Maybe lucy. I can see what you are saying. But how come nobody chose EAR or BIG TOE or ELBOW? And I don't know, if it's just about the two hard consonants and nothing to do with the body part, then why don't we use HUNT or BUNT or PUNT? I guess I don't understand all this "mystery" and "power" that you speak of, when it comes to the vagina. Women are still one of the most oppressed groups on the planet. And before everybody jumps up and down on that little comment, I'm not talking the Western world.
Although we still don't have equal pay. Anyway, moving on.
The DH Lawrence book, I think, was Lady Chatterley's Lover and is an excellent example of something being deemed offensive because it pertains to female sexuality. A big no no.
Anyway, best I be shutting up, before I get myself banned from PJ.
You won't get banned.
I think the mystery and power I am referring to relates to the idea that primitive cultures did not really understand the vagina, very well, esp in relation to menstruation. The cyclical bleeding, the ability to turn a hard penis into a limp excuse after ejaculation, the appearnace of babies through it etc is the mystery aspect.
I am going to agree wholeheartedly about women still being generally opperessed around the world. There really is no doubt about that. The vagina, however, is one of the few sources of power that women have tradiationally had over men, even in those oppressed environments. Just ask any young man how much power they have in the face of a vagina.
I can also see where you are coming from with this, though, because the way some men overcome that power is with rape and violence.
As for why that particular word, rather than similar things like bunt or funt, well they just don't have the same auditory impact. That particular conjunction of sounds just has more whammy than any other word. I think it is that the three hardest phoneme sounds in our language are all joined together into one short sharp shock.
Not trying to be right here, or justify stuff, just trying to understand stuff that definitely happens.
No worries angelica. It's just that it occured to me during the course of my reading over the years and I still haven't managed to find an explanation for the continued use of it that sits well with me. NOT that I have a problem with people using it, but I think once the ramifications of it occur to you, it's very hard to see it as a benign word.
I don't think it is a benign word. It is a powerful vicious word.
This just might be the root of my 8 years of celibacy! :rolleyes:
Oh!! It will be!! Trust me!!! The more I speak up the less guys like it. And the more I have to remain compliant and silent just to get some lovin' the less I want it!
It's a vicious cycle. Be nice to think that one day I might actually meet someone who found me being pro woman a turn on. AND not in that jelly wrestling way that most guys jump to! :eek:
Hey, fellow girlies, didn't really think you would nail me up, but Easter is coming, so ya never know.
I'm just surprised no-one else got it and had a chuckle.
HAve been actually paying attention to my work the last few days, but this thread is interesting and a bit different to the usual.
HAd a student yesterday which was a change from the usual routine, fun to be teaching. I would love to have some teaching hours, but the pay is too crap.
Hey Angelica, I read your noted on childbirth. I had a mid-wife ask me once "Don't you believe in the foeto-maternal experiece ?" as some poor woman was writhing in pain and trying to deal wiht the evolutionary incompetence of her birth canal.
How would you have reacted to that ??
You won't get banned.
I think the mystery and power I am referring to relates to the idea that primitive cultures did not really understand the vagina, very well, esp in relation to menstruation. The cyclical bleeding, the ability to turn a hard penis into a limp excuse after ejaculation, the appearnace of babies through it etc is the mystery aspect.
I am going to agree wholeheartedly about women still being generally opperessed around the world. There really is no doubt about that. The vagina, however, is one of the few sources of power that women have tradiationally had over men, even in those oppressed environments. Just ask any young man how much power they have in the face of a vagina.
I can also see where you are coming from with this, though, because the way some men overcome that power is with rape and violence.
As for why that particular word, rather than similar things like bunt or funt, well they just don't have the same auditory impact. That particular conjunction of sounds just has more whammy than any other word. I think it is that the three hardest phoneme sounds in our language are all joined together into one short sharp shock.
Not trying to be right here, or justify stuff, just trying to understand stuff that definitely happens.
I agree with you lucy with regard to mystery but maybe not so much power. I reckon that is misplaced somewhat. Fact is that men maybe, historically, needed an excuse for not being able to control their animal urges so it was easier to lay the blame for their "weakness" at some mythical power that the vagina had. Maybe this made it easier for them to lay a whole bunch of passive agressive bullshit at women's feet too and therefore control them. You know because I "have" to stick my dick in you, I can't control myself, or my erection, I'll blame you and use it as a reason to oppress you? NOT saying this is even close to factual. Just suggesting a theory.
