I'm banned by the end of the night, I guarantee it.
go ahead and post them again
“Life is life everywhere. Life is in ourselves and not outside us. There will be men beside me, and the important thing is to be a man among men and to remain a man always, whatever the misfortunes, not to despair and not to fall - that is the aim of life, that is its purpose.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
They're thorough, I'll give 'em that. Should I go for a third round?
I see you already did
“Life is life everywhere. Life is in ourselves and not outside us. There will be men beside me, and the important thing is to be a man among men and to remain a man always, whatever the misfortunes, not to despair and not to fall - that is the aim of life, that is its purpose.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
its a pile of shit by cornell's standards, but its also nowhere near as good as justin timberlake or nelly furtado's stuff with timberland, which is listenable at least, and good in places.
hell, i even like some of their songs. i just cant handle any of the cornell/timberland shit. it seems FAKE and has CASH COW written all over it.
well done on the cartoons by the way, very funny xxx
its a pile of shit by cornell's standards, but its also nowhere near as good as justin timberlake or nelly furtado's stuff with timberland, which is listenable at least, and good in places.
hell, i even like some of their songs. i just cant handle any of the cornell/timberland shit. it seems FAKE and has CASH COW written all over it.
well done on the cartoons by the way, very funny xxx
Kind of agree with you there. I like the songs, but I was expecting some pretty cool beats from Timbaland because he has produced some really great, catchy stuff. But here it's just generic, tinny drum machines.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear :( I just heard this for the first time (Long Gone )....I'm almost stuck for words.....but I think I can manage one or two......misguided, terrible, weak, wishy washy....cobblers!
Awful, just awful.....worse than I coud have ever imagined :(
I am such an absolute and utter coward. I suck, people. I should be banned from 10C because I'm not worthy of you.
Since listening to Long Gone I haven't had the guts, the courage, the intestinal fortitude to listen to anything else from this collaboration. I'm just scared and I feel shame.
I am such an absolute and utter coward. I suck, people. I should be banned from 10C because I'm not worthy of you.
Since listening to Long Gone I haven't had the guts, the courage, the intestinal fortitude to listen to anything else from this collaboration. I'm just scared and I feel shame.
Do not feel shame. I also suffer from 'THE FEAR' and cannot bring myself to listen to anything else :(
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
I am such an absolute and utter coward. I suck, people. I should be banned from 10C because I'm not worthy of you.
Since listening to Long Gone I haven't had the guts, the courage, the intestinal fortitude to listen to anything else from this collaboration. I'm just scared and I feel shame.
Just imagine everything you never imagined a decent musician doing, then imagine a monkey yelping in the background. Boom - that's Ground Zero. If you imagine Cornell trying to sound 20 years younger, and make his rawk music "danceable", that's Watch Out. The rest of it is pretty much just variations on Long Gone's style.
I said this on the Cornell boards - it's like a slightly-too-old uncle trying to act hip, gripping desperately to the zeitgeist, telling you how much he likes those "Aztec Monkeys" all the kids love.
Oh, and thanks to everyone who complimented the cartoons.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Do not feel shame. I also suffer from 'THE FEAR' and cannot bring myself to listen to anything else :(
Neither of you should be ashamed. You are both are lucky! I wish I had never listened to those songs... :(
“Life is life everywhere. Life is in ourselves and not outside us. There will be men beside me, and the important thing is to be a man among men and to remain a man always, whatever the misfortunes, not to despair and not to fall - that is the aim of life, that is its purpose.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Neither of you should be ashamed. You are both are lucky! I wish I had never listened to those songs... :(
It is sorta fun to watch the Cornell boards defend it as "artistic experimentation" though. You could put a piece of shit on a stick, set it on fire, put Cornell's name on it, and they'd say it was a genius form of self-expression.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Just back from my hols so had missed the others. Just had a look at your site and thanks for the laughs. I'm mainly a lurker on the Cornell boards and it seems pretty serious over there.
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
Can't Change me (probably the best or second best)
Flutter Girl
Follow My Way (great acoustic Zeppelin vibe)
Mission (sounds like a new "Reach Down")
Pillow Of Your Bones (dark Soundgarden feel)
Billie Jean (only great song from carry on)
This is a fact. All of his other songs are either just good, decent, or crap.
Just back from my hols so had missed the others. Just had a look at your site and thanks for the laughs. I'm mainly a lurker on the Cornell boards and it seems pretty serious over there.
However much fun you had looking at them, it was even more fun coming up with them. Mockery can be so much fun.
But seriously, cheers. My fragile artist ego really appreciates all these kind words.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
It is sorta fun to watch the Cornell boards defend it as "artistic experimentation" though. You could put a piece of shit on a stick, set it on fire, put Cornell's name on it, and they'd say it was a genius form of self-expression.
And how we are a bunch of close-minded dinosaurs, stuck in the 90's wishing Cornell still had long hair and made 'grunge' music...
