just imagine living in a culture and soceiety where dometic violence is not just tolerated but condoned. where these women have absolutely no where to turn. there are many parts of this world where women are still seen as being the property of their husbands. (or fathers or any male member of their household for that matter)
if this brings more awareness to it, it's alot better than pretending that these things never happen
aaw c'mon pris! Things are pretty cool here in the Lucky Country!
Especially this week!
Yep! That's exactly why I support things like this. Because women do have such a shitty deal of it in so many countries around the world. That half the world's population can be bullied, tortured and killed by the other half of the population simply for being born the wrong sex is NEVER going to be ok.
And no not all men abuse and not all women are abused but it's a substantial enough statistic to warrant sweeping changes being required. The way I see it ANYTHING we can do to stamp it out is a good thing.
And before I'm accused of being a feminazi and anti men. I think ALL violence against people should be stopped. But there's no reason not to specifically focus on violence against women while such blatant discrepancy still exists in the world.
just imagine living in a culture and soceiety where dometic violence is not just tolerated but condoned. where these women have absolutely no where to turn. there are many parts of this world where women are still seen as being the property of their husbands. (or fathers or any male member of their household for that matter)
if this brings more awareness to it, it's alot better than pretending that these things never happen
so we fight the taliban because of, amongst other things, their horrendous oppressive attitude to women. when are we invading saudi arabia? or china?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I haven't been called a dumb fuck per se, but i've been told that it was stupid of me and besides "those women" must have done something to deserve being hit
yeah dude, as if apathy isn't already a part of the problem that allows men to get away with abuse
what's not signing an internet petition got to do with people getting away with spousal abuse? i'm not apathetic, i just think online petitions are pointless. always have. doesn't matter what the topic is.
what's not signing an internet petition got to do with people getting away with spousal abuse? i'm not apathetic, i just think online petitions are pointless. always have. doesn't matter what the topic is.
Yes, the man was a neighbor and Baptist preacher too. I hadn't even asked him and I certainly wasn't in his Church. he offered up his opinion after over-hearing something my daughter said to me. he told me that "he saw no need for women's d.v. shelters because afterall 'those women' must be doing things to deserve it. and if 'those women' would just change their ways as not to make their husbands angry then domestic violence would cease to exist." :rolleyes:
I was so dumbfounded i didn't know how to respond. I swear it took everything I had not to kick him in the balls before i turned and walked away shaking my head.
that's fine if you don't want to sign it, no one says that you have to. however, I don't happen to think that casting attention onto an important subject as being pointless.
as for apathy towards domestic violence (I'm not saying this applies to you) how many times do people turn away when seeing or hearing anything to do with d.v. taking place because "it's none of MY concern so why should I care?"
Yes, the man was a neighbor and Baptist preacher too. I hadn't even asked him and I certainly wasn't in his Church. he offered up his opinion after over-hearing something my daughter said to me. he told me that "he saw no need for women's d.v. shelters because afterall 'those women' must be doing things to deserve it. and if 'those women' would just change their ways as not to make their husbands angry then domestic violence would cease to exist." :rolleyes:
I was so dumbfounded i didn't know how to respond. I swear it took everything I had not to kick him in the balls before i turned and walked away shaking my head.
that's fine if you don't want to sign it, no one says that you have to. however, I don't happen to think that casting attention onto an important subject as being pointless.
as for apathy towards domestic violence (I'm not saying this applies to you) how many times do people turn away when seeing or hearing anything to do with d.v. taking place because "it's none of MY concern so why should I care?"
i think you'd have been totally justified castrating him on the spot.
that's my point though... i dont see how signing an internet petition raises any awareness?
i think you'd have been totally justified castrating him on the spot.
that's my point though... i dont see how signing an internet petition raises any awareness?
yeah, it's too bad I wasn't willing to spend years in prison in order to do just that. even though he was a man in his 70's and came from a time where it was acceptable and common-place he still deserve at least a kick to the sack.
I mean my Dad was near 70 at that time and he would've never said anything so ignorant. and never hit a woman or child in his life....he saved that shit for other men in drunken bar brawls
yeah it's a cliche'; but even if it cast attention on the subject for just one person, it's a step in the right direction
I am appalled by surferdude and know1's posts.
