The Moving Train Is Pointless



  • Byrnzie wrote:
    Why is it that all the neo-con, pro Israeli types on here are so eager to have the M.T shut down?
    You should be banned again a second time for the above post. You bring nothing but negativity and bullshit to this forum.
    Islamo-propaganda? What a joke! Your only problem is that you have no argument. When putting words into the mouths of others, twisting others comments, and spewing bile doesn't get you your own way, you begin calling for the M.T to be shut down. You sound like a spoilt school child who can't get his own way.If you don't like the M.T - because there aren't enough pro-Israeli, pro Iraq war bible thumpers on here - then why don't you simply take your own advice and fuck off out of it?

    Really, I mean if you don't like the place the no one's twisting your arm making you come here. What it really boils down to is wanting to stop others from being able to come here and express themselves in a way that he strongly disagrees with. So he tries to make all the trouble he can to ruin it for the rest of us. The best thing we can do is just put the troll on ignore.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    Byrnzie wrote:
    Why is it that all the neo-con, pro Israeli types on here are so eager to have the M.T shut down?
    i for one am not any of those, im just tried of the childish morons on here who ruin it for the rest of us. i mean u cant open a thread, without seeing 2 people call each other stupid, moron, racist, jew hater, anti-muslism and so on. to me thats not reasoned debate and discussion
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • sponger wrote:
    You have a join date of Jan 2007. And you've been around the board since at least '92?

    No offense, but I think you should really take a moment to see what an annoying nuisance you've been in the short time since your "join date."

    I think what happened is that you were banned, and now you're back with a mission to ruin things for the rest of us who are smart enough to keep from ending up in your situation. You're like the grinch who stole the moving train forum -or is at least trying to steal it.
    I dont really give a fuck...
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    Morality against propaganda and hate?
    Another pathetic, lame comment. At least you're consistent.

    And before you think about reporting me to the mods, just remember that i know who you are/were. ;)
    Im not a rat. I say what Id like, as you say what id like. I dont need to report you and never have. And im not in the least bit intimidated. Im many people. I may be more than one person now. The point is, who cares. I leave when I want to leave, I come back when I want to come back. What would be the point really...
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    Why is it that all the neo-con, pro Israeli types on here are so eager to have the M.T shut down?
    You should be banned again a second time for the above post. You bring nothing but negativity and bullshit to this forum.
    Islamo-propaganda? What a joke! Your only problem is that you have no argument. When putting words into the mouths of others, twisting others comments, and spewing bile doesn't get you your own way, you begin calling for the M.T to be shut down. You sound like a spoilt school child who can't get his own way.If you don't like the M.T - because there aren't enough pro-Israeli, pro Iraq war bible thumpers on here - then why don't you simply take your own advice and fuck off out of it?

    P.s, and the beers are now on you bubba. You now owe me one after you've pissed me off! ;)

    Look man, I know your a little upset your propaganda war has been temporarily halted. But dont take it out on me....It's your own bloody fault for posting that shit here to begin with.
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    Why is it that all the neo-con, pro Israeli types on here are so eager to have the M.T shut down?
    You should be banned again a second time for the above post. You bring nothing but negativity and bullshit to this forum.
    Islamo-propaganda? What a joke! Your only problem is that you have no argument. When putting words into the mouths of others, twisting others comments, and spewing bile doesn't get you your own way, you begin calling for the M.T to be shut down. You sound like a spoilt school child who can't get his own way.If you don't like the M.T - because there aren't enough pro-Israeli, pro Iraq war bible thumpers on here - then why don't you simply take your own advice and fuck off out of it?

    P.s, and the beers are now on you bubba. You now owe me one after you've pissed me off! ;)

    Hey man, no problem. And im not from the South and I ain't no Bubba. You've pissed me off quite a few times, but I still continue to say I respect your intelligence, but don't like your message. The shit ain't personal. End of story. Let's move on..And for the record, Im not pro-war, i dont own a bible, and i do think Israel shares blame.
  • Byrnzie wrote:
    Dim litted? You mean 'dim witted', right?
    right. typing not my strong suit
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    so let me get this straight. because you are upset about a video being posted you want the entire moving train closed? come on man. thats a little extreme. its kind of like people wanting to get rid of all guns because a person gets shot.
    i see shit on here everyday i don't agree with. if i can debate it i will post, if not i will ignore it, which alot of people around here are unable to do lately. i might even jump in to defend people that i respect and have come to know in my time on the train. if i am offended or simply disagree you will never see me calling to have the entire thing shut down. you will never see 99.9% of the people on here calling for that. to be honest i am surprised that this thread has not been locked and a few people banned for a bit. all threads like this do is poison the environment for everyone else.

