Haven;t seen the ad...but generally I love the ads around election time, each one makes me laugh for a different reason. They'rerererererere GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!
There is an radio add here in West Virginia that is absolutely rediculas!!!!!!! We have a Senator named Robert Bird who is literally the oldest Senator in Congress. His age is way up there. Anyway the radio adds have snipets where he used the "N" word. And a TV add that is about him being in the KKK in like 1920's. I honestly looks like a Saturday Night Live commercial. Unbelievable!!!!!
I'm not sure I see the problem. do you believe that osama bin laden doesnt want to attack america again?
that's not the issue. the issue is, they are saying, "if you don't vote for us, america will get attacked again"
it makes me laugh that you are openly supportive of such scare-tactics. whatever turns you on;)
wow robbie, you seem pretty angry... but come on what's new? thats the way these folks do politics.
that's not the issue. the issue is, they are saying, "if you don't vote for us, america will get attacked again"
it makes me laugh that you are openly supportive of such scare-tactics. whatever turns you on;)
I never said I was openly supportive of this particular ad. but I do support our government wanting to protect americans. republican or democratic.
regardless, I think getting as angry as robbie does is childish. like a 7 year old throwing a fit cuz she didnt get a new barbie
Significant change comes in stages. It can't all happen at once. Why let the republicans do 2 more years worth of damage to this country before we get some change? Got to stop the bleeding now.
I agree.. time to stop the bleeding, and giving control to the democratic party is just more of the same.
There is an radio add here in West Virginia that is absolutely rediculas!!!!!!! We have a Senator named Robert Bird who is literally the oldest Senator in Congress. His age is way up there. Anyway the radio adds have snipets where he used the "N" word. And a TV add that is about him being in the KKK in like 1920's. I honestly looks like a Saturday Night Live commercial. Unbelievable!!!!!
It's kinda funny and shows how the average citizen lacks in knowledge of history.......but, the KKK of the 1920's was actually more a response to immigration (Irish, Italian and Jewish) and the beginning of America's isolationist period. It assumed the name and M.O. of the group started in the Reconstruction era South. It was not even the same KKK that rose up its ugly head in the 1960's.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
It's kinda funny and shows how the average citizen lacks in knowledge of history.......but, the KKK of the 1920's was actually more a response to immigration (Irish, Italian and Jewish) and the beginning of America's isolationist period. It assumed the name and M.O. of the group started in the Reconstruction era South. It was not even the same KKK that rose up its ugly head in the 1960's.
Well evidentially this Senator got out way before it even became what it is today, but there are all of these adds about him saying the "n" word, and KKK and just terrible stuff. He has been a senator for as long as I can remember. Every road, building, hospital, college, town, has something in it named after this man. It is really comically actually. Saturday Night live, back when they were funny, could not have done a better skit.
I never said I was openly supportive of this particular ad. but I do support our government wanting to protect americans. republican or democratic.
regardless, I think getting as angry as robbie does is childish. like a 7 year old throwing a fit cuz she didnt get a new barbie
and I think justifiably soooo...he can see through the BS.....he knows he has a better chance of winning the lottery than being the victim of a terrorist..and he is verrry disapointed in the American people eating this shit up.....I felt like this for a while....then realized...people are shee ah ah I mean People....but in the end when we're at 10,000 US soldiers dead, history will show us how fkd up the US administration was after 9/11 (Dems included) and the sadness of all those Americans that just followed along...for whatever reasons.....greed, rightiousness(I know I fkd up that spelling) or ignorance. Okay now I feel better....fkn Robbie got me going...okay back to the abortion page. (-:
and I think justifiably soooo...he can see through the BS.....he knows he has a better chance of winning the lottery than being the victim of a terrorist..
depends where you live. for you and robbie on the farm, your safe. for many americans in major cites, risk is greater, and real.
depends where you live. for you and robbie on the farm, your safe. for many americans in major cites, risk is greater, and real.
Yeah, and most people in major cities -- NYC, LA, SF, Chicago -- think Bush's head is up his ass.
"Things will just get better and better even though it
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
why? the risk of terror attacks will happen in those cities you mentioned before anywhere else.
Yes, you're right -- those are the places where terrorism is most likely to happen and also the places where Republicans (and what passes for their anti-terrorism strategies) are least likely to win elections.
