Same can be said about you. Time to turn of Fox News.
i think fox news is the most reliable news network around, its the opinion shows like oreilly and hannity that are conservative slanted, if you really watch the news and take out the bush hatred in your heart you would see that all the other networks are painfully slanted to the left during their news segments, while fox news segments just tell the news, try it tonight, i dare you, i know, your probably too afraid to.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Private only because the public schools are so fucked up. Fortunetly I can afford to send my kids to private school but what about people who can't. Shoulkd their children be deprived of a top notch education simply because they don't have the finacial means to send them to some private school. Come on we are so supposed to the greatest country in the world, your exact words. There is no other country out there that is better than us, again your words. Then why the hell are our damn schools so shitty.
They took students from one of the better high schools in New Jersey, new Jersey has some of the best public schools in the country, and gave them the usual stae mandated appitude test. Then they gave the same test to students in Belgium and gues what they fucking schooled our kids. they kicked their asses in every way possible.
i said we are the best, not that we are perfect, and no, actually there are vouchers given in a lottery to poor families that want to send there kids to a private school.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
i think fox news is the most reliable news network around, its the opinion shows like oreilly and hannity that are conservative slanted, if you really watch the news and take out the bush hatred in your heart you would see that all the other networks are painfully slanted to the left during their news segments, while fox news segments just tell the news, try it tonight, i dare you, i know, your probably too afraid to.
I actually watch Fox News, as well as CNN, MSNBC, and BBC. I find Fox News to be just as slanted as MSNBC and CNN. The only reliable news source is BBC, sad how we have to depend on a foreign news source to get the story. I figured you as a Bushie right from the start but I didn't think there where still people in this country stupid enough to support him. I have no hatred for Bush I just think he is probably the worst president in modern times.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
look, i've lived here for 8 years now. in 7 of those years, we have had below average precipitation totals. we are in a drought, which may or may not have something to do with global warming. but, as i tried to explain to you before, rising temps will result in us getting less snow, no matter what. and that is not good.
and some scientists are talking about a mega drought in the 50 years or more. but what the fuck do they know, right?
exactly, just like all those hurricanes that we were gonna get this year b/c of global warming, right, wait,there wasnt any hurricanes, huh....wierd.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Education sucks because kids aren't grounded in reality, they live fantasy lives where personal responsibility and necessity doesn't exist.
good point, to be educated isnt "cool"
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
I actually watch Fox News, as well as CNN, MSNBC, and BBC. I find Fox News to be just as slanted as MSNBC and CNN. The only reliable news source is BBC, sad how we have to depend on a foreign news source to get the story. I figured you as a Bushie right from the start but I didn't think there where still people in this country stupid enough to support him. I have no hatred for Bush I just think he is probably the worst president in modern times.
I think that the news hour on PBS and Washington Week are the two most unbiased news sources. The newshour is actually boring compared to the entertaining network news, but that isn't a bad thing.
And Washington Week could be the most civil discussion on the week's political events.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i said we are the best, not that we are perfect, and no, actually there are vouchers given in a lottery to poor families that want to send there kids to a private school.
We are not even the best. What are we the best at bombing the shit out of countries. I'll give the fact that we do provide a lot of aid to other countries which is a great thing and one of the reasons this is a great country. There are students from at least 20 other countries; Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Belgium, South Korea, Japan, France, New Zealand, UK, Canada, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria, Australia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Denmark all rank better than us in Education.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
No I'm serious and the problem is not teachers union. bad teachers is a small part of the problem but the big problem is how we teach our kids. I have several friends who are teachers and they have told me that school administrators tell them that from Sept - May they have to focus of getting their students to pass the state mandated aptitude test. Forget about History, Arts, Geography simply focus on reading, math, and science for the higher grades. And guess why administrators do this because if the scxhool does not produce the best possible test results their funding suffers. Thank you No Child Left Behind. Our kids don't learn they memorize what they need to know to pass some basic test and then they are pushed on to the next grade to do the same god damn thing.
i absolutely agree, great point, no child left behind has been a nightmare, standardized testing is def not producing good results, the MCAS in massachusetts here has been a complete failure that has in turn downgraded the basics in education.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Oh yes, we've all been quite awed by your obvious high degree of education on the issue. You've been a veritable wealth of useful information.
if you cared to listen instead of insult me over and over again maybe you would learn something and maybe you should read into both sides of the argument before making an opinion.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
I actually watch Fox News, as well as CNN, MSNBC, and BBC. I find Fox News to be just as slanted as MSNBC and CNN. The only reliable news source is BBC, sad how we have to depend on a foreign news source to get the story. I figured you as a Bushie right from the start but I didn't think there where still people in this country stupid enough to support him. I have no hatred for Bush I just think he is probably the worst president in modern times.
haha, im sure you watch foxnews all the time, and since every liberal hates foxnews, then you will to, b/c michael moore told you to.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
global warming doesn't increase the frequency of hurricanes, just the intensity.
of course there will be variations...i'm sure that flagstaff will have an above normal winter sometime in the future. but your argument is as weak as those who say, "it's snowing, which means global warming is bullshit".
so why didnt any tropical depression turn into a devastating hurricane??
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
We are not even the best. What are we the best at bombing the shit out of countries. I'll give the fact that we do provide a lot of aid to other countries which is a great thing and one of the reasons this is a great country. There are students from at least 20 other countries; Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Belgium, South Korea, Japan, France, New Zealand, UK, Canada, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria, Australia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Denmark all rank better than us in Education.
yup...would you rather that we had the best education and the 20th best military??
