Texas Requires Cancer Shots For Girls



  • ive read more books than you've probably ever seen. the difference is i didnt get mine from the "paranoid oppressed pothead" section of the bookstore. im no pseudo-intellectual, im a man of common sense. and common sense says girls being vaccinated to prevent cancer is a good thing. i suppose you have plenty of sources to back up the fact that every vaccine ever created was a bad idea and has lead to AIDS? cos ive got about 600 medical journals and texts that say vaccines are a pretty good thing.

    i took criminal law last semester. im well aware of what conspiracy is. but you're telling me (with no evidence) that every single doctor of the last 100 years was in one gigantic conspiracy involving thousands of people who lied to the world about vaccines being good for you and not one word of this giant conspiracy has ever leaked. someone woulda talked buddy. oh, right... the CIA came and kidnapped every doctor who tried to speak to the public about it! and they're all on an island keeping elvis and john wayne cryogenically frozen!

    yesterday, i was arguing that marijuana should be legalized. but you're making me rethink that stance and really giving some credence to the people who say we shouldn't do it.

    i dont think i know more than you. i know i do.

    SNAP! Thanx..some common sense around here....and like you said..people like JamMastaE are a prime example of why we should probably never legalize pot...brain the size of a pea can't stand too much more damage...

    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
    - Benjamin Franklin

    If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
    -Will Rogers
  • JamMastaE wrote:
    i hate to diss people on this board but....anyone who thinks forced inoculation is a good thing should get the fuck out of this country and move to fucking china you boot licking,slave mentality,ignorant ass lemming,sheeple mutha fuckers.try doing some fucking research into vaccines and how they have been linked to aids virus(man made),cancer virus, etc.
    not to mention how autism has exploded thanks to thimerosal,don't know what that is?i suggest you look it up as well as the 4th amendment of the constitution.

    yeah ...the man is just trying to keep you down...you are a prime candidate for forced sterilization...not vaccination....

    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
    - Benjamin Franklin

    If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
    -Will Rogers
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    sponger wrote:
    It seems only recently that this vaccine was approved for distribution to the public. Maybe I'm wrong on that. At any rate, I'd be weary of potential unknown side effects.

    sponger, nothing scientific or anything, but the vaccine was discovered here in Australia, (before our govenment sold it off to the highest bidder but that's a whole other debate) ANYWAY, the guy that discovered it and worked on bringing it to the manufacture stage actually has been testing it here on women for at least the whole of the 00's. And I know several women who were involved in the testing. And they are showing no side effects at this stage. He is a pretty cool guy actually. The inventor that is. Was Australian of the Year too I think. Very dedicated to erradicating cervical cancer and eminent in his field. Always very nice to talk to around the hospital that I worked at. I know that's practically nothing to go on and I'm not sure where I stand on vaccinations in general but I will say that I worked in women's health for 13years and I have seen the ramifications of not having regular pap tests and how hideous the outcomes can be for women. And when you consider that cervical cancer is almost totally preventable I have to say the vaccine is a very good thing. But I do understand your concerns about future side effects and I doubt I'd be happy if my government mandated compulsory vaccination. EDUCATION is the key here I think. People need quality information and then they can make informed decisions. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    El_Kabong wrote:
    i guess it depends on what state you live in


    for instance the state i live in requires:

    Maintain evidence of regular instruction including a record of subjects taught, activities in which the student and parent engage, a portfolio of the child’s work...


    Participate in the annual statewide testing program and the Basic Skills Assessment Program

    doesn't seem like a parent could get away teaching them nothing. you live in texas, right? they don't have any criteria so i can see how it could happen there and that would be a fault of the state

    Never been to Texas actually. The state i live in, according to that map, isn't one of the no regulation states, but it is one of the low regulation states. If you ask me, high regulation is the way to go. Unfortunately it looks like the majority of the country is slim to none on state regulation which is absolutely ridiculous.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • SNAP! Thanx..some common sense around here....and like you said..people like JamMastaE are a prime example of why we should probably never legalize pot...brain the size of a pea can't stand too much more damage...

    the only pea brains are you assholes who "think" you are so smart,but the reality is your morons.but thats my fault for trying to shed some light on the BLIND.

