now there are only about 20 other issues that stand regarding complications of abortion.
And all the negative personal experiences of the women who....have had negative personal experiences, post abortion.
The things is, the personal experience/truth of an individual cannot be effectively minimized.
It sounds like breast cancer is the only issue you are disputing in terms of science...
Anyone who has read the links I shared about the political nature of any post-abortion syndrome pertaining to why the voices of these women are being squelched can understand to why the experiences of these women are being ignored, or why new studies are not being done, that would go against the social accepted view within certain professions in the current socio-polical climate.
To me comments that embrace the experiences of all women, as opposed to ones that embrace only those views that support a particular political/power agenda, are much more realistic, and to the benefit of our society.
on the other hand, views that endeavor to minimize the experiences of some, for the gain of others, show they are not realistic appraisals.
Cancer is not the only issue I am disputing in terms of science. As I stated, I'm sure I have refuted your other claims in the past but don't have the time in this moment to dig up my sources except for those few on breast cancer. But we can look at each issue one by one if you want to.
Regarding "post-abortion syndrome," no one is trying to minimize any individual's personal experience/truth or squelch any woman's voice. It is YOUR views that endeavor to minimize the experience of some for the gain of others, that support your particular political/power agenda rather than embracing the experiences of all women.
You do this when you generalize the horrible experiences of the small minority of women who have abortions and try to apply it, with no scientific merit whatsoever, to abortion as a whole.
It's very sad that those women had bad experiences. But that does not make it some kind of "syndrome," nor does it make it likely that other women will feel the same way. People feel varying levels of distress over all kinds of things. But individual experiences do not necessarily translate into real medical "risk" about which women need to be warned. To suggest that they do to scared women trying to make a decision is irresponsible and dangerous.
Now, what other abortion myths can I bust for you?
Cancer is not the only issue I am disputing in terms of science. As I stated, I'm sure I have refuted your other claims in the past but don't have the time in this moment to dig up my sources except for those few on breast cancer. But we can look at each issue one by one if you want to.
If you are saying you have science backing you, feel free to stand behind that with the evidence. I've presented my back-up. pretending to have proven me wrong in the past isn't back-up. it rather indicates lack of back-up.
It is YOUR views that endeavor to minimize the experience of some for the gain of others, that support your particular political/power agenda rather than embracing the experiences of all women.
Please show me whose views I am minimizing, with my own words. Not what you read in.
Now, what other abortion myths can I bust for you?
Busting myths in your own perceptions is different than proving your perspective to be anything other than just that.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
If you find it unworkable to have acceptance and compassion for the diverse and varying experiences of women who have had abortion, then maybe understanding the diversity of women who have had abortion isn't your cup of tea....
There are many who have a natural aptitude for accepting the diversity of human experience and who have no problem embracing it. And who bring practical help to these issues.
if it's a little challenging to embrace the views of all the women who have been touched, and come up with a black/white catchall theory that allows you to feel like you've got a handle on the issue, well, welcome to reality........and welcome to the world of "we've yet to work this out in any actual problem-solving capacity as of yet"......I'm talking about real solutions, here, not the ease of mind of those who want to "help".
I've got the greatest compassion for all of these women. Abortion is a profoundly difficult decision to make and acceptance of it perhaps more so.
A comprehensive system of aftercare would offer to embrace all of them, with their psychological needs and with their post operative health needs.
It's not a little challenging to embrace the needs of people. And, I am not looking for a catch all theory. If you actually read my post without hostility you'd have noted that I argue for the humanity of the women in defense of that care. The ineptitude is yours in making a point with any sort of clarity. You've offered no solution to anything.
I have a very clear and appreciative handle on this issue.
You do not need to be hostile everywhere you go.
If you are saying you have science backing you, feel free to stand behind that with the evidence. I've presented my back-up. pretending to have proven me wrong in the past isn't back-up. it rather indicates lack of back-up.
