It was very upsetting watching Bill Maher the other night when he talked about how 23% of the Arctic melted in two years. It's so sad we have lost 8 years in being pro-active on this situation due to the current administration.
Study: Warming is stronger, happening sooner
Higher C02 emissions from fossil fuels, and weaker Earth, cited as reasons
MSNBC staff and news service reports
Just a days after the Nobel prize was awarded for global warming work, an alarming new study finds that warming signals are stronger, and happening sooner than expected, due to increased human emissions of carbon dioxide and an Earth less able to absorb them.
Carbon dioxide emissions were 35 percent higher in 2006 than in 1990, a much faster growth rate than anticipated, researchers reported in Tuesday’s edition of the peer-reviewed Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Increased industrial use of fossil fuels coupled with a decline in the ability of land and oceans to absorb CO2 were listed as causes of the increase.
The changes “characterize a carbon cycle that is generating stronger-than-expected and sooner-than-expected climate forcing,” the researchers wrote.
“The new twist here is the demonstration that weakening land and ocean sinks are contributing to the accelerating growth of atmospheric CO2,” said co-author Chris Field, director of the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology at Stanford University.
The researchers said that human-induced warming had caused changes in wind patterns over the Southern Ocean that brought carbon-rich water toward the surface, reducing the ocean’s ability to absorb excess CO2 from the atmosphere.
On land, where plant growth is the major mechanism for soaking up CO2, droughts have curbed that ability, they stated.
Ocean sink 'really shocking'
Two climate researchers not involved with the study called it significant.
The “paper raises some very important issues that the public should be aware of," said Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. "Namely that concentrations of CO2 are increasing at much higher rates than previously expected and this is in spite of the Kyoto Protocol that is designed to hold them down in western countries.”
Alan Robock, associate director of the Center for Environmental Prediction at Rutgers University, added that “what is really shocking is the reduction of the oceanic CO2 sink” —meaning the ability of the ocean to absorb carbon dioxide, removing it from the atmosphere.
The researchers blamed that reduction on changes in wind circulation, but Robock said he also thinks rising ocean temperatures reduce the ability to take in carbon dioxide.
“Think that a warm Coke has less fizz than a cold Coke,” he said.
Carbon dioxide is the leading “greenhouse gas,” so named because their accumulation in the atmosphere can help trap heat from the sun, causing potentially dangerous warming of the planet.
While most atmospheric scientists accept the idea, finding ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been a political problem because of potential effects on the economy. Earlier this month, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and former Vice President Al Gore for their work in calling attention to global warming.
“It turns out that global warming critics were right when they said that global climate models did not do a good job at predicting climate change,” Robock said. “But what has been wrong recently is that the climate is changing even faster than the models said. In fact, Arctic sea ice is melting much faster than any models predicted, and sea level is rising much faster than IPCC previously predicted.”
Will future repeat recent past?
According to the new study, carbon released from burning fossil fuel and making cement rose from 7.0 billion metric tons per year in 2000 to 8.4 billion metric tons in 2006. A metric ton is 2,205 pounds.
The growth rate increased from 1.3 percent per year in 1990-1999 to 3.3 percent per year in 2000-2006, the researchers added.
Trenberth noted that carbon dioxide is not the whole story — methane emissions have declined, so total greenhouse gases are not increasing as much as carbon dioxide alone. Also, he added, other pollution plays a role by cooling.
There are changes from year to year in the fraction of the atmosphere made up of carbon dioxide and the question is whether this increase is transient or will be sustained, he said.
“The theory suggests increases in (the atmospheric fraction), as is claimed here, but the evidence is not strong,” Trenberth said.
The paper looks at a rather short time to measure a trend, Robock added, “but the results they get certainly look reasonable, and much of the paper is looking at much longer trends.”
