who deserves it? are you saying nigger and motherfucker are interchangeable terms? it is the fact that you equate them that allows for blacks to say it and whites not to. becos blacks have tried to reclaim it by using it as a term of friendship, whereas whites still view it as a derogatory insult, as you just evidenced.
lemme guess, when you were a famous musician, right before you were a famous multimillionaire business man, which was before you became a john wayne buffalo raisin redneck cowboy, you were in one of those white power heavy metal groups?
I'd take you a lot more seriously if I didn't think you could be a sexist pig and mysoginist at times. But hey, that's ok right? You know because you're right and all? When you do it it's different????? Pity AT & T can't shut you up when you're on a roll. I mean everybody knows that mother fucker can't possibly be as bad as nigger coz you know women don't count anyway. :rolleyes:
They're just WORDS! They have no meaning other than that which is placed upon them. You won't stamp out racism by stopping people from saying WORDS.
Oh what's the point anyway? You'll come back with some stupid, flippant comment and all your little misogynist fans will applaud. But that's ok, because it's cool to hate women.
dog the bounty hunter has served the public for years. now; in a taped PRIVATE conversation; he used the word niggar and his show gets cancelled.
so now our private conversations are subject to public approval. so what other rights have we given up? are we going to start arresting people for what they say? if so; most blacks would be arrested for using the same word.
so i guess it comes down to a double standard. blacks use the word "cracker" with frequency oh but that's ok. what is this world coming to?
When my friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 6 years ago... and went through the chemo... and lost all of her hair... and was told she was in remission... then, later learned that it had returned... and passed away this past Summer...
She didn't give a crap about all of this useless drivel... her greatest concern was to live long enough to hold her grand daughter in her arms and tell her that she loved her... and to tell her husband... and her daughters... and her family... and her friends... and me... that she loved us.
For someone who is not long for this Earth... don't concern yourself with matters of such grave insignificant and focus on the things that really matter.
Leastwise... that's the way I see it.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
When my friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 6 years ago... and went through the chemo... and lost all of her hair... and was told she was in remission... then, later learned that it had returned... and passed away this past Summer...
She didn't give a crap about all of this useless drivel... her greatest concern was to live long enough to hold her grand daughter in her arms and tell her that she loved her... and to tell her husband... and her daughters... and her family... and her friends... and me... that she loved us.
For someone who is not long for this Earth... don't concern yourself with matters of such grave insignificant and focus on the things that really matter.
Leastwise... that's the way I see it.
i agree 100% with you. here's what bothered me. this happened at job corps in phoenix. they helped a friends son and i needed a tax deduction so i had a meeting there where i was going to donate $250K plus 5% of my profits to them. i did turn around and walked out the door; and the donation went to alice coopers program for kids.
edit: i'm still fighting for my life and i'm here because the people of my community donated blood. medicare allows me 3 pints of blood per year. if they remove my bladder and i can get a kidney; i think i can be around for a while longer if i fight.
i'm sorry about your friend. my mum had breast cancer twice so i know what she went through. my thoughts are with her.
i agree 100% with you. here's what bothered me. this happened at job corps in phoenix. they helped a friends son and i needed a tax deduction so i had a meeting there where i was going to donate $250K plus 5% of my profits to them. i did turn around and walked out the door; and the donation went to alice coopers program for kids.
You said you were there after hours....was someone there waiting for you?
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
i was walking down a hallway when 4 blacks; walking abreast; stopped for me to move out of their way. the problem was that this was after hours and all the doors down the hallway were locked. so i either had to walk back outside so these 4 people could pass; or bloody levitate to let them by. they deserved it. in fact; they deserved a lot more. they were looking for a fight and should have gotten one.
funny...I work Downtown Houston...and have daily occurances with minorities.........from the homeless to executives.....and have had no issues..none...all courteous...even when I encounter a group of jueviniles...to me it seems there's a mutual respect..
Just kills me when white folk are absolutely clueless as to what it might be like to be a minority in this country.....and the worst part is....they think they're somehow better.....and they had absulutely nothing to do with the color of their skin.
i currently have 6 doctors and not 1 is white. in fact; persuant to the law; i am a minority. i know more whites that deserve the label: niggar. this has nothing to do with minorities. it has everything to do with how a person acts.
And because four black men stood in your way, you walked out, gave the money to someone else and then you come on here to crow about it? To excuse yourself for calling them niggers?
And please spare me the garbage about white people can be niggers too.
