well you keep up the good fight and i'll go on living my extremely happy successful life ok? great
you would have been very happy in the BAATH party, you also would have been extremely satisfied as a member of the SS. the Taliban would have served you well. who needs human rights as long as I am not the victim. never question your government... ONLY TRUST your government. in fact, why even have the option to trust or not to trust the government, simply give the government all the power, and as long as you never question them, as long as you stay in line and never rock the boat, they will protect you from whatever they say is endangering you...... im not sure where you live exactly.... but i know you would be VERY satisfied in NORTH KOREA. those people are not paranoid that their government is conspiring against them, you never see any NUTS who need anger management questioning their dear leader. it would be perfect for you.
you would have been very happy in the BAATH party, you also would have been extremely satisfied as a member of the SS. the Taliban would have served you well. who needs human rights as long as I am not the victim. never question your government... ONLY TRUST your government. in fact, why even have the option to trust or not to trust the government, simply give the government all the power, and as long as you never question them, as long as you stay in line and never rock the boat, they will protect you from whatever they say is endangering you...... im not sure where you live exactly.... but i know you would be VERY satisfied in NORTH KOREA. those people are not paranoid that their government is conspiring against them, you never see any NUTS who need anger management questioning their dear leader. it would be perfect for you.
actually I wouldnt have any freedoms under the taliban or baath party or north korea. in america I do.
actually I wouldnt have any freedoms under the taliban or baath party or north korea. in america I do.
you would have the same freedoms there as you USE here...
OBEY THE GOVERNMENT, NEVER question the government, ALWAYS TRUST THE GOVERNMENT, regard those who protest the loss of freedom as NUTS, a lunatic fringe, in need of mental help...
i think you would fit in just fine with that attitude.
why do you need rights anyway, isnt being safe more important than being free?
you would have the same freedoms there as you USE here...
OBEY THE GOVERNMENT, NEVER question the government, ALWAYS TRUST THE GOVERNMENT, regard those who protest the loss of freedom as NUTS, a lunatic fringe, in need of mental help...
i think you would fit in just fine with that attitude.
why do you need rights anyway, isnt being safe more important than being free?
obey the government? you mean follow the laws? ok. I always question the goervnment. it is allowed.
in the countries you mentioned, there are no rights. here I have plenty
What are all of these freedoms that you have here, that you wouldn't have there?
I dont have to listen or watch one TV or radio program. I can stand on the corner with a sign that says IMPEACH BUSH. I dont have to keep a picture of bush on my wall. I wont be hung or stoned to death for not being a muslim.
I really dont feel the need to go on. if you dont see the difference im sad for you.
Well, "Mr. Successful", **laugh,laugh,snicker,snicker**, a response of "no its not" isn't going to accomplish much. How would YOU know if its happening with a certain regularity or not ? Do you have proof that its not ? Because, on the contrary, I have read of numerous cases that have highlighted the rather frequent and arbitrary nature of apprehensions over the last few years by the U.S.. Are you familiar with the El Masri case ? He was picked up by the U.S. "on a hunch" (yeah, thts right, on a hunch !!), and whisked away to be tortured for 6 months. Instances like this are far from one-offs.
Maybe you would care if:
A) you were of a certain colour or ethnic background
if you actually digested the thrust of my last post, instead of surgically removing a single sentence out of it that you didn't like - namely that America has basically suspended Habeus Corpus, and that no reason needs to be given in order to keep someone behind bars.
Oh right, I forgot, if its not happening to you, its not happening at all.
Sorry, jlew24asu, for going “meta,” but as you know, I’m a big fan, and I’ve detected a pattern in your posts about political issues (about which you don’t give a shit, if I remember correctly).