Do you guys realize that until the mid-70s domestic violence and rape could not be prosecuted in Italy, and that rape was a crime against morals instead of a crime against a person? That's still the case in many countries.
Wake up, dudes :rolleyes:
I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever living in Italy era mid-70's.
When more violent crime is perpetuated against men please explain why I should petition that violence agianst women being made a top priority for government. Shouldn't the non-sexist priority of government be the prevention of violent crime?
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever living in Italy era mid-70's.
When more violent crime is perpetuated against men please explain why I should petition that violence agianst women being made a top priority for government. Shouldn't the non-sexist priority of government be the prevention of violent crime?
When we are talking about violence against women, you are usually talking about rape, sexual abuse, and domestic violence. The resources and the legislation involved in combating these phenomena are largely different from the resources and legislation involved in combating violent crime. It's not even about ranking violence against women before violent crime in general. It's about recognizing this kind of gender specific violence and making sure it does not fall off the radar.
As far as I am concerned, it is far more important for you (and others who have questioned this issue) to recognize this than to sign the petition.
... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
According to US stats as of 2005 (see link http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/cvus0501.pdf page 15) men are more often the victim of violent crime then women. Is there any reason why women should be singled out for action by government when men are the majority victim?
I'm all for governments working to end violence but see no reason why violence aganst women should have any higher priority than violence against men.
It also appears that children are less often the victims of violence than adults. So can we finally stop those age-discriminatory anti-child abuse campaigns?
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
It also appears that children are less often the victims of violence than adults. So can we finally stop those age-discriminatory anti-child abuse campaigns?
Best post ever. I just realized that more adults die of cancer than children as well, I'm gonna go tell the childrens hospital I donate to and demand they give me my money back.
In general should it not be more: 'No to Violence' as opposed to just one sphere. Ok, I dont fully realize the plight in foreign lands but in the UK Ive seen billboards concerning domestic violence pasted up in underground stations and they fuck me off, Ive never done it so why should I have to look at it. In these here parts your talking about dysfunctional persons, very often with alcohol issues who just do not know any better. Literally there are scores of people male & female who understand only one language, and that is violence. To differentiate between the male & the female helps the cycle to repeat itself and that is simply because they are often as bad as each other. Certainly there exists many situations where women are through no fault of their own (maybe in judging character) put in terrible posistions but it does no good to paint a standard image. The guy who knocks the shit outta his wife after a guful of bevys....what was his mother?
You do know an intelligent person would expect this based on demographics?
No, but as you know, I am far less intelligent than you.
But seriously, you think that by stating "It also appears that children are less often the victims of violence than adults," in a post clearly full of hyperbole, means that I was suprised by this? Maybe that's not what you thought and I misread your post--as you have told me before, my reading comprehension is ...not...so...ummm..um...good.
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
Is there something wrong with saying no to violence in general?
Is there any reason at all for restricting our discontent to the violence that is perpetrated against women and not men?
Don't say there is more violence against women, because that is not true. And men and women aren't distinct behavioral groups. It's not like men run around stabbing people uncontrollably while women are all 100% innocent.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
A. Its not as if people are saying that only violence against women is bad.
B. Its been stated before by myself and others: there are specific kinds of violence (ie Rape and Domestic Violence) that disproportionaly affect women. All people want to do is draw attention to is this specific issue.
Following your logic and going back to my past analogy:
Man, that movie Hotel Rwanda sucked because it didn't talk about Darfur or the Holocaust. Don Cheadle sucks......
Is there something wrong with saying no to violence in general?
Is there any reason at all for restricting our discontent to the violence that is perpetrated against women and not men?
Don't say there is more violence against women, because that is not true. And men and women aren't distinct behavioral groups. It's not like men run around stabbing people uncontrollably while women are all 100% innocent.
Is there something wrong with saying no to violence in general?
Is there any reason at all for restricting our discontent to the violence that is perpetrated against women and not men?
