we were attacked on Clinton's watch also. dont play that game
you still havent responded to anyone's rebuttals RE american ignorance. given that the avg US news stations spends more time covering sports, celebrity gossip, and natalie holloway and anything else, how can you claim the rest of the world is ignorant about american issues. do you know anything about what's going on outside the chicago white sox choking and the dems being wussy terrorist/fag lovers? also, if you dont think we have more important issues than terrorism, we're in serious trouble. they got lucky. simple as that. 9/11 would have happened no matter who was in office, and won't happen again regardless of who is in office.
kieth olberman special comment on this ad on in 2 minutes on msnbc (west coast at least) i cant wait to hear his take.... i bet he needs anger manegement as well.......................
kieth olberman special comment on this ad on in 2 minutes on msnbc (west coast at least) i cant wait to hear his take.... i bet he needs anger manegement as well.......................
No, he simply needs a brain, new writers, and a little less bias. I doubt he touches you in the anger area. Few do. But dont worry, there's always a place for the angry young man.
No, he simply needs a brain, new writers, and a little less bias. I doubt he touches you in the anger area. Few do. But dont worry, there's always a place for the angry young man.
i was pretty angry after 9/11 as well. something about terrorism. just a pet peeve i guess. i don't care if it is osama or the GOP doing the terrorizing, i just gets under my skin, i know it shouldn't, i know trivial matters such as war, and terrorism should just roll off my back, it must be nice to be you, so ambivalent, so indifferent, so apathetic. you must only get angry when two people of the same sex love each other, you know, the important stuff.
i was pretty angry after 9/11 as well. something about terrorism. just a pet peeve i guess. i don't care if it is osama or the GOP doing the terrorizing, i just gets under my skin, i know it shouldn't, i know trivial matters such as war, and terrorism should just roll off my back, it must be nice to be you, so ambivalent, so indifferent, so apathetic. you must only get angry when two people of the same sex love each other, you know, the important stuff.
Same sex love burns my biscuit so bad that I think I feel the need to make a thread chock full of idiotic rantings that can get locked instantly. You got me pegged robbie. Don't worry, you and your girlfriend are safe from my anger.
One man's terrorising is another man's grasp of real threats facing him.
You say war rolls off my back, yet you dismiss the very real threat we face like its playground antics. Must be nice to live in the fantasy world your liberally diseased mind has created for you. Have a nice day.
Same sex love burns my biscuit so bad that I think I feel the need to make a thread chock full of idiotic rantings that can get locked instantly. You got me pegged robbie. Don't worry, you and your girlfriend are safe from my anger.
One man's terrorising is another man's grasp of real threats facing him.
You say war rolls off my back, yet you dismiss the very real threat we face like its playground antics. Must be nice to live in the fantasy world your liberally diseased mind has created for you. Have a nice day.
locked instantly??? it took almost a whole 4 minutes.
what is the purpose of terrorism if not to get you way, and achieve your objectives through terrorising and scaring people? This new ad to hit cable tv on sunday is the lowest most insulting terrorist tactic i have ever seen. FUCK YOU!!!!!! if the american people fall for this bullshit I HOPE we are nuked into oblivion!!!!!!!! i dare ANYONE to defend this terrorist garbage. the GOP are fucking cunts. i hope whoever made this ad and approved it to run is dragged into a pit, raped, tortured, and fed their own shit until they die a horrific painful death. GODDAMN IT i am angry at this bullshit. they are LOWER than osama, lower than saddam. scare the american people in a pathetic attempt to keep your sick power. fuck you GOP and if this works.. FUCK YOU AMERICAN PUBLIC you fucking withering cowards.
out of control is a gross understatment. lets revisit how truly disgusting an individual he really is. class act robbie, class act.
i think the most disturbing thing in this post is the fact that you felt compelled to copy and save it. was it that important to you?
anyway, i agree with robbie. this ad is pretty low. more importantly, americans are hopelessly stupid and this country is basically fucked. my goal over the next 50 years is to make as much $ as i can and bail before this ship goes down in flames.
i think the most disturbing thing in this post is the fact that you felt compelled to copy and save it. was it that important to you?
anyway, i agree with robbie. this ad is pretty low. more importantly, americans are hopelessly stupid and this country is basically fucked. my goal over the next 50 years is to make as much $ as i can and bail before this ship goes down in flames.
its on page 2 genius. it was locked not deleted. i dont save filth like that. please feel free to get the fuck out of the country at any time. sooner the better, you never know when things will get worse. just go.