You start by arguing about the substance. So in this thread, you argued that laws are designed to get bad guys, and they won’t be misconstrued by the government. And in any event, you’ll never do anything to get in the way because you’ll never give money to an unpopular cause or make a phone call out of the country or have a funny combination of stamps in your passport. Then, when confronted by the text of statutes that can easily and purposely be misconstrued, with historical examples of such problems, with current examples of such problems, you deny – without evidence – that such things happen. Then, you abandon any pretense of argument and revert to rank self-interest:
Good call. And the best revenge with this lunatic fringe is to live well, live long, and laugh.
So the bottom line for you guys is -- I've got it good, and everyone else can get fucked.
I don't necessarily disrespect the "traditionalist" arguments that you make; I'm not that crazy about the selfishness behind your political views. But what I disrespect most is your apparent inability to keep up in a substantive argument.
"Things will just get better and better even though it
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
wow robbie, you seem pretty angry... but come on what's new? thats the way these folks do politics.
that's not the issue. the issue is, they are saying, "if you don't vote for us, america will get attacked again"
it makes me laugh that you are openly supportive of such scare-tactics. whatever turns you on;)
lol...but the dems are saying "if you don't vote for us, you'll create more terrorists and more 9/11s"...what's the difference?
Akin to invading a country and killing 665,000 innocent people because we are frustrated from our oun troubles
I find it interesting that the antiwar folks grab onto this 665k number as if a burning bush revealed it to us through some divine communication, and the pro-Iraq war folks dismiss it like a fortune cookie.
i guess everyone is guilty of selective attention.
why do you need rights anyway, isnt being safe more important than being free?
that seems to be the argument against the war in iraq. as stated earlier in this thread by hippiemom, i believe...the iraqis were SAFER with no LIBERTIES....and they should have been left alone, right?
that seems to be the argument against the war in iraq. as stated earlier in this thread by hippiemom, i believe...the iraqis were SAFER with no LIBERTIES....and they should have been left alone, right?
Better than living in terrorist training grounds with heavily armed militias taking over neighborhoods in a struggle over which theocrats will replace the secular government.
If you're intent on not leaving people alone, there are people in greater need of your intervention than Iraqis. In fact there are people screaming for it.
That ad is awful, it prays on weak minded people, and the fact that anyone on here can defend it is quite frightnening.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I actually found the ad to be pretty much worthless. It didn't discribe any real agenda besides pre-emptive defense. Nothing about clean drinking water, or fighting AIDS or things like that. It just focused on one issue. I guess it's a pretty good representation of the party then.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
and because i am upset by these facts i am being called angry and referred to anger management classes.
Please ignore jlew24asu he has a habit of putting people down when they don't say the things that he like's to hear.
You have every right to be angry about the state of politics in your country. Hell it's a scary thing to watch.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I actually found the ad to be pretty much worthless. It didn't discribe any real agenda besides pre-emptive defense. Nothing about clean drinking water, or fighting AIDS or things like that. It just focused on one issue. I guess it's a pretty good representation of the party then.
It's worthless to someone who isn't paralysed by the fear of terrorist attacks but i think there are alot of people who think that terrorism is the only thing worth thinking about anymore.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
if the governement wants to tap the phone of some islamic suspect from pakistan, have at it. if they want to browse the net looking for child predators, be my guest.
No one disagrees except child molesters. Do you enjoy arguing against straw men and child molesters?
I dont have to listen or watch one TV or radio program. I can stand on the corner with a sign that says IMPEACH BUSH. I dont have to keep a picture of bush on my wall. I wont be hung or stoned to death for not being a muslim.
I really dont feel the need to go on. if you dont see the difference im sad for you.
Media ownership is being considated. Free speech zones to quarantine protesters are anywhere the president goes. People have been arrested on campuses, malls, townhall meetings and kicked off of airplanes for messages on tshirts. We will have national ID cards in three years. Spies infiltrate the meetings of a peace group in Iowa. They have secretly monitered peace meetings of elderly quakers.
The NSA is collecting phone records for every call made in the US. And listening without a warrent. Obtaining a warrent is easy, and can even be done after the fact. But of course the drawback is a judge finds out who you were listening to and why. The problem without a court order is the politically ruthless Rove checking to see who is calling the DNC headquarters and snooping. This is hypothetical, but plausible and perhaps likely considering these are Nixon's people.
