but he also posted the rise in other crimes to show that the absense of guns does not decrease crimes.
but thats not the point... you said no guns on this earth would mean no change in the murder rate... and thats just not true.... its your opinion but its highly unlikely.
there are how many gun deaths in the US or Brasil per year? hundred of thousands... i'd bet all my wordly possessions that if all guns were wiped out tomorrow the murder rate would go down... now stabbings would probably rise some 300% or whatever random figure you chose but it simply wouldnt make up the shortfall.
basically.. banning guns might mean a rise in stabbings, batterings, baseball bats to the head... but the overall kill total will come down... it just will.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
hey brainboy.. do you think i seriously give a fuck about insulting your intelligence... you carry on believing your some sort of oracle on here... you never post anything other than "copy and paste" from some other smart fuckers work... anyone can do that.. havent you got some algebraic equations to talk about on youtube instead of calling me a half-wit alcoholic..
did i post anything derogatory about you (well until this post at least) NO.. i didnt... so why have a go at me.. a poor go but a go nonetheless...
Because you are symbolic of the alcoholic culture prominant around here and perhaps I was off my base in making those statements. I don't think you understand the frustration of dedicating your time to truely understanding an issue to have it disregarded by and large by people who specialize in drinking beer. People come into these threads, they don't read a damn thing and the arguments are totally pointless, but in their miswired brain I guess it means something.
It's not just here, I wrote a huge thread on another site tracing the history of the enlightenment era and the influences of Spinoza, Holbach, Voltaire, Franklin, Jefferson, up to present day thinkers, the influences on our culture and the reconcilatory problem of scientific determinism and Christianity to have one person post a picture of a mountain and say "This is God". All I can say is go back to getting hammered and living a blur of an existence and don't even attempt to get into a meaningul debate, because a picture of a fucking mountain has no value to the topic at all.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
i then said Iceland has no guns and yet its murder rate is almost non-existent.
he never proved me wrong... if you had said "banning guns means other violent crimes rise" then i might have looked at the facts and acquisced.. but if there were no guns on this planet then the murder rate would go down... and i firmly believe that... i actually find it hard to see the correlation between banning guns and violent crime... i would say banning guns in scotland meant a rise in violent crimes cos of societal reasons... the banning of the guns was just co-incidental.
at least 9 people who died in the mall recently would probably be here... ok some shitty frug dealer in South Central might stab 6 more people than he meant to but i really couldnt give a fuck if criminals kill each other... its when innocents get shot at in schools, malls, etc then it becomes an issue...
my post was based on the stats from everal countries; not just one. your post was biased and prejudiced. you found 1 country where the rate went down just because you looked at the stats on murder rates as a whole and found you were wrong. so you sought out 1 country; small and low population; where the rate did go down trying to prove a point. ahnimus posted the stats from many countries and jeanie i believe; posted the stats from austrailia. when guns were not available; murderers used knives. the reason the rate when up is because a knife wound is more fatal than a bullet wound. a knife wound causes more bleeding and is harder to repair. also; at the close distance needed to inflict a knife wound; the attacker is more likely to cut an artery.
Because you are symbolic of the alcoholic culture prominant around here and perhaps I was off my base in making those statements. I don't think you understand the frustration of dedicating your time to truely understanding an issue to have it disregarded by and large by people who specialize in drinking beer. People come into these threads, they don't read a damn thing and the arguments are totally pointless, but in their miswired brain I guess it means something.
