He has no point becuase his manner of speaking lacks any hint of eloquence and thus negates any thought that emerges from him.
let's call a spade a spade. he exposed you for a hypocrite and you're trying to deny it becos you don't like him and your arrogance leads you to believe you're superior to him.
So I can step inside your house, record you in the privacy of your own home, decide to make mega bucks by making an ass of myself for invading your privacy and not only is it now possible for me to do that but it's ok too?
I couldn't care if he was jesus christ, god, buddha whatever, the MOST important and powerful being in the cosmos, people are no longer entitled to say and do what they like in their own home because the opportunity exists for others to make money and controversy out of it? And it's compounded because seemingly it's becoming more acceptable to do so? That's a crock!
What I do at my house is no one elses business but my own. What I think and how I view the world are also my business. It's irrelevant whether I am part of the world of celebrity or not.
You can record your private conversation on the phone and release it to the Tabloid Press. No one violated Dogg The Stertiod-Boy's right to privacy... it was his OWN SON who taped the conversation and sold it to the media.
Nothing to do with Freedom Of Speech... everything to do with shitty family matters.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
let's call a spade a spade. he exposed you for a hypocrite and you're trying to deny it becos you don't like him and your arrogance leads you to believe you're superior to him.
i have more brains and common sense in my left nut....
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
So I can step inside your house, record you in the privacy of your own home, decide to make mega bucks by making an ass of myself for invading your privacy and not only is it now possible for me to do that but it's ok too?
I couldn't care if he was jesus christ, god, buddha whatever, the MOST important and powerful being in the cosmos, people are no longer entitled to say and do what they like in their own home because the opportunity exists for others to make money and controversy out of it? And it's compounded because seemingly it's becoming more acceptable to do so? That's a crock!
What I do at my house is no one elses business but my own. What I think and how I view the world are also my business. It's irrelevant whether I am part of the world of celebrity or not.
it's not ok. breaking and entering is illegal. but if i called you and you recorded it and sold it, yes, that is perfectly legal. it's a shitty thing to do, but such is life. i said dog's kid is a pussy for doing it. but i also said it sucks for dog and there's nothing he can do about it and his employer had the right to fire him. yes, if you came into my home, recorded me doing something embarrassing and sold it to my coworker to turn over to my employer, they would have every right to fire me and there's not a damn thing i could do. it would be a dick move on your part, but life is a bitch.
Tell your Swastika story to my Jewish friends. My friend Jill... she would probably have a few more great aunts if it weren't for that Swastika. Tell her it means nothing.
And yes they are symbols... symbols that represent something. There is a big difference between wearing a swastika on your shirt and wearing a shirt with a swastika crossed out on it... in case you didn't know. one says Yes to nazis... the other says NO!!! There in lies the difference. I'm surprized I had to explain that to anyone.
And if you think we are attacking your friend... then, i think you need to go back and actually READ some of the stuff he says... just pretend it is SoulSinging saying those words... and re-assess your view. if they remain intact... then, we know where you are coming from.
The bottom line... white people... don't pretend you're black... or a friend of the blacks... JUST so you can say Nigger and get away with it. You aren't black and you will never be black so quit saying that shit. If the black dudes want to call each other Nigger... let them be. Let them sort out that shit if they see it as a problem.
Man and you fellas accuse us girls around here of being emotional! :rolleyes:
Is it worth me attempting to clarify with you at all Cosmo or have you got me all worked out?
If you're interested in further discussion I'm more than happy to continue, but if I'm just giving you the opportunity to further your already low opinion of me I won't bother. I find you extremely difficult to communicate with and I don't think it's all my fault. But if you're not interested I'll respect that. Just let me know.
let's call a spade a spade. he exposed you for a hypocrite and you're trying to deny it becos you don't like him and your arrogance leads you to believe you're superior to him.
Wrong. I don't like his approach and personality. I cannot dislike him as a person as I don't know him. As for being superior, well lets just consider how he is not able to voice his opinions without resorting to personal attacks. That speaks for itself.
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
eddie wore a tshirt with a swastika on it? and it was crossed out? and people got offended because of it? damn... where was i when that thread was going around?
