Saay NO to violence against women!

On Monday, 26 November, UNIFEM and UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador Nicole Kidman are launching an internet campaign asking people all over the world to raise their voices and add their names to an ever-growing movement of people saying NO to violence against women. The more names we collect, the stronger our case to make ending violence against women a top priority for governments everywhere. When the sign-on email arrives on 26 November, join Ms. Kidman and let survivors of violence around the world know that they can count on us. Click on or after November 26th and say NO to violence against women. And please, forward to friends and colleagues.
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I'm all for governments working to end violence but see no reason why violence aganst women should have any higher priority than violence against men.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Well, but that data just shows the US's situation (we both know that in many situations and indicators developed and developing countries cannot be compared). UNIFEM is a UN organization that works in over 100 countries around the world. In plenty of developing countries, women are still 2nd class citizens and victims of numerous of gender-related crimes. Discrimination against women, and in this case violence against women, just because they are women, is at the core of this campaign.
This is an awareness campaign and I just wanted to share it with the MT. Trust me, generally speaking, in Latin America women are still not equal. I won't even go to Africa and Asia where they have it much much harder...
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Thanks my friend! Did you do your full homework
Honest, I didnt just now rush back and sign up. Nosiree.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Looking at the very same chart you posted (and other things I have seen doing research on a state level) one could conclude that women are more often the target of certain specific crimes like rape and domestic violence. General violent crime could include anything from gang-related violence (perhaps even including participants) to several other crimes. I view things like domestic violence and sexual assaults and see a big problem that could be alleviated. Maybe if more single white men experienced these problems we could get you on board.
I completely agree with what you said.
me thinks that alot of single white men would rather have an emphasis put on alleviating drunken bar brawls, cause it effects them when they go out and get drunk and they're looking for a fight.
what percentage of crimes do women commit against men just because they're men?
angels share laughter
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I do not want to make discrimination a "top priority for governments everywhere"...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I'm sure the campaign itself did a lot of good (raising money, etc), but having an "internet petition" is just a silly idea to make people feel good about themselves without really putting for any effort (aka digitally signing something and therefore helping to "make poverty history," though all efforts by that person end right there).
"I care more than you, because I put my name on an internet petition" (followed by going on about their day, giving up nothing and doing nothing for the said cause).
Don't be silly. It can't do any harm.
this is in reference to GENDER-BASED violence.....amkes a big difference in focus imho. however, i don't care to bother arguing such semantics here...i know how some view this type of thing. all i WILL say is THANK YOU catarina for posting, and yes, i did sign.
btw - i see it ALL as information and sharing, not who is 'better' than someone else, etc. education is always the first step, and yes...i think a LOT of names DOES actually speak out. is it a tangible change? no. however, such online petitions at the very least educate and let some powers that be truly SEE issues that many think/feel are important and wnat change/results/answers. nothing wrong with that.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Probably good to remember too that if someone does sign an online petition about an issue they have most likely also done other things to help support a particular cause. I don't know too many people that just sign a petition and then do nothing else.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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i've never done anything about any cause i signed a petition for and i don't know anyone else who has either. the only people doing something are walking around with their annoying and worthless petitions trying to get me to sign them
Well I'd say all the people that I know that have signed petitions have also been involved in other efforts to bring awareness and change for a particular issue. And it's not like petitions haven't made a difference either.
We can't all give money, and not all of us are powerful enough to make change on our own, but there's a lot to be said for people that are willing to give their time and effort being knocked back by people that don't care just so that an issue can be brought to the public eye. Petitions are an excellent way to unify, educate and lodge protest.
I'd have to say that this petition is probably a damn sight more useful in raising awareness about violence against women than the millions of dollars in advertising that our Federal government spent paying lip service to the issue.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Yep, well the UN usually uses famous people to bring further attention to the causes they support.
This campaign is just to raise awarenes, of course signining the petition won't stop gender-related violence to stop, but at least it will provide some useful information.
I may be silly, but I believe in the organization I work for, mainly 'cause I get to see results in the projects I'm involved in some Latin American countries, where violence against women is an issue.
I don't see the harm in signing this petition, either.
yeah I suppose there will always be some that think I'm a dumb fuck for signing this petition and having volunteered at a women's domestic violence shelter. I did volunteer there a couple of years after having to use their services myself after getting my kids and I away from their abusive father. as I also suppose that there will always be some that think that i should've continued to stick around for the beatings and emotional and verbal abuse so that my kids could've had their Daddy in the home.
angels share laughter
Well there will always be people that don't think an issue is relevent simply because it has never affected them. It's a shame that some people are only worried about themselves and can only see something as a problem or an injustice if it directly effects them. There will always be people that want to pretend there is no such thing as domestic violence and there will always be people that feel the need to negate another's experience. But the way I see it that just means the rest of us have to work harder. By signing the petition and having it presented to the powers that be and the general population at large it does bring awareness. It says that there are x amount of people that see this injustice and want it stopped. Hopefully this will then raise more awareness and eventually lead to better education, more supports, better laws relating to domestic violence. It might be only a small step to sign the petition but it's a worthy one and certainly as far as I can see will lead to bigger and better things.
I'm sorry about your ex. It never ceases to amaze me the things people do to each other. Not just abusers but those who enable them with their silence or their stupid, un considered comments directed at the victims of domestic violence. When I think of some of the stupid, uninformed comments that were directed at me, I really have to wonder at some people's inability to empathize.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Some people care. I, like some others on here have experienced it first hand and I STILL thank my lucky stars that I live in an apparent civilised country.
If any of you want to be that negative and picky, read the article. The worst it could do is take away a few minutes of your time.
Good work CaterinaA!
Do you guys realize that until the mid-70s domestic violence and rape could not be prosecuted in Italy, and that rape was a crime against morals instead of a crime against a person? That's still the case in many countries.
Wake up, dudes :rolleyes:
Thank you!
The way I see it shitty stuff happened to me and I was lucky enough to be in a country where I could get out of it with my life in tact. Others are not so fortunate.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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there is no harm. im saying i see no use in signing it. i dont know who would say you're a dumb fuck for volunteering at a domestic violence shelter. all im saying is signing the petition is a waste of my time. i never sign internet petitions. it's even more worthless than voting in an american election.
I haven't been called a dumb fuck per se, but i've been told that it was stupid of me and besides "those women" must have done something to deserve being hit
yeah dude, as if apathy isn't already a part of the problem that allows men to get away with abuse
angels share laughter
exactly. (well not the Australia part
just imagine living in a culture and soceiety where dometic violence is not just tolerated but condoned. where these women have absolutely no where to turn. there are many parts of this world where women are still seen as being the property of their husbands. (or fathers or any male member of their household for that matter)
if this brings more awareness to it, it's alot better than pretending that these things never happen
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