“Life is life everywhere. Life is in ourselves and not outside us. There will be men beside me, and the important thing is to be a man among men and to remain a man always, whatever the misfortunes, not to despair and not to fall - that is the aim of life, that is its purpose.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
And how we are a bunch of close-minded dinosaurs, stuck in the 90's wishing Cornell still had long hair and made 'grunge' music...
you know it's possible to hate an artist's new music but still not wish the artist was doing what they did in their prime. it's like if I say "Riot Act isn't that good" and someone responds "You probably want Jeremy part 2." No, I don't want them to make the same stuff they did back in the day.....but I also don't want the new stuff to suck.
you know it's possible to hate an artist's new music but still not wish the artist was doing what they did in their prime. it's like if I say "Riot Act isn't that good" and someone responds "You probably want Jeremy part 2." No, I don't want them to make the same stuff they did back in the day.....but I also don't want the new stuff to suck.
Absolutely - I think that's the point Marie Curie was making. Some folks over at the CC boards seem intent on supporting every last piece of music Cornell makes, even when it sucks gorilla nipples. And when we say it sucks, it's cos we're stuck in the past while Cornell is looking to "the future!!!" (ie. 3 year old r'n'b tracks).
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
Can't Change me (probably the best or second best)
Flutter Girl
Follow My Way (great acoustic Zeppelin vibe)
Mission (sounds like a new "Reach Down")
Pillow Of Your Bones (dark Soundgarden feel)
Billie Jean (only great song from carry on)
This is a fact. All of his other songs are either just good, decent, or crap.
That's a good list. I'm all over Pillow of Your Bones.
Can't Change me (probably the best or second best)
Flutter Girl
Follow My Way (great acoustic Zeppelin vibe)
Mission (sounds like a new "Reach Down")
Pillow Of Your Bones (dark Soundgarden feel)
Billie Jean (only great song from carry on)
This is a fact. All of his other songs are either just good, decent, or crap.
Some folks over at the CC boards seem intent on supporting every last piece of music Cornell makes, even when it sucks gorilla nipples. And when we say it sucks, it's cos we're stuck in the past while Cornell is looking to "the future!!!"
So basically his fans are exactly like Pearl Jam fans.
Except Pearl Jam never made any albums that were obnoxiously bad.
true, and I haven't heard this "Cornell goes pop" stuff, but you know that many people on this site will blindly say that anything and everything Pearl Jam does is awesome.
Sucks it had to come to this, but as a fan from the beginning I am disappointed in Chris Cornell and I am now ashamed to be a fan. His desperation to be relevant in today's music seen has led him to record an album of garbage that sounds the same as everything else with his voice on the top. I guess that is what Chris thinks is being innovative and expiremental. It must be hard to not be able to sell out small intimate venues , even with the titles "former Soundgarden frontman" or "Audioslave lead singer" attached. Now thinking that Timbaland will somehow resucitate his career and will be able to CASH IN major.
Being a side-show with a bunch of less than average bands on this Projekt Revolution (what kind of revolution is this anyway?) was all about a payday. Most likely more than his solo tour last year. Linkin Park ?, come on! Chris your in your 40s, your not hip hop. You're a rock and roll star, with one of the greatest voices of all time. Yes alot of fans have moved on and are not coming out to see your shows and it must hurt. So you are going to place your legacy in the hands of kids graduating from the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana? Do you really think that genre is going to find a 40 something guy appealing?
Carry On was pretty much a dud. I actually loved it, but I know it sold poorly and the 2007 tour drawing 1500-3000 a night wasnt much to write home about. The 3 shows I attended were unbelievably great. Most of my friends didnt believe my reviews. But again , you can't come close to making the kind of money he did in Soundgarden when album sales where were big money came from. Or touring with Audioslave was bringing in nice paydays. Now Chris can't draw big crowds touring , no one is buying his albums and his biggest notoriety came from an American Idol hack covering a song that Cornell covered from Michael Jackson.
I know some people are going to like the hip hop stuff. I mean there are alot of closet Britney fans and Timberlake fans that wouldn't post that on here and secretly have this crap on their Ipods to listen in private. This is like a dream come true for them. You know who you are. If you like it, there is nothing wrong with you, everyone has that choice but all I can do is just shake my head.
So that brings me to Wednesday night in Vegas, I will trek down to the House of Blues with the hope that I can catch a glimpse of a legend one last time. I forked over 124.00 to see another great show, possibly for the last time. Maybe Loud Love, Slaves and Bulldozers, Sunshower or Like A Stone. With a sadness in my heart for a legend that seems to be struggling getting older and another shot at stardom. Why Chris, Why?
Tried to post his on Cornells site but his site blows anyway.
true, and I haven't heard this "Cornell goes pop" stuff, but you know that many people on this site will blindly say that anything and everything Pearl Jam does is awesome.