Originally Posted by robbie
FUCK YOU GOP you terrorist fucks!!!!!
what is the purpose of terrorism if not to get you way, and achieve your objectives through terrorising and scaring people? This new ad to hit cable tv on sunday is the lowest most insulting terrorist tactic i have ever seen. FUCK YOU!!!!!! if the american people fall for this bullshit I HOPE we are nuked into oblivion!!!!!!!! i dare ANYONE to defend this terrorist garbage. the GOP are fucking cunts. i hope whoever made this ad and approved it to run is dragged into a pit, raped, tortured, and fed their own shit until they die a horrific painful death. GODDAMN IT i am angry at this bullshit. they are LOWER than osama, lower than saddam. scare the american people in a pathetic attempt to keep your sick power. fuck you GOP and if this works.. FUCK YOU AMERICAN PUBLIC you fucking withering cowards.
i think the most disturbing thing in this post is the fact that you felt compelled to copy and save it. was it that important to you?
anyway, i agree with robbie. this ad is pretty low. more importantly, americans are hopelessly stupid and this country is basically fucked. my goal over the next 50 years is to make as much $ as i can and bail before this ship goes down in flames.
OF course you'd choose to ignore the hate filled post he quoted, and focus on the fact he quoted it. Robbie's a liberal, and so are you. Not to big on personaly responsibility, as we well know. And calling americans hopeless stupid, puts you on par with the rest of the liberally diseased brain dead USA bashers in here.
OF course you'd choose to ignore the hate filled post he quoted, and focus on the fact he quoted it. Robbie's a liberal, and so are you. Not to big on personaly responsibility, as we well know. And calling americans hopeless stupid, puts you on par with the rest of the liberally diseased brain dead USA bashers in here.
I find it amusing the dumbest people on earth form the world's lone superpower. And to add icing to this beautiful cake, the dumbest man in the world runs it.
Do liberals ever piece the dots, or just start talking?
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
its on page 2 genius. it was locked not deleted. i dont save filth like that. please feel free to get the fuck out of the country at any time. sooner the better, you never know when things will get worse. just go.
oh, dont worry, im not afraid of things getting worse. this place is perfectly safe. im not afraid of osama or mean muslim men coming in the night. im more afraid of the dumbasses who continue to think jerry falwell has good social policies, saddam hussein was an imminent threat to us and the world, and george bush is doing a bangup job. i plan to rob those idiots blind and then take my money to canada or sweden or ireland or some country that has the good sense to spend more energy and time and money focusing on solving its problems than it does on sticking its nose into everyone else's and buidling bombs and jails.
OF course you'd choose to ignore the hate filled post he quoted, and focus on the fact he quoted it. Robbie's a liberal, and so are you. Not to big on personaly responsibility, as we well know. And calling americans hopeless stupid, puts you on par with the rest of the liberally diseased brain dead USA bashers in here.
no, robbie was pissed and flew off the handle. poor delivery, spot on sentiment.
You're both a bit on the wacky side.
Debate the issues with me instead of debating preconceptions you have about me. If you can nail me to the wall on an issue than that statement may hold water...
I hold nothing but high reguard for you though LikeAnOcean I admire one's ability to take an issue, decide where the majority stands, then agree with it.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
i plan to rob those idiots blind and then take my money to canada or sweden or ireland or some country that has the good sense to spend more energy and time and money focusing on solving its problems than it does on sticking its nose into everyone else's and buidling bombs and jails.
great plan. like i said, sooner the better. we wont miss you
OF course you'd choose to ignore the hate filled post he quoted, and focus on the fact he quoted it. Robbie's a liberal, and so are you. Not to big on personaly responsibility, as we well know. And calling americans hopeless stupid, puts you on par with the rest of the liberally diseased brain dead USA bashers in here.
do tell more.
and since i'm on a spelling roll: Not to big on personaly responsibility....see anything wrong with this?
u know for a conserve, you aren't all that bad......why? because you seem to have some practical sense.....
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Debate the issues with me instead of debating preconceptions you have about me. If you can nail me to the wall on an issue than that statement may hold water...
I hold nothing but high reguard for you though LikeAnOcean I admire one's ability to take an issue, decide where the majority stands, then agree with it.
