Explain to me how it is the guns fault? dont listen to everything micahel moore tells you
well the gun is used to fire a projectile out of a barrel at a huge velocity and the aforementioned projectile enters the victims brain and kills them...
quite simple really
now if you try the above with a piece of dog shit on a stick... nobody dies... they just get messy.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
well the gun is used to fire a projectile out of a barrel at a huge velocity and the aforementioned projectile enters the victims brain and kills them...
quite simple really
now if you try the above with a piece of dog shit on a stick... nobody dies... they just get messy.
Miller has a point - there are plenty of other weapons that could be used: Explosives, knives, etc.
Its not the guns fault, its americas fault for not outlawing it.
no it's the persons fault for committing those actions. Why is it always someone elses fault...whatever happened to being crazy and to taking responsibility...oh that's right, we don't need responsibility
Everybody is talking about gun control. Got to control the guns. Fuck, that, I like guns. If you've got a gun, you don't need to work out! Cause, I ain't working out. I ain't jogging. No, I think we need some bullet control. I think every bullet should cost five thousand dollars. Five thousand dollars for a bullet. Know why? Cos if a bullet cost five thousand dollars, there'd be no more innocent by-standers. That'd be it. Some guy'd be shot you'd be all 'Damn, he must've done something, he's got fifty thousand dollars worth of bullets in his ass!' - chris rock
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
no it's the persons fault for committing those actions. Why is it always someone elses fault...whatever happened to being crazy and to taking responsibility...oh that's right, we don't need responsibility
It's the same mentality behind those who view the actions of the insurgents in Iraq as the fault of the US.
It's the same mentality behind those who view the actions of the insurgents in Iraq as the fault of the US.
i can see the view that the US gave incentive to those in Iraq and I can live with that, but I agree...each person has made the decision whether or not to participate in terrorism, suicide bombings. Just like this guy, there may be some reason he snapped, but he still made the decision to go to the school to shoot the people. The gun didn't talk to him and make him do it...he chose to do it,
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
Miller has a point - there are plenty of other weapons that could be used: Explosives, knives, etc.
how many died at Columbine High... 16 was it?
now imagine if those nutters had used a knive instead.. possibly 2 or 3 would have been killed, before the Football team guys fucking attacked them..
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
never said it would stop the violence, but it would reduce it... 50-odd kids under the age of 11 get their faces blown off each week in the US
posting links like the ones above just makes me think you condone the killings and negligent use of handguns
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
do you really want to compare? are you sure you would come out of the comparison with your head up?
i'm not saying the US has a handle on the issue at all. I'm just saying that banning them won't change too much and the way most people present Europe on this board is that it's perfect over there b/c guns aren't there when in fact it isn't true.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
never said it would stop the violence, but it would reduce it... 50-odd kids under the age of 11 get their faces blown off each week in the US
posting links like the ones above just makes me think you condone the killings and negligent use of handguns
it may reduce it; but again, most people seem to say that it would eliminate the problems if we just got rid of guns.
the links above should make you realize that Europe has it's problems as well and that gun control won't END the gun violence. I in no way shape or form condone the killings and if you took that from that post you're reaching for something.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
well thats the UK and these are very sporadic incidents..
since 1994 (and the tighter restrictions on guns after the Dunblane massacre) gun fatalities have halved
Number of deaths from firearms injury -
United Kingdom, 1994 to 2003
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i'm not saying the US has a handle on the issue at all. I'm just saying that banning them won't change too much and the way most people present Europe on this board is that it's perfect over there b/c guns aren't there when in fact it isn't true.
never said that europe is perfect. that would be too nice. but at least we can't buy guns and other weapons in supermarkets. of course stupid people can get them illegally, but still there's less guns around than in the usa. and, coincidence, less killings.
i'm not saying the US has a handle on the issue at all. I'm just saying that banning them won't change too much and the way most people present Europe on this board is that it's perfect over there b/c guns aren't there when in fact it isn't true.
its not perfect but to put it into context...
from the us sherifs office own webiste
WHEREAS, the rate of firearm deaths among children 0-14 years old is nearly 12 times higher in the United States than in 25 other industrial countries combined; and
WHEREAS, the unintentional firearm related death rate for children 0-14 years old is nine times higher in the United States than in the other 25 countries combined; and
and remember please these figures are PER CAPITA!!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
never said that europe is perfect. that would be too nice. but at least we can't buy guns and other weapons in supermarkets. of course stupid people can get them illegally, but still there's less guns around than in the usa. and, coincidence, less killings.
