so believing in jesus christ or allah is equally as idiotic as believing aliens will invade america?
No actually when you think about it, its even more idiotic. At least we know that life exists on this planet, so there is some slim probability that it exists somewhere else as well.
If I truly believed that the universe was created by the Flying Spaghetti monster, would you consider my belief idiotic? I certainly hope so.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
as for someone in the post saying they would believe more in some other form of life on other planets, than in God.....then i have to say i agree.
ok, there is something i've got to say to everyone of you although i think Cruise gone over the top with his belief, i actually like watching science where they discover what planets consist of and where they make predictions, and talk about black matter being not just an empty dark space but having some sort of substence. Take Venus for example it's can't be a planet because it's too hot and close to the Sun, Mars is far away from the Sun so all the water froze. Our planet Earth has perfect conditions for life.....
anyway i'm gonna stop now, cause all of you here know this stuff anyway. What i am trying to say is this, if Earth has life, who knows maybe there are other planets in other galaxies that have life too. Universe is very big, and who knows maybe infinite....or maybe not
anyway i'm not a freak, i just like watching astronomy every now and again
so, this is why I would believe in some other form of life more than in God.
oh, and please don't hate me, i'm an atheist and i'm proud
Tom Cruise plans $10 million underground bunker to prepare for end of world
via alien attack!!!"
weird, i thought he would try to save the world instead of hiding all away, i mean being MR. mission impossible and all.
Go Tom
Athens, Greece: 2006/09/30
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
whoaaaaaa who is villifying and shunning him? people, myself included, are making fun of him. and rightfully so. you know why? cuz Xenu doesnt exist and we are not in danger of getting invaded by aliens. anyone who believes aliens are going to invade the earth of fucking wack jobs.
I mean, 10 million fucking dollars to build a pointless bunker?????
Me thinks 'Zenu' might be symbolic for "George W Bush".
Me thinks 'Zenu' might be symbolic for "George W Bush".
The bunker idea may not be so crazy afterall...
Symbolic? I think its literal. Remember the episode of the simpsons when the aliens came and disguised themselves as politicians?
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
For you--or any human being for that matter--to pretend you can't recall an instance of acting hypocritical is ludicrous....especially when trying so desperately to pin the scarlet "h" on another for being hypocritical.
"I don't play headgames".......... yeah.....uh-huh.....You fell prey to the classic "I'm self-righteous" approach, when minimizing someone else for their so-called self-righteousness.
i'll recall one for you then... i was carrying a bible around all week for class. i felt like a hypocrite. almost as bad as i would if i'd been carrying the collected works of l ron hubbard.
so 3 billion people who believe jesus or allah are crazy? compared to aliens invading earth? you're smarter then that.
3 billion people have nutty beliefs, yes. i never said tom cruise was literally crazy, only that he has some crazy hocus pocus beliefs. he's no different from the hale-bopp folks, or the nutty christians who can spot the 15 signs of the end of days becos of revelation and the middle east and are waiting for the rapture to arrive any day now. or the people who believe a magical being was born from a virgin and then resurrected from the dead like frankenstein before being lifted from the earth and into a magical utopia where everyone lives on a cloud and plays the harp.
so believing in jesus christ or allah is equally as idiotic as believing aliens will invade america?
Both are unproven.. I actually find it easier to believe there is other life out there than some guy who turned water into wine.
While good morals to follow, the stories from the Bible are so whacked out. I guess let the brainwashing continue if people take them so literally. I would totally believe aliens invading earth over Noah's Ark anyday.
3 billion people have nutty beliefs, yes. i never said tom cruise was literally crazy, only that he has some crazy hocus pocus beliefs. he's no different from the hale-bopp folks, or the nutty christians who can spot the 15 signs of the end of days becos of revelation and the middle east and are waiting for the rapture to arrive any day now. or the people who believe a magical being was born from a virgin and then resurrected from the dead like frankenstein before being lifted from the earth and into a magical utopia where everyone lives on a cloud and plays the harp.
there is defintely a "crazy" side to the beliefs of christians and muslims, thats a small % of the 3 billion I mentioned.. but the "mainstream" belief is a little less cooky then goddamn aliens coming down and setting up shop.