So if I'm pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro-guns, non-religious, fiscal conservative, anti-war (in general, not always),.. what does that make me??? I don't follow poles and decide. I decide for myself. Not what my mommy and daddy brainwashed me to be like.
insulted by being bullied by statements like republicans saying vote for us or suffer a bigger attack than 9/11? but you're ok with the exact same tactic by the dems, who say vote for us or more terrorists will be created? that's not a scare tactic? are we supposed to believe that "more terrorists" won't attack us. that's what terrorists do: attack. and if there are more of them, logic demands that there would be more attacks.
reps say vote for us or more attacks will follow.
dems say vote for us or more attacks will follow.
the only difference is that the hate for bush makes you (in the general sense of the word) criticize one side but not the other. if you stepped back, you'd see that they are both playing your fear of future attack...
american news is propaganda fed to us as news. exactly, and most of it is liberal liberal liberal!! there is one channel you can say isn't. fox. so be it. cnn is liberal enough to cover three fox's right by itself. keith olberman is an opinion machine, with as much venom and hatred in his monologues as bill o'reilly.
the only difference is that the hate for bush makes you criticize one side but not the other. if you stepped back, you'd see that they are both propagandists. hate oreilly cuz he's with bush. love olberman cuz he's against bush. and vice versa.
so many things in this thread....the overriding thing for me is how the left gets a pass, but the right need to be killed. they're doing exactly the same things. it's just that you (in the i'm referring to the thread starter sense of the word) agree with the liberals...
So if I'm pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro-guns, anti-war,.. what does that make me? I don't follow poles and decide. I decide for myself. Not what my mommy and daddy brainwashed me to be like.
My mommy and daddy are liberals. On top of that I grew up in public schools and went to college. I'm actually one of the lucky ones...
Pro-choice - Liberal
Pro-death - Conservative
Pro-guns - Conservative
Anti-war - Liberal
If you're wanting to know where the polls stand on those four issues that's where you stand. You're exactly 50% stupid based on the facts I've gathered.
Haha I'm just kidding. I like you, I have to talk to you sometimes on the Porch. I like it better there anyway. Like Teddy Kennedy crossing a bridge at Chapaquitic, this forum just makes me lose my mind sometimes.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
So if I'm pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro-guns, non-religious, fiscal conservative, anti-war (in general, not always),.. what does that make me??? I don't follow poles and decide. I decide for myself. Not what my mommy and daddy brainwashed me to be like.
it's polls, not poles......what if you are gonna vote no on every spending initiative on the ballot? what if you vote against every measure that "officiated" commerce supports? what does that make a person? i been wondering this one for a couple of dayz or so...
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
OF course you'd choose to ignore the hate filled post he quoted, and focus on the fact he quoted it. Robbie's a liberal, and so are you. Not to big on personaly responsibility, as we well know. And calling americans hopeless stupid, puts you on par with the rest of the liberally diseased brain dead USA bashers in here.
as for my hate filled post... and moreover toward personal responsibility i ask you to check out page 9 post 133 of this thread. and while we are talking about personal responsibility, know this. every person murdered, every child raped, every human right violated, every measure of our bill of rights abolished, every harm to our environment, every terrorist created to due the irresponsibility of your dear leader is directly your fault. there is no escaping this fact. this administration represents YOU, they act on your behalf, you helped to put these animals into power, and every atrocity they commit, you also commit. they do it on you behalf, by your bidding. it is your fault these things take place, and while you act bewildered as to why anyone would be upset by these actions, and while you swallow down every turd that slides out of you dear leaders mouth, you are an accessory to his crimes. why would you act as if other people should get out of YOUR country. you hate your country. you have shamed your country. you have gladly accepted the destruction of everything this country is supposed to stand for, everything hundreds of thousands of soldiers have given their lives for because you are so afraid, so cowardly, that you would sooner abandon all freedom, all dignity so that you can feel less afraid. you make fun of liberals because they cherish human rights and liberty, and bravery. what is it besides military might you are proud of? what is it about YOUR country you hold so dear that you wish those of us who stand up for its ideals gone? i have taken responsibility for my post, i have apologized and stated clearly why i believe i was wrong in making it, now you take responsibility for your actions. there are a lot of people dead, raped, tortured, and stripped of their human rights because of you. i realise these things are not as important as someone posting an irrational thread in anger, and apologizing for it, but i took responsibility, can you?
it's polls, not poles......what if you are gonna vote no on every spending initiative on the ballot? what if you vote against every measure that "officiated" commerce supports? what does that make a person? i been wondering this one for a couple of dayz or so...
