Columbus area Pearl Jam fan gone missing...



  • edvedder913edvedder913 Posts: 1,810
    Wow - so sad. I hope they find him one way or another so his family and friends get closure. Scary how someone can disappear like this. I do not understand the friend not willing to answer questions. That makes no sense at all. If anything I would think it would make police more suspicious of him. Esp. since they do not have footage of him leaving the bar.
  • worldworld Posts: 266
    I was just in Columbus a few weekends ago and saw many "Missing" signs. You guys are dedicated. Good Luck. Dont give up.

    Ill be praying for him.
    Chicago '98, Noblesville '00, East Troy '00, Chicago '00, Champaign '03, Chicago '03, Chicago1 '06, Chicago2 '06, Milwaukee '06, Chicago1 '09, and Chicago2 '09
  • i just dont get the fact that he is clearly seen walking into a bar. and then does not come out. is there more doors, with no cameras? does the bar itself not have cameras? it almost frustrates me that such "doors" to answers haven't really been discussed. i only check up on this every couple weeks, but it's such a bug knowing more can be done about this.

    "how many people did die from that?...did P.Diddy kill them?" - Eddie Vedder 2006.02.19
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    i just dont get the fact that he is clearly seen walking into a bar. and then does not come out. is there more doors, with no cameras? does the bar itself not have cameras? it almost frustrates me that such "doors" to answers haven't really been discussed. i only check up on this every couple weeks, but it's such a bug knowing more can be done about this.

    At the time he went missing, there were 3 exits. Two of them were available to the public, and both had cameras. The other was under heavy construction and would have been difficult for an intoxicated person to travel through. It may also have been locked at that late hour.

    I assume that the video was scrutinized for things like sudden changes in images or randomly disappearing/appearing cars or other things that would indicate someone pausing the tape. (It might have had a clock display the time on the video, i'm not sure.)
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • Still no luck, that sucks.

    I hope it eventually works its way out.
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • At the time he went missing, there were 3 exits. Two of them were available to the public, and both had cameras. The other was under heavy construction and would have been difficult for an intoxicated person to travel through. It may also have been locked at that late hour.

    I assume that the video was scrutinized for things like sudden changes in images or randomly disappearing/appearing cars or other things that would indicate someone pausing the tape. (It might have had a clock display the time on the video, i'm not sure.)

    are you talking about the doors at the top of the escalators? cause they are right by where the bouncer checks ids for the bar. you'd think even if they don't have footage of him, the bouncer might remember seeing him leave that way. cause it's not common for people to not leave down the escalator. you'd think it might stick out in the bouncers mind. oh well, no matter how much i try to analyze this whole thing it's just weird.
  • phillyfanphillyfan Posts: 831
    first time i read about this,so sorry to hear about it. my prayers and heart go out to the family
    If you hate something dont you do it too
    world fucking champs!!!
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    crittables wrote:
    are you talking about the doors at the top of the escalators? cause they are right by where the bouncer checks ids for the bar. you'd think even if they don't have footage of him, the bouncer might remember seeing him leave that way. cause it's not common for people to not leave down the escalator. you'd think it might stick out in the bouncers mind. oh well, no matter how much i try to analyze this whole thing it's just weird.

    Talking from my 1 visit there, and from what i've learned from the media.

    When I was there, I went in the door off the sidewalk between the escalators and the faux-Irish pub. Saw the escalators right in front of me, went up them, and the Ugly Tuna was to my right. A movie theater was to my left. A bit further back, there were some doors marked "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" or something to that effect.

    I saw some pictures of people going up and down the escalators. I assume that's the video camera that is being referenced.

    You're right though, it's very confusing that there's no video of him leaving. He was with friends that night. Here's a condensed timeline from an earlier post: If you go to that post, you'll find some references to a guy in an orange sweater. He has since been questioned and did not know anything.

    9:30 p.m.: Shaffer goes to Ugly Tuna Saloona, leaves after 30 minutes
    1:15 a.m.: Shaffer comes up escalators with Clint and Meredith (Brian Shaffer's friends)
    1:55 a.m.: Shaffer is seen standing outside to the right of the bar, at top of escalators, talking to two friends. LAST VIDEO OF SHAFFER ANYWHERE
    2:09 a.m.: Clint and Meredith leave without Brian.