Don't say there is more violence against women, because that is not true. And men and women aren't distinct behavioral groups. It's not like men run around stabbing people uncontrollably while women are all 100% innocent.
This isn't about America, Ahnimus, we're talking about African and Muslim countries.
Is there something wrong with saying no to violence in general?
Is there any reason at all for restricting our discontent to the violence that is perpetrated against women and not men?
Don't say there is more violence against women, because that is not true. And men and women aren't distinct behavioral groups. It's not like men run around stabbing people uncontrollably while women are all 100% innocent.
I'm not saying that women are 100% innocence. but how often are women the perpetrators of domestic violence, rape and sexual abuse against men?
the vast majority of the time when women are arrested for domestic violence it's because she fought back while being attacked by her husband or s.o. Domestic Violence laws state that if a women fights back in ANY way; be that hitting back, scratching, shoving, pulling hair etc. as she's getting the shit beat out of her she gets arrested and charged with domestic violence too.
...Domestic Violence laws state that if a women fights back in ANY way; be that hitting back, scratching, shoving, pulling hair etc. as she's getting the shit beat out of her she gets arrested and charged with domestic violence too.
YEP. in domestic violence cases in nearly every state in the US (I'll have to look up to see exactly which ones) if there's evidence(a scratch, a bruise, a red mark on the skin etc.) that a woman fought her attacker back, or she admits to police that she fought him back she gets arrested for domestic violence too, despite how badly her attacker may have fucked her up.
I'm not saying that women are 100% innocence. but how often are women the perpetrators of domestic violence, rape and sexual abuse against men?
the vast majority of the time when women are arrested for domestic violence it's because she fought back while being attacked by her husband or s.o. Domestic Violence laws state that if a women fights back in ANY way; be that hitting back, scratching, shoving, pulling hair etc. as she's getting the shit beat out of her she gets arrested and charged with domestic violence too.
YEP. in domestic violence cases in nearly every state in the US (I'll have to look up to see exactly which ones) if there's evidence(a scratch, a bruise, a red mark on the skin etc.) that a woman fought her attacker back, or she admits to police that she fought him back she gets arrested for domestic violence too, despite how badly her attacker may have fucked her up.
Man that's fucked.
So when he comes after me with the hammer it's not okay to push him away from me? I'm supposed to lie down in the foetal position and cover my head and hope for the best????????
don't believe me? all you gotta do is catch an occasional episode of cops. they DO get arrested and charged though the charges usually DO get dropped.
One of the effects of stricter laws and policies directing police to treat domestic violence as serious violent crime has been skyrocketing arrest rates of women for domestic violence. In some police departments the percentage of domestic violence arrests of females has shot up to 30 to 40 percent of the arrests. What's most revealing about this massive shift toward arresting more females is the fact that conviction rates for males vs. females remains basically unchanged. Between 90 and 95 percent of domestic violence convictions continue to be convictions of males. Or looking at it from another angle, a study in San Diego found that in cases in which females were arrested for domestic violence, only 6% of those cases resulted in prosecution.
What these and many other studies strongly suggest is that the evidence in most female arrests is so flimsy or non-existent that prosecutors can't justify filing charges, or even if the prosecutor does file, the evidence doesn't stand up in court and the case is quickly dismissed. Clearly, in a significant number of these cases, the officers are mistakenly arresting the victim of domestic violence and not the perpetrator. This is also the conclusion that we and many other victim advocates around the country have come to in dealing with these cases on a day by day basis. All too often, when women are arrested for domestic violence you're dealing with a victim who has been mistakenly designated as a perpetrator.
Women's advocates around the country feel the skyrocketing arrests of females for domestic violence stems from a combination of causes. In some cases outright officer hostility against women, or officer resentment of having to treat domestic violence as serious crime, motivates the arrest. In other cases officers are failing to properly determine the dominant aggressor. In a common variation of this problem, the officer fails to correctly identify defensive wounds and as a result they are arresting women who defend themselves, especially those women who defend themselves successfully. And in another whole set of cases, there are indications that domestic violence perpetrators themselves have gotten increasingly sophisticated at turning the law on women by doing such things as calling 911 themselves or by purposely injuring themselves before police arrive.