Both are unproven.. I actually find it easier to believe there is other life out there than some guy who turned water into wine.
jesus (or allah) have never been proven to exist?
although I certainly can not rule out the possibility the life exists outside our planet. the damn universe is too big. I dont believe however that anything has the power to reach our planet.
although I certainly can not rule out the possibility the life exists outside our planet. the damn universe is too big. I dont believe however that anything has the power to reach our planet.
I didn't say he was never proven to exist, did I.. I said TURN WATER INTO WINE, as an example of what this person could do that supposedly made him mythical.
ok ok dont get so excited I dont believe that happened either. its more symbolic
See they had to make up these stories to get people to believe. If Jesus just went around saying he was the son of God, nobody would believe him. They would think he's crazy!
I believe in a greater divine plan that my mind is incapable of understanding, but religion is just a mass control method and I'm not arguing that is necissarily a bad thing. It has its ups and downs..
there is defintely a "crazy" side to the beliefs of christians and muslims, thats a small % of the 3 billion I mentioned.. but the "mainstream" belief is a little less cooky then goddamn aliens coming down and setting up shop.
just curious, are you an atheist?
nope, not an atheist. i'm not sure what i am. i believe in god, but not in the sense you understand god i imagine. and the whole religion thing is a crock of shit. god doesn't appear magically as burning bushes to tell you how many times to pray to him, he has better things to do. nor does he take an overly vested interest in human affairs cos there's a whole universe of shit out there and we're just one more tiny, insignificant part of it. have you read the bible? in the OT all god talks about is how his feelings are hurt that people worship in ways he doesn't like and how he's going to kill them all. it's fucking weird... one pathetic god. then there's the wizard jesus feeding thousands with a fish and a loaf of bread, etc. it's like reading the lord of the rings. i don't think it's any less cooky than aliens meddling in human affairs.
so believing in jesus christ or allah is equally as idiotic as believing aliens will invade america?
When you put it that way...
But look at it by taking a few steps back.
Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead based on an account from someone their own church claims was a prostitute. Jesus will come back only after this global anti-Christ rises on Earth and kicks Christian ass. Jesus comes to save overfed, comfortably numb, middle class Americans... rather than long suffering people in places like Africa and Indo-China, just because they subscribe to the Christian Doctrine.
And Allah... that's the Muslim God... which is probably the same as the Christian God and the Jewish God. The Muslims believe their prophet, Mohammed, rose to Heaven from a rock... that is in the Temple they built upon the ruins of the ancient Jewish Temple. This rock supposedly floats above ground... but, when you go look at it... it is actually suspended above ground by 4x4 wooden posts. And their Messiah will come to save guys like Ahckmehehinadad by gleefully killing millions upon millions of infidels.
Aliens... a Saviour for rich and middle-class hypocrites... a blood-thirtsy Messiah. Yeah, equally kooky.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Aliens... a Saviour for rich and middle-class hypocrites... a blood-thirtsy Messiah. Yeah, equally kooky.
ha it is? well lets talk about it since we are all equally kooky. who believes in aliens? its hard to say they dont exist. the freakin universe is huge.
I believe in aliens. Scientists know what is needed to produce life (as we know it, and as we dont know it leaves even more possibilities), and they are almost certain there are other planets like ours out there., not so much.
Tom is still nuts.
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
I believe in aliens. Scientists know what is needed to produce life (as we know it, and as we dont know it leaves even more possibilities), and they are almost certain there are other planets like ours out there., not so much.
Tom is still nuts.
ha good post. have scientists proved there are other planets like ours? I would just assume there has to be.
whoaaaaaa who is villifying and shunning him? people, myself included, are making fun of him. and rightfully so. you know why? cuz Xenu doesnt exist and we are not in danger of getting invaded by aliens. anyone who believes aliens are going to invade the earth of fucking wack jobs.
Almost as funny as Jesus coming back from the dead. Almost.
Next thing you'll be telling me theres a country of 300 mill people who sing the national anthem every morning and think they are worthy to police the whole world!!
ha it is? well lets talk about it since we are all equally kooky. who believes in aliens? its hard to say they dont exist. the freakin universe is huge.
