alright, let me give you a food for thought. why have 80 bedrooms only for Katie Holmes
good points... when you reach level 3 scientologist like tom has, do you get first pick at the new, uh, converts? i'm sure there are a few lovely young budding scientologist ladies i could protect.
you're just jealous that angelica and tom cruise can walk through walls and you can't
One of my fave authors claims he's walked through a wall. It's not so far fetched when we realize that atoms are 99.9 % empty space.....All matter is energy at base.
I exist beyond the bounds of time, all the .... time.... which is purely a perceptual thing that anyone can do if they believe it, and can wrap their minds around the concept.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
a bowling alley, 80 bedrooms, and a brainwashed katie holmes to be my sex slave? i'd never come out. i guess i can see his point of view now.
Yeah... and while you're at it.. Why not toss in a pool table... and some pinball machines? 10 million dollars gets you some pretty plush home furnishings.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I personally make judgments all the time. However, I endeavor to own my judgments and not make them about others, even when they appear to be about others to me. The problem comes in when people actually think their judgments define others...they believe that because they perceive something, their perception makes them objectively accurate, which is often not the case. This is whether I do so, or whether others do. Our judgments are about us. So anytime someone projects something at someone, there are two variables: the projector and the projectee. This can play out in different ways. What the projector projects is always independent of what the projectee does, even if they seem to match up. Other times, they are completely out of synch. For example, the "weapons of mass destruction" projected on an entire country--completely fallacy.
my point was you DON'T own your judgments. as you did before, you essentially claim "i accept everything" and then immediately go into how the others' views are wrong and abhorrent and completely ridiculous to hold.
eg. "sure it's your call if you want to sadistically take pleasure in others' suffering." that's not owning your judgments. that's pretending you're not judging while clearly passing judgment. and that is why i often get nasty and sarcastic to you... becos that's a bullshit cop out.
One of my fave authors claims he's walked through a wall. It's not so far fetched when we realize that atoms are 99.9 % empty space.....All matter is energy at base.
I exist beyond the bounds of time, all the .... time.... which is purely a perceptual thing that anyone can do if they believe it, and can wrap their minds around the concept.
"some people think stage diving is dangerous. not me! becos humans are 95% water, so the audience is only 5% away from a pool!" -mitch hedberg
crazy has a ton of connotations and definitions. it is not solely about mental health and illness. shit, the only reason we talk about mental illness is so that it is not confused with the popular connotation of crazy (just whacky or eccentric). the same thing happened with mentally disabled, which was retarded until retarded had so many pop culture definitions and a new term was needed to separate the popular from the clinical. the use of the word crazy in here is meaningless in terms of a real debate about mental health issues.
When it's about making others "worse" to some imagined "better" of "normal" people, it's about degradation, plain and simple. We're all equal, no matter how eccentric or socially ostracized our ideas are. I'm just as opposed to this Tom-Cruise-is-crazy mentality , as I am to the terms being used to degrade in the more "pathologized" mental health issues. Power struggles are power struggles.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
good points... when you reach level 3 scientologist like tom has, do you get first pick at the new, uh, converts? i'm sure there are a few lovely young budding scientologist ladies i could protect.
ooohhh no! please don't reach level 3 otherwise you'll be our next topic in a new thread. i'm sure you can bluff your way into their hearts
what are you on about? the girl is his wife, of course she would love to be his sex slave
It's not Katie... it's... er... the guy.
Case in point: Michael Jackson had a wife. Doesn't change a thing.
Katie just needs to make sure a Sybian is on the inventory list... that or a Pearl Rabbit and about 100,000 Duracell batteries.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
my point was you DON'T own your judgments. as you did before, you essentially claim "i accept everything" and then immediately go into how the others' views are wrong and abhorrent and completely ridiculous to hold.
eg. "sure it's your call if you want to sadistically take pleasure in others' suffering." that's not owning your judgments. that's pretending you're not judging while clearly passing judgment. and that is why i often get nasty and sarcastic to you... becos that's a bullshit cop out.
I make statements from my point of view. That's part of having a point of view, and part of having a healthy ego and self-esteem. I have strong opinions.