Thank you spell check!.. I think what I'm trying to say is, there's no black and white in politics. You can make yourself believe there is.. nothing wrong with being strickly a conservative, or strickly liberal.. I just think the name calling is stupid. Mr. Liberal is no better a person than Mr. Conservative.
you still havent responded to anyone's rebuttals RE american ignorance. given that the avg US news stations spends more time covering sports, celebrity gossip, and natalie holloway and anything else, how can you claim the rest of the world is ignorant about american issues. do you know anything about what's going on outside the chicago white sox choking and the dems being wussy terrorist/fag lovers? also, if you dont think we have more important issues than terrorism, we're in serious trouble. they got lucky. simple as that. 9/11 would have happened no matter who was in office, and won't happen again regardless of who is in office.
No, he simply needs a brain, new writers, and a little less bias. I doubt he touches you in the anger area. Few do. But dont worry, there's always a place for the angry young man.
i was pretty angry after 9/11 as well. something about terrorism. just a pet peeve i guess. i don't care if it is osama or the GOP doing the terrorizing, i just gets under my skin, i know it shouldn't, i know trivial matters such as war, and terrorism should just roll off my back, it must be nice to be you, so ambivalent, so indifferent, so apathetic. you must only get angry when two people of the same sex love each other, you know, the important stuff.
Same sex love burns my biscuit so bad that I think I feel the need to make a thread chock full of idiotic rantings that can get locked instantly. You got me pegged robbie.
One man's terrorising is another man's grasp of real threats facing him.
You say war rolls off my back, yet you dismiss the very real threat we face like its playground antics. Must be nice to live in the fantasy world your liberally diseased mind has created for you. Have a nice day.
locked instantly??? it took almost a whole 4 minutes.
You must be proud. Good job. When these mods on this board lock a liberally leaning thread, you know you're a liberal out of control.
out of control is a gross understatment. lets revisit how truly disgusting an individual he really is. class act robbie, class act.
Whats worse, is HE is a SHE> And Im betting she's dead sexy too.
And I've been banned for saying fuck you to someone in a post. Actually, for quoting a movie.
"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, and fuck you. " Is what I said, to noone in particular.
And I got banned. Robbie got warned, and her thread locked. Fair around here idnt it?
i think the most disturbing thing in this post is the fact that you felt compelled to copy and save it. was it that important to you?
anyway, i agree with robbie. this ad is pretty low. more importantly, americans are hopelessly stupid and this country is basically fucked. my goal over the next 50 years is to make as much $ as i can and bail before this ship goes down in flames.
its on page 2 genius. it was locked not deleted. i dont save filth like that. please feel free to get the fuck out of the country at any time. sooner the better, you never know when things will get worse. just go.
yes, and for some reason, no duct tape, plastic and orange alerts.
guess he was just in denial.
Originally Posted by robbie
FUCK YOU GOP you terrorist fucks!!!!!
what is the purpose of terrorism if not to get you way, and achieve your objectives through terrorising and scaring people? This new ad to hit cable tv on sunday is the lowest most insulting terrorist tactic i have ever seen. FUCK YOU!!!!!! if the american people fall for this bullshit I HOPE we are nuked into oblivion!!!!!!!! i dare ANYONE to defend this terrorist garbage. the GOP are fucking cunts. i hope whoever made this ad and approved it to run is dragged into a pit, raped, tortured, and fed their own shit until they die a horrific painful death. GODDAMN IT i am angry at this bullshit. they are LOWER than osama, lower than saddam. scare the american people in a pathetic attempt to keep your sick power. fuck you GOP and if this works.. FUCK YOU AMERICAN PUBLIC you fucking withering cowards.
Now lets view 'soilsinging's' reply to Exhibit A:
Somewhere former President Clinton is smiling...
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Oh come on... He tried. Very hard.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
OF course you'd choose to ignore the hate filled post he quoted, and focus on the fact he quoted it. Robbie's a liberal, and so are you. Not to big on personaly responsibility, as we well know. And calling americans hopeless stupid, puts you on par with the rest of the liberally diseased brain dead USA bashers in here.