It was when Immagine In Cornice came out. Apparently Ed had a t-shirt with a swastika crossed out on it at some point during the movie, but man they must have been looking for it, coz I've watched the video and it didn't leap out at me. Long story short, it was the start of countless threads until the "issue" was clarified.
as to the breach of dog's privacy, i don't see it that way. i see it as his punk kid violating his privacy. sucks for him, but there's nothing illegal about it and it is a risk you take when you are a public figure. again, see linda tripp recording conversations with her friend monica lewinsky to turn over to the DA for money and some notoriety. esp when you're a public figure telling your kid he shouldn't be dating a nigger. his employer had every right to cancel his show when those comments went public. i think they're stupid for doing it, but it's their call. and his employer was not the one invading his privacy. if you become a public figure, your dirty laundry becomes public too. it's the price you pay.
i don't think dog's a bad guy. he just had some unfortunate circumstances. just as one could probably lift comments from here and send them to my employer and i would have to face the consequences.
I see Dog as a bad guy and this story goes beyond some poor sap that got burned by his son (go figure Dog's son would bite the hand that fed him), it goes to show the amount of racism that exists in this country. I've met soooo many seemingly normal adjusted white folks that when black folks come up in the conversation they kinda like turn...hatred...deep stereotype.....and this country needs to talk about it...and this case as with that cowboy talk show boy...just brings it up...and maybe we discuss it openly
Yea Dog got bit, more than the average ignorant white boy that uses this same language.... but he's still a d&ck.
What he said ("i believe cosmo handled that one adequately. you seem pretty upset that people find nigger offensive. hampering your vocabulary?") was not a petty insult, but an observation.
Wrong. I don't like his approach and personality. I cannot dislike him as a person as I don't know him. As for being superior, well lets just consider how he is not able to voice his opinions without resorting to personal attacks. That speaks for itself.
again...you are full of shit....
the first fucking words you ever spoke to me here?????
"i smell a racist"
that is not insulting???
that is not a personal attack?????
those are not some strong words???????
i cant think of anything more insulting to call someone.......
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Man and you fellas accuse us girls around here of being emotional! :rolleyes:
Is it worth me attempting to clarify with you at all Cosmo or have you got me all worked out?
If you're interested in further discussion I'm more than happy to continue, but if I'm just giving you the opportunity to further your already low opinion of me I won't bother. I find you extremely difficult to communicate with and I don't think it's all my fault. But if you're not interested I'll respect that. Just let me know.
Did you even read what I wrote?
You stated that Swastikas and the word Nigger have no meaning... it is the racism underneath that matters. I simply said... to YOU maybe... but, not to my friend Jewish Jill. To her, that Swastika means a lot.
Then, you went on about us attacking your friend who has health issues and this and that... well, you know what... having health issues is no excuse for saying shit that riles people. I simply pointed out that if it were SoulSinging who said those very same words... I would still be making the same comments... i am not sure you would be. Am i wrong? Tell me.
And drop the whole drama queen schtick... if you were a 16 year old high school girl... it would make sense. I'm a straight shooter... i'm as straight as a... really, really straight thing. It's all out there... other people get it. i don't speak in parables or riddles because i'm way too stupid for that. Yeah... i admit to lacking filters on my thoughts... and can be a bit A.D.D.... but, really... what's so difficult to understand?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Wrong. I don't like his approach and personality. I cannot dislike him as a person as I don't know him. As for being superior, well lets just consider how he is not able to voice his opinions without resorting to personal attacks. That speaks for itself.
let's just consider how you weren't able to respond to his point about your hypocrisy without distracting the issue by talking about how his style was lacking.
i went after onelongsong becos he and i have a history and i am convinced every word he says is a complete fucking lie, so i try to fuck with him every chance i get. his stories get more incredulous every day, so i enjoy poking at him becos i am incapable of taking him seriously. i dont believe he's sick, nor that he's a cowboy, nor that he raises buffalo, nor that he's a famous rock star, nor that he saw god while dying and being resurrected, nor that he killed two men and beat a third with his bare hands, nor that he's an ultra-rich billionaire becos of his business smarts, nor that he's got a stockpile of artillery for when the government attacks, nor that i won't be able to buy smokes at 7-11 in 5 years cos the apocalypse is coming, nor that california will fall into the ocean any day now, nor that he's a licensed attorney who has won every case he tried, nor any of the other multitude of claims he has made. and i'm not alone there. you should have seen him struggling to string together a legit constitutional argument that a first year law student could have done... and he's a prominent litigator? if you bought his bullshit, then i feel sorry for you.