The research was supported by Australian, European and other international agencies.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
you're right suzy; as i have been saying for years; the melting is much quicker than predicted. anyone that's ever put ice in a cooler knows that once melting has started; it melts faster and faster. it's mostly because a mass of ice cools the other ice. remove that; and melting is faster. last year i predicted that evacuations would start by 2011 but a few monthss ago someone posted a thread about the indian islands needing to be evacuated. if we look at the earths' history over the past few thousand years; we see CO2 spikes and the chart looks like a heartbeat on an ekg. at least until now. the line showing CO2 in the atmosphere has steadily risen. this breaks the natural cycle of the earth; proving man is the cause. just as the spike in lead in artic ice proved man was putting lead into the atmosphere. when leaded gas was banned; the lead in the artic slowly dropped and the artic ice no longer shows high levels of lead. again proving man was the source. but man fails to take any responsability so just like the last of the ice in the cooler; the water; now above freezing will cause the ice to melt much faster.
what really pisses me off is how you can blame the current administration. global warming was first "discovered" in the early 1990's. that was clinton's watch. in 2000 you were told that the ice cover was then the size of the us; in 2003 nasa reported that 1250 square miles of artic ice dissapeared under the water within a few days. in 2005 you were told that the earths ice cover was then the size of the us WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER.
i went 100% solar; what did you do to help? the administration not only pushed alternative energy (and you can now see wind "farms" accross the country. especially the west); but set a plan in motion to harvest helium3 from the moon. the first rockets are set to be launched sometime in 2008. again i ask: what did you do? the administration could have stopped you from driving so much. a tax raising the price of gas to $20.00 a gallon would have done that. would that make you feel better? are people so ignorant that the government must FORCE the population to conserve? does the government need to control everything you do? would that make you happy? wasn't the tax credits for solar enough? the tax credits and lack of utility bill paid for my solar unit in a year. where were you when the administration was trying to help without infringing on your rights?
if you live near a large body of water; you will be evacuating in a few years. for those who say the earth didn't have ice cover in the past; remember what happened; the permian extinction. that was the result of not having ice cover. you were informed when there was time to make a difference. now everyone go look in the mirror and see who's really responsable.
way to remove a statement from a complete thought/post. sorry for elaborating on my 'whys'......hahaha. none the less, nor did i ever imply global warming was completely man-made, and/or not a part of the globe's cycle, etc. imo, humanity DOES play a role, and an important one...but with or without that the warming trend DOES exist, even if one disagrees with the label of 'global warming' and whatever inference they take with that.
no one is debating this either. its when people like suzi starts blaming bush or republicans for this problem. its laughable.
no one is debating this either. its when people like suzi starts blaming bush or republicans for this problem. its laughable.
are you reading all the posts, or simply commenting on posts out of context?
there was at least ONE post - the first one i directly responded to that you first quoted from me, that specifically said they didn't believe in global warming, and said it is simply a global which i was saying that still IS global warming, and then took it further to how much, if any, human contribution etc...which actually has been mentioned in a few of the posts....and i felt like elaborating my own thoughts.
therefore, i am at a bit of a loss why you instead, 2x now, bother to point out to me, that people aren't debating the issues i mention. thanks, but my reading comprehension is just fine. how i choose to address this issue, what other related points i'd like to make...i believe is up to me. if you want to actually ADD to or DISAGREE with anything i say, i'm all for it....but yea...i don't need anyone to tell me what the thread or posts are about, thank you.
are you reading all the posts, or simply commenting on posts out of context?
there was at least ONE post - the first one i directly responded to that you first quoted from me, that specifically said they didn't believe in global warming, and said it is simply a global which i was saying that still IS global warming, and then took it further to how much, if any, human contribution etc...which actually has been mentioned in a few of the posts....and i felt like elaborating my own thoughts.
therefore, i am at a bit of a loss why you instead, 2x now, bother to point out to me, that people aren't debating the issues i mention. thanks, but my reading comprehension is just fine. how i choose to address this issue, what other related points i'd like to make...i believe is up to me. if you want to actually ADD to or DISAGREE with anything i say, i'm all for it....but yea...i don't need anyone to tell me what the thread or posts are about, thank you.
I personally don't believe that the Global Climate change is completely man made. There is edivence to prove that the arth has gone through these cycles about every 11,000 years or so. I do think that we have caused significant damage to our environment and this may be affecting the cycle.