    Now home schooling is bad!?! what a bunch of fucking Nazis you all are!(home schoolers are always much smarter than your dumbed down public school children)anyone who welcomes the state to over see their lives should move to China.fuckn sheep.

    if there is anyone left with half a brain around here,peep this.


    oh,and if you wanna ban me for name calling,you should ban them too.only fair.
    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • yeah ...the man is just trying to keep you down...you are a prime candidate for forced sterilization...not vaccination....

    pearl jam is staying away from the south because of people like you.
    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    JamMastaE wrote:
    pearl jam is staying away from the south because of people like you.

    and mike quit doing drugs cos he was tired of sounding like you.
  • 1970RR1970RR Posts: 281
    who would they communicate with? they wouldnt see anyone besides their parents and family becos everyone else would be in school. anyone i know who is home schooled is socially dysfunctional and weird. you isolate the kid and they never learn how to play with others.

    by out-left i think he means people like jammasta. to an extent the no-schooling thing is equally as far out as he is... it's a conviction that anything done by the government is some evil plot by the ultra-elite attempting to rule the world. schools are to brainwash kids and teach them their place, vaccinations are to give them diseases, etc etc. yes, our current school system is horribly distorted, ineffective, and inefficient... but when people with solid points like that add in some heated, fringe rhetoric about it being mind control, it costs the entire movement credibility.
    You must not know many home-schooled kids.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    1970RR wrote:
    You must not know many home-schooled kids.

    not a whole lot. cos they're all locked in their house watching the other kids play. shit, i felt this effect just going to a catholic school. i didnt know anyone in my town aside form my catholic school friends... the only time i got to meet them was on sports teams and to them i was always the new kid.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    JamMastaE wrote:
    the only pea brains are you assholes who "think" you are so smart,but the reality is your morons.but thats my fault for trying to shed some light on the BLIND.

    Now home schooling is bad!?! what a bunch of fucking Nazis you all are!(home schoolers are always much smarter than your dumbed down public school children)anyone who welcomes the state to over see their lives should move to China.fuckn sheep.

    if there is anyone left with half a brain around here,peep this.


    oh,and if you wanna ban me for name calling,you should ban them too.only fair.

    Wow, nice rant. As for home schooling, if you think that every home schooled kid is smarter than every publicly schooled kid, then you do indeed have a pea-sized brain.

    Both can be very effective and both have their pros and cons.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • 1970RR1970RR Posts: 281
    cornnifer wrote:
    The problem with homeschooling, as i see it is that it goes completely unchecked. There is absolutely no way the state (at least, where i live) checks to ensure that homeschooled children are actually being taught anything at all! i see that as a problem. It is true that generally speaking homeschooled children do well academically, i have known personally homeschool parents who, literally do nothing! On top of that, there is no set of credentials that need to be met. None. Many homeschool parents i have met are IMO completely unqualified, and it is a diservice to those children. i would go as far as to call it a form of neglect. i have no problem with people who choose to homeschool, as long as they are qualified, dedicated, and, yes, periodically checked and evaluated by the state for such things as reading and math.
    You are, to a degree correct about fundamentalists, being a Christian i have met some that will go as far as condemn me for NOT homeschooling. Pisses me off, really. Whats more is the public schoolls allow homeschool kids to come to school for extracurriculars such as band, or tp play on the sports teams, and thesed individuals who condemn public schools use EVERY one of these opprotunities they can. (i know of a woman, who took her homeschooled daughter to the public school for strings, and demanded to know what kind of homosexual agenda they would be pushing on her daughter! At freaking violin class)!

    Edit: i wanted also to mention that i have seen first hand, instances of how SOME homeschooled children suffer socially. Sure missing out on some of the Breakfast Club type crap can arguably be a benefit of homeschooling, but, i have seen instances of homeschool children who are extremely awkward with no social skills. Absolutely no idea how to interact with other children. Homeschool parents need to take extra measures to ensure their children learn social skills and experience quality interaction with a diverse pool of other children, and that doesn't always happen.
    Are you sure that the homeschool parents you saw did "absolutely nothing"? I find it hard to believe that anyone would choose to homeschool and then do nothing but allow their kid to sit around and scratch themselves. Perhaps it just appears that way to you since you are familiar w/ the public school setting and dont see any alternative methods. Many homeschoolers choose not to "school at home" with their kids. This may look to an outsider like they are not doing anything, but in reality the children themselves are choosing books to read, making maps, doing experiments in their kitchens, observing nature, volunteering, etc... They are learning based on their need to know something, rather than some beaurocratic imposed time table of when you should learn what.