:rolleyes: You're taking adantage of the fact that I said I don't have time for a huge discussion right now to imply that I don't have evidence, while you present biased, outdated sources and individual experience as evidence.
I have so much evidence I don't even know where to start. I'll look it up when I have time. I'll even let you pick the topic.
Please show me whose views I am minimizing, with my own words. Not what you read in.
Regarding post-abortion syndrome, you are presenting only one narrow side of a few womens' stories as universal fact to imply that post-abortion syndrome exists. That is minimizing of the experiences of the millions/majority of women who have abortions and don't have this same experience.
If you are trying to suggest that you never said there is such a syndrome, please clear it up for me right now: Are you saying there is such a syndrome or not? Be clear; don't just make implications and then try to weasel out of them.
I've got the greatest compassion for all of these women. Abortion is a profoundly difficult decision to make and acceptance of it perhaps more so.
A comprehensive system of aftercare would offer to embrace all of them, with their psychological needs and with their post operative health needs.
It's not a little challenging to embrace the needs of people. And, I am not looking for a catch all theory. If you actually read my post without hostility you'd have noted that I argue for the humanity of the women in defense of that care. The ineptitude is yours in making a point with any sort of clarity. You've offered no solution to anything.
I have a very clear and appreciative handle on this issue.
You do not need to be hostile everywhere you go.
you stated: "How is it realistic to embrace the experiences of all women? No 2 women have had the same experiences. That is a really broad canvas and becomes completely unworkable."
Of course I'm going to dispute that.....
You believe in aftercare.
I also believe in preventing problems and solving the ones that actively exist. As I said earlier, problem solving happens by getting way up in front of the problem and being able to look at it from the big picture, which includes all the variables. When we have these "two sides of the coin" either/or perspectives: pro and against...we have a huge split, again, indicating a lack of problem solving. I'm not interested in perpetuating either/or views.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
I also believe in preventing problems and solving the ones that actively exist. As I said earlier, problem solving happens by getting way up in front of the problem and being able to look at it from the big picture, which includes all the variables. When we have these "two sides of the coin" either/or perspectives: pro and against...we have a huge split, again, indicating a lack of problem solving. I'm not interested in perpetuating either/or views.
So I still haven't figured out what solution you're proposing. Maybe I'm just dense, but could you please explain it more concretly? Thanks.
:rolleyes: You're taking adantage of the fact that I said I don't have time for a huge discussion right now to imply that I don't have evidence, while you present biased, outdated sources and individual experience as evidence.
it sounds rather that YOU are taking advantage. Put up or dont...I don't care. It's your point you are supposedly backing up........or not..........
Regarding post-abortion syndrome, you are presenting only one narrow side of a few womens' stories as universal fact to imply that post-abortion syndrome exists. That is minimizing of the experiences of the millions/majority of women who have abortions and don't have this same experience.
If you are trying to suggest that you never said there is such a syndrome, please clear it up for me right now: Are you saying there is such a syndrome or not? Be clear; don't just make implications and then try to weasel out of them.
I am not providing my perspective at all. I am providing medical research and consensus.
interesting..please show me where I said the experiences for some women are universal? I'll help you out: you won't be able to. I never said, felt, or implied this. Plus, I don't care if a "syndrome" exists or not. I'm not interested in politics or right-fighting. My concern is with these women who are suffering due to the consequences of abortion that they often did not see coming.
BTW: you have yet to show me whose views I am minimizing...beyond your reading in that I am doing so.
Your "mythbusting" shows your ego, and your perspective....being a "mythbuster" is certainly not a scientific term, from my knowledge.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
If you find it unworkable to have acceptance and compassion for the diverse and varying experiences of women who have had abortion, then maybe understanding the diversity of women who have had abortion isn't your cup of tea....
There are many who have a natural aptitude for accepting the diversity of human experience and who have no problem embracing it. And who bring practical help to these issues.
if it's a little challenging to embrace the views of all the women who have been touched, and come up with a black/white catchall theory that allows you to feel like you've got a handle on the issue, well, welcome to reality........and welcome to the world of "we've yet to work this out in any actual problem-solving capacity as of yet"......I'm talking about real solutions, here, not the ease of mind of those who want to "help".
