Did you even read what I wrote?
You stated that Swastikas and the word Nigger have no meaning... it is the racism underneath that matters. I simply said... to YOU maybe... but, not to my friend Jewish Jill. To her, that Swastika means a lot.
Then, you went on about us attacking your friend who has health issues and this and that... well, you know what... having health issues is no excuse for saying shit that riles people. I simply pointed out that if it were SoulSinging who said those very same words... I would still be making the same comments... i am not sure you would be. Am i wrong? Tell me.
And drop the whole drama queen schtick... if you were a 16 year old high school girl... it would make sense. I'm a straight shooter... i'm as straight as a... really, really straight thing. It's all out there... other people get it. i don't speak in parables or riddles because i'm way too stupid for that. Yeah... i admit to lacking filters on my thoughts... and can be a bit A.D.D.... but, really... what's so difficult to understand?
Yes I read what you wrote but it seemed that you'd already decided how I think and you were attributing a whole bunch of stuff to me that has nothing to do with me, so I could only asssume that you were baiting me yet again, and that's how you'd prefer us to communicate. If that's the case I don't want to play. So I'm supposed to make allowances for you being a straight shooter and bear in mind that I'm supposedly a drama queen when I speak to you? I'm supposed to make allowances for HOW you view me and HOW you view sick people and then it'll all become clear? This is why I rarely engage you Cosmo.
It's not that I don't agree with much that you say, because more often than not I do, I just feel like what's the point of telling you so when you seemingly couldn't give a fuck what I said anyway? Unless of course I don't agree with you or I dare to question you or attempt to communicate that I'm confused by what you say and then suddenly I'm the worst person in the world. Ok.
I make allowances for SS's way of thinking when I view his posts and as far as I can see he's my friend and we muddle along. I'm quite sure he makes allowances for my posts too. Some days we get each other some days we don't. Maybe if you dropped the whole straight shooter schtick and the preconceived ideas you have of me we'd communicatea whole lot better? Or we could not bother at all. The way I see it, you hold grudges. I could be wrong but I don't think I am.
As to your friend I completely understand that a swastika holds meaning and negative connotations for her. I do have the luxury of not having had it impact my life negatively. However, by going after the symbols and language of bad behaviour and not addressing the underlying problems are we not really just paying lip service? Allowing this kind of thing to continue? People do bad things to each other. A swastika, the symbol itself, it did nothing to your friend or her family. Somebody wearing one did. But does that mean I should rid the world of all black t-shirts because my ex had a penchant for wearing them when he beat me up? Just as me calling someone nigger, isn't really doing anything to them either. It's a word. I'm well aware that it's upsetting for a lot of people but wouldn't it be my behaviour and my intention that was really bad and not the word or the symbol?
Now if I dressed myself up in my swastika, shouting nigger and physically launched myself at someone how much of that is my bad behaviour and how much of it is symbolism and language? AND if I did do that wouldn't it be better for people to find out WHY I did it and educate me NOT TO DO IT AGAIN, try to understand what on earth my motivation could be instead of arguing about the importance or meaning of the symbols and language?
We cannot take back the things that humans have done to each other but fiddling around with the set dressing is an exercise in futility if the script and the actors are shit. It won't stop it being a bad play. Only a complete rewrite and maybe a new director, new actors will do that. We need to fix what is broken. Worrying about the small stuff when there are bigger things that just seems stupid to me.
Oh and none of that was an attack on you btw. I'm simply attempting to find some common ground.
Wow! Really it's not me you need to be worrying about.
If the best you can do in a day is go after someone on a message board because you have "history" :rolleyes: then I feel sorry for you ss.
That's really, really sad.
I mean I could read through all the things you have said in the time I've been here and paint a really negative picture of you if I could be bothered but maybe I'm a bit simpler than that? If I don't like someone I just avoid them. I certainly don't feel the need to chase them round the board. But you know if you feel the need to be everyone's moral compass, go for it!
I've "bought" plenty of your bullshit. I'm an equal opportunity kinda gal.