As to the word itself, again I agree. It certainly is an excellent word in terms of auditory satisfaction. It does have whammy and is shocking. I was only trying to point out that it can be construed as offensive in some circumstances.
Hey, I also just noticed whaat our Sig songs are at teh moemtn
Jeanie is the Love Boat Captain, which is a worry !!
I am the "Soldier of Luuuuurve", which is ironic because I am safely marreid, and in no position to take advantage of that fact !!
and Angelica is Rival, which is also a neat co-incidence, since we so often seem to be on opposite sides of the religious fence.
Hey, fellow girlies, didn't really think you would nail me up, but Easter is coming, so ya never know.
I'm just surprised no-one else got it and had a chuckle.
HAve been actually paying attention to my work the last few days, but this thread is interesting and a bit different to the usual.
HAd a student yesterday which was a change from the usual routine, fun to be teaching. I would love to have some teaching hours, but the pay is too crap.
Hey Angelica, I read your noted on childbirth. I had a mid-wife ask me once "Don't you believe in the foeto-maternal experiece ?" as some poor woman was writhing in pain and trying to deal wiht the evolutionary incompetence of her birth canal.
How would you have reacted to that ??
Oh wow. For me personally, giving birth naturally was literally a traumatic experience. Here I go into gory details again, so NMyTree, and other squeamish types look away...... Anyway, I expected fully to have an epidural for the birth and told my doctor in advance that I did not want to have an episiotomy. For those who don't know what that is, it is the incision that is sometimes routinely used to cut the "area" so as to facilitate birth. Being my "strong woman" self, I agreed with the going word at the time which said that doctors did that incision routinely, to prevent tearing, and supposedly also to throw another procedure in with the costs. I'd heard that tearing was actually rare so this procedure was supposedly uncalled for much of them time. I told my doctor far in advance I did not want the incision which causes so much pain healing after the birth. So there I was, my labour proceeded so quickly that I could not get an epidural in time. I have a VERY low tolerance for pain. The baby would not come out--as he moved through the birth canal ready for his debut into the world, apparently the area I did not want cut was not allowing his birth. I was in the most immense pain I've ever experienced, so when the doctor asked me if I was willing to take a few inch slice in my "child-birthing" area, I gleefully screamed "yes!" Compared to the labour pains, and a child being essentially stuck in my vagina, I didn't even notice the pain of the incision. So, anyway........what was it you were asking, again, lucylespian?
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Hey, I also just noticed whaat our Sig songs are at teh moemtn
Jeanie is the Love Boat Captain, which is a worry !!
I am the "Soldier of Luuuuurve", which is ironic because I am safely marreid, and in no position to take advantage of that fact !!
and Angelica is Rival, which is also a neat co-incidence, since we so often seem to be on opposite sides of the religious fence.
I'm a Crop Duster which means I pwnz j00 all!
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I agree with you lucy with regard to mystery but maybe not so much power. I reckon that is misplaced somewhat. Fact is that men maybe, historically, needed an excuse for not being able to control their animal urges so it was easier to lay the blame for their "weakness" at some mythical power that the vagina had. Maybe this made it easier for them to lay a whole bunch of passive agressive bullshit at women's feet too and therefore control them. You know because I "have" to stick my dick in you, I can't control myself, or my erection, I'll blame you and use it as a reason to oppress you? NOT saying this is even close to factual. Just suggesting a theory.
As to the word itself, again I agree. It certainly is an excellent word in terms of auditory satisfaction. It does have whammy and is shocking. I was only trying to point out that it can be construed as offensive in some circumstances.
Mmmmmmmn, actually I think that a lot of of the oppression of women was invented by homosexual men. Much of it is entrenched in religion. From my point of view, no sane heterosexual man would foreswear women, and lock themselevs up with a bunch of men, but for a gay man in the middle ages, it would be a very convenient way to opt out of the whole marriage to a woman thing. Since the church had some much power over teh shape of society and it's attitudes back then, their attitudes would have filtered through. Mind you, the ancient Greeks had some prety oppresive practices as well, women were locked up in teh "gynekiea" or womens quarters. Men even did the shopping etc, cos wmone weren't allowed out.
Remember when Julian Clary hosted the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras a few years back. He was making so many gross misogynist comments that they had to gag him, and did not ask him back.
Definitely always offensive, sometimes very funny though !!
Hey, fellow girlies, didn't really think you would nail me up, but Easter is coming, so ya never know.
