New Gop Ad

ok, i posted in anger a few minutes ago. I have been warned and rightfully so. my comments were angry, and while i feel justified in my anger, my post could have been MUCH more tactful. the point im getting at is that the point of terrorism is to achieve an objective through terrorising people... to make people so afraid that they will do what you want them to do in hopes that it will save their lives. this is EXACTLY what the new Ad by the GOP is intended to do. terrorism is NOT simply blowing things up, it is done for a purpose, it is done to instill so much fear in people that they will give in to whatever it is you want them to do. it is a tactic. this ad is UNFORGIVABLE!!!!!! i simply ask you to look at it, it will be all over you television screen starting Sunday, and in my opinion it is the LOWEST low i have EVER seen. is making and approving this ad, it is my opinion that the GOP who is responsible for it is no better than any other terrorist that uses these means to achieve their objectives. i have lost ALOT of faith in the American public over the past 6 years, i have wondered how we can call ourselves THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE if we are so afraid that we give up our freedoms. it is my opinion that if this ad is successful in terrorising the American public enough into voting for the GOP, than America is a nation ruled and governed by TERRORIST and terror. please watch this ad and comment on how it makes you feel. it makes ME feel like screaming, crying and giving up on everything i am supposed to be proud of in this nation. I do not mean to insinuate that those who VOTE GOP are terrorist, i do however hold to my opinion that in releasing and producing this ad intended to scare the American public under threat of terrorist attack if they do not vote for the GOP is an act of TERRORISM thus making the gop a terrorist party. again watch the ad... if im the only one angered, maybe im the crazy one... but I find in inexcusable, and unforgivable.
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Haven;t seen the ad...but generally I love the ads around election time, each one makes me laugh for a different reason. They'rerererererere GRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!
its a sad state for sure ...
I am not terrorised by the AD, but the AD is intended to terrorise the american public. the GOP has been openly preying on the fears of the american public for over 5 years now..... we have given away our civil liberties, expanded executive powers, done away with the Geniva convention, thrown away Habius Corpus, all in the name of safety (fear), this ad WILL have its intended effect on what they call "Security moms" (afraid moms) and anyone else who has been so willing to give up whatever this country is supposed to stand for in order to feel safer. please do not argue that the GOP has not relied and played on the fear of the american public to achieve its objectives, to do so would be to admit you have not been paying attention to ANYTHING that has happened over the past 5 years and admitting you have not watched the ad i provided a link to. are you not insulted and angered that your government is resulting to terrorising the American public in order to get their way? isnt this country supposed to be better than that? arent we supposed to be THE HOME OF THE BRAVE? what do we have left to be proud of besidedes our military might? this is sick....
The GOP is a disgrace and anyone who supports them is mindless. Literally.
i provided a link to the ad below by post
And now you are prating on our fears with hwo evil the GOP is....
People need to get over the whoel 'drilling for fear' thing since EVERYONE does it ALL the time. Yep, even Rock Stars.
but sometimes it is based on real things ... obviously it is up to us to see between what is real and what is manufactured ... but to simply ignore all commentary of the like is like ignoring warnings on food ...
Of course it is. So is every global warming-related ad. So is every "we're creating more terrorists in Iraq" ad. So what? Again, if you or someone else is actually falling for this stuff, that's their fault, not the party's.
Ah....I see now. You dislike this ad because you're afraid it will work. Now it makes sense.
Look, your points outside the context of some ad are good ones. We have done many of the things you describe above and we've done them for the reasons you described. But this ad and those like it don't create that fear. These ads are dependent on that fear. So relax a little bit. And then stop being so afraid of an ad.
Only if those food warnings are only based on opinion and not scientific fact.
Quit trying to scare us you bully.
you are smarter than that cincy...... I am not attempting to insill fear, Im calling out the GOP for what they are.. TERRORISTS. watch the ad and tell me it is not intended to scare people into voting republican under threat of terrorist attack. what do you call someone who uses threat of terrorist attack in order to achieve their objectives?
I believe democrats support fighting terrorism too.
A politician.
There is a difference between free speech and outright manipulation. This ad is just the gop grabing for straws because they know they are in big trouble in a couple weeks.
Let's Just Pop a Few Yards of Bubble Wrap and Call It a Day!
Don't Die Wondering
But everything in this ad is a "real thing". Nothing in it is factually incorrect, which makes it pretty unique in the realm of political ads.
I'm not going to vote for a single GOP candidate this year, but I think this ad is great.
I don't need to watch it...I'm sure it is.
And the Dems try to scare people by saying Iraq is a terrorist training ground and recruiting more terrorists...etc....etc...etc....
They both do it, and we all do it based upon our opinions.
I think you are being too loose with the word 'Terrorist' here though.
Of course it is.
the democrats are not threatening you with terrorist attacks if you do not vote for them.. the GOP is... vote for us or you will suffer a much larger attack than 9/11... that is what this ad is saying... how can you poosibly defend this.. what if osama came on tv and said.... convert to islam by november 7th or suffer a greater attack than 9/11... would that be terrorism? it is NO different than this, and the GOP is NO different that him. thaT IS A fact!
have you ever been to an anger management meeting? I mean that in that most respectful way possible.
What a horrible ad
I dispute that.. I don't believe the GOP's opinion has anything to do with it. this add is the result of the only poll that they are doing well in.. the American public think they are tough on terrorism - so they want the public to consider terrorism as the most important issue.
The GOP, knows as well as the rest of us that the war on terror is a failure except that it fill the box that says we're trying... and the voters are playing right into it by going to the polls at all.
If the democrats take control - change a few things and and hold on for a while until they get boring and the GOP takes it back.. then we continue to go nowhere
we need significant change - and not enough people know it yet. I say we all go out and vote republican.
Im on it.
Significant change comes in stages. It can't all happen at once. Why let the republicans do 2 more years worth of damage to this country before we get some change? Got to stop the bleeding now.
Let's Just Pop a Few Yards of Bubble Wrap and Call It a Day!
Don't Die Wondering