Nice effort at getting some more ridicule in though.
it's fun to poke the blowhard. he's like that annoyingly pathetic friend who always has a (totally made up) story to top everyone else's in an attempt to add credbility to his bullshit opinion. i get a kick out of seeing what bullshit he'll spew next and responding to it. that is pathetic? you do the same to me.
Ok, so back to the topic at hand. How is it not a breach of his privacy that the media ENABLED his punk kid AND that they further added to the madness by providing the impetus for him to be fired? I don't think ANYONE regardless of whether they're a public figure or not should be able to be hung drawn and quartered for something they did in their own home. I know it's hard to understand but just because a person works in the media DOESN'T make every facet of their lives open for public scrutiny AND the fact that society seems to think it does is a pretty sad indictment on the society we live in.
Personally I think if we're going to be "outing" people for stuff like this I'd like to know more about the personal lives and the quality of the human being that brings us this drivel in the first place.
nothing they do in their home? murder? molesting children? you're right though. it's not the kid's fault. he shouldn't be accountable for his actions. it's society's fault.
how did this piece of shit fucking felon......who spent time in prison for his part in a murder....
get a fucking television show in the first place????
Hard work, guts, and notoriety. He brought in Luster, the Max Factor heir.
That's what started it.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
So basically we are relying on each other to do the right thing then?
To me, by recording ANYTHING you said or did and then releasing it to the media is breaching your privacy. Something I would not do without your consent and agreement. And by purchasing it from the son and THEN actually acting on it isn't that "poison fruits"? As far as I can see that's only compounding the situation AND rewarding bad behaviour. And by you accepting it as ok, are you not also agreeing that whilst shitty it's to be expected and therefore ok? I'm just asking.
im saying it sucks for dog, but if he knew his words might cause problems (and he did, that was what the convo was about), he should have been more careful in speaking them.
yes, it's a shitty thing to do. but it's not illegal. and as ive said time and again, people are shitty and you should never expect them to do anything but shitty things to each other.
Im shocked the PC police haven't shut this thread down yet.
When you fart does it sound like a squeak?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
The conversation was between the SON and the Dogg. The SON sold his (the Son's) private conversation to the Tabloid media. Who's conversation is it? The Son or the Dogg?
Not a Freedom of Speech issue... just a loser family and the appeal of money.
Yeah, but doesn't the conversation belong to both of them because they both participated in it? It's a recording of both of them? Therefore shouldn't BOTH parties in the conversation legally have the same rights??? The right to privacy, the right to monetary compensation? I mean isn't that the principle of royalties?
Shouldn't the media outlet that procured the conversation of BOTH people have to have the permission of BOTH people BEFORE they go public? By not procuring DOGS permission they breached his privacy. As did the son for not having DOGS permission before he went to the media.
The trouble I see with it Cosmo, is it sets a nasty precedent. This is not stuff that was in the public domain and although it was maybe only a loser family looking for a bit of cash (who decides that anyway) what's to say a bit of fancy lawyering in a few years won't see the ramifications of it for ordinary people? Not to mention the message it sends to people right now.
You really should get your period key looked into...hehe
I thought I was bad.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
it's fun to poke the blowhard. he's like that annoyingly pathetic friend who always has a (totally made up) story to top everyone else's in an attempt to add credbility to his bullshit opinion. i get a kick out of seeing what bullshit he'll spew next and responding to it. that is pathetic? you do the same to me..
Nah, I don't think I do do the same to you ss. And I've thought about it a lot.
Far as I can see if I'm poking fun at you, you know it and I don't think I make it my hobby to disagree with you just so I can have a little nasty fun for the day. I certainly wouldn't kick you when you were down and I don't get off on belittling you. AND I don't dislike you. I might disagree with you sometimes but I think I try my utmost to understand you.
I can't see you chasing someone in a wheelchair down the road berating them because you feel the need to so I really don't get what goes on here.
You are perfectly understanding of most things so I guess I just see what you do here as a vendetta that you get some kind of satisfaction from. And that makes me sad. Because I do think you're better than that.
But what would I know right?
nothing they do in their home? murder? molesting children? you're right though. it's not the kid's fault. he shouldn't be accountable for his actions. it's society's fault.