If I don't get to have the sex, then it's completely NOT up to me to take care of unwanted kids. It is their CHOICE to have the kid and they should deal with it.
If I don't get to have the sex, then it's completely NOT up to me to take care of unwanted kids. It is their CHOICE to have the kid and they should deal with it.
you stated: "How is it realistic to embrace the experiences of all women? No 2 women have had the same experiences. That is a really broad canvas and becomes completely unworkable."
Of course I'm going to dispute that.....
You believe in aftercare.
I also believe in preventing problems and solving the ones that actively exist. As I said earlier, problem solving happens by getting way up in front of the problem and being able to look at it from the big picture, which includes all the variables. When we have these "two sides of the coin" either/or perspectives: pro and against...we have a huge split, again, indicating a lack of problem solving. I'm not interested in perpetuating either/or views.
I haven't brought up either / or views. What's the point of that? We have a situation in America that needs to be addressed. A big part of the crisis with unwanted births and teen pregnancy stems from a critical lack of and denial for a curriculum of sex ed so that kids can grow up with real information, without ignorance, with options, knowledge of contraception, and healthy attitudes.
Understanding and compassion on the part of society, in general, that the termination of a pregnancy, can be a traumatic experience, but one that might have any number of reasons for the woman or couple, might with any hope be achieved, one day. That would be beautiful.
Scandalizing the women and doctors and facilities is barbaric. Caring for them, which includes education, is part of the nobility of human intelligence.
You are not understanding my perspective in this thread.
I just asked for an answer to that exchange...where you indicated (and i followed the whole line) ...where you indicated you agreed with that one particular statement...
I just asked for an answer to that exchange...where you indicated (and i followed the whole line) ...where you indicated you agreed with that one particular statement...
when we have ongoing judgments and miscommunication, there is little point in continuing it for me...
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
it sounds rather that YOU are taking advantage. Put up or dont...I don't care. It's your point you are supposedly backing up........or not..........
You don't care because you're not interested in factual information. And it's actually YOUR point that you have yet to back up with real evidence. (Hint: A few individual experiences do not count as evidence for anything except those few individual experiences.)
Although, I'm starting to lose sight of exactly what your point really is. What is it?
interesting..please show me where I said the experiences for some women are universal? I'll help you out: you won't be able to. I never said, felt, or implied this. Plus, I don't care if a "syndrome" exists or not. I'm not interested in politics or right-fighting. My concern is with these women who are suffering due to the consequences of abortion that they often did not see coming.
BTW: you have yet to show me whose views I am minimizing...beyond your reading in that I am doing so.
Look, I'm not interested in politics right now either. I'm interested in factual medical information. You said:
all the studies on abortion, done before they became political taboo, showed huge negative effects of abortion on the women who had them
I understand that you have worked hard to make this a statement for which you won't have to take any responsibility for putting forth any actual ideas/values.
Regardless, your statement implies that abortion poses a significant risk to the psychological well-being of the women who have them. I am merely stating that research has proven this so-called risk of abortion to be false.
The vast majority of women who have abortions experience relief, not psychological trauma. (I am not going to take the time out of my work day to dig up the myriad studies that prove this just for you. I may look them up later, if you're nice. Although I'm sure you're capable of finding them yourself if you were really interested in the truth.)
To be supportive of the few women who have experienced psychological trauma is great. But to go on a public forum and make statements that are likely to cause someone trying to make this decision fear psychological harm as a likely consequence of the choice to have an abortion does nothing but spread misinformation designed to influence someone else's choice to bend in favor of YOUR agenda. I find that reprehensible. If you want to spout off information, and if you really care about women as you say you do, take care to present accurate, balanced, factual information.
Your "mythbusting" shows your ego, and your perspective....being a "mythbuster" is certainly not a scientific term, from my knowledge.