Look... my whole point is not to knock one religion or all religions... it's basically trying to point out that any and/or all religions can be pointed out as 'Crazy' or 'Kooky' if you choose to do so. As a Christian, do you feel it is important to ridicule another religion... just because it sounds nutty to you? Probably not.
I say, If Tom Cruise wants to believe what he believes in... fine. He's no crazier than the Christian who really believes he deserves to be saved from the Rapture rather than the 9 year old boy in Central Africa that has witnessed the slaughter of his parents and siblings and is now starving to death.
Me? I'm fine with religion... but, it's not for me, thanx. I'm happy for someone who finds something to believe in... I wish I had faith like that.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Next thing you'll be telling me theres a country of 300 mill people who sing the national anthem every morning and think they are worthy to police the whole world!!
you're all REALLY sane. no, really you are.
Ok you're not.
( good to be back for 1 post, enjoy yourselves)
thank goodness. go back under the rock you crawled out from.
Look... my whole point is not to knock one religion or all religions... it's basically trying to point out that any and/or all religions can be pointed out as 'Crazy' or 'Kooky' if you choose to do so. As a Christian, do you feel it is important to ridicule another religion... just because it sounds nutty to you? Probably not.
I say, If Tom Cruise wants to believe what he believes in... fine. He's no crazier than the Christian who really believes he deserves to be saved from the Rapture rather than the 9 year old boy in Central Africa that has witnessed the slaughter of his parents and siblings and is now starving to death.
Me? I'm fine with religion... but, it's not for me, thanx. I'm happy for someone who finds something to believe in... I wish I had faith like that.
see I don't really see this as a religious thing. I don't even know much about the religion started by an author. religion aside, I think its crazy to spend 10,000,000 dollars on a bunker to protect from an alien invasion. fun stuff.
No actually when you think about it, its even more idiotic. At least we know that life exists on this planet, so there is some slim probability that it exists somewhere else as well.
If I truly believed that the universe was created by the Flying Spaghetti monster, would you consider my belief idiotic? I certainly hope so.
-C Addison
I knew a woman who named her dog, Cruise. I fancied a shag after a few beers, but it was a he.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
haha, had to quote you cause you made me laugh.
as for someone in the post saying they would believe more in some other form of life on other planets, than in God.....then i have to say
ok, there is something i've got to say to everyone of you although i think Cruise gone over the top with his belief, i actually like watching science where they discover what planets consist of and where they make predictions, and talk about black matter being not just an empty dark space but having some sort of substence. Take Venus for example it's can't be a planet because it's too hot and close to the Sun, Mars is far away from the Sun so all the water froze. Our planet Earth has perfect conditions for life.....
anyway i'm gonna stop now, cause all of you here know this stuff anyway. What i am trying to say is this, if Earth has life, who knows maybe there are other planets in other galaxies that have life too. Universe is very big, and who knows maybe infinite....or maybe not
anyway i'm not a freak, i just like watching astronomy every now and again
so, this is why I would believe in some other form of life more than in God.
oh, and please don't hate me, i'm an atheist and i'm proud
Tom Cruise plans $10 million underground bunker to prepare for end of world
via alien attack!!!"
weird, i thought he would try to save the world instead of hiding all away, i mean being MR. mission impossible and all.
Go Tom
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
Me thinks 'Zenu' might be symbolic for "George W Bush".
The bunker idea may not be so crazy afterall...
Symbolic? I think its literal. Remember the episode of the simpsons when the aliens came and disguised themselves as politicians?
-C Addison
i'd say so.
i'll recall one for you then... i was carrying a bible around all week for class. i felt like a hypocrite. almost as bad as i would if i'd been carrying the collected works of l ron hubbard.
the woman or the dog?
so 3 billion people who believe jesus or allah are crazy? compared to aliens invading earth? you're smarter then that.
why would building a bunker be a good idea? :grabs popcorn:
3 billion people have nutty beliefs, yes. i never said tom cruise was literally crazy, only that he has some crazy hocus pocus beliefs. he's no different from the hale-bopp folks, or the nutty christians who can spot the 15 signs of the end of days becos of revelation and the middle east and are waiting for the rapture to arrive any day now. or the people who believe a magical being was born from a virgin and then resurrected from the dead like frankenstein before being lifted from the earth and into a magical utopia where everyone lives on a cloud and plays the harp.