I knew you'd bring that up. I didn't think I'd have to put the disclaimer in though. Obviously if someone elses health and wellbeing are being affected behind closed doors then we as a society have to act.
And I don't think that it's societies fault. Well no more than usual. The kid is responsible for his actions BUT I'm just not giving a free pass to the media, the poor wittle media, for allowing it. The kid's done the wrong thing and the media have too.
im saying it sucks for dog, but if he knew his words might cause problems (and he did, that was what the convo was about), he should have been more careful in speaking them.
Ok, so you're saying that no matter who you are, where you are or what you are doing, you need to choose your words carefully?
yes, it's a shitty thing to do. but it's not illegal. and as ive said time and again, people are shitty and you should never expect them to do anything but shitty things to each other.
Shitty people may be, and not illegal either, but that's not really an excuse to compound bad behaviour is it?
Yeah, but doesn't the conversation belong to both of them because they both participated in it? It's a recording of both of them? Therefore shouldn't BOTH parties in the conversation legally have the same rights??? The right to privacy, the right to monetary compensation? I mean isn't that the principle of royalties?
Shouldn't the media outlet that procured the conversation of BOTH people have to have the permission of BOTH people BEFORE they go public? By not procuring DOGS permission they breached his privacy. As did the son for not having DOGS permission before he went to the media.
The trouble I see with it Cosmo, is it sets a nasty precedent. This is not stuff that was in the public domain and although it was maybe only a loser family looking for a bit of cash (who decides that anyway) what's to say a bit of fancy lawyering in a few years won't see the ramifications of it for ordinary people? Not to mention the message it sends to people right now.
no, that isnt the way it works. it's not a precedent. it's established law.
One of the drawbacks of being famous. Watching what you say all the time and being able to trust people.
Welcome to fame...walk the tightrope.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I get what your saying Cosmo, but even Jill would not stoop to making a big issue of the swastika. Does it have negative connotations? Sure. But one of the great things about the recovery of the Jewish nation is that they don't dwell on that one event as being their defining moment. They have moved on. They cherish their lives in the present not the suffering of the past. They might reflect on it from time to time, but they aren't shoving down peoples throats every change they get. They also don't go around talking smack with each other. When was the last time you heard Jill say "get gassed you filthy emaciated baldy" to a fellow Jewish friend?
The point in all of this is, everyone has something from their ancestry that can be percieved as negative. It can drum up painful memories or represent a sore spot in history. But to take issue with every little thing that comes up is only going to make the reprocussions of that event linger longer.
Words and symbols are ineffective unless we give them creedence.
I have to disagree with most of what you said. First, while Jews may not be making the outrageous comment you typed above (I realize it was in jest) most of the people directly affected by the Nazi's (Jews over 60) along with their children have not "moved on". My gf worked at a Jewish nursing home in Brooklyn and believe me, all was not forgotten, nor should it be. Now, I believe you were comparing this to the continued use of the word "nigger" by blacks. Well, although life has dramatically improved for blacks since the '60's, the amount of racism they continue to face on a daily basis across the U.S. runs far more rampant then any other group. While there is still hatred amongst all types, what is done to blacks far exceeds all of it. Makes it a little harder for them to "move on".
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
I have to disagree with most of what you said. First, while Jews may not be making the outrageous comment you typed above (I realize it was in jest) most of the people directly affected by the Nazi's (Jews over 60) along with their children have not "moved on". My gf worked at a Jewish nursing home in Brooklyn and believe me, all was not forgotten, nor should it be. Now, I believe you were comparing this to the continued use of the word "nigger" by blacks. Well, although life has dramatically improved for blacks since the '60's, the amount of racism they continue to face on a daily basis across the U.S. runs far more rampant then any other group. While there is still hatred amongst all types, what is done to blacks far exceeds all of it. Makes it a little harder for them to "move on".
not to mention, just as with those old jewish folks, the old black folks grew up in days when they had to have separate schools, separate drinking fountains, etc.
Maybe you could elaborate. What exactly is "done to blacks" in todays modern society?
