A radical gene theory gains momentum: 'Epigenetics' researchers say life experiences and nutrition affects gene function.
An article by Daniel Tencer of the newspaper Ottawa Citizen (Canada) covers the emerging field of epigenetics, which proposes that there is a "second code" of programming on top of our DNA, a code that -- unlike DNA -- can change during our lifetimes. Following is a summary of the Ottawa Citizen article.
In the past half decade, epigenetics researchers have theorized that our diet, the chemicals we are exposed to and even our behaviour toward one another can cause changes in the way our genes are expressed, and contribute (by making people more susceptible to) or trigger mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder - and some of the epigenetic changes may even be passed on to future generations.
That, in turn, has caused many scientists to rethink almost everything we know about how genetic information is passed on from parent to child.
The customary view on genetics has been in terms of black and white; we are born with certain genes, and in term they determine our “physiological existence”. Destiny isn’t written in the stars, but rather in our DNA. Scientists have deviated from this hard coded view, and found that not only are we influenced by our DNA, but our DNA is influenced by us. The life experiences we have, such as the food we eat, the people we meet, and the stress we endure, may alter the functioning of our genes, and the genes we pass on. This is the emergence of the epigenetics theory.
Only 30 year’s young, epigenetics was created to fill in the blanks left by traditional genetic theory. Identical Twins and occurrence of schizophrenia was a large question unanswered through genetic theory. Although identical twins share 100% of their DNA (meaning they have the EXACT same DNA), many cases have found 1 twin developed schizophrenia, while the other did not.
Dr. Arturas Petronis, a prominent researcher from the Canadian Center for Addiction and Mental Health, began examining this twin discordance that occurred in about 50% of the twin cases with schizophrenia, 8 years ago. Although most geneticists believe environmental factors play a significant role in mental illness development, none of them can provide specific information on what that means, or how it works. Petronis hopes that epigenetics may be the missing link. He found greater similarities between psychiatric patients in regards to epigenetic make-up, than when comparing these psychiatric patients to their own identical twins.
"Any two random people share 99.7 per cent of their DNA, but at the epigenetic level, people are very, very different," Petronis says.
Maybe the most significant finding is the possibility that someone’s epigenetics are hereditary; studies have found evidence that at least parts of the code can be passed down to future generations. Marcus Pembrey, a geneticist from University College London, UK, is leading this theory with studies where he examined medical records of an isolated Swedish city. He found that life experiences and behaviors influenced the health and biology of future generations;
“The grandsons of men who experienced famine during mid-childhood went through puberty earlier and had longer life spans, while the grandsons of men who were well fed in early childhood had an increased likelihood of diabetes. For females, the effect was similar but it was tied to the grandmother, rather than the grandfather.”
Pembrey argues that, "This is not a 'trickle-through' (of genetic material), this is clearly an evolved response," and this response is an adjustment to random or adverse environments.
In later studies of families located in Bristol England, Pembrey found a father who began smoking prior to 11 years of age, produced sons with significantly greater weight than the average. This study provided scientific basis for the theory that our exposures can influence our genetic makeup and even the genes that are passed on to future generations, but even with support the theory is highly controversial.
Because epigenetics is a fairly young science, researchers still know very little about how it works. Even with all the new technologies, we are just beginning to understand genetics alone, and epigenetics is much more complicated. Szyf, editor-in-chief of the new Scientific Journal of Epigenetics paints a picture of the complexity of epigenetics , "Epigenetic codes are moving targets. They could change at any time. And the same gene, one gene, could have 700 epigenetic programs. So that complicates things." Szyf has focused research on connecting social interactions to epigenetic changes, which highlights the vast influence epigenetics may have; even our behaviors and interactions can influence us and our descendants.