I'm just surprised no-one else got it and had a chuckle.
HAve been actually paying attention to my work the last few days, but this thread is interesting and a bit different to the usual.
HAd a student yesterday which was a change from the usual routine, fun to be teaching. I would love to have some teaching hours, but the pay is too crap.
Hey Angelica, I read your noted on childbirth. I had a mid-wife ask me once "Don't you believe in the foeto-maternal experiece ?" as some poor woman was writhing in pain and trying to deal wiht the evolutionary incompetence of her birth canal.
How would you have reacted to that ??
:D:D Fellow girlies!!! LMAO!!! :D:D
Yes sista!!
Well I am a non violent pacifist, (mostly) and not religious, so if I was cross, which I'm not, I'd be more likely to feed you Easter eggs till you were sick, than do any crucifying over Easter!
And I guess, much to my embarrassment, I was a bit distracted this morning, by crap really, so missed it! Thanks for drawing it to my attention luce, I needed the laugh!
Yeah, teaching and arts are crap money! AND offensive when you consider just how important they are to us all.
AND I'll just add that if some stupid woman, made that comment anywhere near me, if I was unlucky enough to find myself giving birth (MY personal opinion ladies) there's a really good chance that I'd forget I was a pacifist!
Women suck! Or so I'm led to believe, and also non-gender specified spivaks seeking nerd love.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Oh wow. For me personally, giving birth naturally was literally a traumatic experience. Here I go into gory details again, so NMyTree, and other squeamish types look away...... Anyway, I expected fully to have an epidural for the birth and told my doctor in advance that I did not want to have an episiotomy. For those who don't know what that is, it is the incision that is sometimes routinely used to cut the "area" so as to facilitate birth. Being my "strong woman" self, I agreed with the going word at the time which said that doctors did that incision routinely, to prevent tearing, and supposedly also to throw another procedure in with the costs. I'd heard that tearing was actually rare so this procedure was supposedly uncalled for much of them time. I told my doctor far in advance I did not want the incision which causes so much pain healing after the birth. So there I was, my labour proceeded so quickly that I could not get an epidural in time. I have a VERY low tolerance for pain. The baby would not come out--as he moved through the birth canal ready for his debut into the world, apparently the area I did not want cut was not allowing his birth. I was in the most immense pain I've ever experienced, so when the doctor asked me if I was willing to take a few inch slice in my "child-birthing" area, I gleefully screamed "yes!" Compared to the labour pains, and a child being essentially stuck in my vagina, I didn't even notice the pain of the incision. So, anyway........what was it you were asking, again, lucylespian?
Yeah, thought so. My response was "no , I did not believe in it. I did not feel that such a traumatic painful experience could really be enriching and enlivening. On teh other end of teh episiotomy scissors, to be standing there with teh sweat running down your back while teh foetal heart rate dives, and it's your job to make things right, an episiotomy is a pretty good call.
Rates vary a lot from country to country, Holland is very low and everyone quotes that when saying tehy are un-necessary, but see a few third degree anal tears and compare that to a directed epistiotomy which saves the poo-shooter. It's also amazing how women heal!!
Hey, I also just noticed whaat our Sig songs are at teh moemtn
Jeanie is the Love Boat Captain, which is a worry !!
I am the "Soldier of Luuuuurve", which is ironic because I am safely marreid, and in no position to take advantage of that fact !!
and Angelica is Rival, which is also a neat co-incidence, since we so often seem to be on opposite sides of the religious fence.
Yeah, and the funniest thing? He who shall remain nameless, and is causing me no end of doubt and despair this week has "Faithful" as his sig!
BUT worry not lucy!! I might not be very good at "taking the reins" as my own Love Boat Captain, but I am pretty good at steering everybody else safely away from the cliff!
Yeah, and the funniest thing? He who shall remain nameless, and is causing me no end of doubt and despair this week has "Faithful" as his sig!
BUT worry not lucy!! I might not be very good at "taking the reins" as my own Love Boat Captain, but I am pretty good at steering everybody else safely away from the cliff!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, Jeanis has a boyfrend !!! Come on, fess up !!
Faithful, LOL !!!
Hey if I am naughty, does that mean you will give me lots of Easter eggs ????