All on the backdrop of the most secretive administration in memory conducting an ill defined war on a tactic with no end in sight. An admistration that has declared falsehoods as truths without doubt, then outed a CIA agent when caught.
Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?
It's worthless to someone who isn't paralysed by the fear of terrorist attacks but i think there are alot of people who think that terrorism is the only thing worth thinking about anymore.
I'd only have a reason to be afraid if I was arab. I don't think there is a real threat of terrorism. I think this ad is a distraction.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
This is why the Republicans will hold on to both houses.
It is there for the taking and you folks will blow it again because of beliefs like this.
So if you buy into the threat of terrorism vote Republican, but if you don't, Republicans win? I'm confused.
I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
That ad is kind of funny. It looks like an ad that SNL would have come up with to parody the campaign ads. Anybody with half a brain can see right through it.
I love going to the US. I have met a tonne of great people and had nothing but good experiences, but just knowing that there are more than some people that think like Charger69 is quite scary. I have met people who think like this and spew garbage like he does. I questioned a couple of guys at a Minnesota Wild game who said that the States should just nuke the middle east and get it over with. I suggested that instead of nuking the middle east, why not let go of that oil and get the fuck out of there? They told me to fuck off and I laughed in their faces. In my opinion, America should just "cut and run" from Iraq Iraq is destined to be a terrorist state whenever the Americans leave, whether they leave tomorrow or 10 years from now. It will be a thousand times worse for America (and the Iraqis) than when Saddam ran the country. Trying to impose democracy on people who have been ruled for thousands of years just won't work. The only way to end the terrorist threat is to get all American interest of of the region. Don't you think that sinking $300 billion into developing hydrogen as a fuel source wouldn't be far more productive than sinking $300 billion into an unwinnable war? With a clean, renewable energy source like hydrogen, the US has no need to stick their noses in the middle east and piss those people off.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
These adds just show what the GOP thinks of Americans: stupid, mindless fools who believe anything they see on TV. Sad that a party has to resort to counting on the vote of the ignorant to gain and remain power.
For the last 5 years all I have heard from the Dems is that it is too soon, too early, the pain is still there, the nerves are raw. We can't see the videos, we just can't handle it. But then I see, lots of effort to put it all behind us, lets move on, etc.
Truthfully, how many of those quotes have you ever seen on ABC news, CNN? I question why we weren't told about this more pre 9/11 or why we haven't seen much of it since. Some of that info I have never seen before. Now we have evidence staring at us in the face, and we are offended at the RNC and call them terrorists?
I don't care who you vote for....this add is truthful at least and you should be able to handle the truth. And you should see that it isn't the RNC that are terrorists because of these statements. It is right in front of your face.
Do, I think this should make you vote republican? Not at all. It is our choice how we want to face the fact that there is a movement to kill Americans. It would make me feel alot better if there was an alternative from the DNC that actually deals with the fact....but I don't see it (see thread starter). I see people afraid and fearmongering allright - it is the left.
All to win elections I guess, so that makes it okay. Makes the job easy.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
For the last 5 years all I have heard from the Dems is that it is too soon, too early, the pain is still there, the nerves are raw. We can't see the videos, we just can't handle it. But then I see, lots of effort to put it all behind us, lets move on, etc.
Truthfully, how many of those quotes have you ever seen on ABC news, CNN? I question why we weren't told about this more pre 9/11 or why we haven't seen much of it since. Some of that info I have never seen before. Now we have evidence staring at us in the face, and we are offended at the RNC and call them terrorists?
I don't care who you vote for....this add is truthful at least and you should be able to handle the truth. And you should see that it isn't the RNC that are terrorists because of these statements. It is right in front of your face.
Do, I think this should make you vote republican? Not at all. It is our choice how we want to face the fact that there is a movement to kill Americans. It would make me feel alot better if there was an alternative from the DNC that actually deals with the fact....but I don't see it (see thread starter). I see people afraid and fearmongering allright - it is the left.
