who said anything about judgment? i've simply been curious as hell about these biased actions of pro-choice clinicians that you kept alluding to. maybe i could learn something. but the more you hedge and evade the more certain i become that you have nothing but meaningless platitudes.
furthermore, you don't NEED to make any points. you choose to make points. you caught my eye because you chose to make certain points, but then ran away from them and tried to change the subject from what pro-choice clinicians do or say that is so biased into some abstract meditation on how humans have biases (gee, thanks for that stunning insight). that, to me, reveals an incredible amount of insecurity in your own positions and opinions and a fear of having to actually defend them. so instead, you use the defense mechanism of claiming that anyone who doesn't understand you has a problem, thus preserving your own egotistical presumption that your communication is flawlessly on point.
I understand that I'm not making the points you'd like me to.
again, your judgments about what I say or don't say, and how you interpret/process that are about you. Thank you for sharing.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
For the record, I'm not bragging. You said I don't know what I'm talking about and I said I do. Simple as that. I know about the things I was talking about & I don't speak with any kind of authority about the things I don't know about. Don't question people's knowledge if you don't want to know where it comes from.
It doesn't matter where your knowledge comes from, unless you're an expert.
In a court case, expert testimony is only valuable if the person is actually an expert. They provide credentials, not a couple lines on an anonymous message board.
By all means, post more personal information about yourself so everyone can know that you're an expert on this subject. haha
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Lollers, not anglo-saxon protestant thanks be to God.
Ooo, your powers of deduction are incredible!! You must be Kabonkers.
As for my business claims, alls ya gotsta do is read 'em smartypants. It's just dang ole' common sense that you can make more money when ya've got economies of scale and yer providing the most common surgical procedure in America.
read what? the point was you have shown no proof that:
1. it is the most common surgical procedure in america
2. there is any economy of scale (which i assume refers to your claims that all abortions take place in clinics that do nothing but abortions by the dozen)
thus, scb's rebutting point 2 by saying this economy of scale does not exist and that doctors do not make so much on this procedure and it does not operate as you believe. regardless of whether you believe her (?) or not, you've provided nothing to support your "points" either.
As for my business claims, alls ya gotsta do is read 'em smartypants. It's just dang ole' common sense that you can make more money when ya've got economies of scale and yer providing the most common surgical procedure in America.
1. It's only ONE OF the most common "surgical" procedures.
2. Just because it's common doesn't mean it's a big revenue-generator. It costs much less than many other procedures.
3. In saying it's common it's only being compared with other so-called surgical procedures, so that statement doesn't compare it with prenatal care and childbirth, which are 3 times more common, and which is what we were talking about.
4. It's debatable whether it should be called a surgical procedure.
People can and do become more and more conscious of what they were at one time unconscious of all the time. It depends on intent.
It's easy to see those who intend to justify their agendas, and those who intend to uncover the truth, even if it means they must suspend judgment, grow, and go beyond ego. The intention determines the outcome...the consequences of the choices.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
read what? the point was you have shown no proof that:
1. it is the most common surgical procedure in america
2. there is any economy of scale (which i assume refers to your claims that all abortions take place in clinics that do nothing but abortions by the dozen)
thus, scb's rebutting point 2 by saying this economy of scale does not exist and that doctors do not make so much on this procedure and it does not operate as you believe. regardless of whether you believe her (?) or not, you've provided nothing to support your "points" either.
She has the opportunity to provide evidence, at which point I may refute it with my own evidence. She took issue with my point.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
I understand that I'm not making the points you'd like me to.
again, your judgments about what I say or don't say, and how you interpret/process that are about you. Thank you for sharing.
sharing? i'm asking, and im asking for examples, not points. you made the points yourself. could you pretty please with cherries on top tell me what these biases are to which you are referring? how am i supposed to try to avoid playing into them if i am not made aware of them?
again, what judgment have i passed on you, aside from asking endlessly that you provide some examples for things you claimed pages and pages ago?
People can and do become more and more conscious of what they were at one time unconscious of all the time. It depends on intent.
