
Let us write a story sentence by sentence.



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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'i ran into her about an hour ago and she asked how anna was. naturally i assumed she was talking about what happened at the showing though who knows how she'd find out about that but anyway.and then she said something about anna showing up with the police yesterday at the hospital. have you seen anna?'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    No not in awhile.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'i'm gonna go over there and find out what's going on. i can't imagine why anna would be with the police. she can't even stand watching nypd blue on re-runs.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Shall I come with you?
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'safety in numbers, that sort of thing. yeah i just might need backup.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Did Meridith tell you anything other than this? It sounds strange to me.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'like there's any other drama with anna. please gerard i forgot how peaceful my life could be the second anna and i hugged at your gallery.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Do you want to go there first or will we get that icecream you talked about?
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'i think i can do without ice cream right now.'

    gerard looked sideways at beth.

    'you don't think she killed him, do you?'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Why would she kill Arlo? Unless my feels about him were more than jutified. Shit, why do you say these things. Anna wouldn't kill anyone. Would she?
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'i was talking about that shitheel vincent. wait a minute your feelings about arlo being justified. what does that mean?'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Oh nothing I guess. I just don't like him moving in on Anna so soon after his friend .... Whatever Gerrard, it isn't important. Do you think she killed Vincent?
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'iknow it's only been less than a month, but arlo has been good for anna. besides davey's hardly a friend. arlo's brother is in a band with a friend of davey's. that's the extent of it.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    I think it is pretty quick after Davey. I just don't want her to get hurt.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'no matter what, anna always ends up hurting somehow. we just have to give her room and be there for her.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    I was worried about her not him getting hurt.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'i know and well you gotta know nothing sticks with that girl. but she is her own worst enemy.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    She probable is. I hope she didn't do too much damage this time.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    and maybe there'd be no time to find out. it wasn't until freya answered the door that she realised that anna was still in the bathroom. she left beth and gerard standing. running down the hall, she pounded on the door.

    'anna sweetie let me in. beth and gerard are here, they'd like to see you.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Tell them to piss off and while you're at it you do the same.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    'anna, it's beth. open the door so we can talk.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Jeez who the hell do you people think you are. I am in the shower for crying out loud. Let me have some peace will you? Now get....., just hold each others hand and leave me be.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    for want of something to do, gerard pressed his ear to the door. he looked at freya and beth.

    'well the shower is running. we should give her some room.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Well if we are gonna give her some room, then lets give her this one she is using it anyway. Beth smiled to show she was only joking.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    in the shower, anna sat under the stream of hot water. her hair in clumps clogging up the drain. the scissors still in her hands pressing against her skin. she'd been sitting like this for nearly ten minutes. if she could, she'd sit here until the water ran out. instead she dropped the scissors and stood up. she ran her hand through her now short hair. turning the water off she stepped out of the bath and naked walked across the hall to her room. she closed the door behind her. she counted to five before there was a knock. anna went to the door and pulled it open.

    'please just leave me frey..........'

    it was not her sister but gerard standing in front of her. to anna it didn't even seem to her that he noticed she was naked, he was so intent on what she had done to her hair.

    'it's only hair gerard.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Eumh yes it is only hair. It will grow back. But still you look like a scarecrow.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    gerard wrapped his arms around anna. and amazingly she allowed him to do it. he felt her body sag into his, so he held her tighter. she was crying. it was then that gerard noticed the lack of mattress on the bed.

    'um sweetie, someone stole your bed. do you know that?'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    I couldn't help but laugh despite the fact that I didn't want to laugh.

    Yes I know it is gone Gérrard, I know.
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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    catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    the look on anna's face was the saddest he had ever seen.

    'he really hurt me gerard.'
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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    karma defectkarma defect Posts: 5,483
    Yes I know honey, I know. Do you want to stay else where tonight and make some changes here?
    « One man's glory is another man's hell.
    You’re on the outside, never bound by such a spell.
    Together in the darkness, alone in the light.
    I took it upon me to be yours, Timmy,
    I’ll lead your angels and demons at play tonight......»
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