Wow! Really it's not me you need to be worrying about.
If the best you can do in a day is go after someone on a message board because you have "history" :rolleyes: then I feel sorry for you ss.
That's really, really sad.
I mean I could read through all the things you have said in the time I've been here and paint a really negative picture of you if I could be bothered but maybe I'm a bit simpler than that? If I don't like someone I just avoid them. I certainly don't feel the need to chase them round the board. But you know if you feel the need to be everyone's moral compass, go for it!
I've "bought" plenty of your bullshit. I'm an equal opportunity kinda gal.
Nice effort at getting some more ridicule in though.
as to the breach of dog's privacy, i don't see it that way. i see it as his punk kid violating his privacy. sucks for him, but there's nothing illegal about it and it is a risk you take when you are a public figure. again, see linda tripp recording conversations with her friend monica lewinsky to turn over to the DA for money and some notoriety. esp when you're a public figure telling your kid he shouldn't be dating a nigger. his employer had every right to cancel his show when those comments went public. i think they're stupid for doing it, but it's their call. and his employer was not the one invading his privacy. if you become a public figure, your dirty laundry becomes public too. it's the price you pay.
i don't think dog's a bad guy. he just had some unfortunate circumstances. just as one could probably lift comments from here and send them to my employer and i would have to face the consequences.
Ok, so back to the topic at hand. How is it not a breach of his privacy that the media ENABLED his punk kid AND that they further added to the madness by providing the impetus for him to be fired? I don't think ANYONE regardless of whether they're a public figure or not should be able to be hung drawn and quartered for something they did in their own home. I know it's hard to understand but just because a person works in the media DOESN'T make every facet of their lives open for public scrutiny AND the fact that society seems to think it does is a pretty sad indictment on the society we live in.
Personally I think if we're going to be "outing" people for stuff like this I'd like to know more about the personal lives and the quality of the human being that brings us this drivel in the first place.
Did you even read what I wrote?
You stated that Swastikas and the word Nigger have no meaning... it is the racism underneath that matters. I simply said... to YOU maybe... but, not to my friend Jewish Jill. To her, that Swastika means a lot.
Then, you went on about us attacking your friend who has health issues and this and that... well, you know what... having health issues is no excuse for saying shit that riles people. I simply pointed out that if it were SoulSinging who said those very same words... I would still be making the same comments... i am not sure you would be. Am i wrong? Tell me.
And drop the whole drama queen schtick... if you were a 16 year old high school girl... it would make sense. I'm a straight shooter... i'm as straight as a... really, really straight thing. It's all out there... other people get it. i don't speak in parables or riddles because i'm way too stupid for that. Yeah... i admit to lacking filters on my thoughts... and can be a bit A.D.D.... but, really... what's so difficult to understand?
I get what your saying Cosmo, but even Jill would not stoop to making a big issue of the swastika. Does it have negative connotations? Sure. But one of the great things about the recovery of the Jewish nation is that they don't dwell on that one event as being their defining moment. They have moved on. They cherish their lives in the present not the suffering of the past. They might reflect on it from time to time, but they aren't shoving down peoples throats every change they get. They also don't go around talking smack with each other. When was the last time you heard Jill say "get gassed you filthy emaciated baldy" to a fellow Jewish friend?
The point in all of this is, everyone has something from their ancestry that can be percieved as negative. It can drum up painful memories or represent a sore spot in history. But to take issue with every little thing that comes up is only going to make the reprocussions of that event linger longer.
Words and symbols are ineffective unless we give them creedence.
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
let's just consider how you weren't able to respond to his point about your hypocrisy without distracting the issue by talking about how his style was lacking.
again, the response was....I was not hypocritical. Try again.
Furthermore, is Speedy so inept that you have to fight his battle for him?
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
You can record your private conversation on the phone and release it to the Tabloid Press. No one violated Dogg The Stertiod-Boy's right to privacy... it was his OWN SON who taped the conversation and sold it to the media.
Nothing to do with Freedom Of Speech... everything to do with shitty family matters.