    Unless, Brian stayed until the bar closed and somehow the cameras were turned off before he left. (Use the restroom, pay a tab, etc.) You'd think that security cameras would be on 24/7. What good is a security camera that is turned off?
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • sigh eternallysigh eternally Chicago Posts: 421
    Talking from my 1 visit there, and from what i've learned from the media.

    When I was there, I went in the door off the sidewalk between the escalators and the faux-Irish pub. Saw the escalators right in front of me, went up them, and the Ugly Tuna was to my right. A movie theater was to my left. A bit further back, there were some doors marked "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY" or something to that effect.

    I saw some pictures of people going up and down the escalators. I assume that's the video camera that is being referenced.

    You're right though, it's very confusing that there's no video of him leaving. He was with friends that night. Here's a condensed timeline from an earlier post: If you go to that post, you'll find some references to a guy in an orange sweater. He has since been questioned and did not know anything.

    9:30 p.m.: Shaffer goes to Ugly Tuna Saloona, leaves after 30 minutes
    1:15 a.m.: Shaffer comes up escalators with Clint and Meredith (Brian Shaffer's friends)
    1:55 a.m.: Shaffer is seen standing outside to the right of the bar, at top of escalators, talking to two friends. LAST VIDEO OF SHAFFER ANYWHERE
    2:09 a.m.: Clint and Meredith leave without Brian.

    Unless, Brian stayed until the bar closed and somehow the cameras were turned off before he left. (Use the restroom, pay a tab, etc.) You'd think that security cameras would be on 24/7. What good is a security camera that is turned off?

    that whole south campus gateway doesnt seem like a place where one would vanish off the face of the earth, does it? makes no sense.

    i'm sick of seeing the flyers of Brian everywhere - still nothing. how long has it been? far too f*ing long.
    so sad.

    we share the same birthday and year. unnerving.
  • I read this thread from time to time hoping that they've found him or his body. This is such a sad story. I will keep them in my prayers. Its so horrible that these kinds of disappearances happen. I hope they find him.

    ~~peace and love~~
  • I read this thread from time to time hoping that they've found him or his body. This is such a sad story. I will keep them in my prayers. Its so horrible that these kinds of disappearances happen. I hope they find him.

    ~~peace and love~~

    sounds as if he is alive

    i cant wait for the recovery story

    there are cases like this out there

    its so sad

    the hard work that you guys are doing and have done is fantastic

    keep it up
    Some people have religion I have Pearl Jam.

    no more shows
  • sounds as if he is alive

    i cant wait for the recovery story

    there are cases like this out there

    its so sad

    the hard work that you guys are doing and have done is fantastic

    keep it up

    that's great to hear that he may be alive!

    Here's another missing person case in Ohio (for 15-yr old Emily Smitley) that I just received as an e-mail this morning:
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743

    Here's another missing person case in Ohio (for 15-yr old Emily Smitley) that I just received as an e-mail this morning:

    I saw her picture when you posted this and I just clicked on the link again and got this message:

    More Missing Children
    About LinkTiles

    No Longer Missing

    Thank-you for inquiring about this child. According to our records, this child is no longer considered missing.

    That is good news. :) When I did a search on her name, it listed her as an endangered runaway.

    At least she's back home and safe. all know what I wished at this moment.
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    icarus wrote:
    i've read this thread a couple of times over the last few months. its really odd nothings happened by now. i'm sorry if this has been talked about before, but what has his friends that were with him that night said about what happened? why did they arrive with him and then leave without him? did he say anything strange to them? have they talked or are they staying silent? i read somewhere one of them refused a lie detector test.

    There was a discussion a couple pages back about this. Apparently the one friend doesn't want to undergo a lie detector test, but the other one did.