It's not just here, I wrote a huge thread on another site tracing the history of the enlightenment era and the influences of Spinoza, Holbach, Voltaire, Franklin, Jefferson, up to present day thinkers, the influences on our culture and the reconcilatory problem of scientific determinism and Christianity to have one person post a picture of a mountain and say "This is God". All I can say is go back to getting hammered and living a blur of an existence and don't even attempt to get into a meaningul debate, because a picture of a fucking mountain has no value to the topic at all.
why is it miswired... cos it doesnt fit with your viewpoint? as much as i dont agree with onelongsong and his gun ethics i wouldnt say he was miswired for dis-agreeing with me... far from it... he's a smart bloke with a differing viewpoint from mine... so what?
and what has booze got to do with it... some of the worlds greatest writers and thinkers were boozers... because labelling seems to suit you would you call them half-wits? no, because they fit your dream team of intelligentsia that you so wish to belong to.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Because you are symbolic of the alcoholic culture prominant around here and perhaps I was off my base in making those statements.
c'mon ahnimus... you know nothing about me and me nothing about you... to call me a symbol of half-wit alcoholism is clutching at greased straws... and i've already said that unless you would say that to my face you really shouldn't be saying it on a forum, where you can hide behind the monitor
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
but thats not the point... you said no guns on this earth would mean no change in the murder rate... and thats just not true.... its your opinion but its highly unlikely.
there are how many gun deaths in the US or Brasil per year? hundred of thousands... i'd bet all my wordly possessions that if all guns were wiped out tomorrow the murder rate would go down... now stabbings would probably rise some 300% or whatever random figure you chose but it simply wouldnt make up the shortfall.
basically.. banning guns might mean a rise in stabbings, batterings, baseball bats to the head... but the overall kill total will come down... it just will.
first of all; it's hard to respect someone who doesn't show respect. what you said to ahnimus was out of line. he deserves more respect. he and i lock horns more than any 2 people here; but i respect him for his knowledge and his unbiased posting of stats.
now; there are 10,000 gun deaths in the us per year. we have a population of about 330 million, not counting 15 million illegals. you do the math. there are approximately 40,000 deaths caused by drunk drivers. if your true interest is saving lives; you should be concentrating on banning alcohol. it would save 4 times more lives. alcohol is the biggest killer of kids under the age of 21 both directly and indirectly. (per MADD). you would save many more children by banning alcohol. you told me your interest was saving lives and particularly the lives of children. if that's true, you must be open minded to the real problems and not fixate on an inanimate object.
c'mon ahnimus... you know nothing about me and me nothing about you... to call me a symbol of half-wit alcoholism is clutching at greased straws... and i've already said that unless you would say that to my face you really shouldn't be saying it on a forum, where you can hide behind the monitor
we may not know you personally; but that is the way you portray yourself. if someone dissagrees with you; your first instinct is to fight. that is the sign of an alcoholic. you constantly badmouth people; another sign of an alcoholic. you stomp your feet and insist your right when you don't know all the information; yet another sign. when the evidence is laid out for you in black and white; you refuse to accept it; another sign of an alcoholic. i could go on but i won't embarrass you here. i've been here many years and your posts are predictable and consistant. thus proving the analisis is not based on todays encounter.
now; it seems that you're the one bad mouthing people and threatening them while hiding behind a monitor. it seems 9 out of 10 of your posts include a threat. YOUR the one posting them on a forum and NOT making them to our faces.
first of all; it's hard to respect someone who doesn't show respect. what you said to ahnimus was out of line. he deserves more respect. he and i lock horns more than any 2 people here; but i respect him for his knowledge and his unbiased posting of stats.
now; there are 10,000 gun deaths in the us per year. we have a population of about 330 million, not counting 15 million illegals. you do the math. there are approximately 40,000 deaths caused by drunk drivers. if your true interest is saving lives; you should be concentrating on banning alcohol. it would save 4 times more lives. alcohol is the biggest killer of kids under the age of 21 both directly and indirectly. (per MADD). you would save many more children by banning alcohol. you told me your interest was saving lives and particularly the lives of children. if that's true, you must be open minded to the real problems and not fixate on an inanimate object.
In addition, alcoholism has a negative impact on intellectual cognitive ability.