    by the way, the gloating thread about byrnzie's video being "gone" was the most immature thing i have seen on here in years. what point did that serve other than to piss people off?
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • so let me get this straight. because you are upset about a video being posted you want the entire moving train closed? come on man. thats a little extreme. its kind of like people wanting to get rid of all guns because a person gets shot.
    i see shit on here everyday i don't agree with. if i can debate it i will post, if not i will ignore it, which alot of people around here are unable to do lately. i might even jump in to defend people that i respect and have come to know in my time on the train. if i am offended or simply disagree you will never see me calling to have the entire thing shut down. you will never see 99.9% of the people on here calling for that. to be honest i am surprised that this thread has not been locked and a few people banned for a bit. all threads like this do is poison the environment for everyone else.

    by the way, the gloating thread about byrnzie's video being "gone" was the most immature thing i have seen on here in years. what point did that serve other than to piss people off?

    I didnt start this thread at all. You might want to have a chat with Vedderlution. IMHO this place reflects badly on the band, and im here as fan of the band...
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    IMHO this place reflects badly on the band, and im here as fan of the band...

    For the opinions of random individuals to reflect in any way on the band, those opinions would have to be interpreted as being expressed on behalf of the band.

    For a person to interpret those opinions as being expressed on behalf of the band, that person would have to be pretty naive and have no understanding of what an open forum is.

    And if said person is that naive and uninformed, then his/her opinion probably doesn't carry a whole lot of weight within any spheres of influence to begin with.

    In which case, reflection on the band of opinions expressed in this forum is a moot subject.
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    IMHO this place reflects badly on the band, and im here as fan of the band...

    Videos of Iraqis being bombed reflect badly on the band as well, nothing stopped you there.

    "Bombs a fucking way" when talking about innocent Iranians doesn't reflect too well either.

    How about your anti-Palestine war propaganda? Or did you forget about the 'how would you like to have these guys as your neighbours' thread?

    Spare us the hollier than thou bullshit, please.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • Collin wrote:
    Videos of Iraqis being bombed reflect badly on the band as well, nothing stopped you there.

    "Bombs a fucking way" when talking about innocent Iranians doesn't reflect too well either.

    How about your anti-Palestine war propaganda? Or did you forget about the 'how would you like to have these guys as your neighbours' thread?

    Spare us the hollier than thou bullshit, please.

    g'night sugar tits
  • angelica wrote:
    Wait a minute--Byrnzie posted his video first to make his point about what the troops are subjected to. Last Exodus is the one who in turn posted his "killing video" for vengeful purposes. Your "sex with animals" analogy is therefore completely off base. And definitely, your other point about revenge is being used on the wrong person in this thread. Your "tea and crumpets" comment indicates a certain pettiness, particularly following your other inaccurate points, and altogether your post brings home what Byrnzie is saying: he is being misinterpreted, as well as being blamed for the misinterpretations of others. And that does not fall on him.
    dont fucking speak for me angelica. if you want to know why i responded ask...yor are wrong
  • CollinCollin Posts: 4,931
    dont fucking speak for me angelica. if you want to know why i responded ask...yor are wrong

    Byrnzie made a post. He made a statement and you assumed something, you interpreted something, you inferred something that he says wasn't there.

    And now you're pissed off because someone interpretes your posts and assumes something?

    If you wanted to know Byrnzie's motives all you had to do was read his posts and if those weren't clear enough you could have asked him, but you insisted that he had an ulterior motive.

    Tell me why the double standard?

    Sleep tight.

    naděje umírá poslední
  • VictoryGin wrote:
    would you consider this the anti-circle jerk thread? i can't decide.