What you're missing here is a peek in my head. On a message board, we don't see where people are going, or why they do what they do. For example, you earlier assumed I "pounced" on genie because of the "should" thing. And that I avoided your arguments. And really, I let your arguments stand. It wasn't that I thought you were more right than was that her post was more along the lines of what I already thought, and of where I was going, so, her post was a vehicle to segue into my point. Plus she was being quite balanced and fair, even when she disagreed. So your "projection" of what I was doing was not accurate. And you can't claim your assumptions are always accurate. Like the people on this board who derogatorily call me enlightened. I realize people see someone with a high self esteem as thinking they are superior. However, that view totally depends on the perspective of the person seeing it. For someone of an equal self-esteem, the attitude of another with a high self-esteem is a natural given and to be expected. It's all relative.
Remember earlier when I accused genie of being passively-aggressive?'s totally possible that she was not intending to be or feeling aggressive at all, passively or not. And that is independent of my opinion of what I thought was happening.
I do make mistakes, as I say, but my general policy is to own my point of view, and to realize it's about me and what I see. If I want to have any credibility, and sensical discussion, I must do so. Half of my wholeness/healing is based on this principle.
And when people read-in and misinterpret me, that is on them entirely--they own their opinions and their perspective, and how they process what I do/say, which will be sometimes more accurate and sometimes less so. Whether people own this or not.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
When it's about making others "worse" to some imagined "better" of "normal" people, it's about degradation, plain and simple. We're all equal, no matter how eccentric or socially ostracized our ideas are. I'm just as opposed to this Tom-Cruise-is-crazy mentality , as I am to the terms being used to degrade in the more "pathologized" mental health issues. Power struggles are power struggles.
i don't believe that. jim jones is worse than me. so it hitler. all people are not equal. i'm smarter than someone with mental retardation and i'm not as crazy as tom cruise.
And when people read-in and misinterpret me, that is on them entirely--they own their opinions and their perspective, and how they process what I do/say, which will be sometimes more accurate and sometimes less so. Whether people own this or not.
it sounds like you are either 1) denying that you do this or 2) saying that even if you do, it's other people's faults for finding it offensive or demeaning. in either case, it sounds like you're trying to avoid any fault or taking responsibility for your choices in argument.
i don't believe that. jim jones is worse than me. so it hitler. all people are not equal. i'm smarter than someone with mental retardation and i'm not as crazy as tom cruise.
eg. "sure it's your call if you want to sadistically take pleasure in others' suffering." that's not owning your judgments. that's pretending you're not judging while clearly passing judgment. and that is why i often get nasty and sarcastic to you... becos that's a bullshit cop out.
I forgot to respond to this.... When you confronted me, I owned it. I acknowledged I was upset by the behaviour I observed--that is about me.
Two wrongs don't make a right. People don't have the right to observe someone being obnoxious, and justify being obnoxious back...which is my error there, and apparently your error towards me when you act "nasty".
When you are nasty, it's because you are nasty. Nastiness, mine or yours always originates in the person acting nasty even if they person they are being nasty to is also nasty, which THAT person then owns.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I forgot to respond to this.... When you confronted me, I owned it. I acknowledged I was upset by the behaviour I observed--that is about me.
Two wrongs don't make a right. People don't have the right to observe someone being obnoxious, and justify being obnoxious back...which is my error there, and apparently your error towards me when you act "nasty".
When you are nasty, it's because you are nasty. Nastiness, mine or yours always originates in the person acting nasty even if they person they are being nasty to is also nasty, which THAT person then owns.
i'm always nasty to everyone. i freely admit to being an asshole and have never denied that. it often takes several pages (or 3-5 in this case it seems) to get you to admit when you've been caught doing this kind of thing.
it sounds like you are either 1) denying that you do this or 2) saying that even if you do, it's other people's faults for finding it offensive or demeaning. in either case, it sounds like you're trying to avoid any fault or taking responsibility for your choices in argument.
What I am saying is that when people misread me, that's entirely on them. It seems very obvious to me. When they accurately read me, great.
If someone is judging me, they won't know when they are misinterpreting me or not--as they cannot see my intent. Again, like my accusation of genie. Communication is for a large part non-verbal and the non-verbal cannot be seen on message boards.
I am usually general in what I say, so as to not project on others. If people want to take my words and apply them to themselves, I just don't own that.
