/17/10
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
McCain has symptoms of old age disease. Geriatric syndrome is creeping up on mr winky...
Besides, he's a fruitcake unfortunately.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i dont want mccain to win.. but if you dont think he is the favorite... you best turn off your tv.
Err, nope. I'll continue saying my piece as long as I see fit.
Over the last 16 years there have been two Presidents. One has paid down the National Debt (not much but some) and one President created the largest debt in the history of the world.
And you think Senator McCain is the lesser of two evils because as a Republican he will not expand Government debt as much as the others?
Looking at the past 16 years how could anyone come to the conclusion that the Republican Party is more responsible with our tax dollars is mind boggling. It is almost as if the live in a parallel universe or something.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
Well, you called me a liar, and to me that is more important to clear up than trying to tell you why I think Obama i a better candidate.
Obama wants troops out of Iraq quicker than McCain.
Obama is a fresh face and might gain us some respect internationally from radical groups who are used to seeing stodgy old white men in office
Obama actually wants to try and *gasp* help Africa
Obama is actually interested in helping keep jobs in the US and keep the economy strong
Obama's education plan is much stronger and mkes more sense
Say what you wil about it, but his health care ideas are much more robust and easily digestible than McCain's simple "Hey, lets import prescription drugs to lower costs....that's all I got"
Obama supports civil unions. It's a step in the right direction.
Obama is pro-choice.
Shall I go on?
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Please do. And thank you.
Some Americans think they are the only people in the world that matter. So it is always nice to have other people in the world speak up.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
Don't get too carried away Bubba.
I agree, espically with the second part. as for troops in Iraq, I think mccain will begin withdrawals on a similar pace as obama.
so does mccain.
I have no issues with either plan.
I'm not for higer taxes. which is exactly what obama will do to make his health care plan happen. he wants more government control of health care, mccain doesnt.
I agree.
I've always hated this subject.
by all means, yes.
bush has been anything but responsible with our taxes. take away the 2 wars and spending would have been dramatically different, obviously. and clinton had the largest stock market boom in history (thus record high government revenue) and no wars to spend money on.
the difference is the dems want to raise taxes, republicans want to cut them. I don't think either will spend our money "responsibly"
I said it like I see it; 3 shades of the same old shite. I'm on the side of Abook et al in believing that the system is designed to keep those who could/would change it for the better at bay. Basically, you're picking at straws here. The edifice won't alter in any meaningful way at all. Business as usual e.t.c, e.t.c.
It appears from what I have observed in the media that the are so consumed with the Democratic Party nominations that John Mc Cain could say just about anything and the media won't pay that much attention because the newspapers and television - politically commentary is so focused on Hilary and Obama that Mccain is being left alone - I have yet to see anyone scrutinize his policies or ideas maybe once the dems. nomination is complete there'll be real debate between the two parties.
Maybe the nedia should be pushing everyone to come out and vote and concentrate on that rather than spouting the same boring crap. To my knowledge that's how Bush managed to get into power second time around.... it is my personal opinion that his daddy did rig the first election like he spent his career doing in S.America.
McCain seems to get too much kudos just because he happened to be of age to be in a war in Vietnam (yet another needless conflict manufactured to suit those in power). How many other young men where killed and tortured and now live in poverty with shit medical resources to deal with the legacy of conflict.
8 years ago people voted in a Republican and his administration increased the size and scope of government more than any other President in our lifetime. McCain will not reduce the size of our government he will only increase it like every other President before him.
Lastly I am tired of simply voting for the lesser of two evils. It is this mentality that has produced some of the shittiest presidents and presidential candidates in modern times. I am voting my conscience so I will not offer up my vote to the candidate who is going to fuck me over the least but for the candidate who I truly believe in. So come election day I will probably just be writing in Ron Paul.
welcome to america. as for your comments. mccain will get his turn being ripped by the media and the dems as soon as they can figure out a candidate.
where did you get this info...?
Frstly thank you.......
I hope you're right in that respect - otherwise it makes a mockery out of the whole idea of democracy.
I was brought up in a era in N.Ireland where politics was merely violence and people who voted did so based solely upon tribal politics and not on policy but it does appear from observation that it is the same in this country ...............maybe i'm wrong ........ i'd like to be proved as such
maybe mccain wont decrease it as much as I'd like, we'll see. but the dems want to raise taxes and expand government.
I heard them both say they plan on lowering taxes for the middle class...
and this "expand government" you speak of...where do you get this information...? to be honest, you sound like you're spitting out talking points...
no, obama wants to do a “Making Work Pay” tax credit of up to $500 per person, or $1,000 per working family. tax rates will stay the same for the middle class and go UP for higher tax brackets and capital gains and dividends.
and you going to tell me UHC isn't an expansion of government?
