gun control:i dont understand...

... in the aftermath of these mass killings that occur, what is done to address the problem? is anything at all done? any soul searching? any tightening of the laws? or do you all stand behind the 2nd amendment figuring that something that was possibly relevent over 200 years ago still has the same relevence today?
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Post edited by Unknown User on
In light of the recent conference on religious beliefs that I posted it could be argued that the degradation of religious institutions increases individualism and selfishness. However, the reverse of degradation has occured in the United States.
Every day 8 children ages 0-18 are killed by guns in the United States. (National Center for Health Statistics-2004)
Every 9 days a North Carolina child age 0-17 is fatally shot. (NC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner-2005)
it isn't random anymore in my opinion.
It is a little more difficult than saying, "Hey, this really needs to be changed"
It was discussed recently how difficult it is to get a bill through congress...what with all the other crap that gets attached to it.
Ok, you want better gun control??? Only if you pass a the addendum to allow pro-lifers to smuggle crack into the NICU of every hospital in the country so the nurses can supplement their income.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
sure; we're going to disarm innocent citizens because we can't disarm criminals; and create a massive black market for guns so EVERY criminal can be armed. that way innocent citizens will be at the mercy of the criminals but we'll be able to appease the bleading hearts that live nowhere near the us.
i remember the last time australia had a mass shooting. the entire country went into deep mourning and did a whole lot of soul searching. we realised that we didn't want this to happen ever again. so a weapons control was brought in. not every one supported it of course. and i personally know people who are still possession of their weapons. but a change was made and it was for the benefit of the entire population.
i guess the major difference between the United States and Australia is that not only do we not have the right to bear arms, we dont even have a bill of rights.
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who said anything about appeasing the bleeding hearts that live nowhere near the US? i was just wondering about the mindset of the american people when these shootings occur. im trying to understand why nothing appears to ever be done to curb the enthusiasm for guns that american society seems to have. as an outsider i can tell you that we look at the United States and wonder what the fuck it would take for a change to happen.
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it will take a revolution; and those with the guns will win. why don't we ban fuckin cars when a drunk driver kills a family?
calm down will you. all im asking about is what goes through the citizenry's head. im not talking about banning weapons. im interested in the thought processes, nothing else.
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ban twinkies because people are fat!
ban everything....shit, people won't be happy until the gov't takes control of everything and wipes for them
we think, "what a fucked up dude"
we don't go throwing our guns in the river
I don't think people are gonna understand the American right to bear arms and why it exists.
Although, ironically, the type of government the founding fathers feared is precisely the type of government you have now in the USA.
Personally I'm tired of discussing how gun control is the solution, because it's not, it has almost nothing to do with the problem.
It's a syllogistic error
A) Person dies from gun shot
C) Deaths are caused by guns
Newton's first law of motion: An object at rest stays at rest.
A gun will never fire unless something causes it to fire. The protoypical case would be a human being pulling the trigger with their finger. But a human being is also an object subject to Newton's first law. A force must act on the human being for the human being to pull the trigger. Ad infinitum.
It seems that some people want to focus on guns as the first cause, when in actuality there may not be such a cause, or such a cause might be God. Nevertheless, the cause which should be identified is the force which acts on the human, since the human could use a Gun, a Knife, Poison, or any other number of things to facilitate the actions which they are motivated to perform.
oh i understand why the right to bear arms exists.
and i get that a gun is by itself incapable of killing people. again i reiterate, tis the mindset of the people im interested in. do you all think ah fuck it another loony on the loose? if only access to guns was stricter...? do you wonder what the fuck was going through the shooters head? do you wish something was done about the arms trade? what the hell goes through your mind?
take a good look
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i just need to say
Do you think people are all whooping it up and yelling "awesome!!!!!!!!!!! gimme some more beer cleetus! Let's go shoot ourselves some more innocent folk!"
Do we all think ah fuck it??? Please stop defining our country through laws and bills that are so antiquated they barely take women into account.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
sorry for blowing up. i'm having a rough day.
shite like that doesn't happen in states that allow their citizens to carry conceald weapons. so if we want to use logic; we should arm everyone.
i had a nice conversation with jeremy on a thread the other day. he lives in south london and has shootings around his uni. he worries about walking home from the pub at 1:00 am wondering if he's walking down the wrong street or if the bloke on the corner is going to fancy his wallet; etc etc.
so; is jeremy a liar because the uk banned guns; or does it figure that when you disarm honest citizens; only criminals have guns?
I actually have a pretty good idea of why it happens. But then, I've spent a lot of time studying it. My explanation is rather counter-intuitive, because it doesn't appeal to supernaturalism. The explanation is quite natural and draws on different theories from Chaos Theory to Inter-Group Hostility. It's really the realm of criminology. The solution is unlikely to ever occur because it requires participation and education of the public at large. The public doesn't want to take any responsibility for these incidences, instead they look to things like gun laws.
I've gone in-depth on Cho, the Virginia Tech killer and many other such people on this very forum. But these types of discussions are typically ignored and the popular gun debate rages on.
Initially I found the argument to be interesting. If everyone had guns criminals wouldn't kill. But then I realized that it is erroneous in the same regard as the anti-gun argument. Both make the assumption that guns are the problem. If I was a person who deliberately intended to destroy multiple lives in a public setting and I knew that civilians would also be armed, I would take precautionary measures. Perhaps I would use a bomb instead. I've personally acquired several military handbooks online, including the SAS and GSG-9. Both of which have instructions for constructing incendiaries from household materials. Availability is not the problem from any angle.
not letting needy/troubled kids slip thru the system? ......who grow up and sometimes turn into mad gun men.
umm, was directed towards cate maybe?
hell, i'm with you!
no; cate's my friend. i've been replying to several gun threads over the last week or so and a certain skirt wearing bloke thinks he has all the answers. i'm tired of his name calling which tells me he has no intelligence or is a young child; and brags about enjoying beating up americans. after a week of battering; i deserve to blow up. i just didn't mean for any fallout to land in cates direction. she's a good person. and i'm sure if she just put up with a week of aussie bashing threads; she'd do the same.
good luck getting support on that one.
No doubt. Professional criminologists don't even get support for their theories. People want sound-byte solutions that don't directly involve them in any way.
and american men all wanna be john mclane way too bad to consider toning it down.
who's john mclane?
know what? since then, NOTHING like that ever happened again!
there might still be some gun problems, but it's nearly always gang-related and 1 or 2 people at a time, nothing like happens on a regular basis in the state!
so yes, gun control IS the solution to that particular problem!
Well I can't speak for Scotland and there hasn't been a repeat of the kind of massacre that was perpertrated by Martin Bryant, but you're dreaming if you think there hasn't been an increase in knife related deaths and stabbings. AND there have been more than a couple of incidents of innocent bystanders being shot or traumatized by criminals weilding guns in public places. Amongst other things. And lets not even start on how many people have been killed in the underworld wars here in Melbourne. ALL of which involved guns and just PURE LUCK that innocent bystanders haven't been killed. And an increase in gang related violence or violence in general. Semi automatics and automatic weapons are out there. Just none of the law abiding citizens that had them and never used them have them anymore.
We probably would have had the same result in stopping massacres of the type perpertrated by Martin Bryant and his colleague Julian Knight if we had BETTER psychiatric services.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
so leave the bloody us alone. you have no vested interest. in fact; go find that thread with jeremy talking about south london. me thinks you need a bit of educating.
Actually... in 1999 the homicide rate in Australia was identical to 1996.
Yup, homicides from firearms go down, knives and other opportunistic weapons goes up.