    As for access to extracurricular activities, homeschool parents pay the exact same taxes that those in public school pay and receive far less "sevices" for their money. They are certainly entitled to access these functions and activities.

    Finally, I disagree with your suggestion that today's youth need the government to "socialize" them in public schools. Humans have been able to socialize long before public schools came along.
  • cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    1970RR wrote:
    Are you sure that the homeschool parents you saw did "absolutely nothing"? I find it hard to believe that anyone would choose to homeschool and then do nothing but allow their kid to sit around and scratch themselves. Perhaps it just appears that way to you since you are familiar w/ the public school setting and dont see any alternative methods. Many homeschoolers choose not to "school at home" with their kids. This may look to an outsider like they are not doing anything, but in reality the children themselves are choosing books to read, making maps, doing experiments in their kitchens, observing nature, volunteering, etc... They are learning based on their need to know something, rather than some beaurocratic imposed time table of when you should learn what.

    As for access to extracurricular activities, homeschool parents pay the exact same taxes that those in public school pay and receive far less "sevices" for their money. They are certainly entitled to access these functions and activities.

    Finally, I disagree with your suggestion that today's youth need the government to "socialize" them in public schools. Humans have been able to socialize long before public schools came along.
    Someone please point to me where i said homeschooling was an unacceptable option! The examples i gave are from people i actually know. Some of which, dumber than a bag of hair who decided to homeschool their children and the state says "fine" and doesn't even periodically check up on the kids! This is the issue i have. Like i already said, and shouldn't have to say again, i have absolutely no problem with people who homeschool as long as they are dedicated, and qualified with periodical state check-up and evaluation. I also said that homeschooled children, generally do very well. SHEESH. Try reading.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    cornnifer wrote:
    Someone please point to me where i said homeschooling was an unacceptable option! The examples i gave are from people i actually know. Some of which, dumber than a bag of hair who decided to homeschool their children and the state says "fine" and doesn't even periodically check up on the kids! This is the issue i have. Like i already said, and shouldn't have to say again, i have absolutely no problem with people who homeschool as long as they are dedicated, and qualified with periodical state check-up and evaluation. I also said that homeschooled children, generally do very well. SHEESH. Try reading.

    im starting to wonder though if it really matters if kids learn anything. maybe we should leave schools for people who appreciate them and let those who don't care to learn work menial jobs.
  • hsewifhsewif Posts: 444

    GARDASIL is the only vaccine that may help guard against diseases that are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) Types 6, 11, 16, and 18


    -HPV types 6 and 11 cause most visible genital warts. They are spread easily from person to person. However, they are rarely associated with the development of cervical cancer in women.
    -HPV types 16, 18, 31, 33, and 35 are strongly associated with precancerous and cancerous changes of the cervix. Nearly all cervical cancer tumors contain one of these types, which are sometimes called high-risk types. However, many women may be infected with high-risk types of HPV but never develop precancerous changes or cancer.

    So the vaccine protects against 6,11,16 and 18.

    6 and 11 are rarely cancerous, more of a disgusting nuisance. 16 and 18 are covered by the vaccine but what about 31, 33 and 35? If you've already been exposed to any of these and have no symptoms, the vaccine won't protect you, either.

    Texas has made this a mandatory thing for low income people? That almost makes them guinea pigs in my eyes. This drug is too new and too unknown...they aren't even sure how long the vaccine lasts.

    Let's not forget that if something goes horribly wrong 10 years from now, you can't sue the drug company! Well - you can but your compensation is limited to 250,000.00.

    Ever hear of DES? A drug that was commonly prescribed from 1941-1971? Google the phrase "DES babies" and see what comes up. A nice example of a miracle drug that wasn't. Along with lots of others since then.

    "Those were the days of miracle drugs, penicillin and the whole broad spectrum of antibiotics," Pat Cody says. DES "fit the pattern. We were very ready to accept it, believe me, and nobody ever thought about long-term effects."