Then is it not the son and the media that violated his privacy then?
That the son was able to bring it to the media and the media then making it public?
I would have thought that in order for it not to be a breach of privacy then both Dogg and the son would have to agree to it being released?
I mean shitty family aside under that scenario no one is safe.
I get what your saying Cosmo, but even Jill would not stoop to making a big issue of the swastika. Does it have negative connotations? Sure. But one of the great things about the recovery of the Jewish nation is that they don't dwell on that one event as being their defining moment. They have moved on. They cherish their lives in the present not the suffering of the past. They might reflect on it from time to time, but they aren't shoving down peoples throats every change they get. They also don't go around talking smack with each other. When was the last time you heard Jill say "get gassed you filthy emaciated baldy" to a fellow Jewish friend?
The point in all of this is, everyone has something from their ancestry that can be percieved as negative. It can drum up painful memories or represent a sore spot in history. But to take issue with every little thing that comes up is only going to make the reprocussions of that event linger longer.
Words and symbols are ineffective unless we give them creedence.
See.. the thing is... Jill was born in the 1950s. That was what.. 10... 15 years after the end of WWII? She DID have relatives that were not wealthy enough to get out of Germany... or thought there were places to hide in Europe. Yeah... her grand parents made it to Russia... then, out from there... but, not all of them got out. To her... it isn't ancient history. It is within the reach of her lifetime. I know she's obsessed with Hitler and the War... many of her songs are about Nazis and that crap. Maybe she can't let go... i don't know. i'm seeing her tonight... i'll ask her.
and it all depends on where we all stand. The word Nigger has completely different meaning to a young black kid today and a 65 year old man that was forced to eat at seperate tables in his youth. It is not in our place to say what is offensive and what is not.
Bottom line... let the black folks fix the problem with the use of the word 'nigger' within their community... white people... don't use the fucking word. Just don't use it and let the brothers and sisters sort it out.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
See.. the thing is... Jill was born in the 1950s. That was what.. 10... 15 years after the end of WWII? She DID have relatives that were not wealthy enough to get out of Germany... or thought there were places to hide in Europe. Yeah... her grand parents made it to Russia... then, out from there... but, not all of them got out. To her... it isn't ancient history. It is within the reach of her lifetime. I know she's obsessed with Hitler and the War... many of her songs are about Nazis and that crap. Maybe she can't let go... i don't know. i'm seeing her tonight... i'll ask her.
and it all depends on where we all stand. The word Nigger has completely different meaning to a young black kid today and a 65 year old man that was forced to eat at seperate tables in his youth. It is not in our place to say what is offensive and what is not.
Bottom line... let the black folks fix the problem with the use of the word 'nigger' within their community... white people... don't use the fucking word. Just don't use it and let the brothers and sisters sort it out.
See thats a problem Cosmo. Double standards never work.
"When you're climbing to the top, you'd better know the way back down" MSB
it's not ok. breaking and entering is illegal. but if i called you and you recorded it and sold it, yes, that is perfectly legal. it's a shitty thing to do, but such is life. i said dog's kid is a pussy for doing it. but i also said it sucks for dog and there's nothing he can do about it and his employer had the right to fire him. yes, if you came into my home, recorded me doing something embarrassing and sold it to my coworker to turn over to my employer, they would have every right to fire me and there's not a damn thing i could do. it would be a dick move on your part, but life is a bitch.
So basically we are relying on each other to do the right thing then?
To me, by recording ANYTHING you said or did and then releasing it to the media is breaching your privacy. Something I would not do without your consent and agreement. And by purchasing it from the son and THEN actually acting on it isn't that "poison fruits"? As far as I can see that's only compounding the situation AND rewarding bad behaviour. And by you accepting it as ok, are you not also agreeing that whilst shitty it's to be expected and therefore ok? I'm just asking.
Then is it not the son and the media that violated his privacy then?
That the son was able to bring it to the media and the media then making it public?
I would have thought that in order for it not to be a breach of privacy then both Dogg and the son would have to agree to it being released?
I mean shitty family aside under that scenario no one is safe.
The conversation was between the SON and the Dogg. The SON sold his (the Son's) private conversation to the Tabloid media. Who's conversation is it? The Son or the Dogg?