To be sure, there are cases in which the arrest of a female for domestic violence is a legitimate arrest. But the observations of victim advocates and studies around the country indicate that in a high proportion of female arrests, it is a domestic violence victim who has been mistakenly arrested.
So when he comes after me with the hammer it's not okay to push him away from me? I'm supposed to lie down in the foetal position and cover my head and hope for the best????????
you can push him away but you had better not leave any marks on his skin or your ass is going to jail :(
aaw c'mon pris!
Especially this week!
Yep! That's exactly why I support things like this. Because women do have such a shitty deal of it in so many countries around the world. That half the world's population can be bullied, tortured and killed by the other half of the population simply for being born the wrong sex is NEVER going to be ok.
And no not all men abuse and not all women are abused but it's a substantial enough statistic to warrant sweeping changes being required. The way I see it ANYTHING we can do to stamp it out is a good thing.
And before I'm accused of being a feminazi and anti men. I think ALL violence against people should be stopped. But there's no reason not to specifically focus on violence against women while such blatant discrepancy still exists in the world.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You got to spend it all
so we fight the taliban because of, amongst other things, their horrendous oppressive attitude to women. when are we invading saudi arabia? or china?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Yes, the man was a neighbor and Baptist preacher too. I hadn't even asked him and I certainly wasn't in his Church. he offered up his opinion after over-hearing something my daughter said to me. he told me that "he saw no need for women's d.v. shelters because afterall 'those women' must be doing things to deserve it. and if 'those women' would just change their ways as not to make their husbands angry then domestic violence would cease to exist." :rolleyes:
I was so dumbfounded i didn't know how to respond. I swear it took everything I had not to kick him in the balls before i turned and walked away shaking my head.
that's fine if you don't want to sign it, no one says that you have to. however, I don't happen to think that casting attention onto an important subject as being pointless.
as for apathy towards domestic violence (I'm not saying this applies to you) how many times do people turn away when seeing or hearing anything to do with d.v. taking place because "it's none of MY concern so why should I care?"
angels share laughter
you know that it's okay when the Saudi's (because of their oil) and the Chinese (because of thier cheap goods produced by slave labor) do it!
it's not as though Bush and Co. are going to say or do anything to offend their best butt buddies in big business.
angels share laughter
i think you'd have been totally justified castrating him on the spot.
that's my point though... i dont see how signing an internet petition raises any awareness?
only if you give me a petition to sign
yeah, it's too bad I wasn't willing to spend years in prison in order to do just that. even though he was a man in his 70's and came from a time where it was acceptable and common-place he still deserve at least a kick to the sack.
I mean my Dad was near 70 at that time and he would've never said anything so ignorant. and never hit a woman or child in his life....he saved that shit for other men in drunken bar brawls
yeah it's a cliche'; but even if it cast attention on the subject for just one person, it's a step in the right direction
angels share laughter
When more violent crime is perpetuated against men please explain why I should petition that violence agianst women being made a top priority for government. Shouldn't the non-sexist priority of government be the prevention of violent crime?
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
When we are talking about violence against women, you are usually talking about rape, sexual abuse, and domestic violence. The resources and the legislation involved in combating these phenomena are largely different from the resources and legislation involved in combating violent crime. It's not even about ranking violence against women before violent crime in general. It's about recognizing this kind of gender specific violence and making sure it does not fall off the radar.
As far as I am concerned, it is far more important for you (and others who have questioned this issue) to recognize this than to sign the petition.
It also appears that children are less often the victims of violence than adults. So can we finally stop those age-discriminatory anti-child abuse campaigns?
Best post ever. I just realized that more adults die of cancer than children as well, I'm gonna go tell the childrens hospital I donate to and demand they give me my money back.
A+ Logic. Now I know why I hated Hotel Rwanda. I've never committed genocide so why should I care? Stupid Don Cheadle.......
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
No, but as you know, I am far less intelligent than you.
But seriously, you think that by stating "It also appears that children are less often the victims of violence than adults," in a post clearly full of hyperbole, means that I was suprised by this? Maybe that's not what you thought and I misread your post--as you have told me before, my reading comprehension is ...not...so...ummm..um...good.