I don't know the stats off the top of my head but if someone else has time to look them up it would be interesting to see the US breakdown of legal gun owners and violent crimes and illegal gun owners and violent crimes and compare it per capita to the UK. I have no idea how it would turn out. I agree that there if you eliminate the guns you will have less handgun murders. How has europes violent crime rate been sans guns? Are they finding more assaults with other weapons?
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
i'm not saying the US has a handle on the issue at all. I'm just saying that banning them won't change too much and the way most people present Europe on this board is that it's perfect over there b/c guns aren't there when in fact it isn't true.
Mark Knopfler had a great comment in his last tour program about a shooting in the UK and how the bastardization of America is taking over. So, yeah, when we know who makes the guns and sells them. I think people can comment about it anyway they seem fit. Starting with where they come from and the glory that goes into it. I sure wouldn't want to be discussing politics with some of you and have you be armed.
WHEREAS, the rate of firearm deaths among children 0-14 years old is nearly 12 times higher in the United States than in 25 other industrial countries combined; and
WHEREAS, the unintentional firearm related death rate for children 0-14 years old is nine times higher in the United States than in the other 25 countries combined; and
and remember please these figures are PER CAPITA!!!
good grief...i type out a question hoping that someone can look at per capita information and it's posted before i'm done The place the US needs to crack down is on the illegal gun owners. I dont' care if a law abiding citizen has a gun...hell i'll let them have a bazooka; besides, if he's not hurthing anyone with it, shouldn't he be able to do what he wants?. I want better enforcement of the gun laws on the books.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
in the last 10 years we have had 2000 deaths by shooting... on average 200 per year...
now in the US over 5000 kids under the age of 14 are killed every year by a handgun... thats not even counting those over 14 where the figures are much higher!!!
so we have 200 per year with a population of 60million
you have over 10,000 per year with a population of 300million
so you have 5 times the popluation of the UK but have 50 times the amount of gun deaths we have...... hmmmm .... the only difference between us... yip, we have a strict handgun policy
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Mark Knopfler had a great comment in his last tour program about a shooting in the UK and how the bastardization of America is taking over. So, yeah, when we know who makes the guns and sells them. I think people can comment about it anyway they seem fit. Starting with where they come from and the glory that goes into it. I sure wouldn't want to be discussing politics with some of you and have you be armed.
wanna go hunting and drinking sometime?... I know someone who can get us some birdshot
i agree that america, esp some sections of it, REALLY glorify the violence and that is truly sad...esp when it is by people who are looked up to. The redneck hunters don't bother me nearly as much as the rappers adn gang bangers who talk about poppin a cap in someones ass.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
How has europes violent crime rate been sans guns? Are they finding more assaults with other weapons?
physical assaults have risen... but 99% of assualts dont bring about a fatality! whereas if that person who had committed the assault had a gun, then there'd be alot more deaths!!!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
well you guys suck at golf... if only Tiger Woods had had a gun handy he could have shot all the Euro guys and the trophy would have been yours
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
physical assaults have risen... but 99% of assualts dont bring about a fatality! whereas if that person who had committed the assault had a gun, then there'd be alot more deaths!!!
i agree tha most assaults dont' end in fatalities. I won't argue that with an increase of illegal guns you'll have an increase in violence. I just think that legal gun ownership is fine. Do we punish the millions and millions of legal responsible gun owners for the actions of the illegal gun owners?