I never said "mythbusting" was a scientific term and you don't know the first thing about me or my ego... although it's quite arrogant of you to presume to know.
when we have ongoing judgments and miscommunication, there is little point in continuing it for me...
then help us understand your perspective angelica. and please do not say those who undertsand will get what youre saying. cause clearly there are people here who have a problem with the way you articulate your views. we cant discuss with any clarity if your posts are foggy.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I understand that you have worked hard to make this a statement for which you won't have to take any responsibility for putting forth any actual ideas/values.'ve proven that you read into what I say and misinterpret me on more than one occasion, and then you come back and try to claim it's because I so carefully craft my responses to avoid responsibility.
When the reality is that I carefully craft my assertions in ways that I can stand behind and be responsible for exactly what I do say.
if others read in illusions as to what I say or my intent, that's not about me.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr've proven that you read into what I say and misinterpret me on more than one occasion, and then you come back and try to claim it's because I so carefully craft my responses to avoid responsibility.
When the reality is that I carefully craft my assertions in ways that I can stand behind and be responsible for exactly what I do say.
Right. And it's much easier stand behind and be responsible for what you do say when you don't really say anything.
Right. And it's much easier stand behind and be responsible for what you do say when you don't really say anything.
If I said "nothing" then I wonder why that line fired you up to go on this message board rampage when you openly admitted you were trying to stay out of this debate!....
maybe you didn't see my words as innocuous at all. Or maybe what you responded to were the illusions of your own mind.
the thing is, the truth often brings out people's inner dissonance. And then when the dust settles, the imagined problem is just what is always was...a misunderstanding of inner dissonance.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
in some cases. In other cases, there are universal laws.
like where independant of whether it's my personal truth or not, gravity exists as the truth.
in terms of my having said this: "Plus, all the studies on abortion, done before they became political taboo, showed huge negative effects of abortion on the women who had them." it was literally accurate (truthful or factual) within it's own context. Even though it was also representing my own personal perspective/context/slant.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr wanted me to respond in a way that is acceptable to you...or you would attempt to denigrate my view...
thanks for reminding, perpetuation of ignorance.
You're confused. You are entitled to your opinion. I don't care what it is. I don't judge you opinion. I only ask that you articulate something with substance, that is real conversation, not with intentionally arcane, occult, circular nonspeak. You use a lot of words and tend to say very little.
then help us understand your perspective angelica. and please do not say those who undertsand will get what youre saying. cause clearly there are people here who have a problem with the way you articulate your views. we cant discuss with any clarity if your posts are foggy.
when people are judging me, reading in, blaming their own fallacies on me, etc, actual discussion and understanding is not going to be the outcome.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
You're confused. You are entitled to your opinion. I don't care what it is. I don't judge you opinion. I only ask that you articulate something with substance, that is real conversation, not with intentionally arcane, occult, circular nonspeak. You use a lot of words and tend to say very little. want the answer you want. you are not looking for my answer. added with some colourful insults...
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
in some cases. In other cases, there are universal laws.
like where independant of whether it's my personal truth or not, gravity exists as the truth.
in ALL cases.
gravity is not a consistent universal law. sure it exists. but it exists differently dependent on where you are in the universe. but of course i understand that when we say universal sometimes we dont actually meanuniversal
in terms of my having said this: "Plus, all the studies on abortion, done before they became political taboo, showed huge negative effects of abortion on the women who had them." it was literally accurate (truthful or factual) within it's own context. Even though it was also representing my own personal perspective/context/slant.
and its own context is pertinent only to those women that were surveyed. that is hardly ALL women who have had abortions. but merely those women that were asked about their experience. this does not equate to some universal proof. it is just a sample of a bigger demographic.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say want the answer you want. you are not looking for my answer. added with some colourful insults...
No insult. You have the floor. I'm not looking for you or anyone else to reaffirm my opinions for me. There seem to be several people asking the same of you.