Yeah, but it's at a whole different level over there... I see people saying that anyone who even suggests the album isn't up to par "hate" Chris Cornell, and criticism of it "stinks of betrayal". With Pearl Jam, it's like, "They're my favourite band, so I'll defend them if someone criticises them." With Cornell, it's like "OH MY GOD EVERY TIME YOU SAY SOMETHING BAD ABOUT HIM, A BABY DIES!"
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
go ahead and post them again
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I see you already did
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Being a complete and utter ass can be fun.
You're funny and creative.
It's growing up just like me.
its a pile of shit by cornell's standards, but its also nowhere near as good as justin timberlake or nelly furtado's stuff with timberland, which is listenable at least, and good in places.
hell, i even like some of their songs. i just cant handle any of the cornell/timberland shit. it seems FAKE and has CASH COW written all over it.
well done on the cartoons by the way, very funny xxx
Kind of agree with you there. I like the songs, but I was expecting some pretty cool beats from Timbaland because he has produced some really great, catchy stuff. But here it's just generic, tinny drum machines.
The interview has got the story about how hunger strike came about. Worth a listen.
Katowice 2007
London 2007
Awful, just awful.....worse than I coud have ever imagined :(
Since listening to Long Gone I haven't had the guts, the courage, the intestinal fortitude to listen to anything else from this collaboration. I'm just scared and I feel shame.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
Do not feel shame. I also suffer from 'THE FEAR' and cannot bring myself to listen to anything else :(
I said this on the Cornell boards - it's like a slightly-too-old uncle trying to act hip, gripping desperately to the zeitgeist, telling you how much he likes those "Aztec Monkeys" all the kids love.
Oh, and thanks to everyone who complimented the cartoons.
Neither of you should be ashamed. You are both are lucky! I wish I had never listened to those songs... :(
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Excuse while I go die laughing.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
Thanks for these
Just back from my hols so had missed the others. Just had a look at your site and thanks for the laughs. I'm mainly a lurker on the Cornell boards and it seems pretty serious over there.
Can't Change me (probably the best or second best)
Flutter Girl
Follow My Way (great acoustic Zeppelin vibe)
Mission (sounds like a new "Reach Down")
Pillow Of Your Bones (dark Soundgarden feel)
Billie Jean (only great song from carry on)
This is a fact. All of his other songs are either just good, decent, or crap.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
But seriously, cheers.
And how we are a bunch of close-minded dinosaurs, stuck in the 90's wishing Cornell still had long hair and made 'grunge' music...
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
you know it's possible to hate an artist's new music but still not wish the artist was doing what they did in their prime. it's like if I say "Riot Act isn't that good" and someone responds "You probably want Jeremy part 2." No, I don't want them to make the same stuff they did back in the day.....but I also don't want the new stuff to suck.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
Seasons / Sunshower / When i'm down?
Katowice 2007
London 2007
So basically his fans are exactly like Pearl Jam fans.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
true, and I haven't heard this "Cornell goes pop" stuff, but you know that many people on this site will blindly say that anything and everything Pearl Jam does is awesome.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Being a side-show with a bunch of less than average bands on this Projekt Revolution (what kind of revolution is this anyway?) was all about a payday. Most likely more than his solo tour last year. Linkin Park ?, come on! Chris your in your 40s, your not hip hop. You're a rock and roll star, with one of the greatest voices of all time. Yes alot of fans have moved on and are not coming out to see your shows and it must hurt. So you are going to place your legacy in the hands of kids graduating from the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana? Do you really think that genre is going to find a 40 something guy appealing?
Carry On was pretty much a dud. I actually loved it, but I know it sold poorly and the 2007 tour drawing 1500-3000 a night wasnt much to write home about. The 3 shows I attended were unbelievably great. Most of my friends didnt believe my reviews. But again , you can't come close to making the kind of money he did in Soundgarden when album sales where were big money came from. Or touring with Audioslave was bringing in nice paydays. Now Chris can't draw big crowds touring , no one is buying his albums and his biggest notoriety came from an American Idol hack covering a song that Cornell covered from Michael Jackson.
I know some people are going to like the hip hop stuff. I mean there are alot of closet Britney fans and Timberlake fans that wouldn't post that on here and secretly have this crap on their Ipods to listen in private. This is like a dream come true for them. You know who you are. If you like it, there is nothing wrong with you, everyone has that choice but all I can do is just shake my head.
So that brings me to Wednesday night in Vegas, I will trek down to the House of Blues with the hope that I can catch a glimpse of a legend one last time. I forked over 124.00 to see another great show, possibly for the last time. Maybe Loud Love, Slaves and Bulldozers, Sunshower or Like A Stone. With a sadness in my heart for a legend that seems to be struggling getting older and another shot at stardom. Why Chris, Why?
Tried to post his on Cornells site but his site blows anyway.
Never heard seasons or sunshower. They arent on euphoria morning or carry on. When Im down is nothing special.
8/7/08, 6/9/09