As I stated before even if the cycle is nothing more that a natural climate cycle we need to strat preparing for the inevitable changes that are going to occur.
mammasan; i'm shocked. you always research a subject and give us intelligent answers or opinions and that's why your statement upsets me. we study the earths history through the ice cores. we know what normal cycles are; but the graph no longer follows normal cycles. the CO2 has steadily risen. that's our fault. one thing you're right about. this does fit into a natural cycle. look back i believe 25 million years. the siberian flats spewed CO2 into the atmosphere. that raised the earths temperature. the polar ice melted. as the earth warmed the frozen methane melted and added to the gasses in the atmosphere. the extra water covered the coastline but the weight of the water caused earthquakes emitting more gasses. the UK was like the sahara desert and it got hotter as you moved towards the equator. this was the permian extinction. luckily all the dead vegetation burned and dust from volcanos blocked the sun causing what most of us call a nuclear winter. without the sun the earth cooled; the ice began to form again; the methane froze again; and that small percentage of life that remained evolved into present day life.
you're right mammasan. this is a cycle. it mirrors what happened 25 million years ago. except this time the CO2 didn't come from the earth. we put it there. look back 25 million years and read what is going to happen to the earth.
i don't click links at work, so whatever that is is lost on me.
and no, not was a genuine question. i often wonder why so many address individual posters that in no way contributes to the thread topic. if it's so important, PM...or yea, address the points/issues of the post is all. and yes, i realize i am contributing to it right now.....:p what can i say, i find it odd? when someone offers me tips to what a thread is about, hahaha. i get it.
yes, i didn't focus on bush or any of that....i focused on the real topic, warming...and sure, related topics/issues that stem from such. for ME, it's all related/important....thus why i posted about it.
btw - quoting an article hardly constitues as 'agreement' with it's content. i would at most consider it information-sharing. for such an important topic, i am all for reading about it from various sources, so i appreciate it when anyone posts articles about topics of interest/concern to me - and thank you suzanne for so often being a source of such threads. i think it is up to the reader to discern the relevance or agreement....and sure for here, to discuss it as one sees fit. or am i off-topic and no one is debating that either? anyhoo...have fun!
no one is debating this either. its when people like suzi starts blaming bush or republicans for this problem. its laughable.
the "blame bush for everything" crowd here really takes the bisquit. i laid out the facts including the "cycle" even though i know it will be ignored and lost when the thread moves to another page. i don't know why i bother. bush caused global warming so facts and evidence don't mean a bloody thing around here. talk about pearls before the swine.
the "blame bush for everything" crowd here really takes the bisquit. i laid out the facts including the "cycle" even though i know it will be ignored and lost when the thread moves to another page. i don't know why i bother. bush caused global warming so facts and evidence don't mean a bloody thing around here. talk about pearls before the swine.
you do post great information on this topic and seem to know what your talking about. hopefully we can stop pointing fingers and do what we can to protect the earth and its resources.
Did someone say Bush actually caused it, or he has done little to nothing about it for the past 8 years?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
the "blame bush for everything" crowd here really takes the bisquit. i laid out the facts including the "cycle" even though i know it will be ignored and lost when the thread moves to another page. i don't know why i bother. bush caused global warming so facts and evidence don't mean a bloody thing around here. talk about pearls before the swine.
i haven't seen the posts blaming bush for globabl warming? i know it's a part of the article....but it's only a PART. it also seems most seemed focus on the issue - as in, global warming and chose to discuss i kinda miss where you are reading?
i also saw no disagreement with your 'cycle post' fact, i think many of us agree more than likely it IS a cycle. how much we contribute and the consequences of such, more debated.
btw - i personally don't blame any one individual, nor do i think anyone here does......and at this point, i really don't give a shite how it all started. i rather focus on the whys of it, nd what, if anything...we can do to combat it, slow it, survive it, etc. it would be nice if every once in a while we as a species could learn from our mistakes.
hmmm millions more people on the earth, exhaling CO2 don't come from earth???
last i checked; people are man. we use man to include women but you said man is exhaling so how isn't that mans' fault? we had trees to inhale mans' CO2 and exhale O2. oh; we cut down those trees. i believe it was man that cut down those trees. wasn't it man who put the SuO2 in the atmosphere causing acid rain which killed countless trees? and man didn't control population growth either.
well; don't worry. everyone already convicted bush of global warming. WAIT; BUSH IS A MAN TOO.