The people who are most afraid of terrorism in this country -- and most likely to support Bush and respond to these scare tactics -- live in places least likely to be struck by terrorists. And that's a really weird disconnect.
"Things will just get better and better even though it
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
That is a pretty crappy ad. If fighting terrorism is all they have to offer, that's pretty sad. Because they suck at it.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
and it just might be the republicans that kill you.
I don't buy into that, a guy said to me once "Give me a smoke or your dead!" at first I was a bit scared, but then I called his bluff. I didn't give him a smoke and I survived.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
perfect...... our country has given up on bravery, given up on civil liberties, given up on human rights, given up on the environment, and is so overcome with fear that it is willing to devolve into a terrorist dictatorship in order to feel safer. those are facts. and because i am upset by these facts i am being called angry and referred to anger management classes. perhaps those of you so afraid of getting blown up that you are willing to disgrace everything our country has fought for throughout its history need a class as well. by being so terrified that you want this nation to give up on all of its principals you disgrace everyone that has ever given their lives for freedom. just because im not curled up in the fetal position waiting for george bush to protect me from the boogie man does not mean that i am unreasonably angry. it makes me normal. go ahead, vote for the fear mongers, go ahead and live in fear....are you people really defending this tactic? defending terrorism??? unreal!!!
Yeah, and most people in major cities -- NYC, LA, SF, Chicago -- think Bush's head is up his ass.
exactly. but those out on the farm, are the ones voting him in. AND please forgive me for that...b/c that is SUCH a generalization....and i know it's not entirely true for all, but yea, middle america overall is far more supportive, or was anyway, of bush...than major cities..so i don't feel too bad[/i]. besides, sometimes i can't resist.
in regards to the ad...yea...whatever. it plays to the same crowd, the same fears...if people still go for it yet again.....it's a hopeless situation then and it doesn't matter what kinda ads they put out. fool us once, shame on you....fool us twice, shame on us. i wasn't fooled the first time, i hope those who were finally have woken up.
perfect...... our country has given up on bravery, given up on civil liberties, given up on human rights, given up on the environment, and is so overcome with fear that it is willing to devolve into a terrorist dictatorship in order to feel safer. those are facts. and because i am upset by these facts i am being called angry and referred to anger management classes. perhaps those of you so afraid of getting blown up that you are willing to disgrace everything our country has fought for throughout its history need a class as well. by being so terrified that you want this nation to give up on all of its principals you disgrace everyone that has ever given their lives for freedom. just because im not curled up in the fetal position waiting for george bush to protect me from the boogie man does not mean that i am unreasonably angry. it makes me normal. go ahead, vote for the fear mongers, go ahead and live in fear....are you people really defending this tactic? defending terrorism??? unreal!!!
perfect...... our country has given up on bravery, given up on civil liberties, given up on human rights, given up on the environment, and is so overcome with fear that it is willing to devolve into a terrorist dictatorship in order to feel safer. those are facts.
those are not facts. that is your opinion. opinions arent facts. what is a fact, is that you need anger management theropy. take deep breaths calm the fuck down.
those are not facts. that is your opinion. opinions arent facts. what is a fact, is that you need anger management theropy. take deep breaths calm the fuck down.
perfect...... our country has given up on bravery, given up on civil liberties, given up on human rights, given up on the environment, and is so overcome with fear that it is willing to devolve into a terrorist dictatorship in order to feel safer. those are facts. and because i am upset by these facts i am being called angry and referred to anger management classes. perhaps those of you so afraid of getting blown up that you are willing to disgrace everything our country has fought for throughout its history need a class as well. by being so terrified that you want this nation to give up on all of its principals you disgrace everyone that has ever given their lives for freedom. just because im not curled up in the fetal position waiting for george bush to protect me from the boogie man does not mean that i am unreasonably angry. it makes me normal. go ahead, vote for the fear mongers, go ahead and live in fear....are you people really defending this tactic? defending terrorism??? unreal!!!
Have you looked into volunteering to help a local democrat to get votes?...use that passion to right the wrongs!
Have you looked into volunteering to help a local democrat to get votes?...use that passion to right the wrongs!