Also, could you clarify for us what role things like deliberate involvement in drugs, gangs, drop out rates, unemployment, abuse of the welfare system, teen pregnancy and multiple/absentee parenting play into this?
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
Maybe you could elaborate. What exactly is "done to blacks" in todays modern society?
Also, could you clarify for us what role things like deliberate involvement in drugs, gangs, drop out rates, unemployment, abuse of the welfare system, teen pregnancy and multiple/absentee parenting play into this?
not to mention, just as with those old jewish folks.
my ex was half German and my parents and Grandmother had a problem with THAT :eek:
but you know stories/knowledge, feelings about the Holocaust, that gets passed down
one of my father's uncles's was a Holocaust survivor
and then there's the anti Semitism. It still exists. I experienced plenty of it growing up on Long Island
and there's still plenty of it in existence today... there is a consistent stream of stories of Swastikas being painted on temples, homes, in Jewish neighborhoods...
and what about the recent rash of incidents of nooses turning up, threatening/menacing people, that's disturbing
And anybody who doesn't 'get' why white people shouldn't use the N word, I mean I can't believe that requires an explanation.
That's what slave owners used to call their slaves. It is one of the worst possible insults. I don't think the younger generations realize that....
"...like a word misplaced, nothing said, what a waste.."
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
my ex was half German and my parents and Grandmother had a problem with THAT :eek:
but you know stories/knowledge, feelings about the Holocaust, that gets passed down
one of my father's uncles's was a Holocaust survivor
and then there's the anti Semitism. It still exists. I experienced plenty of it growing up on Long Island
and there's still plenty of it in existence today... there is a consistent stream of stories of Swastikas being painted on temples, homes, in Jewish neighborhoods...
and what about the recent rash of incidents of nooses turning up, threatening/menacing people, that's disturbing
And anybody who doesn't 'get' why white people shouldn't use the N word, I mean I can't believe that requires an explanation.
That's what slave owners used to call their slaves. It is one of the worst possible insults. I don't think the younger generations realize that....
i love the jews, but mainly becos one of the foxiest girls i ever dated was jewish. she seemed to feel there was a lot of anti-semitism out there too. i've personally never seen it, but i grew up sheltered.
We are the Mods, We are the, We are the We are the We are the Mods.......Ok, Im not about shutting down speech but this thread is way the fuck out of control. Settle it down or maybe the Mods can. Freedom of speech=cool. Freedom to defame or hate=not cool. Settle the fuck down people and dont use that fucking N word!!
We are the Mods, We are the, We are the We are the We are the Mods.......Ok, Im not about shutting down speech but this thread is way the fuck out of control. Settle it down or maybe the Mods can. Freedom of speech=cool. Freedom to defame or hate=not cool. Settle the fuck down people and dont use that fucking N word!!
You're free to not use the word, and/or or not click and be offended from the content within.
What do you suppose you're going to do about it? Even if this thread does get locked. You're wasting your breath...the world still happens.
zip... bupkiss...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
We are the Mods, We are the, We are the We are the We are the Mods.......Ok, Im not about shutting down speech but this thread is way the fuck out of control. Settle it down or maybe the Mods can. Freedom of speech=cool. Freedom to defame or hate=not cool. Settle the fuck down people and dont use that fucking N word!!
that bit is grasped. the bit that isn't is that THEY GAVE A REASON. and that reason was because of ONE COMMON WORD he used in a private conversation. if you were sitting over dinner and said your boss was an arse; and your child said something and you got fired over it; you'd understand the point.
Again, if they can fire you for no reason, then they can just as well fire you for a reason.
The only people we should try to get even with...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Maybe you could elaborate. What exactly is "done to blacks" in todays modern society?
Also, could you clarify for us what role things like deliberate involvement in drugs, gangs, drop out rates, unemployment, abuse of the welfare system, teen pregnancy and multiple/absentee parenting play into this?
