Man Made Global Warming

why do we all believe it?? i personally think its a joke, thoughts and comments.....
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
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...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Post edited by Unknown User on
I don't believe that global warming or global climate change is strickly a man made. It is a natural cycle that occurs to our planet. I do believe though that this time around man has had it's hand in either accelrating or intensifying it.
If you accept the greenhouse theory and the fact that we are emitting billions of tons of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere than you must conclude that it will have an effect on the atmospheric composition of the earth and an effect on climate.
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well said.
I'm a firm believer in the asthma and cancers from mankind. You?
yeah, it's a big joke, this whole global warming thing....perhaps those who believe it should make changes as they see fit and those who don't, can forget about it and move on...
ignorant people don't think man is responsable. we are thousands of years over-due for an ice age. that would be the natural cycle. with all the scientific proof i don't know how anyone could deny it. it doesn't take a genius to see the brown clouds hanging over our cities. that's man made. a child knows that all the concrete and asphalt in cities cause it to retain heat and evaporate rain. we were warned 30 years ago when the pollution we put into the atmosphere turned the rain acidic. between acid rain and logging; anyone can see how we killed the trees that purify our air.
now you tell me; which of those is not man-made.
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yeah, lowering mileage standards must have been tiring...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
enlighten us on the 1920 to 1960 time frame, please expand on this point....
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the earths fail safe system is its ice. ice reflects heat back into space.
the earth is very powerful and will cleanse itself as it did in the past. we caused it to need to cleanse itself and many will die because of it. those of us who bought large amounts of land in the safe areas will be in control. those of us with solar power will still have electricity. those who are prepared will survive. for the rest of you: may God have mercy on your souls.
yet you say this:
Per capita energy consumption, measured in kgoe (kilograms of oil equivalent) per person:
China - 1,138.3
India - 512.4
USA - 7,794.8
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do you have any data or links to back this up...?
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...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
wait a minute, I'm confused...if you think global warming is a myth, then why would you support these efforts....?
global warming will bring another ice age. that's how the earth will cleanse itself. the ice water entering the oceans will change the current that brings warm water north and south. this is what keeps the nothern part and southern part of the globe warm. the massive storms will pull the pollution from the air and deposit it on the ground. this is proven with ice core samples. it's the way earth has always cleansed itself. the extreme cold pulled down from the upper atmosphere will cause snow and extremely cold temperatures. it is at this point the snow and ice will start reflecting heat back into space and the earth will start to balance itself again.
if you want to look at 1920 to 1960; what was the population then? WWII killed most of the male population. thus; the baby boom to repopulate. how many cars were there from 1920 to 1960 as compared to 1960 to 2007? how many people are heating their homes now compared to then? do we have more businesses now compared to then? how many trees were cut down to build houses then compared to now? if there's no acid rain; what killed the forests?
that's just a few things to think about.
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...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
what? we are listening to people and their ideas to make this a better place? our energy legislation is written by oil executives. How does that make it a better place for anyone except for them and their shareholders?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
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Yes, there are people who are aware and doing something about the problem to whatever degree they are able and I feel a lot of gratitude towards those people, but there are millions and millions who are oblivious, or just don't care about anyone but themselves.
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...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...