  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    hsewif wrote:
    Let's not forget that if something goes horribly wrong 10 years from now, you can't sue the drug company! Well - you can but your compensation is limited to 250,000.00.

    that's a misrepresentation. you can still sue them for anything you want. but they have said up a kind of "no contest" suit where you can get your $250k pretty much without question. if that isn't enough to satisfy you, you can still sue the company, but you're going to be up against their reserve of some of the best tort attorneys in the world.

    things have changed since the days of DES. it woke a lot of people up and testing is much more stringent today. there are bound to be side effects from any sort of vaccination. hell, tetanus boosters can kill people.

    this is not "mandatory for low income people"... your emotional rhetoric is a thinly veiled attempt to liken this to eugenics or something. it is part of the standard inoculation program for texas schools... meaning it is administered to all children REGARDLESS of income. furthermore, it is not mandatory. families are free to say no if they are not comfortable with the process.

    also, your "facts" are hugely misleading. they use unqualified quantifications to taint the research here. how rarely are 16 and 18 associated with cancer? is 20% rare? 2%? give us the numbers and we'll make the judgment call. "many" women never develop symptoms? 200,000 could be many women, but if that's still only 3% of those infected who never become cancerous, that means that even though many dont, most do by a landslide.
  • hsewifhsewif Posts: 444
    that's a misrepresentation. you can still sue them for anything you want. but they have said up a kind of "no contest" suit where you can get your $250k pretty much without question. if that isn't enough to satisfy you, you can still sue the company, but you're going to be up against their reserve of some of the best tort attorneys in the world.
    Thanks for clearing that up. You're the lawyer, not me! It's still a shitty deal. but...I wonder how successful a suit would be in a situation like this? Where the government has made you do something...you're not just taking a pill on your own free will.
    things have changed since the days of DES. it woke a lot of people up and testing is much more stringent today.
    is it really? Vioxx was introduced in 1999 and yanked in...2004?
    this is not "mandatory for low income people"... your emotional rhetoric is a thinly veiled attempt to liken this to eugenics or something. it is part of the standard inoculation program for texas schools... meaning it is administered to all children REGARDLESS of income. furthermore, it is not mandatory. families are free to say no if they are not comfortable with the process.
    Yes, caught that after the fact. It's mandatory for everyone and free for low income. You can opt out for religious reasons and those are hard to fake. You must present your arguement before the school board and you can't say "I just don't want it". believe me, I tried when they made the Chickenpox vaccine mandatory. although....this vaccine might be different because people can tie in religion and abstinance only...
    also, your "facts" are hugely misleading. they use unqualified quantifications to taint the research here. how rarely are 16 and 18 associated with cancer? is 20% rare? 2%? give us the numbers and we'll make the judgment call. "many" women never develop symptoms? 200,000 could be many women, but if that's still only 3% of those infected who never become cancerous, that means that even though many dont, most do by a landslide.
    I posted 2 sites...one of them is the website for the vaccine itself. There are lots of facts and figures out there and I've done research. This vaccine is not for me or my daughter and I don't think it should be mandatory.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    hsewif wrote:
    I posted 2 sites...one of them is the website for the vaccine itself. There are lots of facts and figures out there and I've done research. This vaccine is not for me or my daughter and I don't think it should be mandatory.

    then you say no thanks.
  • this vaccine is not safe,listen to this 16 min clip.

    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • ReleasHReleasH Posts: 743
    HPV strains 16 and 18 are highly associated with cervical cancer. These two strains are responsible for approximately 70% of cervical cancers. There are other strains (HPV 31 for example) that are responsible for a much smaller percentage of cervical cancers. There is a another HPV vaccine in development that covers more strains but it has not completed the FDA approval process.

    The FDA has overhauled its approval process to become more stringent on approval of drugs and vaccines. Unfortunately it is not perfect (like most government agencies), but it is better than unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies being able to put out any drugs/vaccines without testing or regulation.
  • ReleasHReleasH Posts: 743
    JamMastaE wrote:
    the only pea brains are you assholes who "think" you are so smart,but the reality is your morons.but thats my fault for trying to shed some light on the BLIND.

    So I'm a moron because I don't share the same opinions as you? Because I choose to do research on a subject using unbiased scientific resources; because I evaluated those resources and came to a logical conclusion?? By that logic then you are also a moron.

    Just like you, all I have been trying to do is shed some light on the "BLIND". I am just coming at it from the other side of the issue. At least I have the respect not to belittle someone just because their opinion is different than mine.
  • ReleasH wrote:
    JamMastaE wrote:
    the only pea brains are you assholes who "think" you are so smart,but the reality is your morons.but thats my fault for trying to shed some light on the BLIND.