As to what is done to blacks nowadays, here is a partial list:
-Racial Profiling
-Police Harassment/Brutality/"Accidental Shootings (where person is shot 20+times, accidentaly)
-Distrust by others (People locking doors, clutching purses, etc)
-Hatred and prejudice on a daily basis (sometimes doesn't come out until you think you're in private, hello Dog)
-Continued attempts at segregation in some small towns
-Hate Crimes
As to the "deliberate involement" you describe, I assume you are referring to the larger population of blacks involved in what you mentioned vs. other races, as those acts are committed by all types. Well, if you on a daily basis were faced with the above mentioned list on a regular basis, you might, just might, turn to criminal activites at a higher rate than say a white person. Whatever the case, whites shouldn't use the word nigger. If people on here can't understand that or want to continue to say their is a double standard, well they are beyond help. To them I say, feel free to use the word and see how that works out for you.
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
again, the response was....I was not hypocritical. Try again.
Furthermore, is Speedy so inept that you have to fight his battle for him?
a response that is wrong. he makes a crack about cooking good dog and he's a racist. you talk about how all the niggers are lazy, drug-addicted, welfare-abusing so and so's, and you're just stating honest facts, right? meanwhile, halloween is a holiday of satan and thanksgiving is about american genocide of the indians. funny how you're so concerned about the plight of minorities... as long as they're not those colored folks cos they brought it on themselves eh?
Maybe you could elaborate. What exactly is "done to blacks" in todays modern society?
Also, could you clarify for us what role things like deliberate involvement in drugs, gangs, drop out rates, unemployment, abuse of the welfare system, teen pregnancy and multiple/absentee parenting play into this?
i have to agree. which bit didn't blacks bring upon themselves? in the 70's we were asked NOT to use the "N" word and for the most part; american society stopped using it. then years later some blacks decided to dig it up and bring it into mailstream america. they called eachother the n word and brought it into comedy and music. needless to say the word stuck and now it's everyday language OFF THE TELE. so now we're in a situation where a word is brought back into the venacular of the day once again and those who asked us not to say it; are the ones that brought it back. so now we have to divide society into sections. this section is allowed to use these words and other sections are not. personally; i've heard the n word used more by mexicans but i don't have exposure to many blacks. when chriss rock uses the n word it's funny. but let a white man say it and he loses his career.
so all this bullshit about equality goes out the window because the blacks now decide they want special treatment and want to be allowed to use words that whites are banned from using.
i have to agree. which bit didn't blacks bring upon themselves? in the 70's we were asked NOT to use the "N" word and for the most part; american society stopped using it. then years later some blacks decided to dig it up and bring it into mailstream america. they called eachother the n word and brought it into comedy and music. needless to say the word stuck and now it's everyday language OFF THE TELE. so now we're in a situation where a word is brought back into the venacular of the day once again and those who asked us not to say it; are the ones that brought it back. so now we have to divide society into sections. this section is allowed to use these words and other sections are not. personally; i've heard the n word used more by mexicans but i don't have exposure to many blacks. when chriss rock uses the n word it's funny. but let a white man say it and he loses his career.
so all this bullshit about equality goes out the window because the blacks now decide they want special treatment and want to be allowed to use words that whites are banned from using.
becos whites use them in a different and offensive sense. blacks use nigger as in "brother" or "fellow minority." whites, as you yourself admitted, use it in the sense of "motherfucker" or "lazy piece of shit." blacks have tried to change its meaning and use it in that sense and whites are trying to use it as an excuse to resurrect an old word and use it in the same sense that led to its being dropped from the popular lexicon.
the blacks alive today are first generation from segregation and sharecropping. the grandparents grew up under jim crow. you don't think that takes some time to get past? the problems iin the ghetto now pale in comparison to what they were 10 years ago. give it another 30 and things will have levelled out.
