When you make blanket statements they are pretty much directed at everyone...
Like I said, if he is truly sick, my heart and thoughts go out to him and his family... my mother luckily beat ovarian cancer, and having gone through that, I would never wish suffering on anyone.
But OLS has burnt his share of bridges here, and annoyed a lot of people with his arrogant, sometimes judgmental attitude, and when he makes things up to support his argument and then ignores responses/corrections when he gets called on it.
As far as the responses that people receive here, they tend to reap what they sew. It's not hard to figure the dynamics of this place out, and people who purposely push the right buttons to get responses shouldn't be surprised when they happen.
Hope you are never really sick. I mean that. I truly hope you are never really sick.
the planet is falling apart and it is OUR fault - we are just fortunate to live in a part of the world that will suffer the least ... but people are suffering now for our previous shortcomings ... you can do a lot of things that are going to help but in the end - we fucked up this place together and we'll only fix it together ... and that means you and me ...
...and exactly how is this a startling revelation? He, you.....both of you needed a poorly executed "experiment" to tell you this?
How do you, him or anyone here know what any of us do in our lives to change the situation? Do you know everyone here on a personal level and know of their living conditions, daily routines and habits?
First of all, I responded to his thread starter post.
So in your book, it's okay for this guy to come in here and basically attempt to insult, attack and denegrate everyone's integrity and personal character.
if you think his initial post was that bad - so be it i guess ... but i would say hardly ...
i think you did what most people do - you got all defensive and lashed out instead of listening to what it is he is trying to say ... but that's just my opinion ... i don't think we get anywhere when we start calling people fools and stuff ...
...and exactly how is this a startling revelation? He, you.....both of you needed a poorly executed "experiment" to tell you this?
How do you, him or anyone here know what any of us do in our lives to change the situation? Do you know everyone here on a personal level and know of their living conditions, daily routines and habits?
i didn't base my opinion on his "experiment" ... it's based on a reflection on the lifestyle we live here in north america ... it is unsustainable for the planet ... i know some of you on a personal level and many of course no - but i'm willing to bet that you aren't doing enough because even our champions of the environmental movement realize they aren't doing enough ...
so ... feel free to get all defensive and hide behind the anonymity of a message board ... or if you like - you can put yourself out there and detail exactly what it is you DO do - i will eat my words and apologize for offending you with my opinion of people in general ...
Nah, you're just doing what you usually do. You pretend you're Mother Teresa because it makes you feel better than everyone else. Superior to everyone else. The ultimate in compassion. The ultimate in sensitivity.
What an interesting mechanism you have going on, there.
Nah, you're just doing what you usually do. You pretend you're Mother Teresa because it makes you feel better than everyone else. Superior to everyone else. The ultimate in compassion. The ultimate in sensitivity.
What an interesting mechanism you have going on, there.
i didn't base my opinion on his "experiment" ... it's based on a reflection on the lifestyle we live here in north america ... it is unsustainable for the planet ... i know some of you on a personal level and many of course no - but i'm willing to bet that you aren't doing enough because even our champions of the environmental movement realize they aren't doing enough ...
I know there's heaps more I could be doing. I do what I can but I'd be the first to admit that I could do more. We've got this great show here at the moment called Carbon Cops and it really makes you examine how you live and how you can improve your efforts around the home.
Good Lord, give it a rest! Fucking bickering like you're 5! Go punch a pillow or meet out back behind the library and beat the shit out of each other and get it over with! lol
I have a question............................How much energy is used in producing these solar cells and windmills and what is the source of that energy? What are the biproducts of creating these technologies on a mass scale? And no, I'm not trying to be an ass, I honestly just want to know.
I'd like to know the answer to this one too. It's a good question.
i have no idea what all you lot are going on about in this thread... but lets get back to the most important information in this thread so far... yep, Scottish island of Tiree has 300 days of sunshine per year.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i have no idea what all you lot are going on about in this thread... but lets get back to the most important information in this thread so far... yep, Scottish island of Tiree has 300 days of sunshine per year.
What's the average daily temp dunk? Just curious.
But with 300 days of sunshine per year do they already have a lot of solar energy?
loads of fuckin wind here in Scotland... i blame beans
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
this board; and a few others; were part of an experiment to see how much people cared about global warming; alternative energy; and the future of mankind.
i started a thread about solar energy and i was chosen because i've used solar energy for over 30 years; becoming 100% solar early 2006.
an intelligent person would assume that people would have questions about solar energy and it's use; and how they could impliment solar energy into their current lives. especially from someone with so much experience in the field. that happened on one board. this board had the least responses showing that people here don't care about their fellow man. they have no concern for future generations and IMO; will continue to rape the earth until it has no more to give. people here are all talk but have no desire to learn alternatives to our wasteful lifestyles.
i'm one of 20 people gathering data and the results should be published next month.
hey chief... if this is the thread or "experiment" lol, you are talking about. let me point out a few obvious things to you.
1. you posted it the day of the VIC show, and the night before Lollapalooza started. nobody was fucking here to read it. it was the biggest PJ event in the US this summer, and it was bascilly 4 days long. we travel my friend
2. that thread sucked. go ahead and read it. no wonder no one responded. you didnt really add any information to talk about. you basicly were like "your all stupid and use oil".
fuck knows? solar power doesnt need the actual heat though does it?
Nah, I was only asking that coz 300 days of sunshine per year sounded like a nice place to be. But then I remembered how I used to have balls before I went to Scotland and the weather froze em clean off! So I was just wonderin.
We've got a lot of wind farms here too. They seem like a good idea. Although there's a lot of folk don't want them along our coast line. I like them but I'm still not sure about having them where they are putting them.
I know there's heaps more I could be doing. I do what I can but I'd be the first to admit that I could do more. We've got this great show here at the moment called Carbon Cops and it really makes you examine how you live and how you can improve your efforts around the home.
Not all rockets burn solid fuel and the SRBs of the Space Shuttle use a composite fuel made of Ammonium Perchlorate, Aluminum Powder, Iron Oxide, and a rubber binding agent. The Shuttle's three main engines (liquid Hydrogen and Oxygen) are ignited seven seconds before the solid rocket boosters are ignited. The Shuttle is powered by the three main engines and the SRBs for the first two minutes of ascent. The boosters burn out and are jettisoned and the Shuttle continues for the next 6.5 minutes powered only by the three main engines.
But, how much is that boost is based on Solar Power?
That was the main gist.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
hey chief... if this is the thread or "experiment" lol, you are talking about. let me point out a few obvious things to you.
1. you posted it the day of the VIC show, and the night before Lollapalooza started. nobody was fucking here to read it. it was the biggest PJ event in the US this summer, and it was bascilly 4 days long. we travel my friend
2. that thread sucked. go ahead and read it. no wonder no one responded. you didnt really add any information to talk about. you basicly were like "your all stupid and use oil".
3. i would love to see the results :rolleyes:
He's gone. He had cancer or something, and is probably on his death bed right now.
I have a question............................How much energy is used in producing these solar cells and windmills and what is the source of that energy? What are the biproducts of creating these technologies on a mass scale? And no, I'm not trying to be an ass, I honestly just want to know.
I would also like to know beyond the startup costs... what are the maintanance costs per year? What is the reliability? How often are repairs required... and at what costs?
Plus, do you have to get up on the roof and clean the panels? How often? And what about in regions that recieve snow? Do you have to shovel the snow off of the panels in order for them to work?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I would also like to know beyond the startup costs... what are the maintanance costs per year? What is the reliability? How often are repairs required... and at what costs?
Plus, do you have to get up on the roof and clean the panels? How often? And what about in regions that recieve snow? Do you have to shovel the snow off of the panels in order for them to work?
I would hope and prey that my insurance would cover a hail storm to the $50000 solar panels as well!
this board; and a few others; were part of an experiment to see how much people cared about global warming; alternative energy; and the future of mankind.
i started a thread about solar energy and i was chosen because i've used solar energy for over 30 years; becoming 100% solar early 2006.
an intelligent person would assume that people would have questions about solar energy and it's use; and how they could impliment solar energy into their current lives. especially from someone with so much experience in the field. that happened on one board. this board had the least responses showing that people here don't care about their fellow man. they have no concern for future generations and IMO; will continue to rape the earth until it has no more to give. people here are all talk but have no desire to learn alternatives to our wasteful lifestyles.
i'm one of 20 people gathering data and the results should be published next month.
I would hope and prey that my insurance would cover a hail storm to the $50000 solar panels as well!
Yeah... and how much does the entire set up weigh? Will it require any additional reenforcement of the structure? Will the installation be intrusive to the roofing material and base layer (that may result in leaks)? Will it install over ceramic/tile roofing material?
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
what? i wouldnt really joke about that dude, not too funny
its true. he said somewhere near the beginning of this thread that he doesnt have long to live and is going to be with with grandchildren or something. time to give him a break.
Hope you are never really sick. I mean that. I truly hope you are never really sick.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
...and exactly how is this a startling revelation? He, you.....both of you needed a poorly executed "experiment" to tell you this?
How do you, him or anyone here know what any of us do in our lives to change the situation? Do you know everyone here on a personal level and know of their living conditions, daily routines and habits?
Phoney compassion is the same as none.
Get over yourself. You're no more sensitive or compassionate than anyone else, here.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
ok lets play nice now.
if you think his initial post was that bad - so be it i guess ... but i would say hardly ...
i think you did what most people do - you got all defensive and lashed out instead of listening to what it is he is trying to say ... but that's just my opinion ... i don't think we get anywhere when we start calling people fools and stuff ...
Oh I was!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i didn't base my opinion on his "experiment" ... it's based on a reflection on the lifestyle we live here in north america ... it is unsustainable for the planet ... i know some of you on a personal level and many of course no - but i'm willing to bet that you aren't doing enough because even our champions of the environmental movement realize they aren't doing enough ...
so ... feel free to get all defensive and hide behind the anonymity of a message board ... or if you like - you can put yourself out there and detail exactly what it is you DO do - i will eat my words and apologize for offending you with my opinion of people in general ...
Nah, you're just doing what you usually do. You pretend you're Mother Teresa because it makes you feel better than everyone else. Superior to everyone else. The ultimate in compassion. The ultimate in sensitivity.
What an interesting mechanism you have going on, there.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
See, even you can't keep a straight face on that one!
I know there's heaps more I could be doing. I do what I can but I'd be the first to admit that I could do more. We've got this great show here at the moment called Carbon Cops and it really makes you examine how you live and how you can improve your efforts around the home.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well it's bloody funny!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I'd like to know the answer to this one too. It's a good question.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
What's the average daily temp dunk? Just curious.
But with 300 days of sunshine per year do they already have a lot of solar energy?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
fuck knows? solar power doesnt need the actual heat though does it?
Scotland is going down a wind-farm route.. this one called Robin Rigg is being built just near me
loads of fuckin wind here in Scotland... i blame beans
hey chief... if this is the thread or "experiment" lol, you are talking about. let me point out a few obvious things to you.
1. you posted it the day of the VIC show, and the night before Lollapalooza started. nobody was fucking here to read it. it was the biggest PJ event in the US this summer, and it was bascilly 4 days long. we travel my friend
2. that thread sucked. go ahead and read it. no wonder no one responded. you didnt really add any information to talk about. you basicly were like "your all stupid and use oil".
3. i would love to see the results :rolleyes:
We've got a lot of wind farms here too. They seem like a good idea. Although there's a lot of folk don't want them along our coast line. I like them but I'm still not sure about having them where they are putting them.
Sure it's just the beans dunk? hehe!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
small little changes can make the biggest difference for sure ... i would say the best thing you can do is vote howard out of office!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
But, how much is that boost is based on Solar Power?
That was the main gist.
Hail, Hail!!!
He's gone. He had cancer or something, and is probably on his death bed right now.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
what? i wouldnt really joke about that dude, not too funny
I would also like to know beyond the startup costs... what are the maintanance costs per year? What is the reliability? How often are repairs required... and at what costs?
Plus, do you have to get up on the roof and clean the panels? How often? And what about in regions that recieve snow? Do you have to shovel the snow off of the panels in order for them to work?
Hail, Hail!!!
How can I go solar?
Yeah... and how much does the entire set up weigh? Will it require any additional reenforcement of the structure? Will the installation be intrusive to the roofing material and base layer (that may result in leaks)? Will it install over ceramic/tile roofing material?
Hail, Hail!!!
its true. he said somewhere near the beginning of this thread that he doesnt have long to live and is going to be with with grandchildren or something. time to give him a break.