It's easy to see those who intend to justify their agendas, and those who intend to uncover the truth, even if it means they must suspend judgment, grow, and go beyond ego. The intention determines the outcome...the consequences of the choices.
so the reason you won't provide examples is that you have judged my intent and found it to be wanting?
Zzzzzing, driving this thread further into the ground nice one!
Well, when you start playing by the rules that you keep mentioning, maybe people will take you more seriously and start actually considering what you have to say. Making a long post about what you believe, filled with nothing but your reasoning, then jumping on someone else for doing the same thing isn't going to win over anybody and worse, is making people dismiss your point as illogical and not worth reading because of the source it is coming from: you. You started driving the thread into the ground when you decided that you would insult someones job profession.
She has the opportunity to provide evidence, at which point I may refute it with my own evidence. She took issue with my point.
we all took issue with your evidence, which was presented first. since you're so fond of legal analogies and expert witnesses, you have to prove your point before she has to mount a defense. you haven't proved your case. it's called summary judgment, and you just lost it. you said "this is how abortion works" we all said "says who?" and then you said "i dont have to prove it, she has to prove i'm wrong first!"
it's a good thing you're a business student. actually, you ought to consider advertising. it's perfect for someone who much prefers impact and emotional manipulation to facts.
sharing? i'm asking, and im asking for examples, not points. you made the points yourself. could you pretty please with cherries on top tell me what these biases are to which you are referring? how am i supposed to try to avoid playing into them if i am not made aware of them?
obviously I'm opting not to give examples. Back to intent...when people are judging me rather than trying to understand, I'm opting out of sharing beyond what I'm basically compelled to share. It's futile to expect respectful communication when minds are already set on what they want to see.
again, what judgment have i passed on you, aside from asking endlessly that you provide some examples for things you claimed pages and pages ago?
you chose to make certain points, but then ran away from them and tried to change the subject from what pro-choice clinicians do or say that is so biased into some abstract meditation on how humans have biases (gee, thanks for that stunning insight). that, to me, reveals an incredible amount of insecurity in your own positions and opinions and a fear of having to actually defend them.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
obviously I'm opting not to give examples. Back to intent...when people are judging me rather than trying to understand, I'm opting out of sharing beyond what I'm basically compelled to share. It's futile to expect respectful communication when minds are already set on what they want to see.
i'm judging your actions and what they indicate, as you have judged my intent. my judgment came after you repeatedly rebuffed and ignored my simple request and attempted to change the subject rather than even giving me the courtesy of telling me you would not respond, instead trying at first to claim that you actually had responded and i was simply too clouded to see it. your judgment upon me and my intent came after my very first request. you admit here that you refuse to give examples. why? perhaps you could have stated that a few pages ago, and saved me from having to beg to have my curiosity sated.
for all your talk around here about respecting others' views and where they come from, you have been very disrespectful to me here. i would appreciate a little candor. it's all i ask.
I always find abortion such a stupid argument... no one gets a thrill about being in an abortion situation, but even with laws you won't stop them from happening... But if it makes you feel better go ahead and keep blowing up the abortion clinics and keep complaining about the massive crime waves that all those unwanted children are committing and continue filling prisons so we can have our tax dollars take care of those unwanted children for the rest of their lives...
Why would someone be for abortion? I ask you why anyone would be against it?
1. It's only ONE OF the most common "surgical" procedures.
It's difficult to measure, as women who have abortions are not as likely to admit to having one as a family that circumcised their baby.
2. Just because it's common doesn't mean it's a big revenue-generator. It costs much less than many other procedures.
It might cost less for the patient, but it also costs much less for the abortionist. The doctor develops economies of scale, because he can become more and more specialized in performing abortions every day. It's like the guy who puts the tire on the car in the assembly line. That's all he does, and he can get good at it.
Planned Parenthood has net assets of $951.8 million dollars last year and it's a non-profit. The highest amount of its income came from Health Center Income: $356.9 million. The second highest was from government grants: $336.7 million.
Planned Parenthood receives more income from its abortion centers than it receives from government grants! That goes to show how profitable its operations continue to be. In addition, it is common knowledge that Planned Parenthood's operations are heavily weighted toward abortion advice.