I am confunsed here... someone needs to point out the part where someone here blames President Bush for Global Warming. The closest thing I can find is Suzanne saying it's a shame that the current administration has spent the past 8 years doing nothing about it... which, i agreee is wrong in the sense that it hasn't actually been a total of 8 years (more like 6 3/4 years) and it wasn't until recently that this administration has even admitted that Global warming is indded, occuring.
Will the Bush supporters please, point me towards the statement that says Bush is to blame for 'Global Warming'? Thanx.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I am confunsed here... someone needs to point out the part where someone here blames President Bush for Global Warming. The closest thing I can find is Suzanne saying it's a shame that the current administration has spent the past 8 years doing nothing about it... which, i agreee is wrong in the sense that it hasn't actually been a total of 8 years (more like 6 3/4 years) and it wasn't until recently that this administration has even admitted that Global warming is indded, occuring.
Will the Bush supporters please, point me towards the statement that says Bush is to blame for 'Global Warming'? Thanx.
It isn't there.
Just some people who dont' know how to read, or feel like stirring some shit.
I am confunsed here... someone needs to point out the part where someone here blames President Bush for Global Warming. The closest thing I can find is Suzanne saying it's a shame that the current administration has spent the past 8 years doing nothing about it... which, i agreee is wrong in the sense that it hasn't actually been a total of 8 years (more like 6 3/4 years) and it wasn't until recently that this administration has even admitted that Global warming is indded, occuring.
Will the Bush supporters please, point me towards the statement that says Bush is to blame for 'Global Warming'? Thanx.
there isnt any need to even bring politics into this discussion. and just because people like myself wont blame bush for this doesnt make me a supporter of his.
there isnt any need to even bring politics into this discussion. and just because people like myself wont blame bush for this doesnt make me a supporter of his.
Then.. I guess I'm still waiting for the Bush supporters (or, to use a phrase that is popular with moronic Cable News talking heads and their audiences... "Bush Apologists") to point out the comment or comments where someone says, 'Bush is responsible for Global Warming'... I'd like to question them on this comment directly, too.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
i haven't seen the posts blaming bush for globabl warming? i know it's a part of the article....but it's only a PART. it also seems most seemed focus on the issue - as in, global warming and chose to discuss i kinda miss where you are reading?
i also saw no disagreement with your 'cycle post' fact, i think many of us agree more than likely it IS a cycle. how much we contribute and the consequences of such, more debated.
btw - i personally don't blame any one individual, nor do i think anyone here does......and at this point, i really don't give a shite how it all started. i rather focus on the whys of it, nd what, if anything...we can do to combat it, slow it, survive it, etc. it would be nice if every once in a while we as a species could learn from our mistakes.
i only replied to a comment in that particular post. i laid out the hows; whys and whats in an earlier post. at this point it's too late. the public isn't being told what's ahead to avoid panic. i come from a family of scientists; 2 work for the government. that doesn't mean i know everything so don't get me wrong. people from california are flocking to northern arizona and going solar. are these the nutters or the smart ones? time will tell. when the shite hits the fan; you won't have the grid. you won't have food in the groceriies. the most important thing you won't have is clean water. 2/3 of the population won't survive. that's the real issue. you can tell me i'm full of shite just as everyone has told those trying to warn you. or; we can talk about who will survive and why.
pick one.