All to win elections I guess, so that makes it okay. Makes the job easy.
These adds just show what the GOP thinks of Americans: stupid, mindless fools who believe anything they see on TV. Sad that a party has to resort to counting on the vote of the ignorant to gain and remain power.
For the last 5 years all I have heard from the Dems is that it is too soon, too early, the pain is still there, the nerves are raw. We can't see the videos, we just can't handle it. But then I see, lots of effort to put it all behind us, lets move on, etc.
Truthfully, how many of those quotes have you ever seen on ABC news, CNN? I question why we weren't told about this more pre 9/11 or why we haven't seen much of it since. Some of that info I have never seen before. Now we have evidence staring at us in the face, and we are offended at the RNC and call them terrorists?
I don't care who you vote for....this add is truthful at least and you should be able to handle the truth. And you should see that it isn't the RNC that are terrorists because of these statements. It is right in front of your face.
Do, I think this should make you vote republican? Not at all. It is our choice how we want to face the fact that there is a movement to kill Americans. It would make me feel alot better if there was an alternative from the DNC that actually deals with the fact....but I don't see it (see thread starter). I see people afraid and fearmongering allright - it is the left.
All to win elections I guess, so that makes it okay. Makes the job easy.
America's response to terrorism was a brief trip to Afghansitan followed by an all-out war in Iraq. Certainly you must concede that Iraq had (and has) nothing to do with terrorism in the United States. The whole Iraq war is a sham. If the Republicans had poured money into solving the problem rather than inciting new terrorists, your life would be better and safer right now.
You say that Americans have to face that facts that there is a movement to kill Americans. You have to know that there is a movement to kill Americans, because Americans are perceived to be greedy and they don't care about anybody else in the world other than themselves. Where does this reputation come from? There are a few men with power and money acting on America's behalf who, with their greed and lack of respect, ignite these reputations. Do you think that these terrorist groups just woke up one day and harboured ill-will to Americans for no reason?
The terrorism situation in America really has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. Both parties have their share of money-hungry savages who would start a war to make a dollar. It just so happens that a Republican is actually doing it now. The worst part of an ad like this one is not that Republicans are using terrorism to win votes, it's that they have had 5 years to do something about terrorism and an ad like this shows exactly what they have done to curb terrorism: nothing. Scrutinizing people at the airport is about as effective at stopping terrorism as a piss in the ocean is effective at raising the sea level. I'm not saying that the Democrats could have (or would have) done any better. I'm just saying that the Republicans made the whole world a worse place to live in the last 5 years so that a couple of guys could get richer.
1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
Good call. And the best revenge with this lunatic fringe is to live well, live long, and laugh.
They call us paranoid.................... go figure.
For now. Just know that all that can change rather quickly especially if you turn a blind eye.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I know! Screw everyone as long as I have all my contentment and distractions!!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
you would have been very happy in the BAATH party, you also would have been extremely satisfied as a member of the SS. the Taliban would have served you well. who needs human rights as long as I am not the victim. never question your government... ONLY TRUST your government. in fact, why even have the option to trust or not to trust the government, simply give the government all the power, and as long as you never question them, as long as you stay in line and never rock the boat, they will protect you from whatever they say is endangering you...... im not sure where you live exactly.... but i know you would be VERY satisfied in NORTH KOREA. those people are not paranoid that their government is conspiring against them, you never see any NUTS who need anger management questioning their dear leader. it would be perfect for you.
actually I wouldnt have any freedoms under the taliban or baath party or north korea. in america I do.
you would have the same freedoms there as you USE here...