3. In saying it's common it's only being compared with other so-called surgical procedures, so that statement doesn't compare it with prenatal care and childbirth, which are 3 times more common, and which is what we were talking about.
So many possible pregnancies, so little time to abort them eh? I should hope that we had more childbirths than abortions...
Still, abortions are profitable, as Planned Parenthood can attest.
4. It's debatable whether it should be called a surgical procedure.
we all took issue with your evidence, which was presented first. since you're so fond of legal analogies and expert witnesses, you have to prove your point before she has to mount a defense. you haven't proved your case. it's called summary judgment, and you just lost it. you said "this is how abortion works" we all said "says who?" and then you said "i dont have to prove it, she has to prove i'm wrong first!"
it's a good thing you're a business student. actually, you ought to consider advertising. it's perfect for someone who much prefers impact and emotional manipulation to facts.
Nah big dog, I used evidence: deductive evidence.
At least I offer facts and not blather about my "experience" in self-help programs
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Planned Parenthood has net assets of $951.8 million dollars last year and it's a non-profit. The highest amount of its income came from Health Center Income: $356.9 million. The second highest was from government grants: $336.7 million.
Planned Parenthood receives more income from its abortion centers than it receives from government grants! That goes to show how profitable its operations continue to be. In addition, it is common knowledge that Planned Parenthood's operations are heavily weighted toward abortion advice.
common knowledge? you ever been to one? i bought a morning after pill there. perhaps you skipped the part of that document where it says 3% of its services are abortion-related?
i'm judging your actions and what they indicate, as you have judged my intent. that judgment came after you repeatedly rebuffed and ignored my simple request and acted like i was irrational for making it.
care to share why you're opting not to give examples? i'm mighty curious.
Back to intent...when people are judging me rather than trying to understand, I'm opting out of sharing beyond what I'm basically compelled to share. It's futile to expect respectful communication when minds are already set on what they want to see.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
common knowledge? you ever been to one? i bought a morning after pill there. perhaps you skipped the part of that document where it says 3% of its services are abortion-related?
Your discriminating handling of their financial statements notwithstanding, we're talking about profits here. That 3% represents the number of people that come into their centers asking for abortions divided by the number of people that come into their centers in general.
So yes, a ton of people come into PP asking for condoms - big surprise. A discriminating observer of their financial statements can tell that they don't profit from condom sales, though they represent the most common reason why people walk in their doors. They profit from abortions, and revenues from abortion are much higher than contraception sales.
They purposely use ambiguous language - obviously they were referring to the percentage of people that enter their centers, not the amount of money they make and the profits generated from their operations.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
firstly, Abuskedti....kudos for trying to even begin an intelligent debate on this subject...that hasn't even been remotely what you asked to focus on for a LONG time. secondly, seriously...this thread is a parody! i have far more respect for people who clearly state their views, the whys of such...and those who make statements and back them up...rahter than vague innuendos and total conjecture. say you are offering opinion, fair enough..but to offer statistics....or views of bias...and not not provide proof, or subscrtibe that someone ELSE has the burden of proof...or not to admit your own personal bias...is laughable at best. too many make it about 'them'...instead of the topic, or even a remote semblance of the topic. good on you for tryin' though.....
i love how gutyoulikefish is supposedly calling out 'el kabong though...hahahah....classic.......:D pontless to the thread, but classic. i don't think i have ever even seen el kabong participate in an abortion debate. hysterical. off topic, but hysterical none the less.....
btw - just an fyi...being for an option to be available is NOT the same as being pro-abortion. just sayin'.....
firstly, Abuskedti....kudos for trying to even begin an intelligent debate on this subject...that hasn't even been remotely what you asked to focus on for a LONG time. secondly, seriously...this thread is a parody! i have far more respect for people who clearly state their views, the whys of such...and those who make statements and back them up...rahter than vague innuendos and total conjecture. say you are offering opinion, fair enough..but to offer statistics....or views of bias...and not not provide proof, or subscrtibe that someone ELSE has the burden of proof...or not to admit your own personal bias...is laughable at best. too many make it about 'them'...instead of the topic, or even a remote semblance of the topic. good on you for tryin' though.....
i love how gutyoulikefish is supposedly calling out 'el kabong though...hahahah....classic.......:D pontless to the thread, but classic. i don't think i have ever even seen el kabong participate in an abortion debate. hysterical. off topic, but hysterical none the less.....
btw - just an fyi...being for an option to be available is NOT the same as being pro-abortion. just sayin'.....