As to what is done to blacks nowadays, here is a partial list:
-Racial Profiling
-Police Harassment/Brutality/"Accidental Shootings (where person is shot 20+times, accidentaly)
-Distrust by others (People locking doors, clutching purses, etc)
-Hatred and prejudice on a daily basis (sometimes doesn't come out until you think you're in private, hello Dog)
-Continued attempts at segregation in some small towns
-Hate Crimes
As to the "deliberate involement" you describe, I assume you are referring to the larger population of blacks involved in what you mentioned vs. other races, as those acts are committed by all types. Well, if you on a daily basis were faced with the above mentioned list on a regular basis, you might, just might, turn to criminal activites at a higher rate than say a white person. Whatever the case, whites shouldn't use the word nigger. If people on here can't understand that or want to continue to say their is a double standard, well they are beyond help. To them I say, feel free to use the word and see how that works out for you.
that is so full of shite. a black person has a better chance than anyone in the us. blacks don't need good grades to get scholarships. they only need to be black. racial profiling?? where? in black neighborhoods? there was a big deal about racial profiling mexicans when arizona was clearing out illegals. the city of mesa i believe was going to be sued because the police were only stopping mexicans to see if they were legal. this in a town which is 95% mexican. there's nobody else to stop. get off your arses and go to work. 5 out of 6 of my doctors are black so stop crying. all you're looking for is a reason to fail.
Yes I read what you wrote but it seemed that you'd already decided how I think and you were attributing a whole bunch of stuff to me that has nothing to do with me, so I could only asssume that you were baiting me yet again, and that's how you'd prefer us to communicate. If that's the case I don't want to play. So I'm supposed to make allowances for you being a straight shooter and bear in mind that I'm supposedly a drama queen when I speak to you? I'm supposed to make allowances for HOW you view me and HOW you view sick people and then it'll all become clear? This is why I rarely engage you Cosmo.
It's not that I don't agree with much that you say, because more often than not I do, I just feel like what's the point of telling you so when you seemingly couldn't give a fuck what I said anyway? Unless of course I don't agree with you or I dare to question you or attempt to communicate that I'm confused by what you say and then suddenly I'm the worst person in the world. Ok.
I make allowances for SS's way of thinking when I view his posts and as far as I can see he's my friend and we muddle along. I'm quite sure he makes allowances for my posts too. Some days we get each other some days we don't. Maybe if you dropped the whole straight shooter schtick and the preconceived ideas you have of me we'd communicatea whole lot better? Or we could not bother at all. The way I see it, you hold grudges. I could be wrong but I don't think I am.
As to your friend I completely understand that a swastika holds meaning and negative connotations for her. I do have the luxury of not having had it impact my life negatively. However, by going after the symbols and language of bad behaviour and not addressing the underlying problems are we not really just paying lip service? Allowing this kind of thing to continue? People do bad things to each other. A swastika, the symbol itself, it did nothing to your friend or her family. Somebody wearing one did. But does that mean I should rid the world of all black t-shirts because my ex had a penchant for wearing them when he beat me up? Just as me calling someone nigger, isn't really doing anything to them either. It's a word. I'm well aware that it's upsetting for a lot of people but wouldn't it be my behaviour and my intention that was really bad and not the word or the symbol?
Now if I dressed myself up in my swastika, shouting nigger and physically launched myself at someone how much of that is my bad behaviour and how much of it is symbolism and language? AND if I did do that wouldn't it be better for people to find out WHY I did it and educate me NOT TO DO IT AGAIN, try to understand what on earth my motivation could be instead of arguing about the importance or meaning of the symbols and language?
We cannot take back the things that humans have done to each other but fiddling around with the set dressing is an exercise in futility if the script and the actors are shit. It won't stop it being a bad play. Only a complete rewrite and maybe a new director, new actors will do that. We need to fix what is broken. Worrying about the small stuff when there are bigger things that just seems stupid to me.
Oh and none of that was an attack on you btw. I'm simply attempting to find some common ground.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
it's fun to poke the blowhard. he's like that annoyingly pathetic friend who always has a (totally made up) story to top everyone else's in an attempt to add credbility to his bullshit opinion. i get a kick out of seeing what bullshit he'll spew next and responding to it. that is pathetic? you do the same to me.
nothing they do in their home? murder? molesting children? you're right though. it's not the kid's fault. he shouldn't be accountable for his actions. it's society's fault.
Hard work, guts, and notoriety. He brought in Luster, the Max Factor heir.