Cancer is not the only issue I am disputing in terms of science. As I stated, I'm sure I have refuted your other claims in the past but don't have the time in this moment to dig up my sources except for those few on breast cancer. But we can look at each issue one by one if you want to.
Regarding "post-abortion syndrome," no one is trying to minimize any individual's personal experience/truth or squelch any woman's voice. It is YOUR views that endeavor to minimize the experience of some for the gain of others, that support your particular political/power agenda rather than embracing the experiences of all women.
You do this when you generalize the horrible experiences of the small minority of women who have abortions and try to apply it, with no scientific merit whatsoever, to abortion as a whole.
It's very sad that those women had bad experiences. But that does not make it some kind of "syndrome," nor does it make it likely that other women will feel the same way. People feel varying levels of distress over all kinds of things. But individual experiences do not necessarily translate into real medical "risk" about which women need to be warned. To suggest that they do to scared women trying to make a decision is irresponsible and dangerous.
Now, what other abortion myths can I bust for you?
Please show me whose views I am minimizing, with my own words. Not what you read in. Busting myths in your own perceptions is different than proving your perspective to be anything other than just that.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I've got the greatest compassion for all of these women. Abortion is a profoundly difficult decision to make and acceptance of it perhaps more so.
A comprehensive system of aftercare would offer to embrace all of them, with their psychological needs and with their post operative health needs.
It's not a little challenging to embrace the needs of people. And, I am not looking for a catch all theory. If you actually read my post without hostility you'd have noted that I argue for the humanity of the women in defense of that care. The ineptitude is yours in making a point with any sort of clarity. You've offered no solution to anything.
I have a very clear and appreciative handle on this issue.
You do not need to be hostile everywhere you go.
:rolleyes: You're taking adantage of the fact that I said I don't have time for a huge discussion right now to imply that I don't have evidence, while you present biased, outdated sources and individual experience as evidence.
I have so much evidence I don't even know where to start. I'll look it up when I have time. I'll even let you pick the topic.
Regarding post-abortion syndrome, you are presenting only one narrow side of a few womens' stories as universal fact to imply that post-abortion syndrome exists. That is minimizing of the experiences of the millions/majority of women who have abortions and don't have this same experience.
If you are trying to suggest that you never said there is such a syndrome, please clear it up for me right now: Are you saying there is such a syndrome or not? Be clear; don't just make implications and then try to weasel out of them.
I am not providing my perspective at all. I am providing medical research and consensus.
Of course I'm going to dispute that.....
You believe in aftercare.
I also believe in preventing problems and solving the ones that actively exist. As I said earlier, problem solving happens by getting way up in front of the problem and being able to look at it from the big picture, which includes all the variables. When we have these "two sides of the coin" either/or perspectives: pro and against...we have a huge split, again, indicating a lack of problem solving. I'm not interested in perpetuating either/or views.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
So I still haven't figured out what solution you're proposing. Maybe I'm just dense, but could you please explain it more concretly? Thanks.
interesting..please show me where I said the experiences for some women are universal? I'll help you out: you won't be able to. I never said, felt, or implied this. Plus, I don't care if a "syndrome" exists or not. I'm not interested in politics or right-fighting. My concern is with these women who are suffering due to the consequences of abortion that they often did not see coming.
BTW: you have yet to show me whose views I am minimizing...beyond your reading in that I am doing so.
Your "mythbusting" shows your ego, and your perspective....being a "mythbuster" is certainly not a scientific term, from my knowledge.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Firstly... Why ARE you so incredibly hostile?
And secondly....
How do you explain this?
If society takes away a woman's right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy... and people are forced to have unwanted children...
You think society should have no responsibility in raising them?
My question is who is supposed to take care of these kids... these unwanted, sick, mentally challenged and abused and neglected children?
How do you think the following statement is not ignorant and hateful but is pro-responsibilty??
