Chris Cornell - Long Gone



  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    I'll say this much: the slower songs are a LOT more tolerable than the fast songs. I don't know why, maybe they fit his voice better. Or maybe it's the lack of yelping in the background. I just don't know. :D
    his voice can fit anything... it sounds great on all these tracks... thats the saddest part... ok maybe not "great"... it seems like hes holding back alot... i know hes got more power

    the black guy speaking break down part in "scream" is almost as stupid as "is this mic on?"

    i cant get over how generic these drum beats are! and when they try to mix it up at all it just sounds like the record is skipping... its nothing different
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • I agree, I would even go to the point of saying that I rather like Scream, the music isn't spectacular, but the vocals are damn good. Watch Out still irritates the living shit out of me.
    I wouldn't go so far as to say I particularly like any of them. Maybe some of them will work better live, with better instrumentation - but I can see with near certainty that I won't like Watch Out or Ground Zero. Ever.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    I agree, I would even go to the point of saying that I rather like Scream, the music isn't spectacular, but the vocals are damn good. Watch Out still irritates the living shit out of me.
    "silence is golden" actually applies quite well to my feelings about this album
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    I wouldn't go so far as to say I particularly like any of them. Maybe some of them will work better live, with better instrumentation - but I can see with near certainty that I won't like Watch Out or Ground Zero. Ever.

    I don't think Ground Zero is awful, again the music is a bit shit, but I kind of don't mind the melody, and I totally agree with the subject matter he's singing about (how Bush and co. used 911 as an excuse to do a lot of fucked up shit).
  • sgossard3 wrote:
    his voice can fit anything... it sounds great on all these tracks... thats the saddest part... ok maybe not "great"... it seems like hes holding back alot... i know hes got more power

    the black guy speaking break down part in "scream" is almost as stupid as "is this mic on?"

    i cant get over how generic these drum beats are! and when they try to mix it up at all it just sounds like the record is skipping... its nothing different
    It really is just "Cornell does pop", which is disappointing, cos it's not even very good pop. I was hoping he'd really let loose now that he's got his voice back in great shape - give us something approaching the power of Say Hello 2 Heaven or Let Me Drown, even if the music is completely different. But as much talent as the man inarguably has, it looks like it's mostly wasted on this album - or at least these 5 tracks.

    And yeah, the break down made me cry a little on the inside.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    I don't think Ground Zero is awful, again the music is a bit shit, but I kind of don't mind the melody, and I totally agree with the subject matter he's singing about (how Bush and co. used 911 as an excuse to do a lot of fucked up shit).
    hes not with the rage boyz anymore... he doesnt have to pretend to care about politics or anything outside his lil comfort bubble... it always struck me as insincere with audioslave and its no different here
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • muppetmuppet Posts: 980

    Jesus H Christ
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    What's most infuriating about this is the fact that this record is blatantly going to sell a shit load, which means there may be more to come......
  • What's most infuriating about this is the fact that this record is blatantly going to sell a shit load, which means there may be more to come......
    Yeah, then we'll see how set Cornell is on never making the same album twice, and making sure he's in control of all the decisions in his music. It might be hard to pass up making another million sales on solo records with lyrics written by hired goons. ;)
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    muppet wrote:

    Jesus H Christ

    I missed that part when I first listened to it, for fuck sake - that sounds ridiculous! And now it's going to ruin possibly the only song I really like on the album :(
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    What's most infuriating about this is the fact that this record is blatantly going to sell a shit load, which means there may be more to come......
    you really think so? we should atleast start a sharing community here on the pit to assure no one BUYS it... one person can d/l it and then make it available via mediafire for those with a morbid interest

    i dont think people that simply like timbalands past work will just run out and buy this though... especially if they take the time to look at cornells past work... hopefully thatll turn off casual fans
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Yeah, then we'll see how set Cornell is on never making the same album twice, and making sure he's in control of all the decisions in his music. It might be hard to pass up making another million sales on solo records with lyrics written by hired goons. ;)

    I think it's the fame he craves, I don't think money really comes into it since he already has boat loads of it! I remeber reading an interview back when he was with Audioslave and he said something about how he still felt the need to be up there (on stage) with people watching him, kind of an attention thing.
  • Marie CurieMarie Curie Posts: 1,250
    What's most infuriating about this is the fact that this record is blatantly going to sell a shit load, which means there may be more to come......