I find it amusing the dumbest people on earth form the world's lone superpower. And to add icing to this beautiful cake, the dumbest man in the world runs it.
Do liberals ever piece the dots, or just start talking?
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
oh, dont worry, im not afraid of things getting worse. this place is perfectly safe. im not afraid of osama or mean muslim men coming in the night. im more afraid of the dumbasses who continue to think jerry falwell has good social policies, saddam hussein was an imminent threat to us and the world, and george bush is doing a bangup job. i plan to rob those idiots blind and then take my money to canada or sweden or ireland or some country that has the good sense to spend more energy and time and money focusing on solving its problems than it does on sticking its nose into everyone else's and buidling bombs and jails.
You're both a bit on the wacky side.
no, robbie was pissed and flew off the handle. poor delivery, spot on sentiment.
Debate the issues with me instead of debating preconceptions you have about me. If you can nail me to the wall on an issue than that statement may hold water...
I hold nothing but high reguard for you though LikeAnOcean
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
great plan. like i said, sooner the better. we wont miss you
and since i'm on a spelling roll: Not to big on personaly responsibility....see anything wrong with this?
u know for a conserve, you aren't all that bad......why? because you seem to have some practical sense.....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
well, while we're on the topic of how much more mature and witty the conservatives around here are than the liberals...
very creative sir. i bow to your superior intellect.
When you've been nailed to the wall and there's nothing left to say... Say that.
I'll take it as a compliment reguardless.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
reps say vote for us or more attacks will follow.
dems say vote for us or more attacks will follow.
the only difference is that the hate for bush makes you (in the general sense of the word) criticize one side but not the other. if you stepped back, you'd see that they are both playing your fear of future attack...
american news is propaganda fed to us as news. exactly, and most of it is liberal liberal liberal!! there is one channel you can say isn't. fox. so be it. cnn is liberal enough to cover three fox's right by itself. keith olberman is an opinion machine, with as much venom and hatred in his monologues as bill o'reilly.
the only difference is that the hate for bush makes you criticize one side but not the other. if you stepped back, you'd see that they are both propagandists. hate oreilly cuz he's with bush. love olberman cuz he's against bush. and vice versa.
so many things in this thread....the overriding thing for me is how the left gets a pass, but the right need to be killed. they're doing exactly the same things. it's just that you (in the i'm referring to the thread starter sense of the word) agree with the liberals...
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
My mommy and daddy are liberals. On top of that I grew up in public schools and went to college. I'm actually one of the lucky ones...
Pro-choice - Liberal
Pro-death - Conservative
Pro-guns - Conservative
Anti-war - Liberal
If you're wanting to know where the polls stand on those four issues that's where you stand. You're exactly 50% stupid based on the facts I've gathered.
Haha I'm just kidding. I like you, I have to talk to you sometimes on the Porch. I like it better there anyway. Like Teddy Kennedy crossing a bridge at Chapaquitic, this forum just makes me lose my mind sometimes.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
as for my hate filled post... and moreover toward personal responsibility i ask you to check out page 9 post 133 of this thread. and while we are talking about personal responsibility, know this. every person murdered, every child raped, every human right violated, every measure of our bill of rights abolished, every harm to our environment, every terrorist created to due the irresponsibility of your dear leader is directly your fault. there is no escaping this fact. this administration represents YOU, they act on your behalf, you helped to put these animals into power, and every atrocity they commit, you also commit. they do it on you behalf, by your bidding. it is your fault these things take place, and while you act bewildered as to why anyone would be upset by these actions, and while you swallow down every turd that slides out of you dear leaders mouth, you are an accessory to his crimes. why would you act as if other people should get out of YOUR country. you hate your country. you have shamed your country. you have gladly accepted the destruction of everything this country is supposed to stand for, everything hundreds of thousands of soldiers have given their lives for because you are so afraid, so cowardly, that you would sooner abandon all freedom, all dignity so that you can feel less afraid. you make fun of liberals because they cherish human rights and liberty, and bravery. what is it besides military might you are proud of? what is it about YOUR country you hold so dear that you wish those of us who stand up for its ideals gone? i have taken responsibility for my post, i have apologized and stated clearly why i believe i was wrong in making it, now you take responsibility for your actions. there are a lot of people dead, raped, tortured, and stripped of their human rights because of you. i realise these things are not as important as someone posting an irrational thread in anger, and apologizing for it, but i took responsibility, can you?