Oh wow. For me personally, giving birth naturally was literally a traumatic experience. Here I go into gory details again, so NMyTree, and other squeamish types look away...... Anyway, I expected fully to have an epidural for the birth and told my doctor in advance that I did not want to have an episiotomy. For those who don't know what that is, it is the incision that is sometimes routinely used to cut the "area" so as to facilitate birth. Being my "strong woman" self, I agreed with the going word at the time which said that doctors did that incision routinely, to prevent tearing, and supposedly also to throw another procedure in with the costs. I'd heard that tearing was actually rare so this procedure was supposedly uncalled for much of them time. I told my doctor far in advance I did not want the incision which causes so much pain healing after the birth. So there I was, my labour proceeded so quickly that I could not get an epidural in time. I have a VERY low tolerance for pain. The baby would not come out--as he moved through the birth canal ready for his debut into the world, apparently the area I did not want cut was not allowing his birth. I was in the most immense pain I've ever experienced, so when the doctor asked me if I was willing to take a few inch slice in my "child-birthing" area, I gleefully screamed "yes!" Compared to the labour pains, and a child being essentially stuck in my vagina, I didn't even notice the pain of the incision. So, anyway........what was it you were asking, again, lucylespian?
YUP!!! And there it is girl!!! The very reason why I'll never give birth!!!
Babies are beautiful little creatures, and kids are lovely, but be dammned I'm going through anything even remotely like that!! Call me chicken, I don't care! I much prefer to think of myself as well informed!! I can barely cope with the gynaecologist and all their tortures!! Be damned I'm gonna put myself in a situation that reminds me so much of the movie Aliens.
Mmmmmmmn, actually I think that a lot of of the oppression of women was invented by homosexual men. Much of it is entrenched in religion. From my point of view, no sane heterosexual man would foreswear women, and lock themselevs up with a bunch of men, but for a gay man in the middle ages, it would be a very convenient way to opt out of the whole marriage to a woman thing. Since the church had some much power over teh shape of society and it's attitudes back then, their attitudes would have filtered through. Mind you, the ancient Greeks had some prety oppresive practices as well, women were locked up in teh "gynekiea" or womens quarters. Men even did the shopping etc, cos wmone weren't allowed out.
Remember when Julian Clary hosted the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras a few years back. He was making so many gross misogynist comments that they had to gag him, and did not ask him back.
Definitely always offensive, sometimes very funny though !!
Yes!! I agree lucy! But I also think that it's about power too!
Some men can't cope with the idea of equal. And they recognize that women do supposedly hold some power over them, so it must be squashed. Look at witch hunting! And societies, like the celts, that held women in equal esteem.
All shut down and quashed in order to maintain power and control. Women on an equal footing would be a dangerous threat to that.
Yes!! I agree lucy! But I also think that it's about power too!
Some men can't cope with the idea of equal. And they recognize that women do supposedly hold some power over them, so it must be squashed. Look at witch hunting! And societies, like the celts, that held women in equal esteem.
All shut down and quashed in order to maintain power and control. Women on an equal footing would be a dangerous threat to that.
Oh quit whining Jeanie. We let you vote. What more are you wanting out of life???
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, Jeanis has a boyfrend !!! Come on, fess up !!
Faithful, LOL !!!
Hey if I am naughty, does that mean you will give me lots of Easter eggs ????
hehehe! Well I'd hardly call the old fella a "boy" but then this week I'd hardly call it a "relationship"! So what the fuck would I know?!
No fessing, well not on thread anyway!
And I am a shocker when it comes to Easter Eggs lucy! I buy them and inflict them on EVERYBODY, so you really don't have to be naughty! Although, I reckon it'd be interesting to watch you attempt being naughty!
Frankly, you've been such a charming, well balanced fella, it's hard to imagine you could be naughty!
Oh quit whining Jeanie. We let you vote. What more are you wanting out of life???
Right now Thumbing I'd settle for a rasberry emoticon right here for this post!! Guess I'll have to settle for endless tongue poking! :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
Yeah, doesn't seem adequate somehow! But you get my drift!
hehehe! Well I'd hardly call the old fella a "boy" but then this week I'd hardly call it a "relationship"! So what the fuck would I know?!
No fessing, well not on thread anyway!
And I am a shocker when it comes to Easter Eggs lucy! I buy them and inflict them on EVERYBODY, so you really don't have to be naughty! Although, I reckon it'd be interesting to watch you attempt being naughty!
Frankly, you've been such a charming, well balanced fella, it's hard to imagine you could be naughty!
That could change if there was chocolate involved. See, I really am a bit of a shiela !!
I given you plenty of hints about what a "Personal Solutionjs Concultant" is thiw morning too. You really aren't on the ball today.