I love when people say that a candidate will lower taxes. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to fork over anymore of my money than the next person but how do we expect to pay for this war. Our government is spending BILLIONS of dollars that they don't have. Maybe if the rest of us had to sacrifice for this war, instead of just those families that have a loved who has or is serving over there, we wouldn't just sit back and allow our government to use our troops for self-serving interests. People complain that they don't want to pay more taxes to fund programs like universal healthcare or a better education system, but they will gladly see upwards of 35% of our taxes go to military spending. I agree with having a strong military but do we really need to account for 49% of the worlds military spending.
gladly?? are you kidding? who said anything about gladly seeing our money fund war? I dont want my taxes raised so I can provide UNC, education, or a ridiculously large military.. I do feel that some money should be allocated to such programs, but not at the rate its going and I certainly don't more my taxes raised so we can INCREASE spending in those areas.
It seems to me that a) George W has the lowest approval rating in history and that b) McCain has aligned himself very closely with the current administration and their policies. Now, I may be giving a lot of our country (read: the areas between the coasts) too much credit, but can't people connect the dots?
Also, and I'm probably entering a world of shit here, but if we can keep it on McCain that'd be great. I used to be a McCain fan, when he was the rebel repub not supporting his party (didn't he become a dem or indy for a short time???). He's turned his back on a lot of major platforms in last 6 years. How can anyone know what he really believes in at this point?
I think just looking at his Daily Show appearances would give you a good history. He and Jon used to get along swimmingly, and now Jon tears him a new one each time. (I'm not saying I use the Daily Show as my political compass, I simply believe this example would demonstrate well to people how much McCain has changed his rhetoric).
So I guess my question is, why do you think he's hands down, no question, going to be president? I know this will fly all over the place with "Well Hillary this, Obama that" but I'm curious as to what, on his own, makes him apparently unbeatable.
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
Well candidates like McCain will not raise your taxes but he will definitely increase the defense budget and continue this war. Where is all this money going to come from if we keep cutting taxes.
according to him, cut spending. and also, there is a bill being drafted that would force the Iraqi oil revenue to pay for some of the rebuilding. (thus lowering our cost overall) http://www.kxmb.com/t/iraq/228548.asp
Wasteful spending in Washington has gone from irresponsible to indefensible. Right now, even the government reports that one-fifth of programs are receiving failing marks. John McCain will restore the trust that Americans have lost in their government spending their hard earned money wisely.
Eliminating Wasteful Spending:
John McCain Will Stop Earmarks, Pork-Barrel Spending, And Waste. He will veto every pork-laden spending bill and make their authors famous. As President, he will seek the line-item veto to reduce waste and eliminate earmarks that have led to corruption. Unlike Senators Clinton and Obama who have sought a nearly combined $3 billion in earmarks, John McCain has a clear record of not asking for earmarks. Earmarks restrict America's ability to address genuine national priorities and interfere with fair, competitive markets.
John McCain Proposes A One-Year Spending Pause To Evaluate Programs. He believes that outside of essential military and veterans programs there should be a one-year pause in discretionary spending growth that should be used for a top-to-bottom review of the effectiveness of federal programs.
John McCain Has The Leadership And Courage To Make The Right Spending Choices. Reduced spending means making choices. John McCain will not leave office without balancing the federal budget. He will not do it with smoke and mirrors. When he leaves office, he wants to leave a budget that stays balanced after he is gone, and can weather the occasional downturn and unexpected contingency. John McCain will provide the courageous leadership necessary to control spending, including:
* Eliminate Broken Government Programs. The federal government itself admits that one in five programs do not perform.
* Reform Our Civil Service System To Promote Accountability And Good Performance In Our Federal Workforce.
* Eliminating Earmarks, Wasteful Subsidies And Pork-Barrel Spending.
* Reform Procurement Programs And Cut Wasteful Spending In Defense And Non-Defense Programs.
Budgetary Reform To Give Tax Cuts A Fair Chance:
John McCain Will Reform Budgeting To Treat Equally Spending And Taxes And To Stop Damaging Tax Hikes. Congress has unfairly stacked the deck to spend more and raise taxes. If a spending program is on the books, budgets assume that it is on the books forever – and continues to grow – even if the law says it expires. If low taxes are on the books, budgets don't assume that they last forever. When they expire, those taxes are automatically raised.
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
Do you have links to prove Senator Obama is satan? The previous Pope thought that George Bush is the anti christ
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
did you just ask for a link proving obama is satan? lol
Besides, he's a fruitcake unfortunately.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)