In the words of RATM... "Your Anger Is A Gift"
actually, i am doing more than that.... I have organized a Voter Celebration Party here in Olympia, featuring Live music from 2 bands that are donating their time, a pre and between sets drum and acoustic instrument jam session open to everyone that brings an instrument, and free giveaways all night long from local businesses that have donated hundreds of dollars to this event. there will also be a stand up comic performing.... and the event is FREE to all registered voters. anyone in the western Washington area that considers yourself or your band to be extremely talented and want to perform for free, we can make time for you......Saturday November 4th @ the Clipper 8:00 Olympia washington.......Im still waiting on a response from the 10c on donating items for 10c members attending this event...... im not telling people HOW to vote... I AM DEFENATELY NOT THREATENING PEOPLE WITH TERRORIST ATTACKS IF THEY DO NOT VOTE MY WAY!!!!!!!!! but yes, I am angry enough to do something about it.
sorry dude those are opinions. no matter how strongly you believe them.
are you in some way trying to ironically imply that bush has does good things for civil liberties? that patriot act bullshite was the most pathetic attempt at creating an excuse to tap phonelines and encopurage everyone to spy on their neighbours. human rights: camp gitmo, say no more. on the environmental front, all bush has done is deny that global warming exists and cut up forests and parks so he can drill for oil.
if you actually think bush is doing good things for the environment then you are fucking stupid.
sorry dude those are opinions. no matter how strongly you believe them.
Really ? See, some things are hard to quantify, like the idea of America abandoning bravery (as Robbie said). Frankly, I'd like to see the empirical evidence on that one - I don't really see it.
But other things are not so hard to verify. And on these things, he is abosutely correct. If you don't think you have less liberty than before, then you are delusional. Of course you do !! In fact, Americans are losing liberty by the month. Been to an airport lately ? Had a debate lately about your phone being tapped or your computer being monitored ? Wake up bud. And its all being couched in terms of "protecting your freedoms" !! HA. What freedoms ? You want to know about freedom in the U.S. ?.....try being Maher Arar, who has been cleared by every court/investigative body in the world, and who still can't get his name wiped off the no-fly list of the U.S.. Its embarrassing foir the U.S. gov't..
What about human rights ? The U.S. has made a mockery of human rights and the rule of law. Through its convenient legal constructs, it has absolutely destryoed the very things it claims to be fighting for. The U.S. is a joke in this dept.. Dude, are you awake for this shit, or what ? Or are you buying the shit that Cheney slings about Iraq going "remarkably well" ? America and integrity have now become mutually exclusive terms - and that's putting it politely.
Really ? See, some things are hard to quantify, like the idea of America abandoning bravery (as Robbie said). Frankly, I'd like to see the empirical evidence on that one - I don't really see it.
But other things are not so hard to verify. And on these things, he is abosutely correct. If you don't think you have less liberty than before, then you are delusional. Of course you do !! In fact, Americans are losing liberty by the month. Been to an airport lately ? Had a debate lately about your phone being tapped or your computer being monitored ? Wake up bud. And its all being couched in terms of "protecting your freedoms" !! HA. What freedoms ? You want to know about freedom in the U.S. ?.....try being Maher Arar, who has been cleared by every court/investigative body in the world, and who still can't get his name wiped off the no-fly list of the U.S.. Its embarrassing foir the U.S. gov't..
There is an radio add here in West Virginia that is absolutely rediculas!!!!!!! We have a Senator named Robert Bird who is literally the oldest Senator in Congress. His age is way up there. Anyway the radio adds have snipets where he used the "N" word. And a TV add that is about him being in the KKK in like 1920's. I honestly looks like a Saturday Night Live commercial. Unbelievable!!!!!
it makes me laugh that you are openly supportive of such scare-tactics. whatever turns you on;)
I never said I was openly supportive of this particular ad. but I do support our government wanting to protect americans. republican or democratic.
regardless, I think getting as angry as robbie does is childish. like a 7 year old throwing a fit cuz she didnt get a new barbie
I agree.. time to stop the bleeding, and giving control to the democratic party is just more of the same.