I realize when I am staying general and not being personal I do hit "home" for many and it frustrates people particularly when they don't like my view, and particularly if my view is offensive to them. They hook into that and internalize what I say. I don't control their actions, and how they respond. I do give myself license to speak my views, even the less popular ones. Especially the less popular ones.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I will give you a seat next to me upon Xenu's arrival. lets keep it on the low down.
mmm....don't know. lets use this bunker for games ( bowling, darts, tennis etc ) then let's stock up on guns, and upon Xenu's arrival lets fight him together. oh, and this is what you can do for me in return.....if life or death situation comes, will you save my life risking yours?
i'm always nasty to everyone. i freely admit to being an asshole and have never denied that. it often takes several pages (or 3-5 in this case it seems) to get you to admit when you've been caught doing this kind of thing. your "wrong" is better..........
What's this about denial???? When there is no justification there is no justification. Whether it's something you've done, or something I've done.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
i don't believe that. jim jones is worse than me. so it hitler. all people are not equal. i'm smarter than someone with mental retardation and i'm not as crazy as tom cruise.
You're referring to ego definitions, such as "smarter", or moral definitions which are arbitrary. I am not. I'm referring to who you are. You are not your behaviours, or your intelligence.
You are no better or worse than Hitler or Tom Cruise.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I do give myself license to speak my views, even the less popular ones. Especially the less popular ones.
that's actually why i responded to you at first. i liked the fact that you were giving less popular view. I did not agree with it, but i still thought it was great that there was a person giving different view on things.
I think the problem for some people ( i'm not talking about anyone on this board, but about few other people i know of ) becomes when the other person does not agree with them. so the try very hard to prove their point, and when all fails they just tell the other person to shut up and get angry.
that's actually why i responded to you at first. i liked the fact that you were giving less popular view. I did not agree with it, but i still thought it was great that there was a person giving different view on things.
I think the problem for some people ( i'm not talking about anyone on this board, but about few other people i know of ) becomes when the other person does not agree with them. so the try very hard to prove their point, and when all fails they just tell the other person to shut up and get angry.
I agree.
When I make general statements that show that I for example disagree with you (or others), I also respect that you are equal to me, and you can express your view in a fair way, and in this case, you openly said you disagreed with me. There was no reason to try to change each other's views. The best we can ever hope for is to influence each other. Influence is great, because it happens when people are calm and keep the communication flowing. And it happens when someone is open to it and chooses to accept it. I've personally learned a lot on this board through influence. Frankly, when people beat me over the head with stuff, I shut it out.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
good points... when you reach level 3 scientologist like tom has, do you get first pick at the new, uh, converts? i'm sure there are a few lovely young budding scientologist ladies i could protect.
I exist beyond the bounds of time, all the .... time.... which is purely a perceptual thing that anyone can do if they believe it, and can wrap their minds around the concept.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
what are you on about? the girl is his wife, of course she would love to be his sex slave
Yeah... and while you're at it.. Why not toss in a pool table... and some pinball machines? 10 million dollars gets you some pretty plush home furnishings.
Hail, Hail!!!
my point was you DON'T own your judgments. as you did before, you essentially claim "i accept everything" and then immediately go into how the others' views are wrong and abhorrent and completely ridiculous to hold.
eg. "sure it's your call if you want to sadistically take pleasure in others' suffering." that's not owning your judgments. that's pretending you're not judging while clearly passing judgment. and that is why i often get nasty and sarcastic to you... becos that's a bullshit cop out.
"some people think stage diving is dangerous. not me! becos humans are 95% water, so the audience is only 5% away from a pool!" -mitch hedberg
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
ooohhh no! please don't reach level 3 otherwise you'll be our next topic in a new thread. i'm sure you can bluff your way into their hearts
It's not Katie... it's... er... the guy.
Case in point: Michael Jackson had a wife. Doesn't change a thing.
Katie just needs to make sure a Sybian is on the inventory list... that or a Pearl Rabbit and about 100,000 Duracell batteries.
Hail, Hail!!!