I see you too spend your life on this message board, judging by your post count.
Imagine all of the things you could have been doing instead of wasting yer life on posts that no one will ever read? Ahhh, I take that back: at least yer in on the PJ political gossip...
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
I see you too spend your life on this message board, judging by your post count.
Imagine all of the things you could have been doing instead of wasting yer life on posts that no one will ever read? Ahhh, I take that back: at least yer in on the PJ political gossip...
oooooooooooo...was that meant to hurt?
that really addressed the topic at hand, well done! :rolleyes:
some of us can manage to post a LOT...and not spend an incredible amount of time here. amazingly i have a wonderful and full life, but thank you for your concern and interest. i am quite busy being a man-hater, having lots of sex using BC...well actually permanent BC nowadays...which is a shame really b/c i am just so PRO-abortion i would far rather be having abortions left and right given my personal bias and all..so all i can do is try my darndest to get young women to go off and have unprotected sex so i can convince them to go and have the fun of multiple abortions! whew, a full and busy life i tell you...amazing i find the time to post here at all.
in any case, apparently sdome people read my posts...otherwise, i'd not get comments. but thanks for playing the game of i have nothing intelligent to add so now i will attack your post count and character. yes, perhaps that 'hurts' some...but i actually have to give a shit, and respect one, to actually get hurt by their words. fun tho..so thanks!
btw - i DO spend a lot of my time on this message board....M-F....10-6 pm.....it's great to work, and discuss..and pass the workday here, and get paid for it. so it IS all good! right now...i am just enjoying some extra weekend time here b/c so many of you are so interesting!
It's difficult to measure, as women who have abortions are not as likely to admit to having one as a family that circumcised their baby.
actually, it is not difficult to measure at all. a woman need not 'admit' anything...medical statistics, with protection of privacy/indentity have ALWAYS been kept, recorded, for privacy AND accuracy. so the stats ARe out there...and if you cared to look into it, you could. instead you choose to make up your own stats, for your own personal agenda/bias...which is fine, until you present them as fact.
it IS a shame that abortion is apparently such a loaded topic that it CAN be a deciding factor for one's vote. there really should be FAR more discernment for a candidate beyond wheter he/she is pro-choice or pro-life. it also would be a pleaant turn of events if people could choose their OWN way, make their own choices...but realize the validity of allowing others the same respect...and thus it would NOT be such a defining element in the voters booth. it is amazing how apparently so many concern themselves with what goes on in other people's bedrooms, their personal choices....and many seem pro-life...anti-choice...and yet their support of anti-choice perpetuates and encourages that what they seemingly abhor. you don't want abortions? than support viabler alternatives.....education...easy access and affordibilty of BC....removal of social stigmas for such...support for girls/women and their choices...and drive down the 'need' for abortions in the first place. just make a choice....and give support so their is more than abstinence-only, b/c THAt has not been working, errrr....ever. that may be your morals...GREAT!...but realize they are not for everyone, and support their right to find their own way.
I don't have a problem with my rational mind. It's yours that I found to be lacking.
again, your judgments about what I say or don't say, and how you interpret/process that are about you. Thank you for sharing.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It doesn't matter where your knowledge comes from, unless you're an expert.
In a court case, expert testimony is only valuable if the person is actually an expert. They provide credentials, not a couple lines on an anonymous message board.
By all means, post more personal information about yourself so everyone can know that you're an expert on this subject. haha
-Enoch Powell
read what? the point was you have shown no proof that:
1. it is the most common surgical procedure in america
2. there is any economy of scale (which i assume refers to your claims that all abortions take place in clinics that do nothing but abortions by the dozen)
thus, scb's rebutting point 2 by saying this economy of scale does not exist and that doctors do not make so much on this procedure and it does not operate as you believe. regardless of whether you believe her (?) or not, you've provided nothing to support your "points" either.