Alcohol, believe it or not, damages brains and makes people stupid.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Because you are symbolic of the alcoholic culture prominant around here and perhaps I was off my base in making those statements. I don't think you understand the frustration of dedicating your time to truely understanding an issue to have it disregarded by and large by people who specialize in drinking beer. People come into these threads, they don't read a damn thing and the arguments are totally pointless, but in their miswired brain I guess it means something.
It's not just here, I wrote a huge thread on another site tracing the history of the enlightenment era and the influences of Spinoza, Holbach, Voltaire, Franklin, Jefferson, up to present day thinkers, the influences on our culture and the reconcilatory problem of scientific determinism and Christianity to have one person post a picture of a mountain and say "This is God". All I can say is go back to getting hammered and living a blur of an existence and don't even attempt to get into a meaningul debate, because a picture of a fucking mountain has no value to the topic at all.
i beg to differ. i come here to learn. i listen to viewpoints and retain information presented.
first of all; it's hard to respect someone who doesn't show respect. what you said to ahnimus was out of line. he deserves more respect. he and i lock horns more than any 2 people here; but i respect him for his knowledge and his unbiased posting of stats.
inever said anything to him? so what was out of line? he called me a half-wit alcoholic because i posted about Iceland... how is that out of line?
now; there are 10,000 gun deaths in the us per year. we have a population of about 330 million, not counting 15 million illegals. you do the math. there are approximately 40,000 deaths caused by drunk drivers. if your true interest is saving lives; you should be concentrating on banning alcohol. it would save 4 times more lives. alcohol is the biggest killer of kids under the age of 21 both directly and indirectly. (per MADD). you would save many more children by banning alcohol. you told me your interest was saving lives and particularly the lives of children. if that's true, you must be open minded to the real problems and not fixate on an inanimate object.
you claim banning guns wouldnt decrease the murder rates... and then go on to say "..you would save many more children by banning alcohol...." what is it to be? you've just said that the banning of something will result in fewer deaths caused by that something... thats hypocritical.
on a side note alcohol wasnt invented with the sole use of killing and maiming... the gun was... this is why the 'ban the car, kitchen knife, baseball bat' posts are instantly dismissive... so alcohol causes many many deaths... and yet i agree that that it should be strictly controlled, sold to only those over 21, etc etc etc... very strong on the sale of alcohol in the states considering its mighty death toll... yet unnervingly flippant on the sle of guns in some states... all i'm saying is perhaps tighten up the gun legislation.. you are a keen gun owner and you claim that you'll never kill anyone with those guns innocently... but then so was Thomas Hamilton... he then killed a classroom of schoolchildren in Dunblane, Scotland... one of which was related to me. so at last you know why i'm so strongly opinionated on the subject
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
c'mon ahnimus... you know nothing about me and me nothing about you... to call me a symbol of half-wit alcoholism is clutching at greased straws... and i've already said that unless you would say that to my face you really shouldn't be saying it on a forum, where you can hide behind the monitor
I know a little bit about you. I know you are popular on the AET for your abbrasive and ludicrous statements. I know you spend a large portion of your time sucking on the end of an alcoholic pacifier. I wouldn't make those statements to your face because I wouldn't be in the same forum as you. You'd be at the local pub getting shitfaced and I'd be at home reading the latest publication of Skeptic magazine. But here, instead of posting on the AAT your getting involved in a debate and I just found your argument to be shallow and pointless. I will submit to you that my response was emotionally and politically motivated. And pointing out your drug abuse problems is not really applicable to the topic, rather, it is fallacious to degrade a person's mental capacity rather than their argument.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
we may not know you personally; but that is the way you portray yourself. if someone dissagrees with you; your first instinct is to fight. that is the sign of an alcoholic. you constantly badmouth people; another sign of an alcoholic. you stomp your feet and insist your right when you don't know all the information; yet another sign. when the evidence is laid out for you in black and white; you refuse to accept it; another sign of an alcoholic. i could go on but i won't embarrass you here. i've been here many years and your posts are predictable and consistant. thus proving the analisis is not based on todays encounter.