What you're missing here is a peek in my head. On a message board, we don't see where people are going, or why they do what they do. For example, you earlier assumed I "pounced" on genie because of the "should" thing. And that I avoided your arguments. And really, I let your arguments stand. It wasn't that I thought you were more right than was that her post was more along the lines of what I already thought, and of where I was going, so, her post was a vehicle to segue into my point. Plus she was being quite balanced and fair, even when she disagreed. So your "projection" of what I was doing was not accurate. And you can't claim your assumptions are always accurate. Like the people on this board who derogatorily call me enlightened. I realize people see someone with a high self esteem as thinking they are superior. However, that view totally depends on the perspective of the person seeing it. For someone of an equal self-esteem, the attitude of another with a high self-esteem is a natural given and to be expected. It's all relative.
Remember earlier when I accused genie of being passively-aggressive?'s totally possible that she was not intending to be or feeling aggressive at all, passively or not. And that is independent of my opinion of what I thought was happening.
I do make mistakes, as I say, but my general policy is to own my point of view, and to realize it's about me and what I see. If I want to have any credibility, and sensical discussion, I must do so. Half of my wholeness/healing is based on this principle.
And when people read-in and misinterpret me, that is on them entirely--they own their opinions and their perspective, and how they process what I do/say, which will be sometimes more accurate and sometimes less so. Whether people own this or not.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i don't believe that. jim jones is worse than me. so it hitler. all people are not equal. i'm smarter than someone with mental retardation and i'm not as crazy as tom cruise.
it sounds like you are either 1) denying that you do this or 2) saying that even if you do, it's other people's faults for finding it offensive or demeaning. in either case, it sounds like you're trying to avoid any fault or taking responsibility for your choices in argument.
I beg to differ
I forgot to respond to this.... When you confronted me, I owned it. I acknowledged I was upset by the behaviour I observed--that is about me.
Two wrongs don't make a right. People don't have the right to observe someone being obnoxious, and justify being obnoxious back...which is my error there, and apparently your error towards me when you act "nasty".
When you are nasty, it's because you are nasty. Nastiness, mine or yours always originates in the person acting nasty even if they person they are being nasty to is also nasty, which THAT person then owns.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
with which contention though?
i'm always nasty to everyone. i freely admit to being an asshole and have never denied that. it often takes several pages (or 3-5 in this case it seems) to get you to admit when you've been caught doing this kind of thing.
you are clearly more crazy then tom cruise. clearly.
you wre never invited in the first place. unless you want to grab a shovel and help me out with my bunker. I dont have 10 mil laying around
wait a second, explain yourself. how is he more crazy?
he has 27,000+ posts.
aw :( but i guess i wasn't invited only because you didn't know me
well, with my personal life crisis, i'll get there pretty fast. with only one difference i chat more crap than he does.
I will give you a seat next to me upon Xenu's arrival. lets keep it on the low down.
If someone is judging me, they won't know when they are misinterpreting me or not--as they cannot see my intent. Again, like my accusation of genie. Communication is for a large part non-verbal and the non-verbal cannot be seen on message boards.
I am usually general in what I say, so as to not project on others. If people want to take my words and apply them to themselves, I just don't own that.
I realize when I am staying general and not being personal I do hit "home" for many and it frustrates people particularly when they don't like my view, and particularly if my view is offensive to them. They hook into that and internalize what I say. I don't control their actions, and how they respond. I do give myself license to speak my views, even the less popular ones. Especially the less popular ones.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
mmm....don't know. lets use this bunker for games ( bowling, darts, tennis etc ) then let's stock up on guns, and upon Xenu's arrival lets fight him together. oh, and this is what you can do for me in return.....if life or death situation comes, will you save my life risking yours?
What's this about denial???? When there is no justification there is no justification. Whether it's something you've done, or something I've done.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
You are no better or worse than Hitler or Tom Cruise.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
that's actually why i responded to you at first. i liked the fact that you were giving less popular view. I did not agree with it, but i still thought it was great that there was a person giving different view on things.
I think the problem for some people ( i'm not talking about anyone on this board, but about few other people i know of ) becomes when the other person does not agree with them. so the try very hard to prove their point, and when all fails they just tell the other person to shut up and get angry.
When I make general statements that show that I for example disagree with you (or others), I also respect that you are equal to me, and you can express your view in a fair way, and in this case, you openly said you disagreed with me. There was no reason to try to change each other's views. The best we can ever hope for is to influence each other. Influence is great, because it happens when people are calm and keep the communication flowing. And it happens when someone is open to it and chooses to accept it. I've personally learned a lot on this board through influence. Frankly, when people beat me over the head with stuff, I shut it out.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!