Tons of worse storms, droughts have happened throughout history. Not to mention, tons of record highs are from the early 20th century. I am not denying global warming, I just think it's gotten way out of hand.
i only replied to a comment in that particular post. i laid out the hows; whys and whats in an earlier post. at this point it's too late. the public isn't being told what's ahead to avoid panic. i come from a family of scientists; 2 work for the government. that doesn't mean i know everything so don't get me wrong. people from california are flocking to northern arizona and going solar. are these the nutters or the smart ones? time will tell. when the shite hits the fan; you won't have the grid. you won't have food in the groceriies. the most important thing you won't have is clean water. 2/3 of the population won't survive. that's the real issue. you can tell me i'm full of shite just as everyone has told those trying to warn you. or; we can talk about who will survive and why.
pick one.
Okay... in order to teach the rest of us... can you supply me with the technical data of your compound... not specifics... just area and capacities... ball park figures.. so I will know what I will need to go solar? How many panels... how much output each produces... regulators... condensors... all that stuff.
And how much water do I need to store and where can I store it? How long will it last and how do I reclaim it.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
you do post great information on this topic and seem to know what your talking about. hopefully we can stop pointing fingers and do what we can to protect the earth and its resources.
i kept it short and simple but there's much more. we're past the point of no return. in the early 2000's; scientists were saying this will happen in the next few centuries. a couple years ago the same scientists were predicting this by year 2100. then the ice masses were explored instead of using sattelite photos and the prediction for total meltdown is 2050. i predicted evacuation of coastal cities at 2011; years ago and it's already started.
we've past the point of no return because the only solution now is to stop using fossil fuels and basically stop manufacturing. you can't do that. i'm self suficcient and i live in an area protected from most of the problems to come.
that's what we should be talking about. i can tell you what's going to happen and i can prove it. but instead; let's point fingers. that's what we're best at.
you do post great information on this topic and seem to know what your talking about. hopefully we can stop pointing fingers and do what we can to protect the earth and its resources.
i kept it short and simple but there's much more. we're past the point of no return. in the early 2000's; scientists were saying this will happen in the next few centuries. a couple years ago the same scientists were predicting this by year 2100. then the ice masses were explored instead of using sattelite photos and the prediction for total meltdown is 2050. i predicted evacuation of coastal cities at 2011; years ago and it's already started.
we've past the point of no return because the only solution now is to stop using fossil fuels and basically stop manufacturing. you can't do that. i'm self suficcient and i live in an area protected from most of the problems to come.
that's what we should be talking about. i can tell you what's going to happen and i can prove it. but instead; let's point fingers. that's what we're best at.
i kept it short and simple but there's much more. we're past the point of no return. in the early 2000's; scientists were saying this will happen in the next few centuries. a couple years ago the same scientists were predicting this by year 2100. then the ice masses were explored instead of using sattelite photos and the prediction for total meltdown is 2050. i predicted evacuation of coastal cities at 2011; years ago and it's already started.
we've past the point of no return because the only solution now is to stop using fossil fuels and basically stop manufacturing. you can't do that. i'm self suficcient and i live in an area protected from most of the problems to come.
that's what we should be talking about. i can tell you what's going to happen and i can prove it. but instead; let's point fingers. that's what we're best at.
Then, tell us.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
i kept it short and simple but there's much more. we're past the point of no return. in the early 2000's; scientists were saying this will happen in the next few centuries. a couple years ago the same scientists were predicting this by year 2100. then the ice masses were explored instead of using sattelite photos and the prediction for total meltdown is 2050. i predicted evacuation of coastal cities at 2011; years ago and it's already started.
we've past the point of no return because the only solution now is to stop using fossil fuels and basically stop manufacturing. you can't do that. i'm self suficcient and i live in an area protected from most of the problems to come.
that's what we should be talking about. i can tell you what's going to happen and i can prove it. but instead; let's point fingers. that's what we're best at.