While good morals to follow, the stories from the Bible are so whacked out. I guess let the brainwashing continue if people take them so literally. I would totally believe aliens invading earth over Noah's Ark anyday.
That said, Tom Cruise is a nut anyways.
there is defintely a "crazy" side to the beliefs of christians and muslims, thats a small % of the 3 billion I mentioned.. but the "mainstream" belief is a little less cooky then goddamn aliens coming down and setting up shop.
just curious, are you an atheist?
jesus (or allah) have never been proven to exist?
although I certainly can not rule out the possibility the life exists outside our planet. the damn universe is too big. I dont believe however that anything has the power to reach our planet.
ok ok dont get so excited
I believe in a greater divine plan that my mind is incapable of understanding, but religion is just a mass control method and I'm not arguing that is necissarily a bad thing. It has its ups and downs..
nope, not an atheist. i'm not sure what i am. i believe in god, but not in the sense you understand god i imagine. and the whole religion thing is a crock of shit. god doesn't appear magically as burning bushes to tell you how many times to pray to him, he has better things to do. nor does he take an overly vested interest in human affairs cos there's a whole universe of shit out there and we're just one more tiny, insignificant part of it. have you read the bible? in the OT all god talks about is how his feelings are hurt that people worship in ways he doesn't like and how he's going to kill them all. it's fucking weird... one pathetic god. then there's the wizard jesus feeding thousands with a fish and a loaf of bread, etc. it's like reading the lord of the rings. i don't think it's any less cooky than aliens meddling in human affairs.
When you put it that way...
But look at it by taking a few steps back.
Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead based on an account from someone their own church claims was a prostitute. Jesus will come back only after this global anti-Christ rises on Earth and kicks Christian ass. Jesus comes to save overfed, comfortably numb, middle class Americans... rather than long suffering people in places like Africa and Indo-China, just because they subscribe to the Christian Doctrine.
And Allah... that's the Muslim God... which is probably the same as the Christian God and the Jewish God. The Muslims believe their prophet, Mohammed, rose to Heaven from a rock... that is in the Temple they built upon the ruins of the ancient Jewish Temple. This rock supposedly floats above ground... but, when you go look at it... it is actually suspended above ground by 4x4 wooden posts. And their Messiah will come to save guys like Ahckmehehinadad by gleefully killing millions upon millions of infidels.
Aliens... a Saviour for rich and middle-class hypocrites... a blood-thirtsy Messiah. Yeah, equally kooky.
Hail, Hail!!!
ha it is? well lets talk about it since we are all equally kooky. who believes in aliens? its hard to say they dont exist. the freakin universe is huge., not so much.
Tom is still nuts.
ha good post. have scientists proved there are other planets like ours? I would just assume there has to be.
Almost as funny as Jesus coming back from the dead. Almost.
Next thing you'll be telling me theres a country of 300 mill people who sing the national anthem every morning and think they are worthy to police the whole world!!
you're all REALLY sane. no, really you are.
Ok you're not.
( good to be back for 1 post, enjoy yourselves)
Look... my whole point is not to knock one religion or all religions... it's basically trying to point out that any and/or all religions can be pointed out as 'Crazy' or 'Kooky' if you choose to do so. As a Christian, do you feel it is important to ridicule another religion... just because it sounds nutty to you? Probably not.
I say, If Tom Cruise wants to believe what he believes in... fine. He's no crazier than the Christian who really believes he deserves to be saved from the Rapture rather than the 9 year old boy in Central Africa that has witnessed the slaughter of his parents and siblings and is now starving to death.
Me? I'm fine with religion... but, it's not for me, thanx. I'm happy for someone who finds something to believe in... I wish I had faith like that.
Hail, Hail!!!
thank goodness. go back under the rock you crawled out from.
see I don't really see this as a religious thing. I don't even know much about the religion started by an author. religion aside, I think its crazy to spend 10,000,000 dollars on a bunker to protect from an alien invasion. fun stuff.