That's what started it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
im saying it sucks for dog, but if he knew his words might cause problems (and he did, that was what the convo was about), he should have been more careful in speaking them.
yes, it's a shitty thing to do. but it's not illegal. and as ive said time and again, people are shitty and you should never expect them to do anything but shitty things to each other.
When you fart does it sound like a squeak?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yeah, but doesn't the conversation belong to both of them because they both participated in it? It's a recording of both of them? Therefore shouldn't BOTH parties in the conversation legally have the same rights??? The right to privacy, the right to monetary compensation? I mean isn't that the principle of royalties?
Shouldn't the media outlet that procured the conversation of BOTH people have to have the permission of BOTH people BEFORE they go public? By not procuring DOGS permission they breached his privacy. As did the son for not having DOGS permission before he went to the media.
The trouble I see with it Cosmo, is it sets a nasty precedent. This is not stuff that was in the public domain and although it was maybe only a loser family looking for a bit of cash (who decides that anyway) what's to say a bit of fancy lawyering in a few years won't see the ramifications of it for ordinary people? Not to mention the message it sends to people right now.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You really should get your period key looked into...hehe
I thought I was bad.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Nah, I don't think I do do the same to you ss. And I've thought about it a lot.
Far as I can see if I'm poking fun at you, you know it and I don't think I make it my hobby to disagree with you just so I can have a little nasty fun for the day. I certainly wouldn't kick you when you were down and I don't get off on belittling you. AND I don't dislike you. I might disagree with you sometimes but I think I try my utmost to understand you.
I can't see you chasing someone in a wheelchair down the road berating them because you feel the need to so I really don't get what goes on here.
You are perfectly understanding of most things so I guess I just see what you do here as a vendetta that you get some kind of satisfaction from. And that makes me sad. Because I do think you're better than that.
But what would I know right?
I knew you'd bring that up. I didn't think I'd have to put the disclaimer in though. Obviously if someone elses health and wellbeing are being affected behind closed doors then we as a society have to act.
And I don't think that it's societies fault. Well no more than usual. The kid is responsible for his actions BUT I'm just not giving a free pass to the media, the poor wittle media, for allowing it. The kid's done the wrong thing and the media have too.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Ok, so you're saying that no matter who you are, where you are or what you are doing, you need to choose your words carefully?
Shitty people may be, and not illegal either, but that's not really an excuse to compound bad behaviour is it?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
no, that isnt the way it works. it's not a precedent. it's established law.
yes, you do. welcome to the new millenium.
Welcome to fame...walk the tightrope.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
See? This is where I can only look at the US and shake my head.
And be nervous because your laws are eroding the rest of the worlds legal systems.
Of course it shouldn't be all that hard to repeal the law or amend it.
You know because it's WRONG.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I have to disagree with most of what you said. First, while Jews may not be making the outrageous comment you typed above (I realize it was in jest) most of the people directly affected by the Nazi's (Jews over 60) along with their children have not "moved on". My gf worked at a Jewish nursing home in Brooklyn and believe me, all was not forgotten, nor should it be. Now, I believe you were comparing this to the continued use of the word "nigger" by blacks. Well, although life has dramatically improved for blacks since the '60's, the amount of racism they continue to face on a daily basis across the U.S. runs far more rampant then any other group. While there is still hatred amongst all types, what is done to blacks far exceeds all of it. Makes it a little harder for them to "move on".
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
I can see now why old people get sick of living.
Some things just don't need to happen.
I reckon this would be one of them.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
not to mention, just as with those old jewish folks, the old black folks grew up in days when they had to have separate schools, separate drinking fountains, etc.
Also, could you clarify for us what role things like deliberate involvement in drugs, gangs, drop out rates, unemployment, abuse of the welfare system, teen pregnancy and multiple/absentee parenting play into this?
you're right. niggers are lazy and worthless.
racial profiling
glass ceilings
housing discrimination
underfunded schools
police brutality
latent racism
my ex was half German and my parents and Grandmother had a problem with THAT :eek:
but you know stories/knowledge, feelings about the Holocaust, that gets passed down
one of my father's uncles's was a Holocaust survivor
and then there's the anti Semitism. It still exists. I experienced plenty of it growing up on Long Island
and there's still plenty of it in existence today... there is a consistent stream of stories of Swastikas being painted on temples, homes, in Jewish neighborhoods...
and what about the recent rash of incidents of nooses turning up, threatening/menacing people, that's disturbing
And anybody who doesn't 'get' why white people shouldn't use the N word, I mean I can't believe that requires an explanation.