OBEY THE GOVERNMENT, NEVER question the government, ALWAYS TRUST THE GOVERNMENT, regard those who protest the loss of freedom as NUTS, a lunatic fringe, in need of mental help...
i think you would fit in just fine with that attitude.
why do you need rights anyway, isnt being safe more important than being free?
obey the government? you mean follow the laws? ok. I always question the goervnment. it is allowed.
in the countries you mentioned, there are no rights. here I have plenty
What are all of these freedoms that you have here, that you wouldn't have there?
nowadays hits you when you're young
I dont have to listen or watch one TV or radio program. I can stand on the corner with a sign that says IMPEACH BUSH. I dont have to keep a picture of bush on my wall. I wont be hung or stoned to death for not being a muslim.
I really dont feel the need to go on. if you dont see the difference im sad for you.
Well, "Mr. Successful", **laugh,laugh,snicker,snicker**, a response of "no its not" isn't going to accomplish much. How would YOU know if its happening with a certain regularity or not ? Do you have proof that its not ? Because, on the contrary, I have read of numerous cases that have highlighted the rather frequent and arbitrary nature of apprehensions over the last few years by the U.S.. Are you familiar with the El Masri case ? He was picked up by the U.S. "on a hunch" (yeah, thts right, on a hunch !!), and whisked away to be tortured for 6 months. Instances like this are far from one-offs.
Maybe you would care if:
A) you were of a certain colour or ethnic background
Oh right, I forgot, if its not happening to you, its not happening at all.
You start by arguing about the substance. So in this thread, you argued that laws are designed to get bad guys, and they won’t be misconstrued by the government. And in any event, you’ll never do anything to get in the way because you’ll never give money to an unpopular cause or make a phone call out of the country or have a funny combination of stamps in your passport. Then, when confronted by the text of statutes that can easily and purposely be misconstrued, with historical examples of such problems, with current examples of such problems, you deny – without evidence – that such things happen. Then, you abandon any pretense of argument and revert to rank self-interest:
Then you get support from others who weigh in with things like this:
So the bottom line for you guys is -- I've got it good, and everyone else can get fucked.
I don't necessarily disrespect the "traditionalist" arguments that you make; I'm not that crazy about the selfishness behind your political views. But what I disrespect most is your apparent inability to keep up in a substantive argument.
doesn't feel that way right now. That's the hopeful
idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
Hope! Hope is the underdog!"
-- EV, Live at the Showbox
lol...but the dems are saying "if you don't vote for us, you'll create more terrorists and more 9/11s"...what's the difference?
oh, i forgot. hate bush at all costs.....
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
I find it interesting that the antiwar folks grab onto this 665k number as if a burning bush revealed it to us through some divine communication, and the pro-Iraq war folks dismiss it like a fortune cookie.
i guess everyone is guilty of selective attention.
that seems to be the argument against the war in iraq. as stated earlier in this thread by hippiemom, i believe...the iraqis were SAFER with no LIBERTIES....and they should have been left alone, right?
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
Better than living in terrorist training grounds with heavily armed militias taking over neighborhoods in a struggle over which theocrats will replace the secular government.
If you're intent on not leaving people alone, there are people in greater need of your intervention than Iraqis. In fact there are people screaming for it.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Please ignore jlew24asu he has a habit of putting people down when they don't say the things that he like's to hear.
You have every right to be angry about the state of politics in your country. Hell it's a scary thing to watch.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
It's worthless to someone who isn't paralysed by the fear of terrorist attacks but i think there are alot of people who think that terrorism is the only thing worth thinking about anymore.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
No one disagrees except child molesters. Do you enjoy arguing against straw men and child molesters?
Bush isn't. He taps phones illegally instead of letting a judge know about it.
Media ownership is being considated. Free speech zones to quarantine protesters are anywhere the president goes. People have been arrested on campuses, malls, townhall meetings and kicked off of airplanes for messages on tshirts. We will have national ID cards in three years. Spies infiltrate the meetings of a peace group in Iowa. They have secretly monitered peace meetings of elderly quakers.
The NSA is collecting phone records for every call made in the US. And listening without a warrent. Obtaining a warrent is easy, and can even be done after the fact. But of course the drawback is a judge finds out who you were listening to and why. The problem without a court order is the politically ruthless Rove checking to see who is calling the DNC headquarters and snooping. This is hypothetical, but plausible and perhaps likely considering these are Nixon's people.
