wow, this thread went nuts....a good read indeed...
Anyhoo, I personally would LOVE to go Solar and utilize Wind Power....however, at this point, I don't have the cash to make the are some prices for Solar Kits for your home...
I would need a 7333 watt system, which will cost me over 50 grand...(the highest watt kit for sale on the site I noted is 7000 watts for a mere $53,699.99)
Yeah... and how much does the entire set up weigh? Will it require any additional reenforcement of the structure? Will the installation be intrusive to the roofing material and base layer (that may result in leaks)? Will it install over ceramic/tile roofing material?
altho far from being an expert ... most panels can be mounted on a frame - if i were to install one - i would make sure it can move with the direction of the sun ...
the ones that mount on your roof are negligible in weight as it relates to having reinforce your roof (unlike a green roof) ...
I'm all about it once I can find a house I can afford in an area that doesn't have ridiculous covenants against doing this sort of thing. I'll happily sell what I don't use back to the grid. I hope I can use it with a tankless water heater, but I don't really see why not.
Are you using wind turbines too or do you get everything completely from solar?
I've seen some of the new ultra thin flim types that are coming out that should cut down on weight. I really think in a few years solar panels will start being built in to most buildings. It's a resource thats severely under used.
How many batteries do you need to store all of the juice?
Can you power a heat pump with it?
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
many have noticed my DON'T GIVE A **** attitude the last few weeks. i've been given a limited time to live so i won't be here. but i do care about what kind of world my grandchidren will have to live in.
Next, I'm going to read a list of steps individuals can take to reduce global warming. Please say for each if that is something you, personally, should or should not be doing. How about -- [RANDOM ORDER]?
A. Using only fluorescent light bulbs in your home
Should be doing
Should not be doing
Does not apply (vol.)
No opinion
2007 Mar 23-25
B. Installing a solar panel to produce energy for your home
2007 Mar 23-25
C. Unplugging your TV, computer, or other electronic equipment when you are not using it
2007 Mar 23-25
D. Buying a hybrid car
2007 Mar 23-25
E. Supporting the construction of a nuclear energy plant within 20 miles of your home
2007 Mar 23-25
F. Spending several thousand dollars to make your home as energy efficient as possible
2007 Mar 23-25
G. Riding mass transit such as buses and subways whenever possible
Research Complete! 71% of Americans think they should be using solar panels to power their homes.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
hope you're not a god fearing man OSL cause you just passed judgement on people you don't even know without knowing the circumstances in which they live, but by how they interact on an anonymous message board. i understand with where you're at right now in your life you think you can afford such judgement or maybe you're acting out in frustration, i don't know. life sucks and i hope you truly find the peace you need. my thoughts are with you.
first of all; i didn't pass judgment on anyone and i didn't put anyone down. any idiot can look up the thread and see the number of views compared to the number of responses. then see that the responses were mostly "horses ass" responses. so all i did was point out facts.
i was trying to point out how hypocritical people are and how priorities are messed up but any guilt you have is your own.
people will talk all day about changing the world but they won't lift a finger to start that change. change always begins with education. and who better to ask than someone that lives with it? someone that lived with the ups and downs. someone who knows the shortcuts.
the education was free for the asking. but nobody asked.
i heard the A&E message board did as well as and a newspaper board came in third. i'm just home now from a week in the hospital but if you're interested; i'll find out all the details.
as i see it; anyone who felt judged or put down is only ashamed because they now realize they'll talk a big talk but that's where their involvement ends. it's your world and you're the ones left to live in it. why should politicians change if the people won't? shouldn't the people be the ones setting the example they want the leaders to follow?
I'm all about it once I can find a house I can afford in an area that doesn't have ridiculous covenants against doing this sort of thing. I'll happily sell what I don't use back to the grid. I hope I can use it with a tankless water heater, but I don't really see why not.
Are you using wind turbines too or do you get everything completely from solar?
I've seen some of the new ultra thin flim types that are coming out that should cut down on weight. I really think in a few years solar panels will start being built in to most buildings. It's a resource thats severely under used.
How many batteries do you need to store all of the juice?
Can you power a heat pump with it?
i use solar panels and a wind generator. i found that when it's cloudy there's usually a breeze. i have 16 batteries but i also have big freezers and a waterbed. most of the people around here use 12 batteries and one neighbour uses walmart marine batteries without a problem. they'll need to replace them sooner than the more expensive batteries but it works. i have another neighbour with a system that powers his house and several high power grow lights.
my system paid for itself in a year between power generated; tax breaks; and refunds from the local power company. the life of the system is about 20 to 25 years.
the education was free for the asking. but nobody asked.