That's what slave owners used to call their slaves. It is one of the worst possible insults. I don't think the younger generations realize that....
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
i love the jews, but mainly becos one of the foxiest girls i ever dated was jewish. she seemed to feel there was a lot of anti-semitism out there too. i've personally never seen it, but i grew up sheltered.
You're free to not use the word, and/or or not click and be offended from the content within.
What do you suppose you're going to do about it? Even if this thread does get locked. You're wasting your breath...the world still happens.
zip... bupkiss...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
who ya gonna call?
America does, private companies do not.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Again, if they can fire you for no reason, then they can just as well fire you for a reason.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
As to what is done to blacks nowadays, here is a partial list:
-Racial Profiling
-Police Harassment/Brutality/"Accidental Shootings (where person is shot 20+times, accidentaly)
-Distrust by others (People locking doors, clutching purses, etc)
-Hatred and prejudice on a daily basis (sometimes doesn't come out until you think you're in private, hello Dog)
-Continued attempts at segregation in some small towns
-Hate Crimes
As to the "deliberate involement" you describe, I assume you are referring to the larger population of blacks involved in what you mentioned vs. other races, as those acts are committed by all types. Well, if you on a daily basis were faced with the above mentioned list on a regular basis, you might, just might, turn to criminal activites at a higher rate than say a white person. Whatever the case, whites shouldn't use the word nigger. If people on here can't understand that or want to continue to say their is a double standard, well they are beyond help. To them I say, feel free to use the word and see how that works out for you.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
a response that is wrong. he makes a crack about cooking good dog and he's a racist. you talk about how all the niggers are lazy, drug-addicted, welfare-abusing so and so's, and you're just stating honest facts, right? meanwhile, halloween is a holiday of satan and thanksgiving is about american genocide of the indians. funny how you're so concerned about the plight of minorities... as long as they're not those colored folks cos they brought it on themselves eh?
i have to agree. which bit didn't blacks bring upon themselves? in the 70's we were asked NOT to use the "N" word and for the most part; american society stopped using it. then years later some blacks decided to dig it up and bring it into mailstream america. they called eachother the n word and brought it into comedy and music. needless to say the word stuck and now it's everyday language OFF THE TELE. so now we're in a situation where a word is brought back into the venacular of the day once again and those who asked us not to say it; are the ones that brought it back. so now we have to divide society into sections. this section is allowed to use these words and other sections are not. personally; i've heard the n word used more by mexicans but i don't have exposure to many blacks. when chriss rock uses the n word it's funny. but let a white man say it and he loses his career.
so all this bullshit about equality goes out the window because the blacks now decide they want special treatment and want to be allowed to use words that whites are banned from using.
becos whites use them in a different and offensive sense. blacks use nigger as in "brother" or "fellow minority." whites, as you yourself admitted, use it in the sense of "motherfucker" or "lazy piece of shit." blacks have tried to change its meaning and use it in that sense and whites are trying to use it as an excuse to resurrect an old word and use it in the same sense that led to its being dropped from the popular lexicon.
the blacks alive today are first generation from segregation and sharecropping. the grandparents grew up under jim crow. you don't think that takes some time to get past? the problems iin the ghetto now pale in comparison to what they were 10 years ago. give it another 30 and things will have levelled out.
that is so full of shite. a black person has a better chance than anyone in the us. blacks don't need good grades to get scholarships. they only need to be black. racial profiling?? where? in black neighborhoods? there was a big deal about racial profiling mexicans when arizona was clearing out illegals. the city of mesa i believe was going to be sued because the police were only stopping mexicans to see if they were legal. this in a town which is 95% mexican. there's nobody else to stop. get off your arses and go to work. 5 out of 6 of my doctors are black so stop crying. all you're looking for is a reason to fail.