wow... how laughable... iwould say about 80% of my posts are done during my working hours.. i'm very rarely on at night unless its near gig time or i'm on a PJ music buzz.. so if come across as an alcoholic then you might want to get out more and meet alcoholics... they cant even spell 'keyboar' let alone use one.
but thanks for the laugh
now; it seems that you're the one bad mouthing people and threatening them while hiding behind a monitor. it seems 9 out of 10 of your posts include a threat. YOUR the one posting them on a forum and NOT making them to our faces.
did your friend forward a message did he? i would say anything i say on this forum to anyones face... i mean what i say and i would definitely say it... i have nothing to hide in that respect... but trust me, if ahnimus met me and called me a half-wit alcoholic to my face i'd probably shake his hand for having the balls to do it... but my gut feeling is that he'd wouldnt.. so why do it here?
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I know a little bit about you. I know you are popular on the AET for your abbrasive and ludicrous statements. I know you spend a large portion of your time sucking on the end of an alcoholic pacifier. I wouldn't make those statements to your face because I wouldn't be in the same forum as you. You'd be at the local pub getting shitfaced and I'd be at home reading the latest publication of Skeptic magazine. But here, instead of posting on the AAT your getting involved in a debate and I just found your argument to be shallow and pointless. I will submit to you that my response was emotionally and politically motivated. And pointing out your drug abuse problems is not really applicable to the topic, rather, it is fallacious to degrade a person's mental capacity rather than their argument.
you wouldnt make them to my face as a result of your duplicity..
its my popularity that bothers you?
thats shallow and pointless... not to mention constant alluding to me having some alcohol dependancy... brilliant diagnosis.. with such a brilliant mind such as yours you must surely be writing thesis and books on a vast amount of subjects... no wait.. you work night shift at a call centre... keep with that, you're the intelligent hero no-one likes.. i'm a popular drunk.. . i like it that way
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
I know a little bit about you. I know you are popular on the AET for your abbrasive and ludicrous statements. I know you spend a large portion of your time sucking on the end of an alcoholic pacifier. I wouldn't make those statements to your face because I wouldn't be in the same forum as you. You'd be at the local pub getting shitfaced and I'd be at home reading the latest publication of Skeptic magazine. But here, instead of posting on the AAT your getting involved in a debate and I just found your argument to be shallow and pointless. I will submit to you that my response was emotionally and politically motivated. And pointing out your drug abuse problems is not really applicable to the topic, rather, it is fallacious to degrade a person's mental capacity rather than their argument.
He's popular because he's a good man.
I don't know you very well but as far as I know you're not, probably because you're an abusive, miserable arsehole.
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
you wouldnt make them to my face as a result of your duplicity..
its my popularity that bothers you?
thats shallow and pointless... not to mention constant alluding to me having some alcohol dependancy... brilliant diagnosis.. with such a brilliant mind such as yours you must surely be writing thesis and books on a vast amount of subjects... no wait.. you work night shift at a call centre... keep with that, you're the intelligent hero no-one likes.. i'm a popular drunk.. . i like it that way
Your popularity doesn't bother me so much as why you are popular. You are popular because small talk and ignorance is popular. I do happen to write a lot on different subjects on a lot of different forums, attempting to interact directly with the public, thus making me very unpopular. However, I spend even more time educating myself on the subjects I write about.
I think an apology of some sort is in order, as I stated my comments weren't necessary or applicable. My previous few posts have made some attempt at reconciling the recent events and preventing this conflict from further escalation which I take responsibility for promoting to begin with. I can understand that these tactile attempts may have evaded your attention so I state them explicitly now.
btw, I didn't share your PM with anyone.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
I don't know you very well but as far as I know you're not, probably because you're an abusive, miserable arsehole.