BAck on teh sig songs, I think it's funny that Ahnimus is Cropduster !!
Maybe you need to do you own presentation of the VAgina Monologues, rhather than waiing to see someone else do them. Maybe a college project in teh making ???
That could change if there was chocolate involved. See, I really am a bit of a shiela !!
I given you plenty of hints about what a "Personal Solutionjs Concultant" is thiw morning too. You really aren't on the ball today.
BAck on teh sig songs, I think it's funny that Ahnimus is Cropduster !!
Maybe you need to do you own presentation of the VAgina Monologues, rhather than waiing to see someone else do them. Maybe a college project in teh making ???
Ah so you are just one of the girls? Cool!
Yeah, I'm clueless today! Just ask around! Like I'm at the airport! All going over my head!
Ah yes, Ahnimus, flying over head and spraying us all!!!!!
Actually lucy, that is an EXCELLENT idea!!! Maybe not for college, maybe just because it should be done and I'm due for a project that interests me.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
No problem. There was a lot of silliness going on, so undertandable.
And yes, consistency is something we should all strive for.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You won't get banned.
I think the mystery and power I am referring to relates to the idea that primitive cultures did not really understand the vagina, very well, esp in relation to menstruation. The cyclical bleeding, the ability to turn a hard penis into a limp excuse after ejaculation, the appearnace of babies through it etc is the mystery aspect.
I am going to agree wholeheartedly about women still being generally opperessed around the world. There really is no doubt about that. The vagina, however, is one of the few sources of power that women have tradiationally had over men, even in those oppressed environments. Just ask any young man how much power they have in the face of a vagina.
I can also see where you are coming from with this, though, because the way some men overcome that power is with rape and violence.
As for why that particular word, rather than similar things like bunt or funt, well they just don't have the same auditory impact. That particular conjunction of sounds just has more whammy than any other word. I think it is that the three hardest phoneme sounds in our language are all joined together into one short sharp shock.
Not trying to be right here, or justify stuff, just trying to understand stuff that definitely happens.
I don't think it is a benign word. It is a powerful vicious word.
Oh!! It will be!! Trust me!!! The more I speak up the less guys like it. And the more I have to remain compliant and silent just to get some lovin' the less I want it!
It's a vicious cycle. Be nice to think that one day I might actually meet someone who found me being pro woman a turn on. AND not in that jelly wrestling way that most guys jump to! :eek:
Yep!! Sure is girlie!!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Am I allowed to laugh at this, cos it's funny, or will I be crucified ??
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Don't need my permission silly!
No crucifying from me lucy, I'm just trying to understand. And opinions and laughter are excellent learning tools!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I'm just surprised no-one else got it and had a chuckle.
HAve been actually paying attention to my work the last few days, but this thread is interesting and a bit different to the usual.
HAd a student yesterday which was a change from the usual routine, fun to be teaching. I would love to have some teaching hours, but the pay is too crap.
Hey Angelica, I read your noted on childbirth. I had a mid-wife ask me once "Don't you believe in the foeto-maternal experiece ?" as some poor woman was writhing in pain and trying to deal wiht the evolutionary incompetence of her birth canal.
How would you have reacted to that ??
I agree with you lucy with regard to mystery but maybe not so much power. I reckon that is misplaced somewhat. Fact is that men maybe, historically, needed an excuse for not being able to control their animal urges so it was easier to lay the blame for their "weakness" at some mythical power that the vagina had. Maybe this made it easier for them to lay a whole bunch of passive agressive bullshit at women's feet too and therefore control them. You know because I "have" to stick my dick in you, I can't control myself, or my erection, I'll blame you and use it as a reason to oppress you? NOT saying this is even close to factual. Just suggesting a theory.
As to the word itself, again I agree. It certainly is an excellent word in terms of auditory satisfaction. It does have whammy and is shocking. I was only trying to point out that it can be construed as offensive in some circumstances.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Jeanie is the Love Boat Captain, which is a worry !!
I am the "Soldier of Luuuuurve", which is ironic because I am safely marreid, and in no position to take advantage of that fact !!
and Angelica is Rival, which is also a neat co-incidence, since we so often seem to be on opposite sides of the religious fence.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Yes and sometimes, it can be a deadly funny word! Just depends on delivery and the deliverer, I guess.
Which was my point I think, just to be aware, that it can be very funny and that's cool, but it can also be vicious and offensive.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I'm a Crop Duster which means I pwnz j00 all!