Szyf and his colleague Michael Meaney, a researcher at Montreal's Douglas Hospital, found that epigenetic changes were the causes for why rats who were groomed and licked by their mothers, behaved much calmer than their counterparts who were neglected. The nurturing process of grooming and licking activated a gene that suppressed cortisol (a stress hormone) production. Their neglected counterparts didn’t have that activation, and as a result produced the hormone and become much more stressed out. They also found that injecting the calm rats with methionine (an amino acid found in food supplements) produced an increase in their stress levels; this illustrates the significance of simple exposures or changes in diet that can alter the way our genes work.
Not only do scientists have genetic mapping and understanding on their plate, but they will have to add the understanding and mapping of epigenetics if we want to make significant progress. 2003 marked the beginning of the first Human Epigenome Project, whose goal is to have a mere 10% of the human epigenetic structure mapped by this fall. And they seem to be heading towards this goal, just last month a comprehensive mapping of three human chromosomes. The results showed about one-fifth of the genes from these chromosomes can be altered by exposures.
Things that may not receive a lot of thought in our lives, such as; the food we eat, the chemicals we are exposed to, our social interactions, and even our family’s behaviors toward us, can all have a much more significant impact on our genetic functioning than previously thought.
How to safeguard ourselves and future generations isn’t completely understood, but one thing Prembrey is certain of is the emphasis on child rearing, “Child care has a whole new meaning.” http://www.schizophrenia.com/sznews/archives/003842.html
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
"IS IT A DISEASE OR ISN'T IT? All physicians, psychiatrists included, complete a course of study of disease-pathology. They know, full-well, that it is the physician's first duty, patient-by-patient, to determine whether the patient has an actual disease or does not-the "disease"/ "no disease" determination. We learn that substantial numbers of patients seek help from their physicians for what are "emotional," "psychological," or "psychiatric" symptoms, due to the stresses of everyday life. Such patients have no disease per se (ruled out by finding no abnormalities- no pathology, nothing objective, on physical examination, laboratory testing, x-ray, scanning, etc.). ...
In 1948, the combined specialty of 'neuropsychiatry' was divided into 'neurology,' dealing with organic or physical diseases of the brain, and 'psychiatry' dealing with emotional and behavioral problems in normal human beings. Nor was there any dispute as to the division of labor; psychiatrists made no claim that they diagnosed or treated actual brain diseases. Finding no organic disease in patients with non-specific symptoms, non-psychiatric physicians refer patients to psychiatrists. In other words, finding no objective abnormalities (disease) it can safely be concluded that the patient's symptoms are psychological in origin-psychogenic! This is the main pre-condition for referral of a patient to a psychiatrist or to any mental health professional."
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
It's not thanksgiving yet is it? I thought it was monday???
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
It's the Thanksgiving long weekend! And it's Octoberfest here, too!
oh yea, well I'm working tonight and tomorrow night. :(
I have a poker tournament monday night.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Yeah, I'm doing food prep/cooking and volunteering throughout the weekend.
No turkey for you then? :(
No turkey for me. Unless I win the tournament, then I'll hire a topless female chef or something. lol, only in Sarnia. No topless chefs in London :(
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
That Sarnia....it's a veritable Sodom and Gomorrah, it seems.
Sin City. I've never been there, but I've heard a lot about it.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Sin City. I've never been there, but I've heard a lot about it.
Really? I seem to have a tendency to have boyfriends with families in Sarnia, and I've not really heard of it's dark-side. I did go to a communion in a church, there, a few years back, and then celebrated in a nice and expensive Victorian home.
I guess you hang out with a different crowd than I do.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Really? I seem to have a tendency to have boyfriends with families in Sarnia, and I've not really heard of it's dark-side. I did go to a communion in a church, there, a few years back, and then celebrated in a nice and expensive Victorian home.
I guess you hang out with a different crowd than I do.
I guess it was Windsor I was thinking of. I thought it first, but then put Sarnia.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
If all-nude stip clubs and cigars are the standard for sin, then the Kitchener-Waterloo area is pretty sinful, itself.
No doubt, and what about Nevada?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I'm not much up on Nevada since they cancelled the Geraldo show.
I'm pretty sure prostitution is legal in Nevada.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I have a friend who runs an "escort agency"--she lives in Oakville. We have a few around here, as well as massage parlours. I used to frequent a "phone line" here, and we all tended to hang out at strip clubs, so I guess I used to be part of the sin around these parts.... What an interesting group that was...those "alternative lifestyle" folk. And even though I was propositioned to work at escort agencies and massage parlours, I did stop short of that!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I have a friend who runs an "escort agency"--she lives in Oakville. We have a few around here, as well as massage parlours. I used to frequent a "phone line" here, and we all tended to hang out at strip clubs, so I guess I used to be part of the sin around these parts.... What an interesting group that was...those "alternative lifestyle" folk. And even though I was propositioned to work at escort agencies and massage parlours, I did stop short of that!
Those escorts are damn expensive. There is no way they are just there as escorts.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
im completely bored and decided to wiki prostitution to see what it said... and it says this...
"Regulated brothels are legal in several counties of Nevada (see prostitution in Nevada). In Rhode Island, the act of sex for money is not illegal, but street solicitation and operating a brothel are. The police departments in Canton, New Castle County, Peoria, Wichita, Arlington, and St.Paul post the photos of prostitutes and their clients on their websites."
i find it strange that some police depts have a specific section of their website for pictures of prostitution offenders!
Those escorts are damn expensive. There is no way they are just there as escorts.
Yeah, your Windsor article talks about that. I was going to "interview" for a job in an escort agency, and it included going down and uh.....giving a test run to the proprieter. I thought I wanted to be an escort, but that idea was repulsive to me, and I backed out. At the time I was very "control oriented" (imagine that) and the idea of being an escort would have given me an illusion of control through my flagrant dysfunction. Not being "checked out" by my "pimp", though--that seemed degrading. .....
That guy eventually became my friend on the phone line, and a few years back, he was arrested for child porn on the internet. I lost touch with him ten years ago, though, prior to his child porn era. He used to offer me money to come over and just hang out with him, fully clothed, while he "satisfied himself", though. Me among lots of women he propositioned. Needless to say (or not) I turned him down.
Definitely, escort agencies and sensual massage parlours essentially do sexual acts, but they have ways of being legal about it. Such as, if I work as a waitress and a man gives me a tip and I then go home and have sex with him, no one can really do much about it. They are charging for the massage and the "escorting" not sex, don't you know.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Yeah, your Windsor article talks about that. I was going to "interview" for a job in an escort agency, and it included going down and uh.....giving a test run to the proprieter. I thought I wanted to be an escort, but that idea was repulsive to me, and I backed out. At the time I was very "control oriented" (imagine that) and the idea of being an escort would have given me an illusion of control through my flagrant dysfunction. Not being "checked out" by my "pimp", though--that seemed degrading. .....
That guy eventually became my friend on the phone line, and a few years back, he was arrested for child porn on the internet. I lost touch with him ten years ago, though, prior to his child porn era. He used to offer me money to come over and just hang out with him, fully clothed, while he "satisfied himself", though. Me among lots of women he propositioned. Needless to say (or not) I turned him down.
Definitely, escort agencies and sensual massage parlours essentially do sexual acts, but they have ways of being legal about it. Such as, if I work as a waitress and a man gives me a tip and I then go home and have sex with him, no one can really do much about it. They are charging for the massage and the "escorting" not sex, don't you know.
That's the thing though. Where is the guarantee? If I pay $500/hr for an escort, who's to guarantee she'll perform any "sexual acts". Scam artists.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
im completely bored and decided to wiki prostitution to see what it said... and it says this...