As I mentioned before, I'm not an asshole, I'm a lower esophageal sphincter, a.k.a Cardia. A little bit up from an asshole, it's the sphinctoral junction between the esophagus and the stomach, a little less dirty than the anal sphincter. Regardless, I would advise you don't get involved and allow the conflict to settle peacefully between Dunk and myself.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Your popularity doesn't bother me so much as why you are popular. You are popular because small talk and ignorance is popular. I do happen to write a lot on different subjects on a lot of different forums, attempting to interact directly with the public, thus making me very unpopular.
Interacting with the public? What are you the pope? Get your head out of your arse.
'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'
Interacting with the public? What are you the pope? Get your head out of your arse.
The pope is useless to me. Even worse than ignorance, the pope deliberately lies to his people.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
Just don't call a loch a lake or the shit hits the fan
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
You are popular because small talk and ignorance is popular. I do happen to write a lot on different subjects on a lot of different forums, attempting to interact directly with the public, thus making me very unpopular.
ooooh i dunno about you being very unpopular. ols seems to be very fond of you. how adorable.
thank you. thank you a million times for being there and having the facts at hand. you're the smartest bloke i know. you know right where to find information. the most respect i have for you is your willingness to post the truth; even when it goes against your opinion. you're a pillar amoung men.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
no i didnt.. i said that there are no guns on iceland yet murder rate was almost 0%.. i never said it decreased nor increased... i just sated how low they actually are and yet they have no guns.. what you infer from that is up to you.
Perhaps it is cultural and has nothing to do with guns. The stat you posted was absolutely meaningless to this debate.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
we may not know you personally; but that is the way you portray yourself. if someone dissagrees with you; your first instinct is to fight. that is the sign of an alcoholic. you constantly badmouth people; another sign of an alcoholic. you stomp your feet and insist your right when you don't know all the information; yet another sign. when the evidence is laid out for you in black and white; you refuse to accept it; another sign of an alcoholic. i could go on but i won't embarrass you here. i've been here many years and your posts are predictable and consistant. thus proving the analisis is not based on todays encounter.
now; it seems that you're the one bad mouthing people and threatening them while hiding behind a monitor. it seems 9 out of 10 of your posts include a threat. YOUR the one posting them on a forum and NOT making them to our faces.
:eek: WOW! What a load of bullshit. All that is just a sign he's a stubborn fucker... I fail to see the relation between being argumentative and being an alcoholic... sure, the two CAN be related but both can exist without eachother. I woulda thought you two would know that
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
:eek: WOW! What a load of bullshit. All that is just a sign he's a stubborn fucker... I fail to see the relation between being argumentative and being an alcoholic... sure, the two CAN be related but both can exist without eachother. I woulda thought you two would know that
All I can say is, I hope no-one dares start a "Moving Train poster of the year" thread, this year.
All I can say is, I hope no-one dares start a "Moving Train poster of the year" thread, this year.
Besides, for either of them to suggest that DUNK is stubborn, argumentative, etc... well pot and kettle spring to mind straight away That's RICH!
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
who said anything about appeasing the bleeding hearts that live nowhere near the US? i was just wondering about the mindset of the american people when these shootings occur. im trying to understand why nothing appears to ever be done to curb the enthusiasm for guns that american society seems to have. as an outsider i can tell you that we look at the United States and wonder what the fuck it would take for a change to happen.
Getting back on Topic.....many humans are easily manipulated by fear. In the US its ingrained in our brains that we should be in constant fear....how Bush's puppet masters easily convinced us to attack an enemy that didn't exist. Also American White Humans have this need to protect there Lilly white pure women from being raped by minorities. This is a big part of many wanting to keep their arms...prejudice. American humans are also quite selfish...so yea we see some innocent humans being killed but look the other way as we don't want to relinquish our "Rights". These killings raised very few emotions......wasn't even a blip around the water cooler at work...or freinds and family... I'm betting CNN & the local news channel's were pissed that this didn't draw more ratings....the dumb schmuck that killed these folks would be disappointed at how little people gave a shit.......just another day.