    I still have faith that this will not happen. When you start making this type of music, you are not only selling music, but also selling an image. An image that Chris does not have. To the kids who buy this type of music, he's just a 44 year old guy that they never heard of before, that's not cool, it's creepy. he's no Justin Timberlake

    Also, did you listen to the interview? The comparisons to Pink Floyd are getting ridiculous. Does he really think this is a modern day DSOTM? He's out of his mind! Pink Floyd should reunite with Roger Waters to go kick his ass for saying shit like that.
    “Life is life everywhere. Life is in ourselves and not outside us. There will be men beside me, and the important thing is to be a man among men and to remain a man always, whatever the misfortunes, not to despair and not to fall - that is the aim of life, that is its purpose.”
    Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • Edved82Edved82 Ireland Posts: 1,279
    After listening to those 5 songs, I think a part of me died a little. Horrible.
    "...though my problems are meaningless....that don't make them go away...."
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    sgossard3 wrote:
    you really think so? we should atleast start a sharing community here on the pit to assure no one BUYS it... one person can d/l it and then make it available via mediafire for those with a morbid interest

    i dont think people that simply like timbalands past work will just run out and buy this though... especially if they take the time to look at cornells past work... hopefully thatll turn off casual fans

    Oh totally, it ticks all the boxes for Timbaland fans, and let's not forget, that guy is fucking hugely famous. You only have to look at how he took a boy band gimp like Timberlake and a folky-pop singer like Nelly Furtado and turned them into these 'cutting edge' pop stars.
  • I think it's the fame he craves, I don't think money really comes into it since he already has boat loads of it! I remeber reading an interview back when he was with Audioslave and he said something about how he still felt the need to be up there (on stage) with people watching him, kind of an attention thing.
    Which is still an absolutely absurd reason to go in this direction - did he think the millions of fans he played to on his last tour would just give up on him if he made another rock record? I know some this is just bitterness on my part cos of the sucky music, but it's like he's trading the proper, enduring fame he had with his loyal fans for the fickle, flavour-of-the-month fame that Timbaland might give him. :(
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • OffHeGoes132OffHeGoes132 Posts: 594
    What's most infuriating about this is the fact that this record is blatantly going to sell a shit load, which means there may be more to come......

    This is precisely what I'm worried about as well. But like Marie Curie said, I'm also holding out hope that the whole image thing will prevent further monstrosities such as this collaboration. I'm sure though that this will be his best selling solo album, sadly.

    I must admit that the vocals are really good, but you can hardly tell with the shit effects and the even shittier music. And yes the Timbo talking after the first verse of Scream made me want to punch somebody for no reason.
  • This is precisely what I'm worried about as well. But like Marie Curie said, I'm also holding out hope that the whole image thing will prevent further monstrosities such as this collaboration. I'm sure though that this will be his best selling solo album, sadly.

    I must admit that the vocals are really good, but you can hardly tell with the shit effects and the even shittier music. And yes the Timbo talking after the first verse of Scream made me want to punch somebody for no reason.
    The stupidity of the whole damn thing is a good enough reason. Punches all round! :p
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    I still have faith that this will not happen. When you start making this type of music, you are not only selling music, but also selling an image. An image that Chris does not have. To the kids who buy this type of music, he's just a 44 year old guy that they never heard of before, that's not cool, it's creepy. he's no Justin Timberlake

    Also, did you listen to the interview? The comparisons to Pink Floyd are getting ridiculous. Does he really think this is a modern day DSOTM? He's out of his mind! Pink Floyd should reunite with Roger Waters to go kick his ass for saying shit like that.

    Have you not seen the recent photo shots of him? Be fair to the guy, he's not exactly ugly and could pass for being a good few years younger than he is, you can see some of them here:

    All it will take is for some cheesy video for Long Gone and I'm sure teenage girls the world over will be lapping it up!

    And yeah I absolutely agree about the Pink Floyd comparisons - fucking outrageous! It's like he's trying to placate the 'rock' fans by dropping that name, when in reality the similarities are tenuous to say the least!
  • Have you not seen the recent photo shots of him? Be fair to the guy, he's not exactly ugly and could pass for being a good few years younger than he is, you can see some of them here:

    All it will take is for some cheesy video for Long Gone and I'm sure teenage girls the world over will be lapping it up!

