The Experiment

this board; and a few others; were part of an experiment to see how much people cared about global warming; alternative energy; and the future of mankind.
i started a thread about solar energy and i was chosen because i've used solar energy for over 30 years; becoming 100% solar early 2006.
an intelligent person would assume that people would have questions about solar energy and it's use; and how they could impliment solar energy into their current lives. especially from someone with so much experience in the field. that happened on one board. this board had the least responses showing that people here don't care about their fellow man. they have no concern for future generations and IMO; will continue to rape the earth until it has no more to give. people here are all talk but have no desire to learn alternatives to our wasteful lifestyles.
i'm one of 20 people gathering data and the results should be published next month.
i started a thread about solar energy and i was chosen because i've used solar energy for over 30 years; becoming 100% solar early 2006.
an intelligent person would assume that people would have questions about solar energy and it's use; and how they could impliment solar energy into their current lives. especially from someone with so much experience in the field. that happened on one board. this board had the least responses showing that people here don't care about their fellow man. they have no concern for future generations and IMO; will continue to rape the earth until it has no more to give. people here are all talk but have no desire to learn alternatives to our wasteful lifestyles.
i'm one of 20 people gathering data and the results should be published next month.
Post edited by Unknown User on
the only thing that research shows is that people didn't take an interest in solar energy during a certain amount of time on an internet site. It is interesting though that this board had the least responses. What are the other boards? Also, it would be interesting to see if ACTION follows interest on the other boards, they could just be all talk as well. To extrapolate the findings out to sweeping statements is not good science, even though it's done every day.
Screw solar energy! Rape mother earth!
-Enoch Powell
with all due respect, I read the post about solar energy...of which I'm interested in...however, and please don't take this wrong...but do you take into account the "asker's" credibility...? Also the tone of the post was aggressive and smarmy...much like this post that I'm responding to...
quite honestly, I think this "experiment" you speak of is bullshit...
Don't you think that people can do their own research without asking you, personally, questions about solar? That's how I'd go about it, anyway.
I also disagree that the folks on this board don't care about their fellow man; you can't rely on people not asking questions as a valid judgement call.
I have to agree. With all due respect, actual scientific experiments are of a different nature. It is impossible to "read in" what was not said when people do not respond to a thread, and conclude something with any credibility. That's definitely not science, at least.
To add to what chopitdown said, if there was an experiment, the results could show, rather that people didn't take an interest in thread onelongsong posted. There is nothing "scientific" about this.
If this is on the up and up, it sounds like a casual unscientific study has been done, and a personal opinion piece will be published.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i only printed out the responses and i'm not directly involved in the study itself. i opened my big mouth about how my friends on the pj board would blow away any other board. as it turned out; the most intelligent responses came from the board. the study was done by a manufacturer of solar equipment and it's purpose was to show the government that people are interested in alternative energies and get the government to share the solar technologies they've been using for over 50 years.
it wasn't a scientific study. it was only to show public interest and it did just that.
I'd like to see the post made on the board...I'd be willing to bet it was worded in a more open and clear manner...
and perhaps the solar manufacturer would be better served by lowering the cost of solar and educating the public on how to tap into this it stands, panels are not cheap and hooking them up into you existing system in not the easiest thing to do....
as i said; it was more of a public opinion poll. not a scientific experiment at all. had the question been posed; everyone would have said they were interested in alternative energy. but actions speak louder than words.
there were 19 other people involved and the response was basically the same. so it wasn't just a OLS thread.
many have noticed my DON'T GIVE A **** attitude the last few weeks. i've been given a limited time to live so i won't be here. but i do care about what kind of world my grandchidren will have to live in.
i'm a member of and i used the same post and title. i'll try to dig it up in a bit.
prices have dropped a lot. you can buy a wind generator for $500; an outback inverter for about $3000; and a good battery bank for a few thousand. when you're batteries get low during times of no wind (8 mph min); you draw from the grid (or propane back-up generator) to run your house and charge the batteries.