That doesn't fly with me.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I'd take you a lot more seriously if I didn't think you could be a sexist pig and mysoginist at times. But hey, that's ok right? You know because you're right and all? When you do it it's different????? Pity AT & T can't shut you up when you're on a roll. I mean everybody knows that mother fucker can't possibly be as bad as nigger coz you know women don't count anyway. :rolleyes:
They're just WORDS! They have no meaning other than that which is placed upon them. You won't stamp out racism by stopping people from saying WORDS.
Oh what's the point anyway? You'll come back with some stupid, flippant comment and all your little misogynist fans will applaud. But that's ok, because it's cool to hate women.
don't let him bother you love. he's the first to use the "C" word but that's ok. he's made up his own set of rules.
i'm playing devils advocate here and those that know me know what i'm doing. i've never called anyone niggar out loud in anger. i love everyone that shows they deserve it.
And because four black men stood in your way, you walked out, gave the money to someone else and then you come on here to crow about it? To excuse yourself for calling them niggers?
And please spare me the garbage about white people can be niggers too.
That doesn't fly with me.
i never said i called them niggars. and yes; the donation went to someone else because access to the office was refused to me.
i don't care what "flys" with you. this is an opinion board and i voiced my opinion. i'm not asking you to like it. if you took the time to know me; you'd know that i'm taking the extreem side to make a point. i've never called anyone a niggar out loud in public and the best girlfriend i had years ago was black. she broke it off because her family wouldn't accept a white BF.
now; do you want to talk about discrimination?
don't let him bother you love. he's the first to use the "C" word but that's ok. he's made up his own set of rules.
i'm playing devils advocate here and those that know me know what i'm doing. i've never called anyone niggar out loud in anger. i love everyone that shows they deserve it.
Alright...listen...I looked over some of your proposed threads..I am nosey...asked NKOTB...and this thread's direction seems to be taking a turn not like you.
To ruffle feathers?
Answer me....in my above post...so you walked out because of these 4 guys?
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
i agree 100% with you. here's what bothered me. this happened at job corps in phoenix. they helped a friends son and i needed a tax deduction so i had a meeting there where i was going to donate $250K plus 5% of my profits to them. i did turn around and walked out the door; and the donation went to alice coopers program for kids.
edit: i'm still fighting for my life and i'm here because the people of my community donated blood. medicare allows me 3 pints of blood per year. if they remove my bladder and i can get a kidney; i think i can be around for a while longer if i fight.
i'm sorry about your friend. my mum had breast cancer twice so i know what she went through. my thoughts are with her.
Well... why didn't you donate the $250,000 plus 5% of your profits? Because yu didn't like the people who worked there? I find that rather silly and quite petty on your part... i mean to basically say, "Screw you recipiants of the donations... i don't like the people who distribute my money". Charity is charity and there are no strings attached... leastwise, in my book. I do it without reservation because i feel it is important... i do not give to a charity in order to shelter me from taxes... I give because i care and really don't care for the write off.
I guess that is where you and i differ... well, that and a myriad of other issues.
Anyway... back to my point... you seem to get disturbed about really insignificant bullshit. I don't give a fuck about Dogg The Asshole. my big issues are these... this bullshit War... the fact that people (even those with health insurance) have to fight things like cancer and insurance companies and face their family's financial ruin in the wealthiest nation in the world.. and environemntal issues that will affect the little 3 year old's future.
If I were someone in your situation, i would care less about stupid tabloid shit and focus on the things that really matter.
But, that's just me.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
i was walking down a hallway when 4 blacks; walking abreast; stopped for me to move out of their way. the problem was that this was after hours and all the doors down the hallway were locked. so i either had to walk back outside so these 4 people could pass; or bloody levitate to let them by. they deserved it. in fact; they deserved a lot more. they were looking for a fight and should have gotten one.
as for dogg; he can buy and sell anyone on this board so he'll be ok. as for the criminals he risks his life to get off the streets; f*&^ it; let them continue to kill others because his work isn't appreciated.
You say they desreved it??? Deserved what??? What we are left to assume is that you used a racial slur.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
dog the bounty hunter has served the public for years. now; in a taped PRIVATE conversation; he used the word niggar and his show gets cancelled.
so now our private conversations are subject to public approval. so what other rights have we given up? are we going to start arresting people for what they say? if so; most blacks would be arrested for using the same word.
so i guess it comes down to a double standard. blacks use the word "cracker" with frequency oh but that's ok. what is this world coming to?
don't let him bother you love. he's the first to use the "C" word but that's ok. he's made up his own set of rules.
i'm playing devils advocate here and those that know me know what i'm doing. i've never called anyone niggar out loud in anger. i love everyone that shows they deserve it.