    I also would like to know why they didn't leave with him. Here's what's weird:

    9:30 p.m.: Shaffer goes to Ugly Tuna Saloona, leaves after 30 minutes
    1:15 a.m.: Shaffer comes up escalators with Clint and Meredith (Brian Shaffer's friends)
    1:55 a.m.: Shaffer is seen standing outside to the right of the bar, at top of escalators, talking to two friends. LAST VIDEO OF SHAFFER ANYWHERE
    2:09 a.m.: Clint and Meredith leave without Brian.

    It doesn't mention him leaving. Either this suggests that the cameras were turned off before he left, which is incredibly stupid on the Gateway's part (South Campus University Gateway is the area where the bar is), or he left through the third exit which was under construction.

    If the cameras were turned off, and I hope they weren't, why would they EVER be turned off? Even at 5 AM, they should be on. I'm obviously hoping they weren't turned off, but when all logical explanations seem to run out...

    OR there's another back way out of Ugly Tuna by which he left. NOTE - I don't know if there is or not, i'm just throwing ideas out there. Fire code also states that there must be multiple ways out of all public areas. I wonder if Ugly Tuna would have to have two ways out of the actual bar itself.
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • well here I am again. ;) I check this post at least once a week hoping to hear good news. :D I have nothing to share as far as helpful hints, or any knowledge where the poor guy might be. So I just check the site once a week hoping to see some happy news.
    Does anyone have a picture of the guy? I would copy it and put a few up around the little town I live in. It is in between Columbus and Cleveland. And I know alot of people that are of college age and may have heard something. Wooster has a big College here and perhaps I could put a few pictures of him around the college. My niece goes there too. It isn't much but it is something I can do and I really would like to help.:):):)
    This is such a sad story. :(:(:( Something you just read about in a newspaper somewhere but this time it is so close to home.
    And all the PJammers getting together trying to help.
    :)God Bless this man and bring him home.:)
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    VEDDERFAN1 wrote:
    Does anyone have a picture of the guy

    Go there and print out the poster. Be sure you get permission to hang it up. I know some colleges are icky about what, where, and even for how long you post things.

    Thanks for the help!
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • Thanks, I made about 1/2 a dozen copies and I will ask my niece to place them around the Wooster College Campus. I will be sure to ask for permission first.

    Just let me say this is such a sad story and I am praying so hard for a happy ending.

  • I dont know ...the more i read this thread.,..the more i think there's something not right....i mean ...did they ever find the guy in the bright orange sweater? i am sure i missed several pages of this,.not intentionally..but why was he up and down the many freaking times...i think i saw or read that a psychic says he is alive but is suffering from amnesia or head injury.... i mean one of my thoughts was when the guy in the orange sweater was outside and the cameras said he appeared to be looking for someone..maybe he was letting someone know that brian would be coming out a different exit ya know like they were gonna rob him or something terrible...the guy in the orange sweater that constantly was up and down into the bar ..makes me think of a drug dealer or someone looking for someone that owed him money or pissed him off or something...who really knows? i pray that somehow the truth comes out for this families peace of mind..or that Brian is found with amnesia somewhere.and ok....i cry everytime i read this thread for Brian's family...for Brian..and i dont know why ..maybe because of the talk of what exit he took...but i always think of the song "Last Exit"...i pray that is not the case!!!!!!!!
    ...It's only after disaster that we can be resurrected...
    it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)

    ... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
  • I dont know ...the more i read this thread.,..the more i think there's something not right....i mean ...did they ever find the guy in the bright orange sweater? i am sure i missed several pages of this,.not intentionally..but why was he up and down the many freaking times...i think i saw or read that a psychic says he is alive but is suffering from amnesia or head injury.... i mean one of my thoughts was when the guy in the orange sweater was outside and the cameras said he appeared to be looking for someone..maybe he was letting someone know that brian would be coming out a different exit ya know like they were gonna rob him or something terrible...the guy in the orange sweater that constantly was up and down into the bar ..makes me think of a drug dealer or someone looking for someone that owed him money or pissed him off or something...who really knows? i pray that somehow the truth comes out for this families peace of mind..or that Brian is found with amnesia somewhere.and ok....i cry everytime i read this thread for Brian's family...for Brian..and i dont know why ..maybe because of the talk of what exit he took...but i always think of the song "Last Exit"...i pray that is not the case!!!!!!!!