I really dont see the world coming to an end in a few years. and where has coastal evacuation started?
i only replied to a comment in that particular post. i laid out the hows; whys and whats in an earlier post. at this point it's too late. the public isn't being told what's ahead to avoid panic. i come from a family of scientists; 2 work for the government. that doesn't mean i know everything so don't get me wrong. people from california are flocking to northern arizona and going solar. are these the nutters or the smart ones? time will tell. when the shite hits the fan; you won't have the grid. you won't have food in the groceriies. the most important thing you won't have is clean water. 2/3 of the population won't survive. that's the real issue. you can tell me i'm full of shite just as everyone has told those trying to warn you. or; we can talk about who will survive and why.
pick one.
and i didn't see anyone pointing fingers or blaming. so thus my confusion there. i also did not se anyone dispute your posts/comments, so i really don't see where you thought you were being dismissed or ignored. i actually am interested in reading/hearing ALL information on the topic, thus why i ask and participate. it just seemed you were shutting down beofre it even bean, so it mde me wonder is all.
btw - if things get that bad, i am more than happy to just let go. i don't need to be one of those tough survivors like in all disaster movies, resarting humanity. personally, i don't think any of it will occur in my lifetime, maybe not even for a few generations. i don't have offspring, so it's not some concrn for my personal genetics, i just care about this place and all living things in general, and it's sad that many things which are preventible, we simply just don't seem to care. not referring necessarily to global warming and/or the outcomes....but sure, i do believe we can do mre to combat the issue.
Hopefully, about 99% of the human population is extinguished.
well... if the remaining 1% are forced to live in the fucking desert, recycling their own urine for drinking water... put me on the list of the ones first to go. i don't care to see mankind reduced to killing each other for food and water and be left, barricaded in my compound, having to shoot everyone that walks up to my door.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
well... if the remaining 1% are forced to live in the fucking desert, recycling their own urine for drinking water... put me on the list of the ones first to go. i don't care to see mankind reduced to killing each other for food and water and be left, barricaded in my compound, having to shoot everyone that walks up to my door.
you're right suzy; as i have been saying for years; the melting is much quicker than predicted. anyone that's ever put ice in a cooler knows that once melting has started; it melts faster and faster. it's mostly because a mass of ice cools the other ice. remove that; and melting is faster. last year i predicted that evacuations would start by 2011 but a few monthss ago someone posted a thread about the indian islands needing to be evacuated. if we look at the earths' history over the past few thousand years; we see CO2 spikes and the chart looks like a heartbeat on an ekg. at least until now. the line showing CO2 in the atmosphere has steadily risen. this breaks the natural cycle of the earth; proving man is the cause. just as the spike in lead in artic ice proved man was putting lead into the atmosphere. when leaded gas was banned; the lead in the artic slowly dropped and the artic ice no longer shows high levels of lead. again proving man was the source. but man fails to take any responsability so just like the last of the ice in the cooler; the water; now above freezing will cause the ice to melt much faster.
what really pisses me off is how you can blame the current administration. global warming was first "discovered" in the early 1990's. that was clinton's watch. in 2000 you were told that the ice cover was then the size of the us; in 2003 nasa reported that 1250 square miles of artic ice dissapeared under the water within a few days. in 2005 you were told that the earths ice cover was then the size of the us WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER.
i went 100% solar; what did you do to help? the administration not only pushed alternative energy (and you can now see wind "farms" accross the country. especially the west); but set a plan in motion to harvest helium3 from the moon. the first rockets are set to be launched sometime in 2008. again i ask: what did you do? the administration could have stopped you from driving so much. a tax raising the price of gas to $20.00 a gallon would have done that. would that make you feel better? are people so ignorant that the government must FORCE the population to conserve? does the government need to control everything you do? would that make you happy? wasn't the tax credits for solar enough? the tax credits and lack of utility bill paid for my solar unit in a year. where were you when the administration was trying to help without infringing on your rights?
if you live near a large body of water; you will be evacuating in a few years. for those who say the earth didn't have ice cover in the past; remember what happened; the permian extinction. that was the result of not having ice cover. you were informed when there was time to make a difference. now everyone go look in the mirror and see who's really responsable.
no one is debating this either. its when people like suzi starts blaming bush or republicans for this problem. its laughable.
are you reading all the posts, or simply commenting on posts out of context?
there was at least ONE post - the first one i directly responded to that you first quoted from me, that specifically said they didn't believe in global warming, and said it is simply a global which i was saying that still IS global warming, and then took it further to how much, if any, human contribution etc...which actually has been mentioned in a few of the posts....and i felt like elaborating my own thoughts.
