I'm sure there will be loads of sites that will either acknowledge the science, completely ignore it, sites that will debunk the bible and others that will confirm all writings as fact..... Each one can find what he wants.
Sure.. that's what these books of stories, myths and legends are all about. Maybe also a bit like Nostradamus' Prophecies. Read what you want into them... Want to believe the stories, that's up to you. Don't want to believe in them, that's fine too. Each to his/her own.
Sure.. that's what these books of stories, myths and legends are all about. Maybe also a bit like Nostradamus' Prophecies. Read what you want into them... Want to believe the stories, that's up to you. Don't want to believe in them, that's fine too. Each to his/her own.
Hell, you could say the same about a textbook, depending on which ones you read for the same subject.
Hell, you could say the same about a textbook, depending on which ones you read for the same subject.
Absolutely... you can say that for anything really. A news story... depending which 'side' recounts the event, it will be different. Though scientifi advances, mathematics, etc. are generally accepted as proven (not just proven but verified). Part of my early schooling was done in France.. I studied Napoleon - a heroic figure in France (well, in those days). I moved to Belgium the following year (less than 1hr drive away!). Studied Napoleon again.. same facts.. different opinions - he was a loser there! Just an example...
Absolutely... you can say that for anything really. A news story... depending which 'side' recounts the event, it will be different. Though scientifi advances, mathematics, etc. are generally accepted as proven (not just proven but verified). Part of my early schooling was done in France.. I studied Napoleon - a heroic figure in France (well, in those days). I moved to Belgium the following year (less than 1hr drive away!). Studied Napoleon again.. same facts.. different opinions - he was a loser there! Just an example...
there's more evidence of jesus and things happening in the bible than there is that napoleon ever existed
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
You guys still argueing about this. Don't you know the Annunaki rule the world and made up religion to keep the masses in order.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Aahhh... the fallen angels... I love angels and angel stories!
You think the Annunaki were fallen angels?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Depends again what you prefer... I like angels... They could also be extra-terrestrials or even gods, depending which myths you decide to check out! Some being from 'up there' !
Is it alright if I point out that some of the major movers in seeking to right social injustice in the world are Christians, or Christian organizations (e.g. the Methodists, Compassion International, etc.)?
Sure, and god bless them for that. (Not that I believe in their God or anything, but you get my drift)
A belief in an after-life is not meant to make us accepting of injustice in the present. It's meant to motivate us to do our best to reach out to others in the present and stand accountable for it in the after.
I commend that attitude. However, that's not how it works always. A belief in an after-life can be a crutch to the current life, especially if your life ain't that good. There's a reason why everyone are so religious in combat zones and poor places of the world. They dont have anything else. Faith in after-life makes it easier to bear, and hence, it will take more and longer for them to react and really do something about it. Not to mention the social control element of after-life when you combine religion and institutional power. It can indeed be problematic.
Also, I have been taught several times at biblecamp and elsewhere that good deeds wont get you to heaven, only accepting Jesus will. (illustrated by a chasm bridged by the cross) What does this teach? this says that as long as you believe in Jesus, you can basically dont give a fuck about good deeds, as they are irrelevant and unnecessary to get to heaven. They dont say "dont be good" but they clearly state what's important, and what's nice but irrelevant really.
It doesn't have to work this way for all, and you dont have to agree with it. (Good on you) But that is how I see it. When the after-life is the important life, current life tend to be a lot less important which enables people to take bigger piles of shit without complaining too much. After all, the baddies will get their comeuppance in the end.
I'm not saying this is what the bible teaches, and this is right according to christian dogma. I am basing this on basic psychology and how many people are seen to react. Particularly the point that the most repressed places in the world tend to have a highly religious populace. And I would agree what you also basically agree with, that we should live as if this life is what we got, and make improvements here, strive for heaven on earth, and then we'll see at the end of the road, who was right.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
someone tell me about the fucking dolphins!!!! seriously
where's a bible freak when you need them
every saturday i have one at my door... doesnt the fact i especially bought the house 666 Demon Avenue tell them enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
However, that's not how it works always. A belief in an after-life can be a crutch to the current life, especially if your life ain't that good. There's a reason why everyone are so religious in combat zones and poor places of the world. They dont have anything else. Faith in after-life makes it easier to bear, and hence, it will take more and longer for them to react and really do something about it. Not to mention the social control element of after-life when you combine religion and institutional power. It can indeed be problematic.
Fair enough. The objection then stems from the practice of the faith, not the actual theory. Trust me: as a devout Christian, it worries me that others view faith in Jesus as a crutch to "get through the day." It builds up a dependency complex, as well as providing a built-in excuse for a lack of empowerment as an individual.
Also, I have been taught several times at biblecamp and elsewhere that good deeds wont get you to heaven, only accepting Jesus will. (illustrated by a chasm bridged by the cross) What does this teach? this says that as long as you believe in Jesus, you can basically dont give a fuck about good deeds, as they are irrelevant and unnecessary to get to heaven. They dont say "dont be good" but they clearly state what's important, and what's nice but irrelevant really.
Yeah, that's a common rub. I don't believe in works-based salvation, and I do believe you need to accept Christ as Savior. But here's the twist that I think addresses what you're getting at. Did you ever study James 2:14-26? I consider that such an extremely vital passage for anyone who would consider themselves a faithful Christian. Without sounding too know-it-all about it, I firmly believe that belief in Jesus as Savior and being one who practices good works are not two mutually exclusive things. Granted, one can definitely do good things without being a believer, and I know many like that, but one can hardly begin to call themselves a true Christ-like disciple without practicing good works.
When the after-life is the important life, current life tend to be a lot less important which enables people to take bigger piles of shit without complaining too much. After all, the baddies will get their comeuppance in the end.
The afterlife is guaranteed, I'll say that much. But in all honesty, the complacency you're mentioning is not how it was meant to be. Again, it's a shame how actual practice tends to warp so many great theories.
well my hedge is kinda big right now and it could do with a trim... do they offer a window cleaning service?
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
well my hedge is kinda big right now and it could do with a trim... do they offer a window cleaning service?
If they keep harassing you man, put up a sign that says you are Mormon, they will leave you alone
If they think you are satanist they will want to convert you.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
If they keep harassing you man, put up a sign that says you are Mormon, they will leave you alone
If they think you are satanist they will want to convert you.
i used to be a Santaist... that was until the xmas debacle of 2005... see sig below
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i used to be a Santaist... that was until the xmas debacle of 2005... see sig below
So do Satanists believe that Lucifer was a good Angel and God is bad?
Or do they just like being bad?
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
i haven't kept up with this thread...have peeked in a little the little time i have had to come here, and see it has meandered all over the place. however, bottomline...no matter what sort of logic you want to put to it, doesn't all boil down to one thing? belief? i mean, w/o a belief in a god, and specifically in jesus...there is no proof. no matter what 'compelling evidence' one wants to argue in support or against jesus, the bible, etc....nothing is proven, so it all comes to that almighty faith. without that, it really doesn't matter.
whether one is christian, jewish, muslim, hindu, etc.....one begins with a notion of faith/belief....and moves onwards from there. if one does not have any belief/faith, none of the bible, qu'ran, etc...is going to 'convince' them otherwise. you either believe, or you don't. faith and logic may exist....but one must have that faith first, otherwise it's all a moot point. absolutely, the truth IS simple...but it all depends what is YOUR personal truth, and that will vary greatly from person to person, believers to non-believers...and even amongst believers, depends just what notion of 'god(s)' they subscribe to. so yes....still comes down to personal choice, what you choose to believe or not.
i think it's great some derive much from their religious beliefs and fully believe in them 100%....but there are others just as staunchly religious, but with very different views, and then still others as non-believers entirely...and yes, there is no one *right* that any of us know of for certain. great if you think your beliefs are right...so that's your personal truth, but it will not be any more true for others simply b/c you believe...we all have our own truths to follow. we'll all find out one day when we die.
So do Satanists believe that Lucifer was a good Angel and God is bad?
Or do they just like being bad?
i dont know... i'm a santaist... i used to worship Santa.... Satan doesnt exist you know :rolleyes:
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
You can always turn to the Easter Bunny..... he won't let you down...
and neither would a Playboy Bunny
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I guess not But would it be wise to worship one? Put them on a pedestal and the next thing you know, they dominate your whole life.. every waking thought is filled with Playboy Bunny.. your body is no longer yours......
The afterlife is guaranteed, I'll say that much. But in all honesty, the complacency you're mentioning is not how it was meant to be. Again, it's a shame how actual practice tends to warp so many great theories.
The practice was my point. And from a societal view, what's important. And of course practice never is theory. If that were the case, we'd be living in heaven on earth a long time ago.
But apart from our religious differences, I dont have any real quarrel with you. We seem to basically agree.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I guess not But would it be wise to worship one? Put them on a pedestal and the next thing you know, they dominate your whole life.. every waking thought is filled with Playboy Bunny.. your body is no longer yours......
and that was supposed to put me off!!!!
back to thread... i need to read some books by this guy Dr Richard Dawkins... i like the cut of his jib... he was on t'radio yesterday and he was fuckin ace... he's a genius and he absolutely wrecked the "watch" theory that religious people use as a means to describe how the world was formed! destroyed it he did!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Sure.. that's what these books of stories, myths and legends are all about. Maybe also a bit like Nostradamus' Prophecies. Read what you want into them... Want to believe the stories, that's up to you. Don't want to believe in them, that's fine too. Each to his/her own.
Absolutely... you can say that for anything really. A news story... depending which 'side' recounts the event, it will be different. Though scientifi advances, mathematics, etc. are generally accepted as proven (not just proven but verified). Part of my early schooling was done in France.. I studied Napoleon - a heroic figure in France (well, in those days). I moved to Belgium the following year (less than 1hr drive away!). Studied Napoleon again.. same facts.. different opinions - he was a loser there! Just an example...
there's more evidence of jesus and things happening in the bible than there is that napoleon ever existed
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
You are joking, aren't you? :eek:
uhh, no...i believe you are
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
You think the Annunaki were fallen angels?