"Regulated brothels are legal in several counties of Nevada (see prostitution in Nevada). In Rhode Island, the act of sex for money is not illegal, but street solicitation and operating a brothel are. The police departments in Canton, New Castle County, Peoria, Wichita, Arlington, and St.Paul post the photos of prostitutes and their clients on their websites."
i find it strange that some police depts have a specific section of their website for pictures of prostitution offenders!
Hey it's legal all over europe, why not?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
That's the thing though. Where is the guarantee? If I pay $500/hr for an escort, who's to guarantee she'll perform any "sexual acts". Scam artists.
You are 100% right. You are not contracting for sex for money. My understanding is that generally it happens, unless the girl gets an uneasy feeling. I was told that they support girls not doing anything that makes them uncomfortable. Or with anyone who makes them feel uncomfortable. But otherwise, it's totally understood it's about sex.
If you go, I don't suggest you start talking about sexual deviants, and so forth...it might hamper your chances.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
You are 100% right. You are not contracting for sex for money. My understanding is that generally it happens, unless the girl gets an uneasy feeling. I was told that they support girls not doing anything that makes them uncomfortable. Or with anyone who makes them feel uncomfortable. But otherwise, it's totally understood it's about sex.
If you go, I don't suggest you start talking about sexual deviants, and so forth...it might hamper your chances.
Nah, it's way too expensive. A girl on the street offered me a deal for $20. I didn't take it of course, I said "You should be paying me." and I think it hurt her feelings.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Nah, it's way too expensive. A girl on the street offered me a deal for $20. I didn't take it of course, I said "You should be paying me." and I think it hurt her feelings.
I don't doubt that you hurt her feelings.
20 dollars...that must be some kind of deal. My guess is it was not for full sex. I'm thinking that at that price you might be supporting some kind of drug problem...
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
20 dollars...that must be some kind of deal. My guess is it was not for full sex. I'm thinking that at that price you might be supporting some kind of drug problem...
I'm pretty sure it was for drugs. She was spaced out, her eyes were shifty and she was rolling them back into her head while her body waved back and forth. Almost like a localized seizure or something.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I'm pretty sure it was for drugs. She was spaced out, her eyes were shifty and she was rolling them back into her head while her body waved back and forth. Almost like a localized seizure or something.
That's too bad. :(
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
i think it should be legal (because i dont think its a big deal) which is why i find it weird that some police departments feel the need to post pictures of the prostitutes and johns on their websites.
i think it should be legal (because i dont think its a big deal) which is why i find it weird that some police departments feel the need to post pictures of the prostitutes and johns on their websites.
at times i too wonder why prostitution is illegal. and then i go all marxist and just put it down to the fact that the establishment can't really regulate the means of production, so to speak. cash changing hands. who is gonna account for all that? woman in control of themselves and having the upper hand? we can't have that now, can we? yes yes i know there are male prostitutes.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
An article by Daniel Tencer of the newspaper Ottawa Citizen (Canada) covers the emerging field of epigenetics, which proposes that there is a "second code" of programming on top of our DNA, a code that -- unlike DNA -- can change during our lifetimes. Following is a summary of the Ottawa Citizen article.
In the past half decade, epigenetics researchers have theorized that our diet, the chemicals we are exposed to and even our behaviour toward one another can cause changes in the way our genes are expressed, and contribute (by making people more susceptible to) or trigger mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder - and some of the epigenetic changes may even be passed on to future generations.
That, in turn, has caused many scientists to rethink almost everything we know about how genetic information is passed on from parent to child.
The customary view on genetics has been in terms of black and white; we are born with certain genes, and in term they determine our “physiological existence”. Destiny isn’t written in the stars, but rather in our DNA. Scientists have deviated from this hard coded view, and found that not only are we influenced by our DNA, but our DNA is influenced by us. The life experiences we have, such as the food we eat, the people we meet, and the stress we endure, may alter the functioning of our genes, and the genes we pass on. This is the emergence of the epigenetics theory.
Only 30 year’s young, epigenetics was created to fill in the blanks left by traditional genetic theory. Identical Twins and occurrence of schizophrenia was a large question unanswered through genetic theory. Although identical twins share 100% of their DNA (meaning they have the EXACT same DNA), many cases have found 1 twin developed schizophrenia, while the other did not.
Dr. Arturas Petronis, a prominent researcher from the Canadian Center for Addiction and Mental Health, began examining this twin discordance that occurred in about 50% of the twin cases with schizophrenia, 8 years ago. Although most geneticists believe environmental factors play a significant role in mental illness development, none of them can provide specific information on what that means, or how it works. Petronis hopes that epigenetics may be the missing link. He found greater similarities between psychiatric patients in regards to epigenetic make-up, than when comparing these psychiatric patients to their own identical twins.
"Any two random people share 99.7 per cent of their DNA, but at the epigenetic level, people are very, very different," Petronis says.
Maybe the most significant finding is the possibility that someone’s epigenetics are hereditary; studies have found evidence that at least parts of the code can be passed down to future generations. Marcus Pembrey, a geneticist from University College London, UK, is leading this theory with studies where he examined medical records of an isolated Swedish city. He found that life experiences and behaviors influenced the health and biology of future generations;
“The grandsons of men who experienced famine during mid-childhood went through puberty earlier and had longer life spans, while the grandsons of men who were well fed in early childhood had an increased likelihood of diabetes. For females, the effect was similar but it was tied to the grandmother, rather than the grandfather.”
Pembrey argues that, "This is not a 'trickle-through' (of genetic material), this is clearly an evolved response," and this response is an adjustment to random or adverse environments.
In later studies of families located in Bristol England, Pembrey found a father who began smoking prior to 11 years of age, produced sons with significantly greater weight than the average. This study provided scientific basis for the theory that our exposures can influence our genetic makeup and even the genes that are passed on to future generations, but even with support the theory is highly controversial.
Because epigenetics is a fairly young science, researchers still know very little about how it works. Even with all the new technologies, we are just beginning to understand genetics alone, and epigenetics is much more complicated. Szyf, editor-in-chief of the new Scientific Journal of Epigenetics paints a picture of the complexity of epigenetics , "Epigenetic codes are moving targets. They could change at any time. And the same gene, one gene, could have 700 epigenetic programs. So that complicates things." Szyf has focused research on connecting social interactions to epigenetic changes, which highlights the vast influence epigenetics may have; even our behaviors and interactions can influence us and our descendants.
Szyf and his colleague Michael Meaney, a researcher at Montreal's Douglas Hospital, found that epigenetic changes were the causes for why rats who were groomed and licked by their mothers, behaved much calmer than their counterparts who were neglected. The nurturing process of grooming and licking activated a gene that suppressed cortisol (a stress hormone) production. Their neglected counterparts didn’t have that activation, and as a result produced the hormone and become much more stressed out. They also found that injecting the calm rats with methionine (an amino acid found in food supplements) produced an increase in their stress levels; this illustrates the significance of simple exposures or changes in diet that can alter the way our genes work.
Not only do scientists have genetic mapping and understanding on their plate, but they will have to add the understanding and mapping of epigenetics if we want to make significant progress. 2003 marked the beginning of the first Human Epigenome Project, whose goal is to have a mere 10% of the human epigenetic structure mapped by this fall. And they seem to be heading towards this goal, just last month a comprehensive mapping of three human chromosomes. The results showed about one-fifth of the genes from these chromosomes can be altered by exposures.
Things that may not receive a lot of thought in our lives, such as; the food we eat, the chemicals we are exposed to, our social interactions, and even our family’s behaviors toward us, can all have a much more significant impact on our genetic functioning than previously thought.
How to safeguard ourselves and future generations isn’t completely understood, but one thing Prembrey is certain of is the emphasis on child rearing, “Child care has a whole new meaning.”