Course there is always a benefit to everything...this is a form of population control and fortunately those that bear arms are more likely to die from them than those that don't...so maybe in a few thousand years the easily frightened will be no more...its evolution baby.
Getting back on Topic.....many humans are easily manipulated by fear. In the US its ingrained in our brains that we should be in constant fear....how Bush's puppet masters easily convinced us to attack an enemy that didn't exist. Also American White Humans have this need to protect there Lilly white pure women from being raped by minorities. This is a big part of many wanting to keep their arms...prejudice. American humans are also quite selfish...so yea we see some innocent humans being killed but look the other way as we don't want to relinquish our "Rights". These killings raised very few emotions......wasn't even a blip around the water cooler at work...or freinds and family... I'm betting CNN & the local news channel's were pissed that this didn't draw more ratings....the dumb schmuck that killed these folks would be disappointed at how little people gave a shit.......just another day.
Course there is always a benefit to everything...this is a form of population control and fortunately those that bear arms are more likely to die from them than those that don't...so maybe in a few thousand years the easily frightened will be no more...its evolution baby.
I love it! I keep my handgun because the government has brainwashed me into being scared.... ha ha. It's all Bushco's fault right?
Here is a statistic for you. Somebody look up how many firearms there are in the US, and how many of those firearms are involved in crimes each year.
The percentage, I'm sure would be extrememly small. My point being is that the vast majority of law abiding citizens do not promote and are not victims of gun violence.
People who get shot, more often than not are shady mother fuckers dealing in shady shit. Most of the time thier guns are stolen or illegal in the first place.
Practice gun control.... hold it with two hands!!!
Getting back on Topic.....many humans are easily manipulated by fear. In the US its ingrained in our brains that we should be in constant fear....how Bush's puppet masters easily convinced us to attack an enemy that didn't exist. Also American White Humans have this need to protect there Lilly white pure women from being raped by minorities. This is a big part of many wanting to keep their arms...prejudice. American humans are also quite selfish...so yea we see some innocent humans being killed but look the other way as we don't want to relinquish our "Rights". These killings raised very few emotions......wasn't even a blip around the water cooler at work...or freinds and family... I'm betting CNN & the local news channel's were pissed that this didn't draw more ratings....the dumb schmuck that killed these folks would be disappointed at how little people gave a shit.......just another day.
Course there is always a benefit to everything...this is a form of population control and fortunately those that bear arms are more likely to die from them than those that don't...so maybe in a few thousand years the easily frightened will be no more...its evolution baby.
So Gun Crime is all the White man's fault?
Curtailing liberty from all shades of law abiding people will suddenly end all the ills of the world?
Prohibition worked really well with alcohol and drugs right?
My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
Americans just have to face the reality... guns are here and they are NEVER going away. Even if a gunman walks through a maternity ward and blasts the nusery.. killing 1,000 newborns... we will never give up our guns. As long as there is paranoia, fear, greed, want, poverty and wusses... the market for guns is there.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
but thats not the point... you said no guns on this earth would mean no change in the murder rate... and thats just not true.... its your opinion but its highly unlikely.
there are how many gun deaths in the US or Brasil per year? hundred of thousands... i'd bet all my wordly possessions that if all guns were wiped out tomorrow the murder rate would go down... now stabbings would probably rise some 300% or whatever random figure you chose but it simply wouldnt make up the shortfall.
basically.. banning guns might mean a rise in stabbings, batterings, baseball bats to the head... but the overall kill total will come down... it just will.
Because you are symbolic of the alcoholic culture prominant around here and perhaps I was off my base in making those statements. I don't think you understand the frustration of dedicating your time to truely understanding an issue to have it disregarded by and large by people who specialize in drinking beer. People come into these threads, they don't read a damn thing and the arguments are totally pointless, but in their miswired brain I guess it means something.