Zzzzzing, driving this thread further into the ground nice one!
-Enoch Powell
1. It's only ONE OF the most common "surgical" procedures.
2. Just because it's common doesn't mean it's a big revenue-generator. It costs much less than many other procedures.
3. In saying it's common it's only being compared with other so-called surgical procedures, so that statement doesn't compare it with prenatal care and childbirth, which are 3 times more common, and which is what we were talking about.
4. It's debatable whether it should be called a surgical procedure.
5. There are also non-"surgical" abortions.
I'm off to dinner...
People can and do become more and more conscious of what they were at one time unconscious of all the time. It depends on intent.
It's easy to see those who intend to justify their agendas, and those who intend to uncover the truth, even if it means they must suspend judgment, grow, and go beyond ego. The intention determines the outcome...the consequences of the choices.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
She has the opportunity to provide evidence, at which point I may refute it with my own evidence. She took issue with my point.
-Enoch Powell
sharing? i'm asking, and im asking for examples, not points. you made the points yourself. could you pretty please with cherries on top tell me what these biases are to which you are referring? how am i supposed to try to avoid playing into them if i am not made aware of them?
again, what judgment have i passed on you, aside from asking endlessly that you provide some examples for things you claimed pages and pages ago?
so the reason you won't provide examples is that you have judged my intent and found it to be wanting?
Haha... I believe since it was your initial claim, the burden of proof is on you.
Well, when you start playing by the rules that you keep mentioning, maybe people will take you more seriously and start actually considering what you have to say. Making a long post about what you believe, filled with nothing but your reasoning, then jumping on someone else for doing the same thing isn't going to win over anybody and worse, is making people dismiss your point as illogical and not worth reading because of the source it is coming from: you. You started driving the thread into the ground when you decided that you would insult someones job profession.
we all took issue with your evidence, which was presented first. since you're so fond of legal analogies and expert witnesses, you have to prove your point before she has to mount a defense. you haven't proved your case. it's called summary judgment, and you just lost it. you said "this is how abortion works" we all said "says who?" and then you said "i dont have to prove it, she has to prove i'm wrong first!"
it's a good thing you're a business student. actually, you ought to consider advertising. it's perfect for someone who much prefers impact and emotional manipulation to facts.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
i'm judging your actions and what they indicate, as you have judged my intent. my judgment came after you repeatedly rebuffed and ignored my simple request and attempted to change the subject rather than even giving me the courtesy of telling me you would not respond, instead trying at first to claim that you actually had responded and i was simply too clouded to see it. your judgment upon me and my intent came after my very first request. you admit here that you refuse to give examples. why? perhaps you could have stated that a few pages ago, and saved me from having to beg to have my curiosity sated.
for all your talk around here about respecting others' views and where they come from, you have been very disrespectful to me here. i would appreciate a little candor. it's all i ask.
Why would someone be for abortion? I ask you why anyone would be against it?
I think that is a very good question. Nobody is for it. Those against it, I assume mostly for the karma
It's difficult to measure, as women who have abortions are not as likely to admit to having one as a family that circumcised their baby.
It might cost less for the patient, but it also costs much less for the abortionist. The doctor develops economies of scale, because he can become more and more specialized in performing abortions every day. It's like the guy who puts the tire on the car in the assembly line. That's all he does, and he can get good at it.
Planned Parenthood has net assets of $951.8 million dollars last year and it's a non-profit. The highest amount of its income came from Health Center Income: $356.9 million. The second highest was from government grants: $336.7 million.
Planned Parenthood receives more income from its abortion centers than it receives from government grants! That goes to show how profitable its operations continue to be. In addition, it is common knowledge that Planned Parenthood's operations are heavily weighted toward abortion advice.
So many possible pregnancies, so little time to abort them eh? I should hope that we had more childbirths than abortions...
Still, abortions are profitable, as Planned Parenthood can attest.
Nope, it's not. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/nyc/surgical-abortion-.htm
PP calls it a surgical procedure.:D
Taking a pill...that's obviously not what we've been talking about.