therefore, i am at a bit of a loss why you instead, 2x now, bother to point out to me, that people aren't debating the issues i mention. thanks, but my reading comprehension is just fine. how i choose to address this issue, what other related points i'd like to make...i believe is up to me. if you want to actually ADD to or DISAGREE with anything i say, i'm all for it....but yea...i don't need anyone to tell me what the thread or posts are about, thank you.
i get it.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
touchy touchy
mammasan; i'm shocked. you always research a subject and give us intelligent answers or opinions and that's why your statement upsets me. we study the earths history through the ice cores. we know what normal cycles are; but the graph no longer follows normal cycles. the CO2 has steadily risen. that's our fault. one thing you're right about. this does fit into a natural cycle. look back i believe 25 million years. the siberian flats spewed CO2 into the atmosphere. that raised the earths temperature. the polar ice melted. as the earth warmed the frozen methane melted and added to the gasses in the atmosphere. the extra water covered the coastline but the weight of the water caused earthquakes emitting more gasses. the UK was like the sahara desert and it got hotter as you moved towards the equator. this was the permian extinction. luckily all the dead vegetation burned and dust from volcanos blocked the sun causing what most of us call a nuclear winter. without the sun the earth cooled; the ice began to form again; the methane froze again; and that small percentage of life that remained evolved into present day life.
you're right mammasan. this is a cycle. it mirrors what happened 25 million years ago. except this time the CO2 didn't come from the earth. we put it there. look back 25 million years and read what is going to happen to the earth.
i don't click links at work, so whatever that is is lost on me.
and no, not was a genuine question. i often wonder why so many address individual posters that in no way contributes to the thread topic. if it's so important, PM...or yea, address the points/issues of the post is all. and yes, i realize i am contributing to it right now.....:p what can i say, i find it odd? when someone offers me tips
yes, i didn't focus on bush or any of that....i focused on the real topic, warming...and sure, related topics/issues that stem from such. for ME, it's all related/important....thus why i posted about it.
btw - quoting an article hardly constitues as 'agreement' with it's content. i would at most consider it information-sharing. for such an important topic, i am all for reading about it from various sources, so i appreciate it when anyone posts articles about topics of interest/concern to me - and thank you suzanne for so often being a source of such threads. i think it is up to the reader to discern the relevance or agreement....and sure for here, to discuss it as one sees fit. or am i off-topic and no one is debating that either?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
hmmm millions (maybe billions) more people on the earth exhaling CO2, doesn't that come from earth???
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
the "blame bush for everything" crowd here really takes the bisquit. i laid out the facts including the "cycle" even though i know it will be ignored and lost when the thread moves to another page. i don't know why i bother. bush caused global warming so facts and evidence don't mean a bloody thing around here. talk about pearls before the swine.
you do post great information on this topic and seem to know what your talking about. hopefully we can stop pointing fingers and do what we can to protect the earth and its resources.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i haven't seen the posts blaming bush for globabl warming? i know it's a part of the article....but it's only a PART. it also seems most seemed focus on the issue - as in, global warming and chose to discuss i kinda miss where you are reading?
i also saw no disagreement with your 'cycle post' fact, i think many of us agree more than likely it IS a cycle. how much we contribute and the consequences of such, more debated.
btw - i personally don't blame any one individual, nor do i think anyone here does......and at this point, i really don't give a shite how it all started. i rather focus on the whys of it, nd what, if anything...we can do to combat it, slow it, survive it, etc. it would be nice if every once in a while we as a species could learn from our mistakes.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
last i checked; people are man. we use man to include women but you said man is exhaling so how isn't that mans' fault? we had trees to inhale mans' CO2 and exhale O2. oh; we cut down those trees. i believe it was man that cut down those trees. wasn't it man who put the SuO2 in the atmosphere causing acid rain which killed countless trees? and man didn't control population growth either.
well; don't worry. everyone already convicted bush of global warming. WAIT; BUSH IS A MAN TOO.
oh what to do?
Will the Bush supporters please, point me towards the statement that says Bush is to blame for 'Global Warming'? Thanx.
Hail, Hail!!!
It isn't there.
Just some people who dont' know how to read, or feel like stirring some shit.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
there isnt any need to even bring politics into this discussion. and just because people like myself wont blame bush for this doesnt make me a supporter of his.
Then.. I guess I'm still waiting for the Bush supporters (or, to use a phrase that is popular with moronic Cable News talking heads and their audiences... "Bush Apologists") to point out the comment or comments where someone says, 'Bush is responsible for Global Warming'... I'd like to question them on this comment directly, too.
Hail, Hail!!!
i only replied to a comment in that particular post. i laid out the hows; whys and whats in an earlier post. at this point it's too late. the public isn't being told what's ahead to avoid panic. i come from a family of scientists; 2 work for the government. that doesn't mean i know everything so don't get me wrong. people from california are flocking to northern arizona and going solar. are these the nutters or the smart ones? time will tell. when the shite hits the fan; you won't have the grid. you won't have food in the groceriies. the most important thing you won't have is clean water. 2/3 of the population won't survive. that's the real issue. you can tell me i'm full of shite just as everyone has told those trying to warn you. or; we can talk about who will survive and why.
pick one.
Okay... in order to teach the rest of us... can you supply me with the technical data of your compound... not specifics... just area and capacities... ball park figures.. so I will know what I will need to go solar? How many panels... how much output each produces... regulators... condensors... all that stuff.
And how much water do I need to store and where can I store it? How long will it last and how do I reclaim it.
Hail, Hail!!!
i kept it short and simple but there's much more. we're past the point of no return. in the early 2000's; scientists were saying this will happen in the next few centuries. a couple years ago the same scientists were predicting this by year 2100. then the ice masses were explored instead of using sattelite photos and the prediction for total meltdown is 2050. i predicted evacuation of coastal cities at 2011; years ago and it's already started.
we've past the point of no return because the only solution now is to stop using fossil fuels and basically stop manufacturing. you can't do that. i'm self suficcient and i live in an area protected from most of the problems to come.
that's what we should be talking about. i can tell you what's going to happen and i can prove it. but instead; let's point fingers. that's what we're best at.
i kept it short and simple but there's much more. we're past the point of no return. in the early 2000's; scientists were saying this will happen in the next few centuries. a couple years ago the same scientists were predicting this by year 2100. then the ice masses were explored instead of using sattelite photos and the prediction for total meltdown is 2050. i predicted evacuation of coastal cities at 2011; years ago and it's already started.
we've past the point of no return because the only solution now is to stop using fossil fuels and basically stop manufacturing. you can't do that. i'm self suficcient and i live in an area protected from most of the problems to come.
that's what we should be talking about. i can tell you what's going to happen and i can prove it. but instead; let's point fingers. that's what we're best at.
Then, tell us.
Hail, Hail!!!
Hopefully, about 99% of the human population is extinguished.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I really dont see the world coming to an end in a few years. and where has coastal evacuation started?
200,000 evacuted from San Diego county the other day for the fires. How many evacuated from New Orleans never to return?
BTW, those yearly southern california fires have man-made causes through water mis-management.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
and i didn't see anyone pointing fingers or blaming. so thus my confusion there. i also did not se anyone dispute your posts/comments, so i really don't see where you thought you were being dismissed or ignored. i actually am interested in reading/hearing ALL information on the topic, thus why i ask and participate. it just seemed you were shutting down beofre it even bean, so it mde me wonder is all.
btw - if things get that bad, i am more than happy to just let go.
why would you say that? if going to that extreme, why not just wipe us all off the globe?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
well... if the remaining 1% are forced to live in the fucking desert, recycling their own urine for drinking water... put me on the list of the ones first to go. i don't care to see mankind reduced to killing each other for food and water and be left, barricaded in my compound, having to shoot everyone that walks up to my door.
Hail, Hail!!!
its actually 500,000 that evacuated and those fires have nothing to do with global warming.
o and New Orleans you say? that city was built BELOW sea level. yup, blame that on global warming too
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.