Akin to invading a country and killing 665,000 innocent people because we are frustrated from our oun troubles
Well evidentially this Senator got out way before it even became what it is today, but there are all of these adds about him saying the "n" word, and KKK and just terrible stuff. He has been a senator for as long as I can remember. Every road, building, hospital, college, town, has something in it named after this man. It is really comically actually. Saturday Night live, back when they were funny, could not have done a better skit.
and I think justifiably soooo...he can see through the BS.....he knows he has a better chance of winning the lottery than being the victim of a terrorist..and he is verrry disapointed in the American people eating this shit up.....I felt like this for a while....then realized...people are shee ah ah I mean People....but in the end when we're at 10,000 US soldiers dead, history will show us how fkd up the US administration was after 9/11 (Dems included) and the sadness of all those Americans that just followed along...for whatever reasons.....greed, rightiousness(I know I fkd up that spelling) or ignorance. Okay now I feel better....fkn Robbie got me going...okay back to the abortion page. (-:
depends where you live. for you and robbie on the farm, your safe. for many americans in major cites, risk is greater, and real.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
why? the risk of terror attacks will happen in those cities you mentioned before anywhere else.
The people who are most afraid of terrorism in this country -- and most likely to support Bush and respond to these scare tactics -- live in places least likely to be struck by terrorists. And that's a really weird disconnect.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
hahaha now that is a funny post.
vote republican or die!!!
and it just might be the republicans that kill you.
I don't buy into that, a guy said to me once "Give me a smoke or your dead!" at first I was a bit scared, but then I called his bluff. I didn't give him a smoke and I survived.
exactly. but those out on the farm, are the ones voting him in.
in regards to the ad...yea...whatever. it plays to the same crowd, the same fears...if people still go for it yet again.....it's a hopeless situation then and it doesn't matter what kinda ads they put out. fool us once, shame on you....fool us twice, shame on us. i wasn't fooled the first time, i hope those who were finally have woken up.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
those are not facts. that is your opinion. opinions arent facts. what is a fact, is that you need anger management theropy. take deep breaths calm the fuck down.
The ad is not the problem.....the fact that people base their vote on the ad is the really problem.
In this case, we gotta hate the player (the dumb voter), and not the game (the ad).
Politics won't change before the citizenry mandates such a change.
Actually, those pretty much are the facts......
Have you looked into volunteering to help a local democrat to get votes?...use that passion to right the wrongs!
In the words of RATM... "Your Anger Is A Gift"
sorry dude those are opinions. no matter how strongly you believe them.
actually, i am doing more than that.... I have organized a Voter Celebration Party here in Olympia, featuring Live music from 2 bands that are donating their time, a pre and between sets drum and acoustic instrument jam session open to everyone that brings an instrument, and free giveaways all night long from local businesses that have donated hundreds of dollars to this event. there will also be a stand up comic performing.... and the event is FREE to all registered voters. anyone in the western Washington area that considers yourself or your band to be extremely talented and want to perform for free, we can make time for you......Saturday November 4th @ the Clipper 8:00 Olympia washington.......Im still waiting on a response from the 10c on donating items for 10c members attending this event...... im not telling people HOW to vote... I AM DEFENATELY NOT THREATENING PEOPLE WITH TERRORIST ATTACKS IF THEY DO NOT VOTE MY WAY!!!!!!!!! but yes, I am angry enough to do something about it.
if you actually think bush is doing good things for the environment then you are fucking stupid.
wrong. they are facts.
Really ? See, some things are hard to quantify, like the idea of America abandoning bravery (as Robbie said). Frankly, I'd like to see the empirical evidence on that one - I don't really see it.
But other things are not so hard to verify. And on these things, he is abosutely correct. If you don't think you have less liberty than before, then you are delusional. Of course you do !! In fact, Americans are losing liberty by the month. Been to an airport lately ? Had a debate lately about your phone being tapped or your computer being monitored ? Wake up bud. And its all being couched in terms of "protecting your freedoms" !! HA. What freedoms ? You want to know about freedom in the U.S. ?.....try being Maher Arar, who has been cleared by every court/investigative body in the world, and who still can't get his name wiped off the no-fly list of the U.S.. Its embarrassing foir the U.S. gov't..
What about human rights ? The U.S. has made a mockery of human rights and the rule of law. Through its convenient legal constructs, it has absolutely destryoed the very things it claims to be fighting for. The U.S. is a joke in this dept.. Dude, are you awake for this shit, or what ? Or are you buying the shit that Cheney slings about Iraq going "remarkably well" ? America and integrity have now become mutually exclusive terms - and that's putting it politely.
I cant debate with 8 year olds
I am as free today as the day I was born.
nothing robbie said is fact. its all opinion.