All on the backdrop of the most secretive administration in memory conducting an ill defined war on a tactic with no end in sight. An admistration that has declared falsehoods as truths without doubt, then outed a CIA agent when caught.
Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?
I'd only have a reason to be afraid if I was arab. I don't think there is a real threat of terrorism. I think this ad is a distraction.
This is why the Republicans will hold on to both houses.
It is there for the taking and you folks will blow it again because of beliefs like this.
So if you buy into the threat of terrorism vote Republican, but if you don't, Republicans win? I'm confused.
I love going to the US. I have met a tonne of great people and had nothing but good experiences, but just knowing that there are more than some people that think like Charger69 is quite scary. I have met people who think like this and spew garbage like he does. I questioned a couple of guys at a Minnesota Wild game who said that the States should just nuke the middle east and get it over with. I suggested that instead of nuking the middle east, why not let go of that oil and get the fuck out of there? They told me to fuck off and I laughed in their faces. In my opinion, America should just "cut and run" from Iraq Iraq is destined to be a terrorist state whenever the Americans leave, whether they leave tomorrow or 10 years from now. It will be a thousand times worse for America (and the Iraqis) than when Saddam ran the country. Trying to impose democracy on people who have been ruled for thousands of years just won't work. The only way to end the terrorist threat is to get all American interest of of the region. Don't you think that sinking $300 billion into developing hydrogen as a fuel source wouldn't be far more productive than sinking $300 billion into an unwinnable war? With a clean, renewable energy source like hydrogen, the US has no need to stick their noses in the middle east and piss those people off.
he smart
Truthfully, how many of those quotes have you ever seen on ABC news, CNN? I question why we weren't told about this more pre 9/11 or why we haven't seen much of it since. Some of that info I have never seen before. Now we have evidence staring at us in the face, and we are offended at the RNC and call them terrorists?
I don't care who you vote for....this add is truthful at least and you should be able to handle the truth. And you should see that it isn't the RNC that are terrorists because of these statements. It is right in front of your face.
Do, I think this should make you vote republican? Not at all. It is our choice how we want to face the fact that there is a movement to kill Americans. It would make me feel alot better if there was an alternative from the DNC that actually deals with the fact....but I don't see it (see thread starter). I see people afraid and fearmongering allright - it is the left.
All to win elections I guess, so that makes it okay. Makes the job easy.
These adds just show what the GOP thinks of Americans: stupid, mindless fools who believe anything they see on TV. Sad that a party has to resort to counting on the vote of the ignorant to gain and remain power.
America's response to terrorism was a brief trip to Afghansitan followed by an all-out war in Iraq. Certainly you must concede that Iraq had (and has) nothing to do with terrorism in the United States. The whole Iraq war is a sham. If the Republicans had poured money into solving the problem rather than inciting new terrorists, your life would be better and safer right now.
You say that Americans have to face that facts that there is a movement to kill Americans. You have to know that there is a movement to kill Americans, because Americans are perceived to be greedy and they don't care about anybody else in the world other than themselves. Where does this reputation come from? There are a few men with power and money acting on America's behalf who, with their greed and lack of respect, ignite these reputations. Do you think that these terrorist groups just woke up one day and harboured ill-will to Americans for no reason?
The terrorism situation in America really has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. Both parties have their share of money-hungry savages who would start a war to make a dollar. It just so happens that a Republican is actually doing it now. The worst part of an ad like this one is not that Republicans are using terrorism to win votes, it's that they have had 5 years to do something about terrorism and an ad like this shows exactly what they have done to curb terrorism: nothing. Scrutinizing people at the airport is about as effective at stopping terrorism as a piss in the ocean is effective at raising the sea level. I'm not saying that the Democrats could have (or would have) done any better. I'm just saying that the Republicans made the whole world a worse place to live in the last 5 years so that a couple of guys could get richer.