    I have read about it and they have already talked witht he gentleman and he is off the hook, he has a sound alibi and it was nothing more then him looking for his ride home thats why he was up and down and looking around the parking lot...

    If anything really gets me its the fact that his friend who was out with him refuses to take a lie detector, maybe its because he feels that its a machine and MAYBE something could go wrong with it and he might be slightly incriminated EVEN IF he really didn't have any hand in it...I really think people dont believe in lie detectors...

    I cant understand this whole story of him not being caught on tape leaving the bar, I know there is another exit that leads out of the bar that DOESN'T have a camera on it but police said even a sober person would have trouble leaving that way, its hard to believe a smart guy like him would head that way UNLESS tricked or convinced to help someone and from there bad things happen...otherwise he literally disappeared off the face of the Earth! He HAS to have left out the alternate exit if he is not caught on tape leaving...They have said that it was a slightly dangerous area and if he tried to walk home someting could have happened there...

    My opinion for what it is worth after readng all the stories, what police have given to the public etc...I personally believe at 2am when he was seen at the top of the escaltor and then headed back into the bar(last time ever seen) I think at this point he was either lead to believe or hoaxed into going out this OTHER exit, maybe someone acted like they were in trouble, maybe he even just went out that way to see if he could go that way and it was the case of wrong time, wrong place and ran into someone who took advantage of him drinking...You understand what I mean...

    He is a smart guy and its very hard to believe that within minutes of being normal on camera talking to 2 girls to then have some mental breakdown or amnesia and never be heard from or at least caught on camera...

    I pray I am wrong and my prayers go out to his family and friends but things are looking very suspicous in this case!
  • I have read about it and they have already talked witht he gentleman and he is off the hook, he has a sound alibi and it was nothing more then him looking for his ride home thats why he was up and down and looking around the parking lot...

    If anything really gets me its the fact that his friend who was out with him refuses to take a lie detector, maybe its because he feels that its a machine and MAYBE something could go wrong with it and he might be slightly incriminated EVEN IF he really didn't have any hand in it...I really think people dont believe in lie detectors...

    I cant understand this whole story of him not being caught on tape leaving the bar, I know there is another exit that leads out of the bar that DOESN'T have a camera on it but police said even a sober person would have trouble leaving that way, its hard to believe a smart guy like him would head that way UNLESS tricked or convinced to help someone and from there bad things happen...otherwise he literally disappeared off the face of the Earth! He HAS to have left out the alternate exit if he is not caught on tape leaving...They have said that it was a slightly dangerous area and if he tried to walk home someting could have happened there...

    My opinion for what it is worth after readng all the stories, what police have given to the public etc...I personally believe at 2am when he was seen at the top of the escaltor and then headed back into the bar(last time ever seen) I think at this point he was either lead to believe or hoaxed into going out this OTHER exit, maybe someone acted like they were in trouble, maybe he even just went out that way to see if he could go that way and it was the case of wrong time, wrong place and ran into someone who took advantage of him drinking...You understand what I mean...

    He is a smart guy and its very hard to believe that within minutes of being normal on camera talking to 2 girls to then have some mental breakdown or amnesia and never be heard from or at least caught on camera...

    I pray I am wrong and my prayers go out to his family and friends but things are looking very suspicous in this case!

    oh i didnt know the guy in the bright orange had been cleared...makes sense now he was looking for a ride...i have to agree with ya on the latter,,i mean if he was hit on the head,,then maybe he has amnesia,,i think about it all the time,,lie detector tests are not accurate..just taking one makes you upset..and that could be the case..alot of people dont believe in them..i know for a fact that they can be passed even when your lying cause my younger sister lied lied lied and passed a lie detector test...(she later bragged to me about it) this story saddens me more and more with every day that goes by....i mean since april 1st...its just horrible
    ...It's only after disaster that we can be resurrected...
    it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)

    ... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    VEDDERFAN1 wrote:
    Thanks, I made about 1/2 a dozen copies and I will ask my niece to place them around the Wooster College Campus. I will be sure to ask for permission first.

    Just let me say this is such a sad story and I am praying so hard for a happy ending.