I need to return the "best post" compliment to you. Well done.
Is there any reason at all for restricting our discontent to the violence that is perpetrated against women and not men?
Don't say there is more violence against women, because that is not true. And men and women aren't distinct behavioral groups. It's not like men run around stabbing people uncontrollably while women are all 100% innocent.
B. Its been stated before by myself and others: there are specific kinds of violence (ie Rape and Domestic Violence) that disproportionaly affect women. All people want to do is draw attention to is this specific issue.
Following your logic and going back to my past analogy:
Man, that movie Hotel Rwanda sucked because it didn't talk about Darfur or the Holocaust. Don Cheadle sucks......
This isn't about America, Ahnimus, we're talking about African and Muslim countries.
- "Equal rights by gender"
Both important issues with worldwide ramifications. I wish feminazis and feminists alike would stop confusing the two issues.
I'm not saying that women are 100% innocence. but how often are women the perpetrators of domestic violence, rape and sexual abuse against men?
the vast majority of the time when women are arrested for domestic violence it's because she fought back while being attacked by her husband or s.o. Domestic Violence laws state that if a women fights back in ANY way; be that hitting back, scratching, shoving, pulling hair etc. as she's getting the shit beat out of her she gets arrested and charged with domestic violence too.
angels share laughter
WHAT???????????? :(
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
YEP. in domestic violence cases in nearly every state in the US (I'll have to look up to see exactly which ones) if there's evidence(a scratch, a bruise, a red mark on the skin etc.) that a woman fought her attacker back, or she admits to police that she fought him back she gets arrested for domestic violence too, despite how badly her attacker may have fucked her up.
angels share laughter
im sorry, but i dont believe that for a second.
Man that's fucked.
So when he comes after me with the hammer it's not okay to push him away from me? I'm supposed to lie down in the foetal position and cover my head and hope for the best????????
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
don't believe me? all you gotta do is catch an occasional episode of cops. they DO get arrested and charged though the charges usually DO get dropped.
One of the effects of stricter laws and policies directing police to treat domestic violence as serious violent crime has been skyrocketing arrest rates of women for domestic violence. In some police departments the percentage of domestic violence arrests of females has shot up to 30 to 40 percent of the arrests. What's most revealing about this massive shift toward arresting more females is the fact that conviction rates for males vs. females remains basically unchanged. Between 90 and 95 percent of domestic violence convictions continue to be convictions of males. Or looking at it from another angle, a study in San Diego found that in cases in which females were arrested for domestic violence, only 6% of those cases resulted in prosecution.
What these and many other studies strongly suggest is that the evidence in most female arrests is so flimsy or non-existent that prosecutors can't justify filing charges, or even if the prosecutor does file, the evidence doesn't stand up in court and the case is quickly dismissed. Clearly, in a significant number of these cases, the officers are mistakenly arresting the victim of domestic violence and not the perpetrator. This is also the conclusion that we and many other victim advocates around the country have come to in dealing with these cases on a day by day basis. All too often, when women are arrested for domestic violence you're dealing with a victim who has been mistakenly designated as a perpetrator.
Women's advocates around the country feel the skyrocketing arrests of females for domestic violence stems from a combination of causes. In some cases outright officer hostility against women, or officer resentment of having to treat domestic violence as serious crime, motivates the arrest. In other cases officers are failing to properly determine the dominant aggressor. In a common variation of this problem, the officer fails to correctly identify defensive wounds and as a result they are arresting women who defend themselves, especially those women who defend themselves successfully. And in another whole set of cases, there are indications that domestic violence perpetrators themselves have gotten increasingly sophisticated at turning the law on women by doing such things as calling 911 themselves or by purposely injuring themselves before police arrive.
To be sure, there are cases in which the arrest of a female for domestic violence is a legitimate arrest. But the observations of victim advocates and studies around the country indicate that in a high proportion of female arrests, it is a domestic violence victim who has been mistakenly arrested.
angels share laughter
you can push him away but you had better not leave any marks on his skin or your ass is going to jail :(
angels share laughter