It's not just here, I wrote a huge thread on another site tracing the history of the enlightenment era and the influences of Spinoza, Holbach, Voltaire, Franklin, Jefferson, up to present day thinkers, the influences on our culture and the reconcilatory problem of scientific determinism and Christianity to have one person post a picture of a mountain and say "This is God". All I can say is go back to getting hammered and living a blur of an existence and don't even attempt to get into a meaningul debate, because a picture of a fucking mountain has no value to the topic at all.
my post was based on the stats from everal countries; not just one. your post was biased and prejudiced. you found 1 country where the rate went down just because you looked at the stats on murder rates as a whole and found you were wrong. so you sought out 1 country; small and low population; where the rate did go down trying to prove a point. ahnimus posted the stats from many countries and jeanie i believe; posted the stats from austrailia. when guns were not available; murderers used knives. the reason the rate when up is because a knife wound is more fatal than a bullet wound. a knife wound causes more bleeding and is harder to repair. also; at the close distance needed to inflict a knife wound; the attacker is more likely to cut an artery.
why is it miswired... cos it doesnt fit with your viewpoint? as much as i dont agree with onelongsong and his gun ethics i wouldnt say he was miswired for dis-agreeing with me... far from it... he's a smart bloke with a differing viewpoint from mine... so what?
and what has booze got to do with it... some of the worlds greatest writers and thinkers were boozers... because labelling seems to suit you would you call them half-wits? no, because they fit your dream team of intelligentsia that you so wish to belong to.
c'mon ahnimus... you know nothing about me and me nothing about you... to call me a symbol of half-wit alcoholism is clutching at greased straws... and i've already said that unless you would say that to my face you really shouldn't be saying it on a forum, where you can hide behind the monitor
first of all; it's hard to respect someone who doesn't show respect. what you said to ahnimus was out of line. he deserves more respect. he and i lock horns more than any 2 people here; but i respect him for his knowledge and his unbiased posting of stats.
now; there are 10,000 gun deaths in the us per year. we have a population of about 330 million, not counting 15 million illegals. you do the math. there are approximately 40,000 deaths caused by drunk drivers. if your true interest is saving lives; you should be concentrating on banning alcohol. it would save 4 times more lives. alcohol is the biggest killer of kids under the age of 21 both directly and indirectly. (per MADD). you would save many more children by banning alcohol. you told me your interest was saving lives and particularly the lives of children. if that's true, you must be open minded to the real problems and not fixate on an inanimate object.
we may not know you personally; but that is the way you portray yourself. if someone dissagrees with you; your first instinct is to fight. that is the sign of an alcoholic. you constantly badmouth people; another sign of an alcoholic. you stomp your feet and insist your right when you don't know all the information; yet another sign. when the evidence is laid out for you in black and white; you refuse to accept it; another sign of an alcoholic. i could go on but i won't embarrass you here. i've been here many years and your posts are predictable and consistant. thus proving the analisis is not based on todays encounter.
now; it seems that you're the one bad mouthing people and threatening them while hiding behind a monitor. it seems 9 out of 10 of your posts include a threat. YOUR the one posting them on a forum and NOT making them to our faces.
In addition, alcoholism has a negative impact on intellectual cognitive ability.
Alcohol, believe it or not, damages brains and makes people stupid.
i beg to differ. i come here to learn. i listen to viewpoints and retain information presented.
my grandad was an alcoholic and he went from an intelligent business man to being dumb as a rock. that's why i never had an interest in alcohol.
inever said anything to him? so what was out of line? he called me a half-wit alcoholic because i posted about Iceland... how is that out of line?
you claim banning guns wouldnt decrease the murder rates... and then go on to say "..you would save many more children by banning alcohol...." what is it to be? you've just said that the banning of something will result in fewer deaths caused by that something... thats hypocritical.