Not a Freedom of Speech issue... just a loser family and the appeal of money.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Oh good! It's hard to know which way is up some days with you!
And seeing as I'm doing a first rate job of offending people without actually intending to, I thought I musta put my foot in it again.
See thats a problem Cosmo. Double standards never work.
Why not?
Just because black people say nigger... means everyone can? Who made that a rule? Seriously... who really HAS to use the word? Seriously.
The only way I can ever... EVER see it being used by some white dude... he's rolling down the street in his six4, smoking endo, sipping on Gin and Juice... laid back, with his mind on his money and his money on his mind and singing to his Snoop Dogg CD. That's about it.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Ever wonder... who the fuck invented the flame thrower? I mean, why not just shoot the dude.. right? Who sat at the drawing board and said to himself, "I want him... that guy, way over there... to be on fire"?
well you know the flame thrower has a very long history. tis not a modern invention. though go figure, the incarnation we know was invented by a german
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
let's call a spade a spade. he exposed you for a hypocrite and you're trying to deny it becos you don't like him and your arrogance leads you to believe you're superior to him.
You can record your private conversation on the phone and release it to the Tabloid Press. No one violated Dogg The Stertiod-Boy's right to privacy... it was his OWN SON who taped the conversation and sold it to the media.
Nothing to do with Freedom Of Speech... everything to do with shitty family matters.
Hail, Hail!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
it's not ok. breaking and entering is illegal. but if i called you and you recorded it and sold it, yes, that is perfectly legal. it's a shitty thing to do, but such is life. i said dog's kid is a pussy for doing it. but i also said it sucks for dog and there's nothing he can do about it and his employer had the right to fire him. yes, if you came into my home, recorded me doing something embarrassing and sold it to my coworker to turn over to my employer, they would have every right to fire me and there's not a damn thing i could do. it would be a dick move on your part, but life is a bitch.
Man and you fellas accuse us girls around here of being emotional! :rolleyes:
Is it worth me attempting to clarify with you at all Cosmo or have you got me all worked out?
If you're interested in further discussion I'm more than happy to continue, but if I'm just giving you the opportunity to further your already low opinion of me I won't bother. I find you extremely difficult to communicate with and I don't think it's all my fault. But if you're not interested I'll respect that. Just let me know.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Damn straight, mother fucker... fuckin' aye.
Hail, Hail!!!
that was a joke. i knew what you meant.
It was when Immagine In Cornice came out. Apparently Ed had a t-shirt with a swastika crossed out on it at some point during the movie, but man they must have been looking for it, coz I've watched the video and it didn't leap out at me. Long story short, it was the start of countless threads until the "issue" was clarified.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I see Dog as a bad guy and this story goes beyond some poor sap that got burned by his son (go figure Dog's son would bite the hand that fed him), it goes to show the amount of racism that exists in this country. I've met soooo many seemingly normal adjusted white folks that when black folks come up in the conversation they kinda like turn...hatred...deep stereotype.....and this country needs to talk about it...and this case as with that cowboy talk show boy...just brings it up...and maybe we discuss it openly
Yea Dog got bit, more than the average ignorant white boy that uses this same language.... but he's still a d&ck.
As you perceive it right?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
the first fucking words you ever spoke to me here?????
"i smell a racist"
that is not insulting???
that is not a personal attack?????
those are not some strong words???????
i cant think of anything more insulting to call someone.......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Did you even read what I wrote?
You stated that Swastikas and the word Nigger have no meaning... it is the racism underneath that matters. I simply said... to YOU maybe... but, not to my friend Jewish Jill. To her, that Swastika means a lot.
Then, you went on about us attacking your friend who has health issues and this and that... well, you know what... having health issues is no excuse for saying shit that riles people. I simply pointed out that if it were SoulSinging who said those very same words... I would still be making the same comments... i am not sure you would be. Am i wrong? Tell me.
And drop the whole drama queen schtick... if you were a 16 year old high school girl... it would make sense. I'm a straight shooter... i'm as straight as a... really, really straight thing. It's all out there... other people get it. i don't speak in parables or riddles because i'm way too stupid for that. Yeah... i admit to lacking filters on my thoughts... and can be a bit A.D.D.... but, really... what's so difficult to understand?
Hail, Hail!!!