    Without a doubt
    That was a time when an initially angry post could be thought over, and turned into a joke... This thread you can just feel the anger spewing out of.
  • angelicaangelica Posts: 6,038
    angelica wrote:
    Wait a minute--Byrnzie posted his video first to make his point about what the troops are subjected to. Last Exodus is the one who in turn posted his "killing video" for vengeful purposes. Your "sex with animals" analogy is therefore completely off base. And definitely, your other point about revenge is being used on the wrong person in this thread. Your "tea and crumpets" comment indicates a certain pettiness, particularly following your other inaccurate points, and altogether your post brings home what Byrnzie is saying: he is being misinterpreted, as well as being blamed for the misinterpretations of others. And that does not fall on him.
    dont fucking speak for me angelica. if you want to know why i responded ask...yor are wrong

    I speak my own view, and to what I see. As much as it looks like you'd also like to distort my words and view to suit your purposes, it's actually ineffective because it's not REAL. I'm not interested in hearing your view or your side. I am a very reasonable, but when people shut the view of others out, I have very little tolerance.
    "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr

    Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741 reading through this very thread, a major problem with the MT is's sad when attention-seeking posters ruin it for everyone...
  • angelicaangelica Posts: 6,038
    Well obviously the mods didnt agree with you did they? So shut it already. You lose. You and I both know his intention was mean spirited. All the guy had to do was say sorry to those he offended and move on. I even agreed with you that I thought he was a bright guy, though I did not like his politics. But only you seem to be buying his crap on this one. But again, your on his myspace page so im not surprised to see you champion his causes.
    It was clear in the sniper thread that numerous people understood the validity of showing that video, and therefore could see Byrnzie's point of view. I can understand that you might need to conveniently "forget" that in order to give yourself a counter point here when a valid one is non-existent. It's obvious the mods responded to someone making a very big deal out of the video. That's quite different than anyone "winning" or "losing". When you get the "big picture" my friend, you will understand that when you seek so desperately to make the other guy "lose", you're only hurting yourself.
    "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr

    Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
  • Hahaha.

    Thanks Mr. Budge for enlightening us all on the political forum debate throughout the world!

    Seriously, don't make such generalizations about the entire right wing movement. Most of us are not "mindless," in fact - most are probably smarter than you.
    Are you familiar with the term some?
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    Ah yeah the pointless train. The fact that I have met some people who hang out on here and had super times with them. Surprising that they all don't hold the same views as me. But are humans all the same. I would deem this place a little higher than pointless.

    And the fact that the people on the other forums, had a fit when people started talking about politics to ruin their days, while what kind of samich to have at lunch was providing a thrill. I am glad they made this place.
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • A few more things....

    I never called for AMT to be shut down. In neither one of my posts did I state that it should be removed.

    Also, I'm not ranting about people disagreeing with each other. We're humans. We're complex things with complex brains that that make us say insane things. I've had my viewpoint changed and I've would like to think that I've opened some eyes.

    What my rant was about are the people who are not here for a discussion. It was about people making asinine comments and using this place as an outlet for having their lunch money stolen. It happened even in this thread.

    Am I pushing an agenda? No, I don't think so. I think many of us state our ideas and why we believe them. I perceive that as something different from an agenda. I'm stating my ideas. And I'm stating why I believe the train is a mess right now.
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    There are good posts.
    There are some not so good posts.
    There are some Poor posts,
    and then there are some very poor posts.

    Which kind would you like to make?

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    A few more things....

    I never called for AMT to be shut down. In neither one of my posts did I state that it should be removed.

    Also, I'm not ranting about people disagreeing with each other. We're humans. We're complex things with complex brains that that make us say insane things. I've had my viewpoint changed and I've would like to think that I've opened some eyes.

    What my rant was about are the people who are not here for a discussion. It was about people making asinine comments and using this place as an outlet for having their lunch money stolen. It happened even in this thread.

    Am I pushing an agenda? No, I don't think so. I think many of us state our ideas and why we believe them. I perceive that as something different from an agenda. I'm stating my ideas. And I'm stating why I believe the train is a mess right now.

    There's no mess except what's in your head. That's not an insult. The Train just moves, nothing more or less. Hop on, get off, or get out of the way.

    You worry too much.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    Without a doubt
    That was a time when an initially angry post could be thought over, and turned into a joke... This thread you can just feel the anger spewing out of.

    LOL. Oh yeah?

    You could be a Fox news correspondent.

    I'd give you a recommendation.

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • gue_barium wrote:
    LOL. Oh yeah?

    You could be a Fox news correspondent.

    I'd give you a recommendation.

    how so?
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,293
    Rant. Don't want to hear it? Don't read it.

    Take a quick look at this fucking place. It's fucking nothing. It's nothing more than a war ground. People don't come to the moving train to debate or learn anything. They come to push their agendas. To state what they think and then they quickly demean and insult anything that doesn't fall under what they believe. I guess my best example would be the Iraqi Sniper/Marine Bomb video. If you guys missed it, here's what happened. Someone posted a video of an Iraqi Sniper sniping marines. Should it have already been posted? No, not really. So what happens? Does everyone simply ignore the post and realizes that since it shouldn't had been put up, they should not call attention to it? No. Someone posted a video of marines dropping bombs on people. Now, not to even point out that arguing with each other by posting media of people FUCKING DYING JUST SO YOU CAN HAVE SOME FEELING OF REVENGE is fucking disgusting, but it accomplished absolutely nothing at fucking all. I wouldn't be ranting if it was just this one case. It's fucking all over this place. There are a few of us who can actually discuss topics and understand the other side. But theres more than a fucking few who are just turning this place into a god damn sewage outlet. Too many people get caught into the traps set by assholes (we know who they are. They know who they are.) and end up stooping down to the original asshole's level. You know what would happen to the thread if no one responded? It would be pushed down fairly quickly and eventually off the page. What ever happened to that line "If you hate something, don't you do it too."? If you want to be jerked off by other people who have the exact same viewpoint as you, join that message board. You can spend all day talking about how everyone else is stupid and a waste of DNA. Otherwise, shut the hell up and let the people who have open minds and open eyes try to communicate with each other.

    P.S. If this post pisses you off, then don't comment on it and keep it at the top. Common sense people.
    Could you post links of threads (it doesn't matter how far back they go) which are examples of how you think discussions/debates on this forum should proceed? If you can't find any, then maybe your particular idea of how this forum should be conducted is not in alignment generally with others who post. However, you could always be the example. Make sure your posts reflect the respect within a debate that you think creates a thread worth viewing.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • Eva7Eva7 Posts: 226
    Kenny Olav wrote:
    I miss those days when you posted here more often, Eva! actually i tend to think of 2003-2004 as the "glory days" of MT, and of the message pit in general. maybe its just because it was fresher then. i first came to the pit to chat about the '03 tour, and then i got into some political discussions, mainly about the war, and here i am still talking about tours and wars...

    but most threads on MT I no longer bother with. when you're politically active for 7 years, the arguements become old and tiresome... but if you go to other political message boards, it's pretty much the same thing, so I don't fault MT. politics in general seems to be forever stuck in a rut, and seems to have been that way since the beginning of politics. read Plato's The Republic. it was all the same bullshit back then, and it caused Plato to turn against democracy.

    the train may be moving, but it's in a dark tunnel, and I don't see any light at the end of it. which is why i prefer to be on a moving spaceship. it may not be realistic, but at least it's fun.

    i think maybe I just have a weird addiction to this board that i can never break. there's a few of you here whose point of view i look for. we're all just trying to make sense of the world. if nothing else, political discussion - no matter how volatile or immature - leads towards that understanding.

    i guess.

    Hi bro :)
    Yeah, those years where great here, there was a lot of "energy", a lot of people asking questions and questioning things, a lot of good stuff to read, a lot of good fights also, eheheh
    what happened? I think we're just in a transitional phase. energy follows cycles, and a new cycle will start, in the world and consequently on this board too.
    By the way, I think this train is not really moving, but it seems to be pretty much standing at the platform, with a bunch of people just spending their time sitting there but never leaving.... the "moving train" is obviously inspired from a different concept, which is a political concept, a concept that requires impact on reality. this place does not impact reality, it just represents a microcosm of reality. and if you accept it for what it is, it is just fine.
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,293
    Kenny Olav wrote:
    when you're politically active for 7 years, the arguements become old and tiresome... but if you go to other political message boards, it's pretty much the same thing, so I don't fault MT. politics in general seems to be forever stuck in a rut, and seems to have been that way since the beginning of politics. read Plato's The Republic. it was all the same bullshit back then, and it caused Plato to turn against democracy.
    Well, I hope you continue to contribute. I'm not here that often, so I don't know if I would agree with you politically. However, you presented this view in a way that flowed . . . wasn't stuck in ego, you know.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • angelicaangelica Posts: 6,038
    Eva7 wrote:
    this place does not impact reality, it just represents a microcosm of reality. and if you accept it for what it is, it is just fine.
    I believe this place very much impacts reality. It's dramatically impacted my own personal reality and ripples forth from there affecting the reality of those around me.
    "The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr

    Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
  • The admins should rename the "Moving Train" to the "MOVING BOWEL" because of all the endless belly aching and brown floaty stuff to be found everywhere...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
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