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
In 1948, the combined specialty of 'neuropsychiatry' was divided into 'neurology,' dealing with organic or physical diseases of the brain, and 'psychiatry' dealing with emotional and behavioral problems in normal human beings. Nor was there any dispute as to the division of labor; psychiatrists made no claim that they diagnosed or treated actual brain diseases. Finding no organic disease in patients with non-specific symptoms, non-psychiatric physicians refer patients to psychiatrists. In other words, finding no objective abnormalities (disease) it can safely be concluded that the patient's symptoms are psychological in origin-psychogenic! This is the main pre-condition for referral of a patient to a psychiatrist or to any mental health professional."
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It's not thanksgiving yet is it? I thought it was monday???
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
oh yea, well I'm working tonight and tomorrow night. :(
I have a poker tournament monday night.
No turkey for you then? :(
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
No turkey for me. Unless I win the tournament, then I'll hire a topless female chef or something. lol, only in Sarnia. No topless chefs in London :(
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Sin City. I've never been there, but I've heard a lot about it.
I guess you hang out with a different crowd than I do.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I guess it was Windsor I was thinking of. I thought it first, but then put Sarnia.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
No doubt, and what about Nevada?
I'm not much up on Nevada since they cancelled the Geraldo show.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I'm pretty sure prostitution is legal in Nevada.
I have a friend who runs an "escort agency"--she lives in Oakville. We have a few around here, as well as massage parlours. I used to frequent a "phone line" here, and we all tended to hang out at strip clubs, so I guess I used to be part of the sin around these parts.... What an interesting group that was...those "alternative lifestyle" folk. And even though I was propositioned to work at escort agencies and massage parlours, I did stop short of that!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Those escorts are damn expensive. There is no way they are just there as escorts.
im completely bored and decided to wiki prostitution to see what it said... and it says this...
"Regulated brothels are legal in several counties of Nevada (see prostitution in Nevada). In Rhode Island, the act of sex for money is not illegal, but street solicitation and operating a brothel are. The police departments in Canton, New Castle County, Peoria, Wichita, Arlington, and St.Paul post the photos of prostitutes and their clients on their websites."
i find it strange that some police depts have a specific section of their website for pictures of prostitution offenders!
That guy eventually became my friend on the phone line, and a few years back, he was arrested for child porn on the internet. I lost touch with him ten years ago, though, prior to his child porn era. He used to offer me money to come over and just hang out with him, fully clothed, while he "satisfied himself", though. Me among lots of women he propositioned. Needless to say (or not) I turned him down.
Definitely, escort agencies and sensual massage parlours essentially do sexual acts, but they have ways of being legal about it. Such as, if I work as a waitress and a man gives me a tip and I then go home and have sex with him, no one can really do much about it. They are charging for the massage and the "escorting" not sex, don't you know.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
That's the thing though. Where is the guarantee? If I pay $500/hr for an escort, who's to guarantee she'll perform any "sexual acts". Scam artists.
Hey it's legal all over europe, why not?
If you go, I don't suggest you start talking about sexual deviants, and so forth...it might hamper your chances.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Nah, it's way too expensive. A girl on the street offered me a deal for $20. I didn't take it of course, I said "You should be paying me." and I think it hurt her feelings.
20 dollars...that must be some kind of deal. My guess is it was not for full sex. I'm thinking that at that price you might be supporting some kind of drug problem...
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I'm pretty sure it was for drugs. She was spaced out, her eyes were shifty and she was rolling them back into her head while her body waved back and forth. Almost like a localized seizure or something.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i think it should be legal (because i dont think its a big deal) which is why i find it weird that some police departments feel the need to post pictures of the prostitutes and johns on their websites.
at times i too wonder why prostitution is illegal. and then i go all marxist and just put it down to the fact that the establishment can't really regulate the means of production, so to speak. cash changing hands. who is gonna account for all that? woman in control of themselves and having the upper hand? we can't have that now, can we? yes yes i know there are male prostitutes.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say