And you imagine that you know everyone's reasons for not asking?
As several have pointed out, the thread title didn't refer to solar power in any way, so even if someone had come here specifically to discuss alternative energy sources, they'd have had no particular reason to click on your thread. The title was also demeaning to the reader. As I mentioned, I didn't read your thread because it didn't sound like anything I would be interested in.
You also have to consider the reputation you've made for yourself on this board. Even if I HAD read the thread, I do not consider you to be a reliable source of information because of your posts in the past. On several occasions, you've presented yourself as some sort of legal expert and given completely false information, which leads me to doubt your claimed expertise in other areas as well.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I was going to but it's not my research. OLS post a thread titled "would you switch to solar power to save the environment?" or something like that...
Nothing personal, but if I was the guy publishing the data collected I would exclude the findings here, and the last thread purely from scientific approach...this one is limited, and the other is not impartial enough (i.e. neutral, unbiased).
you just made my point. everyone does jump on threads entitled would you switch to solar power; etc. the whole point was to see how many people would seek out knowledge. everyone here talks about it and almost everyone says they agree with it. they just won't bother with it.
That's another very important aspect. The folks in the UK are pretty much overcast all the time. So it's a bust for them.
Places like California, Mexico etc that get 300 days of full sun a year it's a pretty good deal. For the rest who get a 50/50 split of sunny days it's a lack lustre scenarion unless they double the panel coverage and drop like 80 large with hopes of seeing it come back one day.
Once the prices comes down, I think it will take off.
someone told me the uk had several wind farms. is this true? wind energy is considered solar energy.
wow, this thread went nuts....a good read indeed...
Anyhoo, I personally would LOVE to go Solar and utilize Wind Power....however, at this point, I don't have the cash to make the are some prices for Solar Kits for your home...
I would need a 7333 watt system, which will cost me over 50 grand...(the highest watt kit for sale on the site I noted is 7000 watts for a mere $53,699.99)
Thanks for that.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
you just made my point. everyone does jump on threads entitled would you switch to solar power; etc. the whole point was to see how many people would seek out knowledge. everyone here talks about it and almost everyone says they agree with it. they just won't bother with it.
Yeah I find unless I post threads called "everything is perfect, don't think or change what you're doing", I spend about 50% of it swatting flies.
Either way I found this one. I would love to incorporate it, but am restricted by price over functionality... hopefully prices will fall quickly the same as LCD video panels have.
Hooked on the concept, and the technology factor appeals to me.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
someone told me the uk had several wind farms. is this true? wind energy is considered solar energy.
That I do not know. I remember reading an article in the US on how nosy neighbors are complaining to the city about neighbors with backyard wind generators due to noise, which is rumored to be about the same as an central air conditioning unit.
They owners have to shut them down until the red tape has cleared. amazing eh?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Is it me, or do people on this site stay angry at each other forever no matter what?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
someone told me the uk had several wind farms. is this true? wind energy is considered solar energy.
yes we do...
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Actually Yes!, I stand corrected Jeanie You are one of the few that I can absolutely agree with on this.
How does that Fergal Sharkey song go from the mid 80's "a good heart these days is hard to find?"
catchy tune...
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
first of all; i didn't pass judgment on anyone and i didn't put anyone down. any idiot can look up the thread and see the number of views compared to the number of responses. then see that the responses were mostly "horses ass" responses. so all i did was point out facts.
i was trying to point out how hypocritical people are and how priorities are messed up but any guilt you have is your own.
people will talk all day about changing the world but they won't lift a finger to start that change. change always begins with education. and who better to ask than someone that lives with it? someone that lived with the ups and downs. someone who knows the shortcuts.
the education was free for the asking. but nobody asked.
i heard the A&E message board did as well as and a newspaper board came in third. i'm just home now from a week in the hospital but if you're interested; i'll find out all the details.
as i see it; anyone who felt judged or put down is only ashamed because they now realize they'll talk a big talk but that's where their involvement ends. it's your world and you're the ones left to live in it. why should politicians change if the people won't? shouldn't the people be the ones setting the example they want the leaders to follow?
this board; and a few others; were part of an experiment to see how much people cared about global warming; alternative energy; and the future of mankind.
i started a thread about solar energy and i was chosen because i've used solar energy for over 30 years; becoming 100% solar early 2006.
an intelligent person would assume that people would have questions about solar energy and it's use; and how they could impliment solar energy into their current lives. especially from someone with so much experience in the field. that happened on one board. this board had the least responses showing that people here don't care about their fellow man. they have no concern for future generations and IMO; will continue to rape the earth until it has no more to give. people here are all talk but have no desire to learn alternatives to our wasteful lifestyles.