Mmmmmmmn, actually I think that a lot of of the oppression of women was invented by homosexual men. Much of it is entrenched in religion. From my point of view, no sane heterosexual man would foreswear women, and lock themselevs up with a bunch of men, but for a gay man in the middle ages, it would be a very convenient way to opt out of the whole marriage to a woman thing. Since the church had some much power over teh shape of society and it's attitudes back then, their attitudes would have filtered through. Mind you, the ancient Greeks had some prety oppresive practices as well, women were locked up in teh "gynekiea" or womens quarters. Men even did the shopping etc, cos wmone weren't allowed out.
Remember when Julian Clary hosted the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras a few years back. He was making so many gross misogynist comments that they had to gag him, and did not ask him back.
Definitely always offensive, sometimes very funny though !!
Yes sista!!
Well I am a non violent pacifist, (mostly) and not religious, so if I was cross, which I'm not, I'd be more likely to feed you Easter eggs till you were sick, than do any crucifying over Easter!
And I guess,
Yeah, teaching and arts are crap money! AND offensive when you consider just how important they are to us all.
AND I'll just add that if some stupid woman, made that comment anywhere near me, if I was unlucky enough to find myself giving birth (MY personal opinion ladies) there's a really good chance that I'd forget I was a pacifist!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yeah, thought so. My response was "no , I did not believe in it. I did not feel that such a traumatic painful experience could really be enriching and enlivening. On teh other end of teh episiotomy scissors, to be standing there with teh sweat running down your back while teh foetal heart rate dives, and it's your job to make things right, an episiotomy is a pretty good call.
Rates vary a lot from country to country, Holland is very low and everyone quotes that when saying tehy are un-necessary, but see a few third degree anal tears and compare that to a directed epistiotomy which saves the poo-shooter. It's also amazing how women heal!!
Yeah, and the funniest thing? He who shall remain nameless, and is causing me no end of doubt and despair this week has "Faithful" as his sig!
BUT worry not lucy!! I might not be very good at "taking the reins" as my own Love Boat Captain, but I am pretty good at steering everybody else safely away from the cliff!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, Jeanis has a boyfrend !!! Come on, fess up !!
Faithful, LOL !!!
Hey if I am naughty, does that mean you will give me lots of Easter eggs ????
Babies are beautiful little creatures, and kids are lovely, but be dammned I'm going through anything even remotely like that!! Call me chicken, I don't care! I much prefer to think of myself as well informed!! I can barely cope with the gynaecologist and all their tortures!! Be damned I'm gonna put myself in a situation that reminds me so much of the movie Aliens.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yes!! I agree lucy! But I also think that it's about power too!
Some men can't cope with the idea of equal. And they recognize that women do supposedly hold some power over them, so it must be squashed. Look at witch hunting! And societies, like the celts, that held women in equal esteem.
All shut down and quashed in order to maintain power and control. Women on an equal footing would be a dangerous threat to that.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Oh quit whining Jeanie. We let you vote. What more are you wanting out of life???
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
I only suck if it's reciprocated ahnimus!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
No fessing, well not on thread anyway!
And I am a shocker when it comes to Easter Eggs lucy! I buy them and inflict them on EVERYBODY, so you really don't have to be naughty! Although, I reckon it'd be interesting to watch you attempt being naughty!
Frankly, you've been such a charming, well balanced fella, it's hard to imagine you could be naughty!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Right now Thumbing I'd settle for a rasberry emoticon right here for this post!! Guess I'll have to settle for endless tongue poking!
Yeah, doesn't seem adequate somehow! But you get my drift!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
That could change if there was chocolate involved. See, I really am a bit of a shiela !!
I given you plenty of hints about what a "Personal Solutionjs Concultant" is thiw morning too. You really aren't on the ball today.
BAck on teh sig songs, I think it's funny that Ahnimus is Cropduster !!
Maybe you need to do you own presentation of the VAgina Monologues, rhather than waiing to see someone else do them. Maybe a college project in teh making ???
Ah so you are just one of the girls?
Yeah, I'm clueless today! Just ask around! Like I'm at the airport! All going over my head!
Ah yes, Ahnimus, flying over head and spraying us all!!!!!
Actually lucy, that is an EXCELLENT idea!!! Maybe not for college, maybe just because it should be done and I'm due for a project that interests me.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Some kind of disclaimer would be useful there Roland! Bloody drummers!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You're putting my shock-value vagina stories to shame. You seem a tad bit radical.....for a rival.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!