I commend that attitude. However, that's not how it works always. A belief in an after-life can be a crutch to the current life, especially if your life ain't that good. There's a reason why everyone are so religious in combat zones and poor places of the world. They dont have anything else. Faith in after-life makes it easier to bear, and hence, it will take more and longer for them to react and really do something about it. Not to mention the social control element of after-life when you combine religion and institutional power. It can indeed be problematic.
Also, I have been taught several times at biblecamp and elsewhere that good deeds wont get you to heaven, only accepting Jesus will. (illustrated by a chasm bridged by the cross) What does this teach? this says that as long as you believe in Jesus, you can basically dont give a fuck about good deeds, as they are irrelevant and unnecessary to get to heaven. They dont say "dont be good" but they clearly state what's important, and what's nice but irrelevant really.
It doesn't have to work this way for all, and you dont have to agree with it. (Good on you) But that is how I see it. When the after-life is the important life, current life tend to be a lot less important which enables people to take bigger piles of shit without complaining too much. After all, the baddies will get their comeuppance in the end.
I'm not saying this is what the bible teaches, and this is right according to christian dogma. I am basing this on basic psychology and how many people are seen to react. Particularly the point that the most repressed places in the world tend to have a highly religious populace. And I would agree what you also basically agree with, that we should live as if this life is what we got, and make improvements here, strive for heaven on earth, and then we'll see at the end of the road, who was right.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
where's a bible freak when you need them
every saturday i have one at my door... doesnt the fact i especially bought the house 666 Demon Avenue tell them enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dunk.. i think there may be hope for the dolphins.... after all in Daniel, Chapter 3, they ARE mentioned by name over ALL water creatures...
"You dolphins and all water creatures, bless the Lord; praise and exalt him above all forever."
So, if they've done their bit of praising and exalting, they should be fine - god's got a big fish tank in heaven....
Yeah, that's a common rub. I don't believe in works-based salvation, and I do believe you need to accept Christ as Savior. But here's the twist that I think addresses what you're getting at. Did you ever study James 2:14-26? I consider that such an extremely vital passage for anyone who would consider themselves a faithful Christian. Without sounding too know-it-all about it, I firmly believe that belief in Jesus as Savior and being one who practices good works are not two mutually exclusive things. Granted, one can definitely do good things without being a believer, and I know many like that, but one can hardly begin to call themselves a true Christ-like disciple without practicing good works.
The afterlife is guaranteed, I'll say that much. But in all honesty, the complacency you're mentioning is not how it was meant to be. Again, it's a shame how actual practice tends to warp so many great theories.
it tells them you need help
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
well my hedge is kinda big right now and it could do with a trim... do they offer a window cleaning service?
If they keep harassing you man, put up a sign that says you are Mormon, they will leave you alone
If they think you are satanist they will want to convert you.
i used to be a Santaist... that was until the xmas debacle of 2005... see sig below
So do Satanists believe that Lucifer was a good Angel and God is bad?
Or do they just like being bad?
whether one is christian, jewish, muslim, hindu, etc.....one begins with a notion of faith/belief....and moves onwards from there. if one does not have any belief/faith, none of the bible, qu'ran, etc...is going to 'convince' them otherwise. you either believe, or you don't. faith and logic may exist....but one must have that faith first, otherwise it's all a moot point. absolutely, the truth IS simple...but it all depends what is YOUR personal truth, and that will vary greatly from person to person, believers to non-believers...and even amongst believers, depends just what notion of 'god(s)' they subscribe to. so yes....still comes down to personal choice, what you choose to believe or not.
i think it's great some derive much from their religious beliefs and fully believe in them 100%....but there are others just as staunchly religious, but with very different views, and then still others as non-believers entirely...and yes, there is no one *right* that any of us know of for certain. great if you think your beliefs are right...so that's your personal truth, but it will not be any more true for others simply b/c you believe...we all have our own truths to follow. we'll all find out one day when we die.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i dont know... i'm a santaist... i used to worship Santa.... Satan doesnt exist you know :rolleyes:
You can always turn to the Easter Bunny..... he won't let you down...
and neither would a Playboy Bunny
I guess not
The practice was my point. And from a societal view, what's important. And of course practice never is theory. If that were the case, we'd be living in heaven on earth a long time ago.
But apart from our religious differences, I dont have any real quarrel with you. We seem to basically agree.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
and that was supposed to put me off!!!!
back to thread... i need to read some books by this guy Dr Richard Dawkins... i like the cut of his jib... he was on t'radio yesterday and he was fuckin ace... he's a genius and he absolutely wrecked the "watch" theory that religious people use as a means to describe how the world was formed! destroyed it he did!!