i'm one of 20 people gathering data and the results should be published next month.
if this is not a judgement i don't know what is.
and again you called people idiots. it may not have been direct but the implication was there.
like a lot of people i would relish being able to go off the grid but am unable in my current circumstance to achieve it. i know what's possible. but for me it's improbable right now. i do not have the means. but when i do, in my own good time, i will make the switch. until then however reading about it does me no good. it only shows me what i cant do right now. don't assume people's apparent indifference is the result of not caring. perhaps they are contributing in other ways.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
But you can teach a liar and fool to dance. And dancing is your biggest talent. Dance away Freddy.
just curious; is the fool the one that is completely independant and uses the top technology in a way that not only helps the earth; but frees him from the ever rising energy costs?
btw; it's the same technology the power companies are using accross the world to generate FREE electricity to SELL to the others.
in the june/july 2007 issue of mother earth news; there's a story about a family in a track home in mullica N. J. who converted to solar. right in the heart of suburbia.
seems to me the fool is the one left behind.
and again you called people idiots. it may not have been direct but the implication was there.
like a lot of people i would relish being able to go off the grid but am unable in my current circumstance to achieve it. i know what's possible. but for me it's improbable right now. i do not have the means. but when i do, in my own good time, i will make the switch. until then however reading about it does me no good. it only shows me what i cant do right now. don't assume people's apparent indifference is the result of not caring. perhaps they are contributing in other ways.
i guess an idiot would find it offensive but if you're not an idiot; you'd know it didn't concern you.
also; there are passive solar measures you can use even in apartments. like hot air collectors. you can build/buy one and slip it into a window without tools for the winter. so there's something everyone can do. i guess if the conversation went in an intelligent direction instead of a hateful one; we would have covered that already.
just curious; is the fool the one that is completely independant and uses the top technology in a way that not only helps the earth; but frees him from the ever rising energy costs?
btw; it's the same technology the power companies are using accross the world to generate FREE electricity to SELL to the others.
in the june/july 2007 issue of mother earth news; there's a story about a family in a track home in mullica N. J. who converted to solar. right in the heart of suburbia.
seems to me the fool is the one left behind.
I love the idea of solar energy, including wind. But, since I don't own property, I dont' have any way to implement it. It's been brought up at a meeting at work, and the owners like the idea, but it's a wait and see thing.
I love the idea of solar energy, including wind. But, since I don't own property, I dont' have any way to implement it. It's been brought up at a meeting at work, and the owners like the idea, but it's a wait and see thing.
Do you guys have Green Energy there gue? Like you can sign up to the electrical company for energy supplied by green sources or they'll plant trees or something? Don't I sound well informed? :rolleyes: But it's something like that. I'll see if I can find a link later and post it for you.
Anyhoo, I personally would LOVE to go Solar and utilize Wind Power....however, at this point, I don't have the cash to make the are some prices for Solar Kits for your home...
And to eliminate my need for conventional energy, according to this Solar Calculator:
I would need a 7333 watt system, which will cost me over 50 grand...(the highest watt kit for sale on the site I noted is 7000 watts for a mere $53,699.99)
altho far from being an expert ... most panels can be mounted on a frame - if i were to install one - i would make sure it can move with the direction of the sun ...
the ones that mount on your roof are negligible in weight as it relates to having reinforce your roof (unlike a green roof) ...
Are you using wind turbines too or do you get everything completely from solar?
I've seen some of the new ultra thin flim types that are coming out that should cut down on weight. I really think in a few years solar panels will start being built in to most buildings. It's a resource thats severely under used.
How many batteries do you need to store all of the juice?
Can you power a heat pump with it?
Sorry to hear this dude.
Research Complete! 71% of Americans think they should be using solar panels to power their homes.
first of all; i didn't pass judgment on anyone and i didn't put anyone down. any idiot can look up the thread and see the number of views compared to the number of responses. then see that the responses were mostly "horses ass" responses. so all i did was point out facts.
i was trying to point out how hypocritical people are and how priorities are messed up but any guilt you have is your own.
people will talk all day about changing the world but they won't lift a finger to start that change. change always begins with education. and who better to ask than someone that lives with it? someone that lived with the ups and downs. someone who knows the shortcuts.
the education was free for the asking. but nobody asked.
i heard the A&E message board did as well as and a newspaper board came in third. i'm just home now from a week in the hospital but if you're interested; i'll find out all the details.
as i see it; anyone who felt judged or put down is only ashamed because they now realize they'll talk a big talk but that's where their involvement ends. it's your world and you're the ones left to live in it. why should politicians change if the people won't? shouldn't the people be the ones setting the example they want the leaders to follow?
i use solar panels and a wind generator. i found that when it's cloudy there's usually a breeze. i have 16 batteries but i also have big freezers and a waterbed. most of the people around here use 12 batteries and one neighbour uses walmart marine batteries without a problem. they'll need to replace them sooner than the more expensive batteries but it works. i have another neighbour with a system that powers his house and several high power grow lights.
my system paid for itself in a year between power generated; tax breaks; and refunds from the local power company. the life of the system is about 20 to 25 years.