-Enoch Powell
Nah big dog, I used evidence: deductive evidence.
At least I offer facts and not blather about my "experience" in self-help programs
-Enoch Powell
common knowledge? you ever been to one? i bought a morning after pill there. perhaps you skipped the part of that document where it says 3% of its services are abortion-related?
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
the only judgment i passed was on your refusal to answer. i was perfectly prepared to hear your examples with an open mind. but suit yourself.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Your discriminating handling of their financial statements notwithstanding, we're talking about profits here. That 3% represents the number of people that come into their centers asking for abortions divided by the number of people that come into their centers in general.
So yes, a ton of people come into PP asking for condoms - big surprise. A discriminating observer of their financial statements can tell that they don't profit from condom sales, though they represent the most common reason why people walk in their doors. They profit from abortions, and revenues from abortion are much higher than contraception sales.
They purposely use ambiguous language - obviously they were referring to the percentage of people that enter their centers, not the amount of money they make and the profits generated from their operations.
-Enoch Powell
i love how gutyoulikefish is supposedly calling out 'el kabong though...hahahah....classic.......:D pontless to the thread, but classic. i don't think i have ever even seen el kabong participate in an abortion debate. hysterical. off topic, but hysterical none the less.....
btw - just an fyi...being for an option to be available is NOT the same as being pro-abortion. just sayin'.....
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I see you too spend your life on this message board, judging by your post count.
Imagine all of the things you could have been doing instead of wasting yer life on posts that no one will ever read? Ahhh, I take that back: at least yer in on the PJ political gossip...
-Enoch Powell
oooooooooooo...was that meant to hurt?
that really addressed the topic at hand, well done! :rolleyes:
some of us can manage to post a LOT...and not spend an incredible amount of time here. amazingly i have a wonderful and full life, but thank you for your concern and interest. i am quite busy being a man-hater, having lots of sex using BC...well actually permanent BC nowadays...which is a shame really b/c i am just so PRO-abortion i would far rather be having abortions left and right given my personal bias and all..so all i can do is try my darndest to get young women to go off and have unprotected sex so i can convince them to go and have the fun of multiple abortions! whew, a full and busy life i tell you...amazing i find the time to post here at all.
in any case, apparently sdome people read my posts...otherwise, i'd not get comments. but thanks for playing the game of i have nothing intelligent to add so now i will attack your post count and character. yes, perhaps that 'hurts' some...but i actually have to give a shit, and respect one, to actually get hurt by their words. fun tho..so thanks!
btw - i DO spend a lot of my time on this message board....M-F....10-6 pm.....it's great to work, and discuss..and pass the workday here, and get paid for it. so it IS all good! right now...i am just enjoying some extra weekend time here b/c so many of you are so interesting!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
actually, it is not difficult to measure at all. a woman need not 'admit' anything...medical statistics, with protection of privacy/indentity have ALWAYS been kept, recorded, for privacy AND accuracy. so the stats ARe out there...and if you cared to look into it, you could. instead you choose to make up your own stats, for your own personal agenda/bias...which is fine, until you present them as fact.
it IS a shame that abortion is apparently such a loaded topic that it CAN be a deciding factor for one's vote. there really should be FAR more discernment for a candidate beyond wheter he/she is pro-choice or pro-life. it also would be a pleaant turn of events if people could choose their OWN way, make their own choices...but realize the validity of allowing others the same respect...and thus it would NOT be such a defining element in the voters booth. it is amazing how apparently so many concern themselves with what goes on in other people's bedrooms, their personal choices....and many seem pro-life...anti-choice...and yet their support of anti-choice perpetuates and encourages that what they seemingly abhor. you don't want abortions? than support viabler alternatives.....education...easy access and affordibilty of BC....removal of social stigmas for such...support for girls/women and their choices...and drive down the 'need' for abortions in the first place. just make a choice....and give support so their is more than abstinence-only, b/c THAt has not been working, errrr....ever. that may be your morals...GREAT!...but realize they are not for everyone, and support their right to find their own way.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I'm for it!! Always have been. Never had one, never will have to have one now.
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."