Virginia Tech : Hindsight 20/20

News article from January 2006:
Gun bill gets shot down by panel
HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee.
By Greg Esposito
A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.
House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.
The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."
Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee that discussed the bill.
Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."
The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and military training programs.
Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.
In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.
Wonder if Larry Hincker has changed his tune after today?
All it would have taken is one student with a Concealed Carry Permit to have stopped this situation as soon as it started.
Gun bill gets shot down by panel
HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee.
By Greg Esposito
A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.
House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.
The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."
Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee that discussed the bill.
Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."
The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and military training programs.
Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.
In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.
Wonder if Larry Hincker has changed his tune after today?
All it would have taken is one student with a Concealed Carry Permit to have stopped this situation as soon as it started.
Post edited by Unknown User on
And as far as this... ...maybe, maybe not, but how many people would have been dead in the interim because a bunch of drunken frat boys are now packing heat when they get all liquored up on Friday night and decide to go looking for trouble. You could MAYBE have fewer big, dramatic events like this, but I bet you'd have a lot more deaths one or two at a time in the long run.
yeah, then we coulda had SEVERAL shooting when these college kids get drunk or offended by what their liberal professor is saying and blow their top and start shooting. that'd be a much better solution.
how about if this kid hadn't been able to buy a gun, he'd have stabbed one person, been disarmed, and would be in jail now?
Could've? When has this EVER happened? Never.
People who go through the trouble of getting a permit are far more responsible than you give them credit for.
When everyone is packing it is a much safer place to be. Criminals have no idea who is carrying and are less likely to comit violent crime.
Yeah, the Old West sure proves that to be true.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
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What's so scary?
You mean Old West movies or do you have reliable crime stats from the 1800's?
Between the drunken frat boys, roided up football players, wanna-be suburban gangsters, and the real gangsters, I'd rather take my chances with the one in billion odds that a nutjob will open fire in a classroom instead of one of the aformentioned people accidently or purposely shooting someone on a daily basis.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
I think it can be safely stated that many of the western boomtowns that sprang up in the 1800's had a much higher rate of gun-related violence than cities do now.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
never, cos most people dont carry weapons around all the time and those that are so paranoid they feel they need one at all times are the ones that shouldn't be having one.
this is bullshit. you think this guy was stable enough to rationally deliberate and go "hmmm, id like to massacre 30 people... but what if they shoot back? yeah, i guess i probly shouldn't do it."
I have never understood this argument either.
Yeah, you always see journals and statments that surface after one of these whackos get killed that they wanted to go out in a hail of gunfire or whatever, and for most of them it's just a suicide mission where they want to take as many people out as possible.
I don't see the outside chance that someone else in the room having a gun as a deterrent... if anything, someone shooting back would make it more fun for the psychos.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
it'd be like doom! that'd be awesome!
Stats don't lie. Violent crime rates are noticably lower in CC states.
As for your hypothetical... They could have shot him after the first shot was fired. That' 32 more people alive.
today. and over the year before, that's 50 more people dead when the pi psi get too drunk and start shooting off the front porch over a game of cards. or the white suburbam wannabe gangbanger guns down his dealer to show he's a thug. or... i think you get the idea.
stats also don't show causation. the states that have CC have lower crime to begin with.
I take it, this guy hasn't heard of the 'Girls Gone Wild' videos. Yeah... I want a bimbo that'll take off her clothes in public or screw 4 guys for a damn t-shirt to be carrying around a loaded 9mm in the campus cafeteria.
Hail, Hail!!!
The stats compare states pre and post CC. So there goes that argument.
I've tried to stay away from these threads all day. I've done this debate too many times on this board. But it is clear cut - state crimes rates decrease after CC laws are passed.
That would be SOOOOOO HOT!
I don't have a problem with concealed carry laws for the most part, but I strongly disagree with the point of this thread that CC should be allowed on a college campus. I just think that it's a recipe for disaster.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Why? What if it were extended to properly trained faculty only? Wouldn't that be better than being totally defenseless?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yeah, I'm not going to argue in favor of that. I was simply correcting a possible misconception about the stats.
the states enacting concealed carry do not have the same problems inner cities do. you're talking mostly about rural areas where most gun owners ARE responsible. but this is america. it's a huge and diverse nation. you cannot apply a one size fits all designation to all of it when it comes to something like guns. it might be fine for ohio, but i cannot see it being a good thing for chicago or nyc. and i certainly don't think it's a good idea to have a bunch of hormonal, horny, liquored up college kids packing heat on campus. when the fuck did this ever become anyone's idea of wise policy?
Ditto here. Look at all the irrational things that occur because people are so stressed out-road rage, bar fights, spousal and child abuse, shit just arguements in the grocery lines or while Christmas shopping at wal Mart on the day after Thanksgiving, etc...not to mention all the depression, substance abuse and other mental heath issues and pain many people suffer-there are a lot of people out there a inch from going over the edge.
Let's just have everyone have a gun to make it a safer society :rolleyes:
And yes, criminals will find a way to get guns no matter what but easier access to guns can lead to this tragedy and make it easier for the the 51 year old Wisconsin man in the midst of a divorce kill his two kids and himself.
Yeah, just like how the death penalty deters people from committing violent crimes...
Another consideration: Let's say that there were a handful of students with guns in a room when the police kicked down the door. Things happen fast, everyone's shitting themselves with fear and sweating adrenaline, no one knows exactly what's going on, maybe the cops don't have a physical description on the suspect... yeah, that's a situation where you want everyone in the room to have semiautomatic handguns.
I'll admit that I'm pretty idelogically biased, but for the life of me, I have no idea how anyone could believe that more people with guns would have made this tragic situation end any better.
thats not true.. if you knew anything about the person in your sig and his organisation then you'd realise that.