The Moving Train Is Pointless

Rant. Don't want to hear it? Don't read it.
Take a quick look at this fucking place. It's fucking nothing. It's nothing more than a war ground. People don't come to the moving train to debate or learn anything. They come to push their agendas. To state what they think and then they quickly demean and insult anything that doesn't fall under what they believe. I guess my best example would be the Iraqi Sniper/Marine Bomb video. If you guys missed it, here's what happened. Someone posted a video of an Iraqi Sniper sniping marines. Should it have already been posted? No, not really. So what happens? Does everyone simply ignore the post and realizes that since it shouldn't had been put up, they should not call attention to it? No. Someone posted a video of marines dropping bombs on people. Now, not to even point out that arguing with each other by posting media of people FUCKING DYING JUST SO YOU CAN HAVE SOME FEELING OF REVENGE is fucking disgusting, but it accomplished absolutely nothing at fucking all. I wouldn't be ranting if it was just this one case. It's fucking all over this place. There are a few of us who can actually discuss topics and understand the other side. But theres more than a fucking few who are just turning this place into a god damn sewage outlet. Too many people get caught into the traps set by assholes (we know who they are. They know who they are.) and end up stooping down to the original asshole's level. You know what would happen to the thread if no one responded? It would be pushed down fairly quickly and eventually off the page. What ever happened to that line "If you hate something, don't you do it too."? If you want to be jerked off by other people who have the exact same viewpoint as you, join that message board. You can spend all day talking about how everyone else is stupid and a waste of DNA. Otherwise, shut the hell up and let the people who have open minds and open eyes try to communicate with each other.
P.S. If this post pisses you off, then don't comment on it and keep it at the top. Common sense people.
Take a quick look at this fucking place. It's fucking nothing. It's nothing more than a war ground. People don't come to the moving train to debate or learn anything. They come to push their agendas. To state what they think and then they quickly demean and insult anything that doesn't fall under what they believe. I guess my best example would be the Iraqi Sniper/Marine Bomb video. If you guys missed it, here's what happened. Someone posted a video of an Iraqi Sniper sniping marines. Should it have already been posted? No, not really. So what happens? Does everyone simply ignore the post and realizes that since it shouldn't had been put up, they should not call attention to it? No. Someone posted a video of marines dropping bombs on people. Now, not to even point out that arguing with each other by posting media of people FUCKING DYING JUST SO YOU CAN HAVE SOME FEELING OF REVENGE is fucking disgusting, but it accomplished absolutely nothing at fucking all. I wouldn't be ranting if it was just this one case. It's fucking all over this place. There are a few of us who can actually discuss topics and understand the other side. But theres more than a fucking few who are just turning this place into a god damn sewage outlet. Too many people get caught into the traps set by assholes (we know who they are. They know who they are.) and end up stooping down to the original asshole's level. You know what would happen to the thread if no one responded? It would be pushed down fairly quickly and eventually off the page. What ever happened to that line "If you hate something, don't you do it too."? If you want to be jerked off by other people who have the exact same viewpoint as you, join that message board. You can spend all day talking about how everyone else is stupid and a waste of DNA. Otherwise, shut the hell up and let the people who have open minds and open eyes try to communicate with each other.
P.S. If this post pisses you off, then don't comment on it and keep it at the top. Common sense people.
Post edited by Unknown User on
There are two things in this world that people discuss, which makes everyone absolutely crazy. Religion and Politics. I have actually had great political discourse with some people here and unfortunately slung insults with others.
Some people you think are highly intelligent, and some you're pretty sure are faking the funk. The worst part is, when you think you might actually show somebody a differing opinion that makes sense and your right on the edge of convincing them when suddenly boom, that person retreats back in their hole and pisses you off something fierce.
That's politics though. My conclusion, "Everyones an idiot but me":)
I don't need to be shown images of War because I already know what War is. I already know that the number 3,078 in not a number... but, 3,078 Americans who will not see this years Super Bowl... 3,078 Amerivan families who will not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with their loved one this year. It is more than just a number... and it is NOT a point total on the scoreboard.
Each one represents a life of an American who voluenteered to defend his/her country and has been sent off under false pretenses to defend and move forward a political agenda. I don't need to be reminded that they are humans and are there because of their devotion to duty and to uphold the oath that they freely choose to make.
Defending OUR freedoms? How is going over to the other side of the globe to stand in the cross hairs of people who do not want us in their country, defending OUR freedoms?
and just to set the record straight... I don't like seeing any deaths. I don't want to see Saddam Hussein's execution or a 2,000 pound bomb leveling a hotel in Haditha or a Marine gunner taking a shot in the face. I do not glorify war... I believe we were supposed to learn from past wars. I guess not.
Hail, Hail!!!
I was wrong to say that AMT is pointless. I've learned a lot. A lot of us have. But i still stand by the other things I said. I hate that theres so many trolls here fucking with rest of us. But as I said before, it's a rant.
To me, it's about expressing my views to people who haven't put too much thought into political subjects. Sometimes I just post to make a joke, but most of the time I try to be serious and I try not to stoop to the level of name-calling. I'm sure I've failed a couple of times, but oh well. But my posts aren't meant for the regulars who read this thread, they're meant for everyone else.
So that's why I post, and I don't think it's disgusting's about accepting the fact that there are people out there who have already developed a well-defined view of world affairs, and it's highly unlikely that they will change them (this includes me). So the point is not to speak to those people, but speak to the people who haven't made up their minds yet. Usually the way it works out is that you end up debating with regulars, but hopefully that indirectly speaks to other people.
Unless you have something really funny to say ... funny posts are always welcome ... Cosmo can feed the trolls all he likes
Damn...and I'm agreeing with a righteous, extremist fkn REPUG.
I do like this board..and try to be open minded.....and it's just great to vent..nothing wrong with that.....
I also think message boards are incredible allowing citizens to communicate without being filtered by the media...or more big business.
That's the best thing to do. Read that shit... because I think it's good to know that there are people out there, way out there, who really believe that shit... but, don't let them get to you.
and yeah... I have been able to see the issue from a differning point... when a good point is made. I like it here... much more interesting topics than Eddie's hair or how Pearl Jam hates the South.
Hail, Hail!!!
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I have learned a lot from people on this board. Even people who I would probably never agree with in a million years have offered up information that has impacted the way I view a situation or topic. I like it here as well. Sure as hell beats staring out my window at work when I'm bored.
I like this comment... it is... what is it... a paradox?
Hail, Hail!!!
I just dont post if i dont have an interest in it.
Cheers, P.
I think arguments are naturally going to occur on a forum like this though, which i think is ok so long as people are sensible. (probably never going to happen, not with everyone anyway lol)
Righteous extremist? Really? I mean I'll admit to being a fucking republican just the same as you'll admit to being a hippie liberal douche, but righteous extremist?
I also think that people forget this is a made-up place that really doesn't exist...and sometimes people take things personally and seriously...which leads bickering and fighting...
at the end of the day, this place is what you make it...
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
no you don't
what were your reasons...just curious.
from my window to yours
I stated them clearly. I asked the question: Is this what Bush is sending 20,000 more troops into. I stated that the war is unwinnable, because struggles of popular insurgency cannot be defeated. The video was there to clarify my point. That sniper is just one of many. The troops are fighting a largely hidden enemy, not too dissimilar to that encountered in Vietnam.
I then re-stated my opinion that the troops should be brought home.
I was then accused by a number of people on the board of sympathising with the sniper, and of revelling in the sight of U.S troops being taken out.
Like i said: Pathetic!
in the spirit of this thread and in purely in jest......was simply coming up with the most offensive title possible....
If i put a video up of the IDF taking out a member of hamas than said:
" what is hamas thinking, they cant compete with this, hamas will never win"
" Hamas could never defeat such a military as israel, why send their children to die".
" why fight for independence, hamas will never win."
is that ok?
Sorry for misinterpreting your post. I figured it was in jest, but sometimes when you don't have the little face symbols it can be hard to tell. My 'hippie liberal douche' nametag is just something I heard on Southpark and thought it was really clever.
If you thought that you had a point in doing so, then yes. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.