    Thanks for the help.

    Hopefully the college administration will be happy to have them posted. It would just suck to have them ripped down after you spent good money to create them because they weren't previously approved.
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    If anything really gets me its the fact that his friend who was out with him refuses to take a lie detector, maybe its because he feels that its a machine and MAYBE something could go wrong with it and he might be slightly incriminated EVEN IF he really didn't have any hand in it...I really think people dont believe in lie detectors...

    Even if it did buzz in the fashion that the friend knows something, he could always take another one. I think I said this before, but 9 times out of 10 (maybe 10/10), the lie detector is not enough evidence by itself to stand up in court.

    My opinion for what it is worth after readng all the stories, what police have given to the public etc...I personally believe at 2am when he was seen at the top of the escaltor and then headed back into the bar(last time ever seen) I think at this point he was either lead to believe or hoaxed into going out this OTHER exit, maybe someone acted like they were in trouble, maybe he even just went out that way to see if he could go that way and it was the case of wrong time, wrong place and ran into someone who took advantage of him drinking...You understand what I mean...

    It was a night of drinking at more than one bar. Everyone knows that when someone gets drunk, they may attempt stupid things.

    That door should have been locked though, and everything I know suggests that it wasn't. Hopefully he wasn't assaulted, but you do have a good theory, PearlJamMan.
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    i hope for my birthday this year, i can see this thread say UPDATE***FOUND

    that will be a good day
  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    The friend should take a lie detector test regardless! When they do them, they ask lots of questions, some that they already know the answers to, so they can get a reading\reaction of when you tell the truth, etc. This makes up for being nervous etc. Its a control measurement.
    Someboody knows something! Enough time has past and the investigators need to exclude or include people and get focused.
    There is no good reason for that friend to not take the test. He shouldn't worry about failing it unless he actually lies. The test alone is not what they'll decide by. He needs to do whatever they ask to clear himself.
    Think about it....would you? I would, even if I am afraid of false readings. I would know it would take more than that test.
    Why isn't this on TV more? Like, Nancy Grace should cover it. I haven't read all the posts to see if she has been asked to, but she gets things done when she covers missing people.
    How sad for the family. To not know is horrible. I would have to know one way or another where my loved one is and what happened. I cannot imagine living each day not knowing.
    This needs to get media time. HUGE, BIG media time.
    I think about Brian and his loved ones often.
    Save room for dessert!
  • ZanneZanne Posts: 899
    Dissociative Fugue:
    Dissociative Fugue is a rare disorder. An individual with dissociative fugue suddenly and unexpectedly takes physical leave of his surroundings and sets off on a journey of some kind. These journeys can last hours, or even several days or months. Individuals experiencing a dissociative fugue have traveled over thousands of miles. An individual in a fugue state is unaware of or confused about his identity, and in some cases will assume a new identity (although this is the exception).Dissociative Fugue, formerly Psychogenic Fugue,- is a sudden, unplanned excursion away from ones planned itinerary accompanied by either memory loss or confusion about, loss of, or assumption of a new identity.

    Dissociative Amnesia:
    Dissociative amnesia appears to be caused by stress associated with traumatic experiences endured or witnessed, physical or sexual abuse, rape, combat, natural disasters; major life stresses, abandonment, death of a loved one, financial troubles; or tremendous internal conflict, turmoil over guilt-ridden impulses, apparently unresolvable interpersonal difficulties, criminal behaviors. Additionally, some persons are believed to be more predisposed to amnesia, eg, those who are easily hypnotized.

    I'm gonna just hope for something like this, because anything else I can imagine eliminates hope altogether.

    Just me
  • Zanne wrote:
    Dissociative Fugue:
    Dissociative Fugue is a rare disorder. An individual with dissociative fugue suddenly and unexpectedly takes physical leave of his surroundings and sets off on a journey of some kind. These journeys can last hours, or even several days or months. Individuals experiencing a dissociative fugue have traveled over thousands of miles. An individual in a fugue state is unaware of or confused about his identity, and in some cases will assume a new identity (although this is the exception).Dissociative Fugue, formerly Psychogenic Fugue,- is a sudden, unplanned excursion away from ones planned itinerary accompanied by either memory loss or confusion about, loss of, or assumption of a new identity.

    Dissociative Amnesia:
    Dissociative amnesia appears to be caused by stress associated with traumatic experiences endured or witnessed, physical or sexual abuse, rape, combat, natural disasters; major life stresses, abandonment, death of a loved one, financial troubles; or tremendous internal conflict, turmoil over guilt-ridden impulses, apparently unresolvable interpersonal difficulties, criminal behaviors. Additionally, some persons are believed to be more predisposed to amnesia, eg, those who are easily hypnotized.

    I'm gonna just hope for something like this, because anything else I can imagine eliminates hope altogether.


    Associative Fugue is a rare new order. An individual with associative fugue suddenly and unexpectedly takes physical leave of his surroundings and sets off on a journey of some kind. These journeys can last hours, or even several days or months. Individuals experiencing a associative fugue have traveled over thousands of miles. An individual in a fugue state is aware of his identity but in some cases will assume a new identity (although this is the exception).Associative Fugue, formerly naturalogenic Fugue,- is a sudden, planned excursion away from ones failed planned itinerarys accompanied by born of a new identity.
  • Zanne wrote:
    Dissociative Fugue:
    Dissociative Fugue is a rare disorder. An individual with dissociative fugue suddenly and unexpectedly takes physical leave of his surroundings and sets off on a journey of some kind. These journeys can last hours, or even several days or months. Individuals experiencing a dissociative fugue have traveled over thousands of miles. An individual in a fugue state is unaware of or confused about his identity, and in some cases will assume a new identity (although this is the exception).Dissociative Fugue, formerly Psychogenic Fugue,- is a sudden, unplanned excursion away from ones planned itinerary accompanied by either memory loss or confusion about, loss of, or assumption of a new identity.

    Dissociative Amnesia:
    Dissociative amnesia appears to be caused by stress associated with traumatic experiences endured or witnessed, physical or sexual abuse, rape, combat, natural disasters; major life stresses, abandonment, death of a loved one, financial troubles; or tremendous internal conflict, turmoil over guilt-ridden impulses, apparently unresolvable interpersonal difficulties, criminal behaviors. Additionally, some persons are believed to be more predisposed to amnesia, eg, those who are easily hypnotized.

    I'm gonna just hope for something like this, because anything else I can imagine eliminates hope altogether.


    i hope for this too i want this story to have a happy ending
    ...It's only after disaster that we can be resurrected...
    it's only after you've lost everything ...that you are free to do anything....(Fight Club)

    ... I'll ride the wave...where it takes me....
  • I think I know where Brian is.
    I´ve looked into his profile in and found out that Pearl Jam are his friends, maybe he is a staff member of the tour and he is with Pearl Jam.
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    I think I know where Brian is.
    I´ve looked into his profile in and found out that Pearl Jam are his friends, maybe he is a staff member of the tour and he is with Pearl Jam.

    I wish this was the case, but I have Pearl Jam linked to my myspace. You don't necessarily need to know someone in person to have them link to you, or even to link to them.

    And, if he was with the band, wouldn't someone have said something? Ed also talked about his story during the Cincinnati show earlier this year.

    Now, it is true that a tour requires a lot of people, more than we realize, but he would certainly have told Alexis (his girlfriend) what he'd be doing over the next couple months and would have returned her phone calls.
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • Hi,
    I may be out of line in suggesting this and I am from England so the first thing I have heard about this is from reading this thread (and I must confess I have not read all 26 pages) but has anyone thought or mentioned that he may have just planned this, found his way out of the bar discreetly and wanted to disappear for whatever reason he would want to dissappear. I know from reading the majority of the posts that there is a lot of work been put in to find Brian but maybe he does not want to be found?? ( I am in NO WAY suggesting that people should stop) and I hope as much as everyone else that there is a better explanation for this for his family/friends sake. It is just another thought.

    P.s...have only just joined the Message Pit and it fills me with warmth that this community exists and peoples reactions to events are like this.
    Bomb Hills, Not Countries..............
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