    So I'm a moron because I don't share the same opinions as you? Because I choose to do research on a subject using unbiased scientific resources; because I evaluated those resources and came to a logical conclusion?? By that logic then you are also a moron.

    Just like you, all I have been trying to do is shed some light on the "BLIND". I am just coming at it from the other side of the issue. At least I have the respect not to belittle someone just because their opinion is different than mine.

    "I choose to do research on a subject"

    what did you use for research material to form your opinion??

    "unbiased scientific resources"????

    where/who??? show me these unbiased scientific resources!!!
    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    JamMastaE wrote:
    ReleasH wrote:

    "I choose to do research on a subject"

    what did you use for research material to form your opinion??

    "unbiased scientific resources"????

    where/who??? show me these unbiased scientific resources!!!

    wh should she? you refuse to ever show sources for any of your material.
  • JamMastaE wrote:

    wh should she? you refuse to ever show sources for any of your material.

    i was asking for the material. numb-nuts
    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • ReleasHReleasH Posts: 743
    Here are just a couple of my scientific resources: You can go to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?DB=pubmed and search HPV vaccine

    Lai Ch et al. Human papillomavirus genotype in cervical cancer: A population-based study. International Journal of Cancer. 2007 Jan 31

    The American Cancer Society http://www.cancer.org/docroot/CRI/content/CRI_2_6x_FAQ_HPV_Vaccines.asp

    Villa et al. Immunologic responses following administration of a vaccine targeting human papillomavirus Types 6, 11, 16, and 18.
    Vaccine. 2006 Jul 7;24(27-28):5571-83.

    Harper et al. Sustained efficacy up to 4.5 years of a bivalent L1 virus-like particle vaccine against human papillomavirus types 16 and 18: follow-up from a randomised control trial.
    Lancet. 2006 Apr 15;367(9518):1247-55.

    Additionally, I learned all about the pathogenesis (how HPV causes cancer) in my education to become what you call a "pseudo-intellectual".
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    JamMastaE wrote:

    i was asking for the material. numb-nuts

    and im asking for YOUR material. in other words... for the 7th time... who is John Scudamore? do you have the guts to answer, "numb nuts"?
  • How about the government justifying it's own morality and requiring all 11 and 12 year old girls and boys to take a tobacco vaccine.

    Only thing is, they can't tax cancer patients. Ohhh those silly technicalities.
    "Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"

    "What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."

    Camden 5-28-06
    Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
  • ReleasHReleasH Posts: 743
    How about the government justifying it's own morality and requiring all 11 and 12 year old girls and boys to take a tobacco vaccine.

    Only thing is, they can't tax cancer patients. Ohhh those silly technicalities.

    If anyone is stupid enough to smoke in the face of mountains of data that smoking substantially increases your risk for lung cancer and many other cancers, then that is their choice (and again, natural selection). I'm not advocating for the government to eliminate all free choice, if you want to smoke, go ahead.

    Unless you never ever have sex, both men and women will be exposed to HPV. That is the point of the vaccine ... to prevent a preventable cancer!
  • JamMastaE wrote:

    and im asking for YOUR material. in other words... for the 7th time... who is John Scudamore? do you have the guts to answer, "numb nuts"?

    he's just a guy who put the links together,calm down scooby.
    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • ReleasH wrote:
    If anyone is stupid enough to smoke in the face of mountains of data that smoking substantially increases your risk for lung cancer and many other cancers, then that is their choice (and again, natural selection). I'm not advocating for the government to eliminate all free choice, if you want to smoke, go ahead.

    Unless you never ever have sex, both men and women will be exposed to HPV. That is the point of the vaccine ... to prevent a preventable cancer!

    it effect 9000 out of 150,000,000 women a year,so drug them all?

    all you need is a regular pap smear and you can detect and safely treat without vaccine.

    long term effects are unknown at this time.like being a guinea pig?

    if you trust gov. supplied information that is furnished by the drug company itself,then that's your right.if you wanna inject this poison(this vaccine contains aluminum which is linked to Alzheimer's disease)into your daughter,it's your right.

    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
  • does anybody remember the 4th FUCKING AMENDMENT!!!
    "In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot". Mark Twain

    "I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
    Emiliano Zapata
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