    And yeah I absolutely agree about the Pink Floyd comparisons - fucking outrageous! It's like he's trying to placate the 'rock' fans by dropping that name, when in reality the similarities are tenuous to say the least!
    Exactly - my friend's first reaction was that Chris looked like Johnny Depp in that pic with the scarf. Plus, what Timbaland-loving teenage girl - the clear target demographic of this album - has even heard of Soundgarden? And even the ones who've heard of Audioslave won't associate the name Chris Cornell with them, most likely.

    And let's not forget the possibility of a Billie Jean duet with David Cook. :eek:
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    it's like he's trading the proper, enduring fame he had with his loyal fans for the fickle, flavour-of-the-month fame that Timbaland might give him. :(

    Yep, that's pretty much the size of it. I highly doubt more than about 10% of his existing fan base are going to be interested in any of this. It seems like he totally left the musical side up to Timbaland right down to the cheesy 'is this mic on' 'sing the next verse Chris' shit. Had it been a mixture of their two styles it could have been fucking cool, but he really has gone the whole hog.
  • facepollutionfacepollution Posts: 6,834
    Exactly - my friend's first reaction was that Chris looked like Johnny Depp in that pic with the scarf. Plus, what Timbaland-loving teenage girl - the clear target demographic of this album - has even heard of Soundgarden? And even the ones who've heard of Audioslave won't associate the name Chris Cornell with them, most likely.

    And let's not forget the possibility of a Billie Jean duet with David Cook. :eek:

    At this point I think Chris Cornell would be lucky if David Cook did a duet with him ;)
  • At this point I think Chris Cornell would be lucky if David Cook did a duet with him ;)
    I can't believe we even know who David Cook is. :p
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • NewDamageNewDamage Posts: 1,913
    What's most infuriating about this is the fact that this record is blatantly going to sell a shit load, which means there may be more to come......

    I kinda disagree. If it does sell it will be on the Timbaland attachment alone. But even those people won't dig this.

    Cornell doesn't find success on his own, if we speak of success in terms of sales. Euphoria Morning was a huge commercial disappointment and Carry On even moreso. I have always been one to defend Carry On. Its not that bad. At least it was an honest record. And EM was fucking fantastic.

    This is shit. At least his voice is in fine form. Compared to everything since Out of Exile
    I am lost, I'm no guide. But I'm by your side...

    8/25/92, 10/4/96, 10/5/96, 9/1/98, 9/4/98, 8/4/00, 8/6/00, 4/15/03, 4/16/03, 10/6/04, 6/16/08
  • Haha, I was looking through Claire's fan page.
    "this is what my solo career will doing things that people probably won't expect": here's an interview with Foster from radio station 96rockWBBB the day before the Raleigh show. Chris looks back through his career and his various collaborations and describes "Scream" as "the least pop album that [Timbaland] has ever made". You can also watch video footage of the interview.

    Fuck off, Chris, it's still by far the worst album you've ever made. :p
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    Haha, I was looking through Claire's fan page.

    Fuck off, Chris, it's still by far the worst album you've ever made. :p
    lets start the "anti-chris cornell street team" :D

    we'll just do everything in our power to make sure this record FAILS (though chris has already done most of the hard work for us)
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    most of yiu have unrealistic expectations of the man. Agree with some of your negative comments about the new songs, but still, where'd you expect him to go after Carry On? -Okay, yep, I can vaguely sense the answer to that one.
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    elmer wrote:
    most of yiu have unrealistic expectations of the man. Agree with some of your negative comments about the new songs, but still, where'd you expect him to go after Carry On? -Okay, yep, I can vaguely sense the answer to that one.
    hey... i think all of his true fans here will say they were fine with what seemed to be a natural decline or progression in his music over time... the path from SG - carry on was what i would expect for someone his age and everything... theres just nothing natural or sincere about this latest album... any hateful words are just spawned from being sincerely heartbroken
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • corduroy85corduroy85 Posts: 139
    Hol crap, even the thought of him doing the promo shots in those poses a-la JT or any other generic pop-star was frightening but look at his face (sic!), maybe it's just the way the shadow falls but I think it's mascara:eek:
    Don't go messing with machoes!
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    sgossard3 wrote:
    hey... i think all of his true fans here will say they were fine with what seemed to be a natural decline or progression in his music over time... the path from SG - carry on was what i would expect for someone his age and everything... theres just nothing natural or sincere about this latest album... any hateful words are just spawned from being sincerely heartbroken
    Fair enough. Something about it does feel wrong.
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