As for your hysteria over me checking you on the dog comment, you were wrong.
let's just consider how you weren't able to respond to his point about your hypocrisy without distracting the issue by talking about how his style was lacking.
Wow! Really it's not me you need to be worrying about.
If the best you can do in a day is go after someone on a message board because you have "history" :rolleyes: then I feel sorry for you ss.
That's really, really sad.
I mean I could read through all the things you have said in the time I've been here and paint a really negative picture of you if I could be bothered but maybe I'm a bit simpler than that? If I don't like someone I just avoid them. I certainly don't feel the need to chase them round the board. But you know if you feel the need to be everyone's moral compass, go for it!
I've "bought" plenty of your bullshit. I'm an equal opportunity kinda gal.
Nice effort at getting some more ridicule in though.
Ok, so back to the topic at hand. How is it not a breach of his privacy that the media ENABLED his punk kid AND that they further added to the madness by providing the impetus for him to be fired? I don't think ANYONE regardless of whether they're a public figure or not should be able to be hung drawn and quartered for something they did in their own home. I know it's hard to understand but just because a person works in the media DOESN'T make every facet of their lives open for public scrutiny AND the fact that society seems to think it does is a pretty sad indictment on the society we live in.
Personally I think if we're going to be "outing" people for stuff like this I'd like to know more about the personal lives and the quality of the human being that brings us this drivel in the first place.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
The point in all of this is, everyone has something from their ancestry that can be percieved as negative. It can drum up painful memories or represent a sore spot in history. But to take issue with every little thing that comes up is only going to make the reprocussions of that event linger longer.
Words and symbols are ineffective unless we give them creedence.
Furthermore, is Speedy so inept that you have to fight his battle for him?
once again you show........... what an insulting piece of crap you are......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Then is it not the son and the media that violated his privacy then?
That the son was able to bring it to the media and the media then making it public?
I would have thought that in order for it not to be a breach of privacy then both Dogg and the son would have to agree to it being released?
I mean shitty family aside under that scenario no one is safe.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
See.. the thing is... Jill was born in the 1950s. That was what.. 10... 15 years after the end of WWII? She DID have relatives that were not wealthy enough to get out of Germany... or thought there were places to hide in Europe. Yeah... her grand parents made it to Russia... then, out from there... but, not all of them got out. To her... it isn't ancient history. It is within the reach of her lifetime. I know she's obsessed with Hitler and the War... many of her songs are about Nazis and that crap. Maybe she can't let go... i don't know. i'm seeing her tonight... i'll ask her.
and it all depends on where we all stand. The word Nigger has completely different meaning to a young black kid today and a 65 year old man that was forced to eat at seperate tables in his youth. It is not in our place to say what is offensive and what is not.
Bottom line... let the black folks fix the problem with the use of the word 'nigger' within their community... white people... don't use the fucking word. Just don't use it and let the brothers and sisters sort it out.
Hail, Hail!!!
So basically we are relying on each other to do the right thing then?
To me, by recording ANYTHING you said or did and then releasing it to the media is breaching your privacy. Something I would not do without your consent and agreement. And by purchasing it from the son and THEN actually acting on it isn't that "poison fruits"? As far as I can see that's only compounding the situation AND rewarding bad behaviour. And by you accepting it as ok, are you not also agreeing that whilst shitty it's to be expected and therefore ok? I'm just asking.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
The conversation was between the SON and the Dogg. The SON sold his (the Son's) private conversation to the Tabloid media. Who's conversation is it? The Son or the Dogg?
Not a Freedom of Speech issue... just a loser family and the appeal of money.
Hail, Hail!!!
Well then thank you.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Oh good!
And seeing as I'm doing a first rate job of offending people without actually intending to, I thought I musta put my foot in it again.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Why not?
Just because black people say nigger... means everyone can? Who made that a rule? Seriously... who really HAS to use the word? Seriously.
The only way I can ever... EVER see it being used by some white dude... he's rolling down the street in his six4, smoking endo, sipping on Gin and Juice... laid back, with his mind on his money and his money on his mind and singing to his Snoop Dogg CD. That's about it.
Hail, Hail!!!
well you know the flame thrower has a very long history. tis not a modern invention. though go figure, the incarnation we know was invented by a german
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say