on a side note alcohol wasnt invented with the sole use of killing and maiming... the gun was... this is why the 'ban the car, kitchen knife, baseball bat' posts are instantly dismissive... so alcohol causes many many deaths... and yet i agree that that it should be strictly controlled, sold to only those over 21, etc etc etc... very strong on the sale of alcohol in the states considering its mighty death toll... yet unnervingly flippant on the sle of guns in some states... all i'm saying is perhaps tighten up the gun legislation.. you are a keen gun owner and you claim that you'll never kill anyone with those guns innocently... but then so was Thomas Hamilton... he then killed a classroom of schoolchildren in Dunblane, Scotland... one of which was related to me. so at last you know why i'm so strongly opinionated on the subject
I know a little bit about you. I know you are popular on the AET for your abbrasive and ludicrous statements. I know you spend a large portion of your time sucking on the end of an alcoholic pacifier. I wouldn't make those statements to your face because I wouldn't be in the same forum as you. You'd be at the local pub getting shitfaced and I'd be at home reading the latest publication of Skeptic magazine. But here, instead of posting on the AAT your getting involved in a debate and I just found your argument to be shallow and pointless. I will submit to you that my response was emotionally and politically motivated. And pointing out your drug abuse problems is not really applicable to the topic, rather, it is fallacious to degrade a person's mental capacity rather than their argument.
wow... how laughable... iwould say about 80% of my posts are done during my working hours.. i'm very rarely on at night unless its near gig time or i'm on a PJ music buzz.. so if come across as an alcoholic then you might want to get out more and meet alcoholics... they cant even spell 'keyboar' let alone use one.
but thanks for the laugh
did your friend forward a message did he?
you wouldnt make them to my face as a result of your duplicity..
its my popularity that bothers you?
thats shallow and pointless... not to mention constant alluding to me having some alcohol dependancy...
He's popular because he's a good man.
I don't know you very well but as far as I know you're not, probably because you're an abusive, miserable arsehole.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Your popularity doesn't bother me so much as why you are popular. You are popular because small talk and ignorance is popular. I do happen to write a lot on different subjects on a lot of different forums, attempting to interact directly with the public, thus making me very unpopular. However, I spend even more time educating myself on the subjects I write about.
I think an apology of some sort is in order, as I stated my comments weren't necessary or applicable. My previous few posts have made some attempt at reconciling the recent events and preventing this conflict from further escalation which I take responsibility for promoting to begin with. I can understand that these tactile attempts may have evaded your attention so I state them explicitly now.
btw, I didn't share your PM with anyone.
As I mentioned before, I'm not an asshole, I'm a lower esophageal sphincter, a.k.a Cardia. A little bit up from an asshole, it's the sphinctoral junction between the esophagus and the stomach, a little less dirty than the anal sphincter. Regardless, I would advise you don't get involved and allow the conflict to settle peacefully between Dunk and myself.
Interacting with the public? What are you the pope? Get your head out of your arse.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
The pope is useless to me. Even worse than ignorance, the pope deliberately lies to his people.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Perhaps it is cultural and has nothing to do with guns. The stat you posted was absolutely meaningless to this debate.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
All I can say is, I hope no-one dares start a "Moving Train poster of the year" thread, this year.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Course there is always a benefit to everything...this is a form of population control and fortunately those that bear arms are more likely to die from them than those that don't...so maybe in a few thousand years the easily frightened will be no more...its evolution baby.
I love it! I keep my handgun because the government has brainwashed me into being scared.... ha ha. It's all Bushco's fault right?
Here is a statistic for you. Somebody look up how many firearms there are in the US, and how many of those firearms are involved in crimes each year.
The percentage, I'm sure would be extrememly small. My point being is that the vast majority of law abiding citizens do not promote and are not victims of gun violence.
People who get shot, more often than not are shady mother fuckers dealing in shady shit. Most of the time thier guns are stolen or illegal in the first place.
Practice gun control.... hold it with two hands!!!
So Gun Crime is all the White man's fault?
Curtailing liberty from all shades of law abiding people will suddenly end all the ills of the world?
Prohibition worked really well with alcohol and drugs right?
Hail, Hail!!!