well, not everyone has a "few thousand" to drop on a battery pack...which does not include the cost of the panels or installation...
that was my thought as well; many people may want to help out but they tune out once they see the price tag.
it makes sense that an ag board would have more interest. That's more up their alley, so to speak. If you're showing public interest only, that's one thing; the way you presented it was that it was a full on scientific study. Or at least maybe you didn't intend for it to be taken that way, but it looks like it was.
until then, i cant do anything about it.
solar should be running this whole fucking planet by now, i know that, you know that. whoopdee fucking doo unless you have the $ to do it.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Therefore, it can't conclude what you said:
I can understand if this is your personal opinion, however.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It is no wonder that such a thread has a better reception at a farming forum. As i understand, for farmers it is a probable and possible investment, and thus is right up their alley. that, and I dont think that forum has the same high and loud level of quarreling as a default condition as it is here. Here, it drowns in other posts concerning environmental issues, and other political issues of the day. Concluding that noone here is interested in something because you didn't get much response to a single thread, is drawing it way too far. It could be timing, depending on who were on and noticed it, and had enough of an opinion to state it.
Also, you probably should have posted it under a new name, if you wanted to gauge interest, because when you use your usual name, people see your name and tie to it all the baggage from other debates they may have had with you, or just read.
As an opinion measure, it could have been useful, but I support angelica in that you can't extrapolate opinions where few or none were given.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
It amazes me how all of you run around professing to be so concerned for your fellow man and yet each and every time this man speaks it seemingly brings out the worst in you.
Anyway, like he said he's not gonna be here to listen to it much longer. But just so you know, I think it's pathetic that so many of you supposedly
"higher thinking" people are completely unable to show compassion.
So who cares if you lot get solar power or not? I know I don't. Be nice if you could learn to be a little more considerate but that's probably not gonna happen either. The rest of us are used to knowing that Americans are the biggest consumers in the world and so caught up in yourselves that you don't even remember there's anybody else out here. We're used to it.
So OLS, sorry to say, but solar and a whole bunch of other environmental options are not going to be taken up by people around here because most of them are middle class Americans and they got shopping and endless argueing about politics :rolleyes: to do. And I should try to remember that it is about the argueing. NOBODY ever seems to come here to debate something and then actually ACT. It's all piss and wind as far as I can see.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
1) A lot of us don't own homes, so really can't buy a system to power our apts with solar
2) If we do have a house, a lot of us can't afford the upfront costs.
3) You posted it... we've all read about how you built a multi-million dollar business from scratch and you built a mega solar empire... some of us didn't feel the need to hear about it again.
Also, I posted a thread about my dog once, and no one responded to it... by your logic I guess I can conclude that people on this board hate dogs, and do not care about them...
Is this the post that you are talking about? (titled "And You Still Fall For It"):
You made a statement about us using solar power for rockets and satellites and you concluded because people ignored it that "people here don't care about their fellow man. they have no concern for future generations and IMO; will continue to rape the earth until it has no more to give"? A bit egotistical, no?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i agree with you dan. and it wasn't meant as a be all; end all; for the use of solar power. the thing is; a 9/11 conspiracy thread with NO CREDABLE EVIDENCE will attract more attention than a thread concerning ways to clean up the enviornment. i expected more from the people here. it gave a chance to question someone who uses solar power and not some company propaganda from someone trying to sell you something. but as i said; i really don't care. i won't be here to see what happens to the earth. the thread had plenty of views but nobody had questions or opinions. that's the saddening bit.
When a debate/conversation starts by putting people down, the argument does not go over well, generally.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
there's a lot of good people here so i wouldn't include everyone. but i found most people here to only concern themselves with themselves.
who was put down?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Well it's not like your words haven't been interpreted that way in the past angelica so I would have thought you at least would have been more open minded.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I speak to what I see.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
That there are. And those people have already sent you wellwishes via me, so perhaps we should just concern ourselves with them? And let these others duke it out in a "good" debate all on their own. Seems to be what they like to do best. Argue.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift