I think each interaction out here is very purposeful and those we connect with are very meaningful, whether we use our connections to justify poor behaviour or whether we use them more positively. I agree that when people engage those they don't like, they have to take responsibility for their part.
I happen to tap into people empathically all the time, seeing where they are coming from. Because I understand doesn't mean I accept poor behaviour. But I've been in some very, very bad places in my life, and I'm willing to sometimes talk more to the underdogs than to those who are fine. And again, I definitely avoid some people myself.
Oh, and I keep forgetting:
It's good to see that there are still some truly forgiving and understanding people out there. You are my inspiration and I'll to try to be more like you. :)
It's good to see that there are still some truly forgiving and understanding people out there. You are my inspiration and I'll to try to be more like you. :)
For me understanding and forgiveness come from a longgggg past that eventually necessitated very much self-forgiveness and self-understanding through the years! I have been one of the most obnoxious people I have known. Therefore I can see where a lot of people out here are coming from.
Thanks for your kind words. You have such a warmth about you that it's pretty obvious to me that you are naturally empathic as well.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I'm so surprised that you like Collective Soul! I LOVE them. I was thrilled to meet them (minus the singer/songwriter, Ed) last year after a free concert (free tickets to the CS message boarders!) And one of the coolest experiences of my life was the first of two times I saw them last year. Ed Roland kept singing to me, which completely overwhelmed and floored me. Considering the song "Shine" coincided with my spiritual awakening years back, to have the singer of CS tap into me was literally one of the coolest experiences of my life.
I don't blame you for avoiding their board like the plague!
I've loved their music for a long time. I have everything by them up to "Home" album.
While I love stuff like......The World I Know, Bleed, Where The River Flows, Maybe ......etc; it is 'Dosage" that stands as my favorite by them.
No More, No Less......Needs.....Run......Compliment...Not The One....damn, I love that album!!! :) Every song on that album is great!
I've loved their music for a long time. I have everything by them up to "Home" album.
While I love stuff like......The World I Know, Bleed, Where The River Flows, Maybe ......etc; it is 'Dosage" that stands as my favorite by them.
No More, No Less......Needs.....Run......Compliment...Not The One....damn, I love that album!!! :) Every song on that album is great!
Wow. I'm impressed! You're not making this stuff up! I like your taste in music--first Sweet, obviously Pearl Jam, and now Collective Soul! For some reason I mostly like the hooky, catchy CS songs, but that's my thing with music in general. I've always admired Ed Roland's songwriting ability.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Oh I've been listening to the Sweet since I was a kid..... some time around when I was 9 or 10 years old, I got the Little Willy 45 vinyl single; then I bought Desolation Boulevard LP, a year or two later. Which of course led to Give Us A Wink, Off The Record, Level Headed and a bunch more.
I met the three remaining members of Sweet at the Cat Club in NYC several years back. They were playing there and Joey Ramone was there, also.
He sat at the table behind us with some older guy who I believe was his manager. There's a funny (and longish) story about a mix up of our tables and Joey bought us a round of drinks. So we then bought his table a round of drinks. And another....and another:D
Joey was an amazingly friendly and personable guy. I'll never forget that night. When he first walked in, I was sitting at the table talking with my friends and having a drink. Out of nowhere this huge shadow cast over our table from behind me and I was like..." what the hell happened to the lights?"
I turn around and Joey is standing there. Unbelievable.
What agreat show with the three remaining members of Sweet completely rocking and kicking ass. And meeting, talking with and hanging out with Joey Ramone for over three hours, was spectacular! What a great guy!
Oh I've been listening to the Sweet since I was a kid..... some time around when I was 9 or 10 years old, I got the Little Willy 45 vinyl single; then I bought Desolation Boulevard LP, a year or two later. Which of course led to Give Us A Wink, Off The Record, Level Headed and a bunch more.
I met the three remaining members of Sweet at the Cat Club in NYC several years back. They were playing there and Joey Ramone was there, also.
He sat at the table behind us with some older guy who I believe was his manager. There's a funny (and longish) story about a mix up of our tables and Joey bought us a round of drinks. So we then bought his table a round of drinks. And another....and another:D
Joey was an amazingly friendly and personable guy. I'll never forget that night. When he first walked in, I was sitting at the table talking with my friends and having a drink. Out of nowhere this huge shadow cast over our table from behind me and I was like..." what the hell happened to the lights?"
I turn around and Joey is standing there. Unbelievable.
What agreat show with the three remaining members of Sweet completely rocking and kicking ass. And meeting, taking with and hanging out with Joey Ramone was spectacular! What a great guy!
Well I think you may have topped all of my cool band-meeting stories with Sweet! Seriously!! The drink mix-up sounds very funny! And obviously many people are probably salivating at the thought of meeting Joey Ramone. Wow, what a great all-round story.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Well I think you may have topped all of my cool band-meeting stories with Sweet! Seriously!! The drink mix-up sounds very funny! And obviously many people are probably salivating at the thought of meeting Joey Ramone. Wow, what a great all-round story.
No no, it wasn't a drink mix up- it was a table mix up. I was busy with finishing up some work, so I didn't want to get into the whole story.
But, what happened was....
The Cat Club was supposed to reserve a large table for Joey Ramone, his manager and Sweet. They were supposed to put a little "Reserved For" name card on the table. But they screwed up and put it on the wrong table.
So when my friends and I walked in, we picked the largest table available, because there was six of us.
Unfortunately, that was supposed be their (Joey and Sweet's ) table. Joey being familiar with the set up in the club, walked over to our table confused why the table was taken.
We offered to pick ourselves up and move to a different table and we even got up and started gathering our stuff. But Joey insisted we stay there and that they would take the table right next to us.
Andy Scott and Mick Tucker were very cool and fun to talk to, as was Steve Priest. Great time. But without a doubt Joey Ramone was the most memorable for me, because of the fact I have always been a HUGE Ramones fan.
No no, it wasn't a drink mix up- it was a table mix up. I was busy with finishing up some work, so I didn't want to get into the whole story.
But, what happened was....
The Cat Club was supposed to reserve a large table for Joey Ramone, his manager and Sweet. They were supposed to put a little "Reserved For" name card on the table. But they screwed up and put it on the wrong table.
So when my friends and I walked in, we picked the largest table available, because there was six of us.
Unfortunately, that was supposed be their (Joey and Sweet's ) table. Joey being familiar with the set up in the club, walked over to our table confused why the table was taken.
We offered to pick ourselves up and move to a different table and we even got up and started gathering our stuff. But Joey insisted we stay there and that they would take the table right next to us.
Andy Scott and Mick Tucker were very cool and fun to talk to, as was Steve Priest. Great time. But without a doubt Joey Ramone was the most memorable for me, because of the fact I have always been a HUGE Ramones fan.
Okay, I get it! Even cooler! You just totally inspired me to change my myspace profile song, by the way. Hearing those names.... "Are you ready Steve?...Andy?....Mick?... Alright fellas, let's goooooo!" (you'll have to forgive that I'm more obsessed with the Sweet aspect of the story! I love 70's glam almost more than life itself!)
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I have no idea who either of them are. But I'll look into that!
I've often been into the more embarassing glam bands, which shall remain nameless..... ("plaster caster, grab ahold of me faster, if you wanna see my love just ask her"-- who could not love the band that came up with such profound lyrics given the plaster caster of the day!)
And I love the Sweet look. I loved any band who had that look. And I loved some of Freddie Mercury's outlandish 70's looks. Whoops...this somehow becomes an appearance thing for me!
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I believe this place very much impacts reality. It's dramatically impacted my own personal reality and ripples forth from there affecting the reality of those around me.
I guess it depends from what you mean by "reality"....
What I like about the Moving Train is that I get to hear what attitudes and beliefs are in other parts of the world. Vancouver is pretty liberal, and although (ironically) most of my good friends are conservatives, it is much different from hearing what people are saying in Republican areas and across the world. We get different news and different experiences.
I don't think I can think of anytime though where my opinion has changed because of anything said on this board, so maybe its all in vain.
I guess it depends from what you mean by "reality"....
I know I, for one, have been inspired by people here and informed about things I was unaware of so many times because of this place. I spread that on to my friends and siblings and so it goes....
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
in this case, I didn't mean "individual" reality, but social reality. by saying that this board doesn't affect reality I just meant that this board doesn't affect reality because it doesn't offer a tool for common action, and not even a tool for common awareness. It may affect individual reality because it can fullfill an individual need of sharing, learning, discussing, thinking, whatever. but other than that, I don't see it going beyond that.
in this case, I didn't mean "individual" reality, but social reality. by saying that this board doesn't affect reality I just meant that this board doesn't affect reality because it doesn't offer a tool for common action, and not even a tool for common awareness. It may affect individual reality because it can fullfill an individual need of sharing, learning, discussing, thinking, whatever. but other than that, I don't see it going beyond that.
Social reality is made up of billions of individual realities. When I see people's minds open and people's beliefs and ideas change for the better, that's about as base and common as it can get. To me the common awareness and change that is taking place here is our evolution forward. Individual progress and change precipitate social action. The people on the Train are passionate. I can imagine many if not all them taking that passion and the affects they've experienced here and translating that into their own worlds, affecting others there, carrying on the ripple effect. That is powerful in my mind. There are those who have been inspired to volunteer, or to support various organisations, etc. And of course, like with what Abook said, she personally has learned so much and in turn passes that on to others. Multiply that by the rest of people on this board. The ramifications are wonderful in my mind. The band should be very proud of the intelligent, compassionate people they draw to this board, and for this forum that inspires change and action in the world.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Social reality is made up of billions of individual realities. When I see people's minds open and people's beliefs and ideas change for the better, that's about as base and common as it can get. To me the common awareness and change that is taking place here is our evolution forward. Individual progress and change precipitate social action. The people on the Train are passionate. I can imagine many if not all them taking that passion and the affects they've experienced here and translating that into their own worlds, affecting others there, carrying on the ripple effect. That is powerful in my mind. There are those who have been inspired to volunteer, or to support various organisations, etc. And of course, like with what Abook said, she personally has learned so much and in turn passes that on to others. Multiply that by the rest of people on this board. The ramifications are wonderful in my mind. The band should be very proud of the intelligent, compassionate people they draw to this board, and for this forum that inspires change and action in the world.
I agree from this point of view, but I was talking about the MT as itself, but obviously I can't explain very well.... I mean, what you say is that there are probably some people in here who have been inspired by the discussions on here, and so they acted and affected reality. I agree, and that's what I said previously when I was talking of the great potentiality of this place. But that is still an individual effect, not a direct social effect. I mean, we don't join anti-war marches carrying a "MT people" sign, just to make an exemple. I just mean that the MT is not a place where we organize direct action or purpose strategies. the MT itself is just a free place of free speech as any other. Even if you take a discussion on the bus with perfect strangers, you can have the same effects as the MT. anything can inspire you as the MT, it is just matter of individual choice. the MT is not a political movement, just a place where fans of one band discuss political views. I don't know if the difference is clear, to me it is.
I agree from this point of view, but I was talking about the MT as itself, but obviously I can't explain very well.... I mean, what you say is that there are probably some people in here who have been inspired by the discussions on here, and so they acted and affected reality. I agree, and that's what I said previously when I was talking of the great potentiality of this place. But that is still an individual effect, not a direct social effect. I mean, we don't join anti-war marches carrying a "MT people" sign, just to make an exemple. I just mean that the MT is not a place where we organize direct action or purpose strategies. the MT itself is just a free place of free speech as any other. Even if you take a discussion on the bus with perfect strangers, you can have the same effects as the MT. anything can inspire you as the MT, it is just matter of individual choice. the MT is not a political movement, just a place where fans of one band discuss political views. I don't know if the difference is clear, to me it is.
I understand it's not an obvious affect, and one that is credited to the Moving Train. At the same time, any small change is valid, and I see much more than small change happen on this board. I see potent, intelligent people come to this board, and I see them grow and change. I know that change is reflected in their lives. I don't agree that anything can inspire as the MT. I come to this online community because this is a serious group of very intelligent, informed and aware people here--I've not run into anything like this in 42 years of life. And the synergistic effect of these people in one place, and how ideas whose time have come are forced to fall away while truths remain standing--I see and savour these effects. The sense of strength I've developed from being here still impresses me. To be amidst an environment that allows such growth and believes that individual freedom and power is a given, it is still affecting me in each day, in ways that sometimes overwhelm me.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I understand it's not an obvious affect, and one that is credited to the Moving Train. At the same time, any small change is valid, and I see much more than small change happen on this board. I see potent, intelligent people come to this board, and I see them grow and change. I know that change is reflected in their lives. I don't agree that anything can inspire as the MT. I come to this online community because this is a serious group of very intelligent, informed and aware people here--I've not run into anything like this in 42 years of life. And the synergistic effect of these people in one place, and how ideas whose time have come are forced to fall away while truths remain standing--I see and savour these effects. The sense of strength I've developed from being here still impresses me. To be amidst an environment that allows such growth and believes that individual freedom and power is a given, it is still affecting me in each day, in ways that sometimes overwhelm me.
It's good to see that there are still some truly forgiving and understanding people out there. You are my inspiration and I'll to try to be more like you.
For me understanding and forgiveness come from a longgggg past that eventually necessitated very much self-forgiveness and self-understanding through the years! I have been one of the most obnoxious people I have known. Therefore I can see where a lot of people out here are coming from.
Thanks for your kind words. You have such a warmth about you that it's pretty obvious to me that you are naturally empathic as well.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I've loved their music for a long time. I have everything by them up to "Home" album.
While I love stuff like......The World I Know, Bleed, Where The River Flows, Maybe ......etc; it is 'Dosage" that stands as my favorite by them.
No More, No Less......Needs.....Run......Compliment...Not The One....damn, I love that album!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
LOL...making stuff up? What's that all about?:D
Oh I've been listening to the Sweet since I was a kid..... some time around when I was 9 or 10 years old, I got the Little Willy 45 vinyl single; then I bought Desolation Boulevard LP, a year or two later. Which of course led to Give Us A Wink, Off The Record, Level Headed and a bunch more.
I met the three remaining members of Sweet at the Cat Club in NYC several years back. They were playing there and Joey Ramone was there, also.
He sat at the table behind us with some older guy who I believe was his manager. There's a funny (and longish) story about a mix up of our tables and Joey bought us a round of drinks. So we then bought his table a round of drinks. And another....and another:D
Joey was an amazingly friendly and personable guy. I'll never forget that night. When he first walked in, I was sitting at the table talking with my friends and having a drink. Out of nowhere this huge shadow cast over our table from behind me and I was like..." what the hell happened to the lights?"
I turn around and Joey is standing there. Unbelievable.
What agreat show with the three remaining members of Sweet completely rocking and kicking ass. And meeting, talking with and hanging out with Joey Ramone for over three hours, was spectacular! What a great guy!
Well I think you may have topped all of my cool band-meeting stories with Sweet! Seriously!! The drink mix-up sounds very funny! And obviously many people are probably salivating at the thought of meeting Joey Ramone. Wow, what a great all-round story.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
No no, it wasn't a drink mix up- it was a table mix up. I was busy with finishing up some work, so I didn't want to get into the whole story.
But, what happened was....
The Cat Club was supposed to reserve a large table for Joey Ramone, his manager and Sweet. They were supposed to put a little "Reserved For" name card on the table. But they screwed up and put it on the wrong table.
So when my friends and I walked in, we picked the largest table available, because there was six of us.
Unfortunately, that was supposed be their (Joey and Sweet's ) table. Joey being familiar with the set up in the club, walked over to our table confused why the table was taken.
We offered to pick ourselves up and move to a different table and we even got up and started gathering our stuff. But Joey insisted we stay there and that they would take the table right next to us.
Andy Scott and Mick Tucker were very cool and fun to talk to, as was Steve Priest. Great time. But without a doubt Joey Ramone was the most memorable for me, because of the fact I have always been a HUGE Ramones fan.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
You love 70s glam, eh?
You remember the band called "Angel"?
How about the "Starz"?
I've often been into the more embarassing glam bands, which shall remain nameless..... ("plaster caster, grab ahold of me faster, if you wanna see my love just ask her"-- who could not love the band that came up with such profound lyrics given the plaster caster of the day!)
And I love the Sweet look. I loved any band who had that look. And I loved some of Freddie Mercury's outlandish 70's looks. Whoops...this somehow becomes an appearance thing for me!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I guess it depends from what you mean by "reality"....
I don't think I can think of anytime though where my opinion has changed because of anything said on this board, so maybe its all in vain.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I know I, for one, have been inspired by people here and informed about things I was unaware of so many times because of this place. I spread that on to my friends and siblings and so it goes....
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
in this case, I didn't mean "individual" reality, but social reality. by saying that this board doesn't affect reality I just meant that this board doesn't affect reality because it doesn't offer a tool for common action, and not even a tool for common awareness. It may affect individual reality because it can fullfill an individual need of sharing, learning, discussing, thinking, whatever. but other than that, I don't see it going beyond that.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I agree from this point of view, but I was talking about the MT as itself, but obviously I can't explain very well.... I mean, what you say is that there are probably some people in here who have been inspired by the discussions on here, and so they acted and affected reality. I agree, and that's what I said previously when I was talking of the great potentiality of this place. But that is still an individual effect, not a direct social effect. I mean, we don't join anti-war marches carrying a "MT people" sign, just to make an exemple. I just mean that the MT is not a place where we organize direct action or purpose strategies. the MT itself is just a free place of free speech as any other. Even if you take a discussion on the bus with perfect strangers, you can have the same effects as the MT. anything can inspire you as the MT, it is just matter of individual choice. the MT is not a political movement, just a place where fans of one band discuss political views. I don't know if the difference is clear, to me it is.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
That is so beautiful.