As several have pointed out, the thread title didn't refer to solar power in any way, so even if someone had come here specifically to discuss alternative energy sources, they'd have had no particular reason to click on your thread. The title was also demeaning to the reader. As I mentioned, I didn't read your thread because it didn't sound like anything I would be interested in.
You also have to consider the reputation you've made for yourself on this board. Even if I HAD read the thread, I do not consider you to be a reliable source of information because of your posts in the past. On several occasions, you've presented yourself as some sort of legal expert and given completely false information, which leads me to doubt your claimed expertise in other areas as well.
you just made my point. everyone does jump on threads entitled would you switch to solar power; etc. the whole point was to see how many people would seek out knowledge. everyone here talks about it and almost everyone says they agree with it. they just won't bother with it.
If anybody's interested I'm just about to take the dog to the vet.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
someone told me the uk had several wind farms. is this true? wind energy is considered solar energy.
Thanks for that.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i'm not giving up but i look forward to death. we do get some good debates started don't we?
jeanie; you know you can't teach a pig to sing. it wastes your time and annoys the pig.
so just ignore him.
Yeah I find unless I post threads called "everything is perfect, don't think or change what you're doing", I spend about 50% of it swatting flies.
Either way I found this one. I would love to incorporate it, but am restricted by price over functionality... hopefully prices will fall quickly the same as LCD video panels have.
Hooked on the concept, and the technology factor appeals to me.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
For instance, Babe is one of my favorite movies and I'm just the kind of person that would attempt to train a pig.
And that when it comes to loyalty I'm a rottweiler!
Anyway, like I said, done with this thread. It's not gone very well and in the general scheme of things it's not important anyway.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
That I do not know. I remember reading an article in the US on how nosy neighbors are complaining to the city about neighbors with backyard wind generators due to noise, which is rumored to be about the same as an central air conditioning unit.
They owners have to shut them down until the red tape has cleared. amazing eh?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
But you can teach a liar and fool to dance. And dancing is your biggest talent. Dance away Freddy.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
yes we do...
Actually Yes!, I stand corrected Jeanie You are one of the few that I can absolutely agree with on this.
How does that Fergal Sharkey song go from the mid 80's "a good heart these days is hard to find?"
catchy tune...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Very catchy tune!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
if this is not a judgement i don't know what is.
and again you called people idiots. it may not have been direct but the implication was there.
like a lot of people i would relish being able to go off the grid but am unable in my current circumstance to achieve it. i know what's possible. but for me it's improbable right now. i do not have the means. but when i do, in my own good time, i will make the switch. until then however reading about it does me no good. it only shows me what i cant do right now. don't assume people's apparent indifference is the result of not caring. perhaps they are contributing in other ways.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
just curious; is the fool the one that is completely independant and uses the top technology in a way that not only helps the earth; but frees him from the ever rising energy costs?
btw; it's the same technology the power companies are using accross the world to generate FREE electricity to SELL to the others.
in the june/july 2007 issue of mother earth news; there's a story about a family in a track home in mullica N. J. who converted to solar. right in the heart of suburbia.
seems to me the fool is the one left behind.
i guess an idiot would find it offensive but if you're not an idiot; you'd know it didn't concern you.
also; there are passive solar measures you can use even in apartments. like hot air collectors. you can build/buy one and slip it into a window without tools for the winter. so there's something everyone can do. i guess if the conversation went in an intelligent direction instead of a hateful one; we would have covered that already.
I love the idea of solar energy, including wind. But, since I don't own property, I dont' have any way to implement it. It's been brought up at a meeting at work, and the owners like the idea, but it's a wait and see thing.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Do you guys have Green Energy there gue? Like you can sign up to the electrical company for energy supplied by green sources or they'll plant trees or something? Don't I sound well informed? :rolleyes: But it's something like that. I'll see if I can find a link later and post it for you.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
solar paint
why can't billions of dollars of oil profits go toward ideas like these....