Tom Cruise has gone insane...

Tom Cruise plans $10 million underground bunker to prepare for end of world
via alien attack!!!
via alien attack!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
haha, i thought Tom Cruise was loosing his marbles, but now he can qualify as being totally crazy
I can see why Nicole is no longer with him, and the young wife he's got right now......well she's young, she'll wise up one day
But honestly why would anyone even build such thing. So what is this the bunker where they will live everyday?? and never leave the damn thing?? and just socialise with people in the bunker.....haha god this is a nightmare
if end of the world comes i'd rather die
who is Xenu?
The 'Top Gun' star, who is a devout follower of Scientology, is said to believe evil intergalactic ruler Xenu will attack Earth and so has designed a place to hide underneath his Colorado mansion.
hehe, ok. now these people have a wild
Some people think tabloid readers are lacking in awareness/gullible/crazy.... to each their own...
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
google tom cruise 10 million and you will find several sources reporting this story. to tom's credit I did read a quote from a "spokesperson" that this isnt true. but its all in good fun. its hard not to put this type of wacky shit past him though. its what they really believe
I personally don't find the alien stories of good/evil to be any worse than standard religious ones. The metaphors we uses to conceptualize spirituality all have the same dynamics at base. I find it unfortunate that we still degrade people for their most sacred beliefs because we don't understand or because we disagree.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
whoaaaaaa who is villifying and shunning him? people, myself included, are making fun of him. and rightfully so. you know why? cuz Xenu doesnt exist and we are not in danger of getting invaded by aliens. anyone who believes aliens are going to invade the earth of fucking wack jobs.
I mean, 10 million fucking dollars to build a pointless bunker?????
and they're all equally goofy. i mercilessly tease the 'end of days' christians too. i also think you'd be hard pressed to call tom cruise perfectly functional
yeah but he did produce a child didn't he?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
no, because he (might) think aliens are going to invade the earth.
anything is possible my friend
( yes, i'm being mad, and i'm talking nonsense )
degrade: to lower in dignity or estimation; bring into contempt
to lower in character or quality; debase.
To lower in dignity; dishonor or disgrace
To lower in moral or intellectual character
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
becos he's building an armed bunker under his mansion. becos he ridiculed a mother suffering from post-partum on national tv. becos he jumped up and down on oprah's couch like a small child. becos he took his catholic fiance and locked her in a "training" compound until she accepted scientology.
but you're right... we shouldn't be critical of david koresh or jim jones or people like that. who are we to tell someone that psychologically abusing other people is wrong?
god help us all... im still waiting for katie to grab that child and run like hell back to my hometown where she's from.
tom cruise is a blithering fucking idiot........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
are you secretly the person who wrote 'the four agreements'?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Angelica, i understand what you are trying to say. We all have differences to us. And there are people who are weird ( and i think i've met few of them
I personally think it's not healthy for Tom to get involved so deeply into the whole thing. He should dedicate a bit more of his time doing something else. If not, his belief will only progress further, and for worse.
I'm not saying he should abandon his religion, all i'm saying is that he shouldn't go extreme.....
hey this is Tom cruise thread, let's not mix it with another nutter
we've got plenty threads about Britney
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....