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
if you cared to listen instead of insult me over and over again maybe you would learn something and maybe you should read into both sides of the argument before making an opinion.
I've read every post in this thread, and I haven't seen one shred of data from you, absolutely nothing to back up your misinformed opinions. All I've seen from you is poor debate tactics, unsubstantiated opinions, and a lot of whining about what a bunch of meanies we are, saying bad things about America. If that's what you call "educated," the public schools in your area must be very poor indeed to not meet even your lowly standards.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
With the best education we probably wouldn't need a massive military. Smart people don't need to attack random countries.
but what if we got attacked, like say something of the nature of 9/11...would you want to be able to go into wherever and kick some ass...not ask another country to do the dirty work for you>?
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
but what if we got attacked, like say something of the nature of 9/11...would you want to be able to go into wherever and kick some ass...not ask another country to do the dirty work for you>?
I figured you wouldn't understand my post. That's ok. No harm, no foul.
yup...would you rather that we had the best education and the 20th best military??
Sad thing is we could cut our military budget by about 100 billion dollars a year and we would still be spending more on our militray than all the countries I mentioned combined. That's 100 billion dollars a year that we could put into education and we could be #1 in both.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
but what if we got attacked, like say something of the nature of 9/11...would you want to be able to go into wherever and kick some ass...not ask another country to do the dirty work for you>?
Wait didn't we have the Afghani warlords and their militias do all the dirty work for us in Afghanistan.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I've read every post in this thread, and I haven't seen one shred of data from you, absolutely nothing to back up your misinformed opinions. All I've seen from you is poor debate tactics, unsubstantiated opinions, and a lot of whining about what a bunch of meanies we are, saying bad things about America. If that's what you call "educated," the public schools in your area must be very poor indeed to not meet even your lowly standards.
i didnt come into this thread with a spreadsheet of data supporting my claims, this is the first thread ive started in a while and i knew that this subject would get a ton of negative feedback because this a predominatly liberal board, and man made global warming is huge in the liberal agenda, i read alot, i stay as informed as all of you do and i try to make a judgement independent of some talking head opinion, you take the facts and then you base your opinion, ive have to deflect criticism from a number of you and im trying my best to reply to all of your responses b/c i believe this is a very serious subject.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
sure, but what's iraq got to do with that scenario?
didnt say it did..we invaded the wrong country imo.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Sad thing is we could cut our military budget by about 100 billion dollars a year and we would still be spending more on our militray than all the countries I mentioned combined. That's 100 billion dollars a year that we could put into education and we could be #1 in both.
i doubt that, teachers unions suck all the money out of that budget and they have no fear of losing there jobs after 10yrs of service, its ludicrous.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Wait didn't we have the Afghani warlords and their militias do all the dirty work for us in Afghanistan.
no, actually we still have a number of troops over there right now.
8.29.00-4.29.03-4.30.03-5.2.03-7.2.03-7.3.03-7.8.03-7.9.03-7.11.03-9.28.04-9.29.04-10.1.04- 10.2.04-10.3.04-5.12.06-5.24.06-5.25.06
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
i didnt come into this thread with a spreadsheet of data supporting my claims, this is the first thread ive started in a while and i knew that this subject would get a ton of negative feedback because this a predominatly liberal board, and man made global warming is huge in the liberal agenda, i read alot, i stay as informed as all of you do and i try to make a judgement independent of some talking head opinion, you take the facts and then you base your opinion, ive have to deflect criticism from a number of you and im trying my best to reply to all of your responses b/c i believe this is a very serious subject.
by your posts i'd bet all your reading is comic books.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
That is OFFICIALLY the funniest thing said here. Well done.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
I actually watch Fox News, as well as CNN, MSNBC, and BBC. I find Fox News to be just as slanted as MSNBC and CNN. The only reliable news source is BBC, sad how we have to depend on a foreign news source to get the story. I figured you as a Bushie right from the start but I didn't think there where still people in this country stupid enough to support him. I have no hatred for Bush I just think he is probably the worst president in modern times.
lmao. mr science doesn't believe scientists.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
I think that the news hour on PBS and Washington Week are the two most unbiased news sources. The newshour is actually boring compared to the entertaining network news, but that isn't a bad thing.
And Washington Week could be the most civil discussion on the week's political events.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
We are not even the best. What are we the best at bombing the shit out of countries. I'll give the fact that we do provide a lot of aid to other countries which is a great thing and one of the reasons this is a great country. There are students from at least 20 other countries; Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Belgium, South Korea, Japan, France, New Zealand, UK, Canada, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria, Australia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Denmark all rank better than us in Education.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Sorry I forgot to mention NPR.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Who said I'm a liberal. Nice way to jump to conclusions there.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
Global Warming.
With the best education we probably wouldn't need a massive military. Smart people don't need to attack random countries.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
I figured you wouldn't understand my post. That's ok. No harm, no foul.
Sad thing is we could cut our military budget by about 100 billion dollars a year and we would still be spending more on our militray than all the countries I mentioned combined. That's 100 billion dollars a year that we could put into education and we could be #1 in both.
Wait didn't we have the Afghani warlords and their militias do all the dirty work for us in Afghanistan.
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
...i know all the rules but the rules do not know me, guaranteed...
by your posts i'd bet all your reading is comic books.