Oh he's not bothering me. Nor are most of the people on this thread that are busy pointing fingers and making assumptions.
I'm just tired of all the "it's ok if I do it but not ok if you do it" games.
Actually I'm pretty much tired of the pit full stop.
That sentence was obviously referring to plural faiths but seeing as how you're obviously one of the most childish people who post on this board I can understand you might have trouble reading.
4 men don't get out of my way, but expect me to do the moving, i dont be calling them any name but arsehole. and the shoulder goes down as i walk through them.
baby did you forget to take your meds?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
4 men don't get out of my way, but expect me to do the moving, i dont be calling them any name but arsehole. and the shoulder goes down as i walk through them.
I do the same thing... it's quite easy to pass people... a smile and a simple, 'Excuse me' usually does the trick. Not that big of a deal.
Then again.. i ain't carrying 250,000.00 in my pockets. The most they'll get away with is about $15.37... a half a pack of Marlboros and a Bic lighter... maybe 2 sticks of gum... some pocket lint... keys to a 1972 VW Beetle with a bent front bumper and windows that don't roll down that may or may not start... oh, and pager that will let them know that one of our Oracle Databases is running low on server resources.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
4 men don't get out of my way, but expect me to do the moving, i dont be calling them any name but arsehole. and the shoulder goes down as i walk through them.
now back to the nigger comment. you know any word used in such a derogatory fashion is unacceptable. tis like another word that stirs up divisive emotions(especially from the ladies), if you aim it AT someone thats not cool. if you apply it to someone with malice aforethought, thats not cool either.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
now back to the nigger comment. you know any word used in such a derogatory fashion is unacceptable. tis like another word that stirs up mentions(especially from the ladies), if you aim it AT someone thats not cool. if you apply it to someone with malice aforethought, thats not cool either.
Also.. you know what? It is a 'double standard' of sorts... but, seriously... who gives a shit?
I play on a softball team and the black guys on the team call people 'nigger' all the time. but, just because they do... doesn't mean i should. Just as they don't call dudes 'dude' or 'bud' just because i do. It's all fucking stupid and seriously... not such a big deal.
The thing i find offensive? Idiot white dudes that talk like black dudes... shut the fuck up, Federliners... you're white.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Also.. you know what? It is a 'double standard' of sorts... but, seriously... who gives a shit?
I play on a softball team and the black guys on the team call people 'nigger' all the time. but, just because they do... doesn't mean i should. Just as they don't call dudes 'dude' or 'bud' just because i do. It's all fucking stupid and seriously... not such a big deal.
The thing i find offensive? Idiot white dudes that talk like black dudes... shut the fuck up, Federliners... you're white.
perhaps its use upsets the pc whitey brigade more than the intended target?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
btw i was quoting the very beautiful brian molko. : )
now back to the nigger comment. you know any word used in such a derogatory fashion is unacceptable. tis like another word that stirs up divisive emotions(especially from the ladies), if you aim it AT someone thats not cool. if you apply it to someone with malice aforethought, thats not cool either.
Nah, it's because Skyhooks have the perfect song for this occassion. Again!
I know you were quoting the pretty. I'm playing it now!
Words are just words. And they do get aimed at people, both in derogatory and non derogatory ways. Fact is like skin color, facial features and clothing I can know NOTHING about a person by the words he uses OR HOW he uses them. I can only make assumptions. And assumptions make and ASS out of U and I. Just because I object strongly to some of the things that someone says DOESN'T make it ok to attack them. It's a stupid idea and it completely fucks up the process, SO as far as I can see, YET AGAIN, people that I expect better of have managed to get themselves into a slanging match with REALLY poor communication skills. It's no biggy, happens all the time when people interact, but it is MOST WORTHY of Skyhooks!
perhaps its use upsets the pc whitey brigade more than the intended target?
Yup... that's it exactly. you got these fucking guys out there that think this may offend someone else.
It's like on my softball team... Bill (our power hitting Left Fielder) can say, "Nigger in left is gonna get burned for playing that short"... and i will say, "That fool out there in left is gonna get burned for playing that short". I never feel the need nor want to use the word nigger... ain't my style... i got my own style... I am me.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
You can be fired from your job for NO REASON AT ALL. Why is it so difficult for people to grasp that?
that bit is grasped. the bit that isn't is that THEY GAVE A REASON. and that reason was because of ONE COMMON WORD he used in a private conversation. if you were sitting over dinner and said your boss was an arse; and your child said something and you got fired over it; you'd understand the point.
Nah, it's because Skyhooks have the perfect song for this occassion. Again!
I know you were quoting the pretty. I'm playing it now!
Words are just words. And they do get aimed at people, both in derogatory and non derogatory ways. Fact is like skin color, facial features and clothing I can know NOTHING about a person by the words he uses OR HOW he uses them. I can only make assumptions. And assumptions make and ASS out of U and I. Just because I object strongly to some of the things that someone says DOESN'T make it ok to attack them. It's a stupid idea and it completely fucks up the process, SO as far as I can see, YET AGAIN, people that I expect better of have managed to get themselves into a slanging match with REALLY poor communication skills. It's no biggy, happens all the time when people interact, but it is MOST WORTHY of Skyhooks!
just as people can see my scar from brain surgery and make derrogatory comments. they didn't get fired though. the state retired me so employees don't have to look at it.
just as people can see my scar from brain surgery and make derrogatory comments. they didn't get fired though. the state retired me so employees don't have to look at it.
I agree. It's like I could say what I really think about some of what I perceive as hypocritical comments on this thread but that would just end up with me being banned and still I doubt people would gain any self awareness.
And it's all a waste of time and energy anyway. Because it's all about perception. The world might be able to make it un pc to say certain words and fire people for things they say in private BUT none of that is going to change their perception is it? You can only do that with understanding each others point of view.
I'd take you a lot more seriously if I didn't think you could be a sexist pig and mysoginist at times. But hey, that's ok right? You know because you're right and all? When you do it it's different????? Pity AT & T can't shut you up when you're on a roll. I mean everybody knows that mother fucker can't possibly be as bad as nigger coz you know women don't count anyway. :rolleyes:
They're just WORDS! They have no meaning other than that which is placed upon them. You won't stamp out racism by stopping people from saying WORDS.
Oh what's the point anyway? You'll come back with some stupid, flippant comment and all your little misogynist fans will applaud. But that's ok, because it's cool to hate women.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
When my friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 6 years ago... and went through the chemo... and lost all of her hair... and was told she was in remission... then, later learned that it had returned... and passed away this past Summer...
She didn't give a crap about all of this useless drivel... her greatest concern was to live long enough to hold her grand daughter in her arms and tell her that she loved her... and to tell her husband... and her daughters... and her family... and her friends... and me... that she loved us.
For someone who is not long for this Earth... don't concern yourself with matters of such grave insignificant and focus on the things that really matter.
Leastwise... that's the way I see it.
Hail, Hail!!!
i agree 100% with you. here's what bothered me. this happened at job corps in phoenix. they helped a friends son and i needed a tax deduction so i had a meeting there where i was going to donate $250K plus 5% of my profits to them. i did turn around and walked out the door; and the donation went to alice coopers program for kids.
edit: i'm still fighting for my life and i'm here because the people of my community donated blood. medicare allows me 3 pints of blood per year. if they remove my bladder and i can get a kidney; i think i can be around for a while longer if i fight.
i'm sorry about your friend. my mum had breast cancer twice so i know what she went through. my thoughts are with her.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
i currently have 6 doctors and not 1 is white. in fact; persuant to the law; i am a minority. i know more whites that deserve the label: niggar. this has nothing to do with minorities. it has everything to do with how a person acts.
yes; i had an appointment.
~Ron Burgundy
And please spare me the garbage about white people can be niggers too.
That doesn't fly with me.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
don't let him bother you love. he's the first to use the "C" word but that's ok. he's made up his own set of rules.
i'm playing devils advocate here and those that know me know what i'm doing. i've never called anyone niggar out loud in anger. i love everyone that shows they deserve it.
Wow, lowest moral reasoning ever. I sincerely hope you don't go to church because that would be yet another nail in the coffin of American religion.
i never said i called them niggars. and yes; the donation went to someone else because access to the office was refused to me.
i don't care what "flys" with you. this is an opinion board and i voiced my opinion. i'm not asking you to like it. if you took the time to know me; you'd know that i'm taking the extreem side to make a point. i've never called anyone a niggar out loud in public and the best girlfriend i had years ago was black. she broke it off because her family wouldn't accept a white BF.
now; do you want to talk about discrimination?
To ruffle feathers?
Answer me....in my above post...so you walked out because of these 4 guys?
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Well... why didn't you donate the $250,000 plus 5% of your profits? Because yu didn't like the people who worked there? I find that rather silly and quite petty on your part... i mean to basically say, "Screw you recipiants of the donations... i don't like the people who distribute my money". Charity is charity and there are no strings attached... leastwise, in my book. I do it without reservation because i feel it is important... i do not give to a charity in order to shelter me from taxes... I give because i care and really don't care for the write off.
I guess that is where you and i differ... well, that and a myriad of other issues.
Anyway... back to my point... you seem to get disturbed about really insignificant bullshit. I don't give a fuck about Dogg The Asshole. my big issues are these... this bullshit War... the fact that people (even those with health insurance) have to fight things like cancer and insurance companies and face their family's financial ruin in the wealthiest nation in the world.. and environemntal issues that will affect the little 3 year old's future.
If I were someone in your situation, i would care less about stupid tabloid shit and focus on the things that really matter.
But, that's just me.
Hail, Hail!!!
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
i didn't know america had a religion. does it have a name?
no; i don't go to church. man has destroyed the basics of religion because of greed. i'm spiritual.
You can be fired from your job for NO REASON AT ALL. Why is it so difficult for people to grasp that?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Oh he's not bothering me.
I'm just tired of all the "it's ok if I do it but not ok if you do it" games.
Actually I'm pretty much tired of the pit full stop.
I know where you're coming from.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
baby did you forget to take your meds?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I do the same thing... it's quite easy to pass people... a smile and a simple, 'Excuse me' usually does the trick. Not that big of a deal.
Then again.. i ain't carrying 250,000.00 in my pockets. The most they'll get away with is about $15.37... a half a pack of Marlboros and a Bic lighter... maybe 2 sticks of gum... some pocket lint... keys to a 1972 VW Beetle with a bent front bumper and windows that don't roll down that may or may not start... oh, and pager that will let them know that one of our Oracle Databases is running low on server resources.
Hail, Hail!!!
And here's me having ANOTHER Skyhooks moment!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
that's cause you're skyhooks tart.
btw i was quoting the very beautiful brian molko.
now back to the nigger comment. you know any word used in such a derogatory fashion is unacceptable. tis like another word that stirs up divisive emotions(especially from the ladies), if you aim it AT someone thats not cool. if you apply it to someone with malice aforethought, thats not cool either.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Also.. you know what? It is a 'double standard' of sorts... but, seriously... who gives a shit?
I play on a softball team and the black guys on the team call people 'nigger' all the time. but, just because they do... doesn't mean i should. Just as they don't call dudes 'dude' or 'bud' just because i do. It's all fucking stupid and seriously... not such a big deal.
The thing i find offensive? Idiot white dudes that talk like black dudes... shut the fuck up, Federliners... you're white.
Hail, Hail!!!
perhaps its use upsets the pc whitey brigade more than the intended target?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Nah, it's because Skyhooks have the perfect song for this occassion.
I know you were quoting the pretty.
Words are just words. And they do get aimed at people, both in derogatory and non derogatory ways. Fact is like skin color, facial features and clothing I can know NOTHING about a person by the words he uses OR HOW he uses them. I can only make assumptions. And assumptions make and ASS out of U and I. Just because I object strongly to some of the things that someone says DOESN'T make it ok to attack them. It's a stupid idea and it completely fucks up the process, SO as far as I can see, YET AGAIN, people that I expect better of have managed to get themselves into a slanging match with REALLY poor communication skills. It's no biggy, happens all the time when people interact, but it is MOST WORTHY of Skyhooks!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yup... that's it exactly. you got these fucking guys out there that think this may offend someone else.
It's like on my softball team... Bill (our power hitting Left Fielder) can say, "Nigger in left is gonna get burned for playing that short"... and i will say, "That fool out there in left is gonna get burned for playing that short". I never feel the need nor want to use the word nigger... ain't my style... i got my own style... I am me.
Hail, Hail!!!
that bit is grasped. the bit that isn't is that THEY GAVE A REASON. and that reason was because of ONE COMMON WORD he used in a private conversation. if you were sitting over dinner and said your boss was an arse; and your child said something and you got fired over it; you'd understand the point.
just as people can see my scar from brain surgery and make derrogatory comments. they didn't get fired though. the state retired me so employees don't have to look at it.
And it's all a waste of time and energy anyway. Because it's all about perception. The world might be able to make it un pc to say certain words and fire people for things they say in private BUT none of that is going to change their perception is it? You can only do that with understanding each others point of view.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
how did this piece of shit fucking felon......who spent time in prison for his part in a murder....
get a fucking television show in the first place????
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....