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I haven't brought up either / or views. What's the point of that? We have a situation in America that needs to be addressed. A big part of the crisis with unwanted births and teen pregnancy stems from a critical lack of and denial for a curriculum of sex ed so that kids can grow up with real information, without ignorance, with options, knowledge of contraception, and healthy attitudes.
Understanding and compassion on the part of society, in general, that the termination of a pregnancy, can be a traumatic experience, but one that might have any number of reasons for the woman or couple, might with any hope be achieved, one day. That would be beautiful.
Scandalizing the women and doctors and facilities is barbaric. Caring for them, which includes education, is part of the nobility of human intelligence.
I just asked for an answer to that exchange...where you indicated (and i followed the whole line) ...where you indicated you agreed with that one particular statement...
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
how could it be anything but human?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
You don't care because you're not interested in factual information. And it's actually YOUR point that you have yet to back up with real evidence. (Hint: A few individual experiences do not count as evidence for anything except those few individual experiences.)
Although, I'm starting to lose sight of exactly what your point really is. What is it?
Look, I'm not interested in politics right now either. I'm interested in factual medical information. You said:
I understand that you have worked hard to make this a statement for which you won't have to take any responsibility for putting forth any actual ideas/values.
Regardless, your statement implies that abortion poses a significant risk to the psychological well-being of the women who have them. I am merely stating that research has proven this so-called risk of abortion to be false.
The vast majority of women who have abortions experience relief, not psychological trauma. (I am not going to take the time out of my work day to dig up the myriad studies that prove this just for you. I may look them up later, if you're nice.
To be supportive of the few women who have experienced psychological trauma is great. But to go on a public forum and make statements that are likely to cause someone trying to make this decision fear psychological harm as a likely consequence of the choice to have an abortion does nothing but spread misinformation designed to influence someone else's choice to bend in favor of YOUR agenda. I find that reprehensible. If you want to spout off information, and if you really care about women as you say you do, take care to present accurate, balanced, factual information.
I never said "mythbusting" was a scientific term and you don't know the first thing about me or my ego... although it's quite arrogant of you to presume to know.
then help us understand your perspective angelica. and please do not say those who undertsand will get what youre saying. cause clearly there are people here who have a problem with the way you articulate your views. we cant discuss with any clarity if your posts are foggy.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
When the reality is that I carefully craft my assertions in ways that I can stand behind and be responsible for exactly what I do say.
if others read in illusions as to what I say or my intent, that's not about me.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Right. And it's much easier stand behind and be responsible for what you do say when you don't really say anything.
maybe you didn't see my words as innocuous at all. Or maybe what you responded to were the illusions of your own mind.
the thing is, the truth often brings out people's inner dissonance. And then when the dust settles, the imagined problem is just what is always was...a misunderstanding of inner dissonance.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
So what's the truth, Angelica?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Is there any end to your depth?? Maybe it's a case of the bends that prevents you from answering the questions we ask to your convoluted ramblings.
and everyones truth is different.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
thanks for reminding, perpetuation of ignorance.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
like where independant of whether it's my personal truth or not, gravity exists as the truth.
in terms of my having said this: "Plus, all the studies on abortion, done before they became political taboo, showed huge negative effects of abortion on the women who had them." it was literally accurate (truthful or factual) within it's own context. Even though it was also representing my own personal perspective/context/slant.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
You're confused. You are entitled to your opinion. I don't care what it is. I don't judge you opinion. I only ask that you articulate something with substance, that is real conversation, not with intentionally arcane, occult, circular nonspeak. You use a lot of words and tend to say very little.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
gravity is not a consistent universal law. sure it exists. but it exists differently dependent on where you are in the universe. but of course i understand that when we say universal sometimes we dont actually meanuniversal
and its own context is pertinent only to those women that were surveyed. that is hardly ALL women who have had abortions. but merely those women that were asked about their experience. this does not equate to some universal proof. it is just a sample of a bigger demographic.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
No insult. You have the floor. I'm not looking for you or anyone else to reaffirm my opinions for me. There seem to be several people asking the same of you.