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
i agree tha most assaults dont' end in fatalities. I won't argue that with an increase of illegal guns you'll have an increase in violence. I just think that legal gun ownership is fine. Do we punish the millions and millions of legal responsible gun owners for the actions of the illegal gun owners?
WHEREAS, the unintentional firearm related death rate for children 0-14 years old is nine times higher in the United States than in the other 25 countries combined;
these deaths were kids shooting themselves, each other, by accident.... from LEGALLY held handguns... these kids died after they found their dads gun and blew their brother away or blew their own heads off...
now if you take away the 'right' to have a gun in the house, even legally, and make them all be kept in highly secure gun club lockers or something... then that would be a good start!
i had a slogan on here once... Gun control in the US, its worth a shot! ok, whimsy aside, surely making it really really difficult to have a gun is a good thing... lets try and eliminate the nutjobs and fuckheads from the equation!
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Wow, I now know why I no longer spend much time here, not one mention of the student who was shot, or perhaps showing any compassion for the family, the community etc which has been affected!
Anyway, breaking stuff here in CO, the guys name is Duane R. Morrison, 53 of Denver CO, went into Platte Canyon HS wearing a hodded sweatshirt and a black backpack. Entering an english classroom, gave a couple of demands (not clear at this time what they were) to the teacher of the class. When the teacher reportedly responded in a negative way, the gunman fired a shot and took the classroom hostage.
The school was evacuated with only the one class being left to the gunman. Authorities on scene entered the school immediatley and provided the gunman with only that one specific room, they didn't allow access to other parts of the school due to their entrance immediate policy (which is a result of Columbine). Upon arrival authorities noted some students leaving the classroom, all boys; there after, authorites found they were dealing with a gunman holding six highschool female students. No teachers, no boys, just six highschool girls. Authorites negotiated four of the six girls out of the room in the matter of a couple of hours, the gunman held two of the six until the end. The four girls who were let go earlier by the gunman were interviewd; it was found that these girls were all being sexually assaulted in the classroom by the gunman.
Anyway negtiations broke down, SWAT decides to go in, flash bangs, gunman fires at SWAT, fires at one student hits her in the head killing her, then kills himself. Authorites later found numerous sex toys in the backpack in which the gunman was carrying. No word yet on why this happend, there is a press confrence in about five minutes, I'll let you know if they figure a motive
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity but they've always worked for me." Gonzo
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
wanna go hunting and drinking sometime?... I know someone who can get us some birdshot
i agree that america, esp some sections of it, REALLY glorify the violence and that is truly sad...esp when it is by people who are looked up to. The redneck hunters don't bother me nearly as much as the rappers adn gang bangers who talk about poppin a cap in someones ass.
So for an out of the blue question that has nothing to do with the kids sanity who goes and shoots up a school. How accessible are guns to teenagers down there? Are they licenced to own it? Are their parents at fault for having them in the house and not looked after properly? Are their parents even there to care? Did these kids get raised by nannies and t.v.?
I have no problem with guns in general. But widdle, itty, bitty, hand guns do a lot of damage. Everybody is a tough guy with a gun in their belt. And I think that is what the UK people are getting at. Some societies are going down the shitter faster than others. And judging by the posts in this thread. I think I could take a guess at who leads that charge.
these deaths were kids shooting themselves, each other, by accident.... from LEGALLY held handguns... these kids died after they found their dads gun and blew their brother away or blew their own heads off...
now if you take away the 'right' to have a gun in the house, even legally, and make them all be kept in highly secure gun club lockers or something... then that would be a good start!
i had a slogan on here once... Gun control in the US, its worth a shot! ok, whimsy aside, surely making it really really difficult to have a gun is a good thing... lets try and eliminate the nutjobs and fuckheads from the equation!
darwinism at it's finest. J/k, i don't mean to make light of the situation b/c it is sad and very unfortunate. the parents need to be held accountable for this. The people that I know that own guns keep them locked up so this doesn't happen.
That wouldn't be bad, but, i think that wouldn't happen either.
i agree wholeheartedly. It should be difficult to get a gun, and it can be. But the nutjobs and fuckheads are definitely in the equation and that needs to change.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
well the gun is used to fire a projectile out of a barrel at a huge velocity and the aforementioned projectile enters the victims brain and kills them...
quite simple really
now if you try the above with a piece of dog shit on a stick... nobody dies... they just get messy.
Miller has a point - there are plenty of other weapons that could be used: Explosives, knives, etc.
yes, b/c outlawing guns will stop gun violence :rolleyes: ..http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/1440764.stm
no it's the persons fault for committing those actions. Why is it always someone elses fault...whatever happened to being crazy and to taking responsibility...oh that's right, we don't need responsibility
Everybody is talking about gun control. Got to control the guns. Fuck, that, I like guns. If you've got a gun, you don't need to work out! Cause, I ain't working out. I ain't jogging. No, I think we need some bullet control. I think every bullet should cost five thousand dollars. Five thousand dollars for a bullet. Know why? Cos if a bullet cost five thousand dollars, there'd be no more innocent by-standers. That'd be it. Some guy'd be shot you'd be all 'Damn, he must've done something, he's got fifty thousand dollars worth of bullets in his ass!' - chris rock
It's the same mentality behind those who view the actions of the insurgents in Iraq as the fault of the US.
i can see the view that the US gave incentive to those in Iraq and I can live with that, but I agree...each person has made the decision whether or not to participate in terrorism, suicide bombings. Just like this guy, there may be some reason he snapped, but he still made the decision to go to the school to shoot the people. The gun didn't talk to him and make him do it...he chose to do it,
how many died at Columbine High... 16 was it?
now imagine if those nutters had used a knive instead.. possibly 2 or 3 would have been killed, before the Football team guys fucking attacked them..
that's right, you have yearly killings by people using guns elsewhere.
never said it would stop the violence, but it would reduce it... 50-odd kids under the age of 11 get their faces blown off each week in the US
posting links like the ones above just makes me think you condone the killings and negligent use of handguns
i'm not saying the US has a handle on the issue at all. I'm just saying that banning them won't change too much and the way most people present Europe on this board is that it's perfect over there b/c guns aren't there when in fact it isn't true.
it may reduce it; but again, most people seem to say that it would eliminate the problems if we just got rid of guns.
the links above should make you realize that Europe has it's problems as well and that gun control won't END the gun violence. I in no way shape or form condone the killings and if you took that from that post you're reaching for something.
well thats the UK and these are very sporadic incidents..
since 1994 (and the tighter restrictions on guns after the Dunblane massacre) gun fatalities have halved
Number of deaths from firearms injury -
United Kingdom, 1994 to 2003
its not perfect but to put it into context...
from the us sherifs office own webiste
WHEREAS, the rate of firearm deaths among children 0-14 years old is nearly 12 times higher in the United States than in 25 other industrial countries combined; and
WHEREAS, the unintentional firearm related death rate for children 0-14 years old is nine times higher in the United States than in the other 25 countries combined; and
and remember please these figures are PER CAPITA!!!
I don't know the stats off the top of my head but if someone else has time to look them up it would be interesting to see the US breakdown of legal gun owners and violent crimes and illegal gun owners and violent crimes and compare it per capita to the UK. I have no idea how it would turn out. I agree that there if you eliminate the guns you will have less handgun murders. How has europes violent crime rate been sans guns? Are they finding more assaults with other weapons?
Mark Knopfler had a great comment in his last tour program about a shooting in the UK and how the bastardization of America is taking over. So, yeah, when we know who makes the guns and sells them. I think people can comment about it anyway they seem fit. Starting with where they come from and the glory that goes into it. I sure wouldn't want to be discussing politics with some of you and have you be armed.
good grief...i type out a question hoping that someone can look at per capita information and it's posted before i'm done
in the last 10 years we have had 2000 deaths by shooting... on average 200 per year...
now in the US over 5000 kids under the age of 14 are killed every year by a handgun... thats not even counting those over 14 where the figures are much higher!!!
so we have 200 per year with a population of 60million
you have over 10,000 per year with a population of 300million
so you have 5 times the popluation of the UK but have 50 times the amount of gun deaths we have...... hmmmm .... the only difference between us... yip, we have a strict handgun policy
wanna go hunting and drinking sometime?... I know someone who can get us some birdshot
i agree that america, esp some sections of it, REALLY glorify the violence and that is truly sad...esp when it is by people who are looked up to. The redneck hunters don't bother me nearly as much as the rappers adn gang bangers who talk about poppin a cap in someones ass.
physical assaults have risen... but 99% of assualts dont bring about a fatality! whereas if that person who had committed the assault had a gun, then there'd be alot more deaths!!!
well that and you guys suck at american football
well you guys suck at golf... if only Tiger Woods had had a gun handy he could have shot all the Euro guys and the trophy would have been yours
i agree tha most assaults dont' end in fatalities. I won't argue that with an increase of illegal guns you'll have an increase in violence. I just think that legal gun ownership is fine. Do we punish the millions and millions of legal responsible gun owners for the actions of the illegal gun owners?
we probably still wouldn't have won.
see this bit:-
these deaths were kids shooting themselves, each other, by accident.... from LEGALLY held handguns... these kids died after they found their dads gun and blew their brother away or blew their own heads off...
now if you take away the 'right' to have a gun in the house, even legally, and make them all be kept in highly secure gun club lockers or something... then that would be a good start!
i had a slogan on here once... Gun control in the US, its worth a shot!
Anyway, breaking stuff here in CO, the guys name is Duane R. Morrison, 53 of Denver CO, went into Platte Canyon HS wearing a hodded sweatshirt and a black backpack. Entering an english classroom, gave a couple of demands (not clear at this time what they were) to the teacher of the class. When the teacher reportedly responded in a negative way, the gunman fired a shot and took the classroom hostage.
The school was evacuated with only the one class being left to the gunman. Authorities on scene entered the school immediatley and provided the gunman with only that one specific room, they didn't allow access to other parts of the school due to their entrance immediate policy (which is a result of Columbine). Upon arrival authorities noted some students leaving the classroom, all boys; there after, authorites found they were dealing with a gunman holding six highschool female students. No teachers, no boys, just six highschool girls. Authorites negotiated four of the six girls out of the room in the matter of a couple of hours, the gunman held two of the six until the end. The four girls who were let go earlier by the gunman were interviewd; it was found that these girls were all being sexually assaulted in the classroom by the gunman.
Anyway negtiations broke down, SWAT decides to go in, flash bangs, gunman fires at SWAT, fires at one student hits her in the head killing her, then kills himself. Authorites later found numerous sex toys in the backpack in which the gunman was carrying. No word yet on why this happend, there is a press confrence in about five minutes, I'll let you know if they figure a motive
'If my fuckin' ex-wife told me to take care of her dog while her and her new boyfriend went to Honolulu, I'd tell her to go fuck herself." -The Dude
Whisky Drinker, Non-Hunter from Denver.
So for an out of the blue question that has nothing to do with the kids sanity who goes and shoots up a school. How accessible are guns to teenagers down there? Are they licenced to own it? Are their parents at fault for having them in the house and not looked after properly? Are their parents even there to care? Did these kids get raised by nannies and t.v.?
I have no problem with guns in general. But widdle, itty, bitty, hand guns do a lot of damage. Everybody is a tough guy with a gun in their belt. And I think that is what the UK people are getting at. Some societies are going down the shitter faster than others. And judging by the posts in this thread. I think I could take a guess at who leads that charge.
darwinism at it's finest. J/k, i don't mean to make light of the situation b/c it is sad and very unfortunate. the parents need to be held accountable for this. The people that I know that own guns keep them locked up so this doesn't happen.
That wouldn't be bad, but, i think that wouldn't happen either.
i agree wholeheartedly. It should be difficult to get a gun, and it